View Full Version : The KEY for the Lakers to stop Murry is to make him play DEFENSE

05-21-2023, 10:56 PM
Said it before the series started. Reaves, Walker, Rusell, Schroder need to attack attack attack Murry and make him play defense, which will in turn affect is offense. Reaves isnt aggressiv enough, Walker likes to pull up for mid-range shots instead of attacking the rim, Russell attacks and looks for a pass, and Schroder attacks but misses alot (due to his height)

I would also put Bomba, Gabriel, Thompson in the game for a few minutes each quarter just to foul JOKIC. I'd instruct each other that I want you to play defense on Jokic so hard that you get at least 3 fouls each then I'll pull you from the game. Just to use the size.

Coach Tazorac just gave the Lakers the remendy

05-21-2023, 10:58 PM
It's too late now but yeah that is the key. It's what they do so well with Curry, ffs they had Walker lighting up Curry in one of them games. The difference is that the Nuggets have good role players that step up when needed unlike the Warrior role players this year.

05-21-2023, 10:59 PM
It's too late now but yeah that is the key. It's what they do so well with Curry, ffs they had Walker lighting up Curry in one of them games. The difference is that the Nuggets have good role players that step up when needed unlike the Warrior role players this year.
You realize OP is nothing but a troll :lol

05-21-2023, 11:00 PM
You realize OP is nothing but a troll :lol

Lol it's possible considering this forum consists of 90% trolling. But sometimes even the trolls make sense, I don't think he's wrong here

05-21-2023, 11:01 PM
Bran is too tired to constantly attack him in the P&R. Lakers have tried but Bran can't get past anyone in the 4th quarter, and they don't go to Reaves enough.