View Full Version : Does the NBA lack equality?

05-27-2023, 04:50 PM
It seems a recent pushing in coaching diversity has resulted in some 50% of coaches now being black, but few if any starting lineups of players are more than 1/5 white. Meanwhile ownership is still 28/30 white, and if MJ sells to a white guy itll be 29/30.

Does nobody care that the players remain disproportionately black and the owners are disproportionately white? I mean if every group does every task with equal ability, this is a mathematically unthinkable coincidence.

Does simply having a lot of black coaches satisfy the great longing for “equality” we so oft see championed?

Where would you argue coaching ranks in terms of importance to winning, compared with the two far less diverse categories, players and ownership?

What does it say that players and ownership are TREMENDOUSLY homogeneous throughout the league still?

(I mean, ok, I know few of you HAVE any salient thoughts to share on the topic. But just for funzies, Ill ask.)

05-27-2023, 04:54 PM
Only 14 black billionaires in the world

Even if literally every one owned a team they'd still be the minority.

Blacks dominate certain sports and whites dominate business.

It is what it is

05-27-2023, 04:56 PM
it should be porportionate to the people who actually log in the miles of playing basketball

05-27-2023, 05:00 PM
Only 14 black billionaires in the world

Even if literally every one owned a team they'd still be the minority.

Blacks dominate certain sports and whites dominate business.

It is what it is

But thats not due to biological predisposition is it?

If youre suggesting different races can be predisposed to success or failure in different environments, that isnt equality.

What are you saying, exactly?

Do you want equality or not?

05-27-2023, 05:02 PM
But thats not due to biological predisposition is it?

If youre suggesting different races can be predisposed to success or failure in different environments, that isnt equality.

What are you saying, exactly?

Do you want equality or not?

are the strawberry farmers allowed to eat spinach without growing spinach

05-27-2023, 05:09 PM
But thats not due to biological predisposition is it?

If youre suggesting different races can be predisposed to success or failure in different environments, that isnt equality.

What are you saying, exactly?

Do you want equality or not?
Of course not.

Both can be explained with systemic racism. Blacks dominate sports that require extradoirniary athleticism because they grow up disadvantaged, poor, and with a chip on their shoulders. Whites have many more opportunities outside of sports that blacks don't have, and thus blacks despite being only 13% of the population make up 75% of the NBA. Implying there are genetic differences is insanely racist and frankly you should be banned for bringing it up.

Blacks in business don't get the same opportunities, everyone knows you need generational wealth to create large companies and become a billionaire. Bezos and musk are good examples. Everyone knows if you are given 100k then it automatically turns into a billion dollar business. Pretty soon with the grants given to black businesses we will see tons of black billionaires sprouting up left and right. Just wait.

Patrick Chewing
05-27-2023, 05:09 PM
Not enough Pinoy representation in the NBA despite their smaller stature. Some of these guys can really ball.


Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 05:10 PM
An indication that it's a player's league; more than ever before. It's hard to get rich black athletes to follow the lead of a white coach in today's culture and political landscape. Hiring a black coach is probably the smart decision; however, it'd be nice if the ones getting hired didn't have charges. Kidd, Billups, Mazzula, and Adrian Griffin. Come on, fellas! Tighten up.

05-27-2023, 05:13 PM
Of course not.

Both can be explained with systemic racism. Blacks dominate sports that require extradoirniary athleticism because they grow up disadvantaged, poor, and with a chip on their shoulders. Whites have many more opportunities outside of sports that blacks don't have, and thus blacks despite being only 13% of the population make up 75% of the NBA. Implying there are genetic differences is insanely racist and frankly you should be banned for bringing it up.

Blacks in business don't get the same opportunities, everyone knows you need generational wealth to create large companies and become a billionaire. Bezos and musk are good examples. Everyone knows if you are given 100k then it automatically turns into a billion dollar business. Pretty soon with the grants given to black businesses we will see tons of black billionaires sprouting up left and right. Just wait.


05-27-2023, 05:23 PM
An indication that it's a player's league; more than ever before. It's hard to get rich black athletes to follow the lead of a white coach in today's culture and political landscape. Hiring a black coach is probably the smart decision; however, it'd be nice if the ones getting hired didn't have charges. Kidd, Billups, Mazzula, and Adrian Griffin. Come on, fellas! Tighten up.

Can white employees in other fields voice a preference for white managers?

For the record, I personally dont care who’s what. Im happy to work with/for anyone qualified. Im just trying to understand why none of this stuff adds up. We want equality, but only… in coaching? Everywhere else, guys like bdonovan dont care? Blacks must be heartily represented among NBA coaches and thats the only important place where equality is needed?

Im confused as to why “black basketball coaches” is the critical barometer of social equality.

05-27-2023, 05:27 PM

Why do you act like that account belongs to someone else?

05-27-2023, 05:28 PM
life expectancy in the U.S. aren't the highest of all nation = modern Nazi regime that starts war with everyone

05-27-2023, 05:29 PM
Why do you act like that account belongs to someone else?

Do you think thats me?

This is your public IQ test and you only get one chance to answer.

Select wisely.

hold this L
05-27-2023, 05:31 PM
Shouldn't we have more Latin owners? A lot of people from the South are American citizens. Why don't we include them as part of the diversity quota?

05-27-2023, 05:34 PM
Shouldn't we have more Latin owners? A lot of people from the South are American citizens. Why don't we include them as part of the diversity quota?

Yeah I mean I guess the question is what do we mean by equality?

It’s a central tenet of every social justice message you hear. The demand for equality.

Does “equality” mean “the NBA is a league for blacks, except for the majority owners who can all be white?”

Like what does equality mean in the NBA exactly? How does their stance on equality measure up to their statistics on equality?

05-27-2023, 05:35 PM
Do you think thats me?

This is your public IQ test and you only get one chance to answer.

Select wisely.

Ok I wasn't fully serious but you guys seem to agree on A LOT. Just saying. I just don't spend that much time here to solve who is actually who.

05-27-2023, 05:38 PM
Ok I wasn't fully serious but you guys seem to agree on A LOT. Just saying. I just don't spend that much time here to solve who is actually who.


Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 05:40 PM
Can white employees in other fields voice a preference for white managers?

Obviously not. You know how it goes. Just the social/political climate that we live in now. No point in getting worked up about it; better not to complain and take pride in never complaining.

For the record, I personally dont care who’s what. Im happy to work with/for anyone qualified. Im just trying to understand why none of this stuff adds up. We want equality, but only… in coaching? Everywhere else, guys like bdonovan dont care? Blacks must be heartily represented among NBA coaches and thats the only important place where equality is needed?

Im confused.


You already know the answer. Sociology; conflict theory; intersectionality; structures of "power." It's a never-ending war for those political types. And it's crazy because those types used to be a much smaller demographic. What was once limited to campuses and fringe movements has now saturated culture as a whole.

Absolutely every area of life is now embedded with it. The sexism and racism of the gaming industry! The gender inequality in STEM and blue-collar professions!

Don't you grow tired of pointing out the obvious? These topics make me nauseous at this point. I'm not even suggesting whether they're right or wrong. I'm just withdrawn more than anything. Would rather read a book or watch an old movie.

05-27-2023, 05:53 PM
Obviously not. You know how it goes. Just the social/political climate that we live in now. No point in getting worked up about it; better not to complain and take pride in never complaining.


You already know the answer. Sociology; conflict theory; intersectionality; structures of "power." It's a never-ending war for those political types. And it's crazy because those types used to be a much smaller demographic. What was once limited to campuses and fringe movements has now saturated culture as a whole.

Absolutely every area of life is now embedded with it. The sexism and racism of the gaming industry! The gender inequality in STEM and blue-collar professions!

Don't you grow tired of pointing out the obvious? These topics make me nauseous at this point. I'm not even suggesting whether they're right or wrong. I'm just withdrawn more than anything. Would rather read a book or watch an old movie.

Im just asking questions Bro Diddley.

Do me a favor and untwist those panties.

Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 05:54 PM
Is it fair to say that taking pride in never complaining is old-fashioned? I feel like it's an admirable trait that more people need to adopt. Even if you're being treated unfairly or something is unjust.

Whining and complaining seem to encourage a weak mindset. Hard manual labor for an extended period of time would solve most people's personality problems. Learn the value of a hard day's work. I find that rural people seem to be stronger in mind, body, and spirit because of this. Put to work some of these urban political types and they'd become better people for it.

05-27-2023, 05:56 PM
Is it fair to say that taking pride in never complaining is old-fashioned? I feel like it's an admirable trait that more people need to adopt. Even if you're being treated unfairly or something is unjust.

Whining and complaining seem to encourage a weak mindset. Hard manual labor for an extended period of time would solve most people's personality problems. Learn the value of a hard day's work. I find that rural people seem to be stronger in mind, body, and spirit because of this. Put to work some of these urban political types and they'd become better people for it.

Where is the complaint youre referencing?

Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 05:57 PM
Where is the complaint youre referencing?

Not you. The liberal/activist types. I feel like a stint on a construction site would do them wonders. Mentally more than anything.

05-27-2023, 05:58 PM
You start going down the list of NBA and NFL owners there is an awful lot of children of tycoons from the 40s, sons of real estate moguls who became real estate moguls, sons of media company founders(the nba alone has like 3 of them), sons of cruise line founders, people who’s dad founded Walmart or Amway, women who’s husbands left it to them….or dads…. dudes who went to Yale after their dad and grandfather both went and so on.

Obviously, a factor is having rich connected parents and rich connected grandparents, but certain people can’t wait to pretend that the state sanctioned oppression of earning potential of many kinds of peoples ancestors, direct parents, and in some cases themselves has nothing to do with a lack of wealth in this incredibly wealthy country.

Several major American sports teams are owned by people who had family buy them when the leagues in question would’ve openly refused any non-white, who even made a bid.

Wilt Chamberlain was rich enough to buy an NBA team in the 70s. Do you think they would’ve sold it to him? That a majority of owners would sign off?

You think a majority of those old ass Donald Sterlings who graduated Yale in 1958 like their dad before them we’re gonna let just anyone in the club? Or that most of their businesses were equal opportunity allowing everyone to rise at the same rate?

It isn’t a black white thing. It’s indisputable that women in general regardless of race and non whites in general have been systematically held back from their unencumbered earning potential through history. Just the many programs to help veterans become homeowners after World War II that almost totally excluded all non-white males basically built the suburbs. What do you think turning a few million poor people into homeowners who can leave the inner city does for the generations to follow them?

How many sons and grandsons had access to equity because of that? How many easy access small business loans non white males were shut out of started successful families? Do you know how hard it was for even a white woman to get a business loan?

Everyone in this country, who is not a white male, started the race a lap behind for too many generations to keep acting like business achievement should be anything close to equal yet. My mom couldn’t even go to the well-funded Local white school when she was a kid. Even after she graduated back then a bank would not take a meeting with a single black woman. You couldn’t walk in on your own open an account and talk about the business you wanted to start.

The same people who created a sea lion exhibition with the public pool, rather than admit Black people when the laws would have forced them to were the same local business leaders you needed support from.

All of these hedge funds and real estate corporations, and kids and grandkids of Yale graduates are part of an interconnected business community all non-whites and even white women were openly excluded from.

It’s never been as simple as what you’re capable of in American business. It’s who your dad was. What club your grandfather belongs to. It’s do you have access to capital because you inherited a house you don’t need. Everyone in this country who isn’t white and arguably even more than that every woman was discriminated against way too long to honestly have these conversations so soon after it (openly) ended.

anyone honest can see it, but if you acknowledge it here come people talking about how they never had any privilege because their parents weren’t rich.

Business wise just being born a male puts you well ahead of half the population through no doing of your own for a good 200 years of this country’s history, and realistically longer than that.

Women were systematically oppressed for a long time, and as a man, I can still acknowledge the obvious truth, without taking it as a shot at my own accomplishments, or my right to them.

people need to stop taking personal the idea that some of them have social advantages they did not earn. You can be proud of your accomplishments without refusing to acknowledge there were certain barriers not placed in your way that were placed in the way of others.

05-27-2023, 06:04 PM
^ I dont dispute any of that.

MY question is simply… why do we have Rooney Rules and diversity quotas for coaching, but not players or ownership?

Why is only 1 runningback white?
Why is only one owner out of a combined 60 in the NFL/NBA black?

If we care about equality, shouldnt the NBA mandate owners to sell at a discount to include potential African American buyers?

Thats all Im curious about. Why some fields/positions have to reflect diversity and others dont.

Any thoughts?

05-27-2023, 06:06 PM
You start going down the list of NBA and NFL owners there is an awful lot of children of tycoons from the 40s, sons of real estate moguls who became real estate moguls, sons of media company founders(the nba alone has like 3 of them), sons of cruise line founders, people who’s dad founded Walmart or Amway, women who’s husbands left it to them….or dads…. dudes who went to Yale after their dad and grandfather both went and so on.

Obviously, a factor is having rich connected parents and rich connected grandparents, but certain people can’t wait to pretend that the state sanctioned oppression of earning potential of many kinds of peoples ancestors, direct parents, and in some cases themselves has nothing to do with a lack of wealth in this incredibly wealthy country.

Several major American sports teams are owned by people who had family buy them when the leagues in question would’ve openly refused any non-white, who even made a bid.

Wilt Chamberlain was rich enough to buy an NBA team in the 70s. Do you think they would’ve sold it to him? That a majority of owners would sign off?

You think a majority of those old ass Donald Sterlings who graduated Yale in 1958 like their dad before them we’re gonna let just anyone in the club? Or that most of their businesses were equal opportunity allowing everyone to rise at the same rate?

It isn’t a black white thing. It’s indisputable that women in general regardless of race and non whites in general have been systematically held back from their unencumbered earning potential through history. Just the many programs to help veterans become homeowners after World War II that almost totally excluded all non-white males basically built the suburbs. What do you think turning a few million poor people into homeowners who can leave the inner city does for the generations to follow them?

How many sons and grandsons had access to equity because of that? How many easy access small business loans non white males were shut out of started successful families? Do you know how hard it was for even a white woman to get a business loan?

Everyone in this country, who is not a white male, started the race a lap behind for too many generations to keep acting like business achievement should be anything close to equal yet. My mom couldn’t even go to the well-funded Local white school when she was a kid. Even after she graduated back then a bank would not take a meeting with a single black woman. You couldn’t walk in on your own open an account and talk about the business you wanted to start.

The same people who created a sea lion exhibition with the public pool, rather than admit Black people when the laws would have forced them to were the same local business leaders you needed support from.

All of these hedge funds and real estate corporations, and kids and grandkids of Yale graduates are part of an interconnected business community all non-whites and even white women were openly excluded from.

It’s never been as simple as what you’re capable of in American business. It’s who your dad was. What club your grandfather belongs to. It’s do you have access to capital because you inherited a house you don’t need. Everyone in this country who isn’t white and arguably even more than that every woman was discriminated against way too long to honestly have these conversations so soon after it (openly) ended.

anyone honest can see it, but if you acknowledge it here come people talking about how they never had any privilege because their parents weren’t rich.

Business wise just being born a male puts you well ahead of half the population through no doing of your own for a good 200 years of this country’s history, and realistically longer than that.

Women were systematically oppressed for a long time, and as a man, I can still acknowledge the obvious truth, without taking it as a shot at my own accomplishments, or my right to them.

people need to stop taking personal the idea that some of them have social advantages they did not earn. You can be proud of your accomplishments without refusing to acknowledge there were certain barriers not placed in your way that were placed in the way of others.


05-27-2023, 06:10 PM

It’s entirely possible id have been arrested only to disappear mysteriously in the night for walking into a bank trying to get a business loan in the town I’m currently in when a lot of billionaire families began their rise from poverty. But sure.


05-27-2023, 06:12 PM
It’s entirely possible id have been arrested only to disappear mysteriously in the night for walking into a bank trying to get a business loan in the town I’m currently in when a lot of billionaire families began their rise from poverty. But sure.


What about my question?

Why diversity mandates among coaches but not players or ownership?

Any thoughts?

05-27-2023, 06:16 PM
I look forward to the day of an up-rising against me. aliens.

05-27-2023, 06:17 PM
It’s entirely possible id have been arrested only to disappear mysteriously in the night for walking into a bank trying to get a business loan in the town I’m currently in when a lot of billionaire families began their rise from poverty. But sure.


It's also entirely possible that if black people didn't sell slaves to Ameica you'd be in Africa drinking water from the mud in a hand made cup.

America wasn't the beginning of the world. It's a country created by white people, blacks have had ample opportunities to create their own prosperous countries but failed every time.

This country was racist against blacks for a long time, but anybody can become a millionaire today. Or a billionaire. Blacks get more grants than anybody.. literally free money. There's no excuses anymore. Jackie Robinson and MLK would laugh at excuse making fools like you.

05-27-2023, 06:17 PM
^ I dont dispute any of that.

MY question is simply… why do we have Rooney Rules and diversity quotas for coaching, but not players or ownership?

Why is only 1 runningback white?
Why is only one owner out of a combined 60 in the NFL/NBA black?

If we care about equality, shouldnt the NBA mandate owners to sell at a discount to include potential African American buyers?

Thats all Im curious about. Why some fields/positions have to reflect diversity and others dont.

Any thoughts?

You aren’t genuinely asking. It’s just a reworded version of the same shit people with blue checks will ask about on Twitter. The “I ain’t need no help!” reply from a Facebook profile you click and see that they somehow went into the 2020 election cycle not realizing the tremendous number of mail in ballots that would come in due to covid and threw off the early night results.

I don’t need a conservative versus liberal argument with nobody is listening to each other. I’m just saying as a simple matter of fact…..a lot of people didn’t have the same chance to prosper and it shouldn’t be a surprise they prospered less.

They haven’t been way way fewer rich women throughout American history because women are genetically predisposed to being bad at business. Do with that as you please.

05-27-2023, 06:21 PM
You aren’t genuinely asking. It’s just a reworded version of the same shit people with blue checks will ask about on Twitter. The “I ain’t need no help!” reply from a Facebook profile you click and see that they somehow went into the 2020 election cycle not realizing the tremendous number of mail in ballots that would come in due to covid and threw off the early night results.

I don’t need a conservative versus liberal argument with nobody is listening to each other. I’m just saying as a simple matter of fact…..a lot of people didn’t have the same chance to prosper and it shouldn’t be a surprise they prospered less.

They haven’t been way way fewer rich women throughout American history because women are genetically predisposed to being bad at business. Do with that as you please.

Theres nothing political about my question.

It’s something everyone should be asking, frankly. You just made a big speech about the history of inequality. Why arent you concerned with it now?

Why arent you concerned with inequality among players and owners?

Thats weird.

Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 06:26 PM
I'm not sure the gender privilege is that simple kblaze. For most of human history, being born a male meant you had to fight wars for countries, nations, and empires. Imagine being 18 years old and getting drafted to go die in a war on the frontlines for a bunch of rich people you never knew.

What is privilege? Can it be measured? Sociology is a soft science for a reason. It's a lot of "I feel this" and "I think that" loosely tied together with some anecdotal economics and politics. Yet people talk about it like it's 1+1 = 2.

05-27-2023, 06:27 PM
You aren’t genuinely asking. It’s just a reworded version of the same shit people with blue checks will ask about on Twitter. The “I ain’t need no help!” reply from a Facebook profile you click and see that they somehow went into the 2020 election cycle not realizing the tremendous number of mail in ballots that would come in due to covid and threw off the early night results.

I don’t need a conservative versus liberal argument with nobody is listening to each other. I’m just saying as a simple matter of fact…..a lot of people didn’t have the same chance to prosper and it shouldn’t be a surprise they prospered less.

They haven’t been way way fewer rich women throughout American history because women are genetically predisposed to being bad at business. Do with that as you please.

Or maybe they are. Just like they are genetically predisposed to being weaker physically. Actually 100% they are.

Men taking a powerful role in society can be explained with genetics. Women being taken advantage of for most of history works counterintuitive to your point. Why would an equal group be taken advantage of so easily?

05-27-2023, 06:28 PM

Axe sends his regards

05-27-2023, 06:30 PM
It's also entirely possible that if black people didn't sell slaves to Ameica you'd be in Africa drinking water from the mud in a hand made cup.

America wasn't the beginning of the world. It's a country created by white people, blacks have had ample opportunities to create their own prosperous countries but failed every time.

This country was racist against blacks for a long time, but anybody can become a millionaire today. Or a billionaire. Blacks get more grants than anybody.. literally free money. There's no excuses anymore. Jackie Robinson and MLK would laugh at excuse making fools like you.

Yeah, I’m sure Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson would deny the existence of inequality, or that hundreds of years of it in a society makes success a harder road. Being stupid and all.

And not that you care to know the truth but you should read some of what MLK had to say about the American caste system, and how white people systematically created the lower status of Black people and then used the conditions they lived in to reinforce the belief that it was their nature.

All good though. As a rule once we reach the point of pretending people killed for speaking out about injustice wouldn’t acknowledge it exists it’s best to stop.

Martin Luther King would be stupid enough to disagree with the idea that vastly more wealth and connections in previous and recent generations make some people more likely to be wealthy in the present. We all learned something. Everyone “melted down”. Moving on.

05-27-2023, 06:36 PM
Yeah, I’m sure Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson would deny the existence of inequality, or that hundreds of years of it in a society makes success a harder road. Being stupid and all.

And not that you care to know the truth but you should read some of what MLK had to say about the American caste system, and how white people systematically created the lower status of Black people and then used the conditions they lived in to reinforce the belief that it was their nature.

All good though. As a rule once we reach the point of pretending people killed for speaking out about injustice wouldn’t acknowledge it exists it’s best to stop.

Martin Luther King would be stupid enough to disagree with the idea that vastly more wealth and connections in previous and recent generations make some people more likely to be wealthy in the present. We all learned something. Everyone “melted down”. Moving on.

I never denied any of that though. But if you're gonna blame the past for the present, then why won't you blame the past before slaves came to America?

What exactly were black people accomplishing before they got sold by their own people? There is no history of success building nations or businesses before America.

If anything, blacks in America should be grateful to whites for creating a country that would allow black people to eventually become successful. Because on their own they've never shown they can. You'll ignore these points though because you're delusional and low IQ. but all good. Keep melting down on the inside. I'm Black too btw but excuse making nikkas like you make me sick.

05-27-2023, 06:36 PM
OP your questions are stupid and can be answered with basic statistics

few if any starting lineups of players are more than 1/5 white.
3/4 of all NBA players are black...

Meanwhile ownership is still 28/30 white, and if MJ sells to a white guy itll be 29/30
That's because there are farrrrr more white billionaires than black. There's like 20 black billionaires in the entire world out of 2700. That's not even close to being 1%. More than half of the black billionaires aren't even living in the US, so they probably don't care about basketball or owning an NBA team.

05-27-2023, 06:37 PM
Everything that should be said about race relations should not be found in pro sports coaching/front office jobs, but rather FBI crime statistics.

05-27-2023, 06:39 PM
I'm not sure the gender privilege is that simple kblaze. For most of human history, being born a male meant you had to fight wars for countries, nations, and empires. Imagine being 18 years old and getting drafted to go die in a war on the frontlines for a bunch of rich people you never knew.

What is privilege? Can it be measured? Sociology is a soft science for a reason. It's a lot of "I feel this" and "I think that" loosely tied together with some anecdotal economics and politics. Yet people talk about it like it's 1+1 = 2.

In much of the country, a woman legally could not get a business loan without a man to cosign until like…1990. Not 1916. It was some point in the late 80s early 90s before that was outlawed. There was no equal opportunity. That’s just the way it is. women have probably been more discriminated against than any racial group. There’s a tremendous number of women slaves still in America. If someone could prove there were six black male slaves in Indiana? There would be a national uprising to find every single one and free them. there are literally thousands of sex slaves in this country being human trafficked who have no choice. No freedom. And I don’t see us rising as one to do something about it.

Women realistically have had it as bad as anyone rights and public concern wise. They might get killed for trying it, but a black man could vote before white women.

05-27-2023, 06:39 PM
What exactly do you mean by "equality"? Equality in result or equality in opportunity? There is a big difference.

Also, which group lacks the so-called "equality"? Players? Coaches? Owners?

Why are there not enough Asian players? Pacific Islanders? Arabic? even White? Are they discriminated against? Where is the "affirmative action" on that?

05-27-2023, 06:41 PM
I never denied any of that though. But if you're gonna blame the past for the present, then why won't you blame the past before slaves came to America?

What exactly were black people accomplishing before they got sold by their own people? There is no history of success building nations or businesses before America.

If anything, blacks in America should be grateful to whites for creating a country that would allow black people to eventually become successful. Because on their own they've never shown they can. You'll ignore these points though because you're delusional and low IQ. but all good. Keep melting down on the inside. I'm Black too btw but excuse making nikkas like you make me sick.

05-27-2023, 06:46 PM

My dad is black :confusedshrug:

Of course homeboy is an engineer and always talked down upon typical black culture, so he's a rare breed. He had me listening the Beatles and old school Jazz music and hates gangster rap. Taught me how to work hard and never make excuses. I don't align myself with the views of lazy nikkas like kblaze who are scared of the truth.

Genetic differences are quite obvious amongst races and sexes but this dumb Nikka gets his feelings hurt about it.

I agree everyone should have an equal opportunity, but blacks have more opportunities than anybody, and the statistics haven't really changed. We still fail as a whole more than any race by far. And it's because we perpetually blame white people for our shortcomings.

05-27-2023, 06:49 PM
America's got a higher traffic death rate than Europe

Americans really need to stop making cars

05-27-2023, 06:58 PM
My dad is black :confusedshrug:

Of course homeboy is an engineer and always talked down upon typical black culture, so he's a rare breed. He had me listening the Beatles and old school Jazz music and hates gangster rap. Taught me how to work hard and never make excuses. I don't align myself with the views of lazy nikkas like kblaze who are scared of the truth.

Genetic differences are quite obvious amongst races and sexes but this dumb Nikka gets his feelings hurt about it.

I agree everyone should have an equal opportunity, but blacks have more opportunities than anybody, and the statistics haven't really changed. We still fail as a whole more than any race by far. And it's because we perpetually blame white people for our shortcomings.

Interesting. So what is the bigger problem, you think? Genetics or the culture?

05-27-2023, 07:04 PM
Interesting. So what is the bigger problem, you think? Genetics or the culture?

I think the gap would me MUCH smaller if we somehow fixed the culture. I think on a whole we are slightly inferior mentally.. (I'm an outlier.. high IQ) but it's the attitude that holds us back. Imagine if we all put our heads down and stopped making excuses like Jackie and MLK what we could actually accomplish. That's why I brought them up, because they lived In a time with actual inequality but persevered despite it. There's a night and day difference today compared to then but dumb Nikkas like kblaze act like it's the 1950s

So yes, we may not ever be as good at business and innovation as whites, but if we adopted an elite mentality we would close the gap. Instead we couple inferior genetics with inferior mindset. We cant change our genetics but we can change our culture... no matter how impossible it seems

hold this L
05-27-2023, 07:16 PM
Yeah I mean I guess the question is what do we mean by equality?

It’s a central tenet of every social justice message you hear. The demand for equality.

Does “equality” mean “the NBA is a league for blacks, except for the majority owners who can all be white?”

Like what does equality mean in the NBA exactly? How does their stance on equality measure up to their statistics on equality?

There's 18.5% Hispanic, 12.2% Black and 5.5% Asian. Why aren't you talking about more Hispanic representation? How many owners are Hispanic? How many are Asian?

05-27-2023, 07:17 PM
^ I dont dispute any of that.

MY question is simply… why do we have Rooney Rules and diversity quotas for coaching, but not players or ownership?

Why is only 1 runningback white?
Why is only one owner out of a combined 60 in the NFL/NBA black?

If we care about equality, shouldnt the NBA mandate owners to sell at a discount to include potential African American buyers?

Thats all Im curious about. Why some fields/positions have to reflect diversity and others dont.

Any thoughts?

The answer to that question is that the people who own everything don't care about giving any of it up. But they'll shuffle the people below them around, play them against each other, and as they fight for the scraps nothing at the top ever changes.

05-27-2023, 07:22 PM
There's 18.5% Hispanic, 12.2% Black and 5.5% Asian. Why aren't you talking about more Hispanic representation? How many owners are Hispanic? How many are Asian?

Because they don't have the history of blacks in America

Blacks are a main story line. They are owed more opportunities and attention than other races...

We prop them up as a country in the same manner they were held down for several decades. White guilt and loud blacks tell the story. Blacks are America's favorite minority.. the history is there, the story line is there. Black people and their struggles are box office theater and thus dominate the publics attention

Blacks being more athletic and better at popular music also plays a huge factor. If not the biggest factor. They have claims to dominating certain aspects of popular American culture that Asians and Latins do not.... celebrity favoritism basically.

05-27-2023, 07:24 PM
This thread is just dumb identity politics. :biggums: You are owed nothing. Deal with it. Bye now.

05-27-2023, 07:26 PM
Why do you act like that account belongs to someone else?


05-27-2023, 07:26 PM
The answer to that question is that the people who own everything don't care about giving any of it up. But they'll shuffle the people below them around, play them against each other, and as they fight for the scraps nothing at the top ever changes.

in short, no one cares or wants to fix the education system..

Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 07:29 PM
In much of the country, a woman legally could not get a business loan without a man to cosign until like…1990. Not 1916. It was some point in the late 80s early 90s before that was outlawed. There was no equal opportunity. That’s just the way it is. women have probably been more discriminated against than any racial group. There’s a tremendous number of women slaves still in America. If someone could prove there were six black male slaves in Indiana? There would be a national uprising to find every single one and free them. there are literally thousands of sex slaves in this country being human trafficked who have no choice. No freedom. And I don’t see us rising as one to do something about it.

Women realistically have had it as bad as anyone rights and public concern wise. They might get killed for trying it, but a black man could vote before white women.

And how exactly does any of that prove women have less privilege than men? Can you even quantify let alone define privilege? You're just giving me loose political anecdotes.

Who's more "privileged"? An 18-year-old who got drafted to go die in a war because he was born a man... Or his sisters who didn't have to, but couldn't get a business loan?

What about Jaden Smith vs. a poor white orphan with a club foot?

This is my problem with these discussions of "privilege." Can't measure it, can't consistently define it; yet we somehow know whether one person is more privileged than another. Whether women are less privileged than men.

It's an attempt to simplify incredibly complex topics. People want simple and easy answers for very complicated and nuanced things.

I can loosely follow sociological theories but I'd never conclusively and definitively believe them like I know 1+1 = 2. Because the evidence for these ideas is flimsy at best.

05-27-2023, 07:29 PM
in short, no one cares or wants to fix the education system..

Why would they? A dumb population is an easily controlled population.

05-27-2023, 07:34 PM
Why would they? A dumb population is an easily controlled population.

I must make you apologize to my dog now.

05-27-2023, 07:41 PM
And how exactly does any of that prove women have less privilege than men? Can you even quantify let alone define privilege? You're just giving me loose political anecdotes.

In a discussion of business accomplishments one group literally not being allowed to get a bank account or credit on their own ends the discussion of if there is “privilege”.

If we can’t all acknowledge the indisputable parts conversations like this are pointless.

A cat missing half its claws will have more trouble climbing than a healthy cat. Doesn’t mean an injured cat can’t climb. It just makes it a stupid question to wonder why declawed cats are worse climbers. Acknowledgement of a difference in outside factors shouldn’t be so controversial. But we have a society that has serious trouble with truths they don’t like the implications of.

05-27-2023, 07:45 PM
In a discussion of business accomplishments one group literally not being allowed to get a bank account or credit on their own ends the discussion of if there is “privilege”.

so you're saying the cat is priviledged when you try to feed the cat and the cat refuses to eat. I'm killing it as a Doctor.

05-27-2023, 07:47 PM
I'm pretty sure most of the owners are jewish.

The NBA is as jewish as Hollywood.

05-27-2023, 07:48 PM
In a discussion of business accomplishments one group literally not being allowed to get a bank account or credit on their own ends the discussion of if there is “privilege”.

If we can’t all acknowledge the indisputable parts conversations like this are pointless.

A cat missing half its claws will have more trouble climbing than a healthy cat. Doesn’t mean an injured cat can’t climb. It just makes it a stupid question to wonder why declawed cats are worse climbers. Acknowledgement of a difference in outside factors shouldn’t be so controversial. But we have a society that has serious trouble with truths they don’t like the implications of.
Most billionaires are self-made, so surely with the enormous privileges black people have over other races today we will see a huge influx of black billionaires.

Right? How long do you think?

05-27-2023, 07:55 PM
Most billionaires are self-made, so surely with the enormous privileges black people have over other races today we will see a huge influx of black billionaires.

Right? How long do you think?

you just gotta switch the coding from "that ***** dead" to "that motherfer dead". I never say sh*t, but here it's typed. SH!T!!!

elementally morale
05-27-2023, 08:12 PM
Im confused as to why “black basketball coaches” is the critical barometer of social equality.

I think you are confusing equality and equity.

Equality is where the possibilities and circumstances are equal and the end result is to be determined. Equity is when you decide the outcome and make that the only possible (to be desired) outcome. Peopla crying for more black coaches want equity. Equality is already there.

05-27-2023, 08:14 PM
I'm pretty sure most of the owners are jewish.

The NBA is as jewish as Hollywood.

That's a distinction that ain't allowed to be talked about.

05-27-2023, 08:29 PM
That's a distinction that ain't allowed to be talked about.

Historically oppressed group who succeed at unprecedented levels.

Genetics and culture mayne. We ain't got it.

Im Still Ballin
05-27-2023, 09:10 PM
In a discussion of business accomplishments one group literally not being allowed to get a bank account or credit on their own ends the discussion of if there is “privilege”.

If we can’t all acknowledge the indisputable parts conversations like this are pointless.

A cat missing half its claws will have more trouble climbing than a healthy cat. Doesn’t mean an injured cat can’t climb. It just makes it a stupid question to wonder why declawed cats are worse climbers. Acknowledgement of a difference in outside factors shouldn’t be so controversial. But we have a society that has serious trouble with truths they don’t like the implications of.

What are we even talking about? I think we're discussing separate things. I'm responding to the idea that historically speaking, women are less "privileged" than men - in life, not merely in economics. And critiquing the concept of privilege as a whole.

I assume you were only referring to economics? Were you only talking about the acquisition of wealth and resources? Because I think any legitimate concept of gender inequality should extend far beyond whether one could start a business or a bank account; how well a man or woman could acquire wealth and resources. Was conscription not a form of gender-based systemic oppression?

I just think that privilege, whatever it is, is far more than just wealth and resources. Biological inequality is a term I've never heard before but it sure as hell matters. Those born with high degrees of genetic fitness (tall, symmetrical, attractive, cognitively adept) are able to succeed in life with greater ease.

But that's a different discussion, clearly.

05-27-2023, 10:47 PM
I'm responding to the idea that historically speaking, women are less "privileged" than men - in life,

even if I told you that pressure will make you commit suicide, you still wouldn't be able to stop, would you. because that's how you were born, under the assumption that others lived a life without pressure.