View Full Version : Why didnt Horford or Butler work out in Philly?

05-30-2023, 02:32 PM
Both guys have been integral parts of the two most dominant teams in the East the last few years. And both had short, disappointing tenures in Philly prior to that.

It’s not a troll/rhetorical question, I genuinely dont remember anything ABOUT either guy’s time in Philly, but it is curious when you look at Embiid who’s now an MVP in the league, and the idea you could have paired him the last couple years with Butler and/or Horford… why didnt that happen? Why did Philly move on so quickly from both guys?

Obviously the problem with an Embiid and Simmons/Harden pairing is the enormous dearth of leadership. But youd think a pairing with Jimmy or Al would be a lot more tantalizing. What went wrong?

05-30-2023, 02:36 PM
Embiid is too soft. Crying like a baby, flopping all over the place... Jimmy probably got sick of his shit. Spo and Riley have the same type of competitive profile Butler has. Bam misses most of the time but he actually plays hard as hell and does all of the dirty work off ball banging. The Heat culture fits him so much better.

05-30-2023, 02:44 PM

This guy gotz to go. Why he still has his job is puzzling

05-30-2023, 02:45 PM
Embiid and Horford just didn't work. It sounds okay at first like Gobert-KAT but it can get ugly. 2019 Sixers with Butler were very very good imo. They would have won the title if they had beaten the Raptors. He just didn't like the environment and left i guess. And people were already talking about Butler going to Heat even right after his Minesota training incident.

Im Still Ballin
05-30-2023, 02:48 PM
Not enough defensive mobility between them? Spacing wasn't good enough? Boston wasn't looking great playing Rob and Al together for the first half of last season. Maybe Philly didn't give it enough time? Or the fit just didn't work?

Charlie Sheen
05-30-2023, 03:01 PM
Looking back... Butler did not work out because the Sixers had no plan for Jimmy leaving in FA. The Harris trade was executed under the assumption that Jimmy was resigning. It almost worked out in their favor until Kawhi hit that shot.

05-30-2023, 03:26 PM
At least with Horford in Philly, you take out one of the several Embiid stoppers. Gasol is retired, but otherwise you might want to bring him in as well.

05-30-2023, 03:34 PM
I don't know why Horford didn't work out with Philly. It could be because of mobility. I don't know.

Butler is because he didn't like the environment. And they wanted to "control" him. I guess because he could get too intense behind the scenes, so he left. He explains it here:

05-30-2023, 05:29 PM
There is lot in this question but I will try get to the key details to answer.

Brett Brown wanted Jimmy to be more of a catch and shoot three point shooter to play alongside Ben. Essentially Jimmy and Brett clashed and ownership let him walk and gave his money to Tobias.

Elton Brand brang in his buddy Horford from his Atlanta days, to guess what, become a spot up three point shooter next to Ben. His role was play stretch five with Simmons while Joel sat and stretch 4 next to Joel. They were supposed to be a team with a strong defensive identity that opponents could not score against as they also got Josh Richardson in a sign and trade from Miami for Jimmy.

The issue was their defense sucked ass, Horford was required to shoot 10+ threes a game in order for the team to win which never happened. Ben got injured and missed the bubble playoffs and the Sixers got swept by the Celtics in the first round.

Brett Brown was subsequently fired and Doc and Morey where brought in to clean up the mess the Colangelo/Brand regime had made of the team. Horford was traded to OKC for Danny Green.

05-30-2023, 05:44 PM
Because the sixers are a trash organization

05-30-2023, 06:11 PM
Classic fultz lol, gives some double barrelled statement of which one part is true and the other part is false and fools everyone into thinking both are true. what a sneaky c*nt

05-31-2023, 03:12 AM
Because the sixers are a trash organization

It's truly stunning to think of all the great players they've had who have then left and become top guys elsewhere and yet still fans blame Embiid for not winning a ring.

05-31-2023, 03:35 AM
Horford just wasn't a great fit in that system and Jimmy took away the ball from Ben Simmons, so they chose Tobias over him. Harris was a better fit as he could space the floor better off-ball, but Ben was always their problem offensively in the half court. When Jimmy took over ball-handling duties in the ECSF against Toronto they were much better on O, they should have obviously went with Jimmy over both Ben & Harris in hindsight but what can you do now.. I don't think Jimmy wanted to stay regardless.

05-31-2023, 04:09 AM
Both guys have been integral parts of the two most dominant teams in the East the last few years. And both had short, disappointing tenures in Philly prior to that.

It’s not a troll/rhetorical question, I genuinely dont remember anything ABOUT either guy’s time in Philly, but it is curious when you look at Embiid who’s now an MVP in the league, and the idea you could have paired him the last couple years with Butler and/or Horford… why didnt that happen? Why did Philly move on so quickly from both guys?

Obviously the problem with an Embiid and Simmons/Harden pairing is the enormous dearth of leadership. But youd think a pairing with Jimmy or Al would be a lot more tantalizing. What went wrong?

Your mother didn't swallow you is what went wrong

Spurs m8
05-31-2023, 04:16 AM
No surprise Jimmy didn't work out with Embiid and KAT....

Jimmy demands more than playing like a soft little b1tch

05-31-2023, 07:36 AM

05-31-2023, 10:00 AM
remember Butler had three stops before Miami ....

I have the opinion his locker room leadership may have issues...

In the Heats locker room his is the alpha

05-31-2023, 12:17 PM
It's truly stunning to think of all the great players they've had who have then left and become top guys elsewhere and yet still fans blame Embiid for not winning a ring.

They are the same players they were when with the Sixers. The issue is that Miami and Boston do not run their offense through a plodding center that is a bad passer and bad rebounder. In the playoffs, teams only scheme/practice to play against that one series opponent and can lock in on player’s weaknesses. Embiid has shown that when the going gets tough in a playoff series, he will make mistakes and sometimes simply disappear. His bad passing and rebounding gets amplified in a series. His stamina has been an issue since day 1. Next season the Sixers will have a new coach and probably some new players. Next May people will once again be having these same conversations about why did the Sixers get bounced early. The problem is staring the team in the face.