View Full Version : Unprotected sex, what are the chances of....?

11-04-2007, 06:57 PM
Recently I've had a one night stand with unprotected sex. It was just a random girl I took home from the bar. She said she just came off a 7 year relationship and she doesn't normally do this.

EXPLICIT: Contents may be a little graphic for you youngins.

I did not ejaculate inside her, just on her back. But I went back in almost after. Didn't go anytime after that. I've tried to do the research but couldn't find any exact answers.
What are the chances for:
- Pregnancy

Any specific percentages or websites you can link? What are the percentages?
Kinda freaking out here, just cause this is the first time I did anything like this.

LiL Stevie
11-04-2007, 07:06 PM
:no: Get tested ASAP. One night stands itself are already risky but to do it without protection too? :oldlol: Get tested.

11-04-2007, 07:09 PM
Why did you have unprotected sex with a chick you've never seen before in your life. She could be fibbing for all you know.

And whats up with nutting and go right back in, were you tryin' to shot a porn or something.

I take less then 30 seconds to put a rubber on.

11-04-2007, 07:12 PM
For her to give it up that easy, something must be wrong with her. You better go get tested

11-04-2007, 07:13 PM
If you didnt ejaculate inside her then she cant get pregnant...

The other two are dependant on the premiscuitity of your little friend.

Its unlikely that you get Aids as a man having heterosexual..Females are 4 times more likely because their area of vulnerability is 4 times bigger.

If neither of you have aids the chances of you getting it is something like 50 million to 1 if the sex is unprotected and it goes to 500 million to 1 if you wear a condom.

The chances of getting hit by lightning was something like 600,000 to 1 so you should spend more energy staying out of the rain than worrying about AIDS.

11-04-2007, 07:14 PM
I was crazy hammered and so was she. We didn't even go back to her place to do it. It was so random. A few of us went there too drink after the bar. I got watsed and passed out on the bed. She climbed on me and it was on. No rubbers there. I feel $h!tty about it, and I know what I did was risky and wrong. But lookin up the probabilities of the thigns I mentioned above.

11-04-2007, 07:15 PM
And whats up with nutting and go right back in, were you tryin' to shot a porn or something.


Haha, Yeah i dont want to have anything to do with them for about 5 minutes after.

11-04-2007, 07:16 PM
I think its funny you think AFTER you bust a nut that the chances for STDs were not relevant. :lol: Its almost like "Dood this is hawker and like I figure if I didnt go back for 2nds i wouldnt catch anything!". The fact you had unprotected sex when you were strokin leaves you open.

Chick can/could get pregnant before you pulled out and skeeted.

These are the risks with having unprotected sex especially with a 1 nighter. Gurantee she is rolling in bed now thinkin the same on yahoo or aim asking friends what she should do. Get tested to be safe and hopefully she isnt pregnant. Even if you think the chances arent good the fact that there is absolutely NO GURANTEE you didnt contract anything nor knocked her up says enough. If it aint 100% then there is a possibility even if you like your odds you're safe.

Good luck.

11-04-2007, 07:25 PM
I guess that's the power of alcohol. I thought I was invincible. Plus she said she just came off a long relationship. Honeslty, I don't remember most of it. When I started to sober up though I was like WTF?! and had to get the he ll out of there. Peeps outside like my buddy were like "waht the hell were you doing in there?"
I've had a revolation after that and am gonna be very concious of my drinking habits. I NEVER want to get into that predicament again.

11-04-2007, 07:28 PM
Its almost like "Dood this is hawker and like I figure if I didnt go back for 2nds i wouldnt catch anything!".


11-04-2007, 07:48 PM
Any idea if she was on any birth control? Me and my friend have had unprotected a few times recently and even though she's on birth control and 99.9% unlikely to get it it still worries me sometimes. But at least its with someone I'm close to/have had a long long history with. I know you gotta be worried as hell.

As far as HIV goes i think that might be a little extreme but you should probably get tested for a bunch of other things. You gotta think, if she's loose enough when she's drunk that she'd have sex with you unprotected (a stranger) then odds are she's done it before too

11-04-2007, 07:53 PM
looks like someone has caught themselves some stds.

11-04-2007, 07:56 PM
Just 'wrap it up' guys and you wouldn't be worrying half as much.

11-04-2007, 08:19 PM
What sucks most about HIV testing is you gotta wait like 6 months to be absolutely sure of the results. That's 6 months of sleepless nights stressing over every little imperfection in your health.

But congratulations for skeetn on her (seriously). If you're really worried you could ask her to get tested. A little embarrassing, but worth the peace of mind.

11-04-2007, 08:29 PM
If you didnt ejaculate inside her then she cant get pregnant...
Keep going with the "withdrawl" strategy. Lemme know how it ends up working out for you.

11-04-2007, 08:37 PM
I am normally not someone who has one night stands, but I had one at about this time last year. Girl was totally nuts and ended up falling for me hardcore b/c of that one night together. She even threw a pregnancy scare my way, and I thought to myself "how? I didn't ejaculate inside of her?" Foolish thinking, because that's definately not the case, what with pre-ejac. and all......

You just can't trust someone you don't know. Better to be safe than sorry. All it takes is ONE time, and the end result may not SEEM fair, but that's reality......

11-04-2007, 08:42 PM
Any idea if she was on any birth control? Me and my friend have had unprotected a few times recently and even though she's on birth control and 99.9% unlikely to get it it still worries me sometimes. But at least its with someone I'm close to/have had a long long history with. I know you gotta be worried as hell.

As far as HIV goes i think that might be a little extreme but you should probably get tested for a bunch of other things. You gotta think, if she's loose enough when she's drunk that she'd have sex with you unprotected (a stranger) then odds are she's done it before too
I and my friend.

11-04-2007, 08:44 PM
I and my friend.

Actually if your trying to correct him it's My friend and I..

11-04-2007, 09:03 PM
If you didnt ejaculate inside her then she cant get pregnant...


11-04-2007, 09:04 PM
Recently I've had a one night stand with unprotected sex. It was just a random girl I took home from the bar. She said she just came off a 7 year relationship and she doesn't normally do this.


11-04-2007, 09:38 PM
Take it easy on him boys. The guy is obviously a little worried and admits he's done wrong.
As posted previously the act of having sex always will put you at risk of a pregnancy or an STD. But at the same premise that's like saying you can win the lotto, all you have to do is play. Although grant it, winning the lotto is alot harder.
I don't know what site it's from, but it says that chances of pregnancy using the withdrawl method is about 19%. Still, that's 81% chance that she didn't get knocked up, but you always want to take the precaution. I don't know if that's accurate, but that's the info I got.
As far as an STD, It's obviously alot higher. Get checked. In most cases they are treatable immediately.

11-04-2007, 09:42 PM
You definitely have an STD, dude. Just hope its not one of the bad ones. And even those don't become symptomatic for a while, and can evade some of the tests. HIV for instance can be undetectable for the first few months you have it. Herpes can also operate this way.

In a way, you should almost hope the test comes back positive for something minor, like the Clap, instead of it coming back negative, opening up the possibility for it to be something way, way worse.

But she said she usually doesn't do that type of thing, so you should be ok.


11-04-2007, 09:52 PM
you'd always have to wonder when a girl says "i don't normally do these kinds of things", yet she is doing it with you.


11-04-2007, 10:09 PM
I say you **** that ***** again

Doomsday Dallas
11-05-2007, 12:02 AM
What are the chances for:
- Pregnancy


Welcome to the real world.

11-05-2007, 12:06 AM
If you didnt ejaculate inside her then she cant get pregnant...

not true haha :wtf:

Go read a book.

Dear original poster,

Get tested.

Its hard to get HIV/Aids but other stuff is common.

11-05-2007, 01:15 AM
Even if you let one drop go before you released your load outside, there is a chance she might get pregnant. I hope for your sake that it's not so.

11-05-2007, 01:21 AM
You skeeted on her back?
This sounds like a job for...



11-05-2007, 02:38 AM
hey, good luck to you but were pretty wasted/horny to do this kind of stupid ****. one night stand with a stranger is one thing but not using protection? damn!

11-05-2007, 02:53 AM
If you didnt ejaculate inside her then she cant get pregnant...

Absolutely WRONG... You sir.. are severely misinformed. Even if you don't ejaculate straight into her.. you probably still left a few 100,000 or milliion sperm inside of her, with the tiny amount that comes out during sex (pre-ejaculate is still ejaculate, and full of sperm. Ejaculating and then going back in afterwards probably added another million plus). Chances are fairly high that she could become pregnant. Call Planned Parenthood, and have the girl take the morning after pill.

11-05-2007, 03:15 AM
50% of sexually active individuals have an STD by the time they're 30 years of age. Chances are, my friend, you've got one now. Just hope its not herpes or warts. Unprotected sex only with your girlfriend (non-cheating hopefully) or a long time friend that you trust.

11-05-2007, 07:41 AM
chances of HIV are very low, even if the chic was a carrier. You have pre-*** and stuff flowing outwards and not much gets inside your urethral opening. A woman's chances of getting something is much higher. As long as there were no open sores or blood, you're probably in the clear. IF you had 'rough sex' with scarring and bleeding, you have a greater chance.

As for the preggo, that same pre-*** has sperm in it, and going back in after with *** all over the tip of your dick makes it likely that she could get preggo. But she would have to be at the right time in her cycle, so the chances of that are like 25% or less.

STDs are more likely, gonnorhea, herpes etc...Alcohol inflammes these things and helps them spread. If it hurts when you pee, go see the doc, he can fix you up with some meds.

You feel worried because guilt has set in. There aint nothing you can do now, and in all likelihood nothing happened, so chill out and get over it.

11-05-2007, 08:24 AM
you can go get tested but HIV won't show up for like 6 months. use your brain, dude. life is short.

11-05-2007, 10:09 AM
For everybody telling him to "use his head" -

anybody in here who drinks, EVER, has made some bad choices. Maybe one night it wasn't banging a random without a rubber, maybe it was getting into a fight with a buddy, or acting stupid towards somebody that didn't deserve it. Regardless, condemning someone for making bad decisions while wasted - something 99% of the free world has done before - is redundant and hypocritical. It is really insane how good of an idea sex is after about 15 beer.

11-05-2007, 11:17 AM
Keep going with the "withdrawl" strategy. Lemme know how it ends up working out for you.

I've done alright fro mit this year, though I'm not looking forward to getting an STD test when I get back home. Korean yellow fever of the johnson for sure.

11-05-2007, 12:27 PM
Recently I've had a one night stand with unprotected sex. It was just a random girl I took home from the bar. She said she just came off a 7 year relationship and she doesn't normally do this.

EXPLICIT: Contents may be a little graphic for you youngins.

I did not ejaculate inside her, just on her back. But I went back in almost after. Didn't go anytime after that. I've tried to do the research but couldn't find any exact answers.
What are the chances for:
- Pregnancy

Any specific percentages or websites you can link? What are the percentages?
Kinda freaking out here, just cause this is the first time I did anything like this.
well, unprotected sex is always risky. the cumming as nothing to do with the stds (including hiv). simply sticking your dick in her exposed you to what she has (microtears on the skin and so forth).

Pregnancy? Its entirely possible to knock a girl up with the jizz adhering to your weenie. Where was she in her cycle?

11-05-2007, 06:51 PM
There i a special coming on BET at 6:30 PM called "Sex Quiz" you might need to check that out.

11-05-2007, 08:25 PM
For everybody telling him to "use his head" -

anybody in here who drinks, EVER, has made some bad choices. Maybe one night it wasn't banging a random without a rubber, maybe it was getting into a fight with a buddy, or acting stupid towards somebody that didn't deserve it. Regardless, condemning someone for making bad decisions while wasted - something 99% of the free world has done before - is redundant and hypocritical. It is really insane how good of an idea sex is after about 15 beers.

11-05-2007, 11:35 PM
For everybody telling him to "use his head" -

anybody in here who drinks, EVER, has made some bad choices. Maybe one night it wasn't banging a random without a rubber, maybe it was getting into a fight with a buddy, or acting stupid towards somebody that didn't deserve it. Regardless, condemning someone for making bad decisions while wasted - something 99% of the free world has done before - is redundant and hypocritical. It is really insane how good of an idea sex is after about 15 beer.
That's why people shouldn't drink, I sure don't.:)

05-25-2014, 01:55 AM

You went back in!

Never done that before. That's a recipe for a weeks worth of no sleep lmfao

05-25-2014, 02:23 AM
Haha look at all these betas. It's ok to go raw OP. I'm pretty sure you know what you were doing. if he has herpes or HIV, I'm pretty sure it's self evident. I've had tons of unprotected sex and I'm still healthy as an ox. No rashes. No aids. No kids. Nada. Nothing. You made the right decision. The only criticism I have for you is you didn't explode so hard in his a*s cummmm is coming out of his nose. Otherwise, good job.

05-25-2014, 02:26 AM
I think its funny you think AFTER you bust a nut that the chances for STDs were not relevant. :lol: Its almost like "Dood this is hawker and like I figure if I didnt go back for 2nds i wouldnt catch anything!". The fact you had unprotected sex when you were strokin leaves you open.

Chick can/could get pregnant before you pulled out and skeeted.

These are the risks with having unprotected sex especially with a 1 nighter. Gurantee she is rolling in bed now thinkin the same on yahoo or aim asking friends what she should do. Get tested to be safe and hopefully she isnt pregnant. Even if you think the chances arent good the fact that there is absolutely NO GURANTEE you didnt contract anything nor knocked her up says enough. If it aint 100% then there is a possibility even if you like your odds you're safe.

Good luck.

:roll: :applause:

Bold is the vintage GOBB insight and not his recent grown man, mature, wise owl style :lol .

I can't even bag on OP for not thinking straight cuz I've done it more than I'm proud of but luckily non afflicted from the scary shit OP implies. I'm personally more worried about such low discipline for the urge to resist getting a quick nut off.

05-25-2014, 02:28 AM
You guys are a few years late op has kids because of this

05-25-2014, 02:33 AM
Haha look at all these betas. It's ok to go raw OP. I'm pretty sure you know what you were doing. if he has herpes or HIV, I'm pretty sure it's self evident. I've had tons of unprotected sex and I'm still healthy as an ox. No rashes. No aids. No kids. Nada. Nothing. You made the right decision. The only criticism I have for you is you didn't explode so hard in his a*s cummmm is coming out of his nose. Otherwise, good job.

05-25-2014, 03:56 AM
you can go get tested but HIV won't show up for like 6 months. use your brain, dude. life is short.

Ball So Harden
05-25-2014, 04:15 AM
Sketchy shit, OP. :lol

05-25-2014, 04:19 AM
paul george, what are you doing man?

05-25-2014, 04:29 AM
Unprotected one night stand?

05-25-2014, 04:33 AM
A couple things...

You risked being infected by STDs. Get tested for things like Hep C, etc... some blood work.

Secondly, there is still a chance you couldv'e gotten her pregnant.

I skimmed through this thread and I thin kI read someone said you can't get her pregnant since you didn't ejaculate into her. That's totally false. You can get a girl pregnant before you ejaculate while inside her and you can get her pregnant after you ejaculate and put yourself back into her. It's just the odds are extremely low.

If you pull out properly the success rate of not getting pregnant is almost as high has using condoms, but again this is if you do it successfully every time. I think it was like 95%+. But the small chance is that you put yourself back inside of her after you ejaculated. You still have sperm and fluid in your ***** right afterwards.

The STD thing I can't tell you about, the pregnancy is a small, small, small chance.

Also just a tip. If you ever don't use a condom, make sure she wants to take a facial or take it in her mouth. If she's willing to do this, and she shows she enjoys this, you won't even think about putting it back inside her because of the pleasure you get from her lips on your dick.

05-25-2014, 06:19 AM
lol @ how angsty people get over this, as if OP was gonna catch HIV. HIV is very difficult to catch as a male having ******l intercourse, even if it were with a bish who tested positive.

Who wants to wear a rubber? As someone said justifying the opposing view: life is short. As far as i'm concerned, sex with a condom is barely sex at all, and also a massive cockblock when drunk. Take risks: it's life; be a man. I've had plenty of unprotected sex with some strange, yet i've only had Chlamydia the once, nothing else, and that's no big deal (so easy to get tested and treated: they would have testers in nightclubs handing out free t-shirts to those who filled the cup).

Don't be such a bunch of *******. And just avoid anything that smells funny.

05-25-2014, 06:26 AM
You guys are a few years late op has kids because of this

05-25-2014, 06:27 AM
lol @ how angsty people get over this, as if OP was gonna catch HIV. HIV is very difficult to catch as a male having ******l intercourse, even if it were with a bish who tested positive.

Who wants to wear a rubber? As someone said justifying the opposing view: life is short. As far as i'm concerned, sex with a condom is barely sex at all, and also a massive cockblock when drunk. Take risks: it's life; be a man. I've had plenty of unprotected sex with some strange, yet i've only had Chlamydia the once, nothing else, and that's no big deal (so easy to get tested and treated: they would have testers in nightclubs handing out free t-shirts to those who filled the cup).

Don't be such a bunch of *******. And just avoid anything that smells funny.
This is why people shouldn't take advice from the internet.

05-25-2014, 07:21 AM
This is why people shouldn't take advice from the internet.
Do i look like the internet to you?

05-25-2014, 07:23 AM
Do i look like the internet to you?
We are all one with the internet :coleman:

05-25-2014, 12:51 PM
lol @ how angsty people get over this, as if OP was gonna catch HIV. HIV is very difficult to catch as a male having ******l intercourse, even if it were with a bish who tested positive.
This is true. I have a female friend who has HIV and I was surprsied by how many guys openly have sex with her (with a condom), but that's a legit "power of the p*ssy" thing there. I wouldn't even chance it personally.

Who wants to wear a rubber? As someone said justifying the opposing view: life is short. As far as i'm concerned, sex with a condom is barely sex at all, and also a massive cockblock when drunk. Take risks: it's life; be a man. I've had plenty of unprotected sex with some strange, yet i've only had Chlamydia the once, nothing else, and that's no big deal (so easy to get tested and treated: they would have testers in nightclubs handing out free t-shirts to those who filled the cup).

Don't be such a bunch of *******. And just avoid anything that smells funny.
Are you pro-life or pro-choice when it comes to abortion? Just curious.

05-25-2014, 12:54 PM
I did not ejaculate inside her, just on her back. But I went back in almost after. Didn't go anytime after that. I've tried to do the research but couldn't find any exact answers.
What are the chances for:
- Pregnancy


05-25-2014, 01:07 PM
We are all one with the internet :coleman:


05-25-2014, 01:15 PM
This is true. I have a female friend who has HIV and I was surprsied by how many guys openly have sex with her (with a condom), but that's a legit "power of the p*ssy" thing there. I wouldn't even chance it personally.

Are you pro-life or pro-choice when it comes to abortion? Just curious.
I am neither really. I don't think the state can or should enforce a ban on abortion, and that any ban of that kind would bring a slew of negative consequences. But that doesn't mean i approve of it morally, particularly when poverty is not a factor, and that people are willingly killing off their own offspring without the slightest feeling of compunction.

Abortion is far more of a murky grey area than most people like to admit. It is a clear conflict of rights, but the frivolous attitude taken by pro-choicers when it comes to the gravity of such a decision i find repulsive and inhuman. We are not too far off from allowing a mother to abort her child because she wanted one of a different sex (hard to argue against as well once you've granted that a fetus doesn't count as life), and if we continue to instill this attitude that abortion is no big deal, more women will start doing this (if they aren't already doing so - there is some evidence of male selective bias in population demographics).

Never got anyone pregnant... as far as i know. They were all on the pill supposedly; i had no reason not to trust them, and i hate rubbers. Plus, i rarely *** inside as girls tend to get too wet and i lose feeling (anyone else have this problem :confusedshrug:).

05-25-2014, 01:15 PM
lol @ how angsty people get over this, as if OP was gonna catch HIV. HIV is very difficult to catch as a male having ******l intercourse, even if it were with a bish who tested positive.

Who wants to wear a rubber? As someone said justifying the opposing view: life is short. As far as i'm concerned, sex with a condom is barely sex at all, and also a massive cockblock when drunk. Take risks: it's life; be a man. I've had plenty of unprotected sex with some strange, yet i've only had Chlamydia the once, nothing else, and that's no big deal (so easy to get tested and treated: they would have testers in nightclubs handing out free t-shirts to those who filled the cup).

Don't be such a bunch of *******. And just avoid anything that smells funny.
You are f*cking wack. Yeah the major stds like hiv and herp are rare but that doesnt mean that you should give terrible advice.

05-25-2014, 01:19 PM
You are f*cking wack. Yeah the major stds like hiv and herp are rare but that doesnt mean that you should give terrible advice.
Condoms suck dude. If i fingered a chick my first time with a rubber glove would it count the same? Same with condoms.

05-25-2014, 01:25 PM
Condoms suck dude. If i fingered a chick my first time with a rubber glove would it count the same? Same with condoms.
These are mostly dumb kids man, what you are telling them is dangerous. They need to understand how fast they can become trapped if the broad wants to keep the kid or if they win the std shitstakes. I dont know many people who wish they DIDNT wear a condom and we all know that we cant say the same for the reverse

05-25-2014, 01:40 PM
The girl I'm with now, I've only used one entire pack of condoms I both 2 years ago and we still have 2 condoms left from it. We never use condoms. Lately, only to do ****. I can control myself.

I wouldn't suggest anyone to have sex without protection if

A. One night stand
B. She seems sketchy on her body count
C. You ejaculate prematurely
D. You haven't had much experience
E. She isn't a long term girlfriend
F. Isn't on birth control

I don't want to jynx my experience with any of yours, and have it happen to me. But, whenever I feel the right time to pull out long before I do it. And just jerk, or have her finish, and what I mean is a few seconds. Not the very second I feel like I'm going to keep it in, just pull out long before.

3 out of 5 times I wait the last 2 or final second to pull out and even though I'm very confident I'm fine, I just don't feel right. You never know it shoots out accidentally and when you pull out you witness yourself ejaculate first hand but have you ever nut and stopped yourself? That can be a case.

For the younger inexperienced kids, just strap up. Until, you get experienced. The guys who are experienced enough to master the pull out method have had sex hundreds of times with long term girlfriends or learned thoroughly without flaw. You don't want to make a flaw or accident.

Knowing most of you guys are in high school, I got fully experienced after high school. And what I mean is, with this one girls alone I've probably had sex with her at least 600-800 times. I'm so serious. We fck like rabbits. Don't let a few one night stands or a few several times get you hyped. Know what you're doing.

I cant stress enough my first few one night stands I was inexperienced and didn't use protection I couldn't sleep for weeks. I ended up failing classes. I was afraid and did countless amount of research. Now, thankfully I can do that again but would know exactly not to stress because I understand my body. Understand your body before you do anything so dangerous.

05-25-2014, 02:51 PM
You have AIDS.

05-25-2014, 02:56 PM

05-25-2014, 03:13 PM
You have AIDS.

RIP DaHeezy

05-25-2014, 03:30 PM
RIP DaHeezy
