View Full Version : From the favorite to the most hated. But would you rather be underpaid or overrated…

02-23-2024, 10:49 AM
….moral victories are for minor-league coaches. And Ye already told you we major you cockroaches🪳.

As good a point as that is(by someone I won’t identify as we are incompatible as people if you don’t already know the reference) I still have to ask….

Would the all time all overpaid team ever be good?

OK. Even tremendously overpaid players are generally very good. You don’t anybody would end up one of the highest paid players in the league while being bad. So a full roster of people given unwise contract should still be great, right? Tremendously overpaid but great. But I’m not entirely sure it would be. Nba teams have been shockingly stupid at times. I think the two best players would be Joe Johnson and Rashard Lewis and that isn’t getting you anywhere. I’m gonna have to do the work to be sure but my preliminary list of the most overpaid(relative to era) lineup would be…

Ernie D
Joe Johnson
Rashard Lewis
Hotrod Williams
John Koncak

I don’t know that they would be a great team even in 1975.

You could go deeper and include some “You can’t pay him that….” initial stocker shock contracts that later became the norm like Mike Conley, Rudy, or Larry Johnson I guess. Juwan Howard. I won’t count guts who got hurt and retired like Houston and Arenas. Jaylen Brown had a sticker shock deal too. If you wanna include him maybe they make the playoffs.

The all overpaid team any way you built it wouldn’t win a title. Just shows how badly it’s possible to swing and miss I suppose. I’ll give you a little background on a couple of them you may not know while I’m waiting for this store to open.

02-23-2024, 10:59 AM
Ernie D was an incredibly flashy guard who made plays like this:


and routinely has his highlights mistaken for Pistol Pete. Multiple plays he made find a way into Pistol Pete highlights. Which actually reminds me, I could’ve put pistol Pete at the two I suppose, considering he was the highest paid player in sports history for a minute….until Ernie took that spot. I’m sure the black stars in the league were salty about that. Especially since Ernie was spectacular but not that great. Especially on D. And he made it worse by saying…well I’ll let you read it:

He is averaging a solid 17 points per game with the Braves, while feeding adroit passes to his teammates; with 8 assists per game, he is leading the league. With the help of Bob McAdoo and Jim McMillian, the Braves this season are winning almost as many as they are losing.
But then there are those disastrous defensive displays. After humiliating DiGregorio by scoring 35 points against him while playing on an injured foot, Jerry West of the Lakers quipped, "I could have had a pretty big scoring night if I was in shape." Ernie quickly acquired a new nickname—"Ernie No D" (for no defense). Retorted Ernie: "The D is for dollars."

More seriously, he says, "There are worse defensive players in the league, but I'm the guy with the big contract, so I'm supposed to be perfect." Nevertheless, the pressure is beginning to worry DiGregorio. "Every time I step onto the court now," he says, "I have to say to myself, 'I can't let the man score a bundle or I'll hear about no defense.' "

Anyway…he came in making more than Kareem. He got the biggest deal in sports history to just be ok. So he’s gotta take the point guard spot. Conley had the biggest deal in NBA history at one time but he was a really really good player and eventually an all star.

Koncak and Hotrod were stupidly match offers. I’ll go into that later.

02-23-2024, 11:27 AM
Concerns the Cavs would destroy sports:

When John (Hot Rod) Williams left Tulane University in March 1985, he was a confused, undereducated young man living under a cloud, barred from the NBA pending a trial that would determine whether or not he had conspired to fix college basketball games.

Today? Well, with a career scoring average of 13.5 points per game, Williams, 28, is no NBA All-Star. But he's a solid citizen—he was acquitted of all charges several years ago—a veteran member of the Cleveland Cavaliers and a 6'11" frontcourtman respected for his unselfish play and all-around ability.

Oh, yes, and with the $5 million he will be paid by the Cavs for the 1990-91 season, Hot Rod Williams suddenly has the second-highest salary of any American team athlete. Jose Canseco of the Oakland A's will earn $5.5 million this year.
You may gulp now.

Williams's seven-year, $26.5 million deal with Cleveland, which was precipitated by a free-agent offer sheet extended to him by the Miami Heat, is simply incomprehensible to many NBA fans. Patrick Ewing will receive more than $4 million from the New York Knicks this season, but at least America knows who he is. Five million dollars for Williams, a sixth man for most of his four-year career? The numbers seem to be way, way off the sanity scale. Sure, NBA players' annual salaries average almost $1 million, but Williams's stupendous contract raised eyebrows and pulses.

"Amazing," said Hot Rod's teammate Mark Price, the Cavs' point guard.
"I'm stunned," said one NBA general manager. Said another: "It's insane."

So, why did it happen? And what will its impact be? As with almost any player who gets a megacontract in sports, the recipient was in the right place at the right time. Last November, with Williams's contract due to expire at the end of the season (Williams made about $675,000 in '89-90), Cleveland offered him a five-year, $11.8-million deal. Williams and his Chicago-based agent, Mark Bartelstein, rejected it, gambling that Williams would be among the most attractive free agents of the summer and thus be in a position to command an even more lucrative offer from another team. Cleveland made other overtures to Williams, the last being a five-year, $13.5 million offer in July, but Williams said no.

On Aug. 22, the Heat offered, and Williams signed, the eye-popping, must-be-a-misprint, seven-year, $26.5 million deal. Last Thursday, the Cavs did what they had to do to keep Williams—they matched the figure. The Cleveland contract is structured to give Williams maximum benefit right away: He gets a $4 million signing bonus and a $1 million salary for this season. That's $60,975 per game. By the end of his contract, in '96-97, Williams will have to struggle along with only $2.5 million for the year.

02-23-2024, 11:30 AM

"Higher risks for higher rewards," said the Boston Celtics' Kevin McHale, a better forward than Williams who will make far less ($1.4 million) than Hot Rod this season. "John Williams played the game by the rules. He waited until his time came, and he hit a home run."

But why would Miami lob Williams such a multimillion-dollar gopher ball? "I guess just about every team in basketball is upset with Miami," said one NBA team executive who asked to remain anonymous. "What they did was very irresponsible and bad for the league." On the other hand, Miami's proposal was totally within the guidelines and makes sense for several reasons.

First, Miami had to do something extraordinary—O.K., in the realm of the ridiculous—to have any chance of signing Williams, whose "restricted" free-agent status (he has been in the league less than five years) would return him to his original team if it matched the offer.

Second, although the Heat has been pursuing a cautious, build-with-youth approach since entering the NBA as an expansion team in 1988, it was becoming increasingly clear to management that a bold free-agent move had to be made, lest interest in the Heat fall somewhere behind jai alai, shuffleboard and greyhound racing.

Third, because of the mandates of the league's salary cap, Miami was—and still is—in the rare position of having to spend a considerable amount of money to reach the $9.6 million cap minimum. Finally, paying an outlandish salary to a player like Williams is not as likely to cause chemistry problems for a young expansion team on which no player has a very impressive rèsumè.

Why Cleveland matched Miami is a little harder to figure. Williams is the Cavs' fourth-or fifth-most-important player, behind Price, center Brad Daugherty, veteran forward Larry Nance and perhaps even rookie forward Danny Ferry. In the end, Williams remained with Cleveland because Wayne Embry, the general manager of the Cavaliers, wanted to send the message that another team couldn't steal his veteran players and because he was worried that Hot Rod might improve markedly and come back to haunt his old team. "It was not a difficult decision," said Embry.

At any rate, the deal is done. Now for the fallout.
It will be most immediate in Cleveland, of course. Indeed, before Embry made the Williams deal final, he knew he had to keep Price, his most prized asset, happy: Last Friday, the Cavs announced that Price's five-year, $5 million deal was extended by three years (at an estimated $2.5 million annually). The Cavs are a fairly mature, close-knit team, but they are sitting on a powder keg. Even Price, while not begrudging Williams his money, noted, "John is making almost five times as much as any of the veterans on the team." Furthermore, Ferry, an untested albeit much-ballyhooed rookie, will make about $3 million this season.
And what about Williams, who is aware that it was Miami's largess, not Cleveland's, that opened the vault? "I take my hat off to Miami," Williams said. "I didn't think Cleveland would match. They didn't think I was worth $11.8 million last November, so why should they think I'm worth this much now?"

02-23-2024, 11:34 AM
Outside Cleveland, there will almost certainly be a couple of repercussions from Williams's contract. First, some teams will no doubt try to sign their key players to long-term deals—perhaps as long as 10 years—a course already being pursued by the Indiana Pacers. (Long-term deals, however, can't guarantee financial stability in this era of renegotiation.) Second, Williams's contract will up the salary ante for the NBA's superstars. If Hot Rod is worth $5 million this year, and an average of about $3.58 million over the next six years, then what in the name of Midas is Michael Jordan worth to the Chicago Bulls?

"How do you ever compensate the Birds, the Jordans and the Magics?" said George Andrews, another Chicago agent. "Should they become equity owners in their teams?"

That seems quite possible. Otherwise, how high is up for superstar salaries? Bob Woolf, the Boston-based agent for Celtics Larry Bird and Robert Parish, said that he wouldn't be surprised to see a $10 million-per-year player within a couple of seasons. Do you think that figure hasn't crossed the mind of ProServ's David Falk, the high-powered representative of Jordan and Ewing, among others? Indeed, the Williams signing has already triggered a clause in Ewing's contract that says he becomes a restricted free agent if four NBA players are paid more than he is during a single season. That will become a reality in '91-92, when Williams—who will make a measly $4 million—joins Magic Johnson, Jordan and Akeem Olajuwon in surpassing Ewing's $3 million salary (it drops in '91 because the contract is structured that way). How much will it cost the Knicks to stand Pat? Will Ewing be the first $10 million-a-year man?

In any case, the Williams deal is likely to cause what Falk calls a "polarization" of salaries: "I think it's the stars that create the great market in which everybody shares, and those stars will hold a disproportionate share of the money."

He's absolutely right. Embry knows that to win a championship he needs role players such as Williams, but he also knows that role players don't pay the bills. "What we'll see is superstar players getting up to a third or a fourth of the salary cap," said Embry. "Then there will be another level. The ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th players will make the minimum."

Mega salaries ike Williams's, finally, should have a profound effect on labor negotiations in 1993, when the current NBA Players Association agreement expires. Having seen the benefits of free agency, the players may want more freedom of movement. Last week Charles Grantham, head of the Players Association, floated this trial balloon: "Maybe the salary cap won't always be there. This [free-agent] movement is putting pressure on the whole concept of a cap."

As Grantham knows, the league is about as likely to scrap the cap as it is to outlaw Jordan's dunks. Indeed, the NBA believes that the existence of the cap, as well as the system that guarantees the players 53% of gross revenues, is the very reason that contracts like Williams's won't destroy the league. The thinking goes like this: The cap keeps teams in relative line with each other; the cap is adjusted upward as league revenues rise; and the players are always guaranteed their 53%. And revenues will keep rising because of the growth of the game internationally (TV rights and merchandising are lucrative areas for targeting) and the possible advent of pay TV.

Says Gary Bettman, the NBA's general counsel: "We are optimistic that the upward trend will continue. Television ratings have been good, and we hope they'll get stronger. We see help in other areas. NBA players will be able to play in the '92 Olympics, and I'm not just talking about Americans on the U.S. team. The league has a strong international focus, things like the McDonald's Open [in Barcelona next month], regular-season games in Tokyo [Phoenix and Utah will play there in November], telecasts in 77 countries."

Others are not as optimistic as Bettman. "The bottom could fall out a lot sooner than people think if this sort of salary growth continues," says Embry. Robert Baade, a noted sports economist in Chicago, says, "How many times can a team pay $26 million for a player like Hot Rod Williams? The Williams contract probably means more holdouts down the road, more renegotiations. Players have more options than ever before. You have more teams bidding, you have the European [teams] involved as well.

"I wonder, in all of this, what would happen if this tremendous growth of the NBA tails off? Would the players agree to give back a percentage of the gross?"

The players probably aren't thinking much about that, Professor. As Lewis Schaffel, managing general partner of the Heat, said last week: "I'm not saying this situation will go on forever. But it's a great time to be a 6-foot-8 10-year-old or maybe a 15-year-old who's on his way to being seven feet tall." It's an even better time to be Hot Rod Williams.

Too long for most I know but such things entertain me.

02-23-2024, 11:38 AM
Anyway most of the really weird ones are like that. Some good role player gets living legend money and the concern is you will never be able to pay the actual great players.

Joe and Rashard would probably be the starters. Good players but not the core of a great team.

Maybe replace Hotrod with someone better but they wouldn’t be as overpaid.

Im not sure the all “Did they just break sports?” team would actually make the playoffs despite all of them being paid like hall of famers.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 12:15 PM
Do you have hopes of making a return to the NBA in the near future? DeMarcus Cousins: Honestly, no. I know I’ve had my time there. (https://*********.com/lists/demarcus-cousins-ive-never-lived-a-life-of-regret/) You know, there was a point where I was trying to make that happen. But the place I’m in my life now, just with everything I’ve got going on, just outside of basketball, like I’m in a good place. So, like I said, I’m excited for what I have ahead and my future. You know, my 12 years in the league were a small chapter or chapters in my life. And, I’m ready to move on to the next and see what’s in store for me.

– via ********* (https://*********.com/lists/demarcus-cousins-ive-never-lived-a-life-of-regret/)

speaking of overpaid pieces of shit

02-23-2024, 12:26 PM
Piece of shit is excessive unless I’m forgetting something. What is the worst thing you can verify he’s done? I don’t think it would be very high on the list of bad athlete behavior. Nor was he highly paid. His biggest contract was for four years and it paid him less in its entirety than Jaylen Brown will make in 2027 alone. His biggest contract was for 20 million less than Larry Johnson signed in like 1993 to be a role player after a season of it.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 12:30 PM
Piece of shit is excessive unless I’m forgetting something. What is the worst thing you can verify he’s done? I don’t think it would be very high on the list of bad athlete behavior. Nor was he highly paid. His biggest contract was for four years and it paid him less in its entirety than Jaylen Brown will make in 2027 alone. His biggest contract was for 20 million less than Larry Johnson signed in like 1993 to be a role player after a season of it.

max contract for a loser that single handedly keeps a franchise down is overpaid. Gobert's teams won games because of him and you included him despite him not getting the full super max he actually earned. At least show some consistency man :facepalm

02-23-2024, 12:36 PM
If you don’t get why four years 60 something million for 25 and 12 doesn’t merit discussion when non all stars in the same league made 150 million I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not interested in part 400 of you repeating yourself about Rudy Gobert. His contract was among the most discussed in modern basketball when it was signed, and I included it as one that created initial shock before people realized it’s the new norm. If you want to take that non insulting fact as an insult, you’re free to do it, but I have a little interest in discussing it further with you.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 01:32 PM
If you don’t get why four years 60 something million for 25 and 12 doesn’t merit discussion when non all stars in the same league made 150 million I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not interested in part 400 of you repeating yourself about Rudy Gobert. His contract was among the most discussed in modern basketball when it was signed, and I included it as one that created initial shock before people realized it’s the new norm. If you want to take that non insulting fact as an insult, you’re free to do it, but I have a little interest in discussing it further with you.

25 and 12 for another high lottery pick. Thank you for you service you whining, pouting POS. I'll take the non all star over an inefficient empty statted head case anyday. If you don't get that than no need to discuss it any further


After resisting the idea of giving Cousins a max deal without conditions in the contract, the Kings finally relented and gave the talented, but temperamental young center the offer he and his agents, Dan Fegan and Jarrin Akana, had sought in negotiations.

Cousins, 23, averaged 17 points and nearly 10 rebounds a game for the Kings last season. He was the fifth overall pick in the 2010 draft, and is the third member of his class – including Washington's John Wall and Indiana's Paul George – to earn a maximum contract extension.

New Kings owner Vivek Ranadive has grown fond of Cousins and his prodigious talent, and was determined to agree to the extension before the start of training camp next week, sources said.

Cousins has been punished several times with suspensions and benchings in his three NBA seasons, and the Kings are hoping that a new regime – including owner, GM and coach – will provide the organizational structure to help him mature into a legitimate franchise player.

overpaid, overrated, inefficient , whining, pouting POS

02-23-2024, 01:48 PM
Considering the fact you happily cheered a team that had not one but two statutory rapists on it at the same time, and spent years repping a guy who threw a punch at a teammate during a game It just feels like you have a weirdly low bar for what constitutes a piece of shit in this case.

02-23-2024, 01:50 PM
run me my money bitch

02-23-2024, 01:57 PM
Considering the fact you happily cheered a team that had not one but two statutory rapists on it at the same time, and spent years repping a guy who threw a punch at a teammate during a game It just feels like you have a weirdly low bar for what constitutes a piece of shit in this case.
Wait who was the second rapist?

02-23-2024, 02:01 PM
Dilbert Arenas.

Whatever you think of him as a player, it was obvious he was not a mature and professional and sane enough person to actually lead a serious basketball team. And yet they gave him a ginormous contract to basically be a public clown and embarrass the franchise.

02-23-2024, 02:02 PM
The girl told police the two and another former teammate took her and a 15-year-old girl to a motel June 6 after buying a bottle of brandy.According to the report, both girls said they got drunk on alcohol served by Stevenson. The 14-year-old said she had consensual sex with Stevenson and later passed out, while the 15-year-old said she had consensual sex with Anderson, the report said. Also in the room at the time was Richard Millsap, a former high school teammate of Stevenson and Anderson, whom the 15-year-old said did not participate in the sex.Everyone left the motel together and the girls were dropped off at the 15-year-old's house. The 14-year-old's mother, who was worried because her daughter was late, found her at her friend's house and picked her up. The mother called police after her daughter told her what had happened.The mother later confronted Stevenson in a telephone call that was recorded, the police report said, and Stevenson admitted he had sex with the woman's daughter and said Anderson had sex with the other girl. Stevenson also admitted providing the alcohol.The 14-year-old and her family have known Stevenson and Anderson for four years.Stevenson faces up to three years in prison if convicted.

He knew he since she was 10 so it’s not like he was unaware she was a kid. Just didn’t care.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 02:09 PM
Considering the fact you happily cheered a team that had not one but two statutory rapists on it at the same time, and spent years repping a guy who threw a punch at a teammate during a game It just feels like you have a weirdly low bar for what constitutes a piece of shit in this case.

Bernard King in Utah was slightly before my time. I think I remember it in the news. Kyle Anderson is fine with that POS so why would I have a problem with him? Can't imagine many Kings fans think as much of him as you do that's for sure :lol

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 02:12 PM
Has it ever sounded like I happily cheered for the Jazz? They are my hometown team. Haven't been happily cheering them since at least Ivaroni handed a repeat to the ****in' Lakers

02-23-2024, 02:40 PM
I can barely even find me referencing DeMarcus Cousins outside times like this when you weirdly want to talk about him. In a topic on most overpaid ever you wanna bring up a guys who’s highest salary ever was 18 million to do 25/13/5 on a 48 win team. He was 49th in the nba in pay that year. The most he ever made.

He was all nba second team back to back seasons as a 13.7 million dollar guy. Making less than Chandler Parsons and Jeremy Lin. And that was on his “big” contract not his rookie deal. He simply does not belong anywhere near a conversation about putting together a most overpaid all-time team when people like Hotrod were making more money than Michael Jordan and Hakeem. You know it. I know it. You just insist on typing his name weekly for some reason. Other people not sharing that need does not mean they think anything in particular. They just aren’t being weirdos.

02-23-2024, 02:46 PM
I can barely even find me referencing DeMarcus Cousins outside times like this when you weirdly want to talk about him. In a topic on most overpaid ever you wanna bring up a guys who’s highest salary ever was 18 million to do 25/13/5 on a 48 win team. He was 49th in the nba in pay that year. The most he ever made.

He was all nba second team back to back seasons as a 13.7 million dollar guy. Making less than Chandler Parsons and Jeremy Lin. And that was on his “big” contract not his rookie deal. He simply does not belong anywhere near a conversation about putting together a most overpaid all-time team when people like Hotrod were making more money than Michael Jordan and Hakeem. You know it. I know it. You just insist on typing his name weekly for some reason. Other people not sharing that need does not mean they think anything in particular. They just aren’t being weirdos.
He’s still mad people considered Cousins better than Gobert. Same reason he hates Mitchell.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 02:50 PM
I can barely even find me referencing DeMarcus Cousins outside times like this when you weirdly want to talk about him. In a topic on most overpaid ever you wanna bring up a guys who’s highest salary ever was 18 million to do 25/13/5 on a 48 win team. He was 49th in the nba in pay that year. The most he ever made.

He was all nba second team back to back seasons as a 13.7 million dollar guy. Making less than Chandler Parsons and Jeremy Lin. And that was on his “big” contract not his rookie deal. He simply does not belong anywhere near a conversation about putting together a most overpaid all-time team when people like Hotrod were making more money than Michael Jordan and Hakeem. You know it. I know it. You just insist on typing his name weekly for some reason. Other people not sharing that need does not mean they think anything in particular. They just aren’t being weirdos.

all I know is a POS got a max contract. That is overpaid no matter how you choose to look at it. I'd pay him nothing so it's 60 million overpaid in my mind. Rather have Lin and Parsons. Hot Rod hell of a player! Cousins a worthless POS

02-23-2024, 02:56 PM
Fred Van Vleet got an absolutely ridiculous contract this past offseason. 3 years/129 million for a role player.

02-23-2024, 03:01 PM
I Get it. You’re unreasonable. 14 million for an all nba player against a 94 million cap which makes his cap hit equivalent to Shandon Anderson or Chris Mills 6.5 million in 2004 who was the 76th highest paid player in the league is just way too much. I get the bit. I’m not sure how much more juice you want to squeeze out of it.

02-23-2024, 03:03 PM
Fred Van Vleet got an absolutely ridiculous contract this past offseason. 3 years/129 million for a role player.

funny enough, he got it for the same reason hotrod Williams got his. A team trying to reach the salary floor. Rockets were rebuilding and the heat were an expansion team, but both had to add obscene salary to hit the salary minimum and completely reset the scale. The problem is the cavs matched the deal. They should’ve just let him go to Miami.

02-23-2024, 03:32 PM
Fred Van Vleet got an absolutely ridiculous contract this past offseason. 3 years/129 million for a role player.

A lot of guys get paid for what they did in the past when they weren't getting paid.

Fred is absolutely not worth that money but he was a vital piece in the 2019 Raptors championship run when he bombed on the Bucks and helped bring them out of a 0-2 hole and win it.

02-23-2024, 03:52 PM
all I know is a POS got a max contract. That is overpaid no matter how you choose to look at it. I'd pay him nothing so it's 60 million overpaid in my mind. Rather have Lin and Parsons. Hot Rod hell of a player! Cousins a worthless POS


Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 05:48 PM
I Get it. You’re unreasonable. 14 million for an all nba player against a 94 million cap which makes his cap hit equivalent to Shandon Anderson or Chris Mills 6.5 million in 2004 who was the 76th highest paid player in the league is just way too much. I get the bit. I’m not sure how much more juice you want to squeeze out of it.

Loved Shandon with the Jazz. Huge loss. I don't want a bum at any price. If that's unreasonable so be it

02-23-2024, 06:10 PM
The unreasonable part is you thinking your feelings determine who is actually good at basketball And how salary should be determined. Like or hate who you want. All NBA players making 14 percent of the cap after signing their exension is factually rare And doesn’t belong in a conversation of all time overpays. Prime Cousins made less of the cap than Alan Henderson on the Hawks. Grow up and get out of your feelings.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 06:18 PM
The unreasonable part is you thinking your feelings determine who is actually good at basketball And how salary should be determined. Like or hate who you want. All NBA players making 14 percent of the cap after signing their exension is factually rare And doesn’t belong in a conversation of all time overpays. Prime Cousins made less of the cap than Alan Henderson on the Hawks. Grow up and get out of your feelings.

rather have Alan Henderson. All NBA players are usually winning games too. So lots or rare going on when talking about him I guess. You think he's a bargain fine. I'd say paying someone that is a loser anything is stupid.

02-23-2024, 06:44 PM
And then we exit the fantasy world where your feelings matter and return to the real one where minimum pay is based on draft position and years of service and max is based on accolades. When you have to split half of 7-10 billion dollars in revenue among a few hundred guys the fact that some teams are bad doesn’t allow you not to pay them unless you want to pay the winners 140 million a season. And even if you were content to do that because of your childish spite, eventually, the people on those $800 million contracts would decline, and you would still be paying them that money to lose, which defeats the initial purpose.

We can live in a world of feelings, or we can think before we speak and act like ****ing adults. You proved long ago that your feelings for a slightly poor man’s Mutombo run so deep it alters your perception about the rest of the world. I accept that. I accept that you are abnormal. Many of us are. I don’t accept your desire to keep talking to me about it, and everyone who somehow gets caught in your web of feelings about him.

There is very little else to say.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 06:59 PM
And then we exit the fantasy world where your feelings matter and return to the real one where minimum pay is based on draft position and years of service and max is based on accolades. When you have to split half of 7-10 billion dollars in revenue among a few hundred guys the fact that some teams are bad doesn’t allow you not to pay them unless you want to pay the winners 140 million a season. And even if you were content to do that because of your childish spite, eventually, the people on those $800 million contracts would decline, and you would still be paying them that money to lose, which defeats the initial purpose.

We can live in a world of feelings, or we can think before we speak and act like ****ing adults. You proved long ago that your feelings for a slightly poor man’s Mutombo run so deep it alters your perception about the rest of the world. I accept that. I accept that you are abnormal. Many of us are. I don’t accept your desire to keep talking to me about it, and everyone who somehow gets caught in your web of feelings about him.

There is very little else to say.

seems perfectly reasonable to like someone that makes a bad team good and is the 3rd best player in your hometown teams history and soon to be the only 4 time DPOTY despite his poor man Dikembe, Capela, Jordan status. How are COTM, Caplea and the Hawks fairing btw? Yes he doesn't score enough for the so-called normal people. He hasn't beaten an 8th seed to get to the western finals. He didn't get to the finals by playing in a a weak eastern conference. Once again I'm not the one bringing him up either. We were talking about Cousins. being overpaid. You turned it into something else because again I put down another player that apparently you think the world of for some odd reason. Another inefficient player coincidentally. There's guys I wouldn't want on my team for any amount of money no matter how much of a bargain you think they might be. Yes the Kings had to pay someone. They payed the wrong the guy! They finally figured it out before making it even worse so credit is due to them for finally figuring it out


"The Kings simply decided that they no longer wanted to let Cousins’ volatility dictate the culture of the locker room, league sources said. In recent weeks, majority owner Vivek Ranadive had become more open to the front office’s willingness to trade Cousins, passing on the commitment to the $209 million extension this summer, league sources said. Cousins’ uneven behavior in recent weeks chipped away at Ranadive’s resolve to keep him, and he started to listen more closely to the front office’s push to trade him for assets and rebuild, sources said. Two incidents in particular — an expletive-laced remark Cousins made about Golden State after Sacramento’s overtime win over the Warriors on Feb. 4 and a 17th technical foul, resulting in a one-game suspension, against New Orleans on Feb. 12 — caused Ranadive to have serious concerns about tethering the franchise to Cousins long term."


02-23-2024, 07:53 PM
After twenty two years I think you’re gonna end up only the second person ever to make my ignore list. Trying to talk to you is like drinking from a cup that only has slowly melting ice in it. You know there’s nothing there but if you let it sit long enough you might get a little liquid. Just enough to wet your beak. But you’re not gonna get a good drink. That’s all I feel I can get from you before your emotional attachment to one player involves itself and ruins it. Rudy Gobert has so tainted your mind it’s useless to talk to you about anything because it seeps into all other takes.

it’s my nature to talk to pretty much everybody about anything if they’re addressing me, but there’s just nothing coming back from you that is worth me continuing to read it and try to make sense of it.

It’s at a point I just kind of glaze over it like 3ball talking about LeBron or Jordan. I don’t think we have anything left to offer each other so I’m gonna just let you be and see how that goes.

02-23-2024, 08:18 PM
After twenty two years I think you’re gonna end up only the second person ever to make my ignore list. Trying to talk to you is like drinking from a cup that only has slowly melting ice in it. You know there’s nothing there but if you let it sit long enough you might get a little liquid. Just enough to wet your beak. But you’re not gonna get a good drink. That’s all I feel I can get from you before your emotional attachment to one player involves itself and ruins it. Rudy Gobert has so tainted your mind it’s useless to talk to you about anything because it seeps into all other takes.

it’s my nature to talk to pretty much everybody about anything if they’re addressing me, but there’s just nothing coming back from you that is worth me continuing to read it and try to make sense of it.

It’s at a point I just kind of glaze over it like 3ball talking about LeBron or Jordan. I don’t think we have anything left to offer each other so I’m gonna just let you be and see how that goes.
Who was the first person?

02-23-2024, 08:46 PM
tobias harris should get a spot here.
horace grant too - he would have been the highest paid player in nba with orlando if not for jordan coming back from retirement.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 08:47 PM
After twenty two years I think you’re gonna end up only the second person ever to make my ignore list. Trying to talk to you is like drinking from a cup that only has slowly melting ice in it. You know there’s nothing there but if you let it sit long enough you might get a little liquid. Just enough to wet your beak. But you’re not gonna get a good drink. That’s all I feel I can get from you before your emotional attachment to one player involves itself and ruins it. Rudy Gobert has so tainted your mind it’s useless to talk to you about anything because it seeps into all other takes.

it’s my nature to talk to pretty much everybody about anything if they’re addressing me, but there’s just nothing coming back from you that is worth me continuing to read it and try to make sense of it.

It’s at a point I just kind of glaze over it like 3ball talking about LeBron or Jordan. I don’t think we have anything left to offer each other so I’m gonna just let you be and see how that goes.

only have one myself but he just can't quit me!

02-23-2024, 09:00 PM
Horse grant was up there for a minute. He might be the starter really. Relative to the cap he made the modern equivalent of $75 million for a couple years. He’d go along way towards the All overpay team making the playoffs.

Xiao Yao You
02-23-2024, 10:09 PM
Horse grant was up there for a minute. He might be the starter really. Relative to the cap he made the modern equivalent of $75 million for a couple years. He’d go along way towards the All overpay team making the playoffs.

Cousins wouldn't make that team since he was a loser

Xiao Yao You
02-27-2024, 09:33 AM
Former NBA center DeMarcus Cousins appeared with NBA commentator Rachel Nichols and had bold words to say about what Trae Young should want this summer and if we will ever see Young in a Hawks uniform again: “I hope not. I hope this is the last time we see him in a Hawks uniform. (https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/former-nba-all-star-comments-on-trae-youngs-recent-injury-i-hope-this-is-the-last-time-we-see-him-in-a-hawks-uniform) I feel like his talent is being wasted, his prime is being wasted. Get healthy, get 100% correct whether that is in Atlanta or you know, fingers crossed, the San Antonio Spurs”

– via Sports Illustrated (https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/former-nba-all-star-comments-on-trae-youngs-recent-injury-i-hope-this-is-the-last-time-we-see-him-in-a-hawks-uniform)

Nichols and Cousins talked about the idea of Young being traded to the Spurs and pairing up with budding superstar Victor Wembanyama: “It’s a match made in heaven, it just makes sense. This Hawks team is not doing anything for his talent. I take it personal because I was in that situation once and hopefully this offseason, this is the season where he puts his foot down and uses his power and move to a situation that is going to be healthy for him.” (https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/former-nba-all-star-comments-on-trae-youngs-recent-injury-i-hope-this-is-the-last-time-we-see-him-in-a-hawks-uniform)
– via Sports Illustrated (https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/former-nba-all-star-comments-on-trae-youngs-recent-injury-i-hope-this-is-the-last-time-we-see-him-in-a-hawks-uniform)

who will be the idiot to put this guy in a front office? You were in that situation because you were a loser. :facepalm