View Full Version : 1993 asg

10-07-2023, 04:04 PM

30 years later..



Exhibition doesn't preclude competition. No game, only gimmicks. Today's fans deserve better..

elementally morale
10-08-2023, 03:36 PM

This is... wow.

10-08-2023, 04:18 PM

30 years later..



Exhibition doesn't preclude competition. No game, only gimmicks. Today's fans deserve better..

Totally agree. 30 years ago = a great game and entertainment for all the fans. Today's version = a complete waste of time and an insult to the league and the fans.

10-08-2023, 04:23 PM
Players don't want to risk injury, that's why.

Wardell Curry
10-08-2023, 05:32 PM
1 - There's a lot more money at stake now. Even adjusting for inflation the difference is quite extreme.

2 - Social media has changed a lot in the way that normal people behave, never mind heavily scrutinized multi-million dollar athletes. They get criticized about everything. Imagine getting injured during an All-Star game, that being the end of your season, and you being judged by millions of silly people about your all time greatness because you couldn't play or you were hobbled for the rest of the season due to some stupid injury you suffered in what is tantamount to a pickup game.

And yes, the same type of silly stuff was probably said about athletes back then as well but the difference today is that people feed off of each other's silliness because the internet allows to re-live the same stupid opinions over as these communications are now there in black and white print.

Imagine Giannis gets injured in the 2024 game with the Bucks having the best record in the league at the time and they play .500 the rest of the way and get bounced in the first round. Just imagine the stupidity here coming from fans and the backlash that the entire Bucks organization would face.

Wardell Curry
10-08-2023, 05:35 PM

The left column is their salaries at the time. The right column is their salaries adjusted for inflation.

Wardell Curry
10-08-2023, 05:44 PM
Oh and of course almost everyone can shoot threes now. Maybe this is not to be overstated. This might be the biggest thing. Do you think those guys in 1993 would be going hard on closeouts on three point shots up and down the floor every time? I doubt it. This has the potential to have a cascading impact on the effort of the entire game.

Do you think today's guys would be constantly allowing uncontested mid range jumpers? Probably not.

They also look older in physical appearance/in the face than today's participants.

Man, there's a lot going on here and I don't think it's just any one thing. I would love if someone could prove what the difference is, from a factual perspective rather than a speculative one.

Indian guy
10-08-2023, 06:12 PM
The players collectively decided by the mid 2010's to basically not compete in the AS game. It has been unwatchable since. Who the F wants to see 30 footers, layups and dunks with 0 defense being played. Absolutely nobody. Get rid of the game.

10-08-2023, 10:46 PM

This is... wow.

30 years ago... clueless children doing what they know best. Compete in basketball.

Now.. clueless children that have been programmed by their handlers/agents and other suits about how to act, how to think and what's good for their career. For better and for worse.

I know some are mentioning social media. And that does affect the current generation in ways but not in matters regarding cautious resting, coasting, and rings are everything culture.

10-08-2023, 11:36 PM
1 - There's a lot more money at stake now. Even adjusting for inflation the difference is quite extreme.

Which is exactly why fans should be that much more adamant dudes at least play hard and play to win, for that kind of money.

Instead these players get paid a hundred million to spit on cuck fans and go hit the strip club :roll:

10-09-2023, 08:47 PM
1988-1993 I think was peak NBA.

The mid-late 90s got bogged down too much in low scoring defensive basketball and that carried on through the first half of the 2000s.

Later 2000s was a bit better, but by that time the intense competition in the league had dialed down a bit.

Not to knock modern players but I'd much rather go into a time machine and watch '92 or '93, and the stars, I'd rather watch Magic, Bird, Jordan, pre-fatness Shaq than today's stars.

10-09-2023, 08:59 PM
1 - There's a lot more money at stake now. Even adjusting for inflation the difference is quite extreme.

2 - Social media has changed a lot in the way that normal people behave, never mind heavily scrutinized multi-million dollar athletes. They get criticized about everything. Imagine getting injured during an All-Star game, that being the end of your season, and you being judged by millions of silly people about your all time greatness because you couldn't play or you were hobbled for the rest of the season due to some stupid injury you suffered in what is tantamount to a pickup game.

And yes, the same type of silly stuff was probably said about athletes back then as well but the difference today is that people feed off of each other's silliness because the internet allows to re-live the same stupid opinions over as these communications are now there in black and white print.

Imagine Giannis gets injured in the 2024 game with the Bucks having the best record in the league at the time and they play .500 the rest of the way and get bounced in the first round. Just imagine the stupidity here coming from fans and the backlash that the entire Bucks organization would face.

They play harder in summer workout games and practice than the all star game. It isn’t injury. It’s not giving a ****.

10-09-2023, 11:34 PM
Speaking of all-star games, arvydas sabonis also played in one of them bt.

10-10-2023, 04:27 AM
And notice how clean the screen is, no cluttering with a huge score bug at the bottom and big network logo at the top... the score only shows up once in a while, when you need it.

Today we have the score, stats, betting stats, and scores form others games and leagues taking up half the screen!

Bring the clean experience back!

10-10-2023, 04:32 AM
you can really tell whose headed for a divorce here

Wardell Curry
10-10-2023, 05:42 AM
They play harder in summer workout games and practice than the all star game. It isn’t injury. It’s not giving a ****.

Ok but what's the reason? What changed?

Xiao Yao You
10-10-2023, 06:28 AM
Speaking of all-star games, arvydas sabonis also played in one of them bt.

a cumbersome big that didn't score a ton

Full Court
10-10-2023, 07:00 AM
Ok but what's the reason? What changed?

I think a big part of it is getting rid of the East v West format and doing this pick-up-game style. Nobody actually cares who wins, so neither do the players.

10-10-2023, 07:18 AM
I think a big part of it is getting rid of the East v West format and doing this pick-up-game style. Nobody actually cares who wins, so neither do the players.

or you can say it's skills challenge in a game format

10-10-2023, 10:34 AM
Ok but what's the reason? What changed?

I think it’s a generational thing. Maybe todays young players see the concept of all star as an antiquated novelty that’s more ceremonial in nature than competitive. In other words, todays players are too ‘cool’ for the All Star game and don’t want to seem like they care too much about it for fear of being perceived as corny.

10-10-2023, 01:59 PM
I echo Indian Guys sentiments....get rid of the game. There is pretty much no value in being named an all-star if it amounts to fans watching a lay-up line and 3 point spamfest( especially when they can actually watch an official 3point shootout the night before). Scrap the dunk contest too.

10-10-2023, 02:00 PM
I think a big part of it is getting rid of the East v West format and doing this pick-up-game style. Nobody actually cares who wins, so neither do the players.

Also that. There was some pride in the east vs West format. I dont know why they even separate the two conferences for voting anymore when the two captains get to pick whoever they want.

10-10-2023, 02:21 PM
Also that. There was some pride in the east vs West format. I dont know why they even separate the two conferences for voting anymore when the two captains get to pick whoever they want.

I do think the East vs West would bring back the rivalry. These guys are never going to compete hard if they are all friends and vacation with one another. The old NBA had teams and players that loved to beat each other. If money is the prime factor, lets put some teeth into the prize money = every member of the winning team walks away with $250,000 and every member of the losing team gets $2,500. The taunting and trash talking should also be fully allowed.

10-10-2023, 02:48 PM
you can really tell whose headed for a divorce here

Sbw19 already got divorced 5x. Her husband leave her.

10-10-2023, 03:30 PM
Just like with the dunk contest, if they want some real competition put a real reward with it. These guys make crazy money now so the incentive has to be substantial to get their attention. The game you showed those fellas made alot less money even when adjusting for Inflation so they had motivations to compete. And even then they didn't really compete as hard as we make it out to be lol. Instead of getting Kia or whomever to step in and endorse the award, hand out an actual endorsement to the mvp, the dunk contest winner etc. Reward them with guaranteed commercial spots for their products or something to that extent.

10-10-2023, 07:32 PM
I do think the East vs West would bring back the rivalry. These guys are never going to compete hard if they are all friends and vacation with one another. The old NBA had teams and players that loved to beat each other. If money is the prime factor, lets put some teeth into the prize money = every member of the winning team walks away with $250,000 and every member of the losing team gets $2,500. The taunting and trash talking should also be fully allowed.

That money isn't anything though, for all-star level guys who are earning 40 million and up. That's probably like 2 days of partying in Vegas( or a night in a Houston strip club for Harden). We've just reached a point where the spirit of competition has faded, and I'm not sure throwing more money at the problem fixes it. There's an inherent issue with the mindset of current players.

10-10-2023, 07:39 PM
or you can say it's skills challenge in a game format
Regardless, he'd still whine that there's little to no defenses implemented in today's league. What a dumbass gingie. :roll:

10-10-2023, 07:40 PM
The game you showed those fellas made alot less money even when adjusting for Inflation so they had motivations to compete.

You think people like Jordan, Karl Malone, and Ewing play somewhat real in games that don’t count for the money?

Some people are just built to compete. People like Jordan or Westbrook or Kobe. People like Iverson, Bird, and Giannis. If everybody is chilling, of course, they drop it down a level, but the natural instinct is to play hard. And you always take your cue from the leaders. Larry Bird wasn’t about silly shit. Jordan was a competitor. They would feel like idiots being in games like they play now.

A lot of todays stars just aren’t personally motivated like that. It’s all a big joke like with Steph literally lay down and let Giannis dunk over him. It’s just for a laugh. They aren’t even there to play ball.

A lot of the old guys didn’t need the money, but were there to show they were the best even among the best players. Kareem wrote about being offended. He didn’t get the All-Star MVP one year. They used to care about the chance to play on the level playing field, where nobody can say well you have a better team.

It just doesn’t matter to these guys. And I don’t think it’s the money. Michael Jordan didn’t need anyone’s money by the late 90s. He was richer than some owners by then. He just wanted to play basketball.

10-10-2023, 07:43 PM
Regardless, he'd still whine that there's little to no defenses implemented in today's league. What a dumbass gingie. :roll:

if they really wanted to make it interesting, they could make the ball heavier or bigger, and make teams harder to score in the all star game without nessecarily creating injuries. but then, who wants to watch that.

10-10-2023, 07:47 PM
A lot of todays stars just aren’t personally motivated like that. It’s all a big joke like with Steph literally lay down and let Giannis dunk over him. It’s just for a laugh. They aren’t even there to play ball.

you sound like the guy consistently on the losing side of an OT ball game. I heard they had quite a few of them last year.

Full Court
10-10-2023, 07:49 PM
Regardless, he'd still whine that there's little to no defenses implemented in today's league. What a dumbass gingie. :roll:

Another stinky bitch fit??



10-10-2023, 07:50 PM
You think people like Jordan, Karl Malone, and Ewing play somewhat real in games that don’t count for the money?

Some people are just built to compete. People like Jordan or Westbrook or Kobe. People like Iverson, Bird, and Giannis. If everybody is chilling, of course, they drop it down a level, but the natural instinct is to play hard. And you always take your cue from the leaders. Larry Bird wasn’t about silly shit. Jordan was a competitor. They would feel like idiots being in games like they play now.

A lot of todays stars just aren’t personally motivated like that. It’s all a big joke like with Steph literally lay down and let Giannis dunk over him. It’s just for a laugh. They aren’t even there to play ball.

A lot of the old guys didn’t need the money, but were there to show they were the best even among the best players. Kareem wrote about being offended. He didn’t get the All-Star MVP one year. They used to care about the chance to play on the level playing field, where nobody can say well you have a better team.

It just doesn’t matter to these guys. And I don’t think it’s the money. Michael Jordan didn’t need anyone’s money by the late 90s. He was richer than some owners by then. He just wanted to play basketball.

Its mainly cuz theyre all friends IMO.

Nobody would go hard at an office pickup game. People generally arent gonna try and flex on folks theyll see in a friendly setting the very next day.

But a pickup game with a bunch of strangers? Then guys play with a lil more pride. A little more interest in establishing what’s what.

Back in 93 guys werent texting each other to have dinner before a game. It wasnt possible. There werent texts. Guys werent all visiting each others bball camps in the offseason. That kind of communication and coordination just didnt exist. The world was bigger. Networks were more local.

It’s just a changed world, thats all. These guys would be the same as those guys if they grew up that way, those guys would be the same as today’s players if they grew up this way.

But theres no question it takes some of the teeth out of the game. Whether or not the NBA or the fans see that as a problem, I guess is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

10-10-2023, 07:51 PM
if they really wanted to make it interesting, they could make the ball heavier or bigger, and make teams harder to score in the all star game without nessecarily creating injuries. but then, who wants to watch that.
Sounds like a great idea for the braindead casuals who hate what the league has become nowadays.

Full Court
10-10-2023, 10:55 PM
Some people are clearly upset that Ja Morant was on the all star team.

10-10-2023, 11:36 PM
I do think the East vs West would bring back the rivalry. These guys are never going to compete hard if they are all friends and vacation with one another. The old NBA had teams and players that loved to beat each other. If money is the prime factor, lets put some teeth into the prize money = every member of the winning team walks away with $250,000 and every member of the losing team gets $2,500. The taunting and trash talking should also be fully allowed.
Even if they bring back the traditional 'east vs. west' format, i think the west would win due to having better talents overall. (https://i.ibb.co/g4tnXnv/IMG-20230626-052542.jpg)