View Full Version : Glenn Rice said he going to average 30 ppg in today's nba

10-12-2023, 07:24 PM
Do you agree with him? Rice was one of the best scorers in the 1990's

Xiao Yao You
10-12-2023, 07:30 PM
Do you agree with him? Rice was one of the best scorers in the 1990's

averaged over 23 once so no he wasn't one of the best scorers in the 90's. One of the best shooters so yeah he might average 30 with the amount of 3's he'd be taking today and no one allowed to get near him

10-12-2023, 07:34 PM
On the Bobcats or something? Maybe...

Xiao Yao You
10-12-2023, 07:37 PM
He might be a 4 today

10-12-2023, 07:51 PM
It’s a lot more likely than Gilbert scoring 90 in the 90s like he said he would do on Twitter talking shit like we don’t remember him getting eaten up by 90s players.

Real Men Wear Green
10-12-2023, 07:54 PM
A lot of players just averaged 30. I think last season was 6. Historically if a guy averaged 30 he would be having one of the best scoring seasons in NBA history but it's almost become common. Glen Rice was a great scorer, not the greatest scorer I've ever seen but these days you don't have to be that to average 30. And the modern style would be great for scorers like him that were great three point shooters. He had one season where he averaged 26.8. The three point line was moved in for that year and so he was set lose to take threes at a more modern rate of 5.6 (his career average is 4). If he was taking 9 or 10 per game like a shooter/scorer of his caliber can in today's NBA he's going to score a lot more points. Much would still depend on who he was playing with but the potential to average 30 under modern conditions is there.

10-12-2023, 07:55 PM
averaged over 23 once so no he wasn't one of the best scorers in the 90's. One of the best shooters so yeah he might average 30 with the amount of 3's he'd be taking today and no one allowed to get near him

yea I think he could. I think his game is suited. He wouldn't be like 30 every year, but he could get 30 once. Look at the curve of scoring, but yea 22 is kinda paltry. 27 def = 30 today tho. Still, he was kind of a weird player. It's like Reggie Miller never had crazy scoring numbers, either. Those guys would both get at least 20 shots in today's game, and I think that'd get them close to 30. It was short line ( p sure?) but the fact he hit 47% is pretty nice.


Xiao Yao You
10-12-2023, 07:56 PM
yea I think he could. I think his game is suited. He wouldn't be like 30 every year, but he could get 30 once. Look at the curve of scoring, but yea 22 is kinda paltry. 27 def = 30 today tho. Still, he was kind of a weird player. It's like Reggie Miller never had crazy scoring numbers, either. Those guys would both get at least 20 shots in today's game, and I think that'd get them close to 30. It was short line ( p sure?) but the fact he hit 47% is pretty nice.


40% for his career

10-12-2023, 07:57 PM

Gilbert really talking about guards with 28 inch verticals like he didn’t get eaten up by a nearly retired John Stockton who wasn’t even athletic when he was 20.


10-12-2023, 07:57 PM
It’s a lot more likely than Gilbert scoring 90 in the 90s like he said he would do on Twitter talking shit like we don’t remember him getting eaten up by 90s players.

He was talking about lil pg's talking shit about what they'd do and being like dude you weigh 180, dudes need to put a SG on me. He was big and he could score, but I don't recall him dominating 90s guys or good PGs even back then. Maybe I'm trippin. Dude is kinda nuts tho...

Edit @ above post and he's getting bodied, too. Stock just running thru him.


10-12-2023, 07:58 PM
As for Glen he would be a stretch four taking 10 threes a game. You put him on the Rockets he might do it. Less likely on a team with a plan.

Xiao Yao You
10-12-2023, 08:00 PM

Gilbert really talking about guards with 28 inch verticals like he didn’t get eaten up by a nearly retired John Stockton who wasn’t even athletic when he was 20.


Stockton couldn't jump but he was certainly an elite athlete. If he wasn't he'd have been John Paxon

10-12-2023, 08:05 PM
In a world where both Stockton and Derrick Rose existed Stockton is not an elite athlete as a basketball player. He’s elite far as all humanity but not for a guard in the nba. But at 40 he still gave Gilbert his season high and fouled him out in the win so it’s obviously not as important as Gil made it out to be.

10-12-2023, 08:27 PM
I mean, he was like 3 points away from averaging 30 PPG in the 90's. Given enough shots, sure.

10-12-2023, 09:12 PM
At his peak? Easy 30 even on a playoff team but would lose early like he did back then.

10-12-2023, 10:57 PM
In a world where both Stockton and Derrick Rose existed Stockton is not an elite athlete as a basketball player. He’s elite far as all humanity but not for a guard in the nba. But at 40 he still gave Gilbert his season high and fouled him out in the win so it’s obviously not as important as Gil made it out to be.

You don't need to defend Stockton when Nash was winning MVP's during Gilbert's prime.

Let's not forget Gilbert was also apparently on the biogenesis list..

Full Court
10-13-2023, 07:03 AM
30 is the new 20. In today's game, I have no doubt at all that Rice would average at least 30.

Street Hunger
10-22-2023, 10:57 AM
Rice probably could average 30 in today's NBA but I don't know if he would be doing it on a playoff contending team or a bad team