View Full Version : So this guy was both a giant and a dwarf….

05-28-2023, 07:37 AM

He was born as a dwarf and was 4 feet tall at 20…but had an issue with his pituitary gland that made him grow suddenly and by 30 he was 7’2”. He was supposedly 7’8” when he died.


Dont know if the second(colorized) photo is real but he certainly lived in an age of photos so maybe so.

With all the extremes people will go to in order to be taller I’m surprised there isn’t an underground web of doctors willing to trigger gigantism(acromegaly is similar but different). They know how to stop it now.

They stopped it in the Big Show/the Giant 25+ years ago


Feels like something a desperate or profit seeking idiot might attempt. Those wild late growth spurts are what gave us guys like Anthony Davis with more guard skills than usual. Pippen too. Jokic had one but not quite as late. It’s why he started as a point guard though.

with the days advanced medicine and technology? Is it completely impossible? Somebody shady takes a bag of cash from a short 16 year old prospects parents who want him to be 6 foot nine?

I’d be surprised if some back woods movie style Nazi scientist had not worked on it already.

Might account for Desmond Bane.

05-28-2023, 07:43 AM
Desmond Bane? What?

05-28-2023, 07:56 AM
Desmond Bane? What?

Don’t make me also post the giant dwarf(Peter Dinklage) from Thor


Im Still Ballin
05-28-2023, 08:01 AM
The most impressive of the giants is probably 8'3" Väinö Myllyrinne. He was huge, mobile, and had the largest hands ever recorded I believe: 13.4 inches. I'm not sure if that's the measure of the length of the hand or the spread. Yes, even bigger than Wadlow's; he was a more sturdy, robust, well-built individual.

Myllyrinne was born in Helsinki, Grand Duchy of Finland, and is considered the tallest soldier ever, having served in the Finnish Defence Forces. He underwent his conscript training in 1929 in the Viipuri Heavy Artillery Regiment, and was 220 cm (7 ft 3 in) tall and very strong.

In the 1930s he travelled around Europe as a professional wrestler and circus performer. He returned to Finland in 1939 to serve in the Finnish Army during the Winter War. In 1946, he moved to Järvenpää and ran a chicken farm. He died in Helsinki in 1963 and is buried at Järvenpää.



Im Still Ballin
05-28-2023, 08:03 AM
Andre The Giant was one of the most robust human beings in history. There were plenty of guys taller, but he's probably the thickest-built human being ever. His maximum height was around 7 feet, his wingspan was 7'4", and his weight ranged from as little as 309 pounds, all the way to 550 I think.

Look at how skinny and lean he looked here at 6'10" and 309 pounds.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJB0twGD5Zf5GMv8nB7B6BzZcgA866J yYDAZVfxS5ZgnLNW9IQQxBJoBCwzPrUXMXx3G0&usqp=CAU

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVnaN-H2NK4&ab_channel=%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8 %B9%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%8 4%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87


He moved very well when young but progressively lost his mobility as he grew. That's the issue: maintaining the mobility through excessive growth. He got so freakishly robust when he was older; such a brute of a man:


05-28-2023, 08:15 AM
Desmond Bane needs growth hormone for his arms

Im Still Ballin
05-28-2023, 08:15 AM
Regarding the OP, it's hard to reverse-engineer nature in that sense without causing problems. You see it with bodybuilders; they take one thing but that causes a problem so they have to take something else to combat that. And on and on... Even the best, most-informed bodybuilders still get gyno, have heart and liver problems, hair loss, acne, etc.

I believe administering HGH when young can increase growth by one or two inches at most. Maybe more? I can't remember.

05-28-2023, 08:20 AM
Desmond Bane needs growth hormone for his arms

his arms are huge lol thats what makes it look weird

05-28-2023, 08:21 AM

05-28-2023, 08:31 AM
Sir this is NBA forum

05-28-2023, 08:45 AM
Sir this is NBA forum

lol my exact thoughts. kblaze has some strange obsession with height :oldlol:

05-28-2023, 08:46 AM
Sir this is NBA forum



Loco 50
05-28-2023, 12:47 PM
They stopped it in the Big Show/the Giant 25+ years ago

It's so much easier to break things in the body than create. Tumor removal, even within the brain, is an easier feat than trying to control/limit hormone function.

Feels like something a desperate or profit seeking idiot might attempt. Those wild late growth spurts are what gave us guys like Anthony Davis with more guard skills than usual. Pippen too. Jokic had one but not quite as late. ItÂ’s why he started as a point guard though.

with the days advanced medicine and technology? Is it completely impossible? Somebody shady takes a bag of cash from a short 16 year old prospects parents who want him to be 6 foot nine?

IÂ’d be surprised if some back woods movie style Nazi scientist had not worked on it already.

Might account for Desmond Bane.
Not impossible, but it would take a Lebron-level income to hire the expertise required to even try to attempt it safely. A problem with hormones like Hgh and insulin is that these hormones work on so many different receptors throughout the body that you're going to get a lot of undesirable effects along with the stimulated growth you're looking for.

Introduce excess Hgh for a long enough time and realize that your heart starts growing as well because we can't yet differentiate/limit which muscle cell hormonal receptors we want stimulated. Actually, we can't even limit Hgh receptor activation to just muscle cells. Since it works on so many receptor sites in the liver you can potentially develop enough inflammation to develop a liver tumor. Amending that statement even further, Hgh works on so many different receptors throughout the entire body we don't even know the extent to which excess Hgh can stimulate cancer growth universally ranging from colon or blood cells to sex organ cells. Cancer aside, there are concerns with arthritis developing, and it screws with your blood sugars, so you could potentially develop diabetes type 2 if you're on it too long and that's just a few complications off the top of my head.

TLDR: You'd have to be constantly blood tested, cat scanned, mri'd for anomalies for the duration of your treatment time and probably way beyond treatment time because hormones are messy. All this with the understanding that you're agreeing to be a human guinea pig, even if you're under the best current medical care we can provide.

Hgh treatment is currently safest and best understood in those that have a natural deficiency, not for folks looking for an extra boost, yet....

Completely understanding the functions of hormones remains one of the most difficult aspects of medicine, but when a method of more targeted therapy is developed it'll be radically life-altering for everyone.