View Full Version : LeBron James just had the quickest 30-point game in Lakers franchise history.

12-08-2023, 12:56 AM

bron is really the GOAT for 3 different franchises, Cavs, Heat and Lakers, truly remarkable. :pimp:

12-08-2023, 01:00 AM
Tough times for ImKobe :(

12-08-2023, 01:08 AM
Every year it gets harder and harder for the haters to not call him the GOAT

12-08-2023, 01:10 AM
Every year it gets harder and harder for the haters to not call him the GOAT
He probably has to win another ring to get it to 50/50 in the public eye at least. Imagine if Wemby passes both of them tho lol

12-08-2023, 01:24 AM
Every year it gets harder and harder for the haters to not call him the GOAT

They literally don't want to give him credit for anything. They are extremely happy to see anything at all not go well for him. Half of them are either dishonest or don't know shit about the game. They come from a place of ego, ignorance and hatred. Unlike LeBron fans who are happy to see people break barriers and succeed.

Hard to take any of these haters seriously. Their judgement is clouded. They are deluded. They are insecure. They simply exist on lower levels.

12-08-2023, 01:25 AM
They literally don't want to give him credit for anything. Half of them are either dishonest or don't know shit about the game. They come from a place of ego, ignorance and hatred. Unlike LeBron fans who are happy to see people break barriers and succeed.

Hard to take any of these haters seriously.
Ehh, a lot of LeBron fans are absolutely gonna hate on Wemby (or someone else) if they ever start to threaten his all time rank. Not me though, all I ever cared about was LeBron surpassing Kobe in the public's eye and he did so mission achieved for me a long time ago :rockon: In fact, if a player gets to a level that he threatens LeBron's rank it would be great to see as an NBA fan.

12-08-2023, 01:27 AM
Every year it gets harder and harder for the haters to not call him the GOAT

You mean when a guy in his own era has as many titles in less years and beat him head to head more without switching teams?

Full Court
12-08-2023, 10:51 AM
Every year it gets harder and harder for the haters to not call him the GOAT

I guess you forgot that it was only a couple seasons ago that he led a super team to the lottery. :roll:

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"I did that."

Real Men Wear Green
12-08-2023, 11:06 AM
At the end of the 3rd quarter of his 81 point game Kobe Bryant had 27 points at the half (18 minutes played) and 53 points in his first 30 minutes. I am not sure what he had in just his first 23 minutes but at the least he likely challenged James pace and that remains the top scoring performance of most of our lifetimes.

Great performance by James though.

12-09-2023, 02:03 PM
At the end of the 3rd quarter of his 81 point game Kobe Bryant had 27 points at the half (18 minutes played) and 53 points in his first 30 minutes. I am not sure what he had in just his first 23 minutes but at the least he likely challenged James pace and that remains the top scoring performance of most of our lifetimes.

Great performance by James though.

KB had 30 in 21 minutes.

It's just another arbitrary metric because it was a blowout so Bran didn't play more minutes. If we really wanted to dig into it I'm sure there's a lot of examples where players reached this much faster (Curry probably has a bunch of these, heck Bran himself probably did it before). Luka just the other day had a 29-point triple-double in the 1st half in under 20 minutes and reached the 30 mark a minute into the 2nd half.

Full Court
12-09-2023, 02:51 PM
Yawwwwwwwwn, wasn't it just a few years ago that Devin Booker scored 51 points in a half?