05-02-2023, 12:26 PM

I love this mans mamba mentality :bowdown:

05-02-2023, 03:39 PM
I liked this from Harden.

He is right. The team needed this.

Great game but the war has just begun. It's going to be an uphill battle from here.

05-02-2023, 03:41 PM
He's seen himself choke in more games than anyone in history, he knows not to get ahead of himself.

His 1st finals where he scored 12ppg was a sign of things to come. He'll always be known as the worst playoff performer in history

05-02-2023, 03:43 PM
Props to Harden that was epic and yes he is right, just one game.

05-02-2023, 04:00 PM
He's seen himself choke in more games than anyone in history, he knows not to get ahead of himself.

His 1st finals where he scored 12ppg was a sign of things to come. He'll always be known as the worst playoff performer in history

A lot of slim peeper energy in this post.


hold this L
05-02-2023, 04:13 PM
He's seen himself choke in more games than anyone in history, he knows not to get ahead of himself.

His 1st finals where he scored 12ppg was a sign of things to come. He'll always be known as the worst playoff performer in history

Worst is a ridiculous statement. He took the Warriors with KD to 7 and 6 while LeSwept took 1 game both those years. He was always a baller, just not good enough to be to the top top.

05-02-2023, 04:24 PM
Worst is a ridiculous statement. He took the Warriors with KD to 7 and 6 while LeSwept took 1 game both those years. He was always a baller, just not good enough to be to the top top.

Actually no, different years lol.

And painfully disregarding that one game was fixed and the momentum that would have come with that game 1.

Smook A.
05-02-2023, 04:48 PM
He's seen himself choke in more games than anyone in history, he knows not to get ahead of himself.

His 1st finals where he scored 12ppg was a sign of things to come. He'll always be known as the worst playoff performer in history
That is such a stretch. Yeah he's had his fair share of blunders in the playoffs, but he's nowhere near the worst performer in history. In Houston, he averaged 28/7/6 on 58% TS in the postseason. Yes his efficiency dropped but he was farrrr from terrible. He's also had plenty of big games and I'll always say that if it wasn't for CP3's hamstring injury, Harden and the Rockets would be in champs in 2018.

05-02-2023, 04:57 PM
A lot of slim peeper energy in this post.



05-02-2023, 05:16 PM
My issue with Harden is I feel like he almost always has his big performances both in the earlier rounds of the playoffs and in the earlier games of the series. I would be very surprised if his career Game 1-3 averages weren't a lot better than his Game 5-7 ones. It feels like the further he goes in the playoffs and the longer the series goes, the worse his play gets. By all means, if anyone has statistical evidence that disputes this, feel free to post it.

He also has what legitimately seems like the highest number of shitty playoff performances for a player of his caliber that I've seen. He must have a dozen 2/11 esque playoff games throughout his career. I know nobody's immune from having a truly terrible playoff game, but it really does seem like he has them more frequently than anybody else.

05-02-2023, 05:56 PM
My issue with Harden is I feel like he almost always has his big performances both in the earlier rounds of the playoffs and in the earlier games of the series. I would be very surprised if his career Game 1-3 averages weren't a lot better than his Game 5-7 ones. It feels like the further he goes in the playoffs and the longer the series goes, the worse his play gets. By all means, if anyone has statistical evidence that disputes this, feel free to post it.

He also has what legitimately seems like the highest number of shitty playoff performances for a player of his caliber that I've seen. He must have a dozen 2/11 esque playoff games throughout his career. I know nobody's immune from having a truly terrible playoff game, but it really does seem like he has them more frequently than anybody else.


05-02-2023, 07:06 PM
My issue with Harden is I feel like he almost always has his big performances both in the earlier rounds of the playoffs and in the earlier games of the series. I would be very surprised if his career Game 1-3 averages weren't a lot better than his Game 5-7 ones. It feels like the further he goes in the playoffs and the longer the series goes, the worse his play gets. By all means, if anyone has statistical evidence that disputes this, feel free to post it.

He also has what legitimately seems like the highest number of shitty playoff performances for a player of his caliber that I've seen. He must have a dozen 2/11 esque playoff games throughout his career. I know nobody's immune from having a truly terrible playoff game, but it really does seem like he has them more frequently than anybody else.

Just did a quick check on his 40 point games. Ironicay, theyre very eveny spread. 6 of the 10 40-pt games were game 3 or ater, but FIVE of them were game 3. The other was game 4. The other 3 before game 3, were a game 1s.

So basicay he has 3 40pt games in game 1, 6 40 pt games in game 3, and a 40 pt game 4 down 0-3 against GS in 2015.

05-02-2023, 07:16 PM
The veteran Harden!

05-02-2023, 07:36 PM
Harden has money and security he's in a fantastic situation where he knows embiid is the leader and tyrrse Maxey is the potential star guard for the team.

05-02-2023, 07:38 PM
Harden has money and security he's in a fantastic situation where he knows embiid is the leader and tyrrse Maxey is the potential star guard for the team.

damn you making some lazy/bad takes lately

05-03-2023, 04:18 AM
Just did a quick check on his 40 point games. Ironicay, theyre very eveny spread. 6 of the 10 40-pt games were game 3 or ater, but FIVE of them were game 3. The other was game 4. The other 3 before game 3, were a game 1s.

So basicay he has 3 40pt games in game 1, 6 40 pt games in game 3, and a 40 pt game 4 down 0-3 against GS in 2015.

Good find.

05-03-2023, 08:48 AM
nice to see

05-03-2023, 05:31 PM
lol@embiid and teammates celebrating like they won the finals. Harden shut them up real quick.

05-03-2023, 09:59 PM
I really didn't wanna shit on Harden the night of his career best performance, but he follows this up with a 2/14 stinkbomb, after having 3/13 & 4/18 performances in the first round.

Idk if he's the literally the "worst" playoff performer for a superstar/MVP, but imo he's the most disappointing of the last 25 years. Just for emphasis on how terrible his play can be

Playoff games shooting under 20% (minimum 10 shot attempts)

LeBron: 1
Curry: 1
Durant: 0
Kawhi: 0
Westbrick: 3

Harden: 10

05-03-2023, 10:36 PM
Harden knew he’d stink up the joint in game 2, that’s why he told them not to celebrate.

05-04-2023, 06:20 AM
It's almost like Harden had a premonition of him going 2 for 14 the next game.

05-04-2023, 06:36 AM
It's almost like Harden had a premonition of him going 2 for 14 the next game.
