View Full Version : Was Ja Morant's suspension too long?

Street Hunger
12-21-2023, 05:21 AM
I think it was.

12-21-2023, 07:55 AM
It was too short.

12-21-2023, 08:42 AM
NBA might have saved his life and career. I think he's heard the message now.

12-21-2023, 08:51 AM
Should have been at least half the rs, tbf...

Real Men Wear Green
12-21-2023, 09:20 AM
He's guilty of being really stupid. Unfortunately when you're that dumb you often must pay stupid tax. I don't think the need to be photographed with guns proves he's evil but even if he's just posing it was stupid, and after he was warned he did it again. He's not on par with someone that actually pulled the trigger or even close. But for a dumb as he's been he was asking for it.

12-21-2023, 09:39 AM
It was one of those “Making it a big deal is what makes it a big deal” things. If you think groups of young famous millionaires aren’t armed and/or surrounded with guns and occasionally doing something objectionable you’re an idiot. The problem is one of his friends live streaming it…..which does nothing to change the behavior. Just lets people see it.

It’s a “bad look” that annoys a segment of the audience but if we are being real?

The nba alienates a larger segment of the viewing public just saying “End racism!” and allowing a player to speak on police brutality before tipoff. So it’s not really about annoying customers. Customers for the most part only become aware of things like this due to the reaction which is driven by the nba objecting to begin with.

Stephen Jackson got into an altercation at a strip club during which he shot at a car the other guy was driving and the guy tried to run him over.

7 games.

Ja got 25 for harmlessly existing with a gun.

But his was on camera.

Millions of people have been on a camera with a gun. Maybe even while music played. 2 of them are friends of mine. One ended up a ****ing Trump voting state trooper before realizing how crazy Trump voters are and quitting the force because the money wasn’t worth being hated. He’s exactly the kind guy the right who would call Ja a thug would have front and center in a rally. Country ass, gun toting, black redneck cop.

Used to be in my house playing Rick Ross joking around with his giant 410 shotgun shell firing handgun that looked like a transformer.

Exact same conduct as Ja from the exact opposite type of person.

And my cousin did the same. Just a hard working factory managing dad who listens to equal parts Bob Seger and 36 Mafia and watches BBQ videos on YouTube. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.

There is no tangible harm to what Ja was suspended for and people have received way less or nothing for actually hurting people. And for doing things that alienated a much larger part of the viewing audience.

Looking at it that way it was obviously too long.

But people get in their feelings about it. Think they know what constitutes “thuggery” and get all offended on behalf of decency itself so they have to act like they would be turned off and not watch the product. In truth most of those people either don’t watch to begin with or will keep watching anyway. You will lose more actual viewers by merely mentioning one political side or the other but they don’t mind allowing that.

The whole thing is a joke. It’s doing what they feeeeeeel the public is behind. Truth is the public barely cares. And a large portion of those who do are also often complaining about companies trying to cater to feelings.

Just a cluster**** that didn’t justify half the talk it got.

12-22-2023, 02:36 AM
If he didn't get the message after doing stupid shit 10 times before that last incident, he wasn't going to change his ways if they just gave him another slap on the wrist again.

It's why Dray got an indefinite suspension & is now forced to undergo counseling for at least 3 weeks. The hit he had on Nurkic wasn't that bad by itself and wasn't suspension-worthy, but Dray was doing that shit to everyone on a nightly basis and needed to be punished.

12-22-2023, 02:48 AM
If he didn't get the message after doing stupid shit 10 times before that last incident, he wasn't going to change his ways if they just gave him another slap on the wrist again.

It's why Dray got an indefinite suspension & is now forced to undergo counseling for at least 3 weeks. The hit he had on Nurkic wasn't that bad by itself and wasn't suspension-worthy, but Dray was doing that shit to everyone on a nightly basis and needed to be punished.


The suspension wasnt about punishing the act itself. The suspension was to punish the flagrant disregard of his employer's requests.

I dont get why people act like he got 25 games for showing a handgun. He got 25 games for repeatedly flouting the NBA's authority publicly.

12-22-2023, 02:57 AM
It was one of those “Making it a big deal is what makes it a big deal” things. If you think groups of young famous millionaires aren’t armed and/or surrounded with guns and occasionally doing something objectionable you’re an idiot. The problem is one of his friends live streaming it…..which does nothing to change the behavior. Just lets people see it.

It’s a “bad look” that annoys a segment of the audience but if we are being real?

The nba alienates a larger segment of the viewing public just saying “End racism!” and allowing a player to speak on police brutality before tipoff. So it’s not really about annoying customers. Customers for the most part only become aware of things like this due to the reaction which is driven by the nba objecting to begin with.

Stephen Jackson got into an altercation at a strip club during which he shot at a car the other guy was driving and the guy tried to run him over.

7 games.

Ja got 25 for harmlessly existing with a gun.

But his was on camera.

Millions of people have been on a camera with a gun. Maybe even while music played. 2 of them are friends of mine. One ended up a ****ing Trump voting state trooper before realizing how crazy Trump voters are and quitting the force because the money wasn’t worth being hated. He’s exactly the kind guy the right who would call Ja a thug would have front and center in a rally. Country ass, gun toting, black redneck cop.

Used to be in my house playing Rick Ross joking around with his giant 410 shotgun shell firing handgun that looked like a transformer.

Exact same conduct as Ja from the exact opposite type of person.

And my cousin did the same. Just a hard working factory managing dad who listens to equal parts Bob Seger and 36 Mafia and watches BBQ videos on YouTube. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.

There is no tangible harm to what Ja was suspended for and people have received way less or nothing for actually hurting people. And for doing things that alienated a much larger part of the viewing audience.

Looking at it that way it was obviously too long.

But people get in their feelings about it. Think they know what constitutes “thuggery” and get all offended on behalf of decency itself so they have to act like they would be turned off and not watch the product. In truth most of those people either don’t watch to begin with or will keep watching anyway. You will lose more actual viewers by merely mentioning one political side or the other but they don’t mind allowing that.

The whole thing is a joke. It’s doing what they feeeeeeel the public is behind. Truth is the public barely cares. And a large portion of those who do are also often complaining about companies trying to cater to feelings.

Just a cluster**** that didn’t justify half the talk it got.

If you don’t think ja waiving his gun in a club on ig is insanely harmful to young kids who look up to him then you are straight trippin

12-22-2023, 03:13 AM
It was one of those “Making it a big deal is what makes it a big deal” things. If you think groups of young famous millionaires aren’t armed and/or surrounded with guns and occasionally doing something objectionable you’re an idiot. The problem is one of his friends live streaming it…..which does nothing to change the behavior. Just lets people see it.

It’s a “bad look” that annoys a segment of the audience but if we are being real?

The nba alienates a larger segment of the viewing public just saying “End racism!” and allowing a player to speak on police brutality before tipoff. So it’s not really about annoying customers. Customers for the most part only become aware of things like this due to the reaction which is driven by the nba objecting to begin with.

Stephen Jackson got into an altercation at a strip club during which he shot at a car the other guy was driving and the guy tried to run him over.

7 games.

Ja got 25 for harmlessly existing with a gun.

But his was on camera.

Millions of people have been on a camera with a gun. Maybe even while music played. 2 of them are friends of mine. One ended up a ****ing Trump voting state trooper before realizing how crazy Trump voters are and quitting the force because the money wasn’t worth being hated. He’s exactly the kind guy the right who would call Ja a thug would have front and center in a rally. Country ass, gun toting, black redneck cop.

Used to be in my house playing Rick Ross joking around with his giant 410 shotgun shell firing handgun that looked like a transformer.

Exact same conduct as Ja from the exact opposite type of person.

And my cousin did the same. Just a hard working factory managing dad who listens to equal parts Bob Seger and 36 Mafia and watches BBQ videos on YouTube. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.

There is no tangible harm to what Ja was suspended for and people have received way less or nothing for actually hurting people. And for doing things that alienated a much larger part of the viewing audience.

Looking at it that way it was obviously too long.

But people get in their feelings about it. Think they know what constitutes “thuggery” and get all offended on behalf of decency itself so they have to act like they would be turned off and not watch the product. In truth most of those people either don’t watch to begin with or will keep watching anyway. You will lose more actual viewers by merely mentioning one political side or the other but they don’t mind allowing that.

The whole thing is a joke. It’s doing what they feeeeeeel the public is behind. Truth is the public barely cares. And a large portion of those who do are also often complaining about companies trying to cater to feelings.

Just a cluster**** that didn’t justify half the talk it got.

You (and many others) seem to be insinuating the NBA took issue with his gun pics due to the perception it would create among 'maga voters' and the like.

I think youre way off the mark. The NBA's overt public political stances suggests they dont care the least bit about that.

The fact is, there've been numerous mass shootings in Memphis and elsewhere recently, one of them in Memphis I think was like two weeks before one of Ja's incidents. Many perpetrated by black shooters, targeting black victims. The NBA is worried about those families, those communities, those political voters seeing the NBA as unconcerned about gun violence.

They dont care if 'MAGA' thinks Ja is a thug. They care that Joe Biden's base will see the NBA as violating the anti-gun values they hold sacred. They're afraid the NBA's woke supporters wont see the NBA as being woke enough against guns.

So you can stop scapegoating Trump voters for the consequences of Ja's actions. That's not whom the NBA is seeking to appease with its stance.

Full Court
12-22-2023, 08:05 AM
He broke no laws and hurt nobody.

25 games was way excessive.

12-22-2023, 08:42 AM
If you don’t think ja waiving his gun in a club on ig is insanely harmful to young kids who look up to him then you are straight trippin

What I think, having lived in what they used to call the inner city before this so-called gun and thug culture is that it was a lot more dangerous than it is now. I think when I was a kid, we didn’t see any of that yet the guns and drugs were as bad or worse problems. I see politicians talking about how many people get killed in New York. 400 something people got murdered in New York in a year. Awful. 30 years ago before Ja Morant was born and long before any kids were seeing his conduct on any Internet it was 2000 despite having a smaller population.

I think a bunch of people very disconnected from the street have no idea why anything happens there and blames it on surface level issues they can see on the Internet. I think these places were more dangerous when the Jackson 5 were on the radio instead of 21 savage.

I’m from same neighborhood where Isiah Thomas‘s mother had to put a shotgun on the Local gang members for trying to recruit him as a teenager. And then moved to the south to an area that a few years ago had the fifth highest violent crime rate in America, while all of us were noticing how much nicer it was than it used to be.

I’m from the places where you think these kids are idolizing people like Ja Morant And being harmed by what they see when I know for a fact, the kids in my day, who grew up with nothing like that in media or music were a lot more dangerous than these kids are now.

The violence in society, even with all the mass shootings is probably near a historic low even while this knucklehead behavior is on a historic high, as far as our ability to access it.

I think community violence doesn’t come from where people not from those communities think it does.

Kids these days are more likely to see Ja Morant dancing around with his chains acting like a rich douche bag Rapper and think they can get rich, playing basketball or rapping than they are to assume they need to go be a gangster. An athlete dancing with a gun doesn’t turn the youth to gangsters. The people around them turn them to gangsters. I was riding in cars with my friends Who actually were what people would call thugs. Guns, drugs, and violence. And they didn’t get the shit from Michael Jackson. And I promise you we didn’t need Walter Payton waving a gun on TV to realize we needed one. We Figured it out when our friend KC got robbed and stripped naked for no reason when we were like 14.

Whatever Ja Morant is doing on Instagram is in no way responsible for the ills of society. Society was a lot worse violent crime wise(For the kind of people you imagine look up to him) before he even existed.

Wardell Curry
12-22-2023, 08:47 AM
Just a cluster**** that didn’t justify half the talk it got.

You're right we should instead talk about how NBA stars like Kyrie Irving are directly profiting off of the backs of slave labor in China after preaching about how woke they are, instead. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose. Then again, yellow slaves are acceptable and black ones are not.

Unrelated, am I the only one having a hard time posting lately? Refreshing the threads and navigating seems perfectly fine but no matter what device I use I'll sometimes have to hit submit reply 3 or 4 times and refresh the page multiple times before it actually goes through.

12-22-2023, 12:33 PM
It was too short.

This. He'd still be out if David Stern was still in charge.