View Full Version : Adam Silver on Morant “We’ve uncovered a fair amount of additional information.”

06-01-2023, 11:20 PM
“We’ve uncovered a fair amount of additional information. We probably could have brought it to a head now, but we’ve made the decision that it would be unfair to these players and these teams to announce that decision in the middle of this series.”

Uncovered more info? Damn, doesn't look good.

06-01-2023, 11:31 PM
That boys ass about to be clapped

06-01-2023, 11:34 PM
AKA Silver the Snake needs headlines to compensate for this Finals poor ratings and ass kicking. Typical slyyyythery type....

06-01-2023, 11:41 PM
Imagine if Silver (clearly a nebbishy gay dude) behind closed doors expressed a strong interest in a superstar player coming out as LG-BBQ, for the league to use as their poster child for some poorly timed, unrequested LG-BBQ social activism …..

…. Ja ain’t trying to come out, refuses Silver’s plans to utilize Ja as the poster boy for LG-BBQ NBA athletes….. Ja follows suit via overcompensating with fake gully “leaked” pics of him holding pistols, of him inside a strip club covered in fiat bills, on some corny album cover sh!t.

Now silver mad his fellow batty Bwoy won’t play the role they want him too, and is gonna try to destroy him to show him who’s boss….

Whatever the case may be …. This is a terrible look for all involved, Ja, Silver, NBA brand in general.

06-02-2023, 04:03 AM
fake gully “leaked” pics of him holding pistols, of him inside a strip club covered in fiat bills, on some corny album cover sh!t.

Now that you mention it, it does sound like Morant was trying to negate some perception about him.

06-02-2023, 04:17 AM
They are gonna spin this as some kinda redemption story; Morant is gonna be a victim, brave survivor and a hero by the time it's all said and done.

06-02-2023, 05:20 AM
Eh maybe all the additional info helps Ja

06-02-2023, 05:24 AM
AKA Silver the Snake needs headlines to compensate for this Finals poor ratings and ass kicking. Typical slyyyythery type....
Lol get used to it. Morant had it coming to him with his carelessness anyways.

06-02-2023, 06:52 PM
Now that you mention it, it does sound like Morant was trying to negate some perception about him.It was painfully obvious to anyone who is wavy and can read people like books.

I guarantee I could get Ja/Westbrick/all these corny DL batty bwoys in the league to suck my 4-9-3-11. I dunno why teams sign these strange, cancerous, cornballs more interested in self adornment than true excellence & winning.

Richard Jefferson & Antwan Jamison are the only f@gs I ever thought could really fit in and not cause problems on a winning team. RJ is still annoying AF, but he’s intelligent and adaptable, and won’t cause problems with cognitively female tantrums.

06-03-2023, 02:04 AM
That boys ass about to be clapped

Would be wild if dude got suspended for like a year or removed. In some ways, it wouldn't be wrong, but man he is such a talent. Really, tho, given all the violence problems in the world and the continual gun control narrative... I dunno. 2x is kind of wild.


They are gonna spin this as some kinda redemption story; Morant is gonna be a victim, brave survivor and a hero by the time it's all said and done.

is dude even from the streets tho or is he just posing? I mean flaunting a gun while rapping, that's pretty soft imo. Maybe that's not the story, but that's what I remember. He ain't delonte west that's for damn sure.


06-03-2023, 02:14 AM
Posing for pics in a strip club like a virgin and waving a gun around trying to be tough just screams closet gayboi..

The colored braids with perfectly manicured facial hair and eyebrows, cmon this clown is gay af twink.:lol what straight adult man goes on Insta live and that sort of rubbish?

But with silver, why didn’t they just wait a week and announce the punishment when the finals (4-0) is over.. or are the ratings that bad, people have already forgotten about the nba cause Steph and letiny are out ???
Maybe the media should focus on other teams for once instead of fake goat nonsense non stop

06-03-2023, 02:16 AM
uncle diaper wieners
Can't go a single post without dick references. Shew downright obsessed with wieners.

06-03-2023, 02:33 AM
Can't go a single post without dick references. Shew downright obsessed with wieners.

This virgin is obsessed with me:lol

06-03-2023, 02:35 AM
Diaper uncle weiner virgins basement

06-03-2023, 02:36 AM
Diaper uncle weiner virgins basement


Quick log into one of your 50 alts!

06-03-2023, 04:18 AM
This ***** about to get sauteed and banished for the entire season

Kwame Brown was right .... He just a ***** who can jump

And Silver is the ugliest mofo I've seen in a long time ...this bastards countenance gives adults nightmares let alone giving children nightmares .... Why is such an ugly bastard the face of a global sports league ?

06-03-2023, 08:27 AM
Imagine if Silver (clearly a nebbishy gay dude) behind closed doors expressed a strong interest in a superstar player coming out as LG-BBQ, for the league to use as their poster child for some poorly timed, unrequested LG-BBQ social activism …..

…. Ja ain’t trying to come out, refuses Silver’s plans to utilize Ja as the poster boy for LG-BBQ NBA athletes….. Ja follows suit via overcompensating with fake gully “leaked” pics of him holding pistols, of him inside a strip club covered in fiat bills, on some corny album cover sh!t.

Now silver mad his fellow batty Bwoy won’t play the role they want him too, and is gonna try to destroy him to show him who’s boss….

Whatever the case may be …. This is a terrible look for all involved, Ja, Silver, NBA brand in general.
I’ve been saying this

06-03-2023, 09:10 AM
Imagine if Silver (clearly a nebbishy gay dude) behind closed doors expressed a strong interest in a superstar player coming out as LG-BBQ, for the league to use as their poster child for some poorly timed, unrequested LG-BBQ social activism …..

…. Ja ain’t trying to come out, refuses Silver’s plans to utilize Ja as the poster boy for LG-BBQ NBA athletes….. Ja follows suit via overcompensating with fake gully “leaked” pics of him holding pistols, of him inside a strip club covered in fiat bills, on some corny album cover sh!t.

Now silver mad his fellow batty Bwoy won’t play the role they want him too, and is gonna try to destroy him to show him who’s boss….

Whatever the case may be …. This is a terrible look for all involved, Ja, Silver, NBA brand in general.

This actually sounds like a legit theory. NBA wants to use Ja as some type of gay activist type shit and he's not playing by their rules. So they blackmail and frame him into submission. **** that snake silver. Rat bastard he is. Literally has a last name commemorating Judas.

Wardell Curry
06-03-2023, 09:35 AM
Ja Morant is a rectal-rooter no doubt, but you guys up in here thinking the league is blackmailing him because he's gay are absolutely wildin.

06-03-2023, 10:46 AM
Ja Morant is a rectal-rooter no doubt, but you guys up in here thinking the league is blackmailing him because he's gay are absolutely wildin.

Made my morning, actually. lol. We've discussed a lot of conspiracy theories over the years ON ISH, and IMO, the key to a conspiracy theory is having as few assumptions as possible. That has way too many assumptions to be sound. I mean, you can take something wild as ****, but each bunny hop you do, your theory gets more batshit. A lot of dudes here prol don't even believe in 'conspiracies' which is funny cuz shit is happening ALL THE TIME. I dunno if people even know what a conspiracy is haha. But yea, that's a lot of hops m'lad.

Magnets make a lot more sense. That and, to be real, the amount of control people have over these guy's lives is ****ing sad. People talk about black wealth and stuff, but black people generate wealth. If they had some 'personal dignity' clause in contracts that gave you a base %... say half, ideally, that seems fair, of earnings you can reliably prove come back to you, black people would be MASSIVELY WEALTHY. However, they sign on and get to be millionaires, which is cool, but they will never get over the hump.

It's so ridic that dudes think because they got exposure they wouldn't have gotten that it's fair that they get a drop of money, not even real 'bedrock' sort of investment money, while people are able to use their likeness not only as they wish, but cancel their shit, fine them... I mean DUDE HAS A RIGHT TO BE WAVING A GUN AROUND IF HE WANTS? If he has it legal. It's dumb, but whatever. The fact they could void this dude's contract and all of his sponsors and crush him w/ the debt that would be left basically means they have him hostage. And they do for EVERYONE in sports, movie stars, musicians. It's ****ing stupid.

Even if it was base 10%, the wealth would add up over time and go from whitey's hand to the actual money makers. But na, they signed some shit that means NBA can do whatever. THEN they gotta hope to invest it after when they are a living investment that does not see anything close to their value.


06-03-2023, 10:59 AM
Even if it was base 10%, the wealth would add up over time and go from whitey's hand to the actual money makers. But na, they signed some shit that means NBA can do whatever. THEN they gotta hope to invest it after when they are a living investment that does not see anything close to their value.


The NBA is a monopoly. Maybe one day some foreign country will create an alternative like Saudi Arabia did with LIV vs the PGA, and maybe one day the NBA will attract regulator interest the way the PGA is starting to. Until then, what choice do they have?

Patrick Chewing
06-03-2023, 11:17 AM
Would be hilarious to find out that the additional info was that he's actually a gang member like that fool Aaron Hernandez.

06-04-2023, 12:24 PM
Ja Morant is a rectal-rooter no doubt, but you guys up in here thinking the league is blackmailing him because he's gay are absolutely wildin.Its a far fetched theory no doubt.
But I don’t give a damn. It’s fun.
And it’s far fetched, but not impossible.

Take a look at silver physiology, and listen to him speak for 30 seconds, and try to tell me, with a STRAIGHT FACE *rimshot* that that thing operates on the same moral framework and psychological level that we do ….. to understand silver, you have to temporarily step outside your own boundaries and sanity into the mind of some sort of h0mosexu@l alien walking around inside a human body.

And to understand Ja, you just have to understand the last cockhungry yet ashamed PYT you ****ed on the first date. He’s not really some complex set of variables. He’s just a broad.

06-04-2023, 12:27 PM
Really looking forward to this soon.

06-04-2023, 02:56 PM
Ja Morant is a rectal-rooter no doubt, but you guys up in here thinking the league is blackmailing him because he's gay are absolutely wildin.

No blackmail, just two gay dudes.

06-04-2023, 02:59 PM
needs to come to a gun friendly state. and what other state is more gun friendly than AZ? the governor made conceal carry legal :applause: no permit required for that muphucka

come on down Ja, south phoenix is waiting for you if ya tryna to flex your hood points

06-04-2023, 04:15 PM
They're trying to force Morant to become the first trans player. They asked Russel Westbrook but he only does drag.

06-04-2023, 05:45 PM
The NBA is a monopoly. Maybe one day some foreign country will create an alternative like Saudi Arabia did with LIV vs the PGA, and maybe one day the NBA will attract regulator interest the way the PGA is starting to. Until then, what choice do they have?

Not just NBA, but everything in general. I'm talking about the whole idea of 'sign your name here and I get rights to everything you do.' In no way is that ever equal or fair. It's something that was not covered in the constitution because it wasn't an issue yet. On every level there are people making money w/ that blueprint and even, as I said, a small percentage would slowly get the wealth to the 'person.' We're not talking about guys sitting at desks, we are talking about people who are actual products who are sold and even something like royalties can't cover anything close to the amount of money they make.

Like I said, 10%... 5%... you'd be surprised how fast that would add up and that would be a fair 'redistribution of wealth' because... yo... it's the person, like the ACTUAL PERSON, who is making the money. Just because someone produced a poster, it's still a poster of you, and they are buying it because it's you.

Maybe I'm wiggin', and I do think it would get ugly w/ laws and figuring out the details, but even if it was imperfect, it would be a great start to creating actual capital. No matter how much money they give you, if they are making the money and giving you a salary, it will never be equal or even fair.
