View Full Version : No Chance in Hell Draymond Green is going to stop prime Shaq

09-14-2023, 08:38 AM
https://scontent.fmnl25-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376732886_882547280152864_8575505643950549378_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5614bc&_nc_ohc=zQc6dq3IsG4AX_H-lYv&_nc_oc=AQkfbDBgeBpHbKEvil-4dCf8AiwqXB9Gpg_Tl6MpG7vg0TMnbWjzzsYl3dLk4F2oDm01P XAriTWdkyQ7y91qRz8M&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl25-5.fna&oh=00_AfA1hlnoW7XA9XLwW3eAXbjU2GbZml4B3S0uzPRunD4f Qw&oe=65086E2F

09-14-2023, 10:21 AM
Who the **** ever said that? :lol

Dray is an incredible defender who can defend multiple positions but very large C’s has always been his weakness. He gets overwhelmed by guys like AD and Marc Gasol. Shaq….lol

But not a knock on dray really. Still one of the best defenders ever

09-14-2023, 10:47 AM
Draymond is valuable because he can defend all positions in today's small ball. Go to the 90s and 00s where bigs banged and hed struggle with the average big being like ostertag.

09-14-2023, 02:56 PM
BBQ chicken

09-14-2023, 03:13 PM
Dray and late 90s Dennis Rodman were about the same height and weight. And Rodman was able to bang with Shaq and hold his own. Then again dray didn't have Rodman level strength.

Hey Yo
09-14-2023, 03:27 PM
https://scontent.fmnl25-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376732886_882547280152864_8575505643950549378_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5614bc&_nc_ohc=zQc6dq3IsG4AX_H-lYv&_nc_oc=AQkfbDBgeBpHbKEvil-4dCf8AiwqXB9Gpg_Tl6MpG7vg0TMnbWjzzsYl3dLk4F2oDm01P XAriTWdkyQ7y91qRz8M&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl25-5.fna&oh=00_AfA1hlnoW7XA9XLwW3eAXbjU2GbZml4B3S0uzPRunD4f Qw&oe=65086E2F

And people say Kobe was 1b


09-14-2023, 04:49 PM
Prime Duncan would have ate him alive.

Shit prime Amare Stoudemire would have posterized him every time they played.

09-15-2023, 06:28 AM
Dray and late 90s Dennis Rodman were about the same height and weight. And Rodman was able to bang with Shaq and hold his own. Then again dray didn't have Rodman level strength.

It's talent. Like a gymnast or something. Dray probably is stronger than Rodman by metrics, but the way Rodman used his body was just different. He was good at like "becoming one" with people and at any moment he could flop, too, so that messed with their head. I dunno if there is much footage of Dray really bodying up a big like Rodman constantly did. Rodman didn't stop Shaq, either, or Kemp, but he was a nice change up. Kemp had that body control gift, too, that's why it was amazing to watch him shit on Rodman in the NBA finals. Had Rodman slamming the ball and stuff, even tho Rodman got mad rebs.
