View Full Version : Does it affect your enjoyment of sports that stars are paid so much?

09-15-2023, 08:43 AM
It definitely does for me.

Basketball is fun, and I'm going to take up playing again on monday, but I really can't deal with random young guys becoming multi-multi-millionaires just because they were gifted with talents to run and jump.

It doesn't make sense in a modern world to reward people that much for something that is in itself a very simple and selfish pursuit.

That's why I greatly prefer national teams in sports including basketball.

On the national team, it doesn't matter how rich you are, you're "one of us", a serb or german or american and we can and will use our collective power to bring you down to earth.

I believe that in the past, before mass migration and globalism, you had this with your city. If you lived in LA or Boston or NY or Detroit, then people would use their collective power to make sure the players understood this was a matter of pride.

This kind of thinking is still present in European basketball, but not so much in european soccer.

Overall, I think we have an issue with players in the NBA and in soccer, having too much power, nothing holding them in place, no way to counter their selfishness.

09-15-2023, 09:09 AM
The craziest to me was Mayweather making over $450 million over 2 fights, which he made spending roughly an hour in the ring.

09-15-2023, 09:33 AM
The craziest to me was Mayweather making over $450 million over 2 fights, which he made spending roughly an hour in the ring.

Yeah, but you respect boxing more, because you're literally getting punched in the face and you don't get to the top without getting punched a lot in the face.

And then you compare it to MMA and the paltry salaries in most cases there.

When I think about it, it's not the money as such, but it's that it reveals that these corporations and rich people have this extreme wealth that giving Mayweater generational wealth is no big deal. They just under no circumstance want to share it with regular people.

09-15-2023, 09:34 AM

It affects my enjoyment when they’re paid so much and don’t play though.

Real Men Wear Green
09-15-2023, 09:36 AM
And do you have a problem with the owner being paid so much more?

09-15-2023, 09:51 AM
And do you have a problem with the owner being paid so much more?

Yes, for sure, but everyone understands that owners are oligarchal trash, right? At least I hope so.

A lot of people still have this absurd idea that sportspeople are exploited workers, while in reality, they're some of the most embedded capitalist stooges in the whole crooked system. They're paid that much money exactly to not rock the boat, to take the heat off the owners greed.

People like to put owner against player, but who is talking about fans?

Why don't these ultra rich group of people, owners and players, not put just 5% aside and use that to lower ticket prices? Why don't they give back to schools, high schools, clubs etc that helped make them?

At least in soccer, when a player gets sold, the clubs that raised him will get a cut. That can be a lot of money for a small ballclub. When Messi gets sold to Miami, some small time club in Argentina can pay their rent for the next 5 years with that money.

09-15-2023, 09:59 AM
No. I’m giving them the money with my league pass, cable and other subscriptions, giving them online engagement, occasionally buying merchandise, and attending games. If I were bothered by them having my money I wouldn’t give it to them. Nor am I ridiculous enough to wish I were the only one giving it so they wouldn’t have so much. If I were the only one I’d have nobody to talk to about it.

09-15-2023, 10:02 AM
No. I’m giving them the money with my league pass, cable and other subscriptions, giving them online engagement, occasionally buying merchandise, and attending games. If I were bothered by then having my money I wouldn’t give it to them. Nor am I ridiculous enough to wish I were the only one giving it so they wouldn’t have so much. If I were the only one I’d have nobody to talk to about it.

I don't care about their money, they deserve to live well, but I feel as if with how high their salaries are, the time in their careers where we see real hunger gets shorter and shorter. After that first max contract, then it seems many just kind of fall off.

09-15-2023, 10:08 AM
I dont begrudge players making lots of money as a fact in and of itself, however I do think these enormous guaranteed deals have already begun to have an impact on player motivation and effort, and will only continue to do so. Guys are set for multiple lifetimes as soon as they sign one deal, they have no further incentive to earn anything at that point. They really dont need to play for that next contract if they dont want to.

In the old days you could make a few million bucks and spend it totally irresponsibly, but youd at least go broke doing it and have to come back for another contract to pay your debts.

Today Im not sure it’s realistically POSSIBLE for even the most financially careless player to spend all his money if he makes anything near the top 1/3 of contracts. Not only that but a lot of guys know teams are gonna pay regardless, even if they take two weeks off unannounced in the middle of the season because their sister has a birthday. Or they load manage every interesting matchup or rivalry on the schedule. Or mail in a game 7 because they just wanna get to the strip club.

Most people will keep watching no matter how bad the product is, and so the teams and players will keep getting paid. It’s a big ass gravy train.

I certainly wont watch no matter what, but Im more of an exception in that regard than the norm.

09-15-2023, 10:18 AM
This is entertainment for us fans. I sit at home , paying out for them to play doesn't feel right.

Granted all most every athletic sport is strain on a pro's body , and like football , bball is a super strain on their legs.
Many bball'ers have hip replacements, and knee replacements , like your grandparents.
But for guys like Giannis making 250 million over 4 years doesn't seem right , when his great great grandkids will never work a day in their lives. How bout your grandkids or great grand kids , they set for life?? you were a professional in your career.


09-15-2023, 10:49 AM
But for guys like Giannis making 250 million over 4 years doesn't seem right , when his great great grandkids will never work a day in their lives. How bout your grandkids or great grand kids , they set for life?? you were a professional in your career.


Yes, this is it.

There's a difference between, back in the day, a big contract was like $5 million a year and now it's $55 a year.

It's not just partying, drinking, driving, women and wine, it's money on a scale that can make a difference, for better or worse, in the world.

09-15-2023, 11:40 AM
I see what you mean and it is a bit tough to watch, after 60-80 million how much more does as a player need? That wealth could be reinvested into everyday people who need it but then why are we looking at athletes only, why not anyone who is generating huge amounts of money? But then now we're looking at socialism and the disbursement of acquired income.

What would help in the short term is if players today played a more physical game instead of playing to preserve their body for their next contract. Its such a disservice to the fans who support them and a slap in the face to the game itself. In my opinion they should be forced to play tougher basketball and we fans need to hold them accountable but it will never happen. It used to be such a privilege to play in the league and to represent a city over the course of a players career was even better and now I don't know what NBA has become but it's getting harder and harder to support I know this.

09-15-2023, 12:29 PM
My problem is not the players salaries or team contracts, but the endorsements. That’s where these dudes become corporate stooges, Chinese shills, and agents of evil. The commercialization of everything lowers the viewing experience for sure.

09-15-2023, 12:36 PM
The stars aren’t even paid their fair share of the total profits so it’s weird to focus on them. Yes they’re paid too much but the real issue is upper management and how much they make. The people working for each team on the lower levels get jack shit. It could all be divided up much more fairly.

09-15-2023, 12:41 PM
And do you have a problem with the owner being paid so much more?

Globalism made the owners ridiculously rich, players absurdly rich and all of us poorer. We all need a new source of dopamine to chase that doesn't revolve around money.

09-15-2023, 12:43 PM
Capitalism made the owners ridiculously rich, players absurdly rich and all of us poorer. We all need a new source of dopamine to chase that doesn't revolve around money.

Patrick Chewing
09-15-2023, 12:48 PM
And salaries keep increasing year over year while the average American salary is peanuts in comparison. So yeah, I don't take these guys seriously. When they complain about something, I actually start to despise them. Like, you're a rich **** with no higher than a High School education most likely. STFU and dribble.

Xiao Yao You
09-15-2023, 12:49 PM
And salaries keep increasing year over year while the average American salary is peanuts in comparison. So yeah, I don't take these guys seriously. When they complain about something, I actually start to despise them. Like, you're a rich **** with no higher than a High School education most likely. STFU and dribble.

Cousins is whining now about not getting NIL money when he was in college for a semester! :roll:

09-15-2023, 01:02 PM
The stars aren’t even paid their fair share of the total profits so it’s weird to focus on them. Yes they’re paid too much but the real issue is upper management and how much they make. The people working for each team on the lower levels get jack shit. It could all be divided up much more fairly.

I agree.

Would it be too much to ask for stars to actually take charge on this?

Would they go to town for better salaries for all the people cleaning the stands after the crowds have dirtied them with tacos?

Go show some real activism, go get us well paying jobs like our parents used to have. Go let people make enough to buy a home on a basic salary.

That would make me think much better of them. It's easier to just be woke though.

09-15-2023, 01:03 PM
And salaries keep increasing year over year while the average American salary is peanuts in comparison. So yeah, I don't take these guys seriously. When they complain about something, I actually start to despise them. Like, you're a rich **** with no higher than a High School education most likely. STFU and dribble.

Honestly, the US should make some new taxes on the ultra-rich.

Like if you make more than $10 mill. a year, then you need to pay a lot more.

09-15-2023, 01:47 PM
I actually think the NBA should implement a standard 25% Social Justice Tax on all contracts/salaries, paid directly to Lebron who is then free to disburse it to the greater global community as he sees fit. If there are times that he feels the funds are best spent directly on his own brand and personal leisure, I'm fine with that. Sometimes they will, sometimes they wont. I trust his judgement.

09-15-2023, 02:05 PM
I agree.

Would it be too much to ask for stars to actually take charge on this?

Would they go to town for better salaries for all the people cleaning the stands after the crowds have dirtied them with tacos?

Go show some real activism, go get us well paying jobs like our parents used to have. Go let people make enough to buy a home on a basic salary.

That would make me think much better of them. It's easier to just be woke though.

I’ve always said this about sports and Hollywood unions. They both have some of the most powerful unions in America, so why don’t they ever stand up for the little guys in other industries?

You never see Hollywood mofos or NBA players on the picket line with teachers, airline pilots, bus drivers, or service workers.

09-15-2023, 02:15 PM
And what’s up with the products these stooges endorse?

They literally are telling your children to gamble, drink alcohol, eat fast food, and wear sneakers that destroy your body.

09-15-2023, 02:51 PM
Not at all. I would prefer they didn't tell us how much athletes were paid. It's none of our business. I don't know how much any other person living on my street makes and they don't know my pay. Again, it's none of anyone's business.
Every single one of us is trying to put food on the table, pay our bills, pay our expenses. I say, if someone wants to give you crazy money then you get as much as you can while you can.

09-15-2023, 03:37 PM
The percentage of people in the nba v stock ppl or even movie stars makes their pay low. I care more about off court diva behavior. I dont even think their money makes them business assets like other ppl do. I just want a fair effort like other ppl at their jobs.

I rage over having to watch commercials more than that when tryin to watch a gm. U wanna get mad at something focus on that.


09-15-2023, 03:40 PM
NBA team owners earn more money right now

09-15-2023, 03:56 PM
nah thats a loser mentality

I dont like watching sports because Im wasting my own time watching other people earn their money

I dont care how much they make. that's a broker loser, pocket-watching mentality.

09-15-2023, 05:16 PM
Not at all. I would prefer they didn't tell us how much athletes were paid. It's none of our business. I don't know how much any other person living on my street makes and they don't know my pay. Again, it's none of anyone's business.
Every single one of us is trying to put food on the table, pay our bills, pay our expenses. I say, if someone wants to give you crazy money then you get as much as you can while you can.

Yeah it’s wack when fandom becomes everyone talking contracts, CBA’s, and a players value based purely on salary instead of basketball production.

The fan politics when a guy is up for a contract is ridiculous.

Full Court
09-16-2023, 08:53 AM
I generally don't even pay attention to what they're paid. I watch basketball for the sport and the competitive aspect of it. Couldn't care less what they're paid. That's between them, their agents, and the team. I'm not signing the contract for either party.

I kind of find it weird that so many people here get all wrapped up in salaries. It doesn't affect your life in any way, shape, or form. :confusedshrug:

09-16-2023, 09:04 AM
I don't mind the massive contracts. You're worth what someone is willing to pay you. When people stop buying tickets and stop buying merchandise, they'll stop handing out massive contracts.

I don't love all the corporate sponsoring, but at this point they have no choice.

09-16-2023, 09:09 AM

You're no better than anyone else. You're a capitalist just like the rest of us.

If someone handed you a check for 20 million dollars, you're depositing that check.

09-16-2023, 02:00 PM
Someone else's money is never something that should affect t you

09-16-2023, 04:05 PM
Someone else's money is never something that should affect t you

It shouldnt affect your own personal feelings of self worth, however the broader agenda of anyone with significant resources can affect everyone, and is actually pretty important to be aware of.

09-16-2023, 04:15 PM
It shouldnt affect your own personal feelings of self worth, however the broader agenda of anyone with significant resources can affect everyone, and is actually pretty important to be aware of.

Ignorance is bliss

09-16-2023, 04:21 PM
I can’t stand it when you have to argue with other fans over a players contract. You can’t just enjoy the game because someone will always bring up how much so and so isn’t worth their contract. It’s pretty annoying actually.

09-16-2023, 05:04 PM
Yes because it incentivies players to sit out and preserve themselves to make as much money as possible. Robbing me of entertainment value in prime time matchups. Kawhis probably made 200 million dollars he doesn't deserve.

09-16-2023, 05:10 PM
It shouldnt affect your own personal feelings of self worth, however the broader agenda of anyone with significant resources can affect everyone, and is actually pretty important to be aware of.

Someone asked about if I feel the same with actors.

Yes, but in a different way.

I don't care about how much money they make, because their product is more tangible, they create art and something that will live on for decades.

I do care if they're outspokenly against me and my worldview.

The reason I care is the same as with these high salaries, it breaks my immersion, it makes me stop and think "what the hell am I doing giving time and money to people who are so far removed from me". It breaks the so called "fourth wall", that escapism that you want can't happen, because of these things.

09-16-2023, 05:44 PM
I can’t stand it when you have to argue with other fans over a players contract. You can’t just enjoy the game because someone will always bring up how much so and so isn’t worth their contract. It’s pretty annoying actually.
But sometimes, it's legit tho. Like the case with rudy gobert.

Xiao Yao You
09-16-2023, 06:01 PM
But sometimes, it's legit tho. Like the case with rudy gobert.

yeah Gobert not even getting his full max. What a bargain he's turned out to be

09-16-2023, 08:11 PM
yeah Gobert not even getting his full max. What a bargain he's turned out to be
For a guy who's never been to the conference finals since he came into the league? No thanks. :kobe:

09-16-2023, 08:17 PM
I don't care how much anyone makes, but I think it adversely impacts the game as players aren't motivated to try.

Weird to see fans advocate for players getting paid more though. If the companies we worked for gave us the cut of profit share that the players get, y'all wouldn't show up to work after a year of salary.

Xiao Yao You
09-16-2023, 08:28 PM
For a guy who's never been to the conference finals since he came into the league? No thanks. :kobe:

a guy in a team sport says it all bot :roll:

09-16-2023, 08:47 PM
I agree.

Would it be too much to ask for stars to actually take charge on this?

Would they go to town for better salaries for all the people cleaning the stands after the crowds have dirtied them with tacos?

Go show some real activism, go get us well paying jobs like our parents used to have. Go let people make enough to buy a home on a basic salary.

That would make me think much better of them. It's easier to just be woke though.
Holy shit I can't believe you made a post I agree with :lol

Yeah I agree the players don't show solidarity. I think once people become members of the elite class, they get so swept up in the glitz and glamor you forget about people outside of your immediate circle. There are a few celebrities who have genuine concern for the little guy, but they're few and far between.

09-16-2023, 08:48 PM
You're no better than anyone else. You're a capitalist just like the rest of us.

If someone handed you a check for 20 million dollars, you're depositing that check.
"Nothing exists but capitalism, everyone is capitalist" is an extremely ahistorical argument. It's funny you think you know what I'd do. Certainly would keep some of the money, but only what I needed to live comfortably.

Xiao Yao You
09-16-2023, 08:55 PM
can't quit me

Wardell Curry
09-16-2023, 08:56 PM
The stars are underpaid. The roleplayers are way overpaid. LeBron James' name has been uttered more than the rest of the NBA combined over the past 20 years. You think the NBA is overpaying him? Well, relative to his production now, but even still. Forget about how good he is or isn't. He's the draw.

09-16-2023, 09:13 PM
a guy in a team sport says it all bot :roll:
So how'd he do in the fiba league recently? :lol

Xiao Yao You
09-16-2023, 09:20 PM
So how'd he do in the fiba league recently? :lol

his team lost to two of the top 5 teams. Not sure how he did?

09-16-2023, 10:18 PM
"Nothing exists but capitalism, everyone is capitalist" is an extremely ahistorical argument. It's funny you think you know what I'd do. Certainly would keep some of the money, but only what I needed to live comfortably.

Good socialism/real communism doesn't exist bud. Just a quick lesson for you.

09-16-2023, 11:09 PM
Good socialism/real communism doesn't exist bud. Just a quick lesson for you.
Hilarious you think you have any idea what you're talking about.

09-16-2023, 11:17 PM
the only negative thing i have to say is i pay way too much for good seats.

09-16-2023, 11:24 PM
paying $1200 for a 1st or 2nd row ticket is ridiculous. that's the price of a single game admission that is equivalent to a lot of people's bi-monthly or weekly salary for ONE game. wtf. and a courtside seat is a couple grand...

09-16-2023, 11:40 PM
absolutely not.

i mean, do you like a movie less because some star actors were paid so much? it's an irrelevant thought that never comes up.

it's entertainment and they're not even in my world but like in another galaxy. their opportunities were never available to me. i dont care if they're getting theirs.

09-16-2023, 11:49 PM
Once a player's earnings soar past a particular threshold, let's say a staggering $8 million per year, their financial abundance becomes irrelevant. What gives today's players a different feel (to me), is not the large sums of money that they earn, but having all that money in the social media era.

During the 1990s, NBA players to me felt more like grown men. Where their focus, story centered more on winning.

In today's era, like in past eras, we're giving very young people substantial financial resources. But unlike past eras they also have social media. In general, young people are very immature and tend to really care about showing, bling, bling, and other material things, to impress their friends. That's very immature. So when one of these young people becomes an NBA player, they start showing off their bling, bling, and sometimes and sometimes even out of proportionately big booty women.

It gives them a more frivolous feel that was simply not there in past eras.

You also encounter certain players who become ensnared in prolonged and contentious debates with trolls.

09-17-2023, 12:21 AM
I actually think the NBA should implement a standard 25% Social Justice Tax on all contracts/salaries, paid directly to Lebron who is then free to disburse it to the greater global community as he sees fit. If there are times that he feels the funds are best spent directly on his own brand and personal leisure, I'm fine with that. Sometimes they will, sometimes they wont. I trust his judgement.

LOL - Lebron would have distributed some of that money to Michael Brown's family in the "Hands up, don't shoot" incident - what an error in judgement that would have been.

To those who it bothers, you do have a choice not to watch, not to buy game tickets, jerseys, etc. you know.

09-17-2023, 12:28 AM
Sorry, don't pay attention to who are Lebron fans or not and too lazy to look whether FultzNationRise is one or not. If he isn't and his post is sarcasm, my apologies.

09-17-2023, 12:40 AM
Sorry, don't pay attention to who are Lebron fans or not and too lazy to look whether FultzNationRise is one or not. If he isn't and his post is sarcasm, my apologies.

Where in Jamdown were you born, brother?

09-17-2023, 12:44 AM
Also, LOL… I just stated the NBA should give 25% of every player’s salary directly to Lebron and that it would be at his discretion to either use it for social justice or personal leisure, and you werent sure if that was sarcasm or not?? :roll:

Well it wasnt :crazysam:

Street Hunger
09-17-2023, 12:46 AM
For me, it makes no difference, because, you know, we're watching basketball because we'd like to watch basketball, not because of how well compensated the players we're watching are.

Like maybe it's something to think about when you're examining salary caps or possible trades, or something like that. But when a basketball game is in front of us, there is no reason for us to be thinking about the salaries that the players we're watching right while they're playing.

09-17-2023, 07:25 AM
Also, LOL… I just stated the NBA should give 25% of every player’s salary directly to Lebron and that it would be at his discretion to either use it for social justice or personal leisure, and you werent sure if that was sarcasm or not?? :roll:

There are a lot of crazies out there - including some Lebron fans - I don't assume.

Well it wasnt :crazysam:

Huh? WASN'T sarcasm? You just negated what you said above.

Back to the OT:
What others earn don't bother me - more power to them. Ain't capitalism great - where else but the good ole USA could 450 people playing basketball earn so much. It's when they start preaching "social justice" that it bothers me (especially from a team pulpit). I pay to watch good basketball - not listen to X, Y, Z spout his political views during team (Spurs') interviews - I'm talking to you, Pop.

09-17-2023, 10:04 AM
Hilarious you think you have any idea what you're talking about.

I do.

Ask anyone who came from any country trying these methods.

09-17-2023, 10:12 AM
Where in Jamdown were you born, brother?

Kingston and it's sister.

09-17-2023, 10:51 AM
"Nothing exists but capitalism, everyone is capitalist" is an extremely ahistorical argument. It's funny you think you know what I'd do. Certainly would keep some of the money, but only what I needed to live comfortably.

Okay, I'll call your bluff.

Someone writes you a check for 20 million dollars, how much do you keep and what do you with the rest?

Be specific.

09-17-2023, 11:03 AM
Kingston and it's sister.


What industry was your family connected to, if you dont mind me askin.

09-17-2023, 11:13 AM
This is a capitalism discussion in essence. So, no it doesn't.

Supply, demand.

But it doesn't help the quality of the sport, so selfishly, I don't just love it.

But I can't dislike it.

Physical attributes -- mental attributes, that you were born with and profit from, what's the difference.

There are plenty of intelligent, creative people that make "too much" money from things that don't actually add to humanity. Just selling a product, idea, or entertainment.

I have a problem with the people who don't have shit to even survive, while these guys(guys being rich talented people who don't contribute to anything from all backgrounds), have more than they'd ever need.

But it's human nature. People love the idea of someone being better than them, whether they realize it or not. If wasn't basketball, it would be pencil or some other useless shit.

09-17-2023, 11:34 AM
I do.

Ask anyone who came from any country trying these methods.
Again hilarious you think you know what you’re talking about. Thinking I like the Soviet Union means you honestly have no clue what my ideology is :lol

09-17-2023, 12:14 PM

What industry was your family connected to, if you dont mind me askin.

They owned a five and dime store.

09-17-2023, 01:44 PM
They owned a five and dime store.

Oh word. And howd you end up comin to the states?

My grandma grew up Kingston so Im always just curious when other people have connections to The Rock.

09-17-2023, 03:49 PM
Oh word. And howd you end up comin to the states?

My grandma grew up Kingston so Im always just curious when other people have connections to The Rock.

Jamaica's Prime Minister got cosy with Cuba's Castro and caused mass migration/brain drain to Miami, Toronto and New York.