View Full Version : The worst ass whippin you ever got from your parents?

12-02-2007, 11:00 PM
I know everyone here's got whipped before, so what did you do to receive this monumental ass whippen from your parents?

The worst one I received is when I ran away from home. This was in 1995 I believe, and a playoff game was on (Rockets-Spurs) and for some reason, I did something (don't remember) moms told me go into my room and turn the TV off. I was like "what." But I showed her, I was gonna watch the game, I left and went to one of my friends house.

I stayed their until about 8:30, late for a 8 year old kid, and boy when I got home, I got it put on me.

12-02-2007, 11:02 PM
I know everyone here's got whipped before, so what did you do to receive this monumental ass whippen from your parents?

The worst one I received is when I ran away from home. This was in 1995 I believe, and a playoff game was on (Rockets-Spurs) and for some reason, I did something (don't remember) moms told me go into my room and turn the TV off. I was like "what." But I showed her, I was gonna watch the game, I left and went to one of my friends house.

I stayed their until about 8:30, late for a 8 year old kid, and boy when I got home, I got it put on me.

lol you were into basketball at that young of an age?

I used to pretend to cry when my mom would spank me so she'd feel satisfied with herself.

12-02-2007, 11:04 PM
Just spankings. None really stick out in my mind. I think I got a bad one after I broke a ukulele on my brother's head.

12-02-2007, 11:05 PM
DOnt really remember but most of my ass whippings came from talking back to my mom. My dad would then come home and I would get my ass belted. Started at around 5 belts but he would add one each time I put my hands back to block the belt. :oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:08 PM
DOnt really remember but most of my ass whippings came from talking back to my mom. My dad would then come home and I would get my ass belted. Started at around 5 belts but he would add one each time I put my hands back to block the belt. :oldlol:
WTF, you used to block the belt.:oldlol:
When I ever tried to block the belt, my mom would turn crazy, and whip harder!

12-02-2007, 11:09 PM
oh gawd so many but i don't remember them well. I was a well-behaved child too.

Also ran away from home, returned... choked by my mom for about ten seconds, then smacked a couple times, and finally whipped with a belt.

Locked in a shed, later hit with a broom.

Lol when I was around that age, and being introduced to the America lifestyle, I called my parents out for child abusing, when they were in a non-serious, good-mood, and they always ignored me. Always though I had the hardest life.

Now, that I'm wiser, looking back I appreciated that, because I'm as disciplined as a guy in the army (well when i'm donig schoolwork, lifting weights, or travelling)

I find pain to be quite a motivator, and quite frankly I'm fond of parents using the good ol' belt, or a nice smack to teach their kids some stuff.

See the Russell Peters video about beating your kids. Hilarious.

12-02-2007, 11:11 PM
when i was like 9 or something, my mom was pregnant and you know how pregnant ladies have trouble sitting with their legs closed when they are about ready to pop?
my mom sat down at a resturant to wait for our table and i said kinda loud, "dad tell mom to quite shooting me the beaver"

i got walked out to the car and got a good walloping... we laugh about it now...lol

12-02-2007, 11:13 PM
WTF, you used to block the belt.:oldlol:
When I ever tried to block the belt, my mom would turn crazy, and whip harder!
:oldlol: Its just a natural reaction. That **** hurt. Especially since it was bare-ass. :cry:

12-02-2007, 11:14 PM
Fly Swatter to the face, azz, arms, feet...basically just what ever she hit when she swung. Damn I cried my azz off.

12-02-2007, 11:16 PM
I stopped getting whoopings early, like 10 yrs old, because they ceased hurting. I would just stoneface the whole time and then when she was done ask if I could go outside. The last one was over us hitting golf balls with a baseball bat from the baseball field toward the neighborhood. We were aiming to hit them over the apartments (Wetzel in Baumholder, Germany is all 6 story apartments), over the street, over the apartments on the other side, into the park and hit unsuspecting victims :oldlol: We failed miserably and succeeded in hitting the sides of building, windows, and one of mine dented an Isuzu and this dude Travis snitched on me for no reason.

12-02-2007, 11:20 PM
oh gawd so many but i don't remember them well. I was a well-behaved child too.

Also ran away from home, returned... choked by my mom for about ten seconds, then smacked a couple times, and finally whipped with a belt.

Locked in a shed, later hit with a broom.

Lol when I was around that age, and being introduced to the America lifestyle, I called my parents out for child abusing, when they were in a non-serious, good-mood, and they always ignored me. Always though I had the hardest life.

Now, that I'm wiser, looking back I appreciated that, because I'm as disciplined as a guy in the army (well when i'm donig schoolwork, lifting weights, or travelling)

I find pain to be quite a motivator, and quite frankly I'm fond of parents using the good ol' belt, or a nice smack to teach their kids some stuff.

See the Russell Peters video about beating your kids. Hilarious.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-02-2007, 11:22 PM
My dad caught me with a girl in my backyard when I was like 10. We stopped right before he came but he could obviously tell we were up to something. Sent her home, brought me inside, and told me he was going to chop my fingers off. Seriously. I was so scared, begging my mom to tell him not to, but of course he didn't. Just sat me down, put my arm on the table, got the belt, end of story.

Another time was when I was a kid and I wanted wristbands so badly. Don't know why, but they were popular basketball fashion, and I wanted them and never had them. So I decided to take one of my mom's hand-made blankets that her mom made her, used scissors and cut them up, and wrapped them around my arms. Came into the living room not thinking she would care that much, thought I was showing off. Walked in, her mouth dropped and her eyes were wide open. Almost started crying. She loved those blankets her mom made her from when she was a kid, and to see them cut up and wrapped around my wrists must have hurt. Anyway, my dad was on the computer, came in to see what all the fuss was about. Saw what I did, got the belt, and that's that.

ANOTHER time was when I was a kid and terrified of spiders. (Still am). There was a big one (probably not as big as I thought it was back then, but everything seemed big when you're a kid), and it was hanging off the ceiling by its web. I was scared as hell so I ran out of my room and told my dad. Told me to toughen up and put me in the room with it and locked the door and said he wouldn't let me out until it was dead on the floor. :oldlol: Of course I pussied out and didn't kill it, cried my ass off, he finally let me out, and you know the rest.

Worse part was, he never killed the spider after that and I still had to have it in my room until a few days later when I never saw it again. But yeah, my dad was tough on me, but he was still cool. Hand, electrical cord, broomstick, cardboard box, shoe, belt, computer mouse, I've taken it all. I'd defend myself of course, but I'd never hit them back. Ohhhhhhhhh no, I would NEVER hit them back. :oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:23 PM
what makes my mom go off is when you say shutup to her thats how i got most of my whippins

12-02-2007, 11:24 PM
I was 16 haha and lied to my parents about working late. My parents know when I'm lying and called the store I worked at asking if i was there, when I wasn't. I ended up coming home at 4:30 in the morning high as **** and my parents were up waiting. Got cold cocked by my father (close fisted) about 3 times (he used to be a boxer). Ended up getting dropped like a light switch. Never lied to him after that haha.

12-02-2007, 11:26 PM
Got cold cocked by my father (close fisted) about 3 times (he used to be a boxer).
Oh sh*t! :oldlol: Reminds me when I was hanging out in the woods with my friends and came home late, my dad was waiting up for me. And of course, ass whoopin'.

12-02-2007, 11:27 PM
man bynum is too hesitant and he also needs to work on his footwork

12-02-2007, 11:29 PM
I was 16 haha and lied to my parents about working late. My parents know when I'm lying and called the store I worked at asking if i was there, when I wasn't. I ended up coming home at 4:30 in the morning high as **** and my parents were up waiting. Got cold cocked by my father (close fisted) about 3 times (he used to be a boxer). Ended up getting dropped like a light switch. Never lied to him after that haha.
:oldlol: Now thats child abuse.

12-02-2007, 11:29 PM
man bynum is too hesitant and he also needs to work on his footwork

12-02-2007, 11:29 PM
man bynum is too hesitant and he also needs to work on his footwork
You deserve an ass whippin'

12-02-2007, 11:30 PM
sadly my parents never beat me. and i've never been grounded either.

12-02-2007, 11:30 PM
man bynum is too hesitant and he also needs to work on his footworklol

12-02-2007, 11:30 PM
You deserve an ass whippin'
lol hahahahaha!!!! sorry man. i have too many windows open. hahahaha:oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:30 PM
:oldlol: Now thats child abuse.

Lol, he didn't swing as hard as he could, I know that for sure. I'd be walking out of there with a concussion, or at least a broken cheekbone. Just hard enough to prove his point and a bloody nose.

I remember my cousin being there (he was with me that night) and him having to turn away as it happened. We joke about it now all the time.

12-02-2007, 11:34 PM
Out of all the people who got belted...who is white and who is black?? Just wondering because it seems like more blacks kids get belted. :confusedshrug:

12-02-2007, 11:37 PM
Out of all the people who got belted...who is white and who is black?? Just wondering because it seems like more blacks kids get belted. :confusedshrug:
I didn't know white parents owned belts.


12-02-2007, 11:37 PM
Out of all the people who got belted...who is white and who is black?? Just wondering because it seems like more blacks kids get belted. :confusedshrug:

Middle Eastern. Both parents are from Lebanon. My dad doesn't f*** around.

12-02-2007, 11:39 PM
I'm straight cracka but I'm the only white kid I know to have gotten the BELT.

12-02-2007, 11:39 PM
lol hahahahaha!!!! sorry man. i have too many windows open. hahahaha:oldlol:
Sorry my ass, in the room now!


12-02-2007, 11:39 PM
You deserve an ass whippin'
Im laughing my ass off. Damn Kizzle you are a funny dude. :oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:39 PM
Hello 911
Yes, what is your emergency?
I'm here to report domestic violence and child abuse.
Victim's name?
L. Kizzle, Richie2k6, Statman32...

Anyways, the only punishment I ever got was taking away food and that just made me cry cause I was hungry.

12-02-2007, 11:40 PM
Sorry my ass, in the room now!

:roll: Bad experiences huh? :oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:40 PM
I didn't know white parents owned belts.

They do, but it's only to keep up their britches.

12-02-2007, 11:40 PM
My dad caught me with a girl in my backyard when I was like 10. We stopped right before he came but he could obviously tell we were up to something. Sent her home, brought me inside, and told me he was going to chop my fingers off. Seriously. I was so scared, begging my mom to tell him not to, but of course he didn't. Just sat me down, put my arm on the table, got the belt, end of story.

Your dad whipped you for getting with a girl? Whats up with that.

12-02-2007, 11:41 PM
Sorry my ass, in the room now!



12-02-2007, 11:41 PM
I know everyone here's got whipped beforeNo, sorry. No child abuse in my family.

12-02-2007, 11:42 PM
Hello 911
Yes, what is your emergency?
I'm here to report domestic violence and child abuse.
Victim's name?
L. Kizzle, Richie2k6, Statman32...

Anyways, the only punishment I ever got was taking away food and that just made me cry cause I was hungry.
:wtf: Thats worse than getting the belt. Starving your kids??? DAYUM!!!

12-02-2007, 11:44 PM
No, sorry. No child abuse in my family.

I think the world would be a better place if more people got their asses kicked as kids. It teaches them that every wrongdoing leads to a punishment. As long as it's not over the top, I think it's fine.

White Chocolate
12-02-2007, 11:44 PM
Speaking of hitting kids, what do you guys think about Massachusetts outlawing spanking? It may even spread to each state.

12-02-2007, 11:45 PM
No, sorry. No child abuse in my family.

it's not chilid abuse, its good parenting.

12-02-2007, 11:49 PM
I think the world would be a better place if more people got their asses kicked as kids. It teaches them that every wrongdoing leads to a punishment. As long as it's not over the top, I think it's fine.No, it teaches them that violence is an acceptable solution to problems and that physically intimidating those smaller and weaker than you is perfectly fine.

it's not chilid abuse, its good parenting.No, it's child abuse. Physically punishing someone who can't defend themselves, which a child can't against an adult, is abuse.

Even if it's effective, which is debatable at best and downright laughable at worst, that doesn't make it okay. It's lazy and abusive parenting and it's flat wrong.

12-02-2007, 11:51 PM
What's the alternative TheGame414?

White Chocolate
12-02-2007, 11:52 PM
No, it teaches them that violence is an acceptable solution to problems and that physically intimidating those smaller and weaker than you is perfectly fine.

No, it's child abuse. Physically punishing someone who can't defend themselves, which a child can't against an adult, is abuse.

Even if it's effective, which is debatable at best and downright laughable at worst, that doesn't make it okay. It's lazy and abusive parenting and it's flat wrong.

That's how my parents feel. My dad is 6'4" 200 pounds. He hits me once, it won't be pretty. Luckily, my parents are calm people. I never got hit and I became a well-mannered, all-around good young man. Spanking isn't mandatory in bringing up good kids.

12-02-2007, 11:52 PM
What's the alternative TheGame414?
15 minutes of time-out.:oldlol:

12-02-2007, 11:53 PM
No, it teaches them that violence is an acceptable solution to problems and that physically intimidating those smaller and weaker than you is perfectly fine.

No, it's child abuse. Physically punishing someone who can't defend themselves, which a child can't against an adult, is abuse.

Even if it's effective, which is debatable at best and downright laughable at worst, that doesn't make it okay. It's lazy and abusive parenting and it's flat wrong.

So what ways would you discipline your kid? Taking away his PS3? No sprinkles on his ice cream?

My parents never hit me, but I wish they did. If somehow I ever have a son, he's gonna get his ass beat if he deserves it.

12-02-2007, 11:57 PM
No, it teaches them that violence is an acceptable solution to problems and that physically intimidating those smaller and weaker than you is perfectly fine.

No, it's child abuse. Physically punishing someone who can't defend themselves, which a child can't against an adult, is abuse.

Even if it's effective, which is debatable at best and downright laughable at worst, that doesn't make it okay. It's lazy and abusive parenting and it's flat wrong.

That's how my parents feel. My dad is 6'4" 200 pounds. He hits me once, it won't be pretty. Luckily, my parents are calm people. I never got hit and I became a well-mannered, all-around good young man. Spanking isn't mandatory in bringing up good kids.

I'm not saying you hit your kids at the first sign of wrongdoing. If it's a repeated action, and grounding/"go to your room" time/lecturing just doesn't work, you have to find a way to show them that what they're doing isn't right and deserves punishment. I'm not a father, but I have very young cousins (7 and 5) and nothing puts them straight further than "threatening to call their father." I was the same way as a kid. Kids learn best by fear -- again, it shouldn't happen all the time (I've gotten hit less than 6 or 7 times by my parents) but the threat should be there so they know it could happen. Then it gets to a point where just the thought of it happening will steer them straight. I don't condone child abuse whatsoever. Spankings or slaps on the wrist are part of effective parenting when used sparingly.

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 12:00 AM
No, it teaches them that violence is an acceptable solution to problems and that physically intimidating those smaller and weaker than you is perfectly fine.

No, it's child abuse. Physically punishing someone who can't defend themselves, which a child can't against an adult, is abuse.

Even if it's effective, which is debatable at best and downright laughable at worst, that doesn't make it okay. It's lazy and abusive parenting and it's flat wrong.

Who the F*ck are you?

12-03-2007, 12:00 AM
belt. It was so funny when I was 5 and at my friends house he did something wrong so his dad went to go get the belt and he was crying and freaking out and I asked whats wrong and he said his dad was going to get his belt. it was hilarious looking back on it. he was so afraid of it he ran around the house to get away from it. He pleaded to his dad not to do it.

12-03-2007, 12:02 AM
Sorry my ass, in the room now!

no belt please! :cry:
sorry:cry: :cry:

12-03-2007, 12:03 AM
belt. It was so funny when I was 5 and at my friends house he did something wrong so his dad went to go get the belt and he was crying and freaking out and I asked whats wrong and he said his dad was going to get his belt. it was hilarious looking back on it. he was so afraid of it he ran around the house to get away from it. He pleaded to his dad not to do it.

Haha that reminded me of the scene in Mr. Deeds where the football player's dad finds out his son swore in front of a girl.

"You used foul language in front of a lady?"
(pulls off belt)

"NO DADDY, NO!!!!!"

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 12:04 AM
On a side note... I have discovered that if you threaten to take
away toys/ trick-or-treating privledges/ gifts from Santa/ television/
and junk food etc. .... It is 10x more effective than the belt.

If they act like it's no big deal after that... The Belt is the last resort.

12-03-2007, 12:04 AM
Haha that reminded me of the scene in Mr. Deeds where the football player's dad finds out his son swore in front of a girl.

"You used foul language in front of a lady?"
(pulls off belt)

"NO DADDY, NO!!!!!"

dude both his parents were like 5' tall

White Chocolate
12-03-2007, 12:05 AM
dude both his parents were like 5' tall

That's like Danny DeVito whipping with you with his belt. Granted the kid will be taller by the time he's 10.

12-03-2007, 12:05 AM
On a side note... I have discovered that if you threaten to take
away toys/ trick-or-treating privledges/ gifts from Santa/ television/
and junk food etc. .... It is 10x more effective than the belt.

If they act like it's no big deal after that... The Belt is the last resort.

well without income you won't be able to buy those in the first play so I suppose your quite a good parent

12-03-2007, 12:06 AM
On a side note... I have discovered that if you threaten to take
away toys/ trick-or-treating privledges/ gifts from Santa/ television/
and junk food etc. .... It is 10x more effective than the belt.

If they act like it's no big deal after that... The Belt is the last resort.

That's exactly what I said in my post towards TheGame414. Just beating your child is barbaric, but if you use it strategically, nothing rights a kid faster. Normal kids anyway.

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 12:11 AM
well without income you won't be able to buy those in the first play so I suppose your quite a good parent

Oh that's right... I forgot, people have a vision of me being trailer trash.

12-03-2007, 12:12 AM
I have only gotten beaten twice.

I have gotten lemon juice squirted in my mouth and soap in my mouth as well.

I was spanked once b/c I ran across the street when I was 3 when I had been told multiple times not too.

Then my mom hit me in the ass with her brush when I was about 10 years old b/c I kept putting off my chores. Hit me with the bristles too. That hurt.

I have been locked in a closet before. That was scary as **** b/c I was scared of the dark then.

12-03-2007, 12:12 AM
ah dooms im sorry man your fun to pick on :cheers:

can't help it, its more of a to just be a ******* not because I hate you

12-03-2007, 12:12 AM
Your dad whipped you for getting with a girl? Whats up with that.
I was like 9. He must have thought we were making out. Not sayin we weren't, though...

Haha, that's old-school. "The Knee". Doesn't hurt that much, though.

12-03-2007, 12:14 AM
I was like 9. He must have thought we were making out. Not sayin we weren't, though...

your hormones kicked in real early. but once they kick in how can one be held accountable for there actions :(

12-03-2007, 12:14 AM
I have only gotten beaten twice.

I have gotten lemon juice squirted in my mouth and soap in my mouth as well.

I was spanked once b/c I ran across the street when I was 3 when I had been told multiple times not too.

Then my mom hit me in the ass with her brush when I was about 10 years old b/c I kept putting off my chores. Hit me with the bristles too. That hurt.

I have been locked in a closet before. That was scary as **** b/c I was scared of the dark then.

Locked in a closet? :roll: I'm not going to lie, I would have freaked out as a kid too.

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 12:16 AM
ah dooms im sorry man your fun to pick on :cheers:

can't help it, its more of a to just be a ******* not because I hate you

Yea I know you don't hate me...

That's just TMOGE.

Money aint the problem in my life.... You just reminded me of something...
I need to start a Citizen Kane thread.

12-03-2007, 12:16 AM
I have only gotten beaten twice.

I have gotten lemon juice squirted in my mouth and soap in my mouth as well.

I was spanked once b/c I ran across the street when I was 3 when I had been told multiple times not too.

Then my mom hit me in the ass with her brush when I was about 10 years old b/c I kept putting off my chores. Hit me with the bristles too. That hurt.

I have been locked in a closet before. That was scary as **** b/c I was scared of the dark then.

your mom should do that when your acting up in front of company and before she lets you out of the closet she should make you say "Im coming out of the closet" or something that sounds homo. I don't know just hearing a kid say that would make me laugh.

12-03-2007, 12:17 AM
Yea I know you don't hate me...

That's just TMOGE.

na dude seriously your fun to rip on

12-03-2007, 12:18 AM
Honestly, I dont think physical abuse is really necessary. I was never physically abused and I came out fine. I'd just take away privileges and ground for an extended period of time.

12-03-2007, 12:19 AM
Locked in a closet? :roll: I'm not going to lie, I would have freaked out as a kid too.

My brother and I wouldnt stop fighting and my mom had enough of it. We both got locked in separate closets.

12-03-2007, 12:19 AM
Honestly, I dont think physical abuse is really necessary. I was never physically abused and I came out fine. I'd just take away privileges and ground for an extended period of time.

Just to follow up, what if that doesn't work on a kid? Then do you condone mild physical punishment?

12-03-2007, 12:19 AM
well the only time I was ever spanked and belted was when I was 4. I have really not had much discipline but I actually turned out kind of well, Even if you guys don't think so.

12-03-2007, 12:20 AM
Just to follow up, what if that doesn't work on a kid? Then do you condone mild physical punishment?

Maybe...It would be up to me and his mother.

12-03-2007, 12:20 AM
Honestly, I dont think physical abuse is really necessary. I was never physically abused and I came out fine. I'd just take away privileges and ground for an extended period of time.

12-03-2007, 12:21 AM
Honestly, I dont think physical abuse is really necessary. I was never physically abused and I came out fine. I'd just take away privileges and ground for an extended period of time.

Uh, no, based on your posts I wouldn't critique you as fine.

More like semi-academically intelligent, SOFT, sexually-oriented ambiguosly, wimpy, physically challenged, oasis ******ging clown.

Guys report back in fifteen years to have a father2father compraison ;p

12-03-2007, 12:22 AM
Uh, no, based on your posts I wouldn't critique you as fine.

More like semi-academically intelligent, SOFT, sexually-oriented ambiguosly, wimpy, physically challenged, oasis ******ging clown.

Guys report back in fifteen years to have a father2father compraison ;p

I think he turned out fine

12-03-2007, 12:23 AM
Yea I know you don't hate me...

That's just TMOGE.

Money aint the problem in my life.... You just reminded me of something...
I need to start a Citizen Kane thread.

Citizen who?

12-03-2007, 12:25 AM
Uh, no, based on your posts I wouldn't critique you as fine.

More like semi-academically intelligent, SOFT, sexually-oriented ambiguosly, wimpy, physically challenged, oasis ******ging clown.

Guys report back in fifteen years to have a father2father compraison ;p

What great evidence.:sleeping

I wasnt the one that needed to be beaten. Looks like you are the one isnt fine.

Soft? Wimpy? Are these actual disses? Get a life, kid. Better yet, graduate from high school first.

Oh, and based on your posts, you model your life after the fresh prince of bel-air. Who is the soft one again? If you dont know what I am talking about then just insert the "FRESH PRINCE THEME SONG" tape into your early '90s walkman and listen.

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 12:27 AM
na dude seriously your fun to rip on

Well it's fun to ripped on from time to time... just don't
make it a habit.

12-03-2007, 12:28 AM
Well it's fun to ripped on from time to time... just don't
make it a habit.

its hard not to :oldlol:

12-03-2007, 12:34 AM
What great evidence.:sleeping

I wasnt the one that needed to be beaten. Looks like you are the one isnt fine.

Soft? Wimpy? Are these actual disses? Get a life, kid. Better yet, graduate from high school first.

Oh, and based on your posts, you model your life after the fresh prince of bel-air. Who is the soft one again? If you dont know what I am talking about then just insert the "FRESH PRINCE THEME SONG" tape into your early '90s walkman and listen.
:confusedshrug: ..... :sleeping

12-03-2007, 12:36 AM
:confusedshrug: ..... :sleeping

Statman living up to his reputation once again.

You were doing it with GOBB now you are attempting to do it with williamphiladelphiasmith. Couldve seen this coming a mile away.

12-03-2007, 12:37 AM
What's the alternative TheGame414?You seriously need to question if there's an alternative to physical abuse?


12-03-2007, 12:37 AM
Statman living up to his reputation once again.

You were doing it with GOBB now you are attempting to do it with williamphiladelphiasmith. Couldve seen this coming a mile away.
:oldlol: Whats stuck up your ass??? You watch the A&M game tonight??

12-03-2007, 12:41 AM
You seriously need to question if there's an alternative to physical abuse?


He means when all else fails, do you continue to use disciplinary action that repeatedly fails? When does it come to the point where you have to start using force to prove your point?

12-03-2007, 12:42 AM
:oldlol: Whats stuck up your ass??? You watch the A&M game tonight??

Ya, that might have something to do with it.

Played horrible in the begging of the second half then played horrible at the end of it. Our bigs played terrible. In foul trouble the whole game and couldnt make the high percentage shots and our offense couldnt create anything at all. We just passed the ball around the 3-pt line the whole damn second half.

Arizona was the better team but I am not worried. We have a lot of time to fix what needs to be fixed.

12-03-2007, 12:44 AM
Ya, that might have something to do with it.

Played horrible in the begging of the second half then played horrible at the end of it. Our bigs played terrible. In foul trouble the whole game and couldnt make the high percentage shots and our offense couldnt create anything at all. We just passed the ball around the 3-pt line the whole damn second half.

Arizona was the better team but I am not worried. We have a lot of time to fix what needs to be fixed.

If your a N.C.State fan and watched the michigan State game youd be close to tears.

12-03-2007, 12:45 AM
Citizen who?

I hate you so much.

12-03-2007, 12:46 AM
I hate you so much.

it was inevitable

12-03-2007, 12:46 AM
it was inevitable


12-03-2007, 12:47 AM
You seriously need to question if there's an alternative to physical abuse?

Most people's first actions is not a belt, it's the last result.

Mom: Ray stop playing ball in the house
Ray: Doesn't pay any mind, continues to play
Mom: Boy didn't you hear me?
Ray: acting as if he didn't hear mother
Mom: Boy, I'm not gonna tell you again
Ray: Walks to another side of the house continuing to play around
Mom: Tired of Ray not listen, shes tells him no TV
Ray: He obviously doesn't care and continues to fool around
Mom: I've had enough where is my belt
*Pow* *Bam*

12-03-2007, 12:47 AM
I hate you so much.

Dont hate.

Tell him how much he is missing out on watching it. I've never seen it but I have heard of it. Just never gotten around to renting it.

12-03-2007, 12:48 AM
damn whats it about? Ive never heard of it, and I havn't heard any talk about it.

12-03-2007, 12:50 AM
Ya, that might have something to do with it.

Played horrible in the begging of the second half then played horrible at the end of it. Our bigs played terrible. In foul trouble the whole game and couldnt make the high percentage shots and our offense couldnt create anything at all. We just passed the ball around the 3-pt line the whole damn second half.

Arizona was the better team but I am not worried. We have a lot of time to fix what needs to be fixed.
I actually didnt catch any of it. i was driving and watching the Cards game. I was just looking at the updates on my phone. Can;t believe Arizona came back from down 20. Hopefully you know who Bayless is now.

12-03-2007, 12:54 AM
What great evidence.:sleeping

I wasnt the one that needed to be beaten. Looks like you are the one isnt fine.

Soft? Wimpy? Are these actual disses? Get a life, kid. Better yet, graduate from high school first.

Oh, and based on your posts, you model your life after the fresh prince of bel-air. Who is the soft one again? If you dont know what I am talking about then just insert the "FRESH PRINCE THEME SONG" tape into your early '90s walkman and listen.

Lol this post literally got a chuckle out of me.

That was a downtoearth, word for word, attempt at an ACCURATE description of you. You found it insulting, it riled your punk a$$ up, to create a replied post. Don't contradict yourself fool. Talking about bad insults.. and replying with the ever cliche, pathetic "get a life,"... please, talk about the kettle calling the teapot black. (See Post Difference)

I called you soft because it is PROVEN that you have a puny physical stature, effeminate ways, and require a good dose of "Acquiesce" in the morning to get your privileged life going.

You are doing your insult based on one of my tv show preferences aka MY username... hmmm great evidence there idiot.. another case of weak hypocrisy on your behalf. BTW your posts actually exhibit some of your personality, so it DOES have the potential to produce a judgment , albeit not perfect.
Apparently, in my case my username has all the bearing in the world.

We'll see how our education pans out.
Until then, may the better poster prove his point.

12-03-2007, 12:56 AM
Lol this post literally got a chuckle out of me.

That was a downtoearth, word for word, attempt at an ACCURATE description of you. You found it insulting, it riled your punk a$$ up, to create a replied post. Don't contradict yourself fool. Talking about bad insults.. and replying with the ever cliche, pathetic "get a life,"... please, talk about the kettle calling the teapot black. (See Post Difference)

I called you soft because it is PROVEN that you have a puny physical stature, effeminate ways, and require a good dose of "Acquiesce" in the morning to get your privileged life going.

You are doing your insult based on one of my tv show preferences aka MY username... hmmm great evidence there idiot.. another case of weak hypocrisy on your behalf. BTW your posts actually exhibit some of your personality, so it DOES have the potential to produce a judgment , albeit not perfect.
Apparently, in my case my username has all the bearing in the world.

We'll see how our education pans out.
Until then, may the better poster prove his point.

if it makes you feel better insulting people through a computer is badass.

12-03-2007, 12:59 AM
if it makes you feel better insulting people through a computer is badass.

I was about to post the Arguing on the Internet is like Winning The Special Olympics post, but I feel that the retard named Hawker sincerely deserves some a blatant reply to shut his coky arrogant azz up.

That trump card is really cowardly nowadays.

After all it (forums) is some form of communication when it's all said and done.

12-03-2007, 03:10 AM
Lol this post literally got a chuckle out of me.

That was a downtoearth, word for word, attempt at an ACCURATE description of you. You found it insulting, it riled your punk a$$ up, to create a replied post. Don't contradict yourself fool. Talking about bad insults.. and replying with the ever cliche, pathetic "get a life,"... please, talk about the kettle calling the teapot black. (See Post Difference)

I called you soft because it is PROVEN that you have a puny physical stature, effeminate ways, and require a good dose of "Acquiesce" in the morning to get your privileged life going.

You are doing your insult based on one of my tv show preferences aka MY username... hmmm great evidence there idiot.. another case of weak hypocrisy on your behalf. BTW your posts actually exhibit some of your personality, so it DOES have the potential to produce a judgment , albeit not perfect.
Apparently, in my case my username has all the bearing in the world.

We'll see how our education pans out.
Until then, may the better poster prove his point.

1. speaking of cliches..."talk about the kettle calling the teapot back" isnt one right? Dont contradict yourself, "fool."

2. I average 11 posts per day. Not hard to do in the random times you are on ISH. Sorry if I am more efficient than you albeit useless.

3. So I am a small person? That means I am soft? Please. So shawn bradley wasnt soft? Dirk isnt soft? Being small doesnt mean ****. Not like I can control it anyways.

4. Effeminate ways? Baseless once again.

5. And you suck at detecting sarcasm. Way to be go smart one. You are basing sh!t on my posts so I decided to do you one better and make a hollow statement based on your username and fresh prince whoring.

6. I like how you are just on the edge of your seat hoping that I fail in my education so you can get back at me. Some life you have. You will be doing that until you die b/c I dont fail my friend. I am not soft like you.

Just remember that you responded to me first. So dont pull this, "OMG you care so much b/c you are responding" crap.

I have never attacked you before.

12-03-2007, 03:15 AM
my dad was always way too reasonable and disinvolved to beat me. nothing my parents ever did ever had any impact on me whatsoever and I'm pretty sure they eventually figured this out. my dad did at least and pretty much left me alone. my mom is crazy though. we went to war on a pretty regular basis and she smacked me sometimes but she always made premonitory moves and you could see it coming and duck out of the way :oldlol:

12-03-2007, 03:17 AM
Always when I got bad exam marks or even just bad dictation marks.....:(

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 03:19 AM
my dad was always way too reasonable and disinvolved to beat me. nothing my parents ever did ever had any impact on me whatsoever and I'm pretty sure they eventually figured this out. my dad did at least and pretty much left me alone. my mom is crazy though. we went to war on a pretty regular basis and she smacked me sometimes but she always made premonitory moves and you could see it coming and duck out of the way :oldlol:

So in today's world...

Who do you have the better realtionship with?

Frank Foley
12-03-2007, 03:25 AM
My mom used to have this bigass wooden spoon that she used to smack me with. My dad hit me with the back of his hand. I love them both.

12-03-2007, 03:29 AM
My dad's personal favourite was the slipper.

12-03-2007, 03:30 AM
Who do you have the better realtionship with?
my mom.

my mom was pretty horrible at parenting but at least she tried. knamean? my dad's like me. wayyy to self involved to ever really have a good relationship with family.

12-03-2007, 03:52 AM
He means when all else fails, do you continue to use disciplinary action that repeatedly fails? When does it come to the point where you have to start using force to prove your point?All else shouldn't fail if you're a good parent. Using physical abuse is not only horribly wrong, but lazy. If all else fails, think of something else.

Even if nothing seems to be working, enforcing/reinforcing the f-cked up notion that physical violence is an acceptable means to a problem is a horrible idea.

And I'm by no means a tree-hugging pacifist hippie. I'd just like to think that it's common sense to not beat your children in any circumstance, but unfortunately that clearly isn't common sense.

Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 04:05 AM
I'd just like to think that it's common sense to not beat your children in any circumstance, but unfortunately that clearly isn't common sense.

were you a slave in 1842?

Nobody is talking about beating thier children....

All I'm saying is that I will induce fear in my Boy if he ever says the
N-word or the F-word... or becomes a smart @ss.
He sees it all the time.... My son came home from school
singing that soulja Boy song.

In todays world... you better induce fear with pain.
Not on a regular basis... but, if your son isn't afraid of the consequences at age 6.... It's an @ss-whoppin in my book!

My parents spoil him enough... I discipline him the best I can.

And my son now knows not to F*ck with Daddy... which makes him
very intelligent.

12-03-2007, 04:11 AM
were you a slave in 1842?

Nobody is talking about beating thier children....

All I'm saying is that I will induce fear in my Boy if he ever says the
N-word or the F-word... or becomes a smart @ss.
He sees it all the time.... My son came home from school
singing that soulja Boy song.

In todays world... you better induce fear with pain.
Not on a regular basis... but, if your son isn't afraid of the consequences at age 6.... It's an @ss-whoppin in my book!

My parents spoil him enough... I discipline him the best I can.

And my son now knows not to F*ck with Daddy... which makes him
very intelligent.


Doomsday Dallas
12-03-2007, 04:13 AM

You don't F*ck with me....

Bottom line...

I realize this is funny to you because you don't have kids.

5-6 year olds are smarter than you think.

12-03-2007, 04:27 AM
You don't F*ck with me....

Bottom line...

I realize this is funny to you because you don't have kids.

5-6 year olds are smarter than you think.

You're right. I've never met a 5-6 year old in my life. Tell me more about them.

12-03-2007, 04:33 AM
were you a slave in 1842?

Nobody is talking about beating thier children....

All I'm saying is that I will induce fear in my Boy if he ever says the
N-word or the F-word... or becomes a smart @ss.
He sees it all the time.... My son came home from school
singing that soulja Boy song.

In todays world... you better induce fear with pain.
Not on a regular basis... but, if your son isn't afraid of the consequences at age 6.... It's an @ss-whoppin in my book!

My parents spoil him enough... I discipline him the best I can.

And my son now knows not to F*ck with Daddy... which makes him
very intelligent.You can glorify it or rationalize it all you want. It's still child abuse.

12-03-2007, 04:37 AM
You don't F*ck with me....

Bottom line...

I realize this is funny to you because you don't have kids.

5-6 year olds are smarter than you think.

That's true I don't have kids. But how do you know? I've never talked about my age on here.

12-03-2007, 06:24 AM
You can glorify it or rationalize it all you want. It's still child abuse.

If it's so bad then why do virtually all kids who have been beaten by their parents grow up and are thankful for it?

12-03-2007, 06:46 AM
Stockholm Syndrome.

In all seriousness- and I'm only half-joking when I say Stockholm Syndrome- I never said it didn't work at all, I said that the effectiveness of hitting your kids doesn't excuse the fact that it's still child abuse.

There's lots of things we can rationalize in our own minds over time. Just because we think we're thankful for something later on doesn't mean that it was right. In most cases of people being thankful for it, they love their parents and are willing to rationalize away the incident, not wanting to believe their loved ones did them wrong.

Oh, and I'm responding hypothetically because I'm ignoring the stupidity of suggesting that "virtually all" victims of child abuse are "thankful for it." Yeah, getting knocked around as a kid has never emotionally scarred anyone.

12-03-2007, 07:28 AM
Middle Eastern. Both parents are from Lebanon. My dad doesn't f*** around.
SAME as me hahaha.

worst beating ever me n my friends broke into our old highschool that nearly burnt down n just roamed around. got busted by cops. dad comes n pics me up. takes me home. locks me in the shed and beats the **** out of me. last time i ever did something wrong.

12-03-2007, 07:43 AM
Oh, and I'm responding hypothetically because I'm ignoring the stupidity of suggesting that "virtually all" victims of child abuse are "thankful for it." Yeah, getting knocked around as a kid has never emotionally scarred anyone.

When I say getting beat I mean getting beat as a result of disciplinary action and not senseless beating. I can't think of anybody who was ed or ruffled around by their parents with wooden spatulas, wooden chopsticks, or clothes hangers growing up to be emotionally scarred. And ALL Asian kids are beat at some point or another. We're all thankful for it because we didn't turn out to be some rich spoiled kid that was always pampered.

12-03-2007, 08:12 AM
I'm white... I got a lot of ass whoopin'.

When I was like 7, I remember I did something bad, my mom took out the hose and started hitting me. Hangers were a weapon of choice sometimes also.

I remember this one time when I was like 10, I was watching TV and my dad told me to stop and go do my hw. He was all up in my face and he was grabbing me so I accidently hit him in the nose with the remote control. Apparently he was bleeding. He got so pissed, he grabbed my legs, and just dragged me from the couch to his room. I hit the coffee table as I was being dragged... haha. Then I got a big slap. Started crying like a lil bi-tch.

This other story is something that I just wanted to share. It just shows what kind of people my parents are and what they would do to me if I did something bad.

When we were walking home one day from the supermarket, we passed by Park Hill (projects near where I used to live in NYC), and these two guys with masked faces came up to us. One of 'em put a gun to my head and demanded my parents to hand over their purse and wallet. Of course, being new to the US, my dad asked my mom first what they said and he started fighting against the guy trying to take his sh-it. I was just standing there with a gun pointed to my head. The guys were freaked out themselves 'cause they weren't used to facing these type of people in the US. They just ran... lmao.

So yea, my dad would kill me. Now that I'm 19 though, I can protect myself. If he tries something, sh-it ain't flyin'.

12-03-2007, 08:24 AM
i never got spanked, not even once. i was sorta spoiled.

12-03-2007, 10:19 AM
I was 16 haha and lied to my parents about working late. My parents know when I'm lying and called the store I worked at asking if i was there, when I wasn't. I ended up coming home at 4:30 in the morning high as **** and my parents were up waiting. Got cold cocked by my father (close fisted) about 3 times (he used to be a boxer). Ended up getting dropped like a light switch. Never lied to him after that haha.


You were 16? Are you a wuss? You took three fists from a boxer and just took it?

Not to mention that YOUR DAD IS ****ING PUNCHING YOU.

Quit laughing you have issues.

12-03-2007, 10:32 AM

You were 16? Are you a wuss? You took three fists from a boxer and just took it?

Not to mention that YOUR DAD IS ****ING PUNCHING YOU.

Quit laughing you have issues.

Werd. I woulda fought back. No homo.

12-03-2007, 10:40 AM
three fists? from a ex-boxer? at age 16?

that's seriously f'd up. that's downright child abuse. slaps and belt whippings are one thing, but i can't imagine any sane parent punching a kid with the closed fist:eek:

12-03-2007, 10:47 AM
three fists? from a ex-boxer? at age 16?

that's seriously f'd up. that's downright child abuse. slaps and belt whippings are one thing, but i can't imagine any sane parent punching a kid with the closed fist:eek:
If you thought that was bad, someone on here said he was starved. :oldlol:

12-03-2007, 11:05 AM
that's definitely sickening too:eek:

ISH helps victims of child abuse come out of closet:ohwell:

12-03-2007, 06:56 PM
various weapons I have been smacked with during my childhood:

-bag of doritos
-wooden napkin holder

12-03-2007, 06:59 PM
If you thought that was bad, someone on here said he was starved. :oldlol:
I think it was the same guy who said whipping your kids is child abuse?

12-03-2007, 07:00 PM
various weapons I have been smacked with during my childhood:

-bag of doritos
-wooden napkin holder
Bag of doritos??? :roll: You too? I think mine were a bag of lays. (salt n' vinegar)

12-03-2007, 07:25 PM
Most people's first actions is not a belt, it's the last result.

Mom: Ray stop playing ball in the house
Ray: Doesn't pay any mind, continues to play
Mom: Boy didn't you hear me?
Ray: acting as if he didn't hear mother
Mom: Boy, I'm not gonna tell you again
Ray: Walks to another side of the house continuing to play around
Mom: Tired of Ray not listen, shes tells him no TV
Ray: He obviously doesn't care and continues to fool around
Mom: I've had enough where is my belt
*Pow* *Bam*
Here was a basic conversation between me and my mom:

Me: *Bouncing ball in the house*
Mom: *Ass whoopin'*

12-03-2007, 07:31 PM
Here was a basic conversation between me and my mom:

Me: *Bouncing ball in the house*
Mom: *Ass whoopin'*
No hesitation huh?

12-03-2007, 07:34 PM
No hesitation huh?
She had belts everywhere, cocked and loaded, just waiting. Hid them under the sink, behind chairs, under beds, behind TVs. Any room I ran into, there was always one available for her to grab. There was no way out. And if I found a belt she was hiding, I wouldn't dare touch it. I was hella scared of that thing, and if she knew I moved it, *wha-choo*. :oldlol:

Sounds like severe child abuse and that I should have called children's aid, but it wasn't that bad. Not like she hit me every day or anything.

Just every other day. ;)

12-03-2007, 07:38 PM
When I was 6 or 7 I took a leak in a display toilet at the store. I got a whipping for that.

12-03-2007, 07:40 PM
She had belts everywhere, cocked and loaded, just waiting. Hid them under the sink, behind chairs, under beds, behind TVs. Any room I ran into, there was always one available for her to grab. There was no way out. And if I found a belt she was hiding, I wouldn't dare touch it. I was hella scared of that thing, and if she knew I moved it, *wha-choo*. :oldlol:

Sounds like severe child abuse and that I should have called children's aid, but it wasn't that bad. Not like she hit me every day or anything.

Just every other day. ;)
Yeah I feel ya. Thats whats wrong with alot of kids though seriously. They need a good azz whooping. The azz whippings my mom gave me only made me a better person.

12-03-2007, 07:40 PM
When I was 8, I dropped my bowl of cerial and my dad kicked me in the jaw and I broke my jaw.

Take Your Lumps
12-03-2007, 07:42 PM


12-03-2007, 07:44 PM
When I was 8, I dropped my bowl of cerial and my dad kicked me in the jaw and I broke my jaw.

Never been hit. Parents are both psychologists, they know better.

And yeah, that should sound condescending.

12-03-2007, 07:53 PM

"I turned around, my mother was growing! She was 6"10! .... "And a golden belt came out the sky. ... Hit me one time! *Wha-choo* Butt fell off." :roll:

Makes me want to be a young kid again. Those were good times, even though they were painful. Good ol' mama. I'd take a whoopin' to my backside from her anyday, just for the heck of it. For the memories. Hell I'd probably pay her just to kick my ass, to reminisce on the old days.

When I was 8, I dropped my bowl of cerial and my dad kicked me in the jaw and I broke my jaw.
Seriously? :roll:

12-03-2007, 08:49 PM
Ha, I remember getting the belt a few times. Mostly for just really stupid stuff, like breaking things. I can't remember exactly what it was I did, but I knew I'd never do it again.

It's like touching a hot iron. If you touch it, you get burned, you learn not to do it again.

Aldridge Fan
12-04-2007, 01:03 AM
Probably when I challenged my dad in a fight one time. It only happened once though. I didn't have an abusive family.

I basically started the brawl and I forgot he was a black belt in karate. He didn't hit me but did some blocks and pretzel type of move that made me look like an idiot. It was pathetic. :(

12-04-2007, 01:27 AM
Out of all the people who got belted...who is white and who is black?? Just wondering because it seems like more blacks kids get belted. :confusedshrug:

If you know any Armenians, ask them how many times they got belted when they were younger.

Worst ass whipping I probably ever got[only like 3 times did I get anything more then a small spanking] was when I threw a tantrum when I was like 9, 10 because a sport game was blacked out in my area, so I got pissed off. We called the cable company because my mom just tried to get me to understand there was really no way for me to be able to watch it, but of course, being a kid, I didn't really understand. Just kept yelling and yelling until I got hit about 3 times with a belt to my back and butt, then thrown into a cold shower.

I think that was the last time I even really got hit.

07-21-2009, 10:31 AM
this thread is worthy of resurrection

07-21-2009, 10:34 AM
took a swing at my dad once in junior high when it got heated, he grabbed my throw and had my arm twisted up behind my back in a nano-second looking at me like I was a retard. That hurt but I deserved it and it was the worst I ever got.

07-21-2009, 10:37 AM
Man, this is a great thread. Good bump RBP. My story is like this, I was playing basketball at the park, my mom calls me right before our last game. She says,"You need to be home at 9" I say OK. I kept playing, didnt get home until 11 and when I came home, all I remember is the first punch. Woke up the next morning bruised all over and a note beside my bed that said,"Cut the grass".

07-21-2009, 10:41 AM
I used to get a wooden spoon to the back of the legs. I pretended it hurt worse than it did.

One time my dad told me he was going to spank me in advance. I put a phone book down my pants and he hurt his hand. Bad idea. That made him madder and he used his other hand even harder.

07-21-2009, 10:50 AM
My father never did anything to me. He has a very deep menacing voice and when I was very young (6,7,8,9,10) and he threatened me, saying he would beat me up, I always started to cry and he used to feel sorry and do nothing.

My mom used the belt sometimes, but she never hit me harder enough to be considered an abuse.

If my parents for some reason decided to really punch me (almost impossible to happen), I would never fight back. I own everthing to them.

07-21-2009, 11:01 AM
Worst thing I ever remember was something that happened to a friend of mine....

I stayed at his house because we had some girls we was trying to get after.. I stayed there after we spent most of the night trying to get these girls to do nasty things :cheers:

so we was sleeping in his room... Im on the floor in a sleeping bag... I was about 15 at the time....

I remember his pops busted in the room shoutin and scared the sh*t out of me....

His pops went over and cold sucker punched my dude in his mouth while he was sleep!!! he said "you wanna talk smart to your mother while Im not here?"

I came from a home where that type sh*t didnt happen. I had never seen such a thing in my life...

My friend woke up and they started rumblin... I was just standing there with my jaw on drop like "holy sh*t!"

they pugged it out for a minute, then his pop just dropped him and looked at me like I was next :oldlol:

he was like "you got something to say? Huh? You wanna be next?" I was shook... I was like "Im just gonna go" got my stuff and bailed outta there

Ill never forget that

07-21-2009, 11:13 AM
Fresh out of the bath tub, still naked, braided switch, worst 1 minute of my life.

07-21-2009, 11:37 AM
When I was 6, Me and my mom were eating lunch at my grandparents house. I asked them something and they said no(don't remember what it was..), so I got mad, took my cup of milk and whipped it at the microwave. Microwave AND the cup broke. My mom got extremely pissed. I ran off and locked myself in a room, but my mom opened it and slapped me 5 times across the face. That was the only time I was ever slapped. And the last time I've ever been punished.

07-21-2009, 12:04 PM
Worst thing I ever remember was something that happened to a friend of mine....

I stayed at his house because we had some girls we was trying to get after.. I stayed there after we spent most of the night trying to get these girls to do nasty things :cheers:

so we was sleeping in his room... Im on the floor in a sleeping bag... I was about 15 at the time....

I remember his pops busted in the room shoutin and scared the sh*t out of me....

His pops went over and cold sucker punched my dude in his mouth while he was sleep!!! he said "you wanna talk smart to your mother while Im not here?"

I came from a home where that type sh*t didnt happen. I had never seen such a thing in my life...

My friend woke up and they started rumblin... I was just standing there with my jaw on drop like "holy sh*t!"

they pugged it out for a minute, then his pop just dropped him and looked at me like I was next :oldlol:

he was like "you got something to say? Huh? You wanna be next?" I was shook... I was like "Im just gonna go" got my stuff and bailed outta there

Ill never forget that
:roll: I witnessed an event similar to that. My friends dad threw a fish fillet a his face and then proceeded to hit him with a damn street fighter move. Vicious. Also funny, my friend had all of that sauce that comes from the fish fillet sandwich on face, so it honestly looked like some one jizzed all over his face.

07-21-2009, 12:14 PM
:roll: I witnessed an event similar to that. My friends dad threw a fish fillet a his face and then proceeded to hit him with a damn street fighter move. Vicious. Also funny, my friend had all of that sauce that comes from the fish fillet sandwich on face, so it honestly looked like some one jizzed all over his face.

Hey I had a white friend back in HS and we was out f*cking with people and being mischevious all day (messing with these girls that he liked...just harassing these chicks).... We went to his house and we didnt expect his pops knew about what we had been doing all day... His pops played tennis and just came back & was in the basement chilling... we went down the basement like nothing was up and his pops started whipping his legs with the tennis racket :roll: that sh*t was funny as hell... it looked like it hurt though... he had one of those rackets with the wooden frame.. cracked that sh*t on my friends legs :oldlol: ... it was summertime too so he had on shorts...

that one was funny... the other incident where my homie got knocked out by his pops was straight scary...

07-21-2009, 12:26 PM
Hey I had a white friend back in HS and we was out f*cking with people and being mischevious all day (messing with these girls that he liked...just harassing these chicks).... We went to his house and we didnt expect his pops knew about what we had been doing all day... His pops played tennis and just came back & was in the basement chilling... we went down the basement like nothing was up and his pops started whipping his legs with the tennis racket :roll: that sh*t was funny as hell... it looked like it hurt though... he had one of those rackets with the wooden frame.. cracked that sh*t on my friends legs :oldlol: ... it was summertime too so he had on shorts...

that one was funny... the other incident where my homie got knocked out by his pops was straight scary...
His dad should have given him a back hand that Roger Federer would be proud of. How come you are always watching people get in trouble?

07-21-2009, 12:38 PM
I was at my grandfathers house when I was about 8, and I was talking back to him and disrupting a "family" game of tetris, so he started chasing me around a table with his slipper. Well my dad got fed up with me dodging him, so they double teamed me in front of all our immediate family/relatives. sh!t was embarassing i cried for at leasy an hour :cry:

07-21-2009, 12:40 PM
His dad should have given him a back hand that Roger Federer would be proud of. How come you are always watching people get in trouble?

I had friends who was always up to sh*t.... the guy who got dropped by his pops was a guy who just attracted trouble/action whatever you wanna call it....

and these was my good friends.. I had friends that sold drugs and stuck people up but they never allowed me to participate because they respected my moms. They always would send me home and tell me to be what I am and not try to be like them...

I rarely ever got in trouble because I was pretty good as a kid.... I did get beat for hurting my sister once... it wasnt even my fault.... She was older than me and she to this day is very aggressive and mouthy... she kept intimidating me one time when we was home alone and I went in my room and shut the door... she busted in my room and came at me... I was falling backwards onto the bed and just cold capped her in the eye :oldlol: she left and came back a few minutes later with a shiny speedknot on her eye... she told my mom I hit her and it was a wrap for me... My moms was p*ssed to the highest of pistivity... I told her what happened and she didnt even care.... She said she didnt give a sh*t if my sister threw me down a flight of stairs, i shouldnt have hit her... I got beat for that... but I rarely evr got beat or punished... I was considered the good one :oldlol:

07-21-2009, 01:06 PM
The worst one I can think of is I think I swore one time in my house, and I had already pissed my mom off a lot during that week, so she starts hitting me with the rolling pin that was in her hand. That one was painful.

Come to think of it my mom tended to hit me with a lot of kitchen utensils, spatulas, ladles, etc. I remember I used to run around the house trying to get away from her. :lol I learned not to piss my mom off. Especially about school stuff, I had to make sure never to let my mark slipped. I had to have a slow start and then improve my mark, because if I had a great start and then my mark went down, she would be pissed.

07-21-2009, 02:09 PM
Fresh out of the bath tub, still naked, braided switch, worst 1 minute of my life.

I have heard of that s**t before(maybe my grandmother tried it/did it) ,but I would be pissed the hell off:mad: if my child's mother tried to pull something like that on my kid. I'm all for 'occasional' spankings ,but that's unecessarily cruel.

I read a couple pages of this & wanna know where were all these people when I tried against all odds to defend JOE Jackson spanking his kids for about 3 pages in another thread.:confusedshrug: Unless the abuse Joe was guilty of was pushing his kids onstage ,touring,etc......... (may be something to that )but no one in the entire Jackson clan(Mother/brothers/sisters/cousins/etc...) ,besides Michael , accused Joe of abuse.

My Grandmother/Grandfather would make me get my own 'switches' & lay it down :oldlol: ,but they were getting older & my mother had had enough of the spankings when she was a child & SAVED me from those kind of whippings by my Grandparents:hammertime:

So long ago that it's hard for me to remember any particular 'major' whipping I got or offense that I was guilty of. But my Grandmother/Grandfather probably whipped me more than my parents(father killed when I was young).

I do remember my mother hitting my cousin with a frozen chicken & it has become a family legend of sorts. My cousin ,now retired from the military, always tells my mother(mock anger & fighting stance) that;
'I never forgot you hit me with that chicken' & my mother calmy answers "And I still haven't forgot how to swing one'.

MJ(Mean John)
07-21-2009, 02:55 PM
Middle Eastern. Both parents are from Lebanon. My dad doesn't f*** around.

OMG. Lebanonese girls are soooooo BOMB. Wow. haha, welll The only ones that I have met, are like so diffrent and bomb lookijng !! haha

My Girlfriend is Mexican but she looks middle eastern. A liittttle bit, she looks like shes Lebanese and yea. haha

MJ(Mean John)
07-21-2009, 03:03 PM
The worst ass whoopin was..

I was already getting the belt. So, me being the young tough guy that I was, (Younger than 10 I think) I was so mad, so I was like trying to block the belt with my arms, and I remember telling my dad

"That doesnt hurt! that doesnt hurt!"

And he told me to get on my knees and he just whooped my back, like this was on some slave sh!t already..

Never again would I say that. haha

07-21-2009, 03:06 PM
Man, this is a great thread. Good bump RBP. My story is like this, I was playing basketball at the park, my mom calls me right before our last game. She says,"You need to be home at 9" I say OK. I kept playing, didnt get home until 11 and when I came home, all I remember is the first punch. Woke up the next morning bruised all over and a note beside my bed that said,"Cut the grass".

yeah. same here. Happens to me all the time. Playing ball at the park, Mom calls me to come home, everybody is like lets finish the game, and ounce the game finishes they be begging for a rematch :banghead:

come home after dark, as soon as i open the door my mom starts throwing punches at me. She just dosen't understand my love for the game :cry:

07-21-2009, 03:11 PM
yeah. same here. Happens to me all the time. Playing ball at the park, Mom calls me to come home, everybody is like lets finish the game, and ounce the game finishes they be begging for a rematch :banghead:

come home after dark, as soon as i open the door my mom starts throwing punches at me. She just dosen't understand my love for the game :cry:
Why is it always like that? When you need to go, the game gets so interesting and people start asking to run that back. I learned my lesson, gotta bob and weave next time. I am going to use the Philly shell as well.

07-21-2009, 03:55 PM
You guys not scared that some ass houle government deeck head is reading this :lol

07-21-2009, 04:04 PM
You guys not scared that some ass houle government deeck head is reading this :lol
I think more people need to kick their kids ass. I advocate a good whoppin.

07-21-2009, 04:41 PM
Well, one time I was reading a book while waiting for my mother to cook lunch, and she just started freaking out. She slapped me, kicked me, and all the nasty stuff... At this age, I can understand her, she must've had it really hard (she's a single parent, and my dad just died when this happened...)

emsteez forreal
07-21-2009, 05:10 PM
being half-white, i never really got beat, so the times either of my parents have hit me i remember. the worst one was one time when i was talking to my friend (who was currently living with me at the time), and my dad was standing behind him. i was talking to my friend, then my dad responded, and i said, "i wasn't talking to you." i didn't even say it in a disrespectful way either, that's just one of those things that you say that sounds disrespectful regardless of the tone it's spoken in. so my dad tells my friend to leave the room, closes the doors, comes up and slaps me SUPER-HARD, and is all like "DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" i've always had a high pain tolerance, so i was just like, "umm.. okay." lol, it was such a weird situation because my parents hardly ever get mad, much less hit me.

07-21-2009, 05:32 PM
lol mom never hit me, my dad whooped me and my brothers ass with the belt. Not bare, but still hurt. We blocked with our hands, sometimes it didn't hurt and we'd pretend it did.

lol, we make fun of each other now. Like tell each other we were laughing when the other one was getting beat.

07-21-2009, 06:45 PM
Hmm...lot of stories pertaining to this subject.

1) Me and my sister were standing on a deck in the morning. My sister was screaming and my mom walked up to us, grabbed ME and punched me in the mouth and told me to, "Shut the **** up and go to my room."

2) For years my mom would say, "If you don't stop pinching me, I'm going to throw you across the room." So being a dumb kid I'd do it all the time until one day she finally had enough and threw me across the apartment and I ended up flying underneath our dining table and taking out two chairs.

3) I was playing with my hot wheels with my neighbor outside one summer day and my mom wanted me to come inside for the night and I threw a fit about it and she said, "FINE...STAY OUTSIDE ALL ****ING NIGHT THEN!" And that's what happened. She locked me out and forced me to sleep outside all night when I was ****ing 7 years old.

People need to hit their kids. I just moved out of my buddies house and they don't hit their kids, and their kids have absolutely no respect for their elders, for their parents, for rules and basically run the house.

07-21-2009, 06:48 PM
Research has shown very negative effects of spanking/beating children. It really doesn't matter how many of each a child receives either. 5 or 500 spankings in a lifetime, they have an effect on people.

If spanked, children are very likely to have aggressive first thoughts.

What this means:
Especially when younger and less able to control emotions, children will react towards actions and even mere verbal attacks with thoughts of physical action against the perpetrator. In other words, the confrontation is instantly escalated for no reason and the child is far more likely to be in fights.

If beaten, children are far more likely to exhibit bullying over others.

What this means:
Fairly straight-forward, but many people don't realize what effects bullies have on others. It can ruin people's lives and usually isn't even physical. The approach of taking others down to build yourself up is the most common form of bullying.

Physical harm towards children is ineffective in general

What this means:
Children often notice these events more, but only slightly. But what far outweighs the positive effects (not doing the dumb stuff they were doing) is children have a lower opinion of their guardian's parental ability - meaning less respect for their advice or demands in other areas.

Don't hit your kids. Research says it's ineffective. It also says if you were hit you're far more likely to do it to your own kids unless you wisen up to the truth.

Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. Your kids will be better off for it.

Stop the cycle.

07-21-2009, 07:42 PM
Research has shown very negative effects of spanking/beating children. It really doesn't matter how many of each a child receives either. 5 or 500 spankings in a lifetime, they have an effect on people.

If spanked, children are very likely to have aggressive first thoughts.

What this means:
Especially when younger and less able to control emotions, children will react towards actions and even mere verbal attacks with thoughts of physical action against the perpetrator. In other words, the confrontation is instantly escalated for no reason and the child is far more likely to be in fights.

If beaten, children are far more likely to exhibit bullying over others.

What this means:
Fairly straight-forward, but many people don't realize what effects bullies have on others. It can ruin people's lives and usually isn't even physical. The approach of taking others down to build yourself up is the most common form of bullying.

Physical harm towards children is ineffective in general

What this means:
Children often notice these events more, but only slightly. But what far outweighs the positive effects (not doing the dumb stuff they were doing) is children have a lower opinion of their guardian's parental ability - meaning less respect for their advice or demands in other areas.

Don't hit your kids. Research says it's ineffective. It also says if you were hit you're far more likely to do it to your own kids unless you wisen up to the truth.

Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. Your kids will be better off for it.

Stop the cycle.

And I show none of these traits why?


07-21-2009, 08:24 PM
i never really got hit, just whippings from a belt. the one that really pissed me off though was when i was in an argument with my mom when i was like 5 or so, i don't remember what it was about. anyway she slapped me and i was like "why did you hit me?! you wouldn't like it if i slapped you!" and she said something like "go ahead, slap me." and i kept saying no i'm not gonna slap you but she kept telling me to do it, so eventually i slapped her really softly on her cheek and when i did she slapped the living **** out of me :oldlol: :oldlol:

i was so pissed. that was just unfair.

07-21-2009, 08:30 PM
i never really got hit, just whippings from a belt. the one that really pissed me off though was when i was in an argument with my mom when i was like 5 or so, i don't remember what it was about. anyway she slapped me and i was like "why did you hit me?! you wouldn't like it if i slapped you!" and she said something like "go ahead, slap me." and i kept saying no i'm not gonna slap you but she kept telling me to do it, so eventually i slapped her really softly on her cheek and when i did she slapped the living **** out of me :oldlol: :oldlol:

i was so pissed. that was just unfair.


Sounds like me and my ex.

"If you hit me again, I'm gonna punch you as hard as I can"

"Do it then. Hit a girl"

*She hits me*

*I hit her softly*

*She hides her face*

"I can't believe you just hit me!"

*I cuddle with her and say sorry*

*She turns and punches me as hard as she can in the neck or some *****

07-21-2009, 08:53 PM

Sounds like me and my ex.

"If you hit me again, I'm gonna punch you as hard as I can"

"Do it then. Hit a girl"

*She hits me*

*I hit her softly*

*She hides her face*

"I can't believe you just hit me!"

*I cuddle with her and say sorry*

*She turns and punches me as hard as she can in the neck or some *****
:roll: I have been hit by so many girls. I have been hit with a cup cake tray, shoes, punched, kicked, etc. One time, I was at a party talking to this chic named melanie, we go outside for privacy and she starts playing around and hits me.
I say" You hit like a girl, I thought you were stronger than that"
She walks off, so I sit down and wonder what did I say. She comes back, says its okay, smiles, helps me off the step, and knocks the sh*t out of me.

Another story I have is classic. My friend was playing around with his gf Jessica, and says a joke, she gets mad. He didnt know she was mad, and just playing around, pushes her. She says" Oj is calling you from the stands, so he looks up and she hits him with an uppercut to the balls. Clean shot.He didnt say anything but his face turned deep red.

07-21-2009, 09:09 PM
My dad sucker punched me and broke my nose.

07-21-2009, 09:31 PM
I never got my ass whipped by my parents. Child abuse is sloppy, lazy-ass, $hitty-ass, parenting.

07-21-2009, 11:00 PM
got my ass whooped cause i got caught sneaking out one time of my friends house with him...we were gonna go try and meet up with these girls and we had some weed with us too but then my friend ****in trips and hits his head and yells and im just like oh **** and i run but his parents come running to the basement and his dad picks my friend up and just shakes him back and forth and slaps him once and like drags me back into the house...flushes the gram of weed i had into the ****ing toilet...and calls my dad. dad picks me up, doesnt say a word in the car as soon as we get in the house takes me to tbe bathroom and takes his belt and starts whippin the **** out of me...that night was so ****ed up but i guess every kid needs something like that me and my bud still laugh about it.

U got Served
07-21-2009, 11:16 PM
I never got my ass whipped by my parents. Child abuse is sloppy, lazy-ass, $hitty-ass, parenting.

typical white boy

07-21-2009, 11:19 PM
Dad does the talking and mom does the hitting

Come home one day get slapped around in the face, head banged against the wall, slapped some more times ..this happened in grade 7

Another time Mom hit me with her car but luckily I jumped ontop of the car and did some rolling **** and than she came and grabbed me by the ear threw me to the ground kicked me around and than threateend to stab me with a shank ...this one happened in grade 4

07-22-2009, 12:03 AM
I never got the belt, but i'd get hit upside the head for talking back to my dad or my mom or being a dumbass.

07-22-2009, 12:09 AM
Grade 2, the incident I now like to call "The Birth of the Maniak"

Me and a bunch of friends were at the slides. It was foggy, so there was the fog stuff whateverthatis on the slides. We were writing crap with our fingers with it like "Hello!" and all that stuff. Then I start to laugh and write "Autumn(girl in my class) is stupid!" a friend goes to tell her, then I shut him up and tell him "its for the good of both of us, trust me." then I was like "dude look at this word!" and he said "what?" then I said "its the F-Word!" then he started laughing. Then a jackass I still hate to this day(he listens to Jonas Brothers and bands like that, another reason) runs off and tells my teacher about it.

Things did not end well.

And yes, I was a slightly messed up kid. But I still laugh to this day about that.

I didnt get beat from this or anything, but I find this funny, my buddy always teases me about it to this day.

I was bored in class during a spelling test so I grab the answers and hide them in my desk, then a kid sitting behind me yells "Hey _____! Why are you looking at the answers?" then I get terrified and say "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY ILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They made me retest it later that day and watched me from behind to assure I didnt cheat.

I still aced it, anyways. I knew I could have done perfectly, its just I was bored and WANTED to cheat, kinda messed up.

07-22-2009, 12:30 AM
worst beating was like when i was 5 or 6. i was out playing, and didn't wanna go home yet. my dad kept sending someone to get me but i said i didn't wanna go home yet. then he comes out and pulls me home by the ear. he was drunk.. i was just like a couple of houses away.. i don't really remember him hitting me, but the ear **** definitely hurt. and i think he must have tossed me around the room a couple of times.. :oldlol:

but if he tries that sh!t with me these days, i'm gonna knock him out.. i'm like a couple of inches taller than him now.. :rolleyes:

emsteez forreal
07-22-2009, 01:07 AM
Grade 2, the incident I now like to call "The Birth of the Maniak"

Me and a bunch of friends were at the slides. It was foggy, so there was the fog stuff whateverthatis on the slides. We were writing crap with our fingers with it like "Hello!" and all that stuff. Then I start to laugh and write "Autumn(girl in my class) is stupid!" a friend goes to tell her, then I shut him up and tell him "its for the good of both of us, trust me." then I was like "dude look at this word!" and he said "what?" then I said "its the F-Word!" then he started laughing. Then a jackass I still hate to this day(he listens to Jonas Brothers and bands like that, another reason) runs off and tells my teacher about it.

Things did not end well.

And yes, I was a slightly messed up kid. But I still laugh to this day about that.

I didnt get beat from this or anything, but I find this funny, my buddy always teases me about it to this day.

I was bored in class during a spelling test so I grab the answers and hide them in my desk, then a kid sitting behind me yells "Hey _____! Why are you looking at the answers?" then I get terrified and say "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY ILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They made me retest it later that day and watched me from behind to assure I didnt cheat.

I still aced it, anyways. I knew I could have done perfectly, its just I was bored and WANTED to cheat, kinda messed up.


that reminds me of one time in 5th grade, where i made the biggest font possible on word processor and typed "****" and whispered to my friend across the room to look.. teacher saw and i got kicked out the room. lol

07-22-2009, 02:11 AM
typical white boy

Yeah I'm white, but what does that have to do with anything?? I have white friends that got their ass kicked by their parents.

Using violence and/or the threat of violence instead of addressing the root cause of misbehavior or the lack of understanding of what is right/wrong or acceptable/unacceptable is f*cking lazy parenting. Be a f*cking adult and give your children the attention they need to know the difference between right and wrong instead of resorting to violence like a damn neanderthal.

It's not a race thing, as black, white, brown, and yellow parents beat the s*it out of their kids for thousands of years. Abuse of any kind is above any kind of racial denomination.

In the state of California, African American children are almost 3x as likely as caucasians, and over 2x as likely as Hispanic/Latino to be victims of child abuse.


Typical white boy for saying its poor and lazy parenting??? Sounds like if you lived in California, you might be typically something else. Just keep the trends going it really speaks volumes about values.

Oh, and bring on the whole racism card, because I am absolutely not.

NY Comeback
07-22-2009, 02:12 AM
I never got my ass whipped by my parents. Child abuse is sloppy, lazy-ass, $hitty-ass, parenting.
Wrong! :no:

It is in fact to most effective way of Parenting. It's good to lay the smackdown every now and then.

U got Served
07-22-2009, 02:15 AM
Yeah I'm white, but what does that have to do with anything?? I have white friends that got their ass kicked by their parents.

Using violence and/or the threat of violence instead of addressing the root cause of misbehavior or the lack of understanding of what is right/wrong or acceptable/unacceptable is f*cking lazy parenting. Be a f*cking adult and give your children the attention they need to know the difference between right and wrong instead of resorting to violence like a damn neanderthal.

It's not a race thing, as black, white, brown, and yellow parents beat the s*it out of their kids for thousands of years. Abuse of any kind is above any kind of racial denomination.

In the state of California, African American children are almost 3x as likely as caucasians, and over 2x as likely as Hispanic/Latino to be victims of child abuse.


Typical white boy for saying its poor and lazy parenting??? Sounds like if you're a typical Californian, you might be typically something else.

Texan. All I know is that right before my dad/mom whipped me they would ask me "do you know why am I doing this?" And I did know. I knew I'd done something wrong. They would warn me first, then spank/whip me. I'm not saying child abuse doesn't exist, but to say whipping is lazy parenting is wrong. Sometimes you have to use the belt. My opinion.

07-22-2009, 02:15 AM
Wrong! :no:

It is in fact to most effective way of Parenting. It's good to lay the smackdown every now and then.

The most effective?? Ha.

The most effective way to parent is to teach them boundaries and the difference between right and wrong, and there are non-violent consequences to their actions. This kind of insight is just breeding a violent and disfunctional society.

07-22-2009, 02:17 AM
Texan. All I know is that right before my dad/mom whipped me they would ask me "do you know why am I doing this?" And I did know. I knew I'd done something wrong. They would warn me first, then spank/whip me. I'm not saying child abuse doesn't exist, but to say whipping is lazy parenting is wrong. Sometimes you have to use the belt. My opinion.

Well that sounds like they were going in kind of the right direction, but at the same time thats just instilling in impressionable youth that using violence upon someone is okay if they did something wrong, which in everyday life is absolutely unacceptable.

Parents should be able to find other ways to punish their kids than smacking them around. Worked for me and I turned out just fine.

U got Served
07-22-2009, 02:20 AM
Well that sounds like they were going in kind of the right direction, but at the same time thats just instilling in impressionable youth that using violence upon someone is okay if they did something wrong, which in everyday life is absolutely unacceptable.

Parents should be able to find other ways to punish their kids than smacking them around. Worked for me and I turned out just fine.

OK let me ask you this. How DID your parents punish you?

NY Comeback
07-22-2009, 02:22 AM
The most effective?? Ha.

The most effective way to parent is to teach them boundaries and the difference between right and wrong, and there are non-violent consequences to their actions. This kind of insight is just breeding a violent and disfunctional society.
lol naw I agree. Just messing around was all.

07-22-2009, 02:24 AM
If you have to whip your kids, then fine, do it. But in my opinion, you must be a pretty ****ty parent if you can't properly discipline and raise your kids without physically hurting them.

Just my take on the matter.

07-22-2009, 02:24 AM
OK let me ask you this. How DID your parents punished you?

I acted up, then something was taken away, whether it was my time, or my ability to do what I wanted, or with what I wanted to do it with.

Whether it was extra chores, or grounding, or lack of access to amenities like television, video games, or toys, misbehavior resulted in nonviolent consequences that made me not want to behave in that manner anymore.

Its all about incentives, and while a good lickin' definitely gives disincentive to misbehave, there are other means that give the same magnitude of disincentive.

07-22-2009, 02:26 AM
If you have to whip your kids, then fine, do it. But in my opinion, you must be a pretty ****ty parent if you can't properly discipline and raise your kids without physically hurting them.

Just my take on the matter.

Exactly. If you can't teach your kids boundaries and what's right or wrong, then its the parents that should be beat, not the kids. Its not the kids' fault that they weren't given proper structure to encourage good behavior.

U got Served
07-22-2009, 02:32 AM
I acted up, then something was taken away, whether it was my time, or my ability to do what I wanted, or with what I wanted to do it with.

Whether it was extra chores, or grounding, or lack of access to amenities like television, video games, or toys, misbehavior resulted in nonviolent consequences that made me not want to behave in that manner anymore.

Its all about incentives, and while a good lickin' definitely gives disincentive to misbehave, there are other means that give the same magnitude of disincentive.

I guess it depends on how you view things. Those things didn't work with me or my brothers. We were all really hard headed and only an ass whipping would teach us. :oldlol: Everyone knows how to control their own child, and I don't think whipping smacking your child's rear end is considered violence.

07-22-2009, 02:33 AM
I guess it depends on how you view things. Those things didn't work with me or my brothers. We were all really hard headed and only an ass whipping would teach us. :oldlol: Everyone knows how to control their own child, and I don't think whipping smacking your child's rear end is considered violence.

IMO, if you need to resort to violence to keep your kids in line, then you really don't know how to "control" your own child. And yes, hitting your kids is violence, and is teaching them that problems can and/or should be solved with violence.

07-22-2009, 02:39 AM
I'm not going to try hitting or spanking my daughter when she gets older. Instead I'll at least try a different approach because it was effective on me...

...usually when I was a kid I would get spankings open hand then later with a paddle. But there came a time when I was too old to get them because they didn't hurt as much anymore. Hell by the age of 9 or 10 I would laugh during some spankings becuase it didn't hurt.

So what I plan to do is what my parents did to me, which was stand in the corner face it and stare at it for at least 1-2 hours straight. They had to the patients to keep me there too. If I did something wrong, I would lose a privilege. Such as Genesis, a certain toy, etc. I hated the corner so bad that sometimes they would give me a choice of a spanking or standing in the corner and I would take spanking because i hated the corner so much even though at the time the spanking would hurt like hell with the paddle.

I just have to learn to be patient more than anything with it.

To answer the topic's question my worst spanking I ever got was for messing up our Christmas tree. I got on the arm of our couch and basically jumped into it messing up one side really bad. Broke some ornaments and stuff. :D

U got Served
07-22-2009, 02:40 AM
IMO, if you need to resort to violence to keep your kids in line, then you really don't know how to "control" your own child. And yes, hitting your kids is violence, and is teaching them that problems can and/or should be solved with violence.

See the thing is, I don't see myself or my brothers thinking "well, since my dad hit me I'm gonna go ahead and kick someone's ass in school."
Plus, I knew they wished the best for me, not at the time they whipped me, later on. Also I knew what my friend's parents were like and thought to myself that I was very lucky. My dad never hit my mom, and I never ever saw my dad or mom get into a fight that made me think that violence was ok.

07-22-2009, 02:43 AM
See the thing is, I don't see myself or my brothers thinking "well, since my dad hit me I'm gonna go ahead and kick someone's ass in school."
Plus, I knew they wished the best for me, not at the time they whipped me, later on. Also I knew what my friend's parents were like and thought to myself that I was very lucky. My dad never hit my mom, and I never ever saw my dad or mom get into a fight that made me think that violence was ok.

Not everybody that has violence as punishment goes on to have violence and the threat of violence as acceptable means for conflict resolution, but I would say that it does affect a fair amount of impressionable kids' views at least at the subconscious level.

U got Served
07-22-2009, 02:54 AM
Not everybody that has violence as punishment goes on to have violence and the threat of violence as acceptable means for conflict resolution, but I would say that it does affect a fair amount of impressionable kids' views at least at the subconscious level.

I don't think whipping your kids affects them more than the psychological and emotional abuse. Emotional scars are the ones that are though to heal. I don't have kids so I don't know what's it like to "control" them. I guess when I grow older and see what's like to have to whip your child, maybe I'll change my mind. :cheers:

07-22-2009, 02:56 AM
I've been belted a lot of times when I was young, although it got less as I grew older. I think the worst one was my mom hitting me with the belt for some stupid sh!t I don't even remember anymore, and she used the buckle and she hit me across the face. I didn't have contacts back then and she broke my glasses. Didn't even say sorry afterwards haha.

07-22-2009, 02:57 AM
My parents beat the f*ck out of me and I thank them for it. Not once did I think I didn't deserve the a$$ kicking them handed me. I've been beaten with a shoe, a belt, one time my dad even used a closed fist but I was near the age where you stopped getting spankings. I didn't get another spanking after that.

07-22-2009, 12:54 PM
DOnt really remember but most of my ass whippings came from talking back to my mom. My dad would then come home and I would get my ass belted. Started at around 5 belts but he would add one each time I put my hands back to block the belt. :oldlol:


07-22-2009, 01:01 PM
lol great thread

bret tha ripper
07-22-2009, 05:32 PM
when my grandma hit me with a switch like 40 times from rough housing. The biotch broke skin