View Full Version : Warriors GM Is Resigning

Full Court
05-31-2023, 06:58 AM

After 11 years and 4 titles, Bob Myers, the Warriors general manager, is stepping down.

I guess that means the job is open if one of you basketball geniuses wants to apply for it.

05-31-2023, 07:00 AM
Go for it.

Tell them how +/- is an advanced stat

05-31-2023, 01:26 PM
The guy who was GM before him drafted Splash brothers.


He was responsible for drafting Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.

05-31-2023, 02:17 PM
What did Bob Myers do besides signing KD (who was recruited by Kerr, Clay, Dray, and Steph anyways)? He didn’t draft Steph and Klay and his recent draft picks have been horrible.

05-31-2023, 02:33 PM
The article I read stated he was the third highest paid, only after Riley and somebody on the Spurs who has been with them since the Duncan era.

Bob was getting paid 8M annually... a figure I thought would be much lower.

The article went on to suggest he'd be offered a 'godfather deal' meaning a offer he could not refuse.. curious what that number would be, 12M? 15M?

Personally I'd rather live where he does and take the 8M if the reasons are pay related. Or if it is just some higher up bringing his son to take his role like this article is hinting at, F the warriors execs.

05-31-2023, 02:47 PM
Jeff: Please consider hiring Bob, I think he would make a decent mod after a bit of training

05-31-2023, 03:16 PM
Myers lost his way. Simple as that.

The Warriors won rings based on the core nucleus of Steph, Klay, Dray and depth.

The team publicized that latter quality with the motto "Strength in numbers".

The earlier Warriors were awesome to watch because the backup unit could handle most starting lineups. The opposing team never had a chance.

This took front-office work - to keep the budget from exploding while getting top role players and 2nd unit players. But they did it. For many years. Recruiting became easier once they won rings and players could expect a big contract AFTER their stint with the Warriors if they won the championship.

Somewhere along the way, Myers got tired of the agents of Warriors role players walking in his office and demanding a huge bump in their salary on re-signing and did a 180 and basically said F U to everyone but the core nucleus (Steph, Klay, Draymond) and a few other players (Wiggins, Poole, Looney).

Everyone else was sent packing. This has created A LOT of problems from the constant turnover in personnel.

1. The culture: you can't retain the team culture with a revolving door. The players learn Steph's motion offense and the team commitment to defense. You can't just import new people every year and expect them to get it right away.

2. Cohesion: Team doesn't play as well together when the 2nd unit is completely new. Look at their backup unit this year- all new guys: Quinones, DiVincenzo, Rollins, Baldwin. It takes time to learn to play as a team.

3. Quality: Warriors have settled for B players, have leaned too heavily on guards and refused to get big men. In the past they had players like Pachulia, Bogut, Bjelica. That was key to rebounds, toughness, defense, setting screens. One fine day Myers thought we can win without strong big men.

Put simply, Myers failed. It's a benefit he's shipping out. Sometimes winning can make you mentally lazy, over-confident in your judgment, and when you move away from principles, and start winging it because you think your hunches are golden, as justified by all the rings you won, this happens.

Every year for like the last 5 years, the Warriors turn over most of their their entire roster except the nucleus. The result has not been good.

Whenever I make bank from a stock trade, my next trade is often my worst trade. That's what happens with over-confidence. One really has to be disciplined not to let it corrupt your thinking.

05-31-2023, 06:38 PM
Go for it.

Tell them how +/- is an advanced stat
But fair.

Full Court
05-31-2023, 06:49 PM
Go for it.

Tell them how +/- is an advanced stat

I've already proven that you have no clue what an advanced stat is. Funny thing is, not a single one of you Bronie fluffers could define it. Not a single one. :roll: