View Full Version : What is the more realistic perception of the future?

Patrick Chewing
05-12-2023, 11:11 AM
Star Wars? Where humanoids and non-humanoids interact with one another? Where droids are sentient and interact with us just as humans do? This of course would be predicated on the notion that we eventually discover other species of intelligent life out there.


Blade Runner? Flying cars. Cities engulfed by giant skyscrapers. Overpopulation. Gritty. Humans and droids walking amongst each other.


The Expanse? Not as advanced as the previous two, but we have colonized Mars and future generations are born and live their entire lives on space stations or asteroids. Travel throughout the solar system is pretty quick, but those that live most of their lives in space stations are unable to live comfortably on planets with gravity. A.I. is extremely helpful, but does not present a threat to humanity.


05-12-2023, 11:25 AM
Probably Blade Runner tbh :lol

It would take time to set up the whole cars space travel thing, but if they had the opportunity to do it, it would probably lead to that.

05-12-2023, 11:44 AM

we will be lining up for bread lines because the government will have milked every last bit of its citizens, they will sit on their fat stacks of cash and live lavishly while you have to get up early to line up for the bread line before heading to the local amazon distribution annex to work your 12 hr shift in exchange for a bread line voucher.

05-12-2023, 12:52 PM
AI and technology will be so advanced to the point we can't imagine it today. There will be virtually free energy. Human population will shrink. There's really no need to have kids anymore. There's no more working for money. No more fighting for resources. Countries will make a pact to denuclearized, work together and eventually explore space.

05-12-2023, 02:16 PM
AI and technology will be so advanced to the point we can't imagine it today. There will be virtually free energy. Human population will shrink. There's really no need to have kids anymore. There's no more working for money. No more fighting for resources. Countries will make a pact to denuclearized, work together and eventually explore space.

People dont have kids cause they need to, you know that, right?

There will never be free energy and the only way we wont "fight for resources" is if your proposed one-world government has us getting by on the absolute minimum.

Long Duck Dong
05-12-2023, 02:37 PM
AI and technology will be so advanced to the point we can't imagine it today. There will be virtually free energy. Human population will shrink. There's really no need to have kids anymore. There's no more working for money. No more fighting for resources. Countries will make a pact to denuclearized, work together and eventually explore space.

That's a nice thought but it probably won't happen like that. The elites in society will eventually start mass sterilization, or something to the effect of preventing child birth in nations that threaten our remaining natural ecosystems, particularly carbon sinks around the equator. If not outright massacring people. It will all be in the name of climate change, pollution, keeping a sustainable earth. There's a good chance humankind will eventually separate into 2 different subspecies.

It will be really hard for the Earth to support 10 billion+ people living 1st world lifestyles. Expecting the world to all make sacrifices and come together is something out of science fiction, but the brochure looks nice.

But to the original question, I believe The Expanse will probably be the closest to a future reality

05-12-2023, 06:45 PM
We talking distant future right? There won't be 10 billion+ people. Even now in some countries population is declining. We'd have solved the human genome, fission for free energy etc.

In the shorter term i guess mass sterilization is a possibility.

05-12-2023, 06:55 PM
Definitely blade runner 2049 but I don't see those type of flying cars ever being a thing, at least in our lifetimes. It would just be too chaotic because it would require an insane amount of energy, it would definitely be a safety concern, and the costs would be ridiculous. But then again who knows. Technology has advanced extremely fast in the last few decades

05-12-2023, 10:23 PM
my thoughts are not about some fiction movie.
Everything takes time , and as long as there is NOT a natural disaster that kills the human race , I see colonization's on the moon
and eventually Mars. This is obviously to preserve the human race.

If you don't think in the next 300 years that won't happen .. look at our phones.
Years ago the projection of our current phones was scrutinized by our governments thinking we are to naive to potentially have
systems that zoom or have phones in public (ie texting etc)

It will come faster than most of us will realize.

05-12-2023, 11:00 PM
In all of those scenarios, the Knicks STILL haven't won another championship.

Patrick Chewing
05-13-2023, 01:52 PM
Definitely blade runner 2049 but I don't see those type of flying cars ever being a thing, at least in our lifetimes. It would just be too chaotic because it would require an insane amount of energy, it would definitely be a safety concern, and the costs would be ridiculous. But then again who knows. Technology has advanced extremely fast in the last few decades

Anti-grav technology has most likely been in the works for years now. The Nazis were definitely working on it. I think the only reason it's not talked about in the mainstream or it's not revealed that we already have this technology is because there is no practical application for it quite yet. Living in a big city, I beg to differ though. The first drone flying vehicle was just unveiled a little while ago, but that seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


05-14-2023, 07:27 PM
Anti-grav technology has most likely been in the works for years now. The Nazis were definitely working on it. I think the only reason it's not talked about in the mainstream or it's not revealed that we already have this technology is because there is no practical application for it quite yet. Living in a big city, I beg to differ though. The first drone flying vehicle was just unveiled a little while ago, but that seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


I am not a fan of embedded video's , but I watched it , for the benefit of the doubt.
I just can't see short air travel unless they are buses that are in a controlled air space.

look at NY cities traffic , LA's traffic , and good lord St. Louis's traffic ,, air collisions and then when the vehicle drops from the sky , kills people on the ground. (only way around that is if a bomb is on each aircar , if there is a collision it explodes to pieces so people on the ground are not effected.

05-14-2023, 07:37 PM
I believe Blade Runner is within sight, perhaps about 50 years out.

The Expanse is a further wait. Possibly 150-200 years away only because space stations in the outer belt on that scale takes decades to build.

Star Wars is unrealistic lol. You would need warp drives, which is probably unrealistic. I realize there is the idea of alcubierre drive out there, but the energy required may be too great for us. Perhaps just perhaps a 1,000 years out, but I'm doubting it.

05-14-2023, 07:49 PM
I believe Blade Runner is within sight, perhaps about 50 years out.

The Expanse is a further wait. Possibly 150-200 years away only because space stations in the outer belt on that scale takes decades to build.

Star Wars is unrealistic lol. You would need warp drives, which is probably unrealistic. I realize there is the idea of alcubierre drive out there, but the energy required may be too great for us. Perhaps just perhaps a 1,000 years out, but I'm doubting it.

I would not doubt some form of alcubierre drive is possible in 500 years.
Whether it actually comes to fruition is another thing. We really have some brilliant scientists out there. I mean look at what they have done on Mars compared to 60 years ago .

05-14-2023, 09:53 PM
I don't know which to pick between the mentioned but in terms of predicting the future relative to when it was written I'd go with Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

I would not doubt some form of alcubierre drive is possible in 500 years.
Whether it actually comes to fruition is another thing. We really have some brilliant scientists out there. I mean look at what they have done on Mars compared to 60 years ago .

Almost any technological breakthrough you can imagine is more likely or closer to a reality than faster than light travel. Alcubierre drive included. It's not an engineering limitation. It would require a monumental shift in our understanding of Physics.

Chick Stern
05-15-2023, 02:40 AM
The reality is that we are still in baby steps of our understanding of physics. There are limitless breakthroughs still to be uncovered. We know very little of quantum physics yet.
We went from first flight to space flight in less than 100 years.
Once we get fusion squared away, things will really take off.


05-15-2023, 10:20 AM
shit we just solved our fly saucer - for my coffee cup.

actually that is pretty cool ... it is a start.

05-16-2023, 09:32 AM
none of these films are remotely accurate... the best examples would be the original Matrix, v for vendetta, gattaca, idiocracy, etc...

Smook A.
05-16-2023, 03:35 PM
We already have a city that looks like Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk - Chongqing, China.


All it needs are some flying cars

Off the Court
05-16-2023, 04:23 PM
none of these films are remotely accurate... the best examples would be the original Matrix, v for vendetta, gattaca, idiocracy, etc...

The future will be like all of these films? Neo will be out destroying rouge AI agents while a masked anarchist frees Britain from fascists? And they are all complete morons? :oldlol:

Off the Court
05-16-2023, 04:28 PM
AI and technology will be so advanced to the point we can't imagine it today. There will be virtually free energy. Human population will shrink. There's really no need to have kids anymore. There's no more working for money. No more fighting for resources. Countries will make a pact to denuclearized, work together and eventually explore space.

This is the most realistic take. Everyone's living standard will continue to ramp up dramatically just as it has been. It doesn't stop with us.

I think this thread shows that everyone has a bleak outlook on the future because they have been brainwashed by all these Hollywood movies. But in reality technology, AI, and advancements in healthcare and medicine are going to get better and better and the generations that follow ours will have it much easier than we do.

05-16-2023, 07:07 PM
none of these films are remotely accurate... the best examples would be the original Matrix, v for vendetta, gattaca, idiocracy, etc...

V for Vendetta was basically 2020-2021

05-16-2023, 07:07 PM
This is the most realistic take. Everyone's living standard will continue to ramp up dramatically just as it has been. It doesn't stop with us.

I think this thread shows that everyone has a bleak outlook on the future because they have been brainwashed by all these Hollywood movies. But in reality technology, AI, and advancements in healthcare and medicine are going to get better and better and the generations that follow ours will have it much easier than we do.


Sweet gullible soul.

"You will own nothing and be happy"

05-16-2023, 07:08 PM
We already have a city that looks like Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk - Chongqing, China.


All it needs are some flying cars

So on point, bro.

Patrick Chewing
05-16-2023, 07:44 PM

Sweet gullible soul.

"You will own nothing and be happy"

Yeah when in this happening, OTC? This utopia you guys have been promising for years has never come.

05-17-2023, 06:54 AM
This is the most realistic take. Everyone's living standard will continue to ramp up dramatically just as it has been. It doesn't stop with us.

I think this thread shows that everyone has a bleak outlook on the future because they have been brainwashed by all these Hollywood movies. But in reality technology, AI, and advancements in healthcare and medicine are going to get better and better and the generations that follow ours will have it much easier than we do.

Exactly. Look at us now. A poor person in the US is living much better than kings and queens who lived just a couple of hundred years ago.

05-17-2023, 08:33 AM
Exactly. Look at us now. A poor person in the US is living much better than kings and queens who lived just a couple of hundred years ago.

wayyyy too vague of a take, long of a timeline

Have you not seen the 15 minute "smart" cities that are being advocated for?

Or "the line" ?

05-17-2023, 04:06 PM
The reality is that we are still in baby steps of our understanding of physics. There are limitless breakthroughs still to be uncovered. We know very little of quantum physics yet.
We went from first flight to space flight in less than 100 years.
Once we get fusion squared away, things will really take off.


I'm just saying far more fantastical things could be achieved before FTL travel. If it's even possible. We're closer to backwards time travel(which is not close at all). And it's probably a requirement for FTL travel.


Sweet gullible soul.

"You will own nothing and be happy"

I think he's on the money. There'll be more prosperity and comfort but less autonomy and freedom. Things will become increasingly streamlined. You're either part of the system or you'll be an outsider who'll have a difficult time.

Patrick Chewing
05-17-2023, 04:37 PM
I think he's on the money. There'll be more prosperity and comfort but less autonomy and freedom. Things will become increasingly streamlined. You're either part of the system or you'll be an outsider who'll have a difficult time.

Sounds like the premise of Demolition Man. We won't be able to swear anymore. The true free people live down in the sewers and eat rats.

05-17-2023, 04:46 PM
Sounds like the premise of Demolition Man. We won't be able to swear anymore. The true free people live down in the sewers and eat rats.

If you think of the spectrum from the wild west to this kind of future. Somewhere in the middle lies the happy medium we desire but where that is, is different for everybody. And it can also change over time. I think as a society we are becoming more and more OK with surrendering autonomy for comfort.

05-19-2023, 04:55 AM
The future will be like all of these films? Neo will be out destroying rouge AI agents while a masked anarchist frees Britain from fascists? And they are all complete morons? :oldlol:

Actually as far as movies go, hunger games is probably the most accurate representation of the future. You have a giant impoverished underclass hunting small game and trying to scrape by however they can, while the wealthy/powerful sociopathic upper-class (who talk/dress like total ******s) amuse themselves by watching the lower classes fight to the death.