View Full Version : Will there ever be a 3-0 comeback in basketball?

05-29-2023, 10:48 PM
Not that I was shocked that Miami won tonight, but I feel like if it didn't happen tonight, we may never see it happen.

05-29-2023, 10:49 PM
Only a peak LeBron led team would be capable of doing it, so no.

Full Court
05-29-2023, 10:51 PM
Only a peak LeBron led team would be capable of doing it, so no.

How many times has LeShrivel been swept again, Mr. Historian??


05-29-2023, 10:53 PM
A team who falls 0-3 has several serious shortcomings in the first place. If they didn't, then wouldn't be in that situation. So coming back from 0-3 is extremely improbable. It could be done under special circumstances. A star player coming back, from example. Conversely, a star player on the other team getting injured could cause a comeback from 0-3.

05-29-2023, 10:54 PM
Yes. It will definitely happen at some point.

05-29-2023, 10:55 PM
A team who falls 0-3 has several serious shortcomings in the first place. If they didn't, then wouldn't be in that situation. So coming back from 0-3 is extremely improbable. It could be done under special circumstances. A star player coming back, from example. Conversely, a star player on the other team getting injured could cause a comeback from 0-3.

And that's why it will eventually happen. Could be 50 years from now, but it'll happen

05-29-2023, 10:55 PM
How many times has LeShrivel been swept again, Mr. Historian??


This or won bronze medals for America or lost with HCA?

05-30-2023, 05:47 AM
I feel like with the perfect storm peak lebron could have done it, currently I see no situation in which it happens.

It would have to be injury involved.

If there are no injuries, it seems extremely unlikely.