View Full Version : It happened, someone debated 3bot and the bot ran out of copy and paste material

07-12-2023, 10:58 PM
gg.. I'm out...



07-12-2023, 11:01 PM
i still rmbr when he admitted lebron was the goat in 2020 during the height of covid

07-12-2023, 11:11 PM

Spurs m8
07-12-2023, 11:18 PM
This little Mexican is starting ANOTHER 3ball thread.

What a sad little cvnt

07-13-2023, 12:19 AM
i still rmbr when he admitted lebron was the goat in 2020 during the height of covid

07-13-2023, 12:24 AM
3ball knew LeBron was goat way back in the early 2000’s

07-13-2023, 12:25 AM
This little Mexican is starting ANOTHER 3ball thread.

What a sad little cvnt

What do you think of 3ball calling Wemby "overhyped and overrated"?

Jimmy Rustler
07-13-2023, 06:47 AM
It happened.

Low IQ, insecure OP, the guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is, started yet ANOTHER thread about 3ball. :roll:

07-13-2023, 08:41 PM
It happened.

Low IQ, insecure OP, the guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is, started yet ANOTHER thread about 3ball. :roll:

ok Full Court :lol

Full Court
07-13-2023, 08:55 PM
ok Full Court :lol


07-13-2023, 09:51 PM
The 3ball followers are not taking this well. You have already seen a bunch of them throwing tantrums.

Full Court
07-13-2023, 10:22 PM
The 3ball followers are not taking this well. You have already seen a bunch of them throwing tantrums.

Says the guy who had such a bitch fit that he started an entire thread about it. :lol

Nice try, Dudley the Dodo.

07-13-2023, 10:33 PM
Says the guy who had such a bitch fit that he started an entire thread about it. :lol

Nice try, Dudley the Dodo.

Full court when his hero 3ball was getting destroyed by peja...

^Who knows how many hours this guy spent typing pages and pages of text.

And he thinks he got some kind of "victory." :roll:

Hey, how you spend your time is up to you. If you want to spend it typing 30 pages of nonsense, you go for it.
Butthurt on full display. :lol

Keep in mind this is the same guy who spends typing 30 pages of nonsense calling another poster a "dingus"

Full Court
07-13-2023, 10:36 PM
Full court when his hero 3ball was getting destroyed by peja...

Butthurt on full display. :lol

Keep in mind this is the same guy who spends typing 30 pages of nonsense calling another poster a "dingus"

Bronie fluffer in a bitch fit.

So normal day. Keep crying, Dudley.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F9e10d cacd2226e3f64209cbc5ebd13cd%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10647085&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0d547d9330989a54803eea91694e609f8dc35ec70b5f59 b95d374b744fbf34dd&ipo=images

07-13-2023, 10:37 PM
Full court when his hero 3ball was getting destroyed by peja...

Butthurt on full display. :lol

Keep in mind this is the same guy who spends typing 30 pages of nonsense calling another poster a "dingus"




Full Court
07-13-2023, 10:38 PM



^Spot on.

I've trained you guys well.

07-13-2023, 10:39 PM
Full court trying to wake up 3ball after the brutal beating he got.


07-13-2023, 11:09 PM
Full court trying to wake up 3ball after the brutal beating he got.


Holy shit that's classic :roll::roll::roll:

Literally lolled irl

07-13-2023, 11:13 PM
Holy shit that's classic :roll::roll::roll:

Literally lolled irl

Notice how he logged off right after I posted that, which he does all the time. Dude is thinking of something to say, but will most likely comeback with his usual "bitch fit", "advanced stat". It's always the same material. :lol

Full Court
07-14-2023, 06:36 AM
Notice how he logged off right after I posted that, which he does all the time. Dude is thinking of something to say, but will most likely comeback with his usual "bitch fit", "advanced stat". It's always the same material. :lol

"bitch fit"...yep, you've been having them ever since your hero got swept like a dirty chimney.

"advanced stat"...yep, you still have no clue what one is. :roll: LOW IQ.

This entire thread shows how emotionally fragile you are. I mean, there's a lot of emotionally fragile posters on here: you, Lebron23, SATAN, Axe, etc., and yet you're the only one who whined about someone stealing a gif from you. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmma-user-upload.mixedmartialarts.com%2F2019-01%2Fblack-kid-gif-2.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ae4e680e4f6228952ace83d33a539a32882a24892a2727 fe81845d574147981d&ipo=images

07-14-2023, 08:49 AM
Full court trying to wake up 3ball after the brutal beating he got.


From 46 to 51 seconds or so we see the usual reaction to a Full Court post. :oldlol:

07-14-2023, 09:42 AM

07-14-2023, 09:44 AM


thats crazy lol

he pummeled him into submission

07-14-2023, 03:40 PM

Speaks about others being 'emotionally fragile' but easily got butthurt by a post from another thread weeks ago. :confusedshrug: :roll:

Full Court
07-14-2023, 05:28 PM
Speaks about others being 'emotionally fragile' but easily got butthurt by a post from another thread weeks ago. :confusedshrug: :roll:

Stinky boy being butthurt again. :lol

Autistic AND stinky.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.womensunitedonline.com%2Fshekn ows.ca%2Farticle-downloads%2Fautism_infographic.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=3d825af8c4b49ad04dd373fee3411b63f4f540cb3c93b2 f99da3f86e089b962d&ipo=images

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FiF7YST IyPdhoccP5yQ%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c7611b125f1a5441b8cae0f41fbf58d07e5d1b2f166cf8 c53b506a68efcdf75e&ipo=images

Full Court
07-14-2023, 05:29 PM
From 46 to 51 seconds or so we see the usual reaction to a Full Court post. :oldlol:

^Beezleblubber in a bitch fit.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F9e10d cacd2226e3f64209cbc5ebd13cd%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10647085&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0d547d9330989a54803eea91694e609f8dc35ec70b5f59 b95d374b744fbf34dd&ipo=images

07-14-2023, 05:36 PM
Imagine being braindead while apparently lacking the chromosomes to function properly. That's why it's not surprising that having some form of self-awareness is simply too advanced for him. :hammerhead:

And he confirms it everytime he quotes my posts. :lebronamazed:

Full Court
07-14-2023, 05:40 PM
Imagine being braindead while apparently lacking the chromosomes to function properly. That's why it's not surprising that having some form of self-awareness is simply too advanced for him. :hammerhead:

And he confirms it everytime he quotes my posts. :lebronamazed:

Dead roses turn black

Dry violets turn brown

Axe is autistic

And a stinky clown


07-14-2023, 05:42 PM

Full Court
07-14-2023, 05:44 PM
Found out what Axe's real name is. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.spreadshirtmedia.com%2Fimag e-server%2Fv1%2Fcompositions%2F16198374%2Fviews%2F1% 2Cwidth%3D300%2Cheight%3D300%2CappearanceId%3D203% 2Cversion%3D1452254899%2Fturquoise-stinky-poo-t-shirts-men-s-t-shirt-by-american-apparel.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e2e89968d905af150d7a72d2a80cbdada408a5384ecb9b fe709e1ae8331565fb&ipo=images

07-14-2023, 05:49 PM

Full Court
07-14-2023, 06:52 PM
I'm actually doing society quite a favor.

The more I keep autistic Axe occupied on here, the less time he's out stinking up his community. :lol

Full Court
07-14-2023, 06:56 PM
I'm actually doing society quite a favor.

The more I keep autistic Axe occupied on here, the less time he's out stinking up his community. :lol



07-14-2023, 06:57 PM
Autistic jizzrag quotes and praises himself to prove how autistic he really is. :applause:

Full Court
07-14-2023, 06:58 PM
I'm actually doing society quite a favor.

The more I keep autistic Axe occupied on here, the less time he's out stinking up his community. :lol


Stink boy's community should be VERY grateful to me. :lol

07-14-2023, 06:59 PM

In a finals game nonetheless.

Now cry about it, OP. :lol

'hUrRr, lEbRoN aNd jOkEr, tWo pLaYeRs fRoM dIfFeReNt wEsTeRn tEaMs, pLaYeD iN tHe nBa fInAlS aGaInSt eAcH oThEr tHiS yEaR, dUrRr'


Full Court
07-14-2023, 07:03 PM

'hUrRr, lEbRoN aNd jOkEr, tWo pLaYeRs fRoM dIfFeReNt wEsTeRn tEaMs, pLaYeD iN tHe nBa fInAlS aGaInSt eAcH oThEr tHiS yEaR, dUrRr'


I see my video really upset the autistic Bronie fluffer.

Never saw that coming.


07-14-2023, 07:05 PM

In a finals game nonetheless.

Now cry about it, OP. :lol
Lol i can't wait for op to see this. Redneck jizzrag exposes himself as a low iq dumbass once again. :roll:

Full Court
07-14-2023, 07:09 PM
Lol i can't wait for op to see this. Redneck jizzrag exposes himself as a low iq dumbass once again. :roll:

I can't wait for OP to see this too.

1987_Dudley and stinky Axe. Two of the biggest losers on this forum. :roll:

The funny thing is, even Dudley the Bronie fluffer doesn't like you.


07-14-2023, 07:13 PM

Even the forum gods here have shown that they don't like him at all. And he still has the audacity to bring up who dislikes who. :confusedshrug:

What a braindead moron lol.

Full Court
07-14-2023, 08:56 PM
I'm actually doing society quite a favor.

The more I keep autistic Axe occupied on here, the less time he's out stinking up his community. :lol

^That's a true humanitarian right there. :roll:

07-14-2023, 09:06 PM
thats crazy lol

he pummeled him into submissionhttps://i.ibb.co/rGTfpKq/IMG-20230312-120638.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/4jXCHDS/IMG-20230603-203918.jpg)
Andrew macfarlane is in shambles once again

07-14-2023, 11:07 PM


07-20-2023, 09:22 PM
3ball has been missing for like 5 days or so. Sources say he is still recovering in the hospital.

Full Court
07-20-2023, 09:49 PM
3ball has been missing for like 5 days or so. Sources say he is still recovering in the hospital.

So he hasn't been on this board for almost a week...and yet you still can't get him out of your head, can you. :roll:

Heard any good moon conspiracies lately?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmma-user-upload.mixedmartialarts.com%2F2019-01%2Fblack-kid-gif-2.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6285183d7e9a9ba6d5d9c0bd40529c9b6976049d3df16f 740f7caf79849159c1&ipo=images

07-20-2023, 09:56 PM

Sources also tell me full court is standing by his side trying to wake him up from his coma.

Full Court
07-20-2023, 10:38 PM
Sources also tell me full court is standing by his side trying to wake him up from his coma.

Have you learned what an advanced stat is yet? No? Then I still can't take you seriously.

Casual. :lol

07-20-2023, 10:52 PM
Have you learned what an advanced stat is yet? No? Then I still can't take you seriously.

Casual. :lol

" basic +-" is an advanced stat" - full court

Amazing that you always have to remind people of your fvck ups and act like it was other people who fcked up. I still remember in that epic thread where you didn't know what an advanced stat was, you actually provided an article to prove to all of us "basic +-" was an advanced stats while not realizing the article you linked was talking about BPM (box plus/minus), which is not the plus/minus you were talking about. Talk about backfire. :lol

Do you like reminding people of how much of a fool you are?

07-21-2023, 12:58 AM
" basic +-" is an advanced stat" - full court

Amazing that you always have to remind people of your fvck ups and act like it was other people who fcked up. I still remember in that epic thread where you didn't know what an advanced stat was, you actually provided an article to prove to all of us "basic +-" was an advanced stats while not realizing the article you linked was talking about BPM (box plus/minus), which is not the plus/minus you were talking about. Talk about backfire. :lol

Do you like reminding people of how much of a fool you are?

Naw, he defects by screaming 'Bronie!" Followed by a meme a 5 year old will post

07-21-2023, 01:28 AM
Naw, he defects by screaming 'Bronie!" Followed by a meme a 5 year old will post

07-21-2023, 01:31 AM


07-21-2023, 01:37 AM
Let's say that I post that 2+2=4 and Peja responds with walls of text that say it actually equals 5 (he would actually do that)

Am I supposed to respond to that?.. If I list 10 good players that cratered alongside Lebron, am I supposed to get into the weeds with him on his excuses for each guy?... I don't have to make excuses for Jordan because he didn't crater anyone - he didn't turn anyone into spot-up shooter...

So all that matters is that a bunch of guys cratered alongside Lebron and no one did alongside Jordan.. And when we analyze why Lebron cratered guys, the eye test and stats show that his skillset turns guys into spot-up shooter

If you guys can't accept this bball 101, then real basketball discussion is hopeless because no one will accept bad qualities in their guy - they will go into a form of denial like Peja.. if no one can admit basic and obvious things like a ball-dominator turning guys into spot-up shooter - then it's just silly games and a denial competition

07-21-2023, 03:34 AM
Let's say that I post that 2+2=4 and Peja responds with walls of text that say it actually equals 5 (he would actually do that)

Examples? Quotes?

Am I supposed to respond to that?..

That would be a welcome departure from the current state of affairs, where the tactics literally include doctoring my words and then responding to the doctored version:

You manually changed the quote.

Here is what I said:

Here is what you changed it to:


So we've progressed even past you merely not reading, responding to, or evading my arguments (all of which you also do, still).

You are now even altering the things I'm saying.

…deranged stuff.

If I list 10 good players that cratered alongside Lebron, am I supposed to get into the weeds with him on his excuses for each guy?...

Which ones are excuses? Why? Examples? Quotes?

If you guys can't accept this bball 101, then real basketball discussion is hopeless because no one will accept bad qualities in their guy - they will go into a form of denial like Peja.. if no one can admit basic and obvious things like a ball-dominator turning guys into spot-up shooter - then it's just silly games and a denial competition

I have offered many times to prove definitely that LeBron isn’t “my guy” - with receipts dating back weeks, months, and years, on other platforms as well as this one. I’ve asked you to define a reasonable standard of proof, one which we both agree on. Multiple people that can corroborate, with all of them needing to agree that the standard was or wasn’t met. The terms of this bet are that the loser takes a 6-month break from the site.

And you can’t even quote this. You will never quote it, because even acknowledging it will invite further pressure to at least give a concrete answer as to why you won’t bet.

So that ends any discussions concerning “denial”. I’m willing to prove you lied about me. You desperately want to deny that I’m taking you to task and will do anything to erase these last few weeks. Won’t happen, no matter how hard you wish.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 06:58 AM
" basic +-" is an advanced stat" - full court

Amazing that you always have to remind people of your fvck ups and act like it was other people who fcked up. I still remember in that epic thread where you didn't know what an advanced stat was, you actually provided an article to prove to all of us "basic +-" was an advanced stats while not realizing the article you linked was talking about BPM (box plus/minus), which is not the plus/minus you were talking about. Talk about backfire. :lol

Do you like reminding people of how much of a fool you are?

It is, and I clearly proved it. You, on the other hand, being the low IQ punching bag that you are, had no rebuttal at all except for, "Bu-bu-bu-bu-but it's NOT an advanced stat because I don't think it is."

Lol. Definitely outed yourself as a fool. And yes, I'll keep reminding you of it.

You're one of those idiots who figured out how to use basketball-reference, and then tries to use "advanced stats" to sound like you actually understand basketball. Sorry, it doesn't work, homie. :lol

Full Court
07-21-2023, 06:59 AM

Ahhhhhhh, my favorite Axe gif. :roll:

07-21-2023, 08:57 AM
It is, and I clearly proved it. You, on the other hand, being the low IQ punching bag that you are, had no rebuttal at all except for, "Bu-bu-bu-bu-but it's NOT an advanced stat because I don't think it is."

Lol. Definitely outed yourself as a fool. And yes, I'll keep reminding you of it.

You're one of those idiots who figured out how to use basketball-reference, and then tries to use "advanced stats" to sound like you actually understand basketball. Sorry, it doesn't work, homie. :lol

So the whole advanced stat thing you keep bringing up is an old argument about whether or no +/- is one…?

07-21-2023, 09:23 AM
Naw, he defects by screaming 'Bronie!" Followed by a meme a 5 year old will post

07-21-2023, 09:42 AM
So the whole advanced stat thing you keep bringing up is an old argument about whether or no +/- is one…?

Nba.com has it listed under basic/traditional stat but this guy continued to argue otherwise even though everyone in the entire thread pointed that out. He gets so embarrassed that he tries to mask his fvck ups onto other people. Just a few weeks ago he said Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster.

07-21-2023, 09:46 AM
Nba.com has it listed under basic/traditional stat but this guy continued to argue otherwise even though everyone in the entire thread pointed that out. He gets so embarrassed that he tries to mask his fvck ups onto other people. Just a few weeks ago he said Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster.

Maybe he read it on Breitbart :lol

07-21-2023, 10:03 AM
Nba.com has it listed under basic/traditional stat but this guy continued to argue otherwise even though everyone in the entire thread pointed that out. He gets so embarrassed that he tries to mask his fvck ups onto other people. Just a few weeks ago he said Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster.

Yea an advanced stat is typically anything that requires a formula. Simple addition/subtraction (which is what +/- is)/division/multiplication isn't that.

Standard +/- is no more advanced than FT%.

07-21-2023, 10:19 AM
You cant expect somebody to keep riding a carousel with a nitpicking lunatic who wakes up in the middle of the night to write dissertations that are autistic in nature.

Snippy poo is basically trying to "out crazy" 3ball and he's actually pretty good at it. :lol Because he has an autistic level of debate stamina. Most normal people would drop a specific debate in a thread after a few back and forths.

It takes an obsessive personality to the max to do what those two did. A mental disorder basically.

07-21-2023, 10:57 AM
LOL get fvcked 3bot

Full Court
07-21-2023, 12:46 PM
Nba.com has it listed under basic/traditional stat but this guy continued to argue otherwise even though everyone in the entire thread pointed that out. He gets so embarrassed that he tries to mask his fvck ups onto other people. Just a few weeks ago he said Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster.

The funny thing is that you've had months to come up with an intelligent rebuttal, yet you have failed to do so. Two reasons for that.

1. You are not smart.
2. I am right.

But if you had some intelligence you would at least be able to put up a good argument, even being wrong.

But you're also the guy that used TOM BRADY as your argument for why Lebron is not a choker. :roll:

Full Court
07-21-2023, 12:47 PM
Yea an advanced stat is typically anything that requires a formula. Simple addition/subtraction (which is what +/- is)/division/multiplication isn't that.

Standard +/- is no more advanced than FT%.

Not true. Good try though.

07-21-2023, 12:50 PM
Not true. Good try though.

What's not true?

07-21-2023, 12:53 PM
You cant expect somebody to keep riding a carousel with a nitpicking lunatic who wakes up in the middle of the night to write dissertations that are autistic in nature.

Snippy poo is basically trying to "out crazy" 3ball and he's actually pretty good at it. :lol Because he has an autistic level of debate stamina. Most normal people would drop a specific debate in a thread after a few back and forths.

It takes an obsessive personality to the max to do what those two did. A mental disorder basically.
Boiling someone outlasted your hero :roll:

07-21-2023, 01:02 PM
The funny thing is that you've had months to come up with an intelligent rebuttal, yet you have failed to do so. Two reasons for that.

1. You are not smart.
2. I am right.

But if you had some intelligence you would at least be able to put up a good argument, even being wrong.

But you're also the guy that used TOM BRADY as your argument for why Lebron is not a choker. :roll:

You got a literal screenshot in that thread of someone showing you plus/minus was listed as a basic stat, but you still think it's an advanced stat. There is no point in arguing at that point, it's like trying to convince someone that the sky is blue.

But I enjoyed revealing to people why you always go around saying "advanced stat". :lol

07-21-2023, 01:06 PM
But you're also the guy that used TOM BRADY as your argument for why Lebron is not a choker. :roll:

Yes, I gave you the perfect example. You said LeBron has had more bad playoff games than anyone in history which makes him a choker. I simply said you are ignoring the context that LeBron has also played more playoff games in NBA history than any other player and I used Tom Brady as an example, a guy who's also played more playoff games than his peers and listed his "bad games" and simply asked you if that makes him a choker as well.

You simply didn't know how to respond to this and went back to posting like you usually do, which is childish trolling.

So everytime you go around saying "Advanced stat" "Tom Brady", it's a reminder to everyone how badly you embarrassed yourself. And I didn't even mention how you go around saying "Sabonis" because you didn't know who Arvydas Sabonis was.

07-21-2023, 01:12 PM
You cant expect somebody to keep riding a carousel with a nitpicking lunatic who wakes up in the middle of the night to write dissertations that are autistic in nature.

Like clockwork, the #2 cheerleader comes out of the woodwork. #1 warriorbride will follow suit soon.

No “dissertations” left. All exhausted weeks ago. All I have to do is bump them for your boy to scurry away. I also live on the west coast.

Snippy poo

You still can’t stop talking about the function of my balls. Maybe get that addressed. I’ll never show them to you - sorry dawg.

is basically trying to "out crazy" 3ball and he's actually pretty good at it. :lol Because he has an autistic level of debate stamina. Most normal people would drop a specific debate in a thread after a few back and forths.

Never seen someone get so upset about another man not being able to support his basketball opinions.

We’re not political operatives here. At least get paid to jock-ride.

It takes an obsessive personality to the max to do what those two did. A mental disorder basically.

See you in a day or two as you continue the pattern of 3ball apologia, getting put in your place, hanging your head, and then rebooting enough to throw some more rabbit punches.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 04:40 PM
What's not true?

That advanced stats require a formula and simple stats do not. Even calculating something as simple as free throw % involves a formula, albeit a very simple one. a+b=c is a formula.

07-21-2023, 04:55 PM
That advanced stats require a formula and simple stats do not. Even calculating something as simple as free throw % involves a formula, albeit a very simple one. a+b=c is a formula.

You’re right, I should have said advanced formula (I.e advanced statistic). But given that, FT% is even more advanced than +/- since division is more advanced than subtraction.

You’re stuck to arguing semantics because you know I’m right.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 08:10 PM
Yes, I gave you the perfect example. You said LeBron has had more bad playoff games than anyone in history which makes him a choker. I simply said you are ignoring the context that LeBron has also played more playoff games in NBA history than any other player and I used Tom Brady as an example, a guy who's also played more playoff games than his peers and listed his "bad games" and simply asked you if that makes him a choker as well.

You simply didn't know how to respond to this and went back to posting like you usually do, which is childish trolling.

So everytime you go around saying "Advanced stat" "Tom Brady", it's a reminder to everyone how badly you embarrassed yourself. And I didn't even mention how you go around saying "Sabonis" because you didn't know who Arvydas Sabonis was.

Seeing how you're unable to even define an advanced stat, continuing to argue with me about it just makes you look stupider and stupider. You've had months to show that you've learned what an advanced stat is, and yet you're STILL unable to even define it.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 08:18 PM
You’re right, I should have said advanced formula (I.e advanced statistic). But given that, FT% is even more advanced than +/- since division is more advanced than subtraction.

You’re stuck to arguing semantics because you know I’m right.

I've explained it before, and it went way over the Bronie fluffers' heads, but I'll explain it one more time to you just in case you missed it before.

An advanced stat describes the interrelationship between or greater context of two or more stats or data sets. In most cases, this requires more complex math than with simple stats, but not always.

So ppg is a simple stat. It's a count of the number of points a player scores. Points per minute is a simple stat. It is points divided by minutes played. The overall game score is a simple stat. It's a comparison of both teams' points scored.

+/- is an advanced stat because it describes the relationship between multiple stats: A player's points scored, and both teams' game score during the minutes that player was on the court. The math invovled in this particular stat is not complex, but by definition it is an advanced stat.

Now 1987_Dudley will still cry no it's not just because he's too dumb to concede that he's wrong, but this should clear it up for people who have functioning brains.

07-21-2023, 08:55 PM
I've explained it before, and it went way over the Bronie fluffers' heads, but I'll explain it one more time to you just in case you missed it before.

An advanced stat describes the interrelationship between or greater context of two or more stats or data sets. In most cases, this requires more complex math than with simple stats, but not always.

So ppg is a simple stat. It's a count of the number of points a player scores. Points per minute is a simple stat. It is points divided by minutes played. The overall game score is a simple stat. It's a comparison of both teams' points scored.

+/- is an advanced stat because it describes the relationship between multiple stats: A player's points scored, and both teams' game score during the minutes that player was on the court. The math invovled in this particular stat is not complex, but by definition it is an advanced stat.

Now 1987_Dudley will still cry no it's not just because he's too dumb to concede that he's wrong, but this should clear it up for people who have functioning brains.


07-21-2023, 09:02 PM
I've explained it before, and it went way over the Bronie fluffers' heads, but I'll explain it one more time to you just in case you missed it before.

An advanced stat describes the interrelationship between or greater context of two or more stats or data sets. In most cases, this requires more complex math than with simple stats, but not always.

So ppg is a simple stat. It's a count of the number of points a player scores. Points per minute is a simple stat. It is points divided by minutes played. The overall game score is a simple stat. It's a comparison of both teams' points scored.

+/- is an advanced stat because it describes the relationship between multiple stats: A player's points scored, and both teams' game score during the minutes that player was on the court. The math invovled in this particular stat is not complex, but by definition it is an advanced stat.

Now 1987_Dudley will still cry no it's not just because he's too dumb to concede that he's wrong, but this should clear it up for people who have functioning brains.
Are you seriously not aware a players plus minus being good or bad doesn’t require them to score? :hammerhead:

07-21-2023, 09:22 PM
Are you seriously not aware a players plus minus being good or bad doesn’t require them to score? :hammerhead:

This is why he sticks to childish trolling, the more he tries to talk ball, the more he exposes himself.

07-21-2023, 09:54 PM
I've explained it before, and it went way over the Bronie fluffers' heads, but I'll explain it one more time to you just in case you missed it before.

An advanced stat describes the interrelationship between or greater context of two or more stats or data sets. In most cases, this requires more complex math than with simple stats, but not always.

So ppg is a simple stat. It's a count of the number of points a player scores. Points per minute is a simple stat. It is points divided by minutes played. The overall game score is a simple stat. It's a comparison of both teams' points scored.

+/- is an advanced stat because it describes the relationship between multiple stats: A player's points scored, and both teams' game score during the minutes that player was on the court. The math invovled in this particular stat is not complex, but by definition it is an advanced stat.

Now 1987_Dudley will still cry no it's not just because he's too dumb to concede that he's wrong, but this should clear it up for people who have functioning brains.

Dude +/- is the points a team scores while a player is on the court minus the points they allow. That’s literally it.

There are several different variations of it that are more involved (real, box, net, etc.), and perhaps you’re conflating those with the standard version.

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt when perhaps I shouldn’t.

07-21-2023, 10:07 PM


Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:28 PM
Dude +/- is the points a team scores while a player is on the court minus the points they allow. That’s literally it.

There are several different variations of it that are more involved (real, box, net, etc.), and perhaps you’re conflating those with the standard version.

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt when perhaps I shouldn’t.

I was typing fast, and made an error. A player's PPG doesn't factor into +/-. The point still stands though. Whether you accept it or not, don't care.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:29 PM
This is why he sticks to childish trolling, the more he tries to talk ball, the more he exposes himself.

Until you educate yourself enough to define advanced stat, won't take you seriously.

TOM BRADY :roll:

07-21-2023, 10:31 PM
I was typing fast, and made an error.

Yeaaaaaaa, sure bud.


Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:33 PM
Yeaaaaaaa, sure bud.


Unlike Bronie fluffers, I actually admit when I make a mistake.

You on the other hand, still have not made a single intelligent point as to why +/- is not an advanced stat.

Because you can't.

Dudley. :lol

07-21-2023, 10:39 PM
Add it to the list boys.

"Plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scored"
"Wilt had empty stats, but still top 3 ever because of stats"
"80's MJ was empty stats"
'91 ECF which was a 4-0 sweep was just as competitive as the '87 ECF which went 7 games"
"Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster"

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:41 PM
Add it to the list boys.

"Plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scored"
"Wilt had empty stats, but still top 3 ever because of stats"
"80's MJ was empty stats"
'91 ECF which was a 4-0 sweep was just as competitive as the '87 ECF which went 7 games"
"Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster"

And STILL unable to actually even attempt to refute my point. :roll:

All the Bronie fluffers are so desperate to get just a single win over Full Court - and they can't.


07-21-2023, 10:45 PM
Unlike Bronie fluffers, I actually admit when I make a mistake.

You on the other hand, still have not made a single intelligent point as to why +/- is not an advanced stat.

Because you can't.

Dudley. :lol
Don't you find it weird that everyone here disagrees with you? It's listed as a basic stat on the NBA's official website which I already stated, but you are still here making an absolute fool of yourself.

07-21-2023, 10:46 PM
Add it to the list boys.

"Plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scored"
"Wilt had empty stats, but still top 3 ever because of stats"
"80's MJ was empty stats"
'91 ECF which was a 4-0 sweep was just as competitive as the '87 ECF which went 7 games"
"Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster"
Lemme add a few more.

'Lakers didn't win anything before phil jackson became their head coach'
'Austin reaves and russell westbrook are all-stars in 2023'
'Arvydas Sabonis became an all-star in his career'
'Ja morant for 2022 league mvp' (despite his team actually going 20-5 without him last season)


Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:47 PM
Don't you find it weird that everyone here disagrees with you? It's listed as a basic stat on the NBA's official website which I already stated, but you are still here making an absolute fool of yourself.

Don't you find it weird that I'm the only one who actually defined an advanced stat, and showed how it meets the definition?

No, you wouldn't find that weird, because the whole thing is way over your head. Stick to something more your speed like posting youtube videos. :lol

07-21-2023, 10:47 PM
Lemme add a few more.

'Lakers didn't win anything before phil jackson became their head coach'
'Austin reaves and russell westbrook are all-stars in 2023'
'Arvydas Sabonis became an all-star in his career'
'Ja morant for 2022 league mvp' (despite his team actually going 20-5 without him last season)


Damn, forgot some pretty obvious ones. :oldlol:

Don't you find it weird that I'm the only one who actually defined an advanced stat

You defined it by saying plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scores.

Made an absolute fool of yourself once again.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:48 PM
Lemme add a few more.

'Lakers didn't win anything before phil jackson became their head coach'
'Austin reaves and russell westbrook are all-stars in 2023'
'Arvydas Sabonis became an all-star in his career'
'Ja morant for 2022 league mvp' (despite his team actually going 20-5 without him last season)


If you're walking along

And you smell something foul

That's a sure sign

That stinky Axe is on the prowl


Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:49 PM
Don't you find it weird that I'm the only one who actually defined an advanced stat, and showed how it meets the definition?

No, you wouldn't find that weird, because the whole thing is way over your head. Stick to something more your speed like posting youtube videos. :lol

And he has no answer to this.

Yet another W for Full Court.


Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:50 PM
You defined it by saying plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scores.

Made an absolute fool of yourself once again.

I corrected my mistake, which had nothing to do with the definition of an advanced stat.

Nice try though.

"When I get a beatdown, I just try to twist the entire argument." That only works on people as dumb as yourself.

07-21-2023, 10:51 PM
Three posts in a row. Damn, he's on some obvious damage control rn. :lebronamazed:

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:52 PM
Three posts in a row. Damn, he's on some obvious damage control rn. :lebronamazed:

Stinky boy just HATES watching me make fools out of him and his fellow Bronie fluffers.


Don't worry, stinky. It's going to get even better.

07-21-2023, 10:52 PM
Add it to the list boys.

"Plus-minus tracks down how many points that player scored"
"Wilt had empty stats, but still top 3 ever because of stats"
"80's MJ was empty stats"
'91 ECF which was a 4-0 sweep was just as competitive as the '87 ECF which went 7 games"
"Kyrie was on the 2018 Cavs roster"

Lemme add a few more.

'Lakers didn't win anything before phil jackson became their head coach'
'Austin reaves and russell westbrook are all-stars in 2023'
'Arvydas Sabonis became an all-star in his career'
'Ja morant for 2022 league mvp' (despite his team actually going 20-5 without him last season)




07-21-2023, 10:53 PM
I didn't know what I was talking about so I acted like it was a simple mistake by saying "I was typing too fast"

We know.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:54 PM


Beezleblubber is another Bronie fluffer who can't even explain what an advanced stat is.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F9e10d cacd2226e3f64209cbc5ebd13cd%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10647085&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=88df4e9da70db05d52cf1e92c6e890ca3f067e41cda001 bef38ee43777935780&ipo=images

Soooooooooo desperate for a win. :lol

07-21-2023, 10:54 PM
Yep, it's going to be better once they banish you for the fourth time here which will be more than two weeks and then you come back with your junk ass 'Jimmy Rustler' account. :oldlol:

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:54 PM
We know.

^Watch how easy it is to make a fool out of this guy.

Hey, 1987_Lakers. What is an advanced stat?

I guarantee he can't answer it. :lol

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:55 PM
Yep, it's going to be better once they banish you for the fourth time here which will be more than two weeks and then you come back with your junk ass 'Jimmy Rustler' account. :oldlol:

Ooooooooooo looks like stinky boy's gotten his jimmies rustled.


So stinky.

07-21-2023, 10:56 PM
https://9b16f79ca967fd0708d1-2713572fef44aa49ec323e813b06d2d9.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c om/600x_a4-3_cTC/TheChamp0810-1567806059.jpg

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F9e10d cacd2226e3f64209cbc5ebd13cd%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10647085&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=88df4e9da70db05d52cf1e92c6e890ca3f067e41cda001 bef38ee43777935780&ipo=images

Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:57 PM
^Watch how easy it is to make a fool out of this guy.

Hey, 1987_Lakers. What is an advanced stat?

I guarantee he can't answer it. :lol

Yep. I called it.


07-21-2023, 10:58 PM



Full Court
07-21-2023, 10:59 PM
Yep. That's right folks. I GUARANTEE he can't tell us what an advanced stat is.

I bet he's trying to google it right now and STILL can't figure it out.


07-21-2023, 11:00 PM
+/- is an advanced stat because it describes the relationship between multiple stats: A player's points scored


07-21-2023, 11:00 PM


Full Court
07-21-2023, 11:03 PM
Bronie fluffers taking another massive L.

Proved Wilt was empty stats. They stamp their feet and have no rebuttal.

Proved MJ was empty stats at the beginning of his career. Left them befuddled.

Proved +/- is an advanced stat. They're completely confused as to what an advanced stat even is.

Proved Lebron has the most choke jobs in the history of the sport. All they can come up with is Tom Brady.


Dumbest demographic on the planet.

07-21-2023, 11:08 PM
Bronie fluffers taking another massive L.

Proved Wilt was empty stats. They stamp their feet and have no rebuttal.

It was actually me that showed you Wilt's numbers didn't always translate to team success. I remember showing you data how the Sixers offense didn't get worse when they traded him to the Lakers & how the Lakers offense didn't get much better when they traded for him. You actually thought I was lying about the stats because at the time you still didn't know how to use basketballreference, but you eventually believed the numbers I was showing you which made you say he was "empty stats", but once I simply asked you why he is in your top 3 if he had "empty stats", you couldn't think of anything to say and just went with "because of stats".


Full Court
07-21-2023, 11:17 PM
It was actually me that showed you Wilt's numbers didn't always translate to team success. I remember showing you data how the Sixers offense didn't get worse when they traded him to the Lakers & how the Lakers offense didn't get much better when they traded for him. You actually thought I was lying about the stats because at the time you still didn't know how to use basketballreference, but you eventually believed the numbers I was showing you which made you say he was "empty stats", but once I simply asked you why he is in your top 3 if he had "empty stats", you couldn't think of anything to say and just went with "because of stats".


Lol at this clown making stuff up.

Hey, did you find out what an advanced stat is yet????

I'm eagerly waiting. :roll:

07-21-2023, 11:18 PM
It was actually me that showed you Wilt's numbers didn't always translate to team success. I remember showing you data how the Sixers offense didn't get worse when they traded him to the Lakers & how the Lakers offense didn't get much better when they traded for him. You actually thought I was lying about the stats because at the time you still didn't know how to use basketballreference, but you eventually believed the numbers I was showing you which made you say he was "empty stats", but once I simply asked you why he is in your top 3 if he had "empty stats", you couldn't think of anything to say and just went with "because of stats".




Full Court
07-21-2023, 11:22 PM


^Constantly tries to convince everyone that he's ignoring me.....

And then constantly demonstrates that he can't ignore me.


07-21-2023, 11:23 PM
I was typing fast, and made an error. A player's PPG doesn't factor into +/-. The point still stands though. Whether you accept it or not, don't care.

Your clerical issue completely derides your point :lol

You thought the stat was more advanced than it was.

Full Court
07-21-2023, 11:26 PM
Your clerical issue completely derides your point :lol

You thought the stat was more advanced than it was.

No, it doesn't.

Let me explain once again. +/-, as I defined an advanced stat, shows the interrelationship between two stats or data sets - in this case, the interrelationship of both teams' scoring with the time a given player was on the floor.

None of you guys ever admit you're wrong, so I doubt you'll concede, but nobody's even attempted to put forth an actual rebuttal yet.

And as you can see, not one of these idiots can even attempt to define what an advanced stat is. At least you did that.

07-21-2023, 11:26 PM
*Homosexual forum nazi melting down with bloody tears*

Full Court
07-21-2023, 11:28 PM

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwhiplashstylez.com%2Fimg%2Fhash%2 Fmenscrew%2Fforest%2Fstinky%2Fi.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1db698febab46ac9049705e645d87205e95e0ffce6063c d6f3f7e5c33d06692b&ipo=images


07-21-2023, 11:31 PM
Keep banging the rocks together. ;)

07-21-2023, 11:33 PM
Lol at this clown making stuff up.

Hey, did you find out what an advanced stat is yet????

I'm eagerly waiting. :roll:

I remember clearly that you and spursm8 thought I was making up the stats. The reason why it stayed with me was because I found it odd how both of you guys thought I was lying when you two easily could have gone on basketballreference to see if my stats were accurate. This told me none of you guys knew how to use it at the time.

07-21-2023, 11:44 PM
No, it doesn't.

Let me explain once again. +/-, as I defined an advanced stat, shows the interrelationship between two stats or data sets - in this case, the interrelationship of both teams' scoring with the time a given player was on the floor.

None of you guys ever admit you're wrong, so I doubt you'll concede, but nobody's even attempted to put forth an actual rebuttal yet.

And as you can see, not one of these idiots can even attempt to define what an advanced stat is. At least you did that.

Okay so you’re conceding that any stat that isn’t ppg is advanced.

What is advanced for you isn’t advanced to others.

07-21-2023, 11:47 PM
Okay so you’re conceding that any stat that isn’t ppg is advanced.

What is advanced for you isn’t advanced to others.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-22-2023, 02:06 AM
I'm curious to understand why that particular thread linked in the OP has amassed a staggering 72 pages within a mere 9-10 days. It appears quite unusual, considering that the thread is not a Finals game thread.

Full Court
07-22-2023, 08:38 AM
Okay so you’re conceding that any stat that isn’t ppg is advanced.

What is advanced for you isn’t advanced to others.

You're either intentionally choosing not to understand or you're being dense. :confusedshrug:

For example, according to the definition, TS% is not an advanced stat. But I don't even know why I'm wasting time telling you this. Didn't you just try to tell me that an advanced stat was one that had a formula?

07-22-2023, 01:31 PM
You're either intentionally choosing not to understand or you're being dense. :confusedshrug:

For example, according to the definition, TS% is not an advanced stat. But I don't even know why I'm wasting time telling you this. Didn't you just try to tell me that an advanced stat was one that had a formula?

Why isn’t TS% not and advanced stat for you then? It shows more data points than +/-.

FT% shows the relationship between 2 data points as well. I’ll explain in case you can’t do it for yourself: free throws made divided by free throws attempted. Boom. Advanced apparently.

Full Court
07-22-2023, 06:24 PM
Why isn’t TS% not and advanced stat for you then? It shows more data points than +/-.

FT% shows the relationship between 2 data points as well. I’ll explain in case you can’t do it for yourself: free throws made divided by free throws attempted. Boom. Advanced apparently.

Lol. Stop.

I'm not sure now if you really are that dense or if you're just stringing me along.

TS% is as simple of a stat as you can get. It's percentage of shots made. And don't try to twist things. I said interrelationship between two data SETS, not data points. There's a distinct difference. Every stat has multiple data points. PPG even has two data points - points and game.

Come on now....this isn't rocket science.

07-22-2023, 06:27 PM
Lol. Stop.

I'm not sure now if you really are that dense or if you're just stringing me along.

TS% is as simple of a stat as you can get. It's percentage of shots made. And don't try to twist things. I said interrelationship between two data SETS, not data points. There's a distinct difference. Every stat has multiple data points. PPG even has two data points - points and game.

Come on now....this isn't rocket science.

No, no it isn’t rocket science. That’s why I’m confused as to how you’re so wrong about this.

I can’t tell if you’re just intentionally being wrong to fvck with me tbh. If so you’re doing a hell of a job.

07-22-2023, 06:35 PM
TS% is as simple of a stat as you can get. It's percentage of shots made.

Like…what? :lol

Full Court
07-22-2023, 07:17 PM
Like…what? :lol

Geeeeeez, you guys can't detect sarcasm at all.

If you want to make the case that TS is an advanced stat, I won't argue with you.

07-22-2023, 07:21 PM
Geeeeeez, you guys can't detect sarcasm at all.

If you want to make the case that TS is an advanced stat, I won't argue with you.

Why would I have detected the sarcasm? It was an especially stupid sentence amongst a bunch of other stupid ones. How am I supposed to know when you’re being real or not :lol

Full Court
07-22-2023, 07:30 PM
Why would I have detected the sarcasm? It was an especially stupid sentence amongst a bunch of other stupid ones. How am I supposed to know when you’re being real or not :lol

I'll give you a spoiler alert from now on.

^FYI, that's sarcasm, not a literal promise.

07-22-2023, 07:33 PM
Geeeeeez, you guys can't detect sarcasm at all.

If you want to make the case that TS is an advanced stat, I won't argue with you.

Yes, TS% is an actual advanced stat.

Full Court
07-22-2023, 07:34 PM
Yes, TS% is an actual advanced stat.

I agree. It meets the definition.

07-22-2023, 08:55 PM
I agree. It meets the definition.

The only one we’ve been discussing that does.

Full Court
07-22-2023, 08:59 PM
The only one we’ve been discussing that does.

Also +/-.

07-22-2023, 09:24 PM
Also +/-.


It’s funny to see you argue something that’s factually incorrect, I suspect for the replies. You’re welcome.

Full Court
07-23-2023, 08:38 AM

It’s funny to see you argue something that’s factually incorrect, I suspect for the replies. You’re welcome.

Explain how it doesn't meet the definition.

Oh, you can't.


07-23-2023, 01:04 PM
I remember clearly that you and spursm8 thought I was making up the stats. The reason why it stayed with me was because I found it odd how both of you guys thought I was lying when you two easily could have gone on basketballreference to see if my stats were accurate. This told me none of you guys knew how to use it at the time.

Notice how full court ignored this post. He knows clearly what I'm talking about.

07-23-2023, 01:06 PM
the guy is an autistic person living in his basement

Full Court
07-23-2023, 09:06 PM
Notice how full court ignored this post. He knows clearly what I'm talking about.

Notice how Dudley is completely incapable of saying what an advanced stat is. Even in the era of Google.


The funny thing is when I first said +/- was an advanced stat, he and some of his fellow Bronie fluffers pounced all over it thinking "oh boy oh boy oh boy! We've finally got Full Court hehehe!"

And it all they ended up doing is showing that they have no clue what an advanced stat is and giving another win to Full Court.

I love it. :roll:

07-26-2023, 07:31 PM
Examples? Quotes?

That would be a welcome departure from the current state of affairs, where the tactics literally include doctoring my words and then responding to the doctored version:

…deranged stuff.

Which ones are excuses? Why? Examples? Quotes?

I have offered many times to prove definitely that LeBron isn’t “my guy” - with receipts dating back weeks, months, and years, on other platforms as well as this one. I’ve asked you to define a reasonable standard of proof, one which we both agree on. Multiple people that can corroborate, with all of them needing to agree that the standard was or wasn’t met. The terms of this bet are that the loser takes a 6-month break from the site.

And you can’t even quote this. You will never quote it, because even acknowledging it will invite further pressure to at least give a concrete answer as to why you won’t bet.

So that ends any discussions concerning “denial”. I’m willing to prove you lied about me. You desperately want to deny that I’m taking you to task and will do anything to erase these last few weeks. Won’t happen, no matter how hard you wish.
Why hasn't andrew (aka 3braincells) countered this yet? :confusedshrug:

07-26-2023, 09:00 PM
3ball came back after I posted this thread, but disappeared again once he realized Peja was still on his ass.

07-26-2023, 10:32 PM
3ball came back after I posted this thread, but disappeared again once he realized Peja was still on his ass.

I consider myself a world authority on the game - I gave Peja a lot more time than he deserved

Full Court
07-26-2023, 10:34 PM

3ball's got these fools SHOOK.

As usual.

07-26-2023, 10:59 PM
3ball when he sees Peja


07-26-2023, 11:21 PM
I consider myself a world authority on the game - I gave Peja a lot more time than he deserved

Ah, now we’re in the “make it seem as if it was all a long-troll” phase of the face-save attempt. Good stuff 3ball, but you’re still my footrest.

07-26-2023, 11:36 PM
Ah, now we’re in the “make it seem as if it was all a long-troll” phase of the face-save attempt. Good stuff 3ball, but you’re still my footrest.

You see his pathetic disciple tho is too busy licking 3bot's nuts. :lol

07-27-2023, 12:12 AM

You see his pathetic disciple tho is too busy licking 3bot's nuts. :lol

it’s almost physically discomforting when he starts spamming “stink” (?) sledges. What is that, an allusion to your username?

Legitimately embarrassing stuff.

07-27-2023, 12:45 AM
it’s almost physically discomforting when he starts spamming “stink” (?) sledges. What is that, an allusion to your username?

Legitimately embarrassing stuff.


Full Court
07-27-2023, 09:19 AM
There was a stinky ISH poster

Known as Autistic Axe

The odor he gave off was so putrid

That it made everyone gag


Full Court
07-27-2023, 09:37 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FiF7YST IyPdhoccP5yQ%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f4ae2bd3df280961e029675bfcd0ae5c65d06368aba158 06a89fd10d8a85b0f3&ipo=images

07-27-2023, 09:39 AM
it’s almost physically discomforting when he starts spamming “stink” (?) sledges. What is that, an allusion to your username?

Legitimately embarrassing stuff.
:oldlol: (https://i.ibb.co/g4tnXnv/IMG-20230626-052542.jpg)

Full Court
07-27-2023, 12:38 PM
There was a stinky ISH poster

Known as Autistic Axe

The odor he gave off was so putrid

That it made everyone gag



07-27-2023, 01:51 PM

forgot to switch accounts to Jimmy Rustler lmao!

Full Court
07-27-2023, 02:23 PM
forgot to switch accounts to Jimmy Rustler lmao!

Don't need to. This one isn't banned right now. :roll:

07-27-2023, 05:03 PM
I consider myself a world authority on the game - (https://i.ibb.co/g4tnXnv/IMG-20230626-052542.jpg) I gave Peja a lot more time than he deserved
Translation: 'i can't keep up with this shit anymore because he truly beat me up fair and square'
