View Full Version : Bucher on ESPN: Kobe would like to be traded now if Lakers are considering it

10-12-2007, 06:28 PM
Ric Bucher on sportscenter, said that Kobe was ready to begin the season with the mindset that the Los Angeles Lakers were not going to grant his wish and trade him, but now that they have mentioned the possibility, he wants it to happen as soon as possible. Here are the deals he mentioned that were discussed.

Dallas offered Jason Terry and Josh Howard for him but that was rejected by Buss after a few days of thinking about it.

Then said, Chicago has been close but Lakers want Deng and Bulls wont bite.

10-12-2007, 06:30 PM
Was this something that came out of Bryant's "camp?"

10-12-2007, 06:34 PM
we all know perfectly well Kobe is not going to be traded. I'm tired of this ****. let's quit the charade, Kobe's going nowhere.

10-12-2007, 06:35 PM
this would be the same ric bucher that said kobe would never wear purple and gold again? the same one who said that he'd sit out training camp? lol

10-12-2007, 06:35 PM
we all know perfectly well Kobe is not going to be traded. I'm tired of this ****. let's quit the charade, Kobe's going nowhere.

I co-sign this powerful post...


10-12-2007, 06:37 PM
this would be the same ric bucher that said kobe would never wear purple and gold again? the same one who said that he'd sit out training camp? lol

Yea but hes giving out too much detail. Highly doubt hes just pulling this outta his ass.

10-12-2007, 06:38 PM
If this is true, it disturbs me that it took "a few days" for Buss to think about it. Lakers get raped in every way in this trade. Mavs would need to trade Dirk and JET IMO and even then, I don't think it would make either team better.

10-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Apparently, Chicago offered
Gordon, Noci, TyThomas

10-12-2007, 06:43 PM
Just a terrible, pathetic attempt by Paxson to land the best player in the game. Does he honestly think that crap will work? This is Kobe motherf'ing Bryant here, in his absolute prime. Gordon/Deng/Thomas at the very least.

Frankly, I agree.
When you have Noci to take Deng's spot, you are looking very good.

10-12-2007, 06:43 PM
Just a terrible, pathetic attempt by Paxson to land the best player in the game. Does he honestly think that crap will work? This is Kobe motherf'ing Bryant here, in his absolute prime. Gordon/Deng/Thomas at the very least.

Unfortunately, bad Laker trades have happened in the past. Most notably, the Shaq trade.

So it wouldn't surprise me if the Lakers accepted that trade.

10-12-2007, 06:44 PM
I need Kobe to be shipped to the Eastern Conference. And the only two jerseys I can picture him doning are BULLS and KNICKS.

Samurai Swoosh
10-12-2007, 06:46 PM
Just Do It, Pax ...

Plus, anyway you can ship BG's overrated ass outta here is a blessing. I'd do a Gordon / Deng deal 4 Bryant in a NY second.

10-12-2007, 06:47 PM
I'm getting ready to just want Kobe off the Lakers. My favorite player of all time on my favorite team but it seems that him and the FO will never be on the same page...they both want different things.

It'll be exciting seeing Kobe compete for a chip on a new team and seeing the new youth movement on the Lakers...even though it will end in regret but whatever, if thats what the FO wants, so be it

My preference is Chicago, heres hoping they bite and part with Deng.

10-12-2007, 06:48 PM
Kobe's gonna wear the Bulls 45


10-12-2007, 06:50 PM
I would do deng,thomas and thabo/noah any day.......I would love it

10-12-2007, 06:52 PM
The FO trades Shaq for Butler, Odom, and Grant, then trades Butler for Kwame, and NOW they want to sit back and milk teams for all they can get? :mad: Where was this resolve to get equal/more value THOSE times?

That pisses me off more than anything.

10-12-2007, 06:53 PM
Gordon is the least of our concerns here. This is about Deng's overrated ass. He is the reason this deal hasn't gone through yet. Gordon is gone in any Kobe trade, period. Kobe Bryant's come around once every 30 years. Luol Deng's come around every year.

proof: Josh Smith, Rudy Gay, etc.
although I think Josh Smith will become a regular all-star.

ps. Deng is ranked 23rd in EFF amongst forwards, behind the likes of Odom, Igoudala, GWallace

10-12-2007, 06:53 PM
Ric Bucher said Kobe wouldnt be a Laker after the draft was over. Its Oct 12 2007 and Kobe is a Laker. Sorry I dont put much weight into his talks. At this point a deal must actually be on the table similar to the KG trade drama where deals were out there, pending and the only thing we couldnt get right is all the players involved but we knew KG was to be dealt.

Dallas offered Jason Terry and Josh Howard for him but that was rejected by Buss after a few days of thinking about it.

Few days? I only need a few seconds before i hit the "reject trade offer" and leave a comment in the section "F*ck outta here!". :lol:

Horrible deal. WTH do the Lakers want with them two. Try again Dallas.

Samurai Swoosh
10-12-2007, 06:54 PM
Kobe's gonna wear the Bulls 45
What the hell you talking about, fam?

10-12-2007, 06:54 PM
Deng is also the reason Gasol aint in Chicago. :hammerhead:

10-12-2007, 06:55 PM
indeed. Though i often wonder how good the Lakers would be if they had kept Butler. -Fisher -Kobe -Butler -Odom -Bynum
There is no denying. That looks pretty good.

10-12-2007, 06:55 PM
Fact that it took Buss a few DAYS to realize its a bad deal tells all about the state the FO is in.

10-12-2007, 06:58 PM
Just a terrible, pathetic attempt by Paxson to land the best player in the game. Does he honestly think that crap will work? This is Kobe motherf'ing Bryant here, in his absolute prime. Gordon/Deng/Thomas at the very least.

The money still doesn't match up:sleeping

10-12-2007, 07:00 PM
Who gives a damn about Gasol?

36 year old Kobe > Prime Gasol

You sound like Paxson...ignore/neglect you have no inside offense. A jackass who thinks like...a jackass. Kay-yuuute!

i seen hippos
10-12-2007, 07:03 PM
Inside scoring vs. the closest thing to the GOAT this game has ever seen.

The inside scoring crap is getting really old...

Try something new.

So you deny the power of an inside game?

Do you deny the power?

Do you?

10-12-2007, 07:05 PM
So you deny the power of an inside game?

Do you deny the power?

Do you?

I dont deny that Gasol has disappeared in every big game in his life.. and that Kobe would create more easy baskets for the Bulls then Gasol and give them a better chance at a championship

10-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Inside scoring vs. the closest thing to the GOAT this game has ever seen.

The inside scoring crap is getting really old...

Try something new.

Wow you're a dyckhead. Who said anything about Gasol > Kobe? I mentioned Chicago wouldnt PART with Deng for Gasol in trade talks that took place months ago. Kobe in Chicago wasnt as strong as Gasol potentially being a Bull. But Bulls didnt want Deng included and Memphis supposedly wanted Deng or no deal. So had Chicago gave up Deng Bulls have a low post scoring threat. You'e just too full of feces to read & comprehend.

10-12-2007, 07:07 PM

i seen hippos
10-12-2007, 07:08 PM
If this is crap for Gasol, then it's a no-brainer. Gasol isn't as good as everyone makes him out to be. He will not be with the Bulls for that long. Deng's ceiling is much higher than Gasol's, though I wouldn't be opposed to a Deng + crap for Gasol deal. Jerry West's dumb ass wanted Gordon/Deng initially, then moved on to some other idiotic idea.

The only trade you overpay for is a Kobe one.

Read Gobb above.

10-12-2007, 07:10 PM
Ric Bucher said Kobe wouldnt be a Laker after the draft was over. Its Oct 12 2007 and Kobe is a Laker. Sorry I dont put much weight into his talks. At this point a deal must actually be on the table similar to the KG trade drama where deals were out there, pending and the only thing we couldnt get right is all the players involved but we knew KG was to be dealt.

Few days? I only need a few seconds before i hit the "reject trade offer" and leave a comment in the section "F*ck outta here!". :lol:

Horrible deal. WTH do the Lakers want with them two. Try again Dallas.

And there's the whole training camp issue...

Samurai Swoosh
10-12-2007, 07:10 PM
Gordon with a re-up contract, sent with Deng / and Chris Duhon is the way to go ...

That lineup is still a shoe in to make the Bulls get past at least the 2nd round. I mean think about what Bron did with the Cavs last year and that team. Now picture what Kobe Bryant could do with a squad like this ...

Hinrich / Curry
Bryant / Sefalosha
Nocioni / Thomas
Wallace / Gray
Smith / Noah

10-12-2007, 07:15 PM
You just did. :lol:

Where??? By piggybacking how Chicago is overrating Deng that they pass up good deals ie Pau Gasol? Wow you couldnt see a point if it hit you in the ass.

Gasol is not that good. Go ahead and look at the per game stats all day, kid.

How did Memphis win 50+ games? You sit there and figure that out. And i dont care for per 48...wrong poster f*ck face.

Sure, 20/9 looks nice on paper. And once he bolts for FA in 3 years, the Bulls will be left with nothing down low, and nothing at SF, while a 25 year old Luol Deng will be tearing it up in Memphis.

Tearing it up? You just made Deng out to be some easy to find talent that the league is flooded with. Now you're gonna give him credit? Hilarious. If Deng kind of players arent hard to find the Bulls in 3yrs should be able to get one right? Hold that thought or lack thereof.

Pau Gasol is a solid defender and one thing you overlook is a PASSING big man. Anyone who can score downlow but be able to pass out of double teams is gonna help the team that much more.

Kobe is the only trade in which Gordon and Deng go. You know nothing about the Bulls. Stop pretending you do. :lol:

You know nothing about bball...we all know you dont. :confusedshrug:

10-12-2007, 07:15 PM
Bulls do you have a reading comprehension problem? dude go back and re-read what was said and quit ruining the thread arguing a point nobody made... efffing moron... you are the exact reason tigers eat their young....

10-12-2007, 07:19 PM
If what Bucher is saying is true, Buss brought this on himself. He could have just kept it quiet and analyzed deals behind closed doors. Now, he wont be able to maximize any deal with he whole league knowing Kobe will be dealt. All this negative energy surrounding the organization and the team...thats no setting for winning. Kobe had it in the back of his mind until this was brought up by Buss.

Kobe must be dealt now.

This is assuming Bucher has any credibility left.

10-12-2007, 07:20 PM
Never a dull moment... so what will be telling about whether Bucher is correct or not will be how Kobe's body language is at training camp in the coming preseason games. Lets face it, he cant keep up a smile all the time... his body language will give it away. I think it was gts that commented that Kobe seemed a bit disengaged in last nights loss against GS.


10-12-2007, 07:20 PM
I really hate that Bucher guy.

E'nuff of him already.

F*cking Buss....WTF?

10-12-2007, 07:22 PM
If what Bucher is saying is true, Buss brought this on himself. He could have just kept it quiet and analyzed deals behind closed doors. Now, he wont be able to maximize any deal with he whole league knowing Kobe will be dealt. All this negative energy surrounding the organization and the team...thats no setting for winning. Kobe had it in the back of his mind until this was brought up by Buss.

Kobe must be dealt now.

This is assuming Bucher has any credibility left.

did he have any credibility to begin with?
he was the guy guaranteeing that Kobe would never where the uniform again. then said he would hold out.

10-12-2007, 07:23 PM
Jerry friggin Buss dont have the balls to trade kobe, kobe is the only reason why sTaples center is selling out.

10-12-2007, 07:24 PM
did he have any credibility to begin with?
he was the guy guaranteeing that Kobe would never where the uniform again. then said he would hold out.

Good point but right now, it seems that hes just giving out too much detail to think hes BSing. "Kobe said this, said that..."

10-12-2007, 07:24 PM
Kobe doesnt wanna go to the ****ing Bulls... Kirk Heinrich? Please... Washed up Ben Wallace?

Dallas needs to give the Lakers whatever they want except for Dirk..

Dirk + Kobe = Title...

2 of the top5 players in the NBA that would be great for the next 5-6 years.

10-12-2007, 07:26 PM
Kobe doesnt wanna go to the ****ing Bulls... Kirk Heinrich? Please... Washed up Ben Wallace?

Dallas needs to give the Lakers whatever they want except for Dirk..

Dirk + Kobe = Title...

2 of the top5 players in the NBA that would be great for the next 5-6 years.

Dallas doesn't have the juice.

10-12-2007, 07:26 PM
Kobe doesnt wanna go to the ****ing Bulls... Kirk Heinrich? Please... Washed up Ben Wallace?

Dallas needs to give the Lakers whatever they want except for Dirk..

Dirk + Kobe = Title...

2 of the top5 players in the NBA that would be great for the next 5-6 years.

Kobe would get irritated with Dirk's propensity to choke on his way to the title...


10-12-2007, 07:27 PM
And now, From Lower Merion Highschool, 6'6, Number 45, Kobe Bryant....

10-12-2007, 07:27 PM
Kobe would get irritated with Dirk's propensity to choke on his way to the title...


Dirk can play the role of Pippen like he has always wanted to... Kobe will be Jordan like hes always wanted to be... works out perfect if you ask me.

10-12-2007, 07:29 PM
Devin Harris,Howard,Diop + $$$,future 1st round picks and fillers for Kobe and junk should work... If Chicago wont give up Deng then I dont see anyone who can come close to a better deal for the Lakers.

10-12-2007, 07:29 PM
Dirk can play the role of Pippen like he has always wanted to... Kobe will be Jordan like hes always wanted to be... works out perfect if you ask me.

Uhh no, because Dirk's defense sucks... nice try but he's no Pippen.


10-12-2007, 07:30 PM
If what Bucher is saying is true, Buss brought this on himself. He could have just kept it quiet and analyzed deals behind closed doors. Now, he wont be able to maximize any deal with he whole league knowing Kobe will be dealt. All this negative energy surrounding the organization and the team...thats no setting for winning. Kobe had it in the back of his mind until this was brought up by Buss.

Kobe must be dealt now.

This is assuming Bucher has any credibility left. i'm having the feeling something has been going on behind the scenes since camp started and buss put his foot down...

think about this since way back, when kobe announced that he would opt out, all through the mess in colorado, and contract dealings...thru phil being released and the shaq fued what has bussed said over and over?
he's always said, kobe will retire a laker, kobe is a laker for life, he once said to trade kobe away, the other team would have to sign over the franchise...
even after the end of may, when kobe went on his radio tour, buss said he would not trade kobe...then bam! kobe's up for sale... why the sudden change of stance? that's why i say something is going on behind the scenes...gosh i hope phil writes another book someday...

I think it was gts that commented that Kobe seemed a bit disengaged in last nights loss against GS.no actually i thought it was the first game he seemed put out,,last night he was at least interacting with the guys and smiling somewhat...

10-12-2007, 07:32 PM
Uhh no, because Dirk's defense sucks... nice try but he's no Pippen.


Please, by the time his career is over, he will be considered alot better than Scottie Pippen ever was... Sure Pippen is better on defense but Dirks offense put him over the top.

10-12-2007, 07:32 PM
i'm having the feeling something has been going on behind the scenes since camp started and buss put his foot down...

think about this since way back, when kobe announced that he would opt out, all through the mess in colorado, and contract dealins...thru phil being released and the shaq fued what has bussed said over and over?
he's always said, kobe will retire a laker, kobe is a laker for life, he once said to trade kobe the other team whould have to sign over the franchise...
even after the end of may when kobe went on his radio tour buss said he would not trade kobe...then bam! kobe's up for sale... why the sudden change of stance? that's why i say something is going on behind the scenes...gosh i hope phil writes another book someday...

and that would be the only logical reason that buss would have said what he said at this point of time... as i have said, the timing of buss's comments is completely stupid, so perhaps your theory holds water!


10-12-2007, 07:36 PM
If we gave up Deng, I'm not sure we'd have to include Thomas, but if we'd have to, so be it.


You are such a Kobe homer You don;t even look at the fact that Deng is putting up all star numbers at 22, with good defense, while Kobe will only play at an all star level for 5 years TOPs, probably nearer to 3-4 years. Deng will > Kobe in the upcoming years. You say that Deng's play is due to the system, but the Bulls don't even have a system. They runs iso's and use good ball movement to shoot threes. If you were a genuine Bulls fan you would know how they play.
And sorry buddy, that team doesn't exactly equal a championship. I'm pretty sure Wallace would have to be shipped out if the trade were to go down, do to cap reasons. And even with that squad, the Spurs,Suns,Mavs,Celtics, Jazz, Rockets are better, and I even think a motivated Cavs team would beat them in a series. But, soon you will disregard everything I said due to blind homerism.

10-12-2007, 07:37 PM
i'm having the feeling something has been going on behind the scenes since camp started and buss put his foot down...

think about this since way back, when kobe announced that he would opt out, all through the mess in colorado, and contract dealins...thru phil being released and the shaq fued what has bussed said over and over?
he's always said, kobe will retire a laker, kobe is a laker for life, he once said to trade kobe the other team whould have to sign over the franchise...
even after the end of may when kobe went on his radio tour buss said he would not trade kobe...then bam! kobe's up for sale... why the sudden change of stance? that's why i say something is going on behind the scenes...gosh i hope phil writes another book someday...

no actually i thought it was the first game he seemed put out,,last night he was at least interacting with the guys and smiling somewhat...

here will be a telling sign... how quickly Ben Gordon and Deng's new contracts get done. Lakers cannot trade for these guys with their contracts outstanding because their agents could bend the Lakers over. Their new contracts have to get done first, then make a trade (based off their current contracts of course).

10-12-2007, 07:38 PM
here will be a telling sign... how quickly Ben Gordon and Deng's new contracts get done. Lakers cannot trade for these guys with their contracts outstanding because their agents could bend the Lakers over. Their new contracts have to get done first, then make a trade (based off their current contracts of course).

Sign and trades..... interesting... the gm is correct again.


10-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Sign and trades..... interesting... the gm is correct again.


to be more accurate, they could not trade them based on their new contracts (until next summer), it would off their current contracts....which means Noci or Ben Wallace would HAVE to be included to make the math work.

And since the Lakers already have their own version of Noci in the form of Luke. Thus, ship out Ben Wallace to the Suns for either:
a) Marion (send along other pieces to make it work).
b) Barbosa, Diaw, and Atlanta's 1st rd pick.

10-12-2007, 07:42 PM
So fellow Laker fans, how will it feel when Kobe is winning chips and breaking records else where while Bynum doesn't pan out to what the FO envisions him to be?

10-12-2007, 07:45 PM
So fellow Laker fans, how will it feel when Kobe is winning chips and breaking records else where while Bynum doesn't pan out to what the FO envisions him to be?

the same way it feels now that Shaq has won another ring while we got bounced the last 2 years.

10-12-2007, 07:47 PM
here will be a telling sign... how quickly Ben Gordon and Deng's new contracts get done. Lakers cannot trade for these guys with their contracts outstanding because their agents could bend the Lakers over. Their new contracts have to get done first, then make a trade (based off their current contracts of course).

I've been reading numbers like 70 million for Gordon and that is not happening. In the case of Deng having him sign an extension would be preferable if you're the Lakers. But in the case of Gordon I would let another team make an offer because he has 2 major things going against him:

1) He's undersized for a SG.
2) He's a defensive liability.

I would still be suprised if he gets a better deal than what Hinrich got on the open market. If I'm the Lakers I do not want him at 60+ million.

So fellow Laker fans, how will it feel when Kobe is winning chips and breaking records else where while Bynum doesn't pan out to what the FO envisions him to be?

If I was a Laker fan I would curse loudly everytime I hear the name "Kupchak". What a cluster****.

10-12-2007, 07:50 PM
So fellow Laker fans, how will it feel when Kobe is winning chips and breaking records else where while Bynum doesn't pan out to what the FO envisions him to be?you know honestly hotsizzle...

if this is what it takes to send the drama away then so be it... i'm just so tired of the BS that seems to constantly surround kobe...
be it the shaq feud or the one with phil. the colorado deal... malone and i'm sure i forgot something else... the guy just has too much drama around him and if this is what it takes to get everyone back on track then let's go, in the words of kobe "ship his ass out of here"

10-12-2007, 07:54 PM
- Deng is not an all-star, period.
Caron Butler was a All-Star last season.
-They are comparable defenders
-They are around equal rebounders, and Deng may even have the edge, because Caron's rebounding numbers are a bit inflated due to playing in the Wizard's fast paced offense
-While Caron averaged 0.3 more PPG last season, Deng blew him away in FG%:
Caron's %46 compared to Deng's 52%
-Deng is more durable

Seems like Deng is better than the reserve Forward All-Star last year, which basically makes him, and what he was playing at, an All-Star level.

- 5 years is all Kobe needs to destroy this pathetic East.
Even if Kobe did carry the Dengless, Gordonless Bulls to the Finals (which is extremely unlikely) he still has to play against the best of the West, which basically means a sweep for the Spurs/Suns/Mavs/etc.

10-12-2007, 08:03 PM
Caron Butler was a All-Star last season.
-They are comparable defenders
-They are around equal rebounders, and Deng may even have the edge, because Caron's rebounding numbers are a bit inflated due to playing in the Wizard's fast paced offense
-While Caron averaged 0.3 more PPG last season, Deng blew him away in FG%:
Caron's %46 compared to Deng's 52%
-Deng is more durable

Seems like Deng is better than the reserve Forward All-Star last year, which basically makes him, and what he was playing at, an All-Star level.

Even if Kobe did carry the Dengless, Gordonless Bulls to the Finals (which is extremely unlikely) he still has to play against the best of the West, which basically means a sweep for the Spurs/Suns/Mavs/etc.

Deng will not be an all-star anytime soon. too many better forwards. maybe if he can transition to the SG spot.
Josh Smith is about to pass him up. Josh already outrebounds, out-assists, and wayyyyyy out-blocks Deng.

10-12-2007, 08:04 PM
you know honestly hotsizzle...

if this is what it takes to send the drama away then so be it... i'm just so tired of the BS that seems to constantly surround kobe...
be it the shaq feud or the one with phil. the colorado deal... malone and i'm sure i forgot something else... the guy just has too much drama around him and if this is what it takes to get everyone back on track then let's go, in the words of kobe "ship his ass out of here"

I want him gone too, not for the same reasons though. It's whats best for both parties, not in terms of whats best for winning, but whats best in terms of what they want.

Kobe wants to win now, there are plenty of teams out there that share the same goals...its best if he goes to one of them.

Lakers want youth and rebuilding process, its best to trade Kobe for youth, picks, salary relief.

This whole time, I hoped Lakers would be trying full force to build a championship team because thats their motive...but most of their attempts have been to appease Kobe...they really want to build for the future as Jerry hands his franchise over to Jimmy.

The tough part is Laker fanhood here. I know trading Kobe is the absolute wrong thing to do for this team. It's just sooo stupid to waste the best player in the game in his prime like this (especially if hes someone as determined as Kobe)...so incompetent. But its time for it to be done. Best for Kobe and its what the FO ultimately wants.

10-12-2007, 08:05 PM
you know honestly hotsizzle...

if this is what it takes to send the drama away then so be it... i'm just so tired of the BS that seems to constantly surround kobe...
be it the shaq feud or the one with phil. the colorado deal... malone and i'm sure i forgot something else... the guy just has too much drama around him and if this is what it takes to get everyone back on track then let's go, in the words of kobe "ship his ass out of here"

haha, i was just having a conversation about this very subject with my dad about an hour ago! i agree... and I am a Laker fan over being the fan of any one player!


Indian guy
10-12-2007, 08:09 PM
Kobe to the Bulls is a pipe dream. The absolute LAST thing John Paxson will do is part with Deng and the mere thought of him giving up his 2 best players(Deng and Gordon) for Kobe is even more laughable. Kobe is not coming to Chicago.

Also, watch out for Deng this season. He's a legit Top 10 player in the making given his incredible work ethic and the MANY improvements he made in his game this offseason.

10-12-2007, 08:11 PM
haha, i was just having a conversation about this very subject with my dad about an hour ago! i agree... and I am a Laker fan over being the fan of any one player!

:pimp:well you know i'm a laker fan first too and as much as i'd love to have kobe be here until he retires and see his jersey next to the others someday...

but there just comes a time when as a fan you ask is this constant BS worth it? no it's not at least for me, after all, it's not like the team is winning with him, and i realize that it's not his fault entirely if at all, but if they can't make him happy and they can't win with him lets do something else eh?

10-12-2007, 08:13 PM
Kobe to the Bulls is a pipe dream. The absolute LAST thing John Paxson will do is part with Deng and the mere thought of him giving up his 2 best players(Deng and Gordon) for Kobe is even more laughable. Kobe is not coming to Chicago.

Also, watch out for Deng this season. He's a legit Top 10 player in the making given his incredible work ethic and the MANY improvements he made in his game this offseason.

This is funny on many levels.
1st. Hinrich is the best player on that team.
2nd. Deng is no where near top-10 in this league, no where near top 10 in the east...not even top-10 forward.

10-12-2007, 08:17 PM
New Article:

[QUOTE]Friday, October 12, 2007
Lakers focus on unity, winning

Jerry Buss' comments about trading Kobe Bryant caused some fireworks, but the Lakers so far aren't taking their eyes off the ball to watch them.

By KEVIN DING The Orange County Register


10-12-2007, 08:25 PM
^seems to me that Buss is trying to put out the fire he started.

Indian guy
10-12-2007, 08:27 PM
This is funny on many levels.
1st. Hinrich is the best player on that team.

You won't find a single Bulls fan who'll agree with you on that one. Kirk was the team's best player for a period but that all changed last season. Deng is now the undisputed best player on the team. Most will pick BG for 2nd. Skiles and Paxson also consider Deng and BG the 2 best players on the team.

I've noticed though that most non Bulls fans seem to think Kirk's the team's player. I've frankly never understood what that's based on. He doesn't have the best numbers and if it was a question of whose absence would hurt Bulls the most, nobody whose followed the team consistently will pick Kirk. He's not the MVP of the team. Not the most talented and not the most productive. What he IS is a very very solid player and a BIG part of what makes the Bulls one of East's best.

2nd. Deng is no where near top-10 in this league, no where near top 10 in the east...not even top-10 forward.

Never said he's Top 10. But he's got the POTENTIAL to be one(he's only 22 + has a terrific work ethic). I know the Top 10 will sound silly now but Deng's added A LOT to his game during the offseason. That's why I said to watch out for him this year.

10-12-2007, 08:33 PM
2nd. Deng is not even top-10 forward.
Yeah he is.
1. Duncan
2. LeBron
3. Garnett
4a. Carmelo
4b. Paul Pierce
6. Shawn Marion

Those are the only forwards undisputedly better than him.

10-12-2007, 08:40 PM
Yeah he is.
1. Duncan
2. LeBron
3. Garnett
4a. Carmelo
4b. Paul Pierce
6. Shawn Marion

Those are the only forwards undisputedly better than him.

Gerald Wallace
TMac (he is listed as SF)

Those are all definately better. Here are others that MAY be debateable:
Paul Pierce
Caron Butler
Josh Smith
Jermaine Oneal
Rashard Lewis

and that's just off the top of my head.

10-12-2007, 08:51 PM
Gerald Wallace
TMac (he is listed as SF)

Those are all definately better. Here are others that MAY be debateable:
Paul Pierce
Caron Butler
Josh Smith
Jermaine Oneal
Rashard Lewis

and that's just off the top of my head.
Sh*t, i can;t believe i forgot about all those people. My bad, haha. I still consider Deng better than Rashard, Zach, Caron, Josh Smith, Gerald Wallace, and on the same tier as Jermaine O'neil. I considered Okafor and Dwight Centers.

10-12-2007, 08:54 PM
Sh*t, i can;t believe i forgot about all those people. My bad, haha. I still consider Deng better than Rashard, Zach, Caron, Josh Smith, Gerald Wallace, and on the same tier as Jermaine O'neil. I considered Okafor and Dwight Centers.

well, Deng is still very young and can still evolve into a great player...otherwise, I would not be demanding that my Lakers somehow get him in the trade.

10-12-2007, 08:55 PM
^seems to me that Buss is trying to put out the fire he started.

What drama happens in LA, that drama lives forever. So Buss can't put out his own fire.

10-12-2007, 09:06 PM
If the bulls could get Kobe for Gordon/Deng/(Noah or Thomas) they'd be fools not to do it.

10-12-2007, 09:18 PM
Dallas offered Jason Terry and Josh Howard for him but that was rejected by Buss after a few days of thinking about it.
Kobe to Dallas with Dirk? I would love to see that happen.

Knoe Itawl
10-12-2007, 09:38 PM
The typical overrating of Kobe in this thread is nauseating. I hope he does go to another team so all of this "but but his team sucks" stuff can stop. Though when he fails to lead Chicago anywhere, you can bet these people will STILL have excuses (he was injured, the rape trial, the team isn't built around him, the dog ate my homeword, etc.)

10-12-2007, 10:17 PM
The typical overrating of Kobe in this thread is nauseating. I hope he does go to another team so all of this "but but his team sucks" stuff can stop. Though when he fails to lead Chicago anywhere, you can bet these people will STILL have excuses (he was injured, the rape trial, the team isn't built around him, the dog ate my homeword, etc.)

my dog ate my homeword too

10-12-2007, 10:24 PM
^seems to me that Buss is trying to put out the fire he started.actually he said that during the same interview that was first reported by the time, register and the riverside paper...it just didn't appear in the times article...

10-12-2007, 10:27 PM
actually he said that during the same interview that was first reported by the time, register and the riverside paper...it just didn't appear in the times article...

weird, so he said that during the interview? haha so what is his exact position on this then? Why tell the public that he considers trading Kobe and put the team's chemistry in jeopardy when he still believes this team can win as is. I wish there was a video of this interview or something.

10-12-2007, 10:32 PM
Why tell the public that he considers trading Kobe when he still believes this team can win as is.Because Kobe demanded a trade, a demand he has yet to recant... if kobe were to come out and say i don't want to be traded, i'm not gonna walk in two years then buss never says a word..but because kobe dodged the question all summer and all he would say is "the lakers know where i stand" which is that he wants a trade...

10-12-2007, 10:36 PM
Because Kobe demanded a trade, a demand he has yet to recant... if kobe were to come out and say i don't want to be traded, i'm not gonna walk in two years then buss never says a word..but because kobe dodged the question all summer and all he would say is "the lakers know where i stand" which is that he wants a trade...

Why let it out though? If he considers trading Kobe, why not behind closed doors. Isnt that what Kobe and Laker management agreed on, keeping it private? I understand him considering trading Kobe since Kobe wants out but if he really believes that this team can win as is, why bring the distractions/negative media, etc. onto it? Why not let this team play and see where they go and he can consider all trade possibilities privately. Unless of course, theres a hidden meaning behind it, like you said.

10-12-2007, 10:46 PM
Why let it out though? If he considers trading Kobe, why not behind closed doors. Isnt that what Kobe and Laker management agreed on, keeping it private? I understand him considering trading Kobe since Kobe wants out but if he really believes that this team can win as is, why bring the distractions/negative media, etc. onto it? Why not let this team play and see where they go and he can consider all trade possibilities privately. Unless of course, theres a hidden meaning behind it, like you said.well the only meaning is "that i'm the boss, i pay you and your not untouchable" what sparked it? we'll maybe never know, maybe there's something going on behind the scenes maybe something has been said to buss or got back to him... who know's? lets be honest kobe is not above reproach when it comes to dealings and his agent is maybe one of the biggest worms out there...lol

and as i said earlier, buss no matter what has always, always publicly stood behind kobe 100% no matter what and he backed kobe over any other personality on the team and continued to do so even after kobe demanded the trade, so this sudden change is telling me at least something has gone down to change that opinon...

10-12-2007, 10:47 PM
You bet your ass that if the Lakers are doing horrible, Kobe is gone by the deadline.

10-12-2007, 10:55 PM
Curry Crawford Robinson and/or Lee for Kobe
i don't care imagine what that wuld do for NY if Kobe was on the Knicks :eek:
Who the **** ever

not too bad (still bad on defense of course, but super entertaining)

but too bad it wont happen:cry:

10-12-2007, 11:08 PM
You bet your ass that if the Lakers are doing horrible, Kobe is gone by the deadline.

Actually, I'd rather see them make a trade sooner than later. If the Lakers are doing horribly this season, which we all anticipate, the Lakers would have better trade leverage now then when they are choking the season and desperate to make a move. To get max value, I say you pull the trigger now. Put that p*ssy GM to work Mr. Buss....


Samurai Swoosh
10-12-2007, 11:11 PM
This is funny on many levels.
1st. Hinrich is the best player on that team.
2nd. Deng is no where near top-10 in this league, no where near top 10 in the east...not even top-10 forward.
Correct on ALL fronts. This man knows his basketball. Respect.

10-12-2007, 11:14 PM
Correct on ALL fronts. This man knows his basketball. Respect.

He's glossed the "GM" just so you know... and he knows the game well. He'd probably do a better job than Kupchak! lol


10-12-2007, 11:21 PM
On the same tier as Jermaine O'Neal? A legit 20/10/2.5 star? :roll:

Better than Zach Randolph? No way in hell. :lol:

Deng is a good player... Maybe a Glenn Robinson with alittle bit better rebounding, but I don't think he's as good as a healthy Jermaine O'Neal.

10-12-2007, 11:22 PM
Actually, I'd rather see them make a trade sooner than later. If the Lakers are doing horribly this season, which we all anticipate, the Lakers would have better trade leverage now then when they are choking the season and desperate to make a move. To get max value, I say you pull the trigger now. Put that p*ssy GM to work Mr. Buss....

:pimp:i agree with most points but do you really think they'll do that bad? i dn't see them as setting the world on fire but i can see 50 wins if they stay healthy...

10-12-2007, 11:29 PM
i agree with most points but do you really think they'll do that bad? i dn't see them as setting the world on fire but i can see 50 wins if they stay healthy...

My gut is that there is enough distraction to put this team at 42-40 right now as the team currently stands... one and done in the playoffs at best. But you know me, I have been wrong before!


10-13-2007, 12:13 AM
I have never seen so many people underrate the bulls and their players as much you guys. The Luol Deng bashing is comical. I mean why the hell do you think every single team that tries to trade with the Bulls demands Deng be involved??? Because he is a 22 year old rising all-star. I guarantee he is an all-star this year. Josh Howard was an all-star last year averaging 18.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 1.8 apg, 1.2 spg, shooting 46% from the field and 82% from the line. Compare that to Deng's 18.8 ppg, 7.1 rpg, 2.5 apg, 1.2 spg and 52% from the field and 78% from the line. Same stats and Luol's are actually better, Luol is 22 and Howard is 27, and Howard has Dirk playing next to him unlike Lu having a superstar to play with. Compare Rip Hamilton and Luol's stats, Luols are better and he is was an all-star too. Luol Deng will be an all-star this year for sure. The bulls will have atleast one all-star this year it will be Deng.

Trading Deng, Gordon, and Thomas is suicide for Paxson, he would never think it. Anyone who trashes Paxson blatently denies the reality of what he has done for the Bulls since coming into power in 2003. He has built this team with hard work over 4 years now weeding out the guys who don't have the team first-overachieve-winning is everything mindset. Keep hating it up on Deng, Gordon, Hinrich, ****, anyone on the Bulls. It makes the thrill of victory and success even greater for true Bulls fans who read this whole post and read about people who don't even watch the Bulls play year round or even a quarter of their games. I love how Bulls likes to talk an infinite amount of **** about Deng for atleast the last 6 months, talk mad **** about not trading Deng to Memphis for Gasol, then completely contradicting everything he has said by saying it would be stupid to trade Deng to Memphis because Deng will tearing it up at age 25 in memphis. It's all one big joke anyway. No true Bulls fan in Chicago wants Kobe on the team if meant Deng,Gordon, and Thomas. Hey go ahead and hate but Luol Deng has so much promise, work ethic, and natural ability that I wouldn't trade him to La for Kobe period. Kobe Bryant has torn the only orginization he has ever known apart on multiple occasions all maxing out this summer. The Bulls have great odds at competing for multiple chips with their team now with unselfish players who combine to be stronger than 1 dude who gives NBA superstars a bad name after how he has handled himself this summer. Paxson will do whats right and needed when the time comes. Begin the hatefest, it only makes what I'm saying ring louder, later, when it all happens and you guys are still trying to get an autographed Kobe Bryant pubic hair.

Bulls 08 EC Champs

KB24 D Riders = Fa ggits

Luol Deng 08 all-star

10-13-2007, 12:22 AM
I have never seen so many people underrate the bulls and their players as much you guys. The Luol Deng bashing is comical. I mean why the hell do you think every single team that tries to trade with the Bulls demands Deng be involved??? Because he is a 22 year old rising all-star. I guarantee he is an all-star this year. Josh Howard was an all-star last year averaging 18.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 1.8 apg, 1.2 spg, shooting 46% from the field and 82% from the line. Compare that to Deng's 18.8 ppg, 7.1 rpg, 2.5 apg, 1.2 spg and 52% from the field and 78% from the line. Same stats and Luol's are actually better, Luol is 22 and Howard is 27, and Howard has Dirk playing next to him unlike Lu having a superstar to play with. Compare Rip Hamilton and Luol's stats, Luols are better and he is was an all-star too. Luol Deng will be an all-star this year for sure. The bulls will have atleast one all-star this year it will be Deng.

Trading Deng, Gordon, and Thomas is suicide for Paxson, he would never think it. Anyone who trashes Paxson blatently denies the reality of what he has done for the Bulls since coming into power in 2003. He has built this team with hard work over 4 years now weeding out the guys who don't have the team first-overachieve-winning is everything mindset. Keep hating it up on Deng, Gordon, Hinrich, ****, anyone on the Bulls. It makes the thrill of victory and success even greater for true Bulls fans who read this whole post and read about people who don't even watch the Bulls play year round or even a quarter of their games. I love how Bulls likes to talk an infinite amount of **** about Deng for atleast the last 6 months, talk mad **** about not trading Deng to Memphis for Gasol, then completely contradicting everything he has said by saying it would be stupid to trade Deng to Memphis because Deng will tearing it up at age 25 in memphis. It's all one big joke anyway. No true Bulls fan in Chicago wants Kobe on the team if meant Deng,Gordon, and Thomas. Hey go ahead and hate but Luol Deng has so much promise, work ethic, and natural ability that I wouldn't trade him to La for Kobe period. Kobe Bryant has torn the only orginization he has ever known apart on multiple occasions all maxing out this summer. The Bulls have great odds at competing for multiple chips with their team now with unselfish players who combine to be stronger than 1 dude who gives NBA superstars a bad name after how he has handled himself this summer. Paxson will do whats right and needed when the time comes. Begin the hatefest, it only makes what I'm saying ring louder, later, when it all happens and you guys are still trying to get an autographed Kobe Bryant pubic hair.

Bulls 08 EC Champs

KB24 D Riders = Fa ggits

Luol Deng 08 all-star

Great! Deng is gonna be an all star, Kobe is a HOFer in his ****ing prime.

So what if every team in the league is asking for Deng; every team in the league Lakers talk to asks for Bynum...does it mean he's going to be a HOFer? Deng is a nice player at 22 with a lot of potential but he isn't, nor will he ever be Kobe Bryant. It's not hating on Deng to suggest trading him for the best player in the game.

You saying that you wouldn't trade Deng straight up for Kobe is a joke and the bias is obvious.

NY Comeback
10-13-2007, 12:33 AM
I have never seen so many people underrate the bulls and their players as much you guys. The Luol Deng bashing is comical. I mean why the hell do you think every single team that tries to trade with the Bulls demands Deng be involved??? Because he is a 22 year old rising all-star. I guarantee he is an all-star this year. Josh Howard was an all-star last year averaging 18.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 1.8 apg, 1.2 spg, shooting 46% from the field and 82% from the line. Compare that to Deng's 18.8 ppg, 7.1 rpg, 2.5 apg, 1.2 spg and 52% from the field and 78% from the line. Same stats and Luol's are actually better, Luol is 22 and Howard is 27, and Howard has Dirk playing next to him unlike Lu having a superstar to play with. Compare Rip Hamilton and Luol's stats, Luols are better and he is was an all-star too. Luol Deng will be an all-star this year for sure. The bulls will have atleast one all-star this year it will be Deng.

Trading Deng, Gordon, and Thomas is suicide for Paxson, he would never think it. Anyone who trashes Paxson blatently denies the reality of what he has done for the Bulls since coming into power in 2003. He has built this team with hard work over 4 years now weeding out the guys who don't have the team first-overachieve-winning is everything mindset. Keep hating it up on Deng, Gordon, Hinrich, ****, anyone on the Bulls. It makes the thrill of victory and success even greater for true Bulls fans who read this whole post and read about people who don't even watch the Bulls play year round or even a quarter of their games. I love how Bulls likes to talk an infinite amount of **** about Deng for atleast the last 6 months, talk mad **** about not trading Deng to Memphis for Gasol, then completely contradicting everything he has said by saying it would be stupid to trade Deng to Memphis because Deng will tearing it up at age 25 in memphis. It's all one big joke anyway. No true Bulls fan in Chicago wants Kobe on the team if meant Deng,Gordon, and Thomas. Hey go ahead and hate but Luol Deng has so much promise, work ethic, and natural ability that I wouldn't trade him to La for Kobe period. Kobe Bryant has torn the only orginization he has ever known apart on multiple occasions all maxing out this summer. The Bulls have great odds at competing for multiple chips with their team now with unselfish players who combine to be stronger than 1 dude who gives NBA superstars a bad name after how he has handled himself this summer. Paxson will do whats right and needed when the time comes. Begin the hatefest, it only makes what I'm saying ring louder, later, when it all happens and you guys are still trying to get an autographed Kobe Bryant pubic hair.

Bulls 08 EC Champs

KB24 D Riders = Fa ggits

Luol Deng 08 all-star

Kobe won't get traded. Period. He burried himself in this hole, now he has to deal with it.

10-13-2007, 12:34 AM
:oldlol: at Dallas' pathetic trade offer.

10-13-2007, 12:34 AM

Kobe won't get traded. Period. He burried himself in this hole, now he has to deal with it.

How exactly did he bury himself in this hole? I don't think he signed to play for an inept management.

10-13-2007, 12:36 AM
Every team may ask for Bynum but the difference between him and Deng, is Luol has proven himself already. Bynum hasn't put up **** for LA, and Deng average 22 and 8.7 rebs in just his second playoffs in 10 games last year. Deng is going to be a 22-25 ppg with 8-10 rpg in his prime. Pairing him with a 24 yr old 20+ppg scorer in gordon and the athletic super freak 21 yr old Tyrus Thomas and it would be a bad trade for the bulls. I wouldn't say I wouldn't trade Deng straight up for Kobe, but I wouldn't even do it for Deng and Thomas. Yea I said it, lick Kobe's nutz some more now. Paxson is not going to involve Deng in a deal reguardless of all this conversation. Gordon, Noc, Noah, Sefolosha, and/or filler and draft pick is the most Pax will give to break up his core. And i understand Kobe is one of the greatest all time HOF'ers but Deng will be in the hall of fame when all is said and done too. Kobe hasn't proved he can win w/out another superstar next to him anyway. Why give up 3 ultra promising young stars that equal more value than Kobe in the long run knowing they'll will be around 10 years from now, atleast Deng and Thomas will. Kobe hasn't shown he can put a team on his back since the Diesel left and that's a fact. If he was good enough by himself then Paxson would have already made a deal.

10-13-2007, 12:38 AM
:oldlol: at Dallas' pathetic trade offer.

Whats funnier is that it took Buss a few days to reject it

5 months ago, Lakers were considering a Bynum for Kidd deal. Now they're considering Howard + Terry for Kobe deal. Nice going

10-13-2007, 12:42 AM
Whats funnier is that it took Buss a few days to reject it

5 months ago, Lakers were considering a Bynum for Kidd deal. Now they're considering Howard + Terry for Kobe deal. Nice going
Cuban should just throw in Diop and get this thing done

10-13-2007, 12:49 AM
Come to think about it Deng and Gordon combined to average 40 ppg, will be even more this year, close to 45ppg, Deng averages more boards than Kobe by himself, Gordon and Dengs assists average equals kobe and they combine for just as many if not more steals and blocks, Gordon shoots 86% from the line like Kobe, and averages 1.9 3pg, which equals Kobe's 1.8 3pg. All of that said, I didn't even include what Tyrus brings to the table. He is a future 15-20ppg, 10-12rpg, 2 bpg, and 1.5 spg. Watch him play this year and you will see how good he will be. The bulls orginization will completely shape this guy into the beast he was meant to be.

10-13-2007, 12:49 AM
Cuban should just throw in Diop and get this thing done


10-13-2007, 12:49 AM
Every team may ask for Bynum but the difference between him and Deng, is Luol has proven himself already. Bynum hasn't put up **** for LA, and Deng average 22 and 8.7 rebs in just his second playoffs in 10 games last year. Deng is going to be a 22-25 ppg with 8-10 rpg in his prime. Pairing him with a 24 yr old 20+ppg scorer in gordon and the athletic super freak 21 yr old Tyrus Thomas and it would be a bad trade for the bulls. I wouldn't say I wouldn't trade Deng straight up for Kobe, but I wouldn't even do it for Deng and Thomas. Yea I said it, lick Kobe's nutz some more now. Paxson is not going to involve Deng in a deal reguardless of all this conversation. Gordon, Noc, Noah, Sefolosha, and/or filler and draft pick is the most Pax will give to break up his core. And i understand Kobe is one of the greatest all time HOF'ers but Deng will be in the hall of fame when all is said and done too. Kobe hasn't proved he can win w/out another superstar next to him anyway. Why give up 3 ultra promising young stars that equal more value than Kobe because they will be around 10 years from now. Kobe hasn't shown he can put a team on his back since the Diesel left and that's a fact. If he was good enough by himself then Paxson would have already made a deal.

And what exactly has Deng proved to make you say hes going to be a for sure HOFer? Do I need to tell you what Kobe was like at 22?

Just stop kid, there is no comparison between Deng and Kobe. I like Luol too but the overrating of him is disgusting. Like I said, he isnt, nor will he ever be Kobe Bryant.

Kobe hasnt been able to put a team on his back? Where the hell were you? Who was it that has been single handedly winning games by himself the last few seasons carrying the Lakers to the playoffs in the western conference? Theres only so much you can do with the team you're given.

Again, there is no comparison between Deng and Kobe.

That said, I didn't even mention the Deng, Gordon, etc. for Kobe trade. My whole post was directed at your fondness of Deng...saying hes a HOFer, blah blah blah. I understand Paxson's position on this and his hesitance to deal away the team's whole future.

10-13-2007, 12:50 AM
I wouldn't mind Kobe being a maverick but I rather have him in the purple and gold.

10-13-2007, 12:56 AM
Straight up deal Deng for Kobe is an obvious move ot make. its all the extra that makes it bad for the Bulls. Lot of people want them to give so much they basically become the Lakers in the east. Kirk, Ben, and Deng simply cant be packaged together in any combo. Any one of them...plus Noc...plus Tyrus or Noah. All the Lakers should get. If that. Kobe is better than AI and Mcgrady but not by so much he should bring back something that blows away who they got. Some people expect the Bulls to give more than the deals that got Mcgrady and Iverson combined. Id take Ben, Deng, and Tyrus over Francis, Mobley, and Andre Miller every single time.

10-13-2007, 01:02 AM
I never said Luol Deng = Kobe. He doesn't I know that.

But if you deny that Luol Deng isn't already on the path to a hall of fame career then you are underrating him and ignore his stats and stat progression over the first 3 years of his career. What really gets me is how Luol performed in the playoffs, just his second post season appearence ever. A true star can be defined by elevating his play in the post-season. And in the 99-00 when Kobe was 21 and turned 22 he averaged 22.5 ppg, 6.3 rpg. 4.9 apg, and 1.6 spg with the most dominate force in bball at the time in Shaq. The next year he really jumped up in ppg, but Luol at 21 to 22 averaged 18.8, 7.1, 2.5 apg, and 1.2 spg this past season . Not too much worse than kobe's line and he has nothing close to a Shaq that demands double teams all game. I am not doing this to compare Deng being anything resembling Kobe, but Lu's bound to continue his progression and is already blossoming into an all-star like i said. My point really is that Deng is basically untradeable. Trading him now would haunt the Bulls for sure. Deng paired with another star on the Bulls like Gordon and/or Thomas in a trade doesn't make sense. I'm sure all Paxson wants is to pair Kobe and Deng together for the sickest 2/3 duo in the league.

10-13-2007, 01:04 AM
Every team may ask for Bynum but the difference between him and Deng, is Luol has proven himself already. Bynum hasn't put up **** for LA, and Deng average 22 and 8.7 rebs in just his second playoffs in 10 games last year. Deng is going to be a 22-25 ppg with 8-10 rpg in his prime. Pairing him with a 24 yr old 20+ppg scorer in gordon and the athletic super freak 21 yr old Tyrus Thomas and it would be a bad trade for the bulls. I wouldn't say I wouldn't trade Deng straight up for Kobe, but I wouldn't even do it for Deng and Thomas. Yea I said it, lick Kobe's nutz some more now. Paxson is not going to involve Deng in a deal reguardless of all this conversation. Gordon, Noc, Noah, Sefolosha, and/or filler and draft pick is the most Pax will give to break up his core. And i understand Kobe is one of the greatest all time HOF'ers but Deng will be in the hall of fame when all is said and done too. Kobe hasn't proved he can win w/out another superstar next to him anyway. Why give up 3 ultra promising young stars that equal more value than Kobe in the long run knowing they'll will be around 10 years from now, atleast Deng and Thomas will. Kobe hasn't shown he can put a team on his back since the Diesel left and that's a fact. If he was good enough by himself then Paxson would have already made a deal.

you are really embarrassing yourself tonight. have you been drinking?

10-13-2007, 01:06 AM
Your mom's been drinking my love mayonaise.

10-13-2007, 01:14 AM
Trade scenario:

Washington gets

Kobe Bryant

Los Angeles gets

Antwain Jamison
Nick Young
2 first round picks (lottery unprotected)
3 million in cash

This deal is really to clear out cap space for the Lakers, as they will also have Kwame Brown's big contract coming off the books this coming summer. They get one young player and 2 first round picks. Jamison is still a solid pro, so they will probably win about the same number of games.

The Wizards get a duo of Arenas-Bryant-Butler on the wings, which should be championship level caliber.

10-13-2007, 01:20 AM
Dude c'mon hawk fan. 31 year old Jamison and an unproven rookie and 2 draft picks which won't be lottery picks and 3 million cash for KOBE? U sure your not "WizFan"?

10-13-2007, 02:03 AM
Dude c'mon hawk fan. 31 year old Jamison and an unproven rookie and 2 draft picks which won't be lottery picks and 3 million cash for KOBE? U sure your not "WizFan"?

It isn't dollar for dollar in terms of talent by any stretch of the imagination.

The big thing is Jamison's expiring deal, so that the Lakers can get way under the cap next year.

The other option is for the Lakers to try to do a deal with the Hawks for some young players (Sheldon Williams, Marvin Williams and Josh Childress) plus a bunch of expirers.

Or they could try to take back a lot of big contracts.

With Jamison's and Brown's contracts off the books, the Lakers can start the next era in their franchise.

10-13-2007, 02:28 AM
Trade scenario:

Washington gets

Kobe Bryant

Los Angeles gets

Antwain Jamison
Nick Young
2 first round picks (lottery unprotected)
3 million in cash

This deal is really to clear out cap space for the Lakers, as they will also have Kwame Brown's big contract coming off the books this coming summer. They get one young player and 2 first round picks. Jamison is still a solid pro, so they will probably win about the same number of games.

The Wizards get a duo of Arenas-Bryant-Butler on the wings, which should be championship level caliber.
Get the **** out of here. Kobe isn't going anywhere for an expirer, a mediocre rookie, and 2 picks that are going to be worth absolute **** once they roll around. Horrible trade.

El Kabong
10-13-2007, 07:44 AM
If the Lakers take on expirers then the deal should involve them getting rid of there other bad contracts, like Radman and the like. No point in trading Bryant, then keeping all your other crap contracts on the books and still be over the cap.

John Paxson isn't a risk taker. He's not the type of guy who'll shake up the entire team and take a huge risk like trading for Kobe Bryant. He's a builder, he was a perfect GM for the team two years ago, but now that they've got talent, they need a guy who'll be willing to send the team over the edge.

10-13-2007, 08:56 AM
Buss change of position means that by now he is getting zero trade proposals, not even bad ones he is getting anymore.

So this can be more then enough:

Marbury - 20$ million expiring contract, really, really tasty FA's coming up
Crawford - Bound to make his best season, competent scorer that really knows how to feed the center, Curry really struggled without him, and since Bynum will be the focal point of the offense that's really a plus.
Balkman - He would immediatlly be a LA fan favorite, period.
Nichols & Morris - Two really young players with lot of upside.
And a 1st round pick.

And the Knicks could throw in the 7$ million M. Rose expiring contract and take back some bad contracts LA would want to dump.

If we ignore the unrealistic trades with a 9$ million difference in salaries, that some Bulls fans insist in making i haven't seen anything better for the Lakers.

El Kabong
10-13-2007, 09:04 AM
Buss change of position means that by now he is getting zero trade proposals, not even bad ones he is getting anymore.

So this can be more then enough:

Marbury - 20$ million expiring contract, really, really tasty FA's coming up
Crawford - Bound to make his best season, competent scorer that really knows how to feed the center, Curry really struggled without him, and since Bynum will be the focal point of the offense that's really a plus.
Balkman - He would immediatlly be a LA fan favorite, period.
Nichols & Morris - Two really young players with lot of upside.
And a 1st round pick.

And the Knicks could throw in the 7$ million M. Rose expiring contract and take back some bad contracts LA would want to dump.

If we ignore the unrealistic trades with a 9$ million difference in salaries, that some Bulls fans insist in making i haven't seen anything better for the Lakers.
Marbury and Rose both have two years left not one. I'm sure the Lakers would want Lee too.

10-13-2007, 09:06 AM
Marbury and Rose both have two years left not one.


El Kabong
10-13-2007, 09:09 AM
You said they're expiring when they're not.

10-13-2007, 09:16 AM
You said they're expiring when they're not.
omg here we go... well they are expiring since the day they signed the contract.

I remember having this discussion about Francis contract, i've said it was valuable because it was expiring, and someone started calling me names, that Francis is trash nobody would want him and how his contract was not expiring, how 2 years were different from 1... lol, well his "non-expiring" got us one of the best PF of the game. So yes "Huge" diference between two and on year for a team that is rebuilding, moreso when the best FA's are coming in 2,3 years.

Thank god there are GM's that think ahead.

El Kabong
10-13-2007, 09:18 AM
omg here we go... well they are expiring since the day they signed the contract.

I remember having this discussion about Francis contract, i've said it was valuable because it was expiring, and someone started calling me names, that Francis is trash nobody would want him and how his contract was not expiring, how 2 years were different from 1... lol, well his "non-expiring" got us one of the best PF of the game. So yes "Huge" diference between two and on year for a team that is rebuilding, moreso when the best FA are coming in 2,3 years.

Thank god there are GM's that think ahead.
I'm not trying to have a go at you mate. I was simply pointing out something because I thought you may have been under the impression that they were expiring this year seeing as when people use the term expiring they usually mean this year.

10-13-2007, 09:24 AM
I'm not trying to have a go at you mate. I was simply pointing out something because I thought you may have been under the impression that they were expiring this year seeing as when people use the term expiring they usually mean this year.
Ok, fair enough. :cheers:

08-18-2014, 10:56 AM
I have never seen so many people underrate the bulls and their players as much you guys. The Luol Deng bashing is comical. I mean why the hell do you think every single team that tries to trade with the Bulls demands Deng be involved??? Because he is a 22 year old rising all-star. I guarantee he is an all-star this year. Josh Howard was an all-star last year averaging 18.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 1.8 apg, 1.2 spg, shooting 46% from the field and 82% from the line. Compare that to Deng's 18.8 ppg, 7.1 rpg, 2.5 apg, 1.2 spg and 52% from the field and 78% from the line. Same stats and Luol's are actually better, Luol is 22 and Howard is 27, and Howard has Dirk playing next to him unlike Lu having a superstar to play with. Compare Rip Hamilton and Luol's stats, Luols are better and he is was an all-star too. Luol Deng will be an all-star this year for sure. The bulls will have atleast one all-star this year it will be Deng.

Trading Deng, Gordon, and Thomas is suicide for Paxson, he would never think it. Anyone who trashes Paxson blatently denies the reality of what he has done for the Bulls since coming into power in 2003. He has built this team with hard work over 4 years now weeding out the guys who don't have the team first-overachieve-winning is everything mindset. Keep hating it up on Deng, Gordon, Hinrich, ****, anyone on the Bulls. It makes the thrill of victory and success even greater for true Bulls fans who read this whole post and read about people who don't even watch the Bulls play year round or even a quarter of their games. I love how Bulls likes to talk an infinite amount of **** about Deng for atleast the last 6 months, talk mad **** about not trading Deng to Memphis for Gasol, then completely contradicting everything he has said by saying it would be stupid to trade Deng to Memphis because Deng will tearing it up at age 25 in memphis. It's all one big joke anyway. No true Bulls fan in Chicago wants Kobe on the team if meant Deng,Gordon, and Thomas. Hey go ahead and hate but Luol Deng has so much promise, work ethic, and natural ability that I wouldn't trade him to La for Kobe period. Kobe Bryant has torn the only orginization he has ever known apart on multiple occasions all maxing out this summer. The Bulls have great odds at competing for multiple chips with their team now with unselfish players who combine to be stronger than 1 dude who gives NBA superstars a bad name after how he has handled himself this summer. Paxson will do whats right and needed when the time comes. Begin the hatefest, it only makes what I'm saying ring louder, later, when it all happens and you guys are still trying to get an autographed Kobe Bryant pubic hair.

Bulls 08 EC Champs

KB24 D Riders = Fa ggits

Luol Deng 08 all-star

:oldlol: :oldlol:

08-18-2014, 11:00 AM
:oldlol: :oldlol:


08-18-2014, 11:45 AM
Great news.


08-18-2014, 12:01 PM
Kobe for Amare,Smith and SHumpert at the deadline. You heard it here first.

08-18-2014, 12:02 PM
I just came in here to say that I'm don't give a shit what Ric Bucher says anymore.

08-18-2014, 12:16 PM
I just came in here to say that I'm don't give a shit what Ric Bucher says anymore.

You know this thread was from 2007 right?

08-18-2014, 12:27 PM
You know this thread was from 2007 right?

08-18-2014, 12:28 PM
Kobe for Amare,Smith and SHumpert at the deadline. You heard it here first.

I think it's plausible, but is it likely with Kobe's family living in LA?