View Full Version : Lou Williams confirms the Bubble chip was fraudulent

11-13-2023, 11:26 PM

Full Court
11-13-2023, 11:28 PM
I wouldn't use the word fraudulent, but it was a complete joke. And everybody knows it.

11-13-2023, 11:31 PM
Lemon Pepper Lou up to noooooo good.

11-13-2023, 11:37 PM
A ringless man like.him, should shut the hell up once and for all. Many have said that it had to be one of the toughest championship to win.

11-13-2023, 11:38 PM
I wouldn't use the word fraudulent, but it was a complete joke. And everybody knows it.
Mr 60% ain't you supposed to be Permaban for being named the dumbest poster alive?
This response justifies ISH votes.

Xiao Yao You
11-13-2023, 11:40 PM
A ringless man like.him, should shut the hell up once and for all. Many have said that it had to be one of the toughest championship to win.

sure take a few months off and get healthy and play on a neutral court with no fans. They had it rough!

11-13-2023, 11:48 PM
That just comes across as a pathetic excuse for their historic collapse. If they wanted out of the bubble so badly, they wouldn't have gone up 3-1 and taken double digit leads in every clinching game the rest of the series. They wanted to win but they choked, and he was awful.

11-13-2023, 11:55 PM
So what he's saying is they weren't mentally tough enough to keep fighting. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

11-14-2023, 12:01 AM
that excuse rings hollow Lou when you realize you kawhi PG and pat bev blew a 3-1 lead

lakers won a ring AND made a western conference finals despite their injury issues and roster issues

clippers havent done shit since 2020 except get shat on by luka

11-14-2023, 12:01 AM
sure take a few months off and get healthy and play on a neutral court with no fans. They had it rough!

Exactly! It's neutral, which means no one has an advantage. No homecourt advantage.

Xiao Yao You
11-14-2023, 12:06 AM
Exactly! It's neutral, which means no one has an advantage. No homecourt advantage.

means no travel

11-14-2023, 12:06 AM
that excuse rings hollow Lou when you realize you kawhi PG and pat bev blew a 3-1 lead

lakers won a ring AND made a western conference finals despite their injury issues and roster issues

clippers havent done shit since 2020 except get shat on by luka
They sucked with doc rivers and they still suck with lue rn. Hbk never came back anymore to cheer for his hero.

11-14-2023, 12:08 AM
That just comes across as a pathetic excuse for their historic collapse. If they wanted out of the bubble so badly, they wouldn't have gone up 3-1 and taken double digit leads in every clinching game the rest of the series. They wanted to win but they choked, and he was awful.

they were up 3-1 and choked

if they won that series and the bubble ring they would have said "hardest chip ever" :oldlol:

****ing bums

11-14-2023, 12:11 AM
That’s one of the dumbest things any athlete has ever said. If anything is fraudulent, it’s the clippers mentality.

11-14-2023, 12:16 AM
Dumbest thing he could possibly say, especially how it ended for them.

11-14-2023, 12:18 AM
Mr 60% ain't you supposed to be Permaban for being named the dumbest poster alive?
This response justifies ISH votes.


Lou's comment seems kinda weird...You just can't be bothered winning a championship? Huh? You would rather win zero titles than 1? Such fierce competitors lol. Everything about the Clippers is a joke again. Just like when Denver absolutely destroyed them. Amazing. Keep it coming.

11-14-2023, 12:21 AM

Lou's comment seems kinda weird...You just can't be bothered winning a championship? Huh? You would rather win zero titles than 1? Such fierce competitors lol. Everything about the Clippers is a joke again. Just like when Denver absolutely destroyed them. Amazing. Keep it coming.

what a meltdown


micky mouse ring *

11-14-2023, 12:27 AM
what a meltdown


micky mouse ring *

I'm sad to know you are still alive, poisoning our existence here :facepalm

11-14-2023, 12:29 AM
I'm sad to know you are still alive, poisoning our existence here :facepalm


11-14-2023, 01:05 AM
Thats that shit you say to make losing a 3-1 lead sound good in your head. He shoulda kept it there lol.

11-14-2023, 02:40 AM
Mr 60% ain't you supposed to be Permaban for being named the dumbest poster alive?
This response justifies ISH votes.


11-14-2023, 05:27 AM
He's right, imagine being the LA freaking Clippers and your first ever ring is a bubble ring.

11-14-2023, 07:01 AM
I'm sad to know you are still alive, poisoning our existence here :facepalm


Real Men Wear Green
11-14-2023, 07:26 AM
He's right, imagine being the LA freaking Clippers and your first ever ring is a bubble ring.

If you are the Clippers you can only imagine a ring because you don't have one. Any season you have a chance to win a championship you go for that opportunity. Player on a team with no championships in their entire history talking about how they didn't try that one year because of the bubble is a joke.

11-14-2023, 08:39 AM
He's right, imagine being the LA freaking Clippers and your first ever ring is a bubble ring.

Yep. Losing a 3-1 lead and still having no rings is clearly better.

Full Court
11-14-2023, 09:45 AM
Mr 60% ain't you supposed to be Permaban for being named the dumbest poster alive?
This response justifies ISH votes.

You sound like you're in denial about the Mickey Mouse bubble.

11-14-2023, 11:24 AM
You sound like you're in denial about the Mickey Mouse bubble.

Tell us about it then. Give us the run down on why it's a joke. It's only really a problem because Lebron won it. They got a break to get healthy? Every team got the same break. We were in the midst of a global pandemic that forced the majority of humanity into bunker mode while we waited for the idiots in charge to figure things out. Some of you claim it was easy, some claim it was the hardest ring of all. I know for sure it was the most unique. The players played in a sterile lab experiment type of environment in the sense of no fans, no homecourt advantage or rich guy routines. These guys had to leave their families behind for the entire duration, something that doesn't happen to any athletes in any sport. Big whoop right? Well they were locked in and had to get the same texts and calls we did that our families and friends contracted covid, or worse maybe passed away. The NBA is 99.457% black, yeah I pulled that number out of my ass but it's just to say predominantly black and police tensions were at an all time high in the black community. To the point that other racial communities chose to stand by us in that moment, this is a big deal for a league with so many players from the inner city and involved in their communities. It was such a big deal the NBA opted to include messages and imagery into their product because they'd have lost most of their employees had they not. So from a mental standpoint I'm sure it was hard for alot of the players. It was a difficult time out here for us normal folk too. I worked during the entire pandemic and it gave birth to a different load of stress and worry I'd normally not have as well. Maybe it was easy for the people who felt the pandemic was easy and difficult for those who saw all the bad side of the pandemic, who's to say? But at the end of the day every team rolled in from the same point of the year with the same time off and the exact same conditions to compete. Sure we saw some guys become outliers without fans but only a couple. The conference finals matchups were actually an exact repeat just 3 years later, so were there any fluke teams present? Your ball Fullcourt, let's hear your reasoning.

Full Court
11-14-2023, 12:16 PM
Tell us about it then. Give us the run down on why it's a joke. It's only really a problem because Lebron won it. They got a break to get healthy? Every team got the same break. We were in the midst of a global pandemic that forced the majority of humanity into bunker mode while we waited for the idiots in charge to figure things out. Some of you claim it was easy, some claim it was the hardest ring of all. I know for sure it was the most unique. The players played in a sterile lab experiment type of environment in the sense of no fans, no homecourt advantage or rich guy routines. These guys had to leave their families behind for the entire duration, something that doesn't happen to any athletes in any sport. Big whoop right? Well they were locked in and had to get the same texts and calls we did that our families and friends contracted covid, or worse maybe passed away. The NBA is 99.457% black, yeah I pulled that number out of my ass but it's just to say predominantly black and police tensions were at an all time high in the black community. To the point that other racial communities chose to stand by us in that moment, this is a big deal for a league with so many players from the inner city and involved in their communities. It was such a big deal the NBA opted to include messages and imagery into their product because they'd have lost most of their employees had they not. So from a mental standpoint I'm sure it was hard for alot of the players. It was a difficult time out here for us normal folk too. I worked during the entire pandemic and it gave birth to a different load of stress and worry I'd normally not have as well. Maybe it was easy for the people who felt the pandemic was easy and difficult for those who saw all the bad side of the pandemic, who's to say? But at the end of the day every team rolled in from the same point of the year with the same time off and the exact same conditions to compete. Sure we saw some guys become outliers without fans but only a couple. The conference finals matchups were actually an exact repeat just 3 years later, so were there any fluke teams present? Your ball Fullcourt, let's hear your reasoning.

Did you watch any of the games? It was scrimage ball. Everything about it was an anomaly. You had borderline all star level players putting up all time great numbers. You had random players sitting out all over the place because of covid "protocols." No crowds. It was in Disney World. You had players not participating because going into lockdown in freaking Disney World was idiotic, and they knew it. Shortened season. Etc, etc. You should be able to figure this out on your own without me having to explain it.

11-14-2023, 12:26 PM
Did you watch any of the games? It was scrimage ball. Everything about it was an anomaly. You had borderline all star level players putting up all time great numbers. You had random players sitting out all over the place because of covid "protocols." No crowds. It was in Disney World. You had players not participating because going into lockdown in freaking Disney World was idiotic, and they knew it. Shortened season. Etc, etc. You should be able to figure this out on your own without me having to explain it.

It's not fraudulent if every team played under the same conditions. No home court advantage, no travel fatigue, and every team had equal access to training facilities. The best players from each team were still present, which maintained the competitive integrity of the games. The bubble also presented mental and physical challenges that no player was used to. Going through and overcoming those challenges was part of the competition. Some might even argue that the bubble was tougher because of these circumstances. Either way, the 2020 championship is legit.

11-14-2023, 12:30 PM
So basically, We lost because we didn't try.

One of the most pathetic things an athlete could say. If this actually was their thought process Lou should've taken it with him to the grave. Why make this public? Just say, "the pandemic bubble ruined our rhythm and chemistry" and leave it at that.

Real Men Wear Green
11-14-2023, 12:32 PM
Did you watch any of the games? It was scrimage ball. Everything about it was an anomaly. You had borderline all star level players putting up all time great numbers. You had random players sitting out all over the place because of covid "protocols." No crowds. It was in Disney World. You had players not participating because going into lockdown in freaking Disney World was idiotic, and they knew it. Shortened season. Etc, etc. You should be able to figure this out on your own without me having to explain it.This season we would call that "Tuesday." These days if your team doesn't score 110 you probably lost. Replace "protocols" with "load management" and that sentence still holds true. In fact because of the bubble while the players were in the bubble there weren't missed games due to covid. You are left with making a big deal over the games being played in Disney. You have a hard time accepting reality but the reality is that there's no unfair advantage that that granted to James and the Lakers, and James winning a ring is the real reason you pretend your bs is important. It is not. Being in the bubble made that ring different. Different is not the same thing as being less significant.

11-14-2023, 12:48 PM
It's pretty inarguably the weirdest title in NBA history.

-No HCA (which hurts top seeded teams)

-No fans (ditto above)

-Cut short regular season (affected seeding)

-Huge lay away between regular season and playoffs 6+ months

-Bunch of players "opting out"

-No travel stuck in hotel for months on end

There's never been a playoffs even remotely like it.

Full Court
11-14-2023, 01:45 PM
It's not fraudulent if every team played under the same conditions. No home court advantage, no travel fatigue, and every team had equal access to training facilities. The best players from each team were still present, which maintained the competitive integrity of the games. The bubble also presented mental and physical challenges that no player was used to. Going through and overcoming those challenges was part of the competition. Some might even argue that the bubble was tougher because of these circumstances. Either way, the 2020 championship is legit.

Did you even read my post where I specifically said I wouldn't call it "fraudulent"?

Geez. :biggums:

11-14-2023, 04:01 PM
So basically, We lost because we didn't try.

One of the most pathetic things an athlete could say. If this actually was their thought process Lou should've taken it with him to the grave. Why make this public? Just say, "the pandemic bubble ruined our rhythm and chemistry" and leave it at that.


exactly. dude - they were up 3-1 :oldlol:

and then played like a bunch of hos - just the same way they are playing again this year

and just the same they played like hos in the playoffs when they got dogged by luka and the baby mavs :oldlol:

11-14-2023, 04:29 PM

exactly. dude - they were up 3-1 :oldlol:

and then played like a bunch of hos - just the same way they are playing again this year

and just the same they played like hos in the playoffs when they got dogged by luka and the baby mavs :oldlol:

If the Clippers had HCA they wouldn't have blown it.

The % on home teams winning Game 7s is like 80+%. And Game 5s at home up 3-1 is probably similar.

There's no doubt the lack of HCA and fan presence affected outcomes in that playoff format.

Xiao Yao You
11-14-2023, 04:33 PM
The biggest problem to me is it was basically a different season. The season was put on hold for months. They basically had an off season and another training camp and than a few games added on to the records of what they'd done months before. This helped some teams more than others. Certainly helped the the Lakers who had time to heal

11-14-2023, 05:09 PM
Who was responsible again for locking down that season in march three years ago?

Hey Yo
11-14-2023, 05:13 PM
If the Lakers got to the Finals and lost that year, the same haters who say it doesn't count are the same ones who would count it as a Finals loss against LeBron.

11-14-2023, 05:13 PM
This season we would call that "Tuesday." These days if your team doesn't score 110 you probably lost. Replace "protocols" with "load management" and that sentence still holds true. In fact because of the bubble while the players were in the bubble there weren't missed games due to covid. You are left with making a big deal over the games being played in Disney. You have a hard time accepting reality but the reality is that there's no unfair advantage that that granted to James and the Lakers, and James winning a ring is the real reason you pretend your bs is important. It is not. Being in the bubble made that ring different. Different is not the same thing as being less significant.

11-14-2023, 05:15 PM
If the Clippers had HCA they wouldn't have blown it.

The % on home teams winning Game 7s is like 80+%. And Game 5s at home up 3-1 is probably similar.

There's no doubt the lack of HCA and fan presence affected outcomes in that playoff format.

I was watching those series and I was watching all of their games

I have no doubt that the lakers would have whooped that azz in a series

those clippers were hos

and proved it by choking a 3-1 lead - like some hos

11-14-2023, 05:37 PM
I was watching those series and I was watching all of their games

I have no doubt that the lakers would have whooped that azz in a series

those clippers were hos

and proved it by choking a 3-1 lead - like some hos

Eh.... I remember every Laker fan celebrating the Clipper loss. Denver had absolutely nobody to guard Lebron or AD. The Clippers otoh did. And everybody knew they had their number in that regard. That's why yall were celebrating their loss and the ensuing free path that followed.

11-14-2023, 05:55 PM
Did you watch any of the games? It was scrimage ball. Everything about it was an anomaly. You had borderline all star level players putting up all time great numbers. You had random players sitting out all over the place because of covid "protocols." No crowds. It was in Disney World. You had players not participating because going into lockdown in freaking Disney World was idiotic, and they knew it. Shortened season. Etc, etc. You should be able to figure this out on your own without me having to explain it.
This post was already ripped to.shreds before I saw it. The numbers game is still happening now in the "normal" version of the league. Players break out and have big performances sometimes in the playoffs its happened in the entire history of the game, how was it different in the bubble? Teams score more now than they did pre-bubble as well. Is the current league a joke too? If so no one's titles from then on will count? Um and as another poster said their was no covid protocol games missed because there were zero positive covid tests in 3 months of bubble. No crowds meant no advantages or disadvantages due to environment on the court, hence the lab type atmosphere. So as RMWG stated you're left being upset with the fact it happened at Disney World , would you have been happier if it was at WaterWorld instead, or Caesar's Palace, fight island with the UFC? Why don't you just tell us the truth? We can all see it.

11-14-2023, 06:01 PM
If the Lakers got to the Finals and lost that year, the same haters who say it doesn't count are the same ones who would count it as a Finals loss against LeBron.

Beating an eastern conference 8 seed with their 2nd option out is kind of a joke.

Hey Yo
11-14-2023, 06:14 PM
Beating an eastern conference 8 seed with their 2nd option out is kind of a joke.

Miami wasn't the 8 seed that year... try again

11-14-2023, 06:17 PM
Beating an eastern conference 8 seed with their 2nd option out is kind of a joke.

And the Nuggets beat a what? 7th seed with a hobbled 1st option in the conference finals to face the same team missing a 20 ppg scorer in the finals lol. Shit happens.

BTW that 8th seed went finals, 1st rd exit, conference finals, finals from bubble till now.

11-14-2023, 06:29 PM
Eh.... I remember every Laker fan celebrating the Clipper loss. Denver had absolutely nobody to guard Lebron or AD. The Clippers otoh did. And everybody knew they had their number in that regard. That's why yall were celebrating their loss and the ensuing free path that followed.

I definitely did celebrate that shit - that 3-1 choke was legendary. PG bricking off the backboard and kawhi playing like shit. :oldlol:

funniest thing I've seen in my life - skip even took his kawhi clippers gear and threw it in the trash after saying the clippers were better than the lakers all year :oldlol:

nuggets tore that azz up the same way lebron and AD did a few months prior:


11-14-2023, 06:32 PM
thats why I dont even mind the nuggets puffing their chest out against the lakers this year - they were bullied by veterans in 2020 and would have won against any other team

dwight was straight up flagrant fouling jokic in 2020 getting away with it and I was all for it :oldlol:

letting him and old man rondo go was a real loss

11-14-2023, 06:43 PM
very forceful defense in that 2020 series by dwight

really took him to town

11-14-2023, 07:28 PM
Beating an eastern conference 8 seed with their 2nd option out is kind of a joke.
Bro, how do you never know what you're talking about :lol It's honestly amazing.

11-14-2023, 07:39 PM
Looks like only the mentally toughest players lasted until the end of the bubble.

What do you know. Jimmy Butler and LeBron.

11-14-2023, 07:47 PM
sounds lik a retard supporting ape man cripple kawi

11-14-2023, 07:49 PM
1. Bubble chip is at a heavy discount, to everyone…except the owner.

2. Nobody believes this n!gga.

Not even the b!tches.

Maybe some kid can identify …
.. the kid who quits when they think a loss is inevitable.
That’s it though.

11-14-2023, 07:59 PM
And the Nuggets beat a what? 7th seed with a hobbled 1st option in the conference finals to face the same team missing a 20 ppg scorer in the finals lol. Shit happens.

BTW that 8th seed went finals, 1st rd exit, conference finals, finals from bubble till now.

The Lakers definitely weren't hobbled when Denver beat them.


Lebron, AD, Reaves, and Rui all went off.

The Nuggets also beat the Durant Booker Suns and the same exact Minnesota Gobert, Edward's, KAT, and Conley twolves that are dominating right now.

The Nuggets run was FAR more impressive.

11-14-2023, 08:21 PM
The Lakers definitely weren't hobbled when Denver beat them.


Lebron, AD, Reaves, and Rui all went off.

The Nuggets also beat the Durant Booker Suns and the same exact Minnesota Gobert, Edward's, KAT, and Conley twolves that are dominating right now.

The Nuggets run was FAR more impressive.

Ehh Lebron was clearly not himself physically. He did well enough but watching him you knew he wasn't 100%

11-14-2023, 08:25 PM
Ehh Lebron was clearly not himself physically. He did well enough but watching him you knew he wasn't 100%

Nah... I watched that series and commented in real time about it all happening. All in the game thread.

28/10/10 on 50+% shooting? And you're saying he was hobbled?

That's a joke....

Xiao Yao You
11-14-2023, 08:28 PM
The Lakers definitely weren't hobbled when Denver beat them.


Lebron, AD, Reaves, and Rui all went off.

The Nuggets also beat the Durant Booker Suns and the same exact Minnesota Gobert, Edward's, KAT, and Conley twolves that are dominating right now.

The Nuggets run was FAR more impressive.

they Wolves are a much different team even if it's most of the same guys

11-14-2023, 09:07 PM
Nah... I watched that series and commented in real time about it all happening. All in the game thread.

28/10/10 on 50+% shooting? And you're saying he was hobbled?

That's a joke....

It's been WIDELY reported thst he had a tendon injury in his foot and they were exploring surgery in the offseason. As a person who's watched him play I could tell he wasn't right. But hey some guys see numbers and assume without looking at the details. He wasn't moving well for playoff time Lebron.

11-14-2023, 10:01 PM
Nah... I watched that series and commented in real time about it all happening. All in the game thread.

28/10/10 on 50+% shooting? And you're saying he was hobbled?

That's a joke....

Are you on meth?

11-14-2023, 11:19 PM

It was since no fans were around.

Full Court
11-14-2023, 11:32 PM
It's been WIDELY reported thst he had a tendon injury in his foot and they were exploring surgery in the offseason. As a person who's watched him play I could tell he wasn't right. But hey some guys see numbers and assume without looking at the details. He wasn't moving well for playoff time Lebron.

It's called a phony narrative from Bronie fluffers to make excuses for him sucking. They can't just admit that he's old and a net negative player.

11-15-2023, 12:56 AM
It was since no fans were around.

Your carburetor blew the moment you realized no one would have homecourt advantage.

11-15-2023, 12:58 AM
It's called a phony narrative from Bronie fluffers to make excuses for him sucking. They can't just admit that he's old and a net negative player.

Yeah ok, I'm 1000% sure Lebron fans know he's old, I mean they tell you every day he's amazing still because he's old. I seriously doubt there needs to be a made up narrative of a tendon injury for an old guy. Keep living up to thet title you earned.

11-15-2023, 01:10 AM
Keep living up to thet title you earned.

lol what title?

11-15-2023, 01:44 AM
lol what title?

I heard he's the 2023-2024 dumbest poster alive or some shit like that lol. Yall should make him a trophy.

11-15-2023, 01:47 AM
I heard he's the 2023-2024 dumbest poster alive or some shit like that lol. Yall should make him a trophy.
You voted him as well?

11-15-2023, 02:05 AM
You voted him as well?

Nah but I keep seeing it in threads lol. I can't really present an argument against it.

11-15-2023, 07:08 AM
Of course, they were the best team in the league, many players and teams didn’t even want to go to the bubble to play. The only people that gave a shit was old LeBron on his last legs and last opportunity for a championship with a smoking Anthony Davis that that season. And they always competitive Jimmy Butler. Nobody gave a shit. Understandably so, this was still 6 1/2 months into the first year of the pandemic. When at least there were overtures of it being semi real, no atmosphere, no travel, no pressure, no fans. It was a pick up basketball game.

Full Court
11-15-2023, 07:58 AM
Yeah ok, I'm 1000% sure Lebron fans know he's old, I mean they tell you every day he's amazing still because he's old. I seriously doubt there needs to be a made up narrative of a tendon injury for an old guy. Keep living up to thet title you earned.

Ok, show me an actual plausible source that shows he had a tendon injury, or that he actually got surgery.

I'll wait.

Real Men Wear Green
11-15-2023, 08:45 AM
Of course, they were the best team in the league, many players and teams didn’t even want to go to the bubble to play. The only people that gave a shit was old LeBron on his last legs and last opportunity for a championship with a smoking Anthony Davis that that season. And they always competitive Jimmy Butler. Nobody gave a shit. Understandably so, this was still 6 1/2 months into the first year of the pandemic. When at least there were overtures of it being semi real, no atmosphere, no travel, no pressure, no fans. It was a pick up basketball game.
So the players went into a locked down"bubble" without contact with the outside world for months to win something they didn't care about? Ok.

11-15-2023, 08:49 AM
So the players went into a locked down"bubble" without contact with the outside world for months to win something they didn't care about? Ok.

Except that’s not what happened. There was a huge compound filled with people, protecting them from a glorified, seasonal flu while being peak athletic condition specimen? What the **** are you talking about? Don’t overdramatize it. We all went through it. Not only that, but there were reports of guys still going to strip clubs, or probably busing in escorts, they already are away from their family half the season anyway, I’m sure they relish the opportunity to cheat on their wives. What world are you living in? As I said, only two teams really gave a shit.

Real Men Wear Green
11-15-2023, 08:55 AM
Except that’s not what happened. There was a huge compound filled with people, protecting them from a glorified, seasonal flu while being peak athletic condition specimen? What the **** are you talking about? Don’t overdramatize it. We all went through it. Not only that, but there were reports of guys still going to strip clubs, or probably busing in escorts, they already are away from their family half the season anyway, I’m sure they relish the opportunity to cheat on their wives. What world are you living in? As I said, only two teams really gave a shit.

I forgot you're one of these conspiracy idiots. Ignoring the stupid political argument O will just point out that the players were not forced to go to the bubble. They chose to go so that they could complete the season and hopefully compete for a championship. Teams were competing hard. You thinking they didn't care in spite of all that is just further proof that you're a nut.

Real Men Wear Green
11-15-2023, 08:57 AM
FYI the players that were caught leaving the bubble got quarantined. Which is no one's idea of a good time.

Xiao Yao You
11-15-2023, 09:06 AM
FYI the players that were caught leaving the bubble got quarantined. Which is no one's idea of a good time.

yeah Danuel House stayed and enjoyed the amenities Disney had to offer :cheers:

11-15-2023, 09:20 AM
Ok, show me an actual plausible source that shows he had a tendon injury, or that he actually got surgery.

I'll wait.

You're a retard, there's tons of media coverage on it and he never had surgery because he got a 2nd opinion form a guy who said he could recover without it. It's always fun to watch contradictions in real time, you will believe any negative rumor on him at face value but ignore common sense and sometimes your own eyes and ears to disparage the man. That's an illness.

11-15-2023, 09:24 AM
Except that’s not what happened. There was a huge compound filled with people, protecting them from a glorified, seasonal flu while being peak athletic condition specimen? What the **** are you talking about? Don’t overdramatize it. We all went through it. Not only that, but there were reports of guys still going to strip clubs, or probably busing in escorts, they already are away from their family half the season anyway, I’m sure they relish the opportunity to cheat on their wives. What world are you living in? As I said, only two teams really gave a shit.

You're one of those lucky idiots who didn't lose anyone significant so you can dismiss the pandemic. Meanwhile some of us wish we could have the people back we lost. Some people were luckier than others for sure but it wasn't a season flu. They had screening protocols in place for the bubble. All this was reported in real time because the NBA was the only league operating at the time weren't they? And it worked.

Xiao Yao You
11-15-2023, 09:28 AM
You're one of those lucky idiots who didn't lose anyone significant so you can dismiss the pandemic. Meanwhile some of us wish we could have the people back we lost. Some people were luckier than others for sure but it wasn't a season flu. They had screening protocols in place for the bubble. All this was reported in real time because the NBA was the only league operating at the time weren't they? And it worked.


11-15-2023, 10:50 AM
Of course, they were the best team in the league, many players and teams didn’t even want to go to the bubble to play. The only people that gave a shit was old LeBron on his last legs and last opportunity for a championship with a smoking Anthony Davis that that season. And they always competitive Jimmy Butler. Nobody gave a shit. Understandably so, this was still 6 1/2 months into the first year of the pandemic. When at least there were overtures of it being semi real, no atmosphere, no travel, no pressure, no fans. It was a pick up basketball game.

lebron wanted to squash the season, lakers were in favor of ending it completely too

11-15-2023, 11:09 AM
You're one of those lucky idiots who didn't lose anyone significant so you can dismiss the pandemic. Meanwhile some of us wish we could have the people back we lost. Some people were luckier than others for sure but it wasn't a season flu. They had screening protocols in place for the bubble. All this was reported in real time because the NBA was the only league operating at the time weren't they? And it worked.
Oh, I’m sorry do you know me, or know who I’ve lost in my life, pandemic related or not?

No, so shut the hell up you, ghetto clown.

Of course, an idiot like you would buy everything that’s being sold to you from the leftist media. You’re relying on those government handouts. It’s a seasonal flu, with a mortality rate similar to a regular seasonal flu. And the people that did pass away whether I knew them, or somebody else knew them, they were in really piss poor health to begin with.

Not to mention a lot of the deaths for Covid were classified as Covid being the reason, for governmental funding, kick backs and resourcing.

Educate yourself, you moron.

I forgot you're one of these conspiracy idiots. Ignoring the stupid political argument O will just point out that the players were not forced to go to the bubble. They chose to go so that they could complete the season and hopefully compete for a championship. Teams were competing hard. You thinking they didn't care in spite of all that is just further proof that you're a nut.
I worked at a hospital during the pandemic, I have better insight into it than your dumbass. You’re just one of these moronic libtards.

11-15-2023, 11:13 AM
lebron wanted to squash the season, lakers were in favor of ending it completely too
No, he didn’t. Him and Chris Paul were two of the figureheads in wanting to do it.



A lot of players and teams didn’t want to. As Lou Williams talks about here.

11-15-2023, 11:34 AM
Oh, I’m sorry do you know me, or know who I’ve lost in my life, pandemic related or not?

No, so shut the hell up you, ghetto clown.

Of course, an idiot like you would buy everything that’s being sold to you from the leftist media. You’re relying on those government handouts. It’s a seasonal flu, with a mortality rate similar to a regular seasonal flu. And the people that did pass away whether I knew them, or somebody else knew them, they were in really piss poor health to begin with.

Not to mention a lot of the deaths for Covid were classified as Covid being the reason, for governmental funding, kick backs and resourcing.

Educate yourself, you moron.

I worked at a hospital during the pandemic, I have better insight into it than your dumbass. You’re just one of these moronic libtards.

What more could one expect from a racist piece of shit. I don't have to know you to see how you blew off the pandemic as a "seasonal flu" as I said maybe that was how it went for a lucky idiot like yourself. It did.not go that way for everyone But hey how could anyone expect a bitch ass dude like yourself to have a compassionate view of anything but Mjs ****. The government didn't sell me funerals, or give me a damn thing except tax bills for owning shit. Yes majority of the people who passed had health issues, and some were perfectly healthy like one I lost. Making broad statements for something like this again is stupid not to mention insensitive. Your kind are the worst of humanity. You should stick to telling us about Jordan's ****, that's the only area of expertise you possess here.

Real Men Wear Green
11-15-2023, 11:45 AM
Oh, I’m sorry do you know me, or know who I’ve lost in my life, pandemic related or not?

No, so shut the hell up you, ghetto clown.

Of course, an idiot like you would buy everything that’s being sold to you from the leftist media. You’re relying on those government handouts. It’s a seasonal flu, with a mortality rate similar to a regular seasonal flu. And the people that did pass away whether I knew them, or somebody else knew them, they were in really piss poor health to begin with.

Not to mention a lot of the deaths for Covid were classified as Covid being the reason, for governmental funding, kick backs and resourcing.

Educate yourself, you moron.

I worked at a hospital during the pandemic, I have better insight into it than your dumbass. You’re just one of these moronic libtards.

You work at a hospital and yet learned nothing from anything the various doctors working there would have told you. You couldn't possibly be dumber. Must be cleaning toilets.

11-15-2023, 11:51 AM
You work at a hospital and yet learned nothing from anything the various doctors working there would have told you. You couldn't possibly be dumber. Must be cleaning toilets.

:oldlol: Hey hey hey let's show a lil more respect to a certified coach and ding-a-ling forensics specialist.

Hey Yo
11-15-2023, 11:54 AM
No, he didn’t. Him and Chris Paul were two of the figureheads in wanting to do it.



A lot of players and teams didn’t want to. As Lou Williams talks about here.

If LA were the ones who blew a 3-1 lead and later on LeBron said the same thing Lou did, you'd bring it up everyday on here. You just need to accept that James is the GOAT and move on.... you'll sleep better and maybe even bring your blood pressure down.

11-15-2023, 05:21 PM
No, he didn’t. Him and Chris Paul were two of the figureheads in wanting to do it.



A lot of players and teams didn’t want to. As Lou Williams talks about here.

he initially stated he didnt want to play - and only after the pitch from the NBA was there reconsideration, with Silver laying out plans for isolated games at ESPN Orlando, safety precautions etc.

and i like how you insinuated it being Lebron and CP3 decision alone, CP3 was head of the NBAPA and this meeting had many of the leagues high earners (not just Lebron) listening in and coming to a unanimous decision

11-15-2023, 05:47 PM
You work at a hospital and yet learned nothing from anything the various doctors working there would have told you. You couldn't possibly be dumber. Must be cleaning toilets.

11-15-2023, 10:18 PM
You work at a hospital and yet learned nothing from anything the various doctors working there would have told you. You couldn't possibly be dumber. Must be cleaning toilets.


11-16-2023, 09:01 AM
You're a retard, there's tons of media coverage on it and he never had surgery because he got a 2nd opinion form a guy who said he could recover without it. It's always fun to watch contradictions in real time, you will believe any negative rumor on him at face value but ignore common sense and sometimes your own eyes and ears to disparage the man. That's an illness.

11-16-2023, 10:09 AM
I wouldn't call it fraudulent, but just cause there were no advantages and it was an even playing field, it doesn't mean it wasn't "different" and it arguably should be looked at differently. You can argue it should be looked at as easier or harder, but still different. The format of the season/playoffs was just way too out of wack compared to your typical year.

Put it like this, this is an extreme example but lets just say the season/playoffs changed to a format of 10 regular season games, and 2 playoff rounds (so only 4 teams make the playoffs) and its just a single game for each round. There would still be a championship. And there would be no unfair advantages. But no in their right mind would look at that championship and compare it to the 2008 Celtics playoff run for example. Its an extreme example, but same logic applies. Its just a vastly different situation.

Its an accomplishment. Same way winning the in season tournament is considered an accomplishment, but its not the same. Lebron had already won 3 championships so this question never came up, but if someone like Giannis, Jokic, Embiid, Tatum, Harden, Butler, Luka, Dame got to win their first title in the bubble, do you really think they aren't going to feel the pressure to win another under a normal season's circumstance knowing that this championship wasn't the same? The fans/media will for sure feel like they should.

11-16-2023, 10:25 AM
Bubble was like the lock out. Honestly, the NBA has been clown show for awhile. I think they are working on it with Silver talking about making people try in the ASG again and going away from that captain format. Add Covid on top of the clown show and it's just like eyy.

The Bubble. It's even a clown name.


11-21-2023, 06:31 PM
So many asterisks to LeRoids career.