View Full Version : How would a modern ladies team do against MJ's pre-Pippen Bulls?

02-22-2024, 11:21 PM
They had a college women's basketball game on one of the TV's where I had dinner tonight, I think it was... UCLA vs Utah? And I gotta say, the women play some impressive basketball. And just like the men theyre also evolving very high level surgical offense. Obviously theyre not as coordinated men, so occasionally there are some clumsy moments, but in terms of spacing, ball movement, decision making, shooting... they're clearly experiencing the same "leveling up" of the game as the men are.

As has been pointed out here before, a lot of it has to do with the viral nature of the game now. Players at all levels can pull up videos on their phone at a moment's notice, and if Steph or James develops some crafty little move with the handle, or Luka shows some beautiful footwork in the paint, or LeKing makes the smart play in a bunch of different situations... everyone sees it, and everyone adopts it. There's nothing proprietary, there's nothing regional. Everything belongs to everyone, and everyone gets better from it. And you can see it's no different on the ladies' side of things.

So if we put let's say the best WNBA team up against a 1986 Chicago Bulls, and they play by today's rules... who do you take? Keep in mind the Bulls arent gonna have the kind of ball movement and shooting proficiency we see from the women's leagues today. The men obviously have an athletic and size advantage, but I think without a Pippen, who provides supreme versatility on defense, and a really long athletic frame for finishing at the rim, the Bulls might struggle.

I think you let MJ get his tough turnaround two pointers, and just punish them on the other end with long balls and the score will eventually begin to separate.

What do you guys think about this?

Full Court
02-22-2024, 11:25 PM
Athleticism matters. The '24 Pistons would destroy any modern ladies team.

02-22-2024, 11:36 PM
Athleticism matters. The '24 Pistons would destroy any modern ladies team.

Yeah but the '24 Pistons play '24 basketball, just not as well as other teams in this era.

MJ's pre-Pippen Bulls didnt play the advanced variety of basketball pervasive today in both the men's and women's game.

Full Court
02-22-2024, 11:41 PM
Yeah but the '24 Pistons play '24 basketball, just not as well as other teams in this era.

MJ's pre-Pippen Bulls didnt play the advanced variety of basketball pervasive today in both the men's and women's game.

The '24 Pistons just might be the worst team in NBA history.

But to very specifically answer your question, the pre-Pippen Bulls would destroy the best women's team of today, no matter how much of an "advanced variety" they played. When there's that big of an athleticism gap, skill doesn't play nearly as big of a role. Biology is a thing.

02-22-2024, 11:49 PM
The '24 Pistons just might be the worst team in NBA history.

But to very specifically answer your question, the pre-Pippen Bulls would destroy the best women's team of today, no matter how much of an "advanced variety" they played. When there's that big of an athleticism gap, skill doesn't play nearly as big of a role. Biology is a thing.

I dunno. I just feel like those mid 80s Bulls teams, they lacked a certain "umph" that Pippen eventually brought which set them on a championship course. Without him, they were very... blah. Ya know? Just not great basketball. I think today's women might could give them a run for their money.

02-22-2024, 11:52 PM
Mike would have 138points on 81% FG, and Bulls win by 106pts.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 12:36 AM
Jordan would beat any woman's team 1 against 5. Will Perdue might

02-23-2024, 02:57 AM

02-23-2024, 05:37 AM
Is big Pip on the sidelines watching? That would decide this series

02-23-2024, 06:42 AM
If there's no ref intervention against the ladies' team, they might win with ease.

elementally morale
02-23-2024, 07:48 AM
The difference is MASSIVE.

When we were 16-17 we played the team that won the championship for women and played in international competition. We we mid high school. Boys, not men. We thought it would be a close game and that we would probably lose against professional adults. It was a rout the other way. In basketball a women only team has absolutely no chance against men. Zero. It's not an era thing either.

In some sports women are closer, sometimes close. Basketball is not one of them. I tried it several times and I was absolutely surprised. It's not that women can't learn how to shoot... they were good at that we saw them warming up. But in an actual game they were unable to even attempt the shot many of the time. Strength, speed, coordination... absolutely no match.

elementally morale
02-23-2024, 08:08 AM
Yes, I did realize the nature of this thread, however, I just wanted to point this out regardless. The difference is actually astonishingly big.

02-23-2024, 08:59 AM
las vegas had a plus 15.6 net rating last year

02-23-2024, 09:41 AM
It's impressive to you because you sucked at basketball. Watching the WNBA is a shit-show, unwatchable it's so bad.

02-23-2024, 10:15 AM
Sexism much? Not to mention evolution. It is a known fact that women today are vastly superior leaders to men of the past and that the physical strength thing is more or less a social construct. WNBA basketball is so much more fundamentally sound and skilled even then current NBA basketball. Hollywood is finally catching up and the NBA is next. Look how powerful women have become. She hulk literally kicked hulks ass and all the new star wars women are better in every conceivable way to the outdated men of the past and it's about damn time. Things also get better over time just look at a modern tesla vs a model t. It's science. So for the last time STOP comparing eras of primitive stone age dummy basketball to the modern sophisticated schemes era and stop comparing women to men. Also the league needs to stop using cis pronouns. It's all a spectrum anyways *Tips trilby*

Full Court
02-23-2024, 08:35 PM
The difference is MASSIVE.

When we were 16-17 we played the team that won the championship for women and played in international competition. We we mid high school. Boys, not men. We thought it would be a close game and that we would probably lose against professional adults. It was a rout the other way. In basketball a women only team has absolutely no chance against men. Zero. It's not an era thing either.

In some sports women are closer, sometimes close. Basketball is not one of them. I tried it several times and I was absolutely surprised. It's not that women can't learn how to shoot... they were good at that we saw them warming up. But in an actual game they were unable to even attempt the shot many of the time. Strength, speed, coordination... absolutely no match.

Yep. Only low IQ idiots don't understand this.

02-23-2024, 09:07 PM
You are constantly thinking of me yikes