View Full Version : Do you feel sports contracts should allow for the difference in state taxes?

06-05-2023, 12:44 PM

Like….should Jokic get whatever his contract would be in a no tax state?

Not for his purposes…just to eliminate it as a factor in free agent decisions.

Players have said they consider such things. Should one front office get a boost due only to state laws?

I know “Should” has no place in business but I’m asking if you feel it would be reasonable.

Steph has paid 40 million to California he wouldn’t have to pay any of in multiple nba states.

If you have a max offer from the Kings and the Magic it could be 30 million less to take the kings identical offer.

That feel right to you if you’re the Kings GM?

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 01:56 PM
Getting that done would be complicated. To truly make it fair you have to take some more money from all the lower tax state teams or else you are making the Warriors pay even more money for this allegedly even playing field. And now you're telling the Magic to pay another 40 million or whatever so that a way over the luxury tax team like Golden State can have a"fair" chance? It would get complicated and there's a lot to disagree with so it's not going to happen.

06-05-2023, 02:01 PM
Kinda evens out anyway, high tax states typically have high revenue teams. If theyre willing to spend, theyre not gonna have a problem finding guys to play there.

If theyre concerned they cant make competitive offers to the absolute top 4 or 5 irreplaceable players they can lobby the state for new tax policies or move the team.

06-05-2023, 02:20 PM
I kinda wonder how European teams do it. They announce the post tax salary but have players in different countries. I guess they just pay the extra but it’s not as significant because the deals are smaller.

06-05-2023, 02:27 PM
I feel like it should factor into the salary cap especially for the Canadian players

06-05-2023, 02:43 PM
if i'm not mistaken they do - when I worked at a disability ins company, we had the Jax Jaguars as an account. we managed the disability approval/payouts and in doing so, validated their payroll for the season. I recall seeing different state taxes as line items for those away games for the particular players that came across our Acct Dept

06-05-2023, 03:13 PM
I kinda wonder how European teams do it. They announce the post tax salary but have players in different countries. I guess they just pay the extra but it’s not as significant because the deals are smaller.

Taxes are high throughout Europe in general tho. Doubt youd have a difference in rate between countries equivalent to the difference between Cali and Texas. At least with regard to major countries with big pro leagues (England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy).

06-05-2023, 03:35 PM
$24.23M: Net Income


Poor Joker only making 24.23M.... somehow I'm not sympathetic. :oldlol:

06-05-2023, 05:24 PM

Poor Joker only making 24.23M.... somehow I'm not sympathetic. :oldlol:

I was really hoping I’d not have to explain this point….

Im not talking about for the players sake. I’m talking about building and keeping a team.

If you’re a fan of a local team making a counter offer to a free agent considering leaving and he gets an extra 10 million for the same face value contract elsewhere because of the state you’re in taking more in taxes….

That feel like a fair fight for your team? You have to use more of your cap to give him the same net salary. Players care about it.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 06:49 PM
I was really hoping I’d not have to explain this point….

Im not talking about for the players sake. I’m talking about building and keeping a team.

If you’re a fan of a local team making a counter offer to a free agent considering leaving and he gets an extra 10 million for the same face value contract elsewhere because of the state you’re in taking more in taxes….

That feel like a fair fight for your team? You have to use more of your cap to give him the same net salary. Players care about it.
This is certainly a factor to be addressed but it doesn't seem to hurt the Knicks Lakers and Nets at all and similarly the Celtics do alright. It seems to be more important that the player gets the ego boost/status symbol/ sign of affection represented by a max contract than the actual dollar amount they receive.

06-05-2023, 07:20 PM
But the league is a lot more than max players. And we can’t really know how teams would have done minus this factor. Could easily be the difference in a role player coming or going.

A guy like Tatum making 300 million is one thing. But a guy like Norman Powell? The covid season playing in Tampa(we kinda all forgot that happened) instead of Toronto?

He took home an extra 900k.

Thats enough money to matter for a role player. Now him in particular went on to sign a good sized deal but many don’t.

It’s a career. If you’re a good young role player trying to make it and put back enough money for life?

You kinda have to lean towards that extra money don’t you? An extra 3 million or so over the life of the deal is probably worth considering for most players isn’t it?

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 07:27 PM
But the league is a lot more than max players. And we can’t really know how teams would have done minus this factor. Could easily be the difference in a role player coming or going.

A guy like Tatum making 300 million is one thing. But a guy like Norman Powell? The covid season playing in Tampa(we kinda all forgot that happened) instead of Toronto?

He took home an extra 900k.

Thats enough money to matter for a role player. Now him in particular went on to sign a good sized deal but many don’t.

It’s a career. If you’re a good young role player trying to make it and put back enough money for life?

You kinda have to lean towards that extra money don’t you? An extra 3 million or so over the life of the deal is probably worth considering for most players isn’t it?
You are certainly pointing out the better business decision but it seems like a lot of players are valuing other factors highly. LA and NY are still the two favorite cities for players to go to in spite of the massive tax disincentive.

06-05-2023, 07:34 PM
I read a retired player explain that on the Knicks you live in Connecticut if you have any sense. Cali wouldn’t really give that option. Teams do try to point it out too. Dallas and Houston both were reported to being it up to Dwight when he was leaving LA. 87 million in Texas is more than 2 million more than a 94 million dollar contract in LA. I remember some rapper(Slim thug maybe) pointing out to Dwight Texas has a cap on child support too.

06-05-2023, 08:12 PM
I read a retired player explain that on the Knicks you live in Connecticut if you have any sense. Cali wouldn’t really give that option. Teams do try to point it out too. Dallas and Houston both were reported to being it up to Dwight when he was leaving LA. 87 million in Texas is more than 2 million more than a 94 million dollar contract in LA. I remember some rapper(Slim thug maybe) pointing out to Dwight Texas has a cap on child support too.


Monta Ellis MVP
06-05-2023, 08:17 PM
It will make it so Californian teams have an even easier time attracting free agents. It would make parity worse.

06-05-2023, 08:38 PM
Do you feel sports contracts should allow for the difference in state taxes?

Well duh of course.

06-05-2023, 09:09 PM
It will make it so Californian teams have an even easier time attracting free agents. It would make parity worse.

California doesn’t even have it worst. Toronto does. Minnesota has a near 10% tax and Miami has zero. As if being Miami isn’t advantage enough. It’s much bigger than California.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 09:15 PM
California doesn’t even have it worst. Toronto does. Minnesota has a near 10% tax and Miami has zero. As if being Miami isn’t advantage enough. It’s much bigger than California.
Miami certainly does well but they really only dominated free agency one year and that was more about the stars wanting to unite than anything. Plus Miami is attractive for reasons beyond taxes as you know. You look at the Heat now and the only big deal signing they got was Jimmy Butler and that had more to do with Philly phucking up, they could and should have kept him but decided instead to prioritize other players.

06-05-2023, 09:21 PM
I’ve been thinking about it and…is Hedo the best player to ever sign in Toronto? Better players have extended existing deals but…is he the only one to go to there by choice?

06-05-2023, 09:28 PM
These guys make $30 mil plus after sponsors and the rest of it a year.

They don’t need any more money. They put a ball in a hoop.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 09:42 PM
I’ve been thinking about it and…is Hedo the best player to ever sign in Toronto? Better players have extended existing deals but…is he the only one to go to there by choice?I can't think of anyone major so maybe?

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2023, 09:46 PM
These guys make $30 mil plus after sponsors and the rest of it a year.

They don’t need any more money. They put a ball in a hoop.
The owners make more and they don't even put the ball in the hoop. They go find someone that understands the game and sit back and count their dollars while other people do the work. You are complaining about capitalism. What people do or don't deserve had nothing to do with anything. Should the entire NBA be free? Because most of those guys would be playing at the park for nothing on random afternoons after work if there was no money to be made. Does that mean that no one deserves anything?

06-28-2023, 05:12 PM

06-28-2023, 05:15 PM
They wanna sign him literally just to trade him later for draft picks :lol

06-28-2023, 05:22 PM
Makes sense. They’re like 30-40 million below the salary floor which they’re paying to their roster no matter if they sign an extra player or not. It’s just bad business. Pay some massive contract for a player who becomes a big expiring deal while good enough to also bring back a pick. Teams aren’t gonna just let that much empty space sit these days. Those end of season checks are too big and getting bigger. But you still have fans of low salary teams looking at the salaries they bring on like “Wtf?”. Hard to ask an owner to pay 30-40 million for literally nothing.

06-28-2023, 06:04 PM
This should be done with every working individuals wage, salary, contract. If federal or state minimum wage is 15 an hour than that should be after taxes not before.