View Full Version : 2007 Gilbert Arenas video and so on.....

08-19-2007, 11:55 PM
Number 3 for Gilbert. I think he and Jordan are the only two people with 3.



Oh and here is the second one:


The first ive not seen in some time. I made it back in about 04 when I was living in Dc and telling people Gilbert was about to be a superstar and being told all the reasons he wasnt worth a straight up trade for Paul Pierce and Ray Allen types. Anyway.....

Yesterday I was playing 2k7 with a friend of mine vs the Wizards. First play Arenas has it from like 28 feet and I double him. Hard. hes got nowhere to go. He swings up and launches a 3 from that far and it misses. My first thought was "This game is realistic as hell". And just like in real life even though it was a terrible terrible shot I thought it would go in because it was Gilbert.

Guy has to have the worst shot selection ever that didnt lead to being benched. Him or Tmac. Both are just so talented they make enough to let those they miss(most of them) be acceptable. A guy like AI doesnt just take terrible shots and miss. He(in some of his philly days) just had to carry a poor offense by taking a lot. Only so many good shots to be taken. A guy like Gilbert can only take 15 shots and manage to have 7 of them be totally absurd and make about 3 of the 7. He can coast for 20 minutes only taking 2 shots in a half and have both of them be 27 foot contested threes.

Probably the most talented player I ever wouldnt want on my team(unless you consider Kobe more talented which might be the case). I respect him in general though. The work ethic most of all. He may in fact work so hard at his game that it begins to be a negative.

I remember once Larry Bird said he worked so hard so when a big shot had to be made he could demand the ball and everyone knew he deserved it because he was most likely to make the shot. Hed worked hardest to be able to make any shot so he deserved the big shot. I think Gilbert might work so hard that he thinks he could(and should try to) make any shot that comes to mind.

Makes him entertaining as hell. But hes probably the least average superstar ever. Feels like he either goes for 38 on 15-25 shooting or 19 on 4-23 shooting. No in between. I remember last season during his hot streak when people started calling him top 5 and some of his fans told me I was stupid to not consider him elite. He had put up like 35 on 50% shooting for some time. My reasoning was that a couple weeks of being great doesnt make you great when you wont keep it up. I was told "Well if he does how is he not elite?". My answer being a simple "He wont...nobody could". And of course after December:

January 28 on 41% shooting and 35 from 3.
Feb. 27 on 35% shooting and 18% from 3. Not a typo. He averaged 9 threes a game that month and only made 1.6.
March he picked it up with 29 on 44% shooting.

But of course never got back to that supposed top 5 level.

Got hurt. All that....

Even though I dont think hes elite or that he ever will be...I do respect the arrogance of his game. I like that "**** it" mentality a lot. Lot of my favorites have had it. It ****s him up sometimes but thats just how it is.

Few questions....

You can have Gilbert(for one season to remove the age issue) or any of these players....

Ray Allen

How many would you take him over? Yes I know those players arent points. I dont consider Gilbert one either.

Other than Kobe is there anyone in the NBA who when at his very best is a better scorer than Gilbert?

I think we all agree the league could use more players who just speak their minds like him. He said he was gonna opt out after this season didnt he? Have any idea what he wants to happen in order to stay? Finals perhaps? Or is it just a money thing? If he left DC and you could have him on your team for 15 million a season for 5 years would you want your team to do it?

08-20-2007, 12:13 AM
I think Baron Davis has a more absurd shot selection. Great video though as always.

08-20-2007, 12:14 AM
I think Baron Davis has a more absurd shot selection. Great video though as always.
Gilbert Arenas has the worst shot selection in the league. No doubt about it.

08-20-2007, 12:19 AM
I think Baron Davis has a more absurd shot selection. Great video though as always.
Well Baron plays on a team where they're suppoed to take crazy shots.

08-20-2007, 12:21 AM
No idea how I forgot Baron. Baron and Arenas are the gods of the "**** it" shot. The kind of shot that you know...they HAVE to know its a bad shot. They know it. but they think "**** it..." and take it anyway. Baron had to make like 70% of his "**** it" shots vs Dallas.

A guy like antione Walker took a lot of threes but many were decent shots. He just wasnt a great shooter. Baron and Arenas just abuse the greenlight they are given. I generally approve of it though.

08-20-2007, 12:35 AM
Very good video. I enjoyed how, unlike most of your vids, you resisted the urge to put mostly "spectacular" plays like dunks and blocks in favor of showcasing Gilbert's actual game- a lot of pullups and straightforward (in the sense he doesn't juke as much as he just blows by you) drives to the basket. You don't really think of Gil being a super athlete at the guard spot like is pretty common for Wade or whoever, but my God the man is explosive. I don't know about his vert, but this video showed just how fast he can go by someone.

You can have Gilbert(for one season to remove the age issue) or any of these players....

Ray Allen

How many would you take him over? Yes I know those players arent points. I dont consider Gilbert one either.

I'm taking Kobe (considering Gilbert is essentially a smaller, more inconsistent Kobe), Lebron (just causes too many problems for a defense, and is wayyy more unselfish), and Carmelo (a dominant scorer from midrange and the block, and is much more efficient because of it) and Iverson (a more proven version of Arenas) before I take Gilbert, no questions asked.

Tmac and Wade, when playing to their full potential and not injured, probably impact the game more, but I'm leery of Tmacs back and Wade's reckless style. So I guess I'd take Arenas for the health factor.

Only guys on there I flat out wouldn't consider are Pierce, Allen, and Carter.

Other than Kobe is there anyone in the NBA who when at his very best is a better scorer than Gilbert?

Carmelo. How one of the 2 best scorers in the entire league gets such hate on ISH for imagined character flaws ("HE RAN AWAY IN A FIGHT!" "STOP SNITCHIN!") is beyond me. I think it was Da KO King who said in his random basketball musing threads that Carmelo is probably the best or second best perimeter scorer in the league, and I whole heartedly agree.

08-20-2007, 12:37 AM
I'm a huge Wizards fan and have seen almost every Gilbert Arenas game since he came to the Wiz.

When he's on, he's great. When he's off, not so great. But that's on the court. What Gilbert will probably be remembered for is nothing to do with his on court talents. He's going to be remembered for his personality, which is one of a kind in NBA history. His story of being a 2nd round pick and his personality off the court makes him stand out above alot of guys.

I would say his biggest on the court flaw right now beyond shot selection is his defense. He's only 25 years old though, he's probably going to have one of those long, 8-9 year primes.

The big thing with Gil is that I think he's going to develop a huge catalogue of game winning shots over the next few seasons. It wouldn't be surprise me if in a few years he's known as the most clutch player in the league.

08-20-2007, 12:38 AM
Has Gilbert named this upcoming season yet? Last season he dubbed it "the Takeover"

08-20-2007, 12:45 AM
Very good video. I enjoyed how, unlike most of your vids, you resisted the urge to put mostly "spectacular" plays like dunks and blocks in favor of showcasing Gilbert's actual game- a lot of pullups and straightforward (in the sense he doesn't juke as much as he just blows by you) drives to the basket. You don't really think of Gil being a super athlete at the guard spot like is pretty common for Wade or whoever, but my God the man is explosive. I don't know about his vert, but this video showed just how fast he can go by someone.

I believe he could be more spectacular than he tries to be. Ive seen him do some decent dunks. Nice windmill for one. Not a weak double pump looking thing either. Very solid windmill. He dunked all over the Jazz and Pacers. Few other teams. Just doesnt try it often. Id compare him to Deron Williams as an athlete. Lot more athletic than they look if you just watch highlights.

08-20-2007, 12:49 AM
I believe he could be more spectacular than he tries to be. Ive seen him do some decent dunks. Nice windmill for one. Not a weak double pump looking thing either. Very solid windmill. He dunked all over the Jazz and Pacers. Few other teams. Just doesnt try it often. Id compare him to Deron Williams as an athlete. Lot more athletic than they look if you just watch highlights.
Gil is very athletic, just doest't show it. Her did early in his career with the Warriors. He use to dunk on people on the regular. He would just drive to the middle with that quick first step and smash down on who ever.

08-20-2007, 02:18 AM
Has Gilbert named this upcoming season yet? Last season he dubbed it "the Takeover"

Didnt he name it "the second coming of the Takeover" or something retarded like that?

08-20-2007, 11:59 AM
Yea he did dunk more as a Warrior. And back then an olympic track coach he worked out with said with proper traiing Arenas could be a legit world class sprinter. Olympic level at least. I knew he was fast but id say that would make him one of the 5-6 fastest in the L. At least back then.

Shogon Vendetta
08-20-2007, 12:03 PM
T-Mac at his very best is the best scorer in the league. But it's a rarity... and his scoring has dropped off since Orlando.

08-20-2007, 12:11 PM
I dont know. Has Tmac had a 50 point game in the last 2 seasons? Im really wondering. Im sure JVG held him back with the slow it down post first system but still. Id say either 01 or 03 was the best he ever played and that was a long time ago. Every player in the league at their very best(just as scorers) I think it goes:

Tmac or Bron

Not sure where to put AI since he kinda defers to Melo these days.

Something like that. Not exact. But just generally. Melo maybe should be a spot higher. Hard thing to rank. Ive watched Lebron drop 56 but he seemed to be coasting even then. And ive not seen a more impressive stretch of "WTF?" level scoring when it matters than his 48 point damn near 30 in a row game vs the Pistons. Of current players I mean. That was just insane. Tmac I think still has it in him but I dont remember the last time I saw it on that level. That kind of scoring where its obvious the D just doesnt matter and hes gonna score exactly as much as he feels like.

Shogon Vendetta
08-20-2007, 12:24 PM
Let's compare McGrady's highest scoring game (62) to Kobe's (81). Watch these videos.

McGrady -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnWZ1T7Gk4s (all 62 points)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytfry2VaFGg (highlights)

McGrady made two half court shots during that game that didn't count. TWO. One from beyond half court at 5:14 during the first video. And one from just inside half court at about 0:53 during the second video.

Look at the scoring leaders for the Magic at halftime. McGrady - 28, Juwan Howard - 9, Tyronn Lue - 5, Steven Hunter - 3, Keith Bogans - 2

I don't know how any Lakers fans can complain about the current roster of the Lakers when Lakers fans in general hounded McGrady for years for not going anywhere with the Magic.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRikrksH8es (all 81 points)

Compare WHERE (on the court) these guys scored most of their points. McGrady just flat out has more talent. The thing that seperates Kobe at this point is Kobe's free throw shooting and willingness to attack the basket. McGrady just settles for jumpers all game long, almost every game. Kobe settles as well, but not nearly as bad as McGrady. Kobe attacks the basket more often than McGrady does.

I remember McGrady scoring 20+ consecutive points without another Magic player scoring during a PLAYOFF GAME against the Hornets. When McGrady is in the zone, he is the least stoppable offensive perimeter player in the league. Well... he was.

08-20-2007, 12:28 PM
Ive seen the games. I know Tracy has range. Right there with Arenas and VC. Maybe more. I remember in the charity game he made like a 30 footer. Arenas comes down and makes the same shot. Tracy comes back with a jumper from about 40. Arenas tried it and missed. Then tracy pulled up from halfcourt and it barely missed. Hes got more range than anyone even needs. But I dont know if range alone makes one more talented. More range is great but when your overuse of it limits your game I dont know how impressive it is compared to someone with less range who uses what he has better.

Shogon Vendetta
08-20-2007, 12:31 PM
Ive seen the games. I know Tracy has range. Right there with Arenas and VC. Maybe more. I remember in the charity game he made like a 30 footer. Arenas comes down and makes the same shot. Tracy comes back with a jumper from about 40. Arenas tried it and missed. Then tracy pulled up from halfcourt and it barely missed. Hes got more range than anyone even needs. But I dont know if range alone makes one more talented. More range is great but when your overuse of it limits your game I dont know how impressive it is compared to someone with less range who uses what he has better.

I was speaking strictly on talent and being able to have an outburst of scoring. I'm not talking about how good of players these guys are or aren't. I'm talking about AT THEIR BEST. Nothing else.

08-20-2007, 12:38 PM
If its just a matter of how good a scorer one can be at his best and one has a career high 19 points higher than the other and 12 higher than the guy many consider the best scorer ever that has to factor in a good bit.

Id rather have Tracy(I just find him less annoying and more willing to defer should he have the teammates for it)...but Kobe at his best just as a scorer? hes had like 3 40ppg months. 4 game stretches with 65, 50, 60, and I think 52. 58 vs the Bobcats. 62 in 3 quarters. 12 threes in a game. I watched him gave the Wizards 30(or was it 33) in a 7 minute stretch. Even throwing out the 81 point game I think hes at least earned best scorer status. Best player I still give to Duncan but just putting the ball in the basket? At his best I dont think anyone would score more vs the same level of defense in the same situation at their best.

Kobe gets totally out of hand when hes hot. Just beyond all measure.

08-20-2007, 12:39 PM
I was speaking strictly on talent and being able to have an outburst of scoring. I'm not talking about how good of players these guys are or aren't. I'm talking about AT THEIR BEST. Nothing else.

Well currently at T-Macs best he doesnt have it any1more..His jumper has gotten flat, he isnt a good jumpshooter at the moment for that reason...

And no T-Mac is not as explosive as Kobe now, nor Gilbert, he is not even close now..He has really fallen off now, he doesnt have that extra level anymore.

08-20-2007, 12:42 PM
Tmacs range is absolutely sick. I remember one time Magic vs. Wizards, Magic down five, Tmac just dribbles it up, pulls up from 30 like it's nothing, drains it. Wizards make 2 FTs (meaning the game's over) and Tmac takes the ball, pulls up from 30 feet again, and drains it as time runs out.

I don't think I'll ever forget that.. it was one of the craziest things I've seen live. Missed out on 13 in 35 so that will be my main memory of Tmac I think (although I did see his 62pt game too).

08-20-2007, 12:46 PM
I think Rasheed Wallace might be there too he just plays a different kind of game. Hes been shown in practice making 2 threes at once by throwing one higher than the other. Make halfcourt jumpers like nothing(not throwing it...just shooting a jumper). Sheed, Arenas, Tmac, and Carter seem to have no range limit. Just limits on how far away they can reasonably be expected to try.

08-20-2007, 12:57 PM
if you wanna just talk about range then there are prob guys that arent superstars with better or just as good range but wouldnt think about shooting it...

Look at this Kobe pulling a turn around left handed 3 pointer in the corner...It goes in but is there any1 in the world that would actually do that in an NBA game??? Someone else might be able to but they just wouldnt..


08-20-2007, 04:29 PM
Yea he did dunk more as a Warrior. And back then an olympic track coach he worked out with said with proper traiing Arenas could be a legit world class sprinter. Olympic level at least. I knew he was fast but id say that would make him one of the 5-6 fastest in the L. At least back then.

I don't think he has great hops, but he has very good body control on layups. As far as speed and quickness goes, the main thing is that he can switch directions while going at top speed, similar to how Wade and Iverson do it. I don't think really feel like Wade is any more quicker, just a more explosive finisher.

Da KO King
08-20-2007, 04:38 PM
Ray Allen

I take all these guys ahead of Arenas but it has nothing to do with skill. Like I said in my "Get to know my views" thread Arenas would stress me out more than any other player in the league.

The only player even close in terms of poor approach to the game is Kobe Bryant and at least Kobe has flashes of good basketball logic. Arenas is just nuts out there.

I left Vince Carter off cause he is a close second to Gilbert.

I'm up in the air about McGrady so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Samurai Swoosh
08-20-2007, 04:45 PM
Kobe's approach to the game is bad? When did this came forth? If anything, his competitive spirit and willingness to play defense against the best opposing threat on the other team exemplifies how he has one of the biggest hearts of anyone out there. You'd have to be crazy to say Kobe Bryant has a bad approach to the game. Just flat out crazy, I tell ya.

08-20-2007, 04:48 PM
Playing hard and playing smart are not the same thing. Kobe, AI, Arenas, Starks, Chris Jackson, Vernon Maxwell, Michael Adams. All play/played hard as hell. But not always smart.

Da KO King
08-20-2007, 04:49 PM
Kobe's approach to the game is bad? When did this came forth? If anything, his competitive spirit and willingness to play defense against the best opposing threat on the other team exemplifies how he has one of the biggest hearts of anyone out there. You'd have to be crazy to say Kobe Bryant has a bad approach to the game. Just flat out crazy, I tell ya.
Actually you are kind of right. I should have said offensive approach.

Samurai Swoosh
08-20-2007, 04:56 PM
Playing hard and playing smart are not the same thing. Kobe, AI, Arenas, Starks, Chris Jackson, Vernon Maxwell, Michael Adams. All play/played hard as hell. But not always smart.
He didn't say that ... he said Kobe's "approach" to the game is out of whack ... which couldn't be more false. He'd be the poster boy in the NBA along with Iverson for heart, determination, grit, and un-relenting competitivness. Kobe's approach on offense can @ times be really suspect, but to me its more a reflection on how he kind of pre-determines before a game how he wants to play, as opposed to just going with the flow. That said, Kobe Bryant is an extremely intelligent basketball mind. You'd be a hard pressed dummy to think otherwise.

Da KO King
08-20-2007, 05:00 PM
He didn't say that ... he said Kobe's "approach" to the game is out of whack ...

Kobe's approach on offense can @ times be really suspect. That said, Kobe Bryant is an extremely intelligent basketball mind. You'd be a hard pressed dummy to think otherwise.
Like I said, I should have said offensive approach.

As far as his basketball mind, I'm not sold.

He takes lots of stupid shots, misses good passes, and doesn't move without the ball effectively consistently.

Samurai Swoosh
08-20-2007, 05:02 PM
Yeah, but the same can be said about ALOT of players. More specifically, superstars. He takes some ridiculous shots out of circumstance and context. You have to take that into account as well when judging him. Also, please don't take anything I said personally ... you're a good poster. I just firmly disagree.

08-20-2007, 05:05 PM
Like I said, I should have said offensive approach.

As far as his basketball mind, I'm not sold.

He takes lots of stupid shots, misses good passes, and doesn't move without the ball effectively consistently.

he is prob one of the best off the ball in the game at the 2 guard spot... I think he knows the right thing to do on the court but watching Kwame and Smush miss open look after open look gets to him..

Da KO King
08-20-2007, 05:06 PM
Yeah, but the same can be said about ALOT of players. More specifically, superstars. He takes some ridiculous shots out of circumstance and context. You have to take that into account as well when judging him.
No, Kobe doesn't do it due to context. Kobe does it cause he thinks a contested 22 footer from him is better than an open 16 footer from Smush Parker.

Look at the start last season. Kobe was tentative due to being fresh from surgery. He doubted what he would be able to do physically and looked to have his teammates do more.

During this time he played smart basketball. He was cutting, hitting open guys, and getting shots in the paint for himself and others.

As soon as he felt up to speed he went back to playing Kobe-Ball.

08-20-2007, 05:10 PM
No, Kobe doesn't do it due to context. Kobe does it cause he thinks a contested 22 footer from him is better than an open 16 footer from Smush Parker.

Look at the start last season. Kobe was tentative due to being fresh from surgery. He doubted what he would be able to do physically and looked to have his teammates do more.

During this time he played smart basketball. He was cutting, hitting open guys, and getting shots in the paint for himself and others.

As soon as he felt up to speed he went back to playing Kobe-Ball.

Didnt every1 get hurt??? wasnt there games where Ronny was starting center and Evans small forward??

Depends on how u wanna spin it..

Da KO King
08-20-2007, 05:15 PM
Didnt every1 get hurt??? wasnt there games where Ronny was starting center and Evans small forward??

Depends on how u wanna spin it..
First, injuries to teammates shouldn't change his shot selection.

Second, why did he not revert to early season form once people got back from injury?

EDIT: meant to type shouldn't not "Should"

08-20-2007, 05:21 PM
First, injuries to teammates should change his shot selection.
Second, why did he not revert to early season form once people got back from injury?

yes, if you wanna win. You think they were gonna make the playoffs with Kobe playing like earlier in the year???

They were not the same players..doing the end of the year LO was playing hurt, Walton was still hurt and lost his tough and Kwame wasnt there...The Lakers werent healthy the even in the playoffs, Kwame and Luke and Odom were all playing hurt..

08-20-2007, 05:33 PM
Nice vid and great selection of song Common's new CD is dope.

08-20-2007, 05:50 PM
Second I heard the song I knew id use it. It was almost used for Ron Artest.

08-20-2007, 05:54 PM
Second I heard the song I knew id use it. It was almost used for Ron Artest.
Would you like us to watch your videos on youtube from the Kblaze8855 account or that guy who set up the tribute to kblaze?

08-20-2007, 06:15 PM
Really doesnt matter to me. The guy who made the Kblazetribute account only puts up player mixes not team or era. But hes got a lot of the old ones I dont have. Doesnt bother me either way. But im more likely to see the comments on the ones I put up. People ask me **** in the comments of those he puts up and I dont see them for weeks.

08-20-2007, 06:58 PM
gilbert arenas is sick. i love his game.

im not sure if he'll ever be a top 5 player though.

i tell you one thing, we'd be talking possible GOAT if he had the athletic ability of kobe, wade, francis, etc.

08-20-2007, 07:00 PM
First, injuries to teammates shouldn't change his shot selection.

Second, why did he not revert to early season form once people got back from injury?

EDIT: meant to type shouldn't not "Should"

Actually Kobe didnt play Kobe-ball until Phil requested him to do it, when Lakers lost 13 out of 16 games. When Kobe was on that 50 pt streak, Phil admitted that he gave Kobe the "green light" and said that they just have to ride Kobe to the playoffs because it seems like the only way now.

Heres something...

Kobe was playing unselfish team ball when the Lakers lost 6 straight then 7 straight...to teams like Memphis, Minnesota, and Portland and were quickly slipping out of the playoff standings. Kobe takes upon himself to get the team to the playoffs, scores 50 points 4 consecutive games and gets the wins against Portland, Minnesota, and Memphis..and then hornets. His 43 pt game after it also got a win against GS. So Kobe shooting resulted in 5 game win streak and guess...the Lakers made the playoffs leading the 9th spot by 2 games I think. I'd say its a good thing Kobe decided to go Kobe-ball. Is it good in the long run? Hell no but with 20 or so games left in the season and you're fighting for a playoff spot, gotta do whatever it takes to win.


In response to the thread though, I'm a big fan of Arenas here. Love his work ethic and competitiveness.

Hes only what, 25, 26? I think he will be top 5 at some point in his career...

08-21-2007, 12:42 AM
Kobe is the best scorer.

T-Mac might have been 3 years ago.

Carmelo, though, I think is 2nd to Kobe.

He isn't putting up big games but I believe he could in another system.

08-21-2007, 12:53 AM
Carmelo, though, I think is 2nd to Kobe.

He isn't putting up big games but I believe he could in another system.
Another system?

For the first half of the season he was the only scoring option on a team that played as uptempo as any team in the league.

What more do ya want?

Sure his numbers dropped when AI came but I don't think anyone's blaming him. Just about everyone considers him a top 5 scorer at worst. I personally think he and Arenas are 2a and 2b.

08-21-2007, 01:01 AM
^ Well he did put up big numbers in Karl's system, just not draw dropping outbursts.

I was refering to those 40-50-60 point games... I don't think Karl runs the sort of system that would allow that type of scoring from 1 guy,

08-21-2007, 04:27 PM
Im suprised Melos career high is just 45. Not like he doesnt take shots. He and Kobe were the only players taking more than 22 shots a game last year.

08-21-2007, 04:44 PM
Compare WHERE (on the court) these guys scored most of their points. McGrady just flat out has more talent. The thing that seperates Kobe at this point is Kobe's free throw shooting and willingness to attack the basket. McGrady just settles for jumpers all game long, almost every game. Kobe settles as well, but not nearly as bad as McGrady. Kobe attacks the basket more often than McGrady does.

Which part of that video was supposed to prove Tmac is more talented than Kobe? The fadeaways from deep? The off the dribble 3's?

I saw nothing Kobe hasnt already done and more.

06-25-2012, 11:50 PM
I miss you man.

06-25-2012, 11:58 PM
You wouldn't want prime Kobe on your team? :biggums:

The Macho Man
06-26-2012, 12:06 AM
I miss you man.

