View Full Version : Glen Taylor Is OUT AS MAJORITY OWNER OF THE WOLVES

12-28-2023, 07:07 PM
I never thought the day would come. He is 95% responsible for the Timberwolves being the worst franchise is all of NBA, NFL, NHL or MLB.

Ever since Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez agreed to take over two years ago this this franchise has changed night and day.

I am not prepared for the realistic scenario that the Wolves actually have good ownership/management yet here we are. Basketball gods finally threw us a bone after being crap for 40+ years:oldlol::oldlol::oldlol:

https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1740408597102948581?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1740408597102948581%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

Adrian Wojnarowski
ESPN Sources: Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez are expected to exercise their option to acquire controlling ownership interest of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx from Glen Taylor as soon as today. They have a Dec. 31 deadline.

F*ck you, Glen!:hammertime:

Ya'll realize that Taylor hates KG so much that KG's jersey isn't even retired yet? How the **** could an owner alienate your franchises best (and only) relevant player in history? :facepalm Lore and AROD better make amends with KG and get him back with this franchise in some way. I know KG still likes all the fans here...

Real Men Wear Green
12-28-2023, 07:18 PM
"You know it's Boston, bay-bee..."

12-28-2023, 07:26 PM
Congrats. This is where it starts. As soon as Cohan sold the Warriors things started changing.

12-28-2023, 08:41 PM
Let's retire KG's jersey!

03-31-2024, 11:16 AM
Turns out ARod never had the money or the backing and has been missing Payments and the team is worth about 1 billion more now than when he agreed to sell it and the missed payments provided Taylor and out so he’s no longer selling. Or at least not to arod. If he’s decides to sell it now it’s gonna be for an extra billion to somebody who actually has the money upfront.

03-31-2024, 11:51 AM
Turns out ARod never had the money or the backing and has been missing Payments and the team is worth about 1 billion more now than when he agreed to sell it and the missed payments provided Taylor and out so he’s no longer selling. Or at least not to arod. If he’s decides to sell it now it’s gonna be for an extra billion to somebody who actually has the money upfront.

There seems to be conflicting reports because I read that in response to this Lore and Rodriguez stated emphatically that they havent missed any payments, only the last one was in jeopardy due to one of their private equity partners backing out, but they quickly found a replacement and are back on schedule.

I tend to believe them since it would be pretty easy to prove if they hadnt made the payments, and therefore they would look ridiculous if they insisted they had.

But clearly Taylor is having seller’s remorse, as one of the articles put it. Will be interesting how it plays out.

03-31-2024, 12:23 PM
I heard Arod had the agreement to buy at like 1.5 but now that he was having to put the money together again he was selling people portions at a valuation of 2.5 so he gets the difference but they get locked out of those Potential profits. Might’ve lost some potential partners that way

03-31-2024, 02:41 PM
Whoever the new owner is, let’s hope they bring back David Khan.