View Full Version : Pay your respects to the REAL MVP!

Im Still Ballin
06-12-2023, 11:25 PM



06-13-2023, 03:52 AM
MVP is a regular season award.

Regular season:

Scoring: Embiid #1, Jokic #18
All-Defensive Team votes: Embiid 15 votes, Jokic 0 votes

06-13-2023, 04:14 AM
MVP is not a scoring title. It's not a two-way player award either. It's literally for the Most. Valuable. Player. Obviously.

Jokic was CLEARLY the regular season MVP.

1. Individual W - L
2. Team W - L, when they are not playing
3. Value Over Replacement Player
4. Box +/-

It's not even close. He was robbed because of a racist agenda led by Kendrick Perkins. Mark Jackson was caught red handed skewing the result.

06-13-2023, 05:59 AM
MVP is not a scoring title. It's not a two-way player award either. It's literally for the Most. Valuable. Player. Obviously.

Jokic was CLEARLY the regular season MVP.

1. Individual W - L
2. Team W - L, when they are not playing
3. Value Over Replacement Player
4. Box +/-

It's not even close. He was robbed because of a racist agenda led by Kendrick Perkins. Mark Jackson was caught red handed skewing the result.

Those are effectively team stats, not individual contribution. The Nuggets base their motion offense on Jokic; they run their plays through him, and their cuts are based on where he is on the court. They emphasize pick and roll with Jokic and Jokic-Murray two way game. So because the system is designed around him, they suffer when he's out. If they chose another offensive system, it's unclear whether his absence would cause the same deficit.

Meanwhile, I called out two stats which are definitively about individual performance. And yes MVP tends to be based on scoring- have a look at past MVPs- in almost every case the MVP lead the league in scoring. Time after time. Check it- if you don't believe me. Why? Because scoring is perhaps the most significant stat referring to individual (not team) performance.

To your argument of being a 2 way player, Jokic got 0 votes for All-Defense.

I didn't realize Kendrick Perkins of all people had the power to influence the journalists who vote for MVP.

06-13-2023, 06:16 AM


Why did the world go away from metal?

I feel like the world went to shit when hip hop was pushed on America instead of metal.

You went from chicks in tight leather pants to fat women twerking.

It's a metaphor for America changed for the worse.

Jokic put the metal back in the NBA tho.

06-13-2023, 07:06 AM
Those are effectively team stats, not individual contribution.

All of those are literally individual stats designed to figure out who the Most.Valuable.Player. is.

I bet your mind can't even process what I'm saying on #1 and #2. If you think those are individual stats, you've got it wrong.

I've been following the NBA MVP betting odds. Jokic was leading all season long. Then Kendrick does his racist hit job, and the whole brotherhood bands together. All of a sudden, we hear "Embiid is dominant" being parotted all over the place. Betting odds took a swing in Embiid's favour too.

Just to help you out, here's some clues.
#1 is not about Philadelphia's record or Denver's record. Embiid did not play in all of those games. Neither did Jokic. What actually happened on games that they played in?

#2 is exactly the opposite of #1. In Embiid's case, Philadelphia was winning anyway without him. In Denver's case, they were lost without Jokic.

It's very clear who the Most.Valuable.Player. was.

06-13-2023, 09:43 AM
I like Joker , because even when he won you could see he was quite modest about his mental joy.

That in it self many NBA players wish they could do.
Only player I can parley with is Tim Duncan.

I will say , doesn't it seem like a long fvck'n season.
(I really think they should some how shorten the season)

06-13-2023, 09:57 AM
All of those are literally individual stats designed to figure out who the Most.Valuable.Player. is.

Re-read what I wrote. Carefully. Don't regress the conversation because you are too lazy to read or due to your incomprehension.

06-13-2023, 10:01 AM
MVP is a regular season award.

Regular season:

Scoring: Embiid #1, Jokic #18
All-Defensive Team votes: Embiid 15 votes, Jokic 0 votes

OP didnt say anything about an award.

He said the real MVP. The actual most VALUABLE player in basketball.

That’s Nikola Jokic. And youre seething about it :roll:

06-13-2023, 10:03 AM
I like Joker , because even when he won you could see he was quite modest about his mental joy.

That in it self many NBA players wish they could do.
Only player I can parley with is Tim Duncan.

I will say , doesn't it seem like a long fvck'n season.
(I really think they should some how shorten the season)

I like that aspect of his personality.

But he wasn't so humble when he blindsided tackled another NBA player, ramming him with all 280 lbs when that player had his back turned to Jokic, causing serious neck injury, putting the player on the injured list for FOUR months.

The NBA, in turn, fined the injured player (not Jokic) and suspended Jokic only one game. It's easy to be humble when you know the league has your back.

Other players know to back off because Jokic can literally assault you and face little consequence from the league.

06-13-2023, 10:05 AM
Philly was 11-5 in the regular season, 2-0 in the playoffs without the actual MVP. The REAL MVP elevates his teammates. The actual MVP....not so much.

06-13-2023, 10:05 AM
I like that aspect of his personality.

But he wasn't so humble when he blindsided tackled another NBA player, ramming him with all 280 lbs when that player had his back turned to Jokic, causing serious neck injury, putting the player on the injured list for FOUR months.

The NBA, in turn, fined the injured player (not Jokic) and suspended Jokic only one game. It's easy to be humble when you know the league has your back.

Other players know to back off because Jokic can literally assault you and face little consequence from the league.

You are pathetic. Jokic received a cheap shot so he responded.

06-13-2023, 10:07 AM
I like that aspect of his personality.

But he wasn't so humble when he blindsided tackled another NBA player, ramming him with all 280 lbs when that player had his back turned to Jokic, causing serious neck injury, putting the player on the injured list for FOUR months.

The NBA, in turn, fined the injured player (not Jokic) and suspended Jokic only one game. It's easy to be humble when you know the league has your back.

Other players know to back off because Jokic can literally assault you and face little consequence from the league.

That is an idiotic take even by your standards. Jokic was just casually bringing the ball up the court when Morris ran across the court and cheap shotted him. Of course Jokic responded. Pretty much every former player i saw commenting on that said Jokic was perfectly justified drilling Morris after that.

06-13-2023, 10:12 AM
Embiid should give Jokic his MVP award. IDGAF if voters are tired of giving the same guy the award year after year; if he's clearly the best in each of those years, he's the rightful owner of that award. Karl Malone knows this too.

06-13-2023, 10:13 AM

06-13-2023, 10:16 AM
You are pathetic. Jokic received a cheap shot so he responded.

He responded disproportionately. Watch the play again. Morris was going for foul to stop the fast break (this was before the NBA instituted the "Take Foul" rule). As Morris ran to Jokic to foul, if you watch the video, Jokic actually accelerated forward to get past Morris but ended up getting close to colliding into him; at this point Morris has to put his arms up to prevent them from colliding.

Jokic suffered no injury and no serious harm from the contact. The degree of force he used was far more severe.

There is no universe where it's acceptable to dole out an attack that causes a 4 month injury because someone bumped you too hard.

06-13-2023, 10:17 AM
Guys, bdonovan clearly suffers from a lot of mental anguish and turmoil. Go easy on him. There is bitterness and inadequacy in his heart. Maybe we should just leave him be.

06-13-2023, 10:17 AM
I like Joker , because even when he won you could see he was quite modest about his mental joy.

That in it self many NBA players wish they could do.
Only player I can parley with is Tim Duncan.

I will say , doesn't it seem like a long fvck'n season.
(I really think they should some how shorten the season)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es9sAfTXlTY confirms what I stated...

06-13-2023, 10:20 AM
That is an idiotic take even by your standards. Jokic was just casually bringing the ball up the court when Morris ran across the court and cheap shotted him. Of course Jokic responded. Pretty much every former player i saw commenting on that said Jokic was perfectly justified drilling Morris after that.

I will dignify your response even though you stooped to ad hominem.

To clarify: Morris was going to foul Jokic to stop the fast break (this was before the NBA instituted the "Take Foul" rule). As Morris ran to Jokic to foul, if you watch the video, Jokic actually accelerated forward to get past Morris but ended up getting close to colliding into him; at this point Morris has to put his arms up to prevent the from colliding.

Watch the video closely, without bias. There is absolutely no cause for a hit as vicious as the one Jokic gave Morris. In your book, a felony is justified by a misdemeanor. It only "worked" that way because the front-office chose to give Jokic a pass.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy8T53X_fx0 - video of Jokic/Morris

If anyone thinks the bump by Morris justifies a blind side tackle causing a severe neck injury that lasts 4 months, I have nothing to say.

06-13-2023, 10:25 AM
Bdonovan is like the anti Jokic.

Insecure, petty, needing to PLEAD with people to admit something that isnt true, to satisfy his need for a more comforting reality. Rather than secure with the self evident nature of the truth and content to let people recognize it organically without force feeding a narrative in self serving fashion.

Hats off to Nikola :applause:

06-13-2023, 10:28 AM
He responded disproportionately. Watch the play again. Morris was going for foul to stop the fast break (this was before the NBA instituted the "Take Foul" rule). As Morris ran to Jokic to foul, if you watch the video, Jokic actually accelerated forward to get past Morris but ended up getting close to colliding into him; at this point Morris has to put his arms up to prevent them from colliding.

Jokic suffered no injury and no serious harm from the contact. The degree of force he used was far more severe.

There is no universe where it's acceptable to dole out an attack that causes a 4 month injury because someone bumped you too hard.

:roll: @ this clown. Miami was down 17 with 2:39 left. Why exactly was Morris trying to stop the break? :facepalm


It was a blatant cheap shot pure and simple. He deliberately ran across the court to drill Jokic who had already picked up his dribble and was trying to pass.

06-13-2023, 10:29 AM
MVP is a regular season award.

Regular season:

Scoring: Embiid #1, Jokic #18
All-Defensive Team votes: Embiid 15 votes, Jokic 0 votes

How many FMVP's does Embiid have?

06-13-2023, 11:11 AM
:roll: @ this clown. Miami was down 17 with 2:39 left. Why exactly was Morris trying to stop the break? :facepalm


It was a blatant cheap shot pure and simple. He deliberately ran across the court to drill Jokic who had already picked up his dribble and was trying to pass.

It doesn't matter why Morris was trying to stop the break; you compete until the game is over; the point is he was trying to stop the fast break and did.

As to why he ran across the court to foul Jokic of all people, you have to foul the ball-handler. This was before the Take Foul rule.

I noticed you tried to talk past the fact Jokic used disproportionate force.

Unless you have any coherent counter-argument, I've proved the point.

06-13-2023, 11:12 AM
How many FMVP's does Embiid have?

Jokic is the REAL fMVP.

06-13-2023, 11:21 AM
It doesn't matter why Morris was trying to stop the break; you compete until the game is over; the point is he was trying to stop the fast break and did.

I noticed you tried to talk past the fact Jokic used disproportionate force.

Unless you have any coherent counter-argument, I've proved the point.

Nonsense. Morris literally ran across the court and drilled Jokic who had picked up the ball and was holding it over his head when he got hit. Your "acceleration" scenario is just a fabrication. Everyone who saw it and has a clue about basketball can admit that was a cheap shot. If you can't acknowlege that was an obvious cheap shot by Morris that is a you problem. There was not a basketball play at all, it was a cheap shot in garbage time.

Jokic only took two steps before drilling Morris. It was Morris' fault for turning his back. If he didn't turn his back he wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Both Shaq and Barkley flat out said that they liked what Jokic did. They also said that what Morris did wasn't a basketball play. You can foul a player without drilling them.

You can't post any commentary from anyone who says what Morris did wasn't a cheap shot. That is just your revisionist history which is pretty ridiculous when there is a video.