View Full Version : Embiid can only miss 5 more games. Haliburton 3. Kyrie already out.

01-31-2024, 03:39 AM
For MVP and All-NBA selection.

There's around 35 games left.


Im Still Ballin
01-31-2024, 04:18 AM
Uh-oh, spaghetti-oh. #3okic

01-31-2024, 12:25 PM
Embiid just got hurt. How serious is it?
A lot of players can really only miss about 10 games or so as most of the big stars have already missed around 5+ games.

01-31-2024, 12:47 PM
Shame, Kyrie deserved an all defense selection this year

01-31-2024, 12:55 PM
Yea I’ve been Counting down guys. Halliburton had a statement about how stupid it is. If he so much as twists an ankle he’s gonna lose $41 million because his contract won’t convert to a super max if he isn’t all NBA this season.

01-31-2024, 01:04 PM
Maybe someone knows,
How many games Leonard, KD, Bron, Curry, Giannis etc missed so far this season.

elementally morale
01-31-2024, 01:11 PM
Maybe someone knows,
How many games Leonard, KD, Bron, Curry, Giannis etc missed so far this season.

For MVP candidates it is shown here:


01-31-2024, 01:50 PM
Yea I’ve been Counting down guys. Halliburton had a statement about how stupid it is. If he so much as twists an ankle he’s gonna lose $41 million because his contract won’t convert to a super max if he isn’t all NBA this season.

Seriously, he should be allowed to miss half the season and still get paid the entire super duper maximum dollar moneys bc basketball reasons.

01-31-2024, 02:19 PM
Let's say Embiid or Halliburton are projected to only play 60 they should suit up for 5 games. Play a possession each game if they aren't hurt too much and go back to the bench.

It would lower their stats by 8%, still absolutely good enough for All-NBA and immediately make a mockery of this stupid rule.

Real Men Wear Green
01-31-2024, 02:29 PM
I do wonder if we will see players go out there for five seconds to circumvent this but the NBA may do something about it if they're so blatant.

01-31-2024, 02:43 PM
Holiday came in For like five seconds one game at the end of a season to get a bonus. I’m sure if players are close and it’s a franchise guy you don’t want to alienate? Something will be worked out.

I saw somebody talking about the players union potentially being upset, but I’m not sure that’s gonna be the case. All its going to do is make more players super max eligible. Embiid has his. You take him out some other forward who doesn’t already have their eligibility gets it. Like Siakam narrowly missed out. I think more people would become eligible than would miss out.

Charlie Sheen
01-31-2024, 02:54 PM
I do wonder if we will see players go out there for five seconds to circumvent this but the NBA may do something about it if they're so blatant.

The game Haliburton was injured is counting as a missed game under the rule

Players are also required to play a minimum of 20 minutes in each of those 65 games to be eligible.


Real Men Wear Green
01-31-2024, 03:11 PM
Oh. That may be the basis for a lawsuit.

01-31-2024, 03:28 PM
The game Haliburton was injured is counting as a missed game under the rule

Wait, so if I play 18 minutes what is that? Not a game ... NBA trippin if that's the rule.

01-31-2024, 03:34 PM
Wait, so if I play 18 minutes what is that? Not a game ... NBA trippin if that's the rule.

People here have such weird attitudes about this IMO.

The NBA isnt a charity. Why are they gonna reward guys for not participating in the product the league is selling?

And why are fans upset about it? The players are the ones short changing YOU when they decide to load manage and claim it was due to some bogus “soreness.”

And yet fans are like “zomg not paying him for sitting is a travesty!!!!!! Shame on this league!!!!!!!!”

Like people have such tiny npc perspectives on this. Their minds are so wired to think whoever has the most money (the league) is automatically the bad guy even when it’s the “middle man” (players) who are taking advantage of fan loyalty.

People just think in these mindless flow charts of blame. “Billionaire man more responsible than millionaire man!” Nevermind the details specific to the situation. Thats way too much thinking. Just blame whoever has the most. Simple NPC solution with no thinking required.

01-31-2024, 03:37 PM
People here have such weird attitudes about this IMO.

The NBA isnt a charity. Why are they gonna reward guys for not participating in the product the league is selling?

And why are fans upset about it? The players are the ones short changing YOU when they decide to load manage and claim it was due to some bogus “soreness.”

And yet fans are like “zomg not paying him for sitting is a travesty!!!!!! Shame on this league!!!!!!!!”

Like people have such tiny npc perspectives on this. Their minds are so wired to think whoever has the most money (the league) is automatically the bad guy even when it’s the “middle man” (players) who are taking advantage of fan loyalty.

People just think in these mindless flow charts of blame. “Billionaire man more responsible than millionaire man!” Nevermind the details specific to the situation. Thats way too much thinking. Just blame whoever has the most. Simple NPC solution with no thinking required.

Bro, I'm talking about the time played. The article says a player needs to play 20 minutes for a game to be eligible.
What if the player is in foul trouble all game or gets thrown out in the 1st quarter.

01-31-2024, 03:48 PM
Bro, I'm talking about the time played. The article says a player needs to play 20 minutes for a game to be eligible.
What if the player is I'm foul trouble all game or gets thrown out in the 1st quarter.

These arent common occurrences. An All NBA caliber player is rarely ever in so much foul trouble he plays less than 20 minutes purely for that reason. Thats not realistic.

And if you know youve missed a couple handfuls of games with injury, then dont get yourself ejected.

If you wanna load manage a few games with nicks and bruises, and then get ejected in the first quarter of another 6 games, you dont have a sturdy leg to stand on when asking to be paid like a major contributor to the league’s product. I dunno why so many fans have this knee jerk position that players deserve to get paid everything even for doing nothing.

I dont think its so much to ask that guys play in games in order to be eligible for bonuses.

And yet so many people seem to think that IS too much to ask :biggums: :lol

01-31-2024, 04:00 PM
Yeah imagine having to actually play in games to qualify for the supermax. Cry me a river.

Guys in the NFL can get cut after they get hurt.

elementally morale
01-31-2024, 04:28 PM
Bro, I'm talking about the time played. The article says a player needs to play 20 minutes for a game to be eligible.
What if the player is in foul trouble all game or gets thrown out in the 1st quarter.

Are we sure it's not an mpg average?

Duffy Pratt
01-31-2024, 04:34 PM
These arent common occurrences. An All NBA caliber player is rarely ever in so much foul trouble he plays less than 20 minutes purely for that reason. Thats not realistic.

And if you know youve missed a couple handfuls of games with injury, then dont get yourself ejected.

If you wanna load manage a few games with nicks and bruises, and then get ejected in the first quarter of another 6 games, you dont have a sturdy leg to stand on when asking to be paid like a major contributor to the league’s product. I dunno why so many fans have this knee jerk position that players deserve to get paid everything even for doing nothing.

I dont think its so much to ask that guys play in games in order to be eligible for bonuses.

And yet so many people seem to think that IS too much to ask :biggums: :lol

Suppose it's the last game of the season and Chris Paul has played in 64 games. Scott Foster is refereeing. What are the chances he is not ejected before the 20 minute mark. There's just too many ways this 65 game threshold can be used/manipulated. And it's all for the purpose of forcing voters to do what they should be doing anyway? If the voters stopped voting for guys who ducked games (like last season with Embiid), and were vocal about their reason for it, the whole problem would get solved, but that will never happen because the media are too busy promoting their own narratives.

Another scenario -- Halliburton has played 64 games, and the last game of the season is meaningless for playoff purposes. Can the team decide he is medically unfit? Can the coach just give him a DPN coaches decision, or yank him after 19:59 minutes of playing time? Thus saving the owners 40 mill?

01-31-2024, 04:41 PM
Suppose it's the last game of the season and Chris Paul has played in 64 games. Scott Foster is refereeing. What are the chances he is not ejected before the 20 minute mark. There's just too many ways this 65 game threshold can be used/manipulated. And it's all for the purpose of forcing voters to do what they should be doing anyway? If the voters stopped voting for guys who ducked games (like last season with Embiid), and were vocal about their reason for it, the whole problem would get solved, but that will never happen because the media are too busy promoting their own narratives.

If CP3 plays clean and keeps his mouth shut, and Scott Foster still ejects him for literally nothing, the league will rescind the ejection, count the game, and Foster will be liable to lose his job.

If a player isnt smart enough to avoid emotional exchanges for 1 game in that situation with that much on the line, they arent getting any sympathy from me.

01-31-2024, 04:45 PM
People here have such weird attitudes about this IMO.

The NBA isnt a charity. Why are they gonna reward guys for not participating in the product the league is selling?

And why are fans upset about it? The players are the ones short changing YOU when they decide to load manage and claim it was due to some bogus “soreness.”

And yet fans are like “zomg not paying him for sitting is a travesty!!!!!! Shame on this league!!!!!!!!”

Like people have such tiny npc perspectives on this. Their minds are so wired to think whoever has the most money (the league) is automatically the bad guy even when it’s the “middle man” (players) who are taking advantage of fan loyalty.

People just think in these mindless flow charts of blame. “Billionaire man more responsible than millionaire man!” Nevermind the details specific to the situation. Thats way too much thinking. Just blame whoever has the most. Simple NPC solution with no thinking required.

Im my case it’s exactly the opposite. Left leaning types have asked me before why I don’t support higher taxes on billionaires and my answer has always been that I don’t get jealous of people success and think they owe me what they have. It’s easy get the public on your side in any argument against the rich. So easy your logic doesn’t even have to be sound. You win off jealousy. I just wanna hear a good argument.

In this case?

A guy being hurt on company time and losing compensation does feel like it opens the company up to discussions they don’t wanna have. I know in that position I would raise hell if you wanna pay me less because an on the job injury causes attendance issues.

And the employees in question already being rich doesn’t matter to me. I’m not jealous that my jobs didn’t work like that. Don’t need any absurd “But the common man!” false equivalency arguments about teachers and firemen.

Them being rich already doesn’t make me see the labor as greedy to not want their job to hold on the job injury against them.

There is definitely a conversation to be had there. Guy hurts his knee mid game and that game counts as missing work and reduces compensation? By a massive amount?

There is a dangerous precedent there big picture wise. I feel it’s easy to see if you aren’t doing the “They’re so rich already! The nurses! Preschool teachers!” emotional jealousy not to see it.

01-31-2024, 04:51 PM
Im my case it’s exactly the opposite. Left leaning types have asked me before why I don’t support higher taxes on billionaires and my answer has always been that I don’t get jealous of people success and think they owe me what they have. It’s easy get the public on your side in any argument against the rich. So easy your logic doesn’t even have to be sound. You win off jealousy. I just wanna hear a good argument.

In this case?

A guy being hurt on company time and losing compensation does feel like it opens the company up to discussions they don’t wanna have. I know in that position I would raise hell if you wanna pay me less because an on the job injury causes attendance issues.

And the employees in question already being rich doesn’t matter to me. I’m not jealous that my jobs didn’t work like that. Don’t need any absurd “But the common man!” false equivalency arguments.

Them being rich already doesn’t make me see the labor as greedy to not want their job to hold on the job injury against them.

Therr is definitely a conversation to be had there. Guy hurts his knee mid game and that game counts as missing work?

There is a dangerous precedent there big picture wise.

This is the fallacy.

He is not LOSING compensation. He gets paid what's in his contract for every game he misses. He's getting paid every dollar he's BEEN promised.

He's potentially losing out on what essentially amounts to an attendance bonus because he... isnt in attendance enough. Many workplaces have this, and you cant call in and say "Well I couldnt attend, I was sick! I would have showed up if I could, but I was sick! So I should still get the attendance bonus!"

Youre not owed the bonus. The employer offers it for their reasons on their terms. Some of it may come down to luck and chance. Thus players should look at it as "I'll need some luck to hit this bonus but the possibility is there." It's not something they're entitled to get just because they have an NBA contract.

01-31-2024, 04:51 PM
There is a dangerous precedent there big picture wise.

No it really isn't. Their current contracts are guaranteed, unlike some athletes in other sports. They can suffer a career ending injury and still get every dollar left on their contract.

Missing out on a few percent on their next contract isn't exactly traumatic.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 05:02 PM
Shame, Kyrie deserved an all defense selection this year


Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 05:05 PM
Guys like Kawhi, Davis and Ingram have been unusually healthy this year so I'd say the rule has been a success. **** them if they can't play a mere 65 games!

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 05:17 PM
NBA Central: Draymond Green has criticized the NBA for implementing what he calls a “bullsh*t” 65-game rule. “Now we got one of the premier faces of this league possibly hurt because he’s forcing it.” (https://*********.com/social/) (Via @TheVolumeSports ) pic.twitter.com/pAfXTc9xm0

maybe we shouldn't include suspension from choke holds and general craziness in the 65 games?

01-31-2024, 05:19 PM
This is the fallacy.

He is not LOSING compensation. He gets paid what's in his contract for every game he misses. He's getting paid every dollar he's BEEN promised.

He's potentially losing out on what essentially amounts to an attendance bonus because he... isnt in attendance enough. Many workplaces have this, and you cant call in and say "Well I couldnt attend, I was sick! I would have showed up if I could, but I was sick! So I should still get the attendance bonus!"

Youre not owed the bonus. The employer offers it for their reasons on their terms. Some of it may come down to luck and chance. Thus players should look at it as "I'll need some luck to hit this bonus but the possibility is there." It's not something they're entitled to get just because they have an NBA contract.

The reason that comparison doesn’t work Is the being sick versus an on the job injury difference. Having a little history in HR it just makes me wonder about the language in the contracts. Reminds me of the shaq situation when he didn’t want an off-season surgery to ruin his summer and justified it by saying he was hurt on company time he’s going to get better on company time.

I just wonder how sport injuries fit into labor laws, and how much it varies state by state.

what you can, and cannot punish someone for compensation wise has always been fertile ground legally. People live off those cases.

I was in a couple meetings once concerning potential disciplinary action, annual raises, and eligibility for what you would consider a bonus for a guy who didn’t qualify attendance wise. But the reason he didn’t qualify? He was a marine who performed at military funerals. He would get his orders on where to be, and it isnt optional. So he technically had bad attendance, but we had to excuse all the absences. The tricky thing is, the law only requires he be allowed to serve and to return to a similar position but it doesn’t say he has to keep eligibility for everything.

there is a process in place for military leave, but it isn’t set up for excusing you for Thursday whenever you say. And it doesn’t specifically exempt you from having to qualify for things that factor in attendance. It does require them to be excused it just works better long term.

what made it even worse? We found out he was lying about some of the dates. He was turning in orders with the same order number which our investigation revealed should not have been the case.

In the end my position was “You wanna see this on the news? _____ fires or won’t pay soldier due to absences for funeral duty?”. Once that’s the headline the details don’t matter.

in the end, he did us a favor of getting himself fired for something else.

I just wonder how these things are decided. It had to come up if the union lawyers are worth a shit.

01-31-2024, 05:21 PM
They need to present a medical certificate stating they are legitimately injured. Adam Silver made it a minimum of 65 games to be eligible for an award to combat load management

01-31-2024, 05:35 PM
People here have such weird attitudes about this IMO.

The NBA isnt a charity. Why are they gonna reward guys for not participating in the product the league is selling?

And why are fans upset about it? The players are the ones short changing YOU when they decide to load manage and claim it was due to some bogus “soreness.”

And yet fans are like “zomg not paying him for sitting is a travesty!!!!!! Shame on this league!!!!!!!!”

Like people have such tiny npc perspectives on this. Their minds are so wired to think whoever has the most money (the league) is automatically the bad guy even when it’s the “middle man” (players) who are taking advantage of fan loyalty.

People just think in these mindless flow charts of blame. “Billionaire man more responsible than millionaire man!” Nevermind the details specific to the situation. Thats way too much thinking. Just blame whoever has the most. Simple NPC solution with no thinking required.

Let's say you have a retail company with 8 departments. 5 departments have average sales. Their heads work 50h/w. 1 dept has above avg sales, head works 40h. 1 dept has very good sales numbers, head works 35h and one dept has excellent sales numbers, head works 30h.

Would you pay the average guys the most just because they work more? I bet you'd pay based on performance over participation.

Yes, players should play when they can, but Embiid for 64 games is a better product than Rudy Gobert for 82.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 05:40 PM
Let's say you have a retail company with 8 departments. 5 departments have average sales. Their heads work 50h/w. 1 dept has above avg sales, head works 40h. 1 dept has very good sales numbers, head works 35h and one dept has excellent sales numbers, head works 30h.

Would you pay the average guys the most just because they work more? I bet you'd pay based on performance over participation.

Yes, players should play when they can, but Embiid for 64 games is a better product than Rudy Gobert for 82.

I'd rather watch Gobert than Floor Shine myself

Charlie Sheen
01-31-2024, 05:42 PM
The reason that comparison doesn’t work Is the being sick versus an on the job injury difference. Having a little history in HR it just makes me wonder about the language in the contracts. Reminds me of the shaq situation when he didn’t want an off-season surgery to ruin his summer and justified it by saying he was hurt on company time he’s going to get better on company time.

I just wonder how sport injuries fit into labor laws, and how much it varies state by state.

what you can, and cannot punish someone for compensation wise has always been fertile ground legally. People live off those cases.

I was in a couple meetings once concerning potential disciplinary action, annual raises, and eligibility for what you would consider a bonus for a guy who didn’t qualify attendance wise. But the reason he didn’t qualify? He was a marine who performed at military funerals. He would get his orders on where to be, and it isnt optional. So he technically had bad attendance, but we had to excuse all the absences. The tricky thing is, the law only requires he be allowed to serve and to return to a similar position but it doesn’t say he has to keep eligibility for everything.

there is a process in place for military leave, but it isn’t set up for excusing you for Thursday whenever you say. And it doesn’t specifically exempt you from having to qualify for things that factor in attendance. It does require them to be excused it just works better long term.

what made it even worse? We found out he was lying about some of the dates. He was turning in orders with the same order number which our investigation revealed should not have been the case.

In the end my position was “You wanna see this on the news? _____ fires or won’t pay soldier due to absences for funeral duty?”. Once that’s the headline the details don’t matter.

in the end, he did us a favor of getting himself fired for something else.

I just wonder how these things are decided. It had to come up if the union lawyers are worth a shit.

If Haliburton misses the cutoff by the one game he was disqualified for getting injured before playing 20 minutes... he files a grievance and it goes to arbitration.

01-31-2024, 05:49 PM
That has me wondering. Would Minnesota trade both Rudy and Kat for Embiid? Embiid and Ant is a title level duo in theory. And I suspect they aren’t as sold on KAT as his contract suggests. Can never be sure about Embiid though.

01-31-2024, 05:53 PM
If Haliburton misses the cutoff by the one game he was disqualified for getting injured before playing 20 minutes... he files a grievance and it goes to arbitration.

That’s what has me curious not even the larger idea of all this. If they do it over an direct on the job injury?

Im sure the nba lawyers are top notch and considered everything but it would still get challenged wouldn’t it?

Not like he’s sitting to be an ass. He wants to play. By all accounts he rushed back to play.

Lose out on 41 million for a legit workplace injury?

I assume the language in their contracts addresses such things, but id bet my life a ton of lawyers would beg to take the case. That part has to be figured out. Cant do him like that because of a game he set out to play.

01-31-2024, 05:57 PM
That has me wondering. Would Minnesota trade both Rudy and Kat for Embiid? Embiid and Ant is a title level duo in theory. And I suspect they aren’t as sold on KAT as his contract suggests. Can never be sure about Embiid though.

I've been thinking about a KAT for Julius Randle trade myself.

Knicks with an extra scoring punch could start to feel like a pretty dangerous team.

Wolves dont get better through the trade but they get cheaper and more flexible. If they dont see KAT as being the difference between a title or not, maybe they just decide to take on a smaller commitment.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 06:06 PM
That has me wondering. Would Minnesota trade both Rudy and Kat for Embiid? Embiid and Ant is a title level duo in theory. And I suspect they aren’t as sold on KAT as his contract suggests. Can never be sure about Embiid though.

Butler and Embiid was a title in theory

01-31-2024, 06:12 PM
And we will never Know because they only played part of one season together. Most teams that win don’t win every season with whatever core managed to do it. You just build a team capable of it and hope it comes together in one of the next few years.

01-31-2024, 06:29 PM
I used to think that today's players were just soft but I actually heard a compelling argument from someone. Can't remember who off the top of my head, maybe it was Bill Simmons.

Anyway, his argument was that 82 games in the past isn't what 82 games is today. So much more is demanded physically both on offense and defense right now. The ball is always moving. Everyone is gunning full speed. Everyone is shifting and rotating. You don't get as many possessions off these days. There's no more just standing around. The minutes are a lot more taxing.

Just a theory. Could be right.

Charlie Sheen
01-31-2024, 06:30 PM
That’s what has me curious not even the larger idea of all this. If they do it over an direct on the job injury?

Im sure the nba lawyers are top notch and considered everything but it would still get challenged wouldn’t it?

Not like he’s sitting to be an ass. He wants to play. By all accounts he rushed back to play.

Lose out on 41 million for a legit workplace injury?

I assume the language in their contracts addresses such things, but id bet my life a ton of lawyers would beg to take the case. That part has to be figured out. Cant do him like that because of a game he set out to play.

My best guess here... arbitrator rules for Haliburton in a scenario where it would be reasonable to assume because he started and has not played less than 20mpg every other game he started this season he would have played 20 minutes if he did not go down in that celtics game AND that is the only difference between him being credited with 64 or 65 games

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 06:31 PM
I used to think that today's players were just soft but I actually heard a compelling argument from someone. Can't remember who off the top of my head, maybe it was Bill Simmons.

Anyway, his argument was that 82 games in the past isn't what 82 games is today. So much more is demanded physically both on offense and defense right now. The ball is always moving. Everyone is gunning full speed. Everyone is shifting and rotating. You don't get as many possessions off these days. There's no more just standing around. The minutes are a lot more taxing.

Just a theory. Could be right.

more standing around if anything for a lot of them. Spotting up in the corner. Being a turnstile on D.

01-31-2024, 06:43 PM
My best guess here... arbitrator rules for Haliburton in a scenario where it would be reasonable to assume because he started and has not played less than 20mpg every other game he started this season he would have played 20 minutes if he did not go down in that celtics game AND that is the only difference between him being credited with 64 or 65 games

I just wonder in that situation what would be the result of them agreeing with Hali. The process would take too long to change the all NBA votes. It wouldn’t be a situation where you can show damages and a jury just gives you $40 million. And the fact that it was collectively bargained doesn’t help.

I really don’t think this is going to last for long, because owners are going to realize the unattended consequences. Take away the all NBA pics of the perennially injured guys. All you do is make worse players eligible. Siakam. Klay Thompson. A lot of people you don’t want to have to give a Supermax or alienate by not giving it to them would have all NBA pics during the necessary season to get paid.

Most of the people who lose eligibility, have other seasons, already in place to keep them there. What you’re doing is elevating the fringe guys by removing perennially injured superstars who already qualify like Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant. When three frontcourt guys get removed and the Heat now how have give Bam the supermax Somebody might make a call.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 06:49 PM
I just wonder in that situation what would be the result of them agreeing with Hali. The process would take too long to change the all NBA votes. It wouldn’t be a situation where you can show damages and a jury just gives you $40 million. And the fact that it was collectively bargained doesn’t help.

I really don’t think this is going to last for long, because owners are going to realize the unattended consequences. Take away the all NBA pics of the perennially injured guys. All you do is make worse players eligible. Siakam. Klay Thompson. A lot of people you don’t want to have to give a Supermax or alienate by not giving it to them would have all NBA pics during the necessary season to get paid.

Most of the people who lose eligibility, have other seasons, already in place to keep them there. What you’re doing is elevating the fringe guys by removing perennially injured superstars who already qualify like Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant. When three frontcourt guys get removed and the Heat now how have give Bam the supermax Somebody might make a call.

if it results in a better product and guys are playing more on national tv than maybe they like the trade off. At least 3 guys I already mentioned have played a lot more than they usually do this year

Charlie Sheen
01-31-2024, 07:32 PM
I just wonder in that situation what would be the result of them agreeing with Hali. The process would take too long to change the all NBA votes. It wouldn’t be a situation where you can show damages and a jury just gives you $40 million. And the fact that it was collectively bargained doesn’t help.

I really don’t think this is going to last for long, because owners are going to realize the unattended consequences. Take away the all NBA pics of the perennially injured guys. All you do is make worse players eligible. Siakam. Klay Thompson. A lot of people you don’t want to have to give a Supermax or alienate by not giving it to them would have all NBA pics during the necessary season to get paid.

Most of the people who lose eligibility, have other seasons, already in place to keep them there. What you’re doing is elevating the fringe guys by removing perennially injured superstars who already qualify like Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant. When three frontcourt guys get removed and the Heat now how have give Bam the supermax Somebody might make a call.

Completely overlooked the timeline of awards are not gonna be held up while a grievance plays out. I did not think this through :lol

Football has the franchise tag

Baseball has service time

NBA might get rid of this rule but it will be replaced with another restriction on suppermax eligibility. Like you said, these policies were designed to close the door to that highest % salary after the guys everyone agrees on ... Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant.

01-31-2024, 07:39 PM
. Like you said, these policies were designed to close the door to that highest % salary after the guys everyone agrees on ... Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant.

Excuse me?

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 07:42 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski: Sixers star Joel Embiid is out for Thursday’s game vs. Utah and will receive further evaluation on his left knee in the next 24 hours, (https://*********.com/social/) team official tells ESPN.

– via Twitter wojespn (https://twitter.com/wojespn)

4 more

Charlie Sheen
01-31-2024, 07:42 PM
Excuse me?

Whether you agree with it or not... teams would line up to pay him.

I do not think Bam is a good comp if we are talking market value.

01-31-2024, 08:26 PM
Completely overlooked the timeline of awards are not gonna be held up while a grievance plays out. I did not think this through :lol

Football has the franchise tag

Baseball has service time

NBA might get rid of this rule but it will be replaced with another restriction on suppermax eligibility. Like you said, these policies were designed to close the door to that highest % salary after the guys everyone agrees on ... Embiid, Anthony Davis, LeBron and Durant.

Yea that’s what it’s designed to do but with these rules in place last year? Lauri gets Lebron spot(55 games vs 66). Dame gets removed for Brunson after Ja gets skipped(61 games). Steph, Booker, Hali, and Harden all fell below 65 last year as well so Steph’s spot falls to Jrue Holiday unless voters shifted a couple to Trae Young.

The all nba team is gonna be so ****ed up. People who think this is the area of bad contracts haven’t seen anything yet. It’s easy to say you just shouldn’t pay, but experience shows us that isn’t likely.

Just wait. Someone like Julius Randle is gonna sign for 350 million because 7 people are taken out of his way and he makes 2-3 straight all nba teams.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 08:32 PM
Yea that’s what it’s designed to do but with these rules in place last year? Lauri gets Lebron spot(55 games vs 66). Dame gets removed for Brunson after Ja gets skipped(61 games). Steph, Booker, Hali, and Harden all fell below 65 last year as well so Steph’s spot falls to Jrue Holiday unless voters shifted a couple to Trae Young.

The all nba team is gonna be so ****ed up. People who think this is the area of bad contracts haven’t seen anything yet. It’s easy to say you just shouldn’t pay, but experience shows us that isn’t likely.

Just wait. Someone like Julius Randle is gonna sign for 350 million because 7 people are taken out of his way and he makes 2-3 straight all nba teams.

Randle is currently out for weeks

01-31-2024, 09:07 PM
I heard. And every time that happens we go further and further away from the elites(not that he’s one but the the pickings get even slimmer). Mikal Bridges was one more missed game by any of like 3 people from this rule making him all nba in 22. A curious number of people play exactly 65 games. And Steph would missed it that year by one game. I guess they checked all that and figured it was a good cutoff. They may have to settle on 60.

01-31-2024, 09:07 PM
Yea I’ve been Counting down guys. Halliburton had a statement about how stupid it is. If he so much as twists an ankle he’s gonna lose $41 million because his contract won’t convert to a super max if he isn’t all NBA this season.


Don't take games off unless you're injured, pretty simple.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 10:10 PM
I heard. And every time that happens we go further and further away from the elites(not that he’s one but the the pickings get even slimmer). Mikal Bridges was one more missed game by any of like 3 people from this rule making him all nba in 22. A curious number of people play exactly 65 games. And Steph would missed it that year by one game. I guess they checked all that and figured it was a good cutoff. They may have to settle on 60.

As I've said I made a fantasy list recently and 60 to 65 seems good to me. The chronic guys never play that many though Kawhi, Ingram and Davis are on pace this year. Coincidence or the new rules have them playing more ?

01-31-2024, 10:25 PM
Leonard and AD already got their new deals. Ingram I think is hunting for his Supermax. Hes at that giant money second contract age I believe.

Xiao Yao You
01-31-2024, 10:26 PM
Leonard and AD already got their new deals. Ingram I think is hunting for his Supermax. Hes at that giant money second contract age I believe.

must care about all NBA

01-31-2024, 10:49 PM
Yea I’ve been Counting down guys. Halliburton had a statement about how stupid it is. If he so much as twists an ankle he’s gonna lose $41 million because his contract won’t convert to a super max if he isn’t all NBA this season.

It’s u fortunate for him as he’s legit been hurt. But he needs to blame his peers for sitting out games and teams for the “load mgmt”.

02-01-2024, 03:09 AM