View Full Version : Lebron now won all the mvp award in history

12-10-2023, 02:24 AM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.

12-10-2023, 02:41 AM
He's an NBA players that play for 21 seasons. He won a championships with the Miami Heat, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Los Angeles Lakers. He also broke the all-time scorings record by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar last year. He win the in-season tournament MVP, something Jordan never win. Lebron now won all the mvp award in history.

12-10-2023, 03:18 AM
They stat crunched like hell to get lebron the mvp… wow.. Davis should have gotten it.. but silver like… na let’s try to turn it so that all regular season games that counted … lol pathetic

12-10-2023, 04:25 AM
Another participation award for the letiny museum :applause:

12-10-2023, 04:59 AM
Another participation award for the letiny museum :applause:

This is some bullshit. Davis should have won the MVP because he was hands down the best player on the floor. I knew that if LeBron would ever win another title and he's not the best player he would still get the mvp because they do not want to tarnish is legacy more then what it is. What a joke.

12-10-2023, 06:18 AM
This is some bullshit. Davis should have won the MVP because he was hands down the best player on the floor. I knew that if LeBron would ever win another title and he's not the best player he would still get the mvp because they do not want to tarnish is legacy more then what it is. What a joke.

Lebron averaged more points than Davis in the in season tournament

12-10-2023, 06:19 AM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.
I meant 4x nba finals mvp.

12-10-2023, 09:16 AM
LeBron James has won everything there is to win in NBA history.

🔸4x NBA Championships
🔸4x NBA Finals MVP
🔸19x NBA All-Star
🔸3x NBA All-Star MVP
🔸2x Olympic Gold Winner
🔸NBA Rookie of the Year
🔸NBA Scoring Champion
🔸All-NBA First, Second and Third Teams
🔸NBA All-Defensive First Team

And now he adds the first ever…

🔸NBA Cup Championship

Wardell Curry
12-10-2023, 09:24 AM
They stat crunched like hell to get lebron the mvp… wow.. Davis should have gotten it.. but silver like… na let’s try to turn it so that all regular season games that counted … lol pathetic

You're definitely right that they changed how the award was given out on the day of the last game just for LeBron James. It was originally named the "In Season Tournament Finals MVP" and it was never named the "In Season Tournament MVP." This can be factually verified with a few google searches. They changed the name the day of. Look it up.

I found a picture of Adam Silver's bedroom...


And yours...


Full Court
12-10-2023, 09:47 AM
Lol at OP acting like this means anything more than all star MVP.

Good thing AD was there to carry him. Again. :lol

And how many DPOY awards has LeCarried won?

12-10-2023, 10:29 AM
I'm still semi-surprised they won.


Mr. Jabbar
12-10-2023, 11:25 AM
Legendary stuff

12-10-2023, 12:04 PM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.

last one was a gift

12-10-2023, 01:14 PM
They stat crunched like hell to get lebron the mvp… wow.. Davis should have gotten it.. but silver like… na let’s try to turn it so that all regular season games that counted … lol pathetic

Bron more

Pts and Assists
Killer from 3
Higher +/-

Too funny

12-10-2023, 01:44 PM
Like the Maui Invitational. He doesn’t have a Larry Bird award nor Magic Johnson

12-10-2023, 04:36 PM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.

Pinoy midget comes out of the woodwork from selling shrimp out of his bicycle in order to hype some meaningless regular season tournament as a boost to LeBron's "legacy". :roll:

Quite pathetic how you've constantly shifted your goalposts from the "Land of 6 NBA titles" you have on your sig to now having to celebrate meaningless mickey mouse bubble rings and in-season tournaments. Soon you'll be celebrating LeBron going to Paris with a stacked Olympic team and winning another gold medal, because that's all your weirdos have left at this point. :applause:

12-10-2023, 07:07 PM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.

GOAT resume

GOAT player

https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMnE0b2RrMHU1eHFvaHZhNWF3cXNjdWU yc3RxNTg3OWU2bnliZGQyZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/bMJqfOtgVEyI2PLnaW/giphy.gif

12-10-2023, 07:11 PM
Manny back to being a Bron stan. :oldlol:

Full Court
12-11-2023, 12:05 AM
I'm still semi-surprised they won.


You're surprised the super team Lakers beat the PACERS???? Really?

Full Court
12-11-2023, 12:07 AM
Remember this gem of a thread from OP?


12-11-2023, 12:08 AM

Full Court
12-11-2023, 01:48 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. FYhYUE1dJ0-538i2aRvXBAHaDv%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=36281f7a36a1c45a204ff99f9c4b9f6b35c2fca0c8459d 2f615e3e4fc63e27ec&ipo=images

12-11-2023, 06:30 PM
He is a 4x nba champion 4x nba mvp 3x all star mvp 1x in season tournament mvp.

nobody cares.

12-12-2023, 12:17 PM
Pinoy midget comes out of the woodwork from selling shrimp out of his bicycle in order to hype some meaningless regular season tournament as a boost to LeBron's "legacy". :roll:

Quite pathetic how you've constantly shifted your goalposts from the "Land of 6 NBA titles" you have on your sig to now having to celebrate meaningless mickey mouse bubble rings and in-season tournaments. Soon you'll be celebrating LeBron going to Paris with a stacked Olympic team and winning another gold medal, because that's all your weirdos have left at this point. :applause:

He ignored this response.....that female bitch can't handle anything....someone has his address on here get it and handle him