View Full Version : NBA Ref Eric Lewis Retires, NBA Ends Investigation of him Supporting Boston

08-30-2023, 08:12 PM
Only 52 years old, nothing fishy here at all.


08-30-2023, 08:16 PM
:roll: can't make this shit up

Full Court
08-30-2023, 08:33 PM
OP still bitter LeShrivel didn't get that foul call. :roll:

Real Men Wear Green
08-30-2023, 08:40 PM

Full Court
08-30-2023, 09:56 PM



08-30-2023, 10:03 PM

Replace this gif with LeBron. Kiss of death. Lewis rigging that game was the end of his career.

Real Men Wear Green
08-31-2023, 07:57 AM
It's amusing how you think I would feel the slightest amount of guilt or sympathy. Maybe you do truly believe that James had not gotten a ton of calls? Eh, whatever. You will be missed Eric. Hopefully there is someone out there to carry on the mission. Green 18.

Wardell Curry
08-31-2023, 10:12 AM
It's amusing how you think I would feel the slightest amount of guilt or sympathy. Maybe you do truly believe that James had not gotten a ton of calls? Eh, whatever. You will be missed Eric. Hopefully there is someone out there to carry on the mission. Green 18.

LeBron James is on a very short list of players competing for "most missed calls by the refs ever" because of his size relative to his position. Shaq is the only other guy during my watching days that got fouled as much and received less calls, proportionately speaking. To be fair, both Shaq and LeBron have also dished them out though.

LeBron has 7.7 fta per game for his career and this is crazy considering how much he used to drive the ball.

Embiid 9.9

Harden 8.6

Durant 7.6 (you think he has driven anywhere close to the amount LeBron has?)

Hell even Giannis is averaging 7.9

I'd be curious if anyone kept track of "drives per game" in comparison to "FTApg"

Wardell Curry
08-31-2023, 10:18 AM
Oh and of course you don't care because you're a Boston homer. If it came out this guy was getting let go because he made calls against Boston and it cost you a title you would be outraged.

The NBA has an officiating problem which has been exacerbated by modern day replays.

Real Men Wear Green
08-31-2023, 10:48 AM
LeBron James is on a very short list of players competing for "most missed calls by the refs ever" because of his size relative to his position. Shaq is the only other guy during my watching days that got fouled as much and received less calls, proportionately speaking. To be fair, both Shaq and LeBron have also dished them out though.

LeBron has 7.7 fta per game for his career and this is crazy considering how much he used to drive the ball.

Embiid 9.9

Harden 8.6

Durant 7.6 (you think he has driven anywhere close to the amount LeBron has?)

Hell even Giannis is averaging 7.9

I'd be curious if anyone kept track of "drives per game" in comparison to "FTApg"

James gets 7.7 fta as a known flop artist. Any player that fakes contact and impact as much as he does doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Now in an ideal world all games are called fairly but in the real world not only do we have players like James trying to game the system we have the issue of superstar officiating where star players often get calls in their favor that could possibly go either way or are just blatantly wrong. James has gotten away with plenty of travels and other violations. You guys continuing to cry over one regular season game that has affected nothing beyond this conversation when the NBA history is full of them and your boy James has gotten plenty. He just didn't get that one. Boohoo.

Wardell Curry
08-31-2023, 10:51 AM
James gets 7.7 fta as a known flop artist. Any player that fakes contact and impact as much as he does doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Now in an ideal world all games are called fairly but in the real world not only do we have players like James trying to game the system we have the issue of superstar officiating where star players often get calls in their favor that could possibly go either way or are just blatantly wrong. James has gotten away with plenty of travels and other violations. You guys continuing to cry over one regular season game that has affected nothing beyond this conversation when the NBA history is full of them and your boy James has gotten plenty. He just didn't get that one. Boohoo.

Yes LeBron James is a flopper from time to time and a disgusting one at that and he is not "my boy" and he has not baked flopping into his game so much that it will happen 10x a game like some of these other players.

But if you think LeBron has received more calls than he deserved or anywhere close to the amount he has deserved, you haven't watched his career.

I don't care about the regular season game. Who are you arguing with?

My whole point about this ref is you don't care about the ref because it was in your favor. It's called cognitive dissonance.

Real Men Wear Green
08-31-2023, 12:51 PM
Ah. I haven't seen Lebron play...ok.


cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
/ˈkäɡnədiv ˈdisənəns/
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

Now show an example of me complaining about officials.

08-31-2023, 12:58 PM
James gets 7.7 fta

Is this supposed to be some crazy number? LeBron wasn't even top 20 in FTA this past season.

Real Men Wear Green
08-31-2023, 01:03 PM
Is this supposed to be some crazy number? LeBron wasn't even top 20 in FTA this past season.

You have a strange ability to see things that aren't there. I am quoting someone. The number is just being cited. 7.7 fta is a solid number of attempts per game. Harden is only averaging 1 more and is slightly ahead of Durant, another superstar and the most dangerous scorer in the game.

Xiao Yao You
08-31-2023, 01:04 PM
Is this supposed to be some crazy number? LeBron wasn't even top 20 in FTA this past season.

wasn't top 20 in games or minutes I'm sure either. Helps to actually be on the floor

08-31-2023, 01:10 PM
You have a strange ability to see things that aren't there. I am quoting someone. The number is just being cited. 7.7 fta is a solid number of attempts per game. Harden is only averaging 1 more and is slightly ahead of Durant, another superstar and the most dangerous scorer in the game.

How can anyone watch LeBron and come to the conclusion that he gets the FTA he deserves? Refs hold their whistle all the time when he drives with contact. But maybe that will change a bit with that crooked pro Boston ref out of the league.

Real Men Wear Green
08-31-2023, 01:15 PM
How can anyone watch LeBron and come to the conclusion that he gets the FTA he deserves?:cry:

08-31-2023, 01:16 PM

Is this you after finding out the ref who rigged games in your favor weirdly retired?

Disgusting that a fan is actually upset about this, rather cheat than win fair and square.

Full Court
08-31-2023, 10:28 PM
Refs miss calls all the time.

Only when Eric Lewis misses a call on Lebron though, does the biggest on-court bitch fit in the history of the sport happen. :roll:


"Bu-bu-bu-but it was RIGGED!!!! :cry:"

The probe against Lewis was for his social media posts, not for corruption or fixing games you dimwit. :roll:


08-31-2023, 11:26 PM
Refs miss calls all the time.

Only when Eric Lewis misses a call on Lebron though, does the biggest on-court bitch fit in the history of the sport happen. :roll:


"Bu-bu-bu-but it was RIGGED!!!! :cry:"

The probe against Lewis was for his social media posts, not for corruption or fixing games you dimwit. :roll:

