View Full Version : How impressed are you by this play?

09-13-2023, 02:56 PM
I feel like it might be a “true hoopers know” situation where people who watch basketball but don’t play don’t realize why some are impressed and I’d like to test that theory.


Does that relatively basic play impress you at all? Anything there worth your attention?

Xiao Yao You
09-13-2023, 03:00 PM
at that time you didn't see a ton of that. Stockton never threw an alley oop

09-13-2023, 03:01 PM
Idk why but my thighs hurt just watching that dunk. It definitely looks hard. Finishing an alley oop with that much power, jumping while standing. Also rotates a bit. You don't see that often.

09-13-2023, 03:04 PM
Throwing the pass when Rambis's back is turned is nice, could be unintentional but also not hard to do either.

09-13-2023, 03:04 PM
I feel like it might be a “true hoopers know” situation where people who watch basketball but don’t play don’t realize why some are impressed and I’d like to test that theory.


Does that relatively basic play impress you at all? Anything there worth your attention?

Not impressed, but the off guard made that happen. Clever play. He bound two defenders, but the gif is to late to see how he did it.

09-13-2023, 03:34 PM
The backspin on the pass helped it stick in the receiver's hands. Caught the defender exactly at the moment he turned his head too.

09-13-2023, 03:54 PM
The backdoor cutting of the 2guard allowed it to happen. And he'll get no stats for it.

09-13-2023, 04:10 PM
The backdoor cutting of the 2guard allowed it to happen. And he'll get no stats for it.

ohh didn't notice that.

09-13-2023, 05:17 PM
It's a good play? haha. I am moderately impressed. I want to be more impressed because I don't want you to feel bad. Not saying you would, but in general, I feel that way about stuff. The pass was nice, it was late, turned out to make a nice dunk due to how he threw it, but he could have thrown a pass to a much easier oop, too, Rambis was not gonna do anything.

I'm impressed by how 5 people can be completely unaware of a guy calling for the ball with two hands above his head haha. And wondering what Rambis had planned there. I dunno if he even wanted to make the pass like that or it was off and turned out to make for a p nasty hard slam. Coulda been like a two handed drop in way earlier. Scott wasn't doing anything, either.


09-13-2023, 05:18 PM
Not impressed, but the off guard made that happen. Clever play. He bound two defenders, but the gif is to late to see how he did it.


09-13-2023, 11:20 PM

Aside from the dunk plays like this happen alot if you play 4v4 hc or 5v5 fc. You just need someone to establish deep position while a wing cuts and curls back out around the post guy's defender. The defender is basically used as a screen and that will throw both defenders off even if it's just for half a second and open up the opportunity for a backdoor pass.

Just this monday we spammed that play on blacktop against some inexperienced younglings - without the dunk ofc.