View Full Version : We really gonna ignore how Curry is gonna have a 3 point contest against a woman?

01-31-2024, 12:14 AM
Just imagine the hate LeBron would get if he did something like that. :oldlol:


Full Court
01-31-2024, 12:16 AM
Just imagine the hate LeBron would get if he did something like that. :oldlol:


Lebron doesn't have the balls to do that, and we all know it.

Nice try though, Dudley. :roll:

01-31-2024, 12:19 AM
Lebron doesn't have the balls to do that, and we all know it.

Nice try though, Dudley. :roll:

Curry is literally going up against someone with no balls.

01-31-2024, 12:20 AM
Wow, big props to Steph for doing this. He has nothing to gain, everything to lose.

And lol Lebron wouldn't even enter a dunk contest.

01-31-2024, 12:21 AM
Honestly this is a lose/lose for Curry, if you win, nobody cares, if you lose, you get clowned for life.

Full Court
01-31-2024, 12:21 AM
Curry is literally going up against someone with no balls.

And has WAY bigger balls than Lebron. Even Jordan put himself out there to compete in a 3-point contest.

Curry has everything to lose from this - not really much, if anything, to gain - and he's doing it anyway. Much respect to him. A true competitor.

01-31-2024, 12:39 AM
You have to be shitting me.

“Stephen vs. Sabrina” will follow standard STARRY 3-Point Contest rules. Curry will shoot from the NBA 3-point line with NBA basketballs, and Ionescu will shoot from the WNBA 3-point line with WNBA basketballs.


Can the WNBA just disappear?

01-31-2024, 12:42 AM
You have to be shitting me.

“Stephen vs. Sabrina” will follow standard STARRY 3-Point Contest rules. Curry will shoot from the NBA 3-point line with NBA basketballs, and Ionescu will shoot from the WNBA 3-point line with WNBA basketballs.


Can the WNBA just disappear?

Oh god.

WTF is even the point???


01-31-2024, 12:50 AM
Nothing is at stake. It's just entertainment for the fans. I don't see the problem.

01-31-2024, 12:53 AM
Speaking of the wnba three-point line...


Full Court
01-31-2024, 01:05 AM
Nothing is at stake. It's just entertainment for the fans. I don't see the problem.

There is no problem. Currry really seems to bother Bronie fluffers such as OP and Axe.

01-31-2024, 01:11 AM

01-31-2024, 01:12 AM
Nothing is at stake. It's just entertainment for the fans. I don't see the problem.

It's a fake contest. Put that shit on the NBA 3 point line.

01-31-2024, 01:12 AM
Lebron doesn't have the balls to do that, and we all know it.

Nice try though, Dudley. :roll:

lebron would never dare to do this in a million years :roll:

01-31-2024, 01:12 AM
It's a fake contest. Put that shit on the NBA 3 point line.

calm down. jesus lol

01-31-2024, 01:14 AM
calm down. jesus lol

I started this thread with the intention of clowning Curry, but now that I see the rules I legit feel bad for him, with his wife always embarrassing him in public and now this shit with the dumb rules? Super sad.

01-31-2024, 01:22 AM
I started this thread with the intention of clowning Curry, but now that I see the rules I legit feel bad for him, with his wife always embarrassing him in public and now this shit with the dumb rules? Super sad.

get a life man

01-31-2024, 01:23 AM
Next season we will have this woman competing against Zach Lavine in the dunk contest, rims will be lowered 2 feet of course.


01-31-2024, 01:48 AM
It's a fake contest. Put that shit on the NBA 3 point line.

What's wrong with fake contest? It's still entertaining.

I guess putting it on NBA 3p line would be more entertaining but it's no big deal.

Real Men Wear Green
01-31-2024, 02:32 AM
Just imagine the hate LeBron would get if he did something like that. :oldlol:


James would lose, actually. A one in one game where a man's advantages in size strength and athleticism would be unfair. A shooting contest with a great female shooter really isn't. Curry maybe should win but James would definitely lose.

hold this L
01-31-2024, 02:45 AM
You have to be shitting me.

“Stephen vs. Sabrina” will follow standard STARRY 3-Point Contest rules. Curry will shoot from the NBA 3-point line with NBA basketballs, and Ionescu will shoot from the WNBA 3-point line with WNBA basketballs.


Can the WNBA just disappear?


01-31-2024, 04:25 AM
OP is a weirdo.

01-31-2024, 04:26 AM
Speaking of the wnba three-point line...


Axe loves Curry

01-31-2024, 05:53 AM

01-31-2024, 06:31 AM
Me Axe, me post in all Curry threads :oldlol:

01-31-2024, 06:35 AM
Oh look, another autistic queer who can't stop thinking about me. :eek:

01-31-2024, 07:25 AM
Honestly this is a lose/lose for Curry, if you win, nobody cares, if you lose, you get clowned for life.

Why would he be clowned, the woman is a great shooter. smh

Full Court
01-31-2024, 07:39 AM
Me hate Curry because he better than my hero. :cry:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgiffiles.alphacoders.com%2F118%2F 118865.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Yep, that's about right. :lol

01-31-2024, 08:06 AM
Next season we will have this woman competing against Zach Lavine in the dunk contest, rims will be lowered 2 feet of course.

The lady wouldn't stand a chance against him that it's not even worth thinking about who'll win in that contest. (https://i.ibb.co/JmpGnKz/IMG-20230528-095117.jpg)

01-31-2024, 10:17 AM
If the NBA AND WNBA wanted to profit they should do a NBA rookies vs WNBA Allstars and put it on PPV. The revenue alone would be able to pay all the WNBA salary

01-31-2024, 10:27 AM
If the NBA AND WNBA wanted to profit they should do a NBA rookies vs WNBA Allstars and put it on PPV. The revenue alone would be able to pay all the WNBA salary
Just being real, you're delusional if you think people would pay PPV prices to see a bunch of NBA players they've never heard of destroy WNBA ones :lol

01-31-2024, 10:32 AM
It's a fake contest. Put that shit on the NBA 3 point line.

there is absolutely no reason to put the woman at the greater disadvantage of shooting on a line that isn’t the one they play on. She did for the record say she is willing to do it because people want her at that disadvantage as if a shooter of Steph’s ability needs it but there is no rational reason to give either side home court advantage. They use a slightly different ball and shoot from the international line. Having One change the routine and shoot from where the other is comfortable is a greater rig than both doing what they always do.

you get used to what you practice. At this point, I suspect if the NBA changed to the international line everyone else uses players like Steph would still shoot from the same place. For an event that is just simulated practice?

Shoot where you normally shoot. Steph wouldn’t want to have people say he made the woman go outside her routine and take his shots.

She might do it but Steph of all people doesn’t need an advantage in a shooting contest. The extreme majority of basketball isn’t played in the NBA. There is no reason to use NBA rules in a shooting contest. If you had to go one or the other sticking to the worldwide standard would be more fair. The WNBA, euroleague, fiba, and ncaa all use the same one. The nba is the outlier. The outlier shouldn’t be the default in a contest across leagues.

Real Men Wear Green
01-31-2024, 10:35 AM
If the NBA AND WNBA wanted to profit they should do a NBA rookies vs WNBA Allstars and put it on PPV. The revenue alone would be able to pay all the WNBA salary

You would pay $15 to watch such a stupid exhibition? Because I wouldn't. Everyone already knows that men are more explosive athletes and bigger. Who wants to watch a bunch of ladies getting dunked on? Why would any NBA rookie want to participate in that? Probably get talked about like they're hitting women.

elementally morale
01-31-2024, 10:39 AM
Would be more interesting to me with alternating distances. It makes sense this way because it's what they practice but this way you can't really compare. If both shot from the other distance as well it would show more. I'm not sure Curry would do better from a shorter distance and I'm sure Ionescu's accuracy would seriously drop from the NBA 3pt line. It's some nice fun though and I see no reason why the girl can't win this.

01-31-2024, 11:14 AM
James would lose, actually. A one in one game where a man's advantages in size strength and athleticism would be unfair. A shooting contest with a great female shooter really isn't. Curry maybe should win but James would definitely lose.

Then why are they changing the rules for this contest if it is fair? :oldlol:

01-31-2024, 11:16 AM


01-31-2024, 11:21 AM
Then why are they changing the rules for this contest if it is fair? :oldlol:

They aren’t. They’re both shooting from where they always shoot from. She won the wnba contest which had the wnba/ncaa/fiba line. There is no change at all. They’re just doing both contests opposite each other.

01-31-2024, 11:28 AM
I see nothing wrong with this. :confusedshrug:

01-31-2024, 11:29 AM
They aren’t. They’re both shooting from where they always shoot from. She won the wnba contest which had the wnba/ncaa/fiba line. There is no change at all. They’re just doing both contests opposite each other.

This contest loses alot of luster with her shooting from a shorter distance. We saw 5 foot Kevin Hart who never practices almost beating Draymond in a 3 point contest, both shot from the same range, it was entertaining to see. This is just weak imo

01-31-2024, 11:39 AM
If you think the greatest shooter of all time needs a woman to be disadvantaged by taking the shot he is comfortable with to be entertained by a shooting contest that’s your business but there’s nothing rational about it. Steph Curry doesn’t need a handicap in his favor. They should both shoot the shots they work on. She’s just getting pressure to come out and do a contest from a line only one league of thousands uses because frankly….a lot of people are idiots and insecure. She shoots on the world standard three-point line used by women and men. There’s absolutely no reason beyond wanting to rig it against her for her to go to the line only 400 people out of half a billion players uses.

You put them both on the standard line Steph would likely be more comfortable shooting from where he practices anyway.

Hey Yo
01-31-2024, 11:46 AM
If you think the greatest 'long distance' shooter of all time needs a woman to be disadvantaged by taking the shot he is comfortable with to be entertained by a shooting contest that’s your business but there’s nothing rational about it. Steph Curry doesn’t need a handicap in his favor. They should both shoot the shots they work on. She’s just getting pressure to come out and do a contest from a line only one league of thousands uses because frankly….a lot of people are idiots and insecure. She shoots on the world standard three-point line used by women and men. There’s absolutely no reason beyond wanting to rig it against her for her to go to the line only 400 people out of half a billion players uses.

You put them both on the standard line Steph would likely be more comfortable shooting from where he practices anyway.

01-31-2024, 11:46 AM

Get it done Silver. This woman wants to compete.

01-31-2024, 12:03 PM
If anything it shows Curry isn't insecure and has the balls to face possible humiliation. He's not going to get any respect for beating a girl, but if he loses you clowns will have a field day with it.

Unlike LeCoward who despite having GOAT athleticism never even participated in a dunk çontest against his own male peers.

01-31-2024, 04:26 PM

Get it done Silver. This woman wants to compete.

If Steph does he wouldn’t want the advantage of the other side coming to his rules. Man or woman outside the nba they use the fiba/college line outside high school. The GOAT shouldn’t need anyone at the disadvantage of shooting his shots. And he shouldn’t shoot anyone else’s either.

Everyone shoot your usual shot. If he has one vs whoever the best in the euroleague it should be the same. Dont move Steph off his spot or anyone off theirs. If it’s me vs you from different leagues we can’t make the rules be only what either side is used to.

Steph would look shook even suggesting it. The best isn’t supposed to be demanding home rules advantage. And vs a woman?

Hed never do such a thing. He strikes me as a competitor.

01-31-2024, 05:50 PM
Just imagine the hate LeBron would get if he did something like that. :oldlol:


it is the NBA and the ghoul of a commissioner that is a clown.

why the hell do they let non NBA players take part in this :facepalm such a lame gimmick

01-31-2024, 05:54 PM
Thats not embarrassing, thats gutsy.

He has nothing to gain from this.

01-31-2024, 05:55 PM
But yes, if Bron did it, thered be retards mocking him.

01-31-2024, 05:59 PM
it is the NBA and the ghoul of a commissioner that is a clown.

why the hell do they let non NBA players take part in this :facepalm such a lame gimmick

Because WNBA is under their umbrella. They wouldn't let someone outside that umbrella participate. The dunk contest could be a lot better with outside competition but they're not going to allow that.

If the NBA AND WNBA wanted to profit they should do a NBA rookies vs WNBA Allstars and put it on PPV. The revenue alone would be able to pay all the WNBA salary

That would be a slaughter. Shooting is the one thing women can be competitive in.

Hey Yo
01-31-2024, 06:33 PM
But yes, if Bron did it, thered be retards mocking him.

It would be relentless...

Full Court
01-31-2024, 08:45 PM
But yes, if Bron did it, thered be retards mocking him.

Moot point, because we all know he'd never have the balls to do it.

02-01-2024, 01:06 AM
The funny thing about the lebron ducking the dunk competition is that no one would even care if he didn’t win. It ain’t that serious. Him ducking it makes it a weird thing instead of going out there and having fun.

02-01-2024, 01:14 AM
The funny thing about the lebron ducking the dunk competition is that no one would even care if he didn’t win. It ain’t that serious. Him ducking it makes it a weird thing instead of going out there and having fun.


02-01-2024, 01:22 AM

Outside of hard core trolls that wouldn’t be taken seriously, no one would

02-01-2024, 05:04 AM
You would pay $15 to watch such a stupid exhibition? Because I wouldn't. Everyone already knows that men are more explosive athletes and bigger. Who wants to watch a bunch of ladies getting dunked on? Why would any NBA rookie want to participate in that? Probably get talked about like they're hitting women.

There is a huge anti-femeinst population out there that would pay big money to see this. Because of how the WNBA is bitching about paygap

Real Men Wear Green
02-01-2024, 06:21 AM
There is a huge anti-femeinst population out there that would pay big money to see this. Because of how the WNBA is bitching about paygap

NBA isn't going to subject itself to needless bad publicity to entertain a few right wing idiots. The people that have that particular fetish likely hate the NBA for years of allowing and/or pushing liberal sentiments, that's not their audience. And again no player with an agent that has any sense is being told its a good idea to bully girls on a basketball court.

02-01-2024, 08:56 AM
If Steph does he wouldn’t want the advantage of the other side coming to his rules. Man or woman outside the nba they use the fiba/college line outside high school. The GOAT shouldn’t need anyone at the disadvantage of shooting his shots. And he shouldn’t shoot anyone else’s either.

Everyone shoot your usual shot. If he has one vs whoever the best in the euroleague it should be the same. Dont move Steph off his spot or anyone off theirs. If it’s me vs you from different leagues we can’t make the rules be only what either side is used to.

Steph would look shook even suggesting it. The best isn’t supposed to be demanding home rules advantage. And vs a woman?

Hed never do such a thing. He strikes me as a competitor.

I don't think it would be asking for an advantage, it would just be an even playing field. If the problem is that the woman never practiced from NBA 3point range then they should both shoot from FIBA 3pt line or from WNBA 3pt line.

If they both agreed to a free throw contest would you have her shoot from the actual free throw line and ask Steph to step back and shoot from the top of the key?

At the end of the day people want to see who is the more accurate shooter from the same distance. If Steph had a shootout vs the euroleague best 3pt specialist they would both shoot from the the same agreed distance. Whether it would be called a 3pt in some league or a long midrange shot in the NBA is irrelevant for this comparison.

02-01-2024, 09:26 AM
If you put them both on the same court, Steph would still shoot from further away. If he wanted to take the shot he worked on tens of thousands of times at least. If you actually enforced him moving off his spot…it would be a disadvantage to him. The corners would be the same but going around the top he’d be slightly off. A guy like him doesn’t shoot from as close as possible he shoots from where he’s comfortable. Especially in a glorified practice.

If it were free-throw contest, it wouldn’t be an issue because they both shoot the same free-throw(at .909 and .910 for their careers for the record). A 3 point contest is thousands of shots of practice taken from different spots.

I wouldn’t want Steph moved off his spot. If he had to step in and lost you know that would be used as an excuse. To be comfortable he’d likely set the racks up at his normal distance which would make the change irrelevant.

02-01-2024, 09:30 AM
There is a huge anti-femeinst population out there that would pay big money to see this. Because of how the WNBA is bitching about paygap

there’s also a section of people who would pay to watch them get killed but it doesn’t mean we have to entertain it

02-01-2024, 12:05 PM
Moot point, because we all know he'd never have the balls to do it.

Ironically youd be the same one that would mock him for it

02-01-2024, 12:07 PM
Outside of hard core trolls that wouldn’t be taken seriously, no one would

It low key feels like you are doing some damage control just in case Curry loses this contest. "No big deal"

Charlie Sheen
02-01-2024, 12:49 PM
There is a huge anti-femeinst population out there that would pay big money to see this. Because of how the WNBA is bitching about paygap

Looks to me like you are expressing your own views on a subject you do not know very much about.

The WNBA players are asking for a % of the wnba league revenue that is closer to the men's game... not equivalent salaries. The players have a union but they do not have great bargaining power since professional sports leagues hold antitrust exemption.

02-01-2024, 02:07 PM
It low key feels like you are doing some damage control just in case Curry loses this contest. "No big deal"

You are also a deranged lunatic who thinks the moon is a space ship so keep that in mind

02-01-2024, 04:07 PM
lebron doesn't have the balls to do that, and we all know it.

Nice try though, dudley. :roll:


02-02-2024, 08:18 AM
NBA isn't going to subject itself to needless bad publicity to entertain a few right wing idiots. The people that have that particular fetish likely hate the NBA for years of allowing and/or pushing liberal sentiments, that's not their audience. And again no player with an agent that has any sense is being told its a good idea to bully girls on a basketball court.

There's already a ball rolling where WNBA players were challenged to play high school boys. With a million dollars on the line. The challenge was initiated by a WNBA player claiming its nonsense that an elite boys high school team can beat a WNBA team. The feedback was actually pretty well recieved. This format would at least be more approachable.

02-02-2024, 08:20 AM
Looks to me like you are expressing your own views on a subject you do not know very much about.

The WNBA players are asking for a % of the wnba league revenue that is closer to the men's game... not equivalent salaries. The players have a union but they do not have great bargaining power since professional sports leagues hold antitrust exemption.

I'm aware of that, and newsflash, that's still bitching about pay gap. How can they ask for revenue % when they are losing money and the NBA is bailing them out?

02-02-2024, 10:26 AM
Looks to me like you are expressing your own views on a subject you do not know very much about.

The WNBA players are asking for a % of the wnba league revenue that is closer to the men's game... not equivalent salaries. The players have a union but they do not have great bargaining power since professional sports leagues hold antitrust exemption.

Even that is an unreasonable request though. The NBA players can be paid a higher split because there's so much more revenue.

I work in sales. Not everyone is on the same split. The top producers are on higher splits.

Is the WNBA even profitable like that?

02-03-2024, 01:49 AM
Ironically youd be the same one that would mock him for it

02-03-2024, 06:38 AM
Even that is an unreasonable request though. The NBA players can be paid a higher split because there's so much more revenue.

I work in sales. Not everyone is on the same split. The top producers are on higher splits.

Is the WNBA even profitable like that?

Exactly what I said

Real Men Wear Green
02-03-2024, 09:11 AM
There's already a ball rolling where WNBA players were challenged to play high school boys. With a million dollars on the line. The challenge was initiated by a WNBA player claiming its nonsense that an elite boys high school team can beat a WNBA team. The feedback was actually pretty well recieved. This format would at least be more approachable.

It would be idiotic and no one wants to see it other than you right wing mysogynists. Same people that are angry that WNBA players want to get paid more. You don't watch it or have to pay them yourselves you guys are just offended by the idea of women making money.

Charlie Sheen
02-03-2024, 01:11 PM
I'm aware of that, and newsflash, that's still bitching about pay gap. How can they ask for revenue % when they are losing money and the NBA is bailing them out?

WNBA going through a period of record growth in viewers, attendance, revenue, franchise values...

New investments in the league signal people are noticing how popular the women's college game has become.

This is about labor but you cannot get out of your own way so you have to see this as feminists bitching about pay gap.

02-03-2024, 01:37 PM
WNBA going through a period of record growth in viewers, attendance, revenue, franchise values...

New investments in the league signal people are noticing how popular the women's college game has become.

This is about labor but you cannot get out of your own way so you have to see this as feminists bitching about pay gap.

Caitlin Clark deserves like 80% of that revenue :lol

Full Court
02-03-2024, 04:04 PM
You are also a deranged lunatic who thinks the moon is a space ship so keep that in mind

:roll: That's right. I forgot about that. He doesn't know what an advanced stat is, and he thinks the moon is a conspiracy.


02-03-2024, 04:12 PM
You are also a deranged lunatic who thinks the moon is a space ship so keep that in mind

Seems like a struck a nerve. I know you pretty well, I know exactly what you are doing with this "no big deal" stuff. You will be the first one to have a meltdown if Curry loses this contest. I still remember you losing your shit when LeBron hit that game winner over Curry in 2021.

02-03-2024, 04:14 PM
I will one day be proven right.


02-03-2024, 07:36 PM
WNBA going through a period of record growth in viewers, attendance, revenue, franchise values...

New investments in the league signal people are noticing how popular the women's college game has become.

This is about labor but you cannot get out of your own way so you have to see this as feminists bitching about pay gap.

What record attendance? 1000 to 2000?

They are still drawing money out of the NBA to stay relevant.

02-03-2024, 07:39 PM
It would be idiotic and no one wants to see it other than you right wing mysogynists. Same people that are angry that WNBA players want to get paid more. You don't watch it or have to pay them yourselves you guys are just offended by the idea of women making money.

More than right wing misogynists. Also delusional left wing pro feminists that believe it could actually happen

It's like when Connor MacGregor boxed Floyd Mayweather. The Connor fanboys when intrigued just as much and payed big dollars to see this.

Which is exactly why this should happen. The revenue would pay the entire WNBA salary

02-03-2024, 07:42 PM
I would pay money to watch Caitlin Clark whoop hateraid’s midget ass :lol

02-03-2024, 09:38 PM
Honestly this is a lose/lose for Curry, if you win, nobody cares, if you lose, you get clowned for life.

exactly lol

02-03-2024, 10:23 PM
I will one day be proven right.


:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-03-2024, 10:31 PM
Likeliest scenario:

Steph goes out there lazily strutting around and grinning slyly, lookin “too cool for school” to let people know hes not taking it too seriously. He’ll shoot with half-ass form but still be low key trying to make them, but he’ll end up losing, and then he’ll continue to smile and shrug it off like it’s all good and he’s not embarrassed, even tho he clearly will be. In the post match interview he’ll be tempted to suggest he didnt really try, but he’ll know better than to actually say it, and he’ll pay some kinda lipservice about how hes not bothered at all, in fact proud to get his ass kicked by a woman.

02-03-2024, 10:38 PM
Likeliest scenario:

Steph goes out there lazily strutting around and grinning slyly, lookin “too cool for school” to let people know hes not taking it too seriously. He’ll shoot with half-ass form but still be low key trying to make them, but he’ll end up losing, and then he’ll continue to smile and shrug it off like it’s all good and he’s not embarrassed, even tho he clearly will be. In the post match interview he’ll be tempted to suggest he didnt really try, but he’ll know better than to actually say it, and he’ll pay some kinda lipservice about how hes not bothered at all, in fact proud to get his ass kicked by a woman.

He'll slyly say, "women are great shooters too" and hope the public buys it being a female empowerment stunt. The whole thing will have Mr Satan DBZ vibes.

02-03-2024, 10:47 PM
Curry has 50 points right now :rockon:

02-03-2024, 11:12 PM
Klay should just retire.

Xiao Yao You
02-15-2024, 09:44 PM

Jimmer took the L

02-18-2024, 11:35 AM
Should just let the newbies or others get the opportunity to win the contest. Dude is already the greatest shooter ever so why not let the youngin shine a little.

Hey Yo
02-18-2024, 01:02 PM
Should just let the newbies or others get the opportunity to win the contest. Dude is already the greatest shooter ever so why not let the youngin shine a little.

Greatest 'long distance' shooter.

02-18-2024, 01:14 PM
Greatest 'long distance' shooter.

Whos a better shooter?

02-18-2024, 01:40 PM
Whos a better shooter?

Yeah. I'm trying to figure that out myself. Doesn't he currently have the highest career free throw percentage also?

02-18-2024, 05:52 PM
Yeah. I'm trying to figure that out myself. Doesn't he currently have the highest career free throw percentage also?
Hey Yo is very dim, you'll have to excuse the poor guy

02-18-2024, 06:06 PM
Whos a better shooter?

Peja maybe?

02-18-2024, 09:22 PM
A lot of respect for Curry for doing this. All-star weekend is for the fans, so seeing superstars show up(especially ones with nothing to prove ie Steph at shooting) is always nice.

Charlie Sheen
02-18-2024, 10:05 PM
Caitlin Clark deserves like 80% of that revenue :lol

You are not wrong but that undefeated defending champion South Carolina team helped her story.

This was a great business move because Clark is going to bring a lot more viewers to the league and Steph introduced the world to one of their young guns.