View Full Version : Dillon Brooks Ejected in His Rockets Debut

Full Court
10-11-2023, 07:10 AM

A mere 4:33 into his first game with the Rockets, the dude gets ejected for c*ckpunching a fool.

Here's the play in question:


Brooks: "I might have tapped him below the waist."

Real Men Wear Green
10-11-2023, 07:35 AM
Rapidly establishing himself as the most unlikable player in the league. Has some ways to go to catch Grayson Allen in dirt but he'd got that drive.

10-11-2023, 07:37 AM
Rapidly establishing himself as the most unlikable player in the league. Has some ways to go to catch Grayson Allen in dirt but he'd got that drive.

Establishing? He's there already. I don't even hear about Grayson Allen much any more. Dillon Brooks hatefest is fresh and warranted.

10-11-2023, 07:32 PM
Yo like I said before, if someone **** punches me in the NBA, I'm doing the ow my balls thing... well they prol getting ejected, so there's that. But next time we play I'm doing some like Robert Parish on Lamb level stuff cept worse. I'm waiting til the moment people are furthest away and I'm taking one of dudes eyes or something. Even tapping nuts is just completely out of line and people who do this need to be physically punished by the other players. There's just a level of respect, and I do think people should in general be nicer to everyone, but if someone is gonna aim for your nuts while you are playing basketball, they need to get permanently injured.

It figures this dude did that. Remm when he dropped like 40 on team USA? SAD.


Street Hunger
10-11-2023, 07:35 PM
If nothing else, he is entertaining

Real Men Wear Green
10-11-2023, 07:40 PM
If nothing else, he is entertaining

Nut shots aren't entertaining for me. I don't mind the trash talk but this crap was unnecessary.

10-11-2023, 07:54 PM
Nut shots aren't entertaining for me. I don't mind the trash talk but this crap was unnecessary.

Yeah, that's just not at all entertaining. I got a ball save to the nuts lol (like jumping out of bounds and throw as hard as you can) and it was NOT FUN and prol way more damaging than a nut shot, but dude was laughing and I was just like shrug like yea whatever, laugh. He could have meant it, but prol didn't.

TO DELIBERATELY TARGET SOMEONE'S NUTS is against the bro code. Like I said I don't understand that nut tap shit they say vets do in the NBA if people are being too physical. Dudes should be getting choked out. Your hands should never be anywhere near someone's nuts in basketball.

Edit: you come for my nuts, I'ma let the archangels take you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-7gbWKbXbQ


Full Court
10-11-2023, 08:31 PM
Nut shots aren't entertaining for me. I don't mind the trash talk but this crap was unnecessary.

I took him to mean that his style of play overall is entertaining. Not that nut shots are entertaining.

Full Court
10-11-2023, 08:32 PM
Yeah, that's just not at all entertaining. I got a ball save to the nuts lol (like jumping out of bounds and throw as hard as you can) and it was NOT FUN and prol way more damaging than a nut shot, but dude was laughing and I was just like shrug like yea whatever, laugh. He could have meant it, but prol didn't.

TO DELIBERATELY TARGET SOMEONE'S NUTS is against the bro code. Like I said I don't understand that nut tap shit they say vets do in the NBA if people are being too physical. Dudes should be getting choked out. Your hands should never be anywhere near someone's nuts in basketball.

Edit: you come for my nuts, I'ma let the archangels take you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-7gbWKbXbQ


Is it ok for your hands to be near someone's nuts off the court though?

10-11-2023, 08:40 PM
This dude has touched so many *****

10-11-2023, 08:47 PM
Is it ok for your hands to be near someone's nuts off the court though?

No...Even in a fight nuts are always known to be no no's.

10-11-2023, 08:58 PM
No...Even in a fight nuts are always known to be no no's.

true if it's a fight but if it's some shit like dudes actually trying to go in regardless, no mercy, then nuts are game. Like I said tho the eyes seem a lot more accessible, but knee to the nuts could be nice. I would not put my hands on someone else's saq. lol. I remm (as the king of cool stories) this time we were riding in a car as teens and this kid and this other kid were arguing and dude just grabbed him by the nuts. He was in the window seat and dude was in the middle in the back. He reached over, grabbed his nuts and just squeezed ( I'm assuming?) like thru his pants and shit. It's like ?????????? We def clowned on dude, but I feel like I could get some pretty good punches off before someone squeezed my nuts. I think they would let go to guard their face. It just seems weird and slightly homoerotic to have your hands on someone's nuts. But yea if shit is real I'd stomp nuts or knee nuts, bite nuts, whatever. ahaha. YALL AIN'T ABOUT IT.

I've never really been in any fights like that tho. Mostly it was just boxing stuff. Never been on the ground in a serious fight, but I can't say what I would do if I felt someone was beating the shit out of me and not gonna stop. Survival instincts. But like I said in other threads, the whole point of sports is so that we can get all our primal urges out and have rules and then shake hands when it's over. It's a good replacement for fighting.

Nut hits are not as dangerous as some of the shit people can do to purposefully injure you, but the danger + the disrespect just puts it way above everything else. That's why I say just play it cool, wait til you get a chance and go full retard on dude when he's not expecting it. I'd def take a long suspension for that, and I think everyone in the world would understand why I did it. It legit surprises me that someone in the NBA doesn't just beat the bloody shit out of dudes like Grayson or Brooks. And I like physical ball. Being dirty is just different. Tripping people is super dangerous (grayson) and nuts are just... like I said I will never be a Paul fan cuz he's a nut puncher. You ruin your legacy going after nuts. Used to like Dray, too, til he tried to tap Bron's nuts, but he got to hold the eternal L.


Full Court
10-11-2023, 09:38 PM
Obligatory for this thread:


10-11-2023, 11:16 PM
Weak era for ballbusting:oldlol: barely grazed them

10-12-2023, 11:45 AM
NBA fans: "The league is soft! It's not like the 80's when men were men"

also NBA fans: "Waaaah! Did you see what that bad black man did on the court. Why aren't they pressing charges???!!!!" (dials 911).

10-12-2023, 12:21 PM
NBA fans: "The league is soft! It's not like the 80's when men were men"

also NBA fans: "Waaaah! Did you see what that bad black man did on the court. Why aren't they pressing charges???!!!!" (dials 911).

Lol what?

10-12-2023, 01:18 PM
Lol what?

I'm illustrating the contradiction of the average fan who simultaneously tries to claim:

a) the NBA is 'soft', and we don't see the same kind of physicality on the court like we did in the 1980's


b) getting very agitated at 'enforcer' types like Brooks in today's NBA; being disturbed by the physicality and upset at those players.

You can't have it both ways. Laimbeer was doing a lot worse than nut shots, he was trying to injure people.

As someone pointed out in a prior thread, the reason the League is "soft" is because that's how today's NBA fans actually want it, whether they realize it or not.

10-12-2023, 01:23 PM
I'm illustrating the contradiction of the average fan who simultaneously tries to claim:

a) the NBA is 'soft', and we don't see the same kind of physicality on the court like we did in the 1980's


b) getting very agitated at 'enforcer' types like Brooks in today's NBA; being disturbed by the physicality and upset at those players.

You can't have it both ways. Laimbeer was doing a lot worse than nut shots, he was trying to injure people.

As someone pointed out in a prior thread, the reason the League is "soft" is because that's how today's NBA fans actually want it, whether they realize it or not.

I don't think people are talking about nut shots or race with these types of sentiments.

Hey Yo
10-12-2023, 02:10 PM


Real Men Wear Green
10-12-2023, 02:10 PM
I'm illustrating the contradiction of the average fan who simultaneously tries to claim:

a) the NBA is 'soft', and we don't see the same kind of physicality on the court like we did in the 1980's


b) getting very agitated at 'enforcer' types like Brooks in today's NBA; being disturbed by the physicality and upset at those players.

You can't have it both ways. Laimbeer was doing a lot worse than nut shots, he was trying to injure people.

As someone pointed out in a prior thread, the reason the League is "soft" is because that's how today's NBA fans actually want it, whether they realize it or not.

There is nothing respectable about surprise nut shots. I don't particularly like a game coming down to physical play but there is a big difference between two bigs elbowing in the chest battling for position and this guy surprise slapping a man in the balls. This kind of cheap shot is not a tough guy move, it's a punk move. "I can't guard you so I'm going to jeopardize your ability to make children" is not respected and should not be.

Full Court
10-12-2023, 10:21 PM
Man, looking at the video clip, Brooks didn't even ask what the capital of Thailand was before the nut shot.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc.tenor.com%2FoU8nCyZnpvkAAAAM%2F shake-my-head-snoop-dogg.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=98bdb9e3631ec3e758a061e824bbb03289d31bb9e9af67 650dd11349432c5e23&ipo=images

10-12-2023, 10:25 PM
you're not enforcing anything on someone's nuts. Like I said, dude like

Edit: lol replacing it with this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnplGcAaFNg the low key pelvic thrust check

needs to just mash Dillon out. He has no idea what it's really like. That's an enforcer btw.


10-13-2023, 12:27 AM
If he keeps doing it he should be suspended every time.

10-13-2023, 09:39 AM
There is nothing respectable about surprise nut shots. I don't particularly like a game coming down to physical play but there is a big difference between two bigs elbowing in the chest battling for position and this guy surprise slapping a man in the balls. This kind of cheap shot is not a tough guy move, it's a punk move. "I can't guard you so I'm going to jeopardize your ability to make children" is not respected and should not be.

Its about the over-reaction. Doesn't matter about the particulars which will always differ when comparing incidents. People today cringe at physciality, scream assault ; while wanting to toughness posture and claim basketball players were "men" back in the day. You cant have it both ways. A non-trivial portion of NBA fans are intimidated by someone like LeBron James. I can only imagine how they would react to Rick Mahorn in 2023, knocking players to the ground.

Real Men Wear Green
10-13-2023, 10:26 AM
Its about the over-reaction. Doesn't matter about the particulars which will always differ when comparing incidents. People today cringe at physciality, scream assault ; while wanting to toughness posture and claim basketball players were "men" back in the day. You cant have it both ways. A non-trivial portion of NBA fans are intimidated by someone like LeBron James. I can only imagine how they would react to Rick Mahorn in 2023, knocking players to the ground.
Do you not see the difference between Mahorn's hits and this guy hitting dudes in the nuts? That's the no-go zone. And that's not being tough that's being dirty. Rick Mahorn got into real fightzs out there. I actually don't like the league being like that because you don't want scrubs fighting stars to take stars out of games. But you could never say that Mahorn was just a cheapshotting punk, he was legit fighting guys. This cheap shot to the nuts crap we see from guys like Brooks and Allen isn't real fighting it's just being a dirtbag. He gets no respect and deserves no defense.

10-13-2023, 10:28 AM
Its about the over-reaction. Doesn't matter about the particulars which will always differ when comparing incidents. People today cringe at physciality, scream assault ; while wanting to toughness posture and claim basketball players were "men" back in the day. You cant have it both ways. A non-trivial portion of NBA fans are intimidated by someone like LeBron James. I can only imagine how they would react to Rick Mahorn in 2023, knocking players to the ground.

At nut shots..

10-13-2023, 01:45 PM
Do you not see the difference between Mahorn's hits and this guy hitting dudes in the nuts? That's the no-go zone. And that's not being tough that's being dirty. Rick Mahorn got into real fightzs out there. I actually don't like the league being like that because you don't want scrubs fighting stars to take stars out of games. But you could never say that Mahorn was just a cheapshotting punk, he was legit fighting guys. This cheap shot to the nuts crap we see from guys like Brooks and Allen isn't real fighting it's just being a dirtbag. He gets no respect and deserves no defense.

I am not commenting on this particular incident. I'm talking about people today being indignant about defender/enforcers like Brooks and Draymond Green, in general.

Look, Laimbeer wasn't always clean with his defense. He stepped under defenders to break their ankle when they came down. Even Larry Bird called him out for that. Mahorn was dirty as well. Look at him 3:37 elbowing Larry Bird in the face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9U3fIor0Nc

I guarantee you that happened today; most of you would be on here calling him to be suspended. "That doesn't belong in basketball!!!". You would cry bloody murder if that didn't result in him headed back to the locker room.

Back then, people saw it and accepted it as part of the game.

Draymond doesn't pull half the sh*t Laimbeer and Mahorn did; but the outrage today to his tough play is far more palpable. Because we live in an Internet era where men can pretend to be tough online but in real life, shrink from physical contact. It creates hypocritical posturing, a split personality. That's why we see people cheering on the "good ol' days" of the 80's physical era but IRL reacting emotionally, hysterically in some times out of fear to the real thing when we see it in basketball today.

10-13-2023, 02:08 PM
For starter you are making a false equivalency. I don't think anyone is considering intentionally trying to injure people as the "toughness" you discuss.

Second, you're talking about 2 different groups of people. The ones yearning for the good ole days of the 80s are the ones who grew up watching basketball then. They usually aren't the ones screaming outrage about dirty plays now so I'm not seeing where the hypocritical aspect is coming from.

10-13-2023, 08:54 PM
I am not commenting on this particular incident. I'm talking about people today being indignant about defender/enforcers like Brooks and Draymond Green, in general.

Look, Laimbeer wasn't always clean with his defense. He stepped under defenders to break their ankle when they came down. Even Larry Bird called him out for that. Mahorn was dirty as well. Look at him 3:37 elbowing Larry Bird in the face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9U3fIor0Nc

I guarantee you that happened today; most of you would be on here calling him to be suspended. "That doesn't belong in basketball!!!". You would cry bloody murder if that didn't result in him headed back to the locker room.

Back then, people saw it and accepted it as part of the game.

Draymond doesn't pull half the sh*t Laimbeer and Mahorn did; but the outrage today to his tough play is far more palpable. Because we live in an Internet era where men can pretend to be tough online but in real life, shrink from physical contact. It creates hypocritical posturing, a split personality. That's why we see people cheering on the "good ol' days" of the 80's physical era but IRL reacting emotionally, hysterically in some times out of fear to the real thing when we see it in basketball today.

You are an idiot.

Full Court
10-13-2023, 09:39 PM
I am not commenting on this particular incident. I'm talking about people today being indignant about defender/enforcers like Brooks and Draymond Green, in general.

Look, Laimbeer wasn't always clean with his defense. He stepped under defenders to break their ankle when they came down. Even Larry Bird called him out for that. Mahorn was dirty as well. Look at him 3:37 elbowing Larry Bird in the face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9U3fIor0Nc

I guarantee you that happened today; most of you would be on here calling him to be suspended. "That doesn't belong in basketball!!!". You would cry bloody murder if that didn't result in him headed back to the locker room.

Back then, people saw it and accepted it as part of the game.

Draymond doesn't pull half the sh*t Laimbeer and Mahorn did; but the outrage today to his tough play is far more palpable. Because we live in an Internet era where men can pretend to be tough online but in real life, shrink from physical contact. It creates hypocritical posturing, a split personality. That's why we see people cheering on the "good ol' days" of the 80's physical era but IRL reacting emotionally, hysterically in some times out of fear to the real thing when we see it in basketball today.

Marquess of Queensberry rules, bro. The sack is off limits.

10-14-2023, 12:26 AM
I am not commenting on this particular incident. I'm talking about people today being indignant about defender/enforcers like Brooks and Draymond Green, in general.

nah dude is soft. He was like I was tryin to get around the screen didn't even know I hit him. I'm being targeted. haha, he's the one whining.

If he had trucked the screen, nobody would have said shit. Or most of us wouldn't have. No offense to anyone's personal life choices, but Dillon Brooks gives off a 'hard gay' vibe.

He's not the dude you wanna champion, trust.


10-14-2023, 09:22 AM
nah dude is soft. He was like I was tryin to get around the screen didn't even know I hit him. I'm being targeted. haha, he's the one whining.

If he had trucked the screen, nobody would have said shit. Or most of us wouldn't have. No offense to anyone's personal life choices, but Dillon Brooks gives off a 'hard gay' vibe.

He's not the dude you wanna champion, trust.


He sure loves going after guy's nuts..

10-14-2023, 10:00 AM
nah dude is soft. He was like I was tryin to get around the screen didn't even know I hit him. I'm being targeted. haha, he's the one whining.

If he had trucked the screen, nobody would have said shit. Or most of us wouldn't have. No offense to anyone's personal life choices, but Dillon Brooks gives off a 'hard gay' vibe.

He's not the dude you wanna champion, trust.


I'm not championing him; a broader observation about fans not stomaching physicality in general. look, Draymond has knocked people over to prevent them from scoring. They ended up on the floor. Today's NBA fans reaction is what is this thug doing and this has no place in basketball. People see the same exact play from Rick Mahorn 40 years ago and think that was a great era. That is the point I'm making.

10-14-2023, 10:03 AM
Marquess of Queensberry rules, bro. The sack is off limits.

I am unequivocally against the nut shot. I now realize that this particular incident was not the right, jumping off point to the broader case I wanted to make. Because people are very sensitive when it comes to getting hit in the family jewels to the point, they don't want to think about related issues.

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2023, 10:25 AM
I'm not championing him; a broader observation about fans not stomaching physicality in general. look, Draymond has knocked people over to prevent them from scoring. They ended up on the floor. Today's NBA fans reaction is what is this thug doing and this has no place in basketball. People see the same exact play from Rick Mahorn 40 years ago and think that was a great era. That is the point I'm making.
That's fine too defend Green, he's a legit tough guy. Has nothing to do with Brooks.

10-14-2023, 11:06 AM
That's fine too defend Green, he's a legit tough guy. Has nothing to do with Brooks.


This will give you a sense of how fans are reacting.

When Draymond removed his leg from being pinned by Sabonis, he ended up pushing off him to get back up the court. The clear plurality favored a multi-game suspension. More draconian than even the NBA settled for (of one game). A play that in the 80s would not be a foul let alone a suspension.

Comments include:

"I would give 3 or more,"

"This guy is objectively a complete douchebag, why does the NBA allow it? How can this be explained?"

"Anything other than a multi game suspension would be a joke. "

"This is nothing new for Draymond, but since he has always gotten away with this ****, it graduaklly gets worse and worse with him.

But he has a HUGE track record of intentionally trying to hurt people."

This is what I'm talking about.

Now let's take a walk down memory lane to "old school basketball" from the 70s, 80s etc.

Comments include:

"The 80s to mid 2000s is the "Attitude Era" of the NBA. The physicality, the competition, the intensity, the rivalries, the swag & style is just unmatched & incomparable in contrast to today's NBA. Today's NBA is nothing but full off softies, divas & woke SJWs."

"Old school basketball = awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! "

"before all the flopping stuff was happenin. loved the real tough guy era"

This is the dichotomy I'm talking about. We romanticize physicality in the past, when we're safe from it. We abhor it in the present, when we feel, at some level, threatened by it.

(One might argue that in the present time, people also react from fan favoritism perspective, that is disliking someone physical with the team they root for. However, I was around in the 80s and an adult in the 90s, and I recall most fans didn't respond as hysterically to such physicality even at the time, as they do today to present-day physicality.)

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2023, 11:14 AM
The thing is this is not supposed to be a thread about Draymond Green or how physical the NBA used to be. This is a thread about Brooks cheap shot to the balls. You are talking about stuff that has nothing to do with that.

10-14-2023, 11:18 AM
I'm not championing him; a broader observation about fans not stomaching physicality in general. look, Draymond has knocked people over to prevent them from scoring. They ended up on the floor. Today's NBA fans reaction is what is this thug doing and this has no place in basketball. People see the same exact play from Rick Mahorn 40 years ago and think that was a great era. That is the point I'm making.

I see what the problem is. You are saying Today's NBA fans... and then when you say PEOPLE, you're talking about fans of the old NBA. Two different people. I've never thought physicality was out of place in the NBA. I think physicality is one of the things that made basketball the most complex sport... that you could use your body to dislodge people, use your forearm to push people, use your butt to move people, standing still you can bump people (picks, the one thing you can do anymore.) It made it very interesting. The NBA is shammy now. Funny how I bet there are way more nut shots tho...

Preseason nut shots, the humanity.

Edit: @ RMWG, dude is trolling tho. haha. I wouldn't even respond beyond what we've already said. Zzz. He must be a Brooks fan trying to derail. NO ONE FORGETS NUT SHOTS. History is not kind to ballbusters.


10-14-2023, 11:43 AM
The thing is this is not supposed to be a thread about Draymond Green or how physical the NBA used to be. This is a thread about Brooks cheap shot to the balls. You are talking about stuff that has nothing to do with that.

Sorry, you yourself invoked Draymond Green in your last post; I was responding to that.

We all agree a nutshot is wrong; nothing to discuss (I can give you plenty of examples where a nutshot resulted in a technical instead of a suspension, but that's a less interesting subject). I was making a broader point about people's hysterical reactions to physicality (the nut shot being on the extreme end of that in terms of being a cheapshot but nonetheless part of the category) while insisting the league is soft. If you don't want to discuss that angle, fine go back to talking about the nutshot.

10-14-2023, 11:47 AM
I see what the problem is. You are saying Today's NBA fans... and then when you say PEOPLE, you're talking about fans of the old NBA. Two different people. I've never thought physicality was out of place in the NBA. I think physicality is one of the things that made basketball the most complex sport... that you could use your body to dislodge people, use your forearm to push people, use your butt to move people, standing still you can bump people (picks, the one thing you can do anymore.) It made it very interesting. The NBA is shammy now. Funny how I bet there are way more nut shots tho...

Preseason nut shots, the humanity.

Edit: @ RMWG, dude is trolling tho. haha. I wouldn't even respond beyond what we've already said. Zzz. He must be a Brooks fan trying to derail. NO ONE FORGETS NUT SHOTS. History is not kind to ballbusters.


Keep talking.

Full Court
10-14-2023, 12:38 PM
I am unequivocally against the nut shot. I now realize that this particular incident was not the right, jumping off point to the broader case I wanted to make. Because people are very sensitive when it comes to getting hit in the family jewels to the point, they don't want to think about related issues.

Fair enough, but the point everyone is trying to make is that they're not really related issues. You can be all in favor of physicality and against cockpunching. That's what almost everyone's trying to say.

Real Men Wear Green
10-14-2023, 01:38 PM
Sorry, you yourself invoked Draymond Green in your last post; I was responding to that.

We all agree a nutshot is wrong; nothing to discuss (I can give you plenty of examples where a nutshot resulted in a technical instead of a suspension, but that's a less interesting subject). I was making a broader point about people's hysterical reactions to physicality (the nut shot being on the extreme end of that in terms of being a cheapshot but nonetheless part of the category) while insisting the league is soft. If you don't want to discuss that angle, fine go back to talking about the nutshot.

Actually you are the one that brought up Green.

10-14-2023, 03:20 PM
Sorry, you yourself invoked Draymond Green in your last post; I was responding to that.

We all agree a nutshot is wrong; nothing to discuss (I can give you plenty of examples where a nutshot resulted in a technical instead of a suspension, but that's a less interesting subject). I was making a broader point about people's hysterical reactions to physicality (the nut shot being on the extreme end of that in terms of being a cheapshot but nonetheless part of the category) while insisting the league is soft. If you don't want to discuss that angle, fine go back to talking about the nutshot.

Translation: "I was trying to place the race card, but it backfired when someone brought up negative reactions to Grayson Allen's cheap shots and his consequent suspensions, and now I'm just rambling like an angry incoherent lunatic trying to untangle the mess I made by playing a faulty race card."

This is kind of a familiar pattern I'm afraid. You try the race card, it gets immediately pointed out as idiotic and inapplicable, and then you just huff and puff in a bitter frenzy.

You need medication my man. That's not an ad hominem. You need real medication, in a completely serious way. You need help. Youre not well.

Full Court
10-15-2023, 08:45 AM
Update: The league is fining him $25k.