View Full Version : All the 90s fans upset at the we done with the 90s movement:

04-03-2024, 02:55 PM
Fans have always been sick of 30+ years ago players/fans criticisms of the modern game. Fans have always wanted to remind old heads that their time is up. Fans have always felt the past game was played in a simpler more crude form against a bunch of people no current fan thinks is even worth learning about. A few good names from 30+ years back MAY be worth discussing at best and the rest are to be written off as scrubs. Your generation did exactly this in the Jordan and Kobe eras.. how many circular arguments did we see right here on insidehoops to the tune of "nobody/barely anyone from the 60's/70's could play today" in the Jordan/Kobe era and that those eras were defined as perhaps a few good guys vs mostly scrubs playing an ugly looking game that is best left behind?

And now your dumbasses are up in arms over the audacity of these new young fans that sound EXACTLY like your generation sounded :oldlol:

Duffy Pratt
04-03-2024, 03:14 PM
Fans have always been sick of 30+ years ago players/fans criticisms of the modern game. Fans have always wanted to remind old heads that their time is up. Fans have always felt the past game was played in a simpler more crude form against a bunch of people no current fan thinks is even worth learning about. A few good names from 30+ years back MAY be worth discussing at best and the rest are to be written off as scrubs. Your generation did exactly this in the Jordan and Kobe eras.. how many circular arguments did we see right here on insidehoops to the tune of "nobody/barely anyone from the 60's/70's could play today" in the Jordan/Kobe era and that those eras were defined as perhaps a few good guys vs mostly scrubs playing an ugly looking game that is best left behind?

And now your dumbasses are up in arms over the audacity of these new young fans that sound EXACTLY like your generation sounded :oldlol:

Growing up in the 60s, I don’t recall any “We done wit da 30s” movement. So I blame social media…

04-03-2024, 03:31 PM
Growing up in the 60s, I don’t recall any “We done wit da 30s” movement. So I blame social media…
I'm sure in most cases there is a vocal minority that just stay out of these discussions to begin with, you and most of your peers you recall included. But I've had a sub to newspaper archives for researching past NBA players and I've seen plenty of articles that in the 1950's sound a lot like this "George Mikan is as coordinated and athletic as any big man ever was! His real gift is how nimble he is at his size! Too quick/agile for players his size, too strong for smaller players" etc which 15 years later in the mid 60's changed to sound like "George Mikan was a slow lumbering stiff that couldn't keep up with new age centers like Wilt or Russell, so forget about his achievements" (Russ and Wilt's offensive and shooting abilities btw, were much less varied and ambidextrous than Mikan's regardless of their straight line speed and jumping advantage they'd have had over George... and George did in fact look coordinated, he did not look lumbering as he eventually was described and is so described to this day)

So, I've seen at least in news articles of the 1960's that at least a vocal minority of that time were ready to write off the past and hail the present as if they can't be compared.

04-03-2024, 06:07 PM
Op is having some weird venting moment after people have told him to shut the f uck about wilt chamberlain for 10+ years :lol :roll:

04-03-2024, 06:37 PM
Fans have always been sick of 30+ years ago players/fans criticisms of the modern game. Fans have always wanted to remind old heads that their time is up. Fans have always felt the past game was played in a simpler more crude form against a bunch of people no current fan thinks is even worth learning about. A few good names from 30+ years back MAY be worth discussing at best and the rest are to be written off as scrubs. Your generation did exactly this in the Jordan and Kobe eras.. how many circular arguments did we see right here on insidehoops to the tune of "nobody/barely anyone from the 60's/70's could play today" in the Jordan/Kobe era and that those eras were defined as perhaps a few good guys vs mostly scrubs playing an ugly looking game that is best left behind?

And now your dumbasses are up in arms over the audacity of these new young fans that sound EXACTLY like your generation sounded :oldlol:

It's exactly that man. All that nitpicking at the new guard has caught up.

04-03-2024, 07:17 PM
There's nothing worse than bitter old out of touch people. We are supposed to be setting an example, not ignorantly slandering everything we don't like or understand. The 90s were a long time ago. It was fun and there were some cool cultural things going on but the attitudes of people at that time were pretty ****ing weird and it's sad seeing the negative aspects being carried on by people. They are becoming the boomers they never imagined they would become.

It's like people succumb to the mind **** that is society and the negativity interrupts all their thoughts. Like one giant feedback loop. Idiots looking for things to react to. I see my parents doing it when they watch tv or any news in general.

04-03-2024, 07:18 PM
probably got sidetracked in my rant

But the fact of the matter is, MJ stans/casuals have ruined basketball discussion FOR DECADES. **** these guys.

04-03-2024, 07:19 PM
There's nothing worse than bitter old out of touch people. We are supposed to be setting an example, not ignorantly slandering everything we don't like or understand. The 90s were a long time ago. It was fun and there were some cool cultural things going on but the attitudes of people at that time were pretty ****ing weird and it's sad seeing the negative aspects being carried on by people. They are becoming the boomers they never imagined they would become.

It's like people succumb to the mind **** that is society and the negativity interrupts all their thoughts. Like one giant feedback loop. Idiots looking for things to react to. I see my parents doing it when they watch tv or any news in general.

Says the dude that makes sure to scour everything looking for donald trump content so he can respond with face palm emojis



04-03-2024, 07:27 PM
I mean, that's obviously true, but it's not a given that things get better.

Music was better in the 60s and 70s, just no comparison the explosion in bands. People didn't have streaming or even music videos, so bands had to be really good, so they were.

Movies were better in the 80s, again, for various reasons, mostly that video was just coming out, there was no streaming, no series.

Basketball was better in the 90s, there was far less money, but still modern day training, so players played harder, were better, had a blue collar background.

Are things better today, sure, but it's not music, movies or basketball, that's just facts.

04-03-2024, 07:32 PM
That's subjective though. There has always been shit music and shit movies and there is still good stuff today. Talking about no streaming etc...Imagine the amount of absolute garbage you didn't get to hear. The no talent hacks playing at the local drinking spots etc. Your basketball points can easily be argued against also and they ignore what people have already been saying.

Don't be a boomer.

04-03-2024, 07:53 PM
Says the dude that makes sure to scour everything looking for donald trump content so he can respond with face palm emojis



:facepalm :oldlol:

04-03-2024, 10:31 PM
I mean, that's obviously true, but it's not a given that things get better.

Music was better in the 60s and 70s, just no comparison the explosion in bands. People didn't have streaming or even music videos, so bands had to be really good, so they were.

Movies were better in the 80s, again, for various reasons, mostly that video was just coming out, there was no streaming, no series.

Basketball was better in the 90s, there was far less money, but still modern day training, so players played harder, were better, had a blue collar background.

Are things better today, sure, but it's not music, movies or basketball, that's just facts.

The biggest difference in eras is the pioneers of a previous era no longer wow the next generation, let's be honest. Sure the future is inspired by the past, but with the ability to study the methodology and creative processes it isnt so special anymore. Music, media, sports, any arena you call up the pioneers are ho hum normal to the next generation, especially when we're talking multiple generations past.And this is coming from someone who could care less about modern music lol.

04-04-2024, 03:24 AM
im just gonna call it right now:

"All the 2020's fans upset at the We done with the 20s" - ISH 2040

04-04-2024, 08:22 AM
im just gonna call it right now:

"All the 2020's fans upset at the We done with the 20s" - ISH 2040

That's like boldly proclaiming that water is wet

04-04-2024, 08:52 AM
And this is the jumping off point for most of the older fans, when the smoke clears alot of the 90s fans won't be fans anymore and the consensus will start to be reshaped on lots of things with the sport. Maybe it will happen slower this time around because we have social media.

04-04-2024, 08:59 AM
It will happen to everyone, as already pointed out. The fixation on the 90s is simply because that is when MJ had his 6 rings, hence the need to trash it. If the clapping back is coming from this generation, it's understandable. If it is coming from generations before the 90s, those that stan Wilt for example, it's just hilarious.

04-04-2024, 09:10 AM
The biggest difference in eras is the pioneers of a previous era no longer wow the next generation, let's be honest. Sure the future is inspired by the past, but with the ability to study the methodology and creative processes it isnt so special anymore. Music, media, sports, any arena you call up the pioneers are ho hum normal to the next generation, especially when we're talking multiple generations past.And this is coming from someone who could care less about modern music lol.

I don't think this argument is true necessarily.

A band like The Beatles is still massively popular as is Elvis and while I don't understand it, that's the way it is. Michael Jackson, if he was allowed to be played would wow everyone too.

I actually completely disagree that the ability to study the methodology makes things better. I think it makes them much worse.

Particularly I think the fact that there's so much money in entertainment, music, sports, whatever, it means that the incentive to be "just good enough" without taking too much risk is just too great.

Why take a chance on your music or your shooting form, when all these consultants and mentors will tell you just what the algorithm will promote on Spotify or how draft agents will choose the 3-and-D wing.

Money ruins everything.

Also, if the NBA remastered their games from previous eras, I bet they would be very popular. I'd watch Wilt, Russel, Oscar, West, Cousy, Pistol Pete all day.

04-04-2024, 12:43 PM
I mean, that's obviously true, but it's not a given that things get better.

Music was better in the 60s and 70s, just no comparison the explosion in bands. People didn't have streaming or even music videos, so bands had to be really good, so they were.

Movies were better in the 80s, again, for various reasons, mostly that video was just coming out, there was no streaming, no series.

Basketball was better in the 90s, there was far less money, but still modern day training, so players played harder, were better, had a blue collar background.

Are things better today, sure, but it's not music, movies or basketball, that's just facts.

I think there are two sides to this conversation, the individual player and the product. The standard of the average player is better than 30 years ago. I'm not referring to the very top 5% of the league. I mean the 7th/8th/9th man off the bench. Of course modern rules allow these guys to do things that were outlawed in the 90s, but then the guys from the 60s and 70s would say the same thing about the 90s. The other side of the conversation is the product on the floor. That's what I would say is worse or at least, less interesting. Very few real rivalries, players are more concerned about protecting their brand, AAU culture affecting competitive drive, the 3 point explosion removing diversity from offenses as its just 5 out and spamming pick and rolls.

elementally morale
04-04-2024, 12:54 PM
I think there are two sides to this conversation, the individual player and the product. The standard of the average player is better than 30 years ago. I'm not referring to the very top 5% of the league. I mean the 7th/8th/9th man off the bench. Of course modern rules allow these guys to do things that were outlawed in the 90s, but then the guys from the 60s and 70s would say the same thing about the 90s. The other side of the conversation is the product on the floor. That's what I would say is worse or at least, less interesting. Very few real rivalries, players are more concerned about protecting their brand, AAU culture affecting competitive drive, the 3 point explosion removing diversity from offenses as its just 5 out and spamming pick and rolls.

I agree with this. The average player is better now. Top talent is top talent regardless of era. As for the product, as much as I was very much alive and involved in basketball in the 90s, I prefer the 2000s. From 1999 to 2012 or something like that. Defense was intense but not as brutal and the offense had versatility. You found teams playing different styles and be effective. Plus the star power was immense. Shaq, Duncan, Kobe, Iverson, T-Mac, LeBron, Dirk, Nash... many others. I wouldn't want the 90s back if I had a choice. Give me the mid 2000s.

04-04-2024, 02:12 PM
I agree with this. The average player is better now. Top talent is top talent regardless of era. As for the product, as much as I was very much alive and involved in basketball in the 90s, I prefer the 2000s. From 1999 to 2012 or something like that. Defense was intense but not as brutal and the offense had versatility. You found teams playing different styles and be effective. Plus the star power was immense. Shaq, Duncan, Kobe, Iverson, T-Mac, LeBron, Dirk, Nash... many others. I wouldn't want the 90s back if I had a choice. Give me the mid 2000s.

I've started coming around to this as well recently. As far as my observations over the last 35 years or so, it's the center-point as far as skill-sets/team tendencies/rules.

04-04-2024, 02:28 PM
Fans have always been sick of 30+ years ago players/fans criticisms of the modern game. Fans have always wanted to remind old heads that their time is up. Fans have always felt the past game was played in a simpler more crude form against a bunch of people no current fan thinks is even worth learning about. A few good names from 30+ years back MAY be worth discussing at best and the rest are to be written off as scrubs. Your generation did exactly this in the Jordan and Kobe eras.. how many circular arguments did we see right here on insidehoops to the tune of "nobody/barely anyone from the 60's/70's could play today" in the Jordan/Kobe era and that those eras were defined as perhaps a few good guys vs mostly scrubs playing an ugly looking game that is best left behind?

And now your dumbasses are up in arms over the audacity of these new young fans that sound EXACTLY like your generation sounded :oldlol:

Except we've seen no one do it better pre- or post-Jordan.

04-04-2024, 03:22 PM
Except we've seen no one do it better pre- or post-Jordan.
...they literally moved the 3 point line in for Jordan WTF!? This is as embarrassing to modern fans as you thought Bob Cousy's dribble looked when you first saw it in slow motion. Literally kids today at planet fitness shoot a higher percentage from 3 than peak Jordan did, and they do it on step backs that he didn't even know how to do.

In your efforts to prop him up, you ultimately wrote the book on how to destroy Jordan. Don't you remember?

*era sucks, competition sucks, ugly awkward looking basketball, skills that don't apply to today*

You wrote that recipe down in your conquest to neutralize the dominant resume's of Wilt, Jabbar or Russell. Just remember, their era sucked, competition sucked, they played ugly awkward looking basketball, and their skills don't apply to today.

Same with MJ. :cheers:

04-04-2024, 07:35 PM
And this is the jumping off point for most of the older fans, when the smoke clears alot of the 90s fans won't be fans anymore and the consensus will start to be reshaped on lots of things with the sport. Maybe it will happen slower this time around because we have social media.

Most of them barely watch basketball anyway. They love the arguments more than the game.

Guys like Da Realest. :lol

04-04-2024, 07:39 PM
...they literally moved the 3 point line in for Jordan WTF!? This is as embarrassing to modern fans as you thought Bob Cousy's dribble looked when you first saw it in slow motion. Literally kids today at planet fitness shoot a higher percentage from 3 than peak Jordan did, and they do it on step backs that he didn't even know how to do.

In your efforts to prop him up, you ultimately wrote the book on how to destroy Jordan. Don't you remember?

*era sucks, competition sucks, ugly awkward looking basketball, skills that don't apply to today*

You wrote that recipe down in your conquest to neutralize the dominant resume's of Wilt, Jabbar or Russell. Just remember, their era sucked, competition sucked, they played ugly awkward looking basketball, and their skills don't apply to today.

Same with MJ. :cheers:

Well said.

04-04-2024, 09:27 PM
That's subjective though. There has always been shit music and shit movies and there is still good stuff today. Talking about no streaming etc...Imagine the amount of absolute garbage you didn't get to hear. The no talent hacks playing at the local drinking spots etc. Your basketball points can easily be argued against also and they ignore what people have already been saying.

Don't be a boomer.

lol @ this dumbass

04-04-2024, 10:46 PM
I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob

https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6I mh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8xMjM1MTc2Ny9vcmlnaW4 uZ2lmIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTY4Njk0MjkwNH0.0SZB9Pba4 qPkKetat219fCzxg3dtMjS_VSAb1d6yeEo/img.gif?width=980


04-04-2024, 11:11 PM

04-04-2024, 11:47 PM
I don't think this argument is true necessarily.

A band like The Beatles is still massively popular as is Elvis and while I don't understand it, that's the way it is. Michael Jackson, if he was allowed to be played would wow everyone too.

I actually completely disagree that the ability to study the methodology makes things better. I think it makes them much worse.

Particularly I think the fact that there's so much money in entertainment, music, sports, whatever, it means that the incentive to be "just good enough" without taking too much risk is just too great.

Why take a chance on your music or your shooting form, when all these consultants and mentors will tell you just what the algorithm will promote on Spotify or how draft agents will choose the 3-and-D wing.

Money ruins everything.

Also, if the NBA remastered their games from previous eras, I bet they would be very popular. I'd watch Wilt, Russel, Oscar, West, Cousy, Pistol Pete all day.
I'm gonna press disagree on that one. The Beatles were unimaginably popular in their day, right now? Not so much. Completely agree that money changed sports and entertainment in general. So good ways and soem bad. And of course you'd watch remastered games from those years, you're old! Lol. Seriously those games matter to guys like us but to the the kids coming up now? Nope. I've actually braved watching some old tape with teen hoop fans, I was pissed .

Most of them barely watch basketball anyway. They love the arguments more than the game.

Guys like Da Realest. :lol
I never could quite figure that one out. It's widespread too. Guys who supposedly can't watch the product, because the 90s were so superior, yet have the most to say about it. They're really closet stans.

04-05-2024, 12:51 AM
...they literally moved the 3 point line in for Jordan WTF!? This is as embarrassing to modern fans as you thought Bob Cousy's dribble looked when you first saw it in slow motion. Literally kids today at planet fitness shoot a higher percentage from 3 than peak Jordan did, and they do it on step backs that he didn't even know how to do.

In your efforts to prop him up, you ultimately wrote the book on how to destroy Jordan. Don't you remember?

*era sucks, competition sucks, ugly awkward looking basketball, skills that don't apply to today*

You wrote that recipe down in your conquest to neutralize the dominant resume's of Wilt, Jabbar or Russell. Just remember, their era sucked, competition sucked, they played ugly awkward looking basketball, and their skills don't apply to today.

Same with MJ. :cheers:

MJ's skills wouldn't apply to today???

Lol, put down the crack buddy. :oldlol:

04-05-2024, 06:13 AM
...they literally moved the 3 point line in for Jordan WTF!? This is as embarrassing to modern fans as you thought Bob Cousy's dribble looked when you first saw it in slow motion. Literally kids today at planet fitness shoot a higher percentage from 3 than peak Jordan did, and they do it on step backs that he didn't even know how to do.

In your efforts to prop him up, you ultimately wrote the book on how to destroy Jordan. Don't you remember?

*era sucks, competition sucks, ugly awkward looking basketball, skills that don't apply to today*

You wrote that recipe down in your conquest to neutralize the dominant resume's of Wilt, Jabbar or Russell. Just remember, their era sucked, competition sucked, they played ugly awkward looking basketball, and their skills don't apply to today.

Same with MJ. :cheers:

Wasn't Jordan retired when this happened?

04-05-2024, 06:16 AM
I'm gonna press disagree on that one. The Beatles were unimaginably popular in their day, right now? Not so much. Completely agree that money changed sports and entertainment in general. So good ways and soem bad. And of course you'd watch remastered games from those years, you're old! Lol. Seriously those games matter to guys like us but to the the kids coming up now? Nope. I've actually braved watching some old tape with teen hoop fans, I was pissed .

I never could quite figure that one out. It's widespread too. Guys who supposedly can't watch the product, because the 90s were so superior, yet have the most to say about it. They're really closet stans.

Bit of truth in this one. I'm an old head but I stopped caring about the 90's when it finished.i rarely watch old games and tbh apart from the 3 spamming I like the game today
To add no point living in the past . It's done with .move on

04-05-2024, 08:37 AM
MJ's skills wouldn't apply to today???

Lol, put down the crack buddy. :oldlol:
I'm reading the script not giving you my actual take... the identical script once proudly used by 90s fans to shit on prior eras so they'd feel good about MJs or Kobe's "scoring records" not actually being scoring records or championship 3 peats not actually being even close to the prior gold standard set for winning. *he played better comp, basketball more advanced, weak era* etc...

Now that modern players are doing their thing racking up modern awards and championships some of these same 90s dorks amazingly still won't shut up so their own logic is now being used by 2020's fans ...to shit on the 90s. :oldlol:

I know I know though, perhaps most didn't harbor these kinds of feelings. The quiet majority. But man, that vocal minority was and still is annoying. I saw waaaaay to many identical looking arguments decades ago to feel like these 90s fans need any kind of sympathy.. AFAIC rip em apart 2020s fans :oldlol:

My own opinion on MJ is obviously he'd dominate any era and adjust as needed. The game demands different things out of players in different eras. He was tailored for the 90s. He isn't a robot, he could tailor for some other era and be fine.

04-05-2024, 08:43 AM
Yeah but you lied.

04-05-2024, 08:47 AM
...they literally moved the 3 point line in for Jordan WTF!? This is as embarrassing to modern fans as you thought Bob Cousy's dribble looked when you first saw it in slow motion. Literally kids today at planet fitness shoot a higher percentage from 3 than peak Jordan did, and they do it on step backs that he didn't even know how to do.

In your efforts to prop him up, you ultimately wrote the book on how to destroy Jordan. Don't you remember?

*era sucks, competition sucks, ugly awkward looking basketball, skills that don't apply to today*

You wrote that recipe down in your conquest to neutralize the dominant resume's of Wilt, Jabbar or Russell. Just remember, their era sucked, competition sucked, they played ugly awkward looking basketball, and their skills don't apply to today.

Same with MJ. :cheers:

Yeah, they really moved the 3PT line for Jordan while he was fking retired. Good one.

You can go through any era you want. No one was as consistently dominant while also winning as many championships as Jordan. Jordan also did it with the same 1 guy and always led his team in scoring in every single Playoff series and was the best player on his team in every single series and only got outscored once his entire career in a series (by 1 point and as a rookie).

It's not about the era, it's about what he accomplished. MJ is the closest thing to a perfect NBA career that we've ever had.

04-05-2024, 08:56 AM
I've tried to point out the 3 point rubbish a few times. The amount of posters who let that slide is weird.

04-05-2024, 09:00 AM
Wasn't Jordan retired when this happened?
Ahhh yes, context?

And weren't the rules for dribbling different for Bob Cousy?


Context doesn't even matter to 25 year olds conducting a quick "eye test". Bottom line is that shit looked HILARIOUS to a 25 year old MJ or Kobe fan that felt the handle of dorks at the gym looked even better than Cousys at their local rec centers... And now a days the 90s 3 point shooting rules and inefficiency look hilarious to 25 year olds today where I routinely see fat out of shape kids shoot better behind the arc than MJ ever did at planet fitness. Especially when they're so sick of hearing about a player or an era that existed before they were born. If you can't shoot a 3 today you're lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean because THAT'S what matters today. Just like if you didn't dunk or post-fade you weren't shit in the 90's.

I'm just trying to explain the phenomena... so that these 90s heads have a chance to realize where they went wrong. Maybe they pivot... maybe they double down. Serves em right anyways. I saw them gladly do it when it was their time to 'be respectful' :lol

04-05-2024, 09:08 AM
Growing up in the 60s, I don’t recall any “We done wit da 30s” movement. So I blame social media…

there was no play yet then Lmao

04-05-2024, 09:15 AM
Let me be clear

I'm simply pointing out that 90s fans never cared about context when dissing prior eras to relish in their era as if it was the greatest era ever

Then when new talent cropped up 90s fans got jealous and still never let their time go, and decided to pick on the future eras as well

Now those future eras are shitting on the 90s with the exact same tactics those 90s fans used to diss prior eras

And around and around we go.

When you can't concede any time but your time was the best, you are just drinking some kool-aid.

04-05-2024, 09:28 AM
I'm reading the script not giving you my actual take... the identical script once proudly used by 90s fans to shit on prior eras so they'd feel good about MJs or Kobe's "scoring records" not actually being scoring records or championship 3 peats not actually being even close to the prior gold standard set for winning. *he played better comp, basketball more advanced, weak era* etc...

Now that modern players are doing their thing racking up modern awards and championships some of these same 90s dorks amazingly still won't shut up so their own logic is now being used by 2020's fans ...to shit on the 90s. :oldlol:

I know I know though, perhaps most didn't harbor these kinds of feelings. The quiet majority. But man, that vocal minority was and still is annoying. I saw waaaaay to many identical looking arguments decades ago to feel like these 90s fans need any kind of sympathy.. AFAIC rip em apart 2020s fans :oldlol:

My own opinion on MJ is obviously he'd dominate any era and adjust as needed. The game demands different things out of players in different eras. He was tailored for the 90s. He isn't a robot, he could tailor for some other era and be fine.

seek mental help

04-05-2024, 09:33 AM
Let me be clear

I'm simply pointing out that 90s fans never cared about context when dissing prior eras to relish in their era as if it was the greatest era ever

Then when new talent cropped up 90s fans got jealous and still never let their time go, and decided to pick on the future eras as well

Now those future eras are shitting on the 90s with the exact same tactics those 90s fans used to diss prior eras

And around and around we go.

When you can't concede any time but your time was the best, you are just drinking some kool-aid.

Best is relative. The right answer is that there's no "best" era, and if we compare players you have to look at what they accomplished relative to their era. Obviously we're all biased to an extent and are going to play favorites with players that we like the most, but usually it's the media d!ckriding the current hottest player and trying to put them up against past greats to bait views/clicks.

Any time Kobe/Bron won a chip you could bet your ass they had a segment about them vs. Jordan the very next day. When Steph won multiple chips they started comparing him to Magic. If the old timers respond they're deemed as haters.

04-05-2024, 10:15 AM
^^^ ****head.

04-05-2024, 11:29 AM
seek mental help

Why would he need to seek mental help, especially since he's right? This exact scenario played out before. Oscar Robertson and Wilt used to hate on Mj something fierce. Oscar would literally boil at the mention of Mj alongside his name. Old heads didn't think the 90s game was as good as the 80s version or looking at you crazy for even suggesting Mj was as good as the Doctor. Wilt was on an even higher mountain top. Why do you even think the number of scorong titles Mj had was ever important? He definitely couldn't average 50 a season or score 100 in a game. And our generation fought back by saying only 8 teams plumbers and gym teachers made the league. Ridiculed their dribbling and shooting forms etc.

04-05-2024, 11:43 AM
Why would he need to seek mental help, especially since he's right? This exact scenario played out before. Oscar Robertson and Wilt used to hate on Mj something fierce. Oscar would literally boil at the mention of Mj alongside his name. Old heads didn't think the 90s game was as good as the 80s version or looking at you crazy for even suggesting Mj was as good as the Doctor. Wilt was on an even higher mountain top. Why do you even think the number of scorong titles Mj had was ever important? He definitely couldn't average 50 a season or score 100 in a game. And our generation fought back by saying only 8 teams plumbers and gym teachers made the league. Ridiculed their dribbling and shooting forms etc.

Tbh you guys are overstating the hate for the 60’s

Back 10-20 years ago when you talked ball, most people I know wouldn’t shit on the 1960’s

That poster is just a troll who abandoned his original account because he would act so insane. Most of the people talking shit on the 60’s probably didn’t even feel that way, they were just trying to get him to shut the f.uck up about wilt chamberlain because he had no chill and would autistically go on about him 24/7 every day.

People weren’t done with the 60’s, they were done with him. :lol

04-05-2024, 11:45 AM
seek mental help

Says the guy who just had a mental breakdown a couple of nights ago.