View Full Version : Chicago Balls

12-02-2023, 03:11 AM
Are Balls.

Blow it up.

Full Court
12-02-2023, 10:40 AM
Are Balls.

Blow it up.

Chicago Balls are Balls.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.streetleverage.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F08%2FSomeone-Pondering1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c1f6a45e99c06b8ad2734adebcbd47c9beaf800be8a67c 92ca0befd6f3fcce33&ipo=images

97 bulls
12-03-2023, 12:23 AM
I think it's time the Bulls blow it up. I'd try to trade Derozan first.

12-03-2023, 07:06 AM
Trading DeRozan to a current contender who needs a veteran SF, for their best <25yo frontcourt prospect, is the biggest win to be had. Same with Vucevic.

The biggest loss to be had, would be to ship out LaVine, Donovan, or Caruso. Those 3 must be the pieces we retain going forward.

San Antonio, Toronto, or the clippers will give us something nice for Patrick Williams. Some small market southern team will give us something that winds up better than Coby White. Etc

Def time to blow it up, but keep the best 3 pieces: LaVine, Donovan, Caruso.

PS: tell me why the Bulls organization shouldn’t pay to get Lonzo Ball legs shot the fkk up in a drive by ? Nicca made 23million a year for 3 years, for literally playing like a dozen games in 3 years. Fricasse this MF legs. Fkk him and his scamming a$$ bullsh!t family operation that the dumb@ss media fell for.

Full Court
12-04-2023, 01:34 AM
Trading DeRozan to a current contender who needs a veteran SF, for their best <25yo frontcourt prospect, is the biggest win to be had. Same with Vucevic.

The biggest loss to be had, would be to ship out LaVine, Donovan, or Caruso. Those 3 must be the pieces we retain going forward.

San Antonio, Toronto, or the clippers will give us something nice for Patrick Williams. Some small market southern team will give us something that winds up better than Coby White. Etc

Def time to blow it up, but keep the best 3 pieces: LaVine, Donovan, Caruso.

PS: tell me why the Bulls organization shouldn’t pay to get Lonzo Ball legs shot the fkk up in a drive by ? Nicca made 23million a year for 3 years, for literally playing like a dozen games in 3 years. Fricasse this MF legs. Fkk him and his scamming a$$ bullsh!t family operation that the dumb@ss media fell for.

Nah, bro. Lavine's got to go. He shrivels when it matters. Bulls are never getting anywhere with him being one of the main pieces.