View Full Version : how do you guys improve your offhand??

03-29-2008, 12:29 AM
no matter how much practicing i do dribbling with my left hand, i simply cannot drive in strong going to my left. i can handle it with my left and drive with it at less than full speed but i simply cannot go in as fast as i can with the left dribble.

other than simply trying to dribble with it, is there anything you guys do to practice off hand?

hito da god
03-29-2008, 02:42 AM
just do lefty layups... start at half court and take a lefty layup

03-29-2008, 02:46 AM

i am not an expert.but i would like to say something about the problem. It is a problem of mind rather than anything else. If you stop thinking that it is left or right and concentrate more on the play i think will help. While in a game you have to concentrate more on the opponent rather than left or right in that matter.

I know i am sounding stupid, but still as i said earlier i am not expert. But no harm in trying.


03-29-2008, 06:15 AM
i start close to the ring and just shoot layups and hook shots with my left, then slowly work my way out to longer shots. also i throw the ball at the backboard with my left, try and pick a sport to hit then slowly go further from the backboard...these seem to have worked pretty well for me. :)

03-29-2008, 02:17 PM
well... there are ways to improve your left hand without dribbling but the BEST ways are to just dribble. until your tottaly comfortable with your left though, just work a right to left cross over to shake your defender off a step. its always easier to dribble if theres no guy in your face :P

hito da god
03-29-2008, 05:01 PM
Another thing I find to work well is this. Start doing everyday things (like eating, brushing your teeth, etc.) with your offhand to get it stronger

03-30-2008, 12:50 PM
Whenever you're playing with your friends just for fun, only use your left hand, do one-on-ones left handed and everything. Not saying that you cant even touch the ball with your right hand, just dribble mostly with your left and shoot all your shots left-handed, trust me, I did it, and I improved my lefty dribbling and can even shoot half court shots left handed.

04-05-2008, 07:25 PM
Do X amount of minutes of lefty layups

Do Y amount of minutes of dribbling around with the left

Do Z amount of mintues of going right-left

My 2 Cents :cheers:

04-05-2008, 09:32 PM
Dribbling drills.
One-handed finishing around the rim.

Try doing some things you do everyday with your left hand, like eating, brushing your teeth etc.

04-05-2008, 10:16 PM
what i did was before when i began basketball, i could hardly dribble, i just started doing what i always wanted to and dreamed of doing which is be a good handler and as i did stuff i didnt think i could i would fail then try again and fail certain amounts of time until i succeeded and then i would start dribbling like crazy stuff i saw the pros do and i just kept trying to be like them and i now i can dribble with both my hands but i still have to work on my heistation etc so my tip to you is keep dribbling, between the legs, behind the back anything with BOTH your handles, you dont want to overwork one hand and lose the talent in the other. like pete maravich said, you cant become a better shooter, unless you keep shooting. so just assemble that to your dribbling and offhand movements. after you can dribble well with both hands work on your layups or whatever you dream to do with the left hand. good luck!

04-08-2008, 05:47 PM
<shrug> lots of guys have given good advice. I'm not sure I think it's the right thing to do to concentrate so hard on getting better, instead of just having fun playing the game, but then I remember what it was like to be a young kid growing up and I did the same thing.

Anyways, in addition to the other things people have said, if you really want to focus on your dribbling, put a blindfold on and start dribbling with either hand. It's the same theory as with typing. Get your hands and brain to be able to focus on something without actually looking at it, and it eventually becomes so natural you won't remember how you got along with out it.

Another good thing to dry is those dribbling drills where you go between your legs and do circles with the ball with either hand.. If you can do those blindfolded, at a decent rate, you're well on your way.


Lil Balla21
04-08-2008, 08:44 PM
What i did is i did a lot of lefty lay ups and i did hooks lefty. The hooks helped me a lot. Do everything left handed really like he said up there in your everyday stuff. Reverse lay ups left handed too that helps. :rockon: Good luck