View Full Version : Ant had 4 yrs to develop team so let's compare this to MJ's 1st year, so

05-07-2024, 10:08 AM
then we can say 22-year Ant is winning more than 22-year MJ.

Why do we compare 4th-year veteran high seeds to rookie lottery 8 seeds and draw conclusions?

Due to the different development schedules of players and also rules that forced players into college, age is irrelevant when comparing players.. Otoh, the number of years in the league is obviously the relevant factor..

By Jordan's 4th healthy season (89'), he was taking nothing casts to the ECF and was the only team to win games off the champs.. This is better than getting swept by the champs while averaging 22 on 36%.. The stats always show Jordan to the best, but his record in his early 20's is influenced by entering the league at a "late" age.

05-07-2024, 10:25 AM
Bro, you're a fakkit.

05-07-2024, 10:32 AM

05-07-2024, 10:35 AM
Bro, you're a fakkit.

You know I'm right.

Why do we compare 4th-year veteran high seeds to rookie 8 seeds and draw conclusions?

It's a weak trick that worked on 99.5% of hoops fans.

But the stats always show Jordan is the best and carried the biggest burden (especially compared to Ant or Bron).. However, his record in his early 20's is influenced by entering the league at a "late" age of nearly 22, rather than getting 4 years to develop a team before 22 years of age..

Ultimately, Ant's teammates include an All-NBA alpha and also the GOAT defender - obviously, MJ 3-peated with a lot less

05-07-2024, 10:41 AM
You know I'm right.

Why do we compare 4th-year veteran high seeds to rookie 8 seeds and draw conclusions?

It's a weak trick that worked on 99.5% of hoops fans.

But the stats always show Jordan is the best and carried the biggest burden (especially compared to Ant or Bron).. However, his record in his early 20's is influenced by entering the league at a "late" age of nearly 22, rather than getting 4 years to develop a team before 22 years of age..

Ultimately, Ant's teammates include an All-NBA alpha and also the GOAT defender - obviously, MJ 3-peated with a lot less
Being incapable of going more than 12 hours without making a thread downplaying every good player and sucking off Jordan is indeed the behavior of a fakkit. Do you even realize you're doing this about a player who's won a single playoff series in his career :lol

05-07-2024, 11:14 AM
MJ is goat. Dude, just enjoy the game.

05-07-2024, 01:53 PM
No need to minimize Ant, to protect Mike.

Ant himself said he don’t want the comparisons just the other day.
Said he doesn’t deserve those comparisons.
Ant will be a great player for a long time, God willing.
Just enjoy it!

05-07-2024, 02:08 PM
No need to minimize Ant, to protect Mike.

Ant himself said he don’t want the comparisons just the other day.
Said he doesn’t deserve those comparisons.
Ant will be a great player for a long time, God willing.
Just enjoy it!

3ball is on script for what the admins want for this site. No different really from the daily sports shows spamming Lakers and MJ/Lebron topics. Those are what drive traffic and clicks so at this point it's either the rest of us are gonna commit to ignoring it or its just gonna continue.

And the most obvious bit of evidence that he's acting on orders is the number of times he's 'banned' and unbanned a week later. Ask yourself why is it we have tons of permabanned accounts yet 3ball remains. It took me a while to figure out that he wasn't just some lunatic but actually on the payroll, and the whole 'ban' schtick is part of the show.

elementally morale
05-07-2024, 03:07 PM
3ball is on script for what the admins want for this site. No different really from the daily sports shows spamming Lakers and MJ/Lebron topics. Those are what drive traffic and clicks so at this point it's either the rest of us are gonna commit to ignoring it or its just gonna continue.

And the most obvious bit of evidence that he's acting on orders is the number of times he's 'banned' and unbanned a week later. Ask yourself why is it we have tons of permabanned accounts yet 3ball remains. It took me a while to figure out that he wasn't just some lunatic but actually on the payroll, and the whole 'ban' schtick is part of the show.

Why would you pay yourself?

05-07-2024, 04:58 PM
Why would you pay yourself?

I'm saying he's a plant. He's not just a regular poster like you and I. Or are you saying he's an admin burner account?

05-07-2024, 07:36 PM
This loser feels threatened by literally every player that gets a little hype. Funniest thing is Jordan would be absolutely embarassed from you, so you should thank god he doesnt know who you are.

05-07-2024, 10:55 PM
I'm saying he's a plant. He's not just a regular poster like you and I. Or are you saying he's an admin burner account?

He's like Nick Wright / Skip Bayless of ISH