View Full Version : How is this not a travel?

10-28-2023, 01:03 AM

While we're at it, how is this not a travel?


It's crazy what you can get away with these days. No wonder everyone looks so "skilled".

You can travel, palm the ball, forearm and push defenders at will. All while they can't touch you..

10-28-2023, 01:16 AM
How is that NOT skill? Serious question. (I'm talking about the YouTube link. **** Twitter, Elon and all the Elontards).

You will not win in this thread. There are far better examples. It's not the 1970s btw.

10-28-2023, 01:37 AM
Not every player has the discipline of LeIntegrity.

Duffy Pratt
10-28-2023, 02:25 AM
Not every player has the discipline of LeIntegrity.


Xiao Yao You
10-28-2023, 08:28 AM

While we're at it, how is this not a travel?


It's crazy what you can get away with these days. No wonder everyone looks so "skilled".

You can travel, palm the ball, forearm and push defenders at will. All while they can't touch you..

because it's the NBA

Wardell Curry
10-28-2023, 09:42 AM
That's definitely not a travel. It was probably not intended whatsoever when the rules were written, but technically not a travel. That WNBA player has it perfected.

I think the ambiguity comes in with the gather step(s).

Imo, players shouldn't essentially be able to take 2 more steps after they've released the ball on their last dribble before it gets back up to their hand and then when it comes back, pivot around and take an additional step after that. This is why you're seeing that. It's absolutely maximizing the hell out of the rules.

10-28-2023, 10:41 AM
That's definitely not a travel. It was probably not intended whatsoever when the rules were written, but technically not a travel. That WNBA player has it perfected.

I think the ambiguity comes in with the gather step(s).

Imo, players shouldn't essentially be able to take 2 more steps after they've released the ball on their last dribble before it gets back up to their hand and then when it comes back, pivot around and take an additional step after that. This is why you're seeing that. It's absolutely maximizing the hell out of the rules.

dude, what? that is a travel.

it's bad enough that they allow players to carry the ball now. if you let them get away with this too you might as well just get rid of defense entirely and have both teams compete in a shootout.

it is very clearly a travel.

10-28-2023, 11:08 AM
dude, what? that is a travel.

it's bad enough that they allow players to carry the ball now. if you let them get away with this too you might as well just get rid of defense entirely and have both teams compete in a shootout.

it is very clearly a travel.

It’s just part of the decision to focus more on marketing the individual brilliance than the team concept. Without the so called gather step youd have to pass the ball in a lot more situations, and it would lead to less of an individual athletic showcase.

Theres no right or wrong in it, the league is a business and simply decided individual sizzle is more popular/profitable than a more disciplined, team oriented approach. Im sure theyre right, otherwise they wouldnt have done it. It isnt the first time either, dunking the ball was taboo early in the game’s existence. Eventually a few guys decided to start breaking the convention, the fans found it exciting, and it caught on.

The rules are whatever the NBA thinks the most people will watch.

11-15-2023, 11:52 PM

Look at the baseline angle, massive travel.

Xiao Yao You
11-16-2023, 07:29 AM
not bad by today's standards

11-16-2023, 10:30 AM
That's definitely not a travel. It was probably not intended whatsoever when the rules were written, but technically not a travel. That WNBA player has it perfected.

It's a travel because once you stop your pivot foot is established. They used to teach you to jump stop and land with both feet at once so you could pivot on either one. That would be the ideal. You don't get "two steps" any time. If you can just pick up the ball then take two steps whenever, the game of basketball becomes a huge joke.

Traveling was probably meant for people in direct motion with the basketball. Euros and side steps kind of changed that, but they were still doing a move. It's gone pretty far now, but it's still you get (it's not 2 but... 2-3) steps after you start your move and you can pretty much do whatever. However, a pump fake when you pick up the ball IS A MOVE. Then walking with the ball is another move. It's just like if you imagine someone has the ball at the three point line, pump fakes it, and then takes two steps without dribbling. You agree that's traveling, right? Same idea.


11-17-2023, 01:25 AM
Ref's need not only to watch foot work but also if player is stepping while holding the ball with both hands.
If both hands holding the ball and a step thru occurs its a travel 100%.

I obviously know what the euro step is and how it is executed.... but a step thru (you have to watch the hands as well)