View Full Version : How strong is the NBA’s relationship with the LGBTQAI+! community?

05-31-2023, 06:08 PM
Ive noticed a lot news recently about how the NHL and MLB are having these Pride Nights, and teams are supposed to wear Pride warmups and jerseys and such, and it’s gotten a few players riled up, and minor bruhahas ensued.

However I havent noticed much pride involvement from the NBA. It seems strange because the NBA has a reputation for being the most woke, progressive major sports league.

Why do you suppose the NBA doesnt make Pride a more visible issue/theme for its players the way MBL and the NHL do?

Should they?

Im Still Ballin
05-31-2023, 06:11 PM
Are you suggesting it has something to do with the demographics of the NBA?

05-31-2023, 06:12 PM
Are you suggesting it has something to do with the demographics of the NBA?

I have no idea what the reason is, it’s just surprising. I’m trying to gain insight on the issue.

05-31-2023, 06:18 PM
I'm sick of people getting this wrong, it's LGBTQIA2S+, it's really not THAT hard to remember. The ignorance on this board gets pretty tiresome.

05-31-2023, 06:34 PM
Are you suggesting it has something to do with the demographics of the NBA?

Wouldn't minorities support minorities?

05-31-2023, 06:35 PM
I have no idea what the reason is, it’s just surprising. I’m trying to gain insight on the issue.Nicca, you’re the official ISH bransexual member of the LG-BBQ community.

It’s your MF job to ask around and figure it out for us.

Maybe find out, then do everyone the disservice of pushing for unwanted dead end activism, that does nothing but divide the populace, to prevent unity during pending 21st century class wars.

Im Still Ballin
05-31-2023, 06:44 PM
Wouldn't minorities support minorities?

Only if both boxes are checked.

05-31-2023, 06:52 PM
Not as strong as yours OP

05-31-2023, 09:52 PM
Doods we gotta do something about this hate speech dei stuff. Gotta stop spending money. I still think it ends soon, but holy shit. Imagine wanting to be a victim. Ofc dudes sign away their likeness without a thought. The world is ****ed up.

They legit need at least one trans player in the nba. Guilt them into drafting him number one haha. Oh that’d never happen?? Weird.

Money + brainwashing. Doods paying to get ****ed. Not even in the old way like it’s convenient, but just cuz they dunno what else to do.

We the people. Never forget. The populous is so much more powerful than this shit. It’s time to lay down some ground rules if they want currency. Currency is like a measurement of our time and effort. Gotta be smarter or you’ll be dedicating your life to funding people who say you’re a piece of shit.

Edit: I think there is some truth to the idea nhl n mlb are way whiter and thus more easily forced. It’s a hard time to be white. I feel for u, white ppl. Ofc u can just trans n u gud.


05-31-2023, 09:53 PM
I love the LGTV community.