View Full Version : Could you be a deep sea fisherman?

Patrick Chewing
08-17-2023, 01:54 PM
Could you work on a commercial fishing boat for several days or weeks??


08-17-2023, 03:11 PM
No but it pays fairly well but it's hard tedious work.

For a lot of people it's worth it... kind of like working on oil rigs.

08-17-2023, 09:01 PM
Could you work on a commercial fishing boat for several days or weeks??


Don't do it Gastric. You would get mistaken for a whale and get harpooned.

Patrick Chewing
08-17-2023, 09:09 PM
No but it pays fairly well but it's hard tedious work.

For a lot of people it's worth it... kind of like working on oil rigs.

I'm more curious about the working conditions as opposed to the tedious work. I've worked on construction sites and have put up fences and that's tedious, but all that rocking back and forth and the ability to fly off the deck and into the unforgiving ocean has to take its toll.

I have a cousin that worked on the oil rigs in the Gulf and he says unless you're looking off the edge and into the ocean, it's almost like working on land. That's how big and well-built those rigs are. They are floating cities just about.

Patrick Chewing
08-17-2023, 09:10 PM
Don't do it Gastric. You would get mistaken for a whale and get harpooned.

Oh, okay.

08-18-2023, 02:19 PM
Could you work on a commercial fishing boat for several days or weeks??


thanx for embedding vid - otherwise I would never of clicked on it.

Actually when I was in my 20's I considered heading up to Alaska and doing it.

What enticed me was that it was a 4 month a year job , but the boats are small for the open seas and
sea sickness and being tossed over board were issues ( two of the severe hazards - it is dangerous work).

I was already into dogs , so that threw a curve ball into the mix.

08-27-2023, 05:58 AM
Around ~20 years ago I spent a summer working on a fishing ship based out of Alaska. The pay was very good but the work was very taxing physically and extremely dangerous... I would not do it again.

Im Still Ballin
08-27-2023, 08:06 AM
Around ~20 years ago I spent a summer working on a fishing ship based out of Alaska. The pay was very good but the work was very taxing physically and extremely dangerous... I would not do it again.

Thank you for your service.

08-27-2023, 09:09 AM
Half a week at the most.