View Full Version : Draymond says Silver talked him out of retirement.

Hey Yo
01-08-2024, 12:02 PM
After this latest suspension, said all this stuff is getting too much for him to handle.


hold this L
01-08-2024, 12:10 PM
https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNzN0aTZsYnpoMTJvcXdmaWxjd3pibGY 4bGY1dHJ5azh1cmRudDlqcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l2WsnL0guRihzVPPdz/giphy.gif

01-08-2024, 12:13 PM
He was never gonna retire, was just looking for sympathy from Silver so he wouldn't get suspended for the year. :oldlol:

01-08-2024, 12:15 PM
I. The way sports leagues are run these days guys can grow up and perfectly emulate. What was previously considered the positions ideal and be villainized for it. Draymond is a power forward who grew up seeing Karl Malone considered the prototype. Draymond isn’t a third as physical or dangerous to be around as Karl was in a good mood never mind if he was surly.

He plays a considerably watered down version of the people the world told him to emulate.

Like football players, making what was considered a clean perfect technique tackle for 50 years and well into their adulthood now being considered dirty and facing season long suspension.

We teach people to play a certain way, and then punish them for it when we change the game under them.

He isn’t as physical as Malone or Barkley, or any number of the power forwards he grew up were the greatest. He isn’t as verbally aggressive and intense as Kevin Garnett. Or Rasheed Wallace.

Is the water down version of all those players, physically and personality wise with people trying to get him to go to counseling as if he’s just broken the head.

I get why you would just wanna walk away. That said, I doubt he was stupid enough to go through with it and leave all that money on the table. Make them kick you out. Become a martyr. Be a much better place to launch your second career from. Before I retire, I would come out and smack the absolute shit Out of a player who had been annoying me the longest. Get suspended and just be a podcaster and appear on TNT.

If I’m losing that money I’m getting something out of it.

Xiao Yao You
01-08-2024, 12:16 PM

01-08-2024, 12:22 PM
Silver said you bring in revenue ... stay on you black bandit

01-08-2024, 12:25 PM
https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNzN0aTZsYnpoMTJvcXdmaWxjd3pibGY 4bGY1dHJ5azh1cmRudDlqcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l2WsnL0guRihzVPPdz/giphy.gif

he almost is. He’s a victim of fake outrage and frauds lying about what they find objectionable to make him look worse. The head of basketball operations in the NBA was on the ****ing bad boy Pistons. The same people who were green lighting NBA DVDs that had segments, showing power forwards laying guards out and playing dirty like it was funny? They still work there.

I seriously doubt these people are genuinely bothered by anything he does. They are just required to pretend they are in public. It’s just like the NFL and ESPN releasing videos of the most vicious hits ever and that jacked up segment on Monday night football now turning around and pretending some supposedly dirty player is an out-of-control maniac for the same conduct they praised.

To me, there’s a little difference between the outrage at Draymond and people pretending old comedians like Eddie Murphy weren’t funny when they laughed their ass off at the time. The jokes they told no longer being socially acceptable doesn’t determine if they were funny. You just aren’t allowed to laugh at them in public anymore. The laughter tells you they were funny. People just have to lie about it now. And they do. I have seen people flat out admit they used to laugh at Eddie Murphy specials, like delirious and raw, but they realized making fun of people isn’t funny.

I don’t think brains work that way. If your brain finds it funny, it’s funny. You can filter what reaches your mouth to say about it but the same people laughing at Gay jokes before the PC era still find them funny I suspect. Even the ones who have to say they aren’t.

it doesn’t make the people in question true victims, of course. But I would say they are targets of disingenuous behavior for the purpose of perception.

01-08-2024, 12:55 PM
Son willfully kicked other grown men in the nuts. Multiple times as a grown man himself.

How anyone can have sympathy for this jerkoff loudmouth annoying MF is beyond me. He isn’t even like that, just on the court. Fu@k this dude.

01-08-2024, 01:40 PM
https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNzN0aTZsYnpoMTJvcXdmaWxjd3pibGY 4bGY1dHJ5azh1cmRudDlqcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l2WsnL0guRihzVPPdz/giphy.gif


01-08-2024, 01:40 PM
He was never gonna retire, was just looking for sympathy from Silver so he wouldn't get suspended for the year. :oldlol:


01-08-2024, 01:43 PM
Just make a new rule:

players will be required to breathe though their nose........

Draymond will be forced to retire!


01-08-2024, 01:47 PM
He was never gonna retire, was just looking for sympathy from Silver so he wouldn't get suspended for the year. :oldlol:

He didn’t look for sympathy. He played hardball with him and won.

He basically said i’m tired of this, i’m out. Have fun guys. And as he was walking out the door Silver chased after him saying no no no no. Stay.

Silver’s nosferatu lookin ass got straight hustled


01-08-2024, 01:50 PM
he almost is. He’s a victim of fake outrage and frauds lying about what they find objectionable to make him look worse. The head of basketball operations in the NBA was on the ****ing bad boy Pistons. The same people who were green lighting NBA DVDs that had segments, showing power forwards laying guards out and playing dirty like it was funny? They still work there.

I seriously doubt these people are genuinely bothered by anything he does. They are just required to pretend they are in public. It’s just like the NFL and ESPN releasing videos of the most vicious hits ever and that jacked up segment on Monday night football now turning around and pretending some supposedly dirty player is an out-of-control maniac for the same conduct they praised.

To me, there’s a little difference between the outrage at Draymond and people pretending old comedians like Eddie Murphy weren’t funny when they laughed their ass off at the time. The jokes they told no longer being socially acceptable doesn’t determine if they were funny. You just aren’t allowed to laugh at them in public anymore. The laughter tells you they were funny. People just have to lie about it now. And they do. I have seen people flat out admit they used to laugh at Eddie Murphy specials, like delirious and raw, but they realized making fun of people isn’t funny.

I don’t think brains work that way. If your brain finds it funny, it’s funny. You can filter what reaches your mouth to say about it but the same people laughing at Gay jokes before the PC era still find them funny I suspect. Even the ones who have to say they aren’t.

it doesn’t make the people in question true victims, of course. But I would say they are targets of disingenuous behavior for the purpose of perception.

No. They are genuinely concerned about it because it has an effect on their business. The comparisons you made are different. Those are cases where things are good for business but bad for optics. What Draymond's doing is bad for both so no one in the league office is shedding a tear over it or high fiving him back stage.

01-08-2024, 02:03 PM
he almost is. He’s a victim of fake outrage and frauds lying about what they find objectionable to make him look worse. The head of basketball operations in the NBA was on the ****ing bad boy Pistons. The same people who were green lighting NBA DVDs that had segments, showing power forwards laying guards out and playing dirty like it was funny? They still work there.

I seriously doubt these people are genuinely bothered by anything he does. They are just required to pretend they are in public. It’s just like the NFL and ESPN releasing videos of the most vicious hits ever and that jacked up segment on Monday night football now turning around and pretending some supposedly dirty player is an out-of-control maniac for the same conduct they praised.

To me, there’s a little difference between the outrage at Draymond and people pretending old comedians like Eddie Murphy weren’t funny when they laughed their ass off at the time. The jokes they told no longer being socially acceptable doesn’t determine if they were funny. You just aren’t allowed to laugh at them in public anymore. The laughter tells you they were funny. People just have to lie about it now. And they do. I have seen people flat out admit they used to laugh at Eddie Murphy specials, like delirious and raw, but they realized making fun of people isn’t funny.

I don’t think brains work that way. If your brain finds it funny, it’s funny. You can filter what reaches your mouth to say about it but the same people laughing at Gay jokes before the PC era still find them funny I suspect. Even the ones who have to say they aren’t.

it doesn’t make the people in question true victims, of course. But I would say they are targets of disingenuous behavior for the purpose of perception.

did the bad boy Pistons kick players in the balls?
and did they punch players while trying to make it look accidentally?

no, they were badass.... not cowardly bitches.

01-08-2024, 02:08 PM
If Green, his first game back slaps Karl Anthony Towns in the face and gets a 30 game suspension and they meet again for the first time in the playoffs…the nba business does not suffer. Nothing he does costs them viewers. The NFL at least has to pretend to care about player safety because they already faced that concussion class action suit so they have to show preventative measures going forward to cover their ass.

The nba?

Nobody is harmed business wise. Society is not tuning out when the extra stuff happens. If anything, it’s more eyes and engagement. His conduct isn’t the kind that makes people turn off the NBA.

What he does must be opposed for the sake of appearances, and very little else. I don’t think Joe Dumars high fives him as he comes in for the meeting but in absolutely sure he didn’t play with Laimbeer, Rodman, and Mahorn only to clutch his pearls over Draymond.

He just has to pretend to be troubled if asked on tv.

01-08-2024, 02:10 PM
Pretty sure the 12 games rehabilitated him. He now has no reason to hurt or choke other plays. Just like the prison system time away sure does allow one to reflect and hopefully display change closer to societal norms.

We should be hearing about a name change soon, Metta Human Love has a nice ring to it.

01-08-2024, 02:12 PM
did the bad boy Pistons kick players in the balls?
and did they punch players while trying to make it look accidentally?

no, they were badass.... not cowardly bitches.

The dirtiest player on the bad boy Pistons was such a crybaby to the refs when people were physical with him fans would bring posters of crying babies to taunt him with. And yes they hit people and tried to make it look accidental. They were all around dirty. When they started changing the rules, they would try to pretend the violence was accidental just like everybody else would.

They might also slap you in the face….but they weren’t above an “accidental” shove or hit and pretending they didn’t mean it. Especially Rodman.

Rodman was a master of hitting you then baiting a reaction while pretending he didn’t do anything.

Draymonds conduct wouldn’t stand out a bit on that team.

01-08-2024, 02:17 PM
Pretty sure the 12 games rehabilitated him. He now has no reason to hurt or choke other plays. Just like the prison system time away sure does allow one to reflect and hopefully display change closer to societal norms.

We should be hearing about a name change soon, Metta Human Love has a nice ring to it.

Blame Silver for not having enough of a backbone to do anything about it then.

Dray straight up tried to retire.

Silver begged him to come back.

01-08-2024, 02:33 PM
Drays violence is unique. He doesn't try to hurt you in the traditional way like putting his foot under yours on a jumper or laying you out with a forearm shiver when you drive the rim. He kicks nuts, chokes people out, and throws wild chimp like reflex spinning backhand slaps at your face.

You can't really predict what Dray is gonna do because hes so impulsive and quick twitch. When Lambier or Malone or Oakley or whatever were gonna lay you out it was almost like they were daring you to drive to the rim and you knew what was coming.

01-08-2024, 02:33 PM
Comparing 30 years before to now is incredibly silly. Different society, different business deals, different morals therefore different rules. Bill Laimbeer wouldn't act like he did back then. Sure, he might be dirty here and there but he would have adjusted. He has to. And its not just related to physicality either. You have differing opinions about ethnicities, climate change or gay&lgbt rights? Cool. You care about Israel/Hamas conflict, Hong Kong or Uyghurs? Keep those to yourself. Because if you don't there will be consequences eventually. It is irrelevant to think about what would happen back then. If you can't adapt to new unwritten rules you go out.

01-08-2024, 02:56 PM
Comparing 30 years before to now is incredibly silly. Different society, different business deals, different morals therefore different rules.

Human morality does not shift that much in 30 years. What is widely acceptable to be seen doing in public might but that is an entirely different question. These things are shaped by legal culpability and societal pressures much more than anyone shifting morality.

The NFL doesn’t tell ESPN to stop running a segment called “Jacked up” Because the same people who giggled at giant hits no longer find them entertaining. They do it because of a $1.2 billion concussion settlement, and the need to show in any future cases that they were if anything over zealous in protecting the players.

Morally, there is very little difference between that and putting a warning on a shampoo bottle not to drink it just because it smells like strawberries. You have to pretend to not stand for certain things for legal reasons not because it’s realistically a large issue.

I promise you the same people who authorize that being on a bottle, sat in a boardroom and joked that anyone stupid enough to drink shampoo deserves to die.

None of this is moral. It’s strictly perception.

Wardell Curry
01-08-2024, 03:01 PM
Draymond finessed him pretty hard tbh. lol. I doubt he learned a thing :)

01-08-2024, 03:21 PM
We disagree on 2 topic. A LOT OF things changed in the last 30 years. Firstly, your customers change literally(by dying and being born). Secondly, the audience NBA is catering to is growing up with Tiktok. There was no Internet back then basically. I don't know how i can emphasize the change more. I don't think i need to either. Morals change so much so fast that laws are too slow to catch up.

We agree on one part. It's all about money. But it doesn't necessarily have to be about litigations. Endorsements, safe products and presentability are also VERY important. Every single sport has gone softer. Every famous people has to act/talk more carefully. You think that's just coincidence? Or small group of people forcing their views on larger crowds? It's not. A natural result of wealth accumulation and mass communication is liberalisation(ironically).

01-08-2024, 03:39 PM
If Green, his first game back slaps Karl Anthony Towns in the face and gets a 30 game suspension and they meet again for the first time in the playoffs…the nba business does not suffer. Nothing he does costs them viewers. The NFL at least has to pretend to care about player safety because they already faced that concussion class action suit so they have to show preventative measures going forward to cover their ass.

The nba?

Nobody is harmed business wise. Society is not tuning out when the extra stuff happens. If anything, it’s more eyes and engagement. His conduct isn’t the kind that makes people turn off the NBA.

What he does must be opposed for the sake of appearances, and very little else. I don’t think Joe Dumars high fives him as he comes in for the meeting but in absolutely sure he didn’t play with Laimbeer, Rodman, and Mahorn only to clutch his pearls over Draymond.

He just has to pretend to be troubled if asked on tv.

You're right that business is probably not suffering from it but the key thing is that nothing's being gained from it. It's bad optics for no benefit. If there's a brawl at a press conference for a UFC fight, Dana White's going to publicly denounce it but be happy on the inside because he knows it's good for business. This isn't that. Draymond's shenanigans isn't benefiting the NBA or the Warriors.

However, acting like a couple weeks of therapy is going to make Draymond come back a reformed man is certainly performative. That's the part of this whole thing that's nonsense. Not the suspension or the fact that they want him to cut that shit out.

01-08-2024, 03:51 PM
We disagree on 2 topic. A LOT OF things changed in the last 30 years. Firstly, your customers change literally(by dying and being born). Secondly, the audience NBA is catering to is growing up with Tiktok. There was no Internet back then basically. I don't know how i can emphasize the change more. I don't think i need to either. Morals change so much so fast that laws are too slow to catch up.

We agree on one part. It's all about money. But it doesn't necessarily have to be about litigations. Endorsements, safe products and presentability are also VERY important. Every single sport has gone softer. Every famous people has to act/talk more carefully. You think that's just coincidence? Or small group of people forcing their views on larger crowds? It's not. A natural result of wealth accumulation and mass communication is liberalisation(ironically).
It's the entertainment machine become more aware of its pitfalls. Politicians learned this long before entertainment figures did: The smallest thing can ruin everything you've built and its foundation rests on how much other people like you. So it's better to play it safe. And in the information age, they no longer have a monopoly on the media that controls their narrative. So now it's not just what they do on stage/court/field but which clubs they go to, what they say on Twitter. The minefield is tricker than ever.

01-08-2024, 04:04 PM
It's the entertainment machine become more aware of its pitfalls. Politicians learned this long before entertainment figures did: The smallest thing can ruin everything you've built and its foundation rests on how much other people like you. So it's better to play it safe. And in the information age, they no longer have a monopoly on the media that controls their narrative. So now it's not just what they do on stage/court/field but which clubs they go to, what they say on Twitter. The minefield is tricker than ever.

I agree on all points.

01-08-2024, 04:57 PM
I wouldn't consider Draymond as a goon, but he definitely should not be allowed to choke people, that is potentially lethal.

I think a bit of yipping and yapping would help the game, but this generation is not about that and why should they be, it will come off as fake. Most of them are not all that competitive and they all make a lot of money, why put on a show for the crowd.

It's just a different generation. Back in the 80s and early 90s, the world was still majority working class and fighting and standing your ground was just an integral part of that. Bird, Jordan etc, from working class families. Scrappy, get in fights as kids etc.

Then it all changed with the hip hop generation which began with the breakdown of the black family following welfare and all that and then you got people like Allen Iverson who brought a gun to what should have been a basic rumble.

That whole generation of wannabe thugsters, the Kids (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113540/) and Menace II Society (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107554/), generation, didn't view violence as building character and respect, they saw it as taking respect from someone else. And then you can't have violence. Unless both fighting respect the other, then fighting is just assault.

Now we're in a generation that has been thought to get an adult well into adulthood. Then you have Draymond and he is more of a working class kind of guy, but the league probably see him more as Ron Artest kind of guy.

I think the league should allow more physicality, a bit more bumping and showing, get that aggression going with a hard foul, but not a dangerous foul (we have Flagrant 2).

01-08-2024, 09:25 PM
Son willfully kicked other grown men in the nuts. Multiple times as a grown man himself.

How anyone can have sympathy for this jerkoff loudmouth annoying MF is beyond me. He isn’t even like that, just on the court. Fu@k this dude.
Shame on anyone supporting this jerkoff.
He isn’t even a real enforcer.
He’s more like a kid who spazzes tf out randomly, in ways that largely only increase his own internal motivation, and get everyone else rolling their eyes.

Silver should be ashamed of himself, for getting taken to school like the nebbishy f@ggot he is.

Dray took a huge disrespectful sh!t all over Silver’s image, gavel, gown, pulpit, all that sh!t. Nobody will even pretend to have any real respect for Silver alien @ss anymore. Silver is 999% sucker all day. Silver walks around with sh!t smeared on his face for years now.

01-08-2024, 09:40 PM
While I don't agree with the choice of words of Barberschool, I overall do agree with the sentiment that Silver needs to gtfo.

01-09-2024, 02:01 PM
If he really believes what he said, then therapy was a win. When he was talking about how he was pissed at KD for saying he hopes he gets help, then he realized help is good. lol. Then he realized he wasn't the same Dray he was in 17. That's good progress.

I hope he does come back and ball out. I was cool w/ dray before he became a clown. He wasn't a clown before they were winning. I think he kinda got juiced on winning and then got washed so he took it to heart. Now hopefully he can just ball and enjoy the game. It's not like their team isn't decent still. They've just got some issues. If they dudes can play like they should play, they'd be fine.

I still don't understand why they took Wiseman tho tbh. I see why Kerr wanted Shaq on PHX, cuz it hadn't been done, but since they were the ones who did it, taking a C at 2 in a decent draft was kinda cray. That kinda set them back.

Edit: @ Barber, hey I'm willing ot give him a shot. Let's see. He might be bullshitting, but really people can get to the point where they take everything personal, even people wishing them help, and when they are in that mindset they are unreachable.


hold this L
01-09-2024, 06:47 PM
He didn’t look for sympathy. He played hardball with him and won.

He basically said i’m tired of this, i’m out. Have fun guys. And as he was walking out the door Silver chased after him saying no no no no. Stay.

Silver’s nosferatu lookin ass got straight hustled

Noone believes Dray's dumbass is actually quitting. He has 85 million reasons not to.

01-09-2024, 06:48 PM
Noone believes Dray's dumbass is actually quitting. He has 85 million reasons not to.

Apparently Silver did before he caved in like a little bitch :lol

hold this L
01-09-2024, 06:50 PM
Apparently Silver did before he caved in like a little bitch :lol
How did he cave? What he did flopping Nurk would have been at most a flagrant and only been 1 game for anyone else. He got 12 or more because he's unhinged and has a history. The punishment he got fits the crime/person committing it. What he did to Nurk would be a reddit story on any other player. Looked like a just punishment due to his history and the story it built.

If Green, his first game back slaps Karl Anthony Towns in the face and gets a 30 game suspension and they meet again for the first time in the playoffs…the nba business does not suffer. Nothing he does costs them viewers. The NFL at least has to pretend to care about player safety because they already faced that concussion class action suit so they have to show preventative measures going forward to cover their ass.

The nba?

Nobody is harmed business wise. Society is not tuning out when the extra stuff happens. If anything, it’s more eyes and engagement. His conduct isn’t the kind that makes people turn off the NBA.

What he does must be opposed for the sake of appearances, and very little else. I don’t think Joe Dumars high fives him as he comes in for the meeting but in absolutely sure he didn’t play with Laimbeer, Rodman, and Mahorn only to clutch his pearls over Draymond.

He just has to pretend to be troubled if asked on tv.
If he does something again, I'd say there's a 50% chance he's suspended for the entire season (including the post season).

01-09-2024, 09:43 PM
Doing so will mess up the season script… takes effort to write this stuff