View Full Version : Watching the Boondocks I wonder if some GMs feel like professional Mexicans.

11-21-2023, 02:02 AM

Racism aside for the moment….

Imagine you’re hired as the new GM for the Hornets or the wizards. One of those teams that has peaked at “Meh” status your entire life.

When you get the job, what do you think the owner or president or whatever even tells you to do? Do they pretend you’re going to go win the championship? Do they just say keep it respectable? I remember a report years ago on some other star forward wanting to play with Paul George in Indiana so he takes this inside information to the GM and is told they were mid to small market and they can’t afford to build a team like that.

Entire staffs are rising before the sun going through 3 K cups of coffee, watching film and reading international scouting reports when by the end of the year they’re going to be living in a shack on the outskirts of town no matter how hard they work. And five years from now they’re still going to be in it.

You just trying to make a respectable enough showing so a team that has the resources and will to win might give you a better job?

If you latch yourself to the Hornets you don’t have shit…and won’t ever have shit. So how does that go? You eventually get fired when they’ll never give you resources to succeed beyond lucking into a generational talent in the draft you still won’t be able to build a contender around?

Not even like soccer where you get money for selling a home built star to a major team. He’s just gone.

I guess you can try to rob somebody for a bunch of picks and start the process over.

But when you daydream about being a gm it’s never about running the Orlando Magic is it?

You only have 3-4 years before you’re fired for not doing what they don’t even realistically expect. just have to stay in somebody’s good graces enough to be somebody’s treadmill hire.

Still be a dream job but being like…director of basketball ops for some of these teams must be a chore.

Im fired because were the Wizards. We have been the Wizards by whatever name for 40 years. But now it’s my fault we still are?

I just wanna be in the meeting when the Hornets hire a new guy. Just to hear the expectations be gone over to see which side smirks first.

11-21-2023, 02:06 AM
Elgin Baylor as the GM of the clippers under Sterling who were just there to make money. He was pretty much a professional Mexican(as poorly but humorously defined here). 20 years. Sterling would not have allowed winning. But you show up anyway. Must work on your soul.

11-21-2023, 02:21 AM
I bet they do, especially back when some franchises were happy losing as long as they had a star that could put asses in seats. Side note, the boondocks has graduated to my list of classics that absolutely wouldn't fly today.

11-21-2023, 02:28 AM
I guess the argument could be made that shit franchises arent seeking/hiring the best management to begin with and the best management isnt saying yes to shit franchises. I dont think Brad Stevens ever says yes to a Donald Sterling job offer. I remember Sterling had this minion Andy Roeser whom fans referred to as the bean counter, who was always putting an upbeat PR spin on the Clippers ineptitude. And Elgin was kind of aloof in his later years, I dont think he was on the job because he was hungry to carve out a prestigious resumé in management.

So, kinda goes both ways I suppose. Working for a place thats content with mediocrity probably doesnt bother everybody. It’s some peoples comfort zone anyway.