View Full Version : Over half of NBA players go broke after retiring

02-06-2008, 05:48 PM

"I've seen (an NBA player) having two cars a day to drive. You know, 14 cars," said Raptors sharpshooter Jason Kapono the other day. "Think about how absurd it is. You say 14 cars. All right, you may have some kids, a family of nine. But a single guy having 14 cars?

"It's one thing if Bill Gates wants to do that. But when you're 22 years old and you don't even have kids yet, it's not good."

Kapono, then, wasn't the least bit surprised when a representative of the NBA Players' Association addressed the Raptors recently on matters of financial prudence. A statistic was cited during the meeting that startled some of the hoopsters. It was said that 60 per cent of retired NBA players go broke five years after their NBA paycheques stop arriving.


Public stories of NBAers in financial trouble occasionally make headlines. Back in October, Jason Caffey, who made an estimated $29 million during his eight-year NBA career, was in bankruptcy court seeking protection from his creditors, among them the seven women with whom he fathered eight children. And late last year Latrell Sprewell, who famously turned up his nose at a $21 million contract offer – "I've got to feed my family," was the money quote – had a yacht worth more than $1 million repossessed.

Stupidity and arrogance with that much money. Bad combo. 14 cars? ****ing idiots.

How's it going, Spree? Fam still eating diamond sandwiches?

02-06-2008, 05:50 PM
1/2? I'd bet that's very exaggerated.

02-06-2008, 05:50 PM
I wish I could say I was surprised. But let's face it, a lot of these guys just aren't that smart.

02-06-2008, 05:51 PM
I wish I could say I was surprised. But let's face it, a lot of these guys just aren't that smart.

a lot of them come from the hood and don't have any foresight.

02-06-2008, 05:52 PM
Scottie Pippen is broke as of now isn't he?

02-06-2008, 05:54 PM
It was said that 60 per cent of retired NBA players go broke five years after their NBA paycheques stop arriving.


how is that possible? 60% of retired players go broke in 5 years? that can't be right.

02-06-2008, 05:54 PM
The more you make the more you spend. Paychecks stop, bills dont.

02-06-2008, 05:58 PM
The more you make the more you spend. Paychecks stop, bills dont.
Come on, then don't buy a $20 million dollar house and 14 cars for godsake! They don't have to spend that much. I could probably live the rest of my life on like $2 million, easily, just by not being stupid and saving.

02-06-2008, 06:01 PM
How's it going, Spree? Fam still eating diamond sandwiches?
Spree's doing great. Just got an assault case against him dropped.

HARRISON, N.Y. - Prosecutors are dropping their case against former basketball star Latrell Sprewell, who was accused of assaulting his girlfriend in front of their children.

Lucian Chalfen, spokesman for Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore, said Monday the charges will be dismissed in a year if Sprewell stays out of trouble.

Sprewell was charged in December 2006 with third-degree assault, obstructing governmental administration and five counts of endangering children. The complaint said Sprewell assaulted Cabbil in their home in the New York City suburb of Purchase and refused to let in police for 90 minutes.

02-06-2008, 06:02 PM
doesn't surprise me one bit.

most of them neither have the formal education nor the savvy with money since agents catered for them when they still earned millions...and many of them come from the poor backgrounds, so they want to buy everyone that money can buy, and not only for themselves, but for huge families too.
as GOBB points out, they get used to the lavish lifestyle, mansions, fancy cars, strip clubs, entourages and all that, but they fail to save or invest. once you get used to the glamour it's very hard to let it go, despite the fact that paychecks stopped coming.
and in five years they go broke.

02-06-2008, 06:03 PM
Spree's doing great. Just got an assault case against him dropped.

Lemme guess, he CHOKED her?

02-06-2008, 06:03 PM
Come on, then don't buy a $20 million dollar house and 14 cars for godsake! They don't have to spend that much. I could probably live the rest of my life on like $2 million, easily, just by not being stupid and saving.

Maybe you could, we'll never know. People who make a fraction of that. The same rule applies. You make $35,000 per year and end up at a job making $65,000 per year...how many people do you think still live under the same means as they did when they made $35,000? The more you make the more you spend. Someone will get a better car, maybe relocate to a better area (thus paying more), spend more, add more luxaries, change cell phone plan. I'm not saying there arent folks who budget properly but many dont. Some dont really think about it or dont look for assistance.

02-06-2008, 06:04 PM
as GOBB points out, they get used to the lavish lifestyle, mansions, fancy cars, strip clubs, entourages and all that, but they fail to save or invest. once you get used to the glamour it's very hard to let it go, despite the fact that paychecks stopped coming.
and in five years they go broke.

i can see that happening to some, or even many players.. but 60 percent? thats more than half.. i can't believe half the NBA's current players will be broke 5 years after they retire.

02-06-2008, 06:05 PM
as GOBB points out, they get used to the lavish lifestyle, mansions, fancy cars, strip clubs, entourages and all that, but they fail to save or invest. once you get used to the glamour it's very hard to let it go, despite the fact that paychecks stopped coming.
and in five years they go broke.

Exactly. Unless they get back into the NBA you're not gonna find many jobs to support your expenses unless you've saved and invested your money wisely beforehand.

02-06-2008, 06:06 PM
I dont know where they are getting the 60% figure from. They would have to run down a list of players then show how they found them going broke. I didnt read the link/article tho...maybe it was explained. Eh

02-06-2008, 06:08 PM
Status is all relative. When all your friends got somethin and you dont, you feel like a broke ass, and maybe you over-spend to get somethin fresh or popular.

Guys in the league are teammates with dudes like Shaq and Lebron and them who rock the most insane expensive ****. It sounds crazy but when you're makin 2 million a year and your goin out to clubs with guys that are makin 17 million a year, that can make you feel like a chump.

Dudes will try to keep up with the guys who make the most dough and floss the most BL!NG BL!NG. They end up runnin out and lookin like retards when they retire.

It sounds ridiculous but in the NBA when you're "only" makin 2 or 3 mil a year, that's chump change. You can get caught up tryin to roll like the TMac's and Marbury's and them and then end up forced to turn preacher like Hammer after you retire so you can get paid by the collection plate.

02-06-2008, 06:08 PM
Exactly. Unless they get back into the NBA you're not gonna find many jobs to support your expenses unless you've saved and invested your money wisely beforehand.
They usually get into commentating(if they know how to speak English),coaching(If they understand basketball) or.....

02-06-2008, 06:10 PM
Lemme guess, he CHOKED her?
The article didn't say, but it sounds like a good guess.

02-06-2008, 06:14 PM
i can see that happening to some, or even many players.. but 60 percent? thats more than half.. i can't believe half the NBA's current players will be broke 5 years after they retire.

maybe a bit too much, but i still don't have much trouble believing that.

it's similar to lottery winners. you suddenly give huge money to one who doesn't know how to handle it - since he didn't earn it by being good with money. he squanders it fairly quickly, mostly on flashy stuff that's got poor investment and re-sell value...especially since he comes from a poor background and wants to show off to everyone that he's got money now...temptations are obviously much bigger also than for an average joe...and he's eventually stuck since he's got no permanent, stable source of income to warrant having that kind of money in the first place.
another thing is, not all guys in the nba receive ten millions per year...not all guys play for ten or more years. and all of them can't become coaches or commentators.

02-06-2008, 06:20 PM
I dont know where they are getting the 60% figure from. They would have to run down a list of players then show how they found them going broke. I didnt read the link/article tho...maybe it was explained. Eh

The figure is pretty staggering, but we have no idea what group of NBA players this is being sampled from.

I mean for all we know, the study could very well include the players who played in the 60's, where a guy like John Havlicek was making $55k his rookie year.

If you ask me, I can see a guy who's making $55k a year easily running out of $ if they aren't careful.

EDIT: Then again, I didn't read the whole article, so if something was stated about the specifics of who was sampled, then my comments are irrelevant.

02-06-2008, 06:27 PM
This is an easy concept. Give Donald Trump a million dollars and he'll have 10 million dollars within a year or two.

Give the average NBA player one million dollars, and they'll have expensive wheels, shiny rims, and a big sound system......and be eating out of the trash in a year.

There should be more mandatory financial education/information classes for NBA rookies. Guys should have to complete a certain amount of hours before they are allowed to step foot on a practice floor and then this stuff would not happen.

02-06-2008, 06:31 PM
The NBA, commercial sport as a whole, is essentially a trap for inner city youth.It's not a coincidence.

02-06-2008, 06:40 PM
wow don't these guys have their own financial planner or something?

02-06-2008, 06:41 PM
The NBA, commercial sport as a whole, is essentially a trap for inner city youth.It's not a coincidence.

Yeah, but there's a fine line between being exploited by others, and being too stupid to think for yourself.

02-06-2008, 06:41 PM
Paychecks stop, bills dont.

Fact of Life that most people don't fully realize the extent of until their money is gone.:applause:

02-06-2008, 06:42 PM
This is an easy concept. Give Donald Trump a million dollars and he'll have 10 million dollars within a year or two.

hah, Donald Trump went bankrupt with his real estate investments, that's why he had to start whoring himself on TV to make money back.

02-06-2008, 06:43 PM
Yeah, but there's a fine line between being exploited by others, and being too stupid to think for yourself.

It's way more complex than that.

02-06-2008, 06:46 PM
It's way more complex than that.

Well of course it is. But ultimately nobody is forcing Spree to buy a dozen yachts at over a million each, nor are they forcing Caffey or Kemp to father eight children with eight different mothers. There's a certain level of ignorance and egotism rampant in the NBA that can't just be blamed on all the nasty rich owners who pay the inner city kids millions of dollars to play a game. A man is ultimately responsible for his own actions.

02-06-2008, 06:52 PM
Well of course it is. But ultimately nobody is forcing Spree to buy a dozen yachts at over a million each, nor are they forcing Caffey or Kemp to father eight children with eight different mothers. There's a certain level of ignorance and egotism rampant in the NBA that can't just be blamed on all the nasty rich owners who pay the inner city kids millions of dollars to play a game. A man is ultimately responsible for his own actions.

Yes you agree.... it IS more complex than you make it out to be.

If I were to respond to the other points you make...which I agree with for the most part by the way.....it would entail getting into these 'other things'

02-06-2008, 07:34 PM
Honestly Everybody goes brok. Right now I work in collections for Wachovia (not the greatest job but it pays the bills, and able to pass time until I get in law school), and about a 1/4 of the people I talk to aren't poor, they're professionals - doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and athletes; who make a lot of money but live over they're heads. Its not just NBAers who go broke, a lot of people in the high-income sector of society do.

02-06-2008, 07:41 PM
don't surprise me, it also applies to the people that have won the lottery, they are broke in less than 10 years.

Ignorants, they think that 30 million dollar will last all their lives buying 10 200k cars a year.

edit: Look at jordan, i went to a sports store today, and half of the supplies were jordan shirts and shoes. That man knows where to spend (invest) his money.

02-06-2008, 07:44 PM
I bet part of the problem for MANY players is that they want to "fit in" with their richer, more successful teammates. They buy clothes/cars/etc that they cannot afford. Noone wants to be driving a honda civic in a sea of Bentleys. Peer pressure never really goes away.

02-06-2008, 07:51 PM
it dont suprise me, and dont forget these retired players wasnt part of the 100 million dollar contract era, so i can see how a dude who made 29 million over 8 years...minus taxes, agent fees, expenses, child support, ect can now be hurting. these cats who was makin 2 mil a year was use to living a certain lifestyle, when those checks stop like somebody said the bills dont stop.

Manute for Ever!
02-07-2008, 03:01 AM
I think it would especially affect the players who grew up with nothing. If you gave a starving person one plate of food, do you think they would eat the whole lot at once or eat some and save some for dinner?

02-07-2008, 03:10 AM
This is an easy concept. Give Donald Trump a million dollars and he'll have 10 million dollars within a year or two.

You do know that Trump made over a billion but he's also filed for bankruptcy after having that money? Maybe he's not the best example to use, even though you did make your point.

I've always wondered about following advice from a guy who manages to go bankrupt after being a billionaire.

02-07-2008, 03:13 AM
you've got to feel really stupid if you were making millions and end up broke based on spending it liesurely and over your head :hammerhead:

Its different if you go broke because you dont have a job, invest and lose big, or something where you at least were trying to do something 'smart' with it. But blowing it all on basically nothing but pimpin whatever you can pimp, and i guess child support with all these women is worthy of hitting rock bottom as a retard.

Caffey is a idiot. I'd also love to see pics of all these women all these NBA players knock up. I'd pay to see that just to see what type of women are having kids with these NBA scrubs...:rolleyes:

02-07-2008, 03:22 AM
they are highly underpaid
what do you expect?

New Jazzy Nets
02-07-2008, 03:26 AM
I believe it afterall its the older players that make up for it. not the new age where a guy like Kapono can get a 24 million dollar contract. Back in the day they didnt make anything, well they made some but not nearly what they get today.

02-07-2008, 04:39 AM

Not 100% completely certain if this fact is actually relative to the theme of the thread but its a proven statistic that over half of those who become instantly wealthy off the means of a lottary ticket become less off then they were previously to winning a decade after they collect their prize...


02-07-2008, 04:59 AM
Don't know if it has been mentioned in here or the article, but that is a throwaway stat.

I would like to know the percentage of players who play for 10 years that go broke. There is a big difference if you are considering just the guys like Iverson, Horry, Oakley and co that have been in the league a long time to those guys who are technically former NBA players that made $400k in their whole careers. I can easily see those guys going broke, you get a taste of the high life and then lose the backing to live it.

When I hear about a guy like Kobe, Jordan, KG or someone who has made in excess of $100m, then I think it is worth questioning.

That said, if you earn $2m over the first 2 years in the NBA, you should never go broke in your entire life. Any sensible person, who uses it wisely, should be able to live on $2m for a very long time. So basically, if you are first round draft pick in the NBA, you should never go broke and you really shouldn't ever have to work again either. If you get a second contract and manage to go broke, you are a stupid ass that didn't deserve the money in the first place, if you are really that stupid, ignorant and unorganised to be able to blow that kind of money, you just plain didnt deserve it in the first place, just donate it to Africa or something.

02-07-2008, 01:39 PM

Stupidity and arrogance with that much money. Bad combo. 14 cars? ****ing idiots.

How's it going, Spree? Fam still eating diamond sandwiches?

aRE WE JUST TALKING ABOUT Black baseketball players how about our Congresmen how many of them have filed bankruptcy.How many lawyers how many Doctors look it up then you wouldn't look like the idiot

02-07-2008, 01:42 PM
Don't know if it has been mentioned in here or the article, but that is a throwaway stat.

I would like to know the percentage of players who play for 10 years that go broke. There is a big difference if you are considering just the guys like Iverson, Horry, Oakley and co that have been in the league a long time to those guys who are technically former NBA players that made $400k in their whole careers. I can easily see those guys going broke, you get a taste of the high life and then lose the backing to live it.

When I hear about a guy like Kobe, Jordan, KG or someone who has made in excess of $100m, then I think it is worth questioning.

That said, if you earn $2m over the first 2 years in the NBA, you should never go broke in your entire life. Any sensible person, who uses it wisely, should be able to live on $2m for a very long time. So basically, if you are first round draft pick in the NBA, you should never go broke and you really shouldn't ever have to work again either. If you get a second contract and manage to go broke, you are a stupid ass that didn't deserve the money in the first place, if you are really that stupid, ignorant and unorganised to be able to blow that kind of money, you just plain didnt deserve it in the first place, just donate it to Africa or something.

Its funny to me when talking about basektball its always a black issue .How about in golf the big fat white dummy John Daly blowing all that talent and money on Beer.

02-07-2008, 01:45 PM
I heard earlier in the year Greg Oden asked LaMarcus Aldridge to get into his beater car and Aldridge was just like "I'm not getting in that car man, I'm LaMarcus Aldridge". Now days I see Oden upgraded to a red Chevy Trail Blazer but it's nothing compared to what other players drive. LaMarcus Aldridge has a nice white Land Rover.

I like that Oden doesn't go blow his money on things he doesn't need. It shows you so much about his character.

02-07-2008, 01:46 PM
you've got to feel really stupid if you were making millions and end up broke based on spending it liesurely and over your head :hammerhead:

Its different if you go broke because you dont have a job, invest and lose big, or something where you at least were trying to do something 'smart' with it. But blowing it all on basically nothing but pimpin whatever you can pimp, and i guess child support with all these women is worthy of hitting rock bottom as a retard.

Caffey is a idiot. I'd also love to see pics of all these women all these NBA players knock up. I'd pay to see that just to see what type of women are having kids with these NBA scrubs...:rolleyes:

Let me help you think of the uglist women you have ever been with and think of her first thing in the morning not a good site huh well beleive me its not close to what a NBA player gets on a worst day

02-07-2008, 02:00 PM
The average NBA player isn't a star..guys like Rhoderick Rhodes or Matt Maloney, Keon Clark, Richard Dumas, Maceo Baston etc are all fomer NBA players but u hardly remeber them so it's not unusual for anyone who gains money quickly to lose money quickly......don't be naive.

Manute for Ever!
02-07-2008, 02:00 PM
No good can happen when you are still wiping with $100 bills after doing a diamond-encrusted $hit into your solid gold bowl long after the cheques stop rolling in...

02-07-2008, 02:01 PM
seeking protection from his creditors, among them the seven women with whom he fathered eight children.
Child support divided by 8, that will drain fast. No surprise there.

02-07-2008, 02:03 PM
Look at it this way. not every player will make 10 mil/year for their career. let's say they made 30 mil for their career and retired at 35. They probably pay bills for multiple family members plus their own. I'm not sure if there's a pention plan for retired players but if not then they basically have what ever they made (saved) to last them the rest of their lives. so they have another 30+ years of bills to pay with no income.

So that means that when you retire, unless you we're really paid, you have to dramatically change your lifestyle or go broke.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:24 PM
A good portion of the league come in young and really uneducated. They grow up in bad neighborhoods with bad influences. And the hip hop music videos don't help much either. I'm not surprised at so many players going broke. You can leave the hood but the hood can't leave you. Smart players like Okafor are getting rarer and rarer. That guy graduated UCONN with like a 3.8 GPA. Hell, I graduated college with a 2.6 GPA and I didn't even participate in an athletic program.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:26 PM
The average NBA player isn't a star..guys like Rhoderick Rhodes or Matt Maloney, Keon Clark, Richard Dumas, Maceo Baston etc are all fomer NBA players but u hardly remeber them so it's not unusual for anyone who gains money quickly to lose money quickly......don't be naive.
Well, if you're not an idiot, you'd invest. If I even made the NBA minimum salary for a year, I could invest a large portion of that and try to survive off of the interest and leftover money as I continue to re-invest. NBA players, in general, are stupid.

Manute for Ever!
02-07-2008, 02:27 PM
A good portion of the league come in young and really uneducated. They grow up in bad neighborhoods with bad influences. And the hip hop music videos don't help much either. I'm not surprised at so many players going broke. You can leave the hood but the hood can't leave you. Smart players like Okafor are getting rarer and rarer. That guy graduated UCONN with like a 3.8 GPA. Hell, I graduated college with a 2.6 GPA and I didn't even participate in an athletic program.

I remember Ben Gordon ripping on Okafor for reading textbooks on the bus to games when they were at UConn.

02-07-2008, 02:28 PM
Well, if you're not an idiot, you'd invest. If I even made the NBA minimum salary for a year, I could invest a large portion of that and try to survive off of the interest and leftover money as I continue to re-invest. NBA players, in general, are stupid.

Who said they aint idiots?

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:29 PM
I bet part of the problem for MANY players is that they want to "fit in" with their richer, more successful teammates. They buy clothes/cars/etc that they cannot afford. Noone wants to be driving a honda civic in a sea of Bentleys. Peer pressure never really goes away.
Too bad not everyone can team up with Shaq. Cause he usually buys some teammates new cars.

02-07-2008, 02:30 PM
Well, if you're not an idiot, you'd invest. If I even made the NBA minimum salary for a year, I could invest a large portion of that and try to survive off of the interest and leftover money as I continue to re-invest. People, especially in the U.S, are stupid.

Manute for Ever!
02-07-2008, 02:31 PM

Nice work:D

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:33 PM
Uh, some of the greatest minds in the world are here in the US. There's a reason why it's the greatest country in the world.

02-07-2008, 02:33 PM
A good portion of the league come in young and really uneducated. They grow up in bad neighborhoods with bad influences. And the hip hop music videos don't help much either. I'm not surprised at so many players going broke. You can leave the hood but the hood can't leave you. Smart players like Okafor are getting rarer and rarer. That guy graduated UCONN with like a 3.8 GPA. Hell, I graduated college with a 2.6 GPA and I didn't even participate in an athletic program.

Book smarts have nothing to do with it. Shaq doesn't seem like the smartest guy (book wise not street or bball IQ) and her did well with his loot. He talks like he's still using his bonuses and Reebok $$. It all depends on family and investments. If you haev a greedy family that wants you to pay everyithng then you'll go broke. I know some guys that didn't graduate HS and are great with money and the oposite as well.

Just look at the way you live now and imagine if your income stopped at 30-35. would you go broke?

02-07-2008, 02:37 PM
Uh, some of the greatest minds in the world are here in the US. There's a reason why it's the greatest country in the world.
Maybe there is but its not becuz the average U.S resident shows anything close to average intelligence.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:40 PM
Book smarts have nothing to do with it. Shaq doesn't seem like the smartest guy (book wise not street or bball IQ) and her did well with his loot. He talks like he's still using his bonuses and Reebok $$. It all depends on family and investments. If you haev a greedy family that wants you to pay everyithng then you'll go broke. I know some guys that didn't graduate HS and are great with money and the oposite as well.

Just look at the way you live now and imagine if your income stopped at 30-35. would you go broke?
Shaq acts goofy but he's a smart guy. He's actually finished college and has a degree. Most of the NBA don't. These people have an opportunity to get a full education and they don't take advantage of it. Too busy pimping out their rides and buying things because they can not because they have any use for it. They see 50 Cent videos where bling is flashed all over the place, nice cars, spinning rims. That's the kind of stupidity they grow up on. But they're just not smart enough to separate logical decisions from illogical ones.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 02:44 PM
Maybe there is but its not becuz the average U.S resident shows anything close to average intelligence.
There's poverty and illiteracy wherever you go. It's ignorant to generalize the population when it certainly does not apply. Inner city kids are too busy balling in the playground, dealing and doing drugs, and joining gangs. For every person that comes out of the hood to make it in the NBA, there's probably a thousand more that didn't. People don't realize that they should just apply themselves in school and get the most out of what they've been given. There's absolutely no reason why there should still be illiteracy and poverty.

02-07-2008, 02:50 PM
I think taxes and recurring costs are what get to people. I have a friend who recently got very rich and bought a huge house. His property taxes on just the house are WAY more than I make in a whole year. He probably pays more for electricity than I pay for mortgage. I think boats and fancy cars are also subject to luxury taxes and large maintenance costs. So if your cashflow stops and you can't pay the taxes /upkeep and your forced to sell stuff off at a loss (because its very hard for famous people to get good deals) I can see how you can go broke very easily.

02-07-2008, 02:55 PM
There's poverty and illiteracy wherever you go. It's ignorant to generalize the population when it certainly does not apply. Inner city kids are too busy balling in the playground, dealing and doing drugs, and joining gangs. For every person that comes out of the hood to make it in the NBA, there's probably a thousand more that didn't. People don't realize that they should just apply themselves in school and get the most out of what they've been given. There's absolutely no reason why there should still be illiteracy and poverty.

You realize you contradicting yourself right..you a generalizing another group of people and sayin the majority aren't smart enough to get an education which is free wherein other countries people don't get that benefit.....but I am wrong to say they aren't very smart......Riiiight.

What do you really know about what your writing? What's all this inner city **** there are dumb but ****s out in every rural setting i the U.S just drive through the country sometime.

02-07-2008, 03:08 PM
1/2? I'd bet that's very exaggerated.
yeah they admit its an estimate. but im not too suprised since the ostentatious display of wealth is accepted and even expected in the cultural context. add that to the hanger's on and moochie family/community expectations.

did you see the detroit free press on shaq's expenses a month? he spends 250k a month on gas and over 7 grand on dry cleaning. how is that even possible?

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 03:14 PM
You realize you contradicting yourself right..you a generalizing another group of people and sayin the majority aren't smart enough to get an education which is free wherein other countries people don't get that benefit.....but I am wrong to say they aren't very smart......Riiiight.

What do you really know about what your writing? What's all this inner city **** there are dumb but ****s out in every rural setting i the U.S just drive through the country sometime.
Uh because we're talking about the NBA. And a good percentage of the players come from the inner city.

Real Men Wear Green
02-07-2008, 03:24 PM
yeah they admit its an estimate. but im not too suprised since the ostentatious display of wealth is accepted and even expected in the cultural context. add that to the hanger's on and moochie family/community expectations.

did you see the detroit free press on shaq's expenses a month? he spends 250k a month on gas and over 7 grand on dry cleaning. how is that even possible?
If they're just guessing, I wouldn't take it too seriously. O'Neal probably spends that much on gas because of all the gass he buys for other people, including his businesses and family members with cars. And his expenses wouldn't be the ones to mention here, as he's monetarily done well for himself...due to investments, ventures, endorsements etc. he's never spent any of the money he makes from the NBA.

02-07-2008, 03:26 PM
If they're just guessing, I wouldn't take it too seriously. O'Neal probably spends that much on gas because of all the gass he buys for other people, including his businesses and family members with cars. And his expenses wouldn't be the ones to mention here, as he's monetarily done well for himself...due to investments, ventures, endorsements etc. he's never spent any of the money he makes from the NBA.
no Im just using his "expenses" as an example of the ridiculous standard these guys are trying to achieve. its no wonder someone with bad financial management would blow through their millions quickly once the checks stopped coming in if they are driving a million $ and wearing half a mil.

Real Men Wear Green
02-07-2008, 03:30 PM
no Im just using his "expenses" as an example of the ridiculous standard these guys are trying to achieve. its no wonder someone with bad financial management would blow through their millions quickly once the checks stopped coming in if they are driving a million $ and wearing half a mil.
It definitely happens, I'm just not buying the "over half" business. I'm curious as to who they have been keeping track of to come up with this number. Guys that hung around for three seasons at the minimum? Guys that played 20 years ago? 30? It's a skewed, somewhat made-up statistic.

02-07-2008, 03:33 PM
Status is all relative. When all your friends got somethin and you dont, you feel like a broke ass, and maybe you over-spend to get somethin fresh or popular.

Guys in the league are teammates with dudes like Shaq and Lebron and them who rock the most insane expensive ****. It sounds crazy but when you're makin 2 million a year and your goin out to clubs with guys that are makin 17 million a year, that can make you feel like a chump.

Dudes will try to keep up with the guys who make the most dough and floss the most BL!NG BL!NG. They end up runnin out and lookin like retards when they retire.

It sounds ridiculous but in the NBA when you're "only" makin 2 or 3 mil a year, that's chump change. You can get caught up tryin to roll like the TMac's and Marbury's and them and then end up forced to turn preacher like Hammer after you retire so you can get paid by the collection plate.

This is coming from a person that Im willing to be 2 mil. has never personally met an NBa player.
Doesn't know anyone making over $1oo g's a year and for my money lives at home with Mommy.
Stop playing the sterotype race game how much money did you save from your Wal-Mart check ? For the record after 5 years a player gets a pension. Which is more than you get working at Pizzza Hut

02-07-2008, 03:36 PM
It's a skewed, somewhat made-up statistic.
no its definitely made up and not statistically derived # at all.

02-07-2008, 03:37 PM
yeah they admit its an estimate. but im not too suprised since the ostentatious display of wealth is accepted and even expected in the cultural context. add that to the hanger's on and moochie family/community expectations.

did you see the detroit free press on shaq's expenses a month? he spends 250k a month on gas and over 7 grand on dry cleaning. how is that even possible?

Before I spen any more time and give another fool my time who are they ? that is saying this. How are Rock stars doing ? Has anyone seen Britney Spears and how is she doing with her money?

02-07-2008, 03:37 PM
Book smarts have nothing to do with it. Shaq doesn't seem like the smartest guy (book wise not street or bball IQ) and her did well with his loot. He talks like he's still using his bonuses and Reebok $$. It all depends on family and investments. If you haev a greedy family that wants you to pay everyithng then you'll go broke. I know some guys that didn't graduate HS and are great with money and the oposite as well.

Just look at the way you live now and imagine if your income stopped at 30-35. would you go broke?

Shaq has an MBA from the univeristy of Phoenix, and stated he will pursue a doctral degree in criminolgy when he leaves the NBA. He is both book, and real world smart.

02-07-2008, 03:39 PM
There's poverty and illiteracy wherever you go. It's ignorant to generalize the population when it certainly does not apply. Inner city kids are too busy balling in the playground, dealing and doing drugs, and joining gangs. For every person that comes out of the hood to make it in the NBA, there's probably a thousand more that didn't. People don't realize that they should just apply themselves in school and get the most out of what they've been given. There's absolutely no reason why there should still be illiteracy and poverty.

IF this is the case why are more poor white on welfare that blacks. Try and go thruogh some trailer parks and see if your logic fits.

02-07-2008, 03:42 PM
A good portion of the league come in young and really uneducated. They grow up in bad neighborhoods with bad influences. And the hip hop music videos don't help much either. I'm not surprised at so many players going broke. You can leave the hood but the hood can't leave you. Smart players like Okafor are getting rarer and rarer. That guy graduated UCONN with like a 3.8 GPA. Hell, I graduated college with a 2.6 GPA and I didn't even participate in an athletic program.

Ok a 2.6 at a Community College doesnt count because if you had a clue you would not be talking the way you are.

02-07-2008, 03:47 PM
Before I spen any more time and give another fool my time who are they ? that is saying this. How are Rock stars doing ? Has anyone seen Britney Spears and how is she doing with her money?
wow, why dont you bother to read the source in the op? its the players association and the league putting up this #. why are you so defensive? got a bling habit yourself?

02-07-2008, 03:48 PM
Well, if you're not an idiot, you'd invest. If I even made the NBA minimum salary for a year, I could invest a large portion of that and try to survive off of the interest and leftover money as I continue to re-invest. NBA players, in general, are stupid.

Ok NBA players are Stupid ???????????

You spend your day on your computer talking about them and they can care less about you you seem like the type that got posters jerseys hats and tee-shirts for your favorite player and he doens't even no you exist. Then you are supporting something with no proof just made up. You say "IF I EVEN MADE THE NBA MINIMUM" ? how are you doing with the money your making at Toco Bell's ?????????????

02-07-2008, 03:56 PM
wow, why dont you bother to read the source in the op? its the players association and the league putting up this #. why are you so defensive? got a bling habit yourself?

SO guess this was reported on ESPN ? and where can I find an article on this ? Yes I do I love BLING too bad Dirk and Steve Nash which they had bling like KOBE ,Wade,Shaq and Duncan do NO RING NASH

02-07-2008, 04:19 PM
SO guess this was reported on ESPN ? and where can I find an article on this ? Yes I do I love BLING too bad Dirk and Steve Nash which they had bling like KOBE ,Wade,Shaq and Duncan do NO RING NASH

What? Did I spontaneously become illiterate, or, was that just a random collection of loosely related words?

02-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Ok NBA players are Stupid ???????????

You spend your day on your computer talking about them and they can care less about you you seem like the type that got posters jerseys hats and tee-shirts for your favorite player and he doens't even no you exist. Then you are supporting something with no proof just made up. You say "IF I EVEN MADE THE NBA MINIMUM" ? how are you doing with the money your making at Toco Bell's ?????????????

Spree, is that you?

02-07-2008, 04:51 PM
IF this is the case why are more poor white on welfare that blacks. Try and go thruogh some trailer parks and see if your logic fits.
thats because there are A LOT more white people then blacks. id bet that a bigger % of blacks are on welfare.

02-07-2008, 04:54 PM
Before I spen any more time and give another fool my time who are they ? that is saying this. How are Rock stars doing ? Has anyone seen Britney Spears and how is she doing with her money?
britney spears still has a lot of money:hammerhead: shes worth 120 million.

02-07-2008, 04:57 PM
Ok NBA players are Stupid ???????????

You spend your day on your computer talking about them and they can care less about you you seem like the type that got posters jerseys hats and tee-shirts for your favorite player and he doens't even no you exist. Then you are supporting something with no proof just made up. You say "IF I EVEN MADE THE NBA MINIMUM" ? how are you doing with the money your making at Toco Bell's ?????????????
it doesnt matter what place someone works at, the issue here is that nba players are living too far from their means and going broke. if your very good at managing money you could easily live a life working at taco bell.

02-07-2008, 04:58 PM
SO guess this was reported on ESPN ? and where can I find an article on this ? Yes I do I love BLING too bad Dirk and Steve Nash which they had bling like KOBE ,Wade,Shaq and Duncan do NO RING NASH
jesus christ man, learn some basic sentence structure.

02-07-2008, 05:25 PM

Stupidity and arrogance with that much money. Bad combo. 14 cars? ****ing idiots.

How's it going, Spree? Fam still eating diamond sandwiches?

SO guess this was reported on ESPN ? and where can I find an article on this ? Yes I do I love BLING too bad Dirk and Steve Nash which they had bling like KOBE ,Wade,Shaq and Duncan do NO RING NASH
is this the article you are talking about? its the first freaking post in the thread.

and for the shaq expenses, well you could go to the free press and type in shaq expenses, but you dont seem the type so here you go, the entire document from his divorce proceedings (http://extratv.warnerbros.com/images/news/pdfs/shaqoneal.pdf)

perhaps they have a grammar class here http://mike.verdone.ca/media/zoolander-school.jpg

02-07-2008, 05:32 PM
Uh because we're talking about the NBA. And a good percentage of the players come from the inner city.

It's pretty obvious your using the NBA to spew your feelings on black inner city youth.

They said 60percent of they players lose their money.
They didn't dice that 60 percent into groups.
The stereotypical nature of your explanations and the assumptions of how poor people spend their money is proof of your true intent. So stop fronting
and No I don't know if your racist this is a race card its a spade being called a spade. I just think you misguided and too caught up by what you see on TV and in the news cuz most of us ain't sht like this.

Just because you went to college doesn't make you good with money.
Just because you don't own 10 cars, diamonds, ain't got kids, live in a mansion don't mean you invested it either.
People outside the inner city, spend their money on stupid sht too.
So please don't use this as a forum to tell your views on what black people from the inner cities problem are.

I think inflation has more to do with it.
A mill ain't what it use to be. Those guys thought that 10, 20 and 30 mill would last a lifetime.

And please don't comment on illiteracy till you've gone to a public school and witnessed teachers that could careless and push kids with social disorders and learning disabilities through school because their athletic or likeable or scared or that particular student. Don't generalize, it's ignorant.

believe it or not I'm not insulting you

02-07-2008, 05:44 PM
It's pretty obvious your using the NBA to spew your feelings on black inner city youth.

They said 60percent of they players lose their money.
They didn't dice that 60 percent into groups.
The stereotypical nature of your explanations and the assumptions of how poor people spend their money is proof of your true intent. So stop fronting
and No I don't know if your racist this is a race card its a spade being called a spade. I just think you misguided and too caught up by what you see on TV and in the news cuz most of us ain't sht like this.

Just because you went to college doesn't make you good with money.
Just because you don't own 10 cars, diamonds, ain't got kids, live in a mansion don't mean you invested it either.
People outside the inner city, spend their money on stupid sht too.
So please don't use this as a forum to tell your views on what black people from the inner cities problem are.

I think inflation has more to do with it.
A mill ain't what it use to be. Those guys thought that 10, 20 and 30 mill would last a lifetime.

And please don't comment on illiteracy till you've gone to a public school and witnessed teachers that could careless and push kids with social disorders and learning disabilities through school because their athletic or likeable or scared or that particular student. Don't generalize, it's ignorant.

believe it or not I'm not insulting you
regardless of their skin pigmentation, new money tends to be the worst with money. and if you dont think that ostentatious displays of wealth (be it in the form of rims, bling, clothes, hoochies, crystal, whatever) are part of urban black culture in the US then you are fooling yourself. regardless of whether everyone buys into it, it is the image promoted (not just to black youth) by rap and pop stars as well as bball players. its all about creating a culture of consumption and developing false wants.

02-07-2008, 05:46 PM
I think inflation has more to do with it.
A mill ain't what it use to be. Those guys thought that 10, 20 and 30 mill would last a lifetime.
cmon now. it obviously would last a lifetime if invested

02-07-2008, 05:50 PM
cmon now. it obviously would last a lifetime if invested

Money makes money. Put that into a very safe bond and your set for life.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 05:56 PM
It's pretty obvious your using the NBA to spew your feelings on black inner city youth.

They said 60percent of they players lose their money.
They didn't dice that 60 percent into groups.
The stereotypical nature of your explanations and the assumptions of how poor people spend their money is proof of your true intent. So stop fronting
and No I don't know if your racist this is a race card its a spade being called a spade. I just think you misguided and too caught up by what you see on TV and in the news cuz most of us ain't sht like this.

Just because you went to college doesn't make you good with money.
Just because you don't own 10 cars, diamonds, ain't got kids, live in a mansion don't mean you invested it either.
People outside the inner city, spend their money on stupid sht too.
So please don't use this as a forum to tell your views on what black people from the inner cities problem are.

I think inflation has more to do with it.
A mill ain't what it use to be. Those guys thought that 10, 20 and 30 mill would last a lifetime.

And please don't comment on illiteracy till you've gone to a public school and witnessed teachers that could careless and push kids with social disorders and learning disabilities through school because their athletic or likeable or scared or that particular student. Don't generalize, it's ignorant.

believe it or not I'm not insulting you
Uh, did I say ALL are like that? I said most. And that's not a lie. Look at the statistics. I'm not gonna hide behind political correctness. I'm gonna flat out say it. I'm not racist. I don't have to watch the news. I see people pissing their life away daily. And what's it have to do with race anyway? I said inner city kids. I've seen plenty of kids make it out without sports. Maybe if you and everyone else would stop making excuses for them, they'd get their act together. Everyone I grew up around still thinks life is about money and drugs. And these are people in their mid-to-late-20s. And where did I say what I said applies to all people of the group? I said most. And that is, in fact, true. But now that you bring up race. Explain to me why African Americans are at the bottom of the literacy rate and test score statistics? Why is it that, IMMIGRANTS, that come to this country with absolutely nothing, fare better? Something's wrong with the culture in the inner cities. Nobody wants to address it because they think it's politically incorrect. Bill Cosby has been trying to fix up neighborhoods and telling them to shift gears and turn away from this new age of hip hop that promotes violence and drugs. And he gets crucified for it by the same black community he's trying to fix up. I didn't want to turn it into a race issue but you brought it up. I'm not racist, but I'm not gonna be politically correct just to make you feel better. I've got plenty of black friends. And none of them do drugs or go around calling girls b!tches and h oes. They also use proper grammar and avoid using the word ain't 50 times a sentence like you do.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 05:58 PM
cmon now. it obviously would last a lifetime if invested
Yeah, elz is a moron. 1 mil can last forever if properly handled and invested.

02-07-2008, 06:01 PM
cmon now. it obviously would last a lifetime if invested

I work in an investment firm
so I view it like this

lets say its 30million
understand that they're not getting once lump sum payment

then you add in taxes which is major cuz you now in a 40 percent tax bracket!
so you take 30 and make it 16.5 or so
its human nature to spurlge in some way
even a conservation is prolly gonna blow 2mill
your now working wit say 13 to 14
not factoring house car and here's the good part..... medical!!!!!!

it's really not that much money unless you get it all at once and can sit down and divide it up on how your going to invest it.
Your put that infront of any poor person no matter what background and their not going to immediately see the picture.

02-07-2008, 06:03 PM
Yeah, elz is a moron. 1 mil can last forever if properly handled and invested.

before or after taxes dck head!

a million ain't sht
you can't retire on a million
and if you think so, your dumber than these athletes you keep trying to insult

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 06:07 PM
I work in an investment firm
so I view it like this

lets say its 30million
understand that they're not getting once lump sum payment

then you add in taxes which is major cuz you now in a 40 percent tax bracket!
so you take 30 and make it 16.5 or so
its human nature to spurlge in some way
even a conservation is prolly gonna blow 2mill
your now working wit say 13 to 14
not factoring house car and here's the good part..... medical!!!!!!

it's really not that much money unless you get it all at once and can sit down and divide it up on how your going to invest it.
Your put that infront of any poor person no matter what background and their not going to immediately see the picture.
No. The reason they wouldn't see the bigger picture wouldn't be because they're poor. It'd be because they are uneducated.
So, how is it I can survive on $40,000/yr, but they go broke with a mil a year? Even if you tax it, it's still gonna be enough to invest. Spend only for what you need. Invest the rest.

02-07-2008, 06:08 PM
I work in an investment firm
so I view it like this

lets say its 30million
understand that they're not getting once lump sum payment

then you add in taxes which is major cuz you now in a 40 percent tax bracket!
so you take 30 and make it 16.5 or so
its human nature to spurlge in some way
even a conservation is prolly gonna blow 2mill
your now working wit say 13 to 14
not factoring house car and here's the good part..... medical!!!!!!

it's really not that much money unless you get it all at once and can sit down and divide it up on how your going to invest it.
Your put that infront of any poor person no matter what background and their not going to immediately see the picture.

Whats your investment firm. I will never do by banking with them. IF a person just put 1 mil. in a basic savings account and lived off the interest they could live well. Then buy a house and get the tax money off that house or re-finance it its not hard people live comfortablly off 60 grand its not that hard.

02-07-2008, 06:13 PM
before or after taxes dck head!

a million ain't sht
you can't retire on a million
and if you think so, your dumber than these athletes you keep trying to insult

Im not sure whos dumber .
Why cant you live off a mil.
give yourself 50 grand a year thats 20 years of pay. Not to mention the interest if you just put the money in a basic saving account.

02-07-2008, 06:15 PM
Spree, is that you?

No its me Bobby Knight

02-07-2008, 06:17 PM
thats because there are A LOT more white people then blacks. id bet that a bigger % of blacks are on welfare.

Lets bet how about 1 gazzillion dollars

02-07-2008, 06:20 PM
I work in an investment firm
so I view it like this

lets say its 30million
understand that they're not getting once lump sum payment

then you add in taxes which is major cuz you now in a 40 percent tax bracket!
so you take 30 and make it 16.5 or so
its human nature to spurlge in some way
even a conservation is prolly gonna blow 2mill
your now working wit say 13 to 14
not factoring house car and here's the good part..... medical!!!!!!

it's really not that much money unless you get it all at once and can sit down and divide it up on how your going to invest it.
Your put that infront of any poor person no matter what background and their not going to immediately see the picture.

No offense, but I find that very difficult to believe.

02-07-2008, 06:22 PM
it doesnt matter what place someone works at, the issue here is that nba players are living too far from their means and going broke. if your very good at managing money you could easily live a life working at taco bell.

This was a poor taste joke. My point if you go to any job there are people that do well with there money, get by, and those that over spend. This is accross the board black,white ,brown, rich, middle class poor, educated, non educated. To single out the NBA to me is racist unless we also show how hockey players are doing as well as Baseball players .

02-07-2008, 06:24 PM
jesus christ man, learn some basic sentence structure.

If I was at work I would worry about this of if I felt I was talking to some one that matters.

02-07-2008, 06:24 PM
Uh, did I say ALL are like that? I said most. And that's not a lie. Look at the statistics. I'm not gonna hide behind political correctness. I'm gonna flat out say it. I'm not racist. I don't have to watch the news. I see people pissing their life away daily. And what's it have to do with race anyway? I said inner city kids. I've seen plenty of kids make it out without sports. Maybe if you and everyone else would stop making excuses for them, they'd get their act together. Everyone I grew up around still thinks life is about money and drugs. And these are people in their mid-to-late-20s. And where did I say what I said applies to all people of the group? I said most. And that is, in fact, true. But now that you bring up race. Explain to me why African Americans are at the bottom of the literacy rate and test score statistics? Why is it that, IMMIGRANTS, that come to this country with absolutely nothing, fare better? Something's wrong with the culture in the inner cities. Nobody wants to address it because they think it's politically incorrect. Bill Cosby has been trying to fix up neighborhoods and telling them to shift gears and turn away from this new age of hip hop that promotes violence and drugs. And he gets crucified for it by the same black community he's trying to fix up. I didn't want to turn it into a race issue but you brought it up. I'm not racist, but I'm not gonna be politically correct just to make you feel better. I've got plenty of black friends. And none of them do drugs or go around calling girls b!tches and h oes. They also use proper grammar and avoid using the word ain't 50 times a sentence like you do.

Last time I checked they put the word Ain't in the dictionary. And use of Slang isn't a sign of lack of inteligence. However you do a good job of over analyzation and generalizing something you're clearly foreign too. I respect Bill Cosby too but part of problem is your more flys with Honey! Meaning you don't come out and tear people down to build them up. And you don't generalize a group of people you don't understand from an environment you can't relate to. Inner city issues are Layered, there's no one felt swoop to solve the multitude of issues that plague the inner city. So there's no one simply answer to every issue the inner city has. But as far as the schooling goes. Visit one not for a day a week. Observe the teachers books and how much they truely challenge the students and give a fk about what their teaching. Another lil tid bit, if you think the biggest dealers are in the ghetto. Check again cuz police officers ain't sht. Where I'm from, they'll tell you to your face their the biggest gang in the US. I know people that can't quit that lifestyle because of that. I don't like to make excuses for BS that goes on these environments. Alot of its ignorant but its also ignorant to believe they're all like this or to blame Hip hop. Hip hop ain't got sht to do wit what goes on in the streets. You could ban rap all day it ain't gonna stop violence drugs sex or alcohol and drug abuse. That's where Bills ignorance is but he's so removed from it he can't see it. I agree with alot of what Bill said, no teenager so have bad grades and 150 dollar sneakers no doubt, but his approach is all wrong and he's misguided.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 06:25 PM
If I was at work I would worry about this of if I felt I was talking to some one that matters.
So why are you posting here if you know some people won't be able to understand you?

02-07-2008, 06:27 PM
They waste their money buying stupidness.

02-07-2008, 06:31 PM
There's poverty and illiteracy wherever you go. It's ignorant to generalize the population when it certainly does not apply. Inner city kids are too busy balling in the playground, dealing and doing drugs, and joining gangs. For every person that comes out of the hood to make it in the NBA, there's probably a thousand more that didn't. People don't realize that they should just apply themselves in school and get the most out of what they've been given. There's absolutely no reason why there should still be illiteracy and poverty.

so its that easy??

i have family there and I lived there for a time and its not easy in comparison.

02-07-2008, 06:33 PM
No. The reason they wouldn't see the bigger picture wouldn't be because they're poor. It'd be because they are uneducated.
So, how is it I can survive on $40,000/yr, but they go broke with a mil a year? Even if you tax it, it's still gonna be enough to invest. Spend only for what you need. Invest the rest.

Because your expenses will adjust to your current income
you might not buy a phantom but your prolly not gonna drive a corrolla either.
Your life will change, you might have a crisis,
medical issue, a legal issue
all type of sht you can't for see
a business venture you thought was a good investment
a market crash, have you noticed their slicing interest rates. Are really sure you want to invest all your money with one company. What if they pull a Enron!
What if you have kids, investing for their future
their medical

a million ain't sht!
a marriage that don't work out
you may have a pre-nupt but she got custody,
now you polishing up your resume.

Make It Rain
02-07-2008, 06:39 PM
Last time I checked they put the word Ain't in the dictionary. And use of Slang isn't a sign of lack of inteligence. However you do a good job of over analyzation and generalizing something you're clearly foreign too. I respect Bill Cosby too but part of problem is your more flys with Honey! Meaning you don't come out and tear people down to build them up. And you don't generalize a group of people you don't understand from an environment you can't relate to. Inner city issues are Layered, there's no one felt swoop to solve the multitude of issues that plague the inner city. So there's no one simply answer to every issue the inner city has. But as far as the schooling goes. Visit one not for a day a week. Observe the teachers books and how much they truely challenge the students and give a fk about what their teaching. Another lil tid bit, if you think the biggest dealers are in the ghetto. Check again cuz police officers ain't sht. Where I'm from, they'll tell you to your face their the biggest gang in the US. I know people that can't quit that lifestyle because of that. I don't like to make excuses for BS that goes on these environments. Alot of its ignorant but its also ignorant to believe they're all like this or to blame Hip hop. Hip hop ain't got sht to do wit what goes on in the streets. You could ban rap all day it ain't gonna stop violence drugs sex or alcohol and drug abuse. That's where Bills ignorance is but he's so removed from it he can't see it. I agree with alot of what Bill said, no teenager so have bad grades and 150 dollar sneakers no doubt, but his approach is all wrong and he's misguided.
Why are you making assumptions? Not once did I say any of those things I bolded. I can relate to the environment as much as the next guy. But I didn't buy into to the BS. I didn't need authentics, Nike's, or North Faces. I'm not gonna be an idiot and deal at the corners. Sure, I knew people that did. They thought they could make some quick bucks. Maybe, I had better parents. I don't know. But other kids just didn't know right from wrong. They never valued a good education. I didn't place the blame solely on hip hop, but they sure don't help any.

02-07-2008, 06:40 PM
is this the article you are talking about? its the first freaking post in the thread.

and for the shaq expenses, well you could go to the free press and type in shaq expenses, but you dont seem the type so here you go, the entire document from his divorce proceedings (http://extratv.warnerbros.com/images/news/pdfs/shaqoneal.pdf)

perhaps they have a grammar class here http://mike.verdone.ca/media/zoolander-school.jpg

Ok again and if you have read the article they call it an educated estimate not an acutual study of players. Thats like saying 50 % of players smoke weed but where is the proof ? Again look at the whole picture. Many players only play 1 2 maybe 3 years make the league min. and have no other job skills so they go out into the real world. making 40 grand as a PE teacher ok at 26 thats not really bad it doesnt make them broke.

02-07-2008, 06:46 PM
It's pretty obvious your using the NBA to spew your feelings on black inner city youth.

They said 60percent of they players lose their money.
They didn't dice that 60 percent into groups.
The stereotypical nature of your explanations and the assumptions of how poor people spend their money is proof of your true intent. So stop fronting
and No I don't know if your racist this is a race card its a spade being called a spade. I just think you misguided and too caught up by what you see on TV and in the news cuz most of us ain't sht like this.

Just because you went to college doesn't make you good with money.
Just because you don't own 10 cars, diamonds, ain't got kids, live in a mansion don't mean you invested it either.
People outside the inner city, spend their money on stupid sht too.
So please don't use this as a forum to tell your views on what black people from the inner cities problem are.

I think inflation has more to do with it.
A mill ain't what it use to be. Those guys thought that 10, 20 and 30 mill would last a lifetime.

And please don't comment on illiteracy till you've gone to a public school and witnessed teachers that could careless and push kids with social disorders and learning disabilities through school because their athletic or likeable or scared or that particular student. Don't generalize, it's ignorant.

believe it or not I'm not insulting you

I support this post 95% .To often when talking about the NBA people want to talk about the bad. Over paid, HOOD gangsters Thugs they dont love the game. BUt who are they talking about Steve Nash, Dirk, ???????? No most of the time they are talking about the black players . How about NASCAR drivers that make all that money I have never heard anyone say they are over paid for driving around in a circle 500 times.

02-07-2008, 06:53 PM
Uh, did I say ALL are like that? I said most. And that's not a lie. Look at the statistics. I'm not gonna hide behind political correctness. I'm gonna flat out say it. I'm not racist. I don't have to watch the news. I see people pissing their life away daily. And what's it have to do with race anyway? I said inner city kids. I've seen plenty of kids make it out without sports. Maybe if you and everyone else would stop making excuses for them, they'd get their act together. Everyone I grew up around still thinks life is about money and drugs. And these are people in their mid-to-late-20s. And where did I say what I said applies to all people of the group? I said most. And that is, in fact, true. But now that you bring up race. Explain to me why African Americans are at the bottom of the literacy rate and test score statistics? Why is it that, IMMIGRANTS, that come to this country with absolutely nothing, fare better? Something's wrong with the culture in the inner cities. Nobody wants to address it because they think it's politically incorrect. Bill Cosby has been trying to fix up neighborhoods and telling them to shift gears and turn away from this new age of hip hop that promotes violence and drugs. And he gets crucified for it by the same black community he's trying to fix up. I didn't want to turn it into a race issue but you brought it up. I'm not racist, but I'm not gonna be politically correct just to make you feel better. I've got plenty of black friends. And none of them do drugs or go around calling girls b!tches and h oes. They also use proper grammar and avoid using the word ain't 50 times a sentence like you do.

I can appreciate your honesty . But first lets not look at inner city kids and forget about the poor white kids in this country. The bottom line is its not the kids look at the money spent in the rich schools compared to the poor schools. If Im a parent and I can afford it my child will go to the best school but if I have no choice my child is faced with the worst school system in the free world. You show that there is a bit of dislike for blacks when you dont address the behavior of poor whites its a group of lower class people not a race issue.

hito da god
02-07-2008, 06:56 PM
But now that you bring up race. Explain to me why African Americans are at the bottom of the literacy rate and test score statistics? Why is it that, IMMIGRANTS, that come to this country with absolutely nothing, fare better? Something's wrong with the culture in the inner cities. Nobody wants to address it because they think it's politically incorrect. Bill Cosby has been trying to fix up neighborhoods and telling them to shift gears and turn away from this new age of hip hop that promotes violence and drugs. And he gets crucified for it by the same black community he's trying to fix up. I didn't want to turn it into a race issue but you brought it up. I'm not racist, but I'm not gonna be politically correct just to make you feel better. I've got plenty of black friends. And none of them do drugs or go around calling girls b!tches and h oes. They also use proper grammar and avoid using the word ain't 50 times a sentence like you do.

there's a great documentary on the creation of suburbia in america that gives a theory on where this cycle stems from. it explains how blacks were kept out of suburbia and essentially forced into the cities and/or the projects [which were mixed-income housing at the time]. i forgot the name but i'll try and find it.

anyway, from there it shows the difference in funding between public schools in the poor communities and schools in wealthier communities.

visit the new york city public school system, it's probably one of the sadder sights you'll ever see in your life. there aren't enough textbooks, there aren't enough desks; students, in turn, are sharing text books and sitting on the floor or radiators. teachers are teaching classes in janitorial closets for christ's sake. go to a high school in a upper-middle class neighborhood and notice the difference. smart boards, computer labs, over the top gymnasiums and fitness centers, these kids get the works. do you honestly mean to tell me kids deserve a better education because of simple chance of birth? in the 'greatest nation in the world', the land of opportunity? nah, that aint right.

education is the issue. without proper education, what more could you expect from the ghetto besides an uneducated product?

don't get me wrong these kids should be striving to achieve what they can and should make the best out of a bad situation, but they shouldn't have to at school, the thought that they should is ridiculous

02-07-2008, 07:08 PM
Honestly moving out of a horrible school system ( was eventually taken over by the state) was the biggest move in my life.

Went from an ok student to a really good one. Went to a good college and will soon be in a good law school. I pretty sure I would have made it out of hometown but moving to a nice suburb made things a lot easier.

02-07-2008, 07:23 PM
before or after taxes dck head!

a million ain't sht
you can't retire on a million
and if you think so, your dumber than these athletes you keep trying to insult
yes you can. most people dont even make a million (after taxes) in there lifetime

06-10-2008, 02:05 PM
Bump due to newest topic...

06-10-2008, 03:52 PM
Yeah well considering a top 50 player of all-time only made like 1-2 million a year for his entire year...that ****'s believable.

it makes me sick to think that a guy like Big Country Reeves...''might've'' made more $$$ than Scottie Pippen...contract wise.

The Messenger
06-10-2008, 04:54 PM
Haven't read the last few pages due to flame wars, but maybe some of the statistics are from back in the day when players didnt have outrageous contracts...

I could see a lot of old school ballers goin broke, same as almost any sport. When did monster contracts start? Around the 70's? Man highest paid athlete for our main sport would be lucky to earn much more then a mil a year...and we still ***** about them being overpaid!

06-10-2008, 06:59 PM
translated that over 1/2 of nba players are dumb. to not invest or save a crapload of the $ they get is absurd.