View Full Version : The Bust Of The 2008 NBA Draft

04-08-2008, 11:12 PM
Basically every year there is a player who is hyped up to be a star or a future allstar and turns out to be a bust or a just a role or bench player. What player who is getting getting alot of hype and being considered a Top 15 talent in the NBA draft that you think will be a bust. Here we go with my pick :

Nicolas Batum : People think he will be this atheletic freak(ex McGrady or Rudy Gay) with excellent size and skills. Well people i have watched him play and i am not impressed ! The atheleticism is there but i wouldnt put it at a young Mcgradys level. There are kids in North America that have his size and atheleticism and dont get much hype because they are not playing against unatheletic 16-19 year old european. Eventhough he is playing against soft competition, he still cant manage to dominate at that level. I just dont see him becoming a player like Rudy Gay or McGrady. I see a Stephen Jackson at best and i still doubt he can reach that level. I can be wrong since he is young but that is my pick.

Honarable Mentions(considered first rounders):Roy Hibbert,Danilo Gallinari,JaVale McGee

My Suprise Pick(Player considered a late first rounder to second rounder who can turnout to be a good starter in this league and have a solid carrer): Mario Chalmers,Joey Dorsey,Nathan Jawai,JR Giddens(yea not willing to give up on him)

04-08-2008, 11:26 PM
OJ Mayo
Kevin Love

04-08-2008, 11:34 PM
How's that center from Colorado doing? people were slating him to be the top center in the draft non named Gred Oden. Jason something/?? O nm, this years draft. I say Derek Rose, dude hasn't impressed

04-08-2008, 11:41 PM
Have to agree on Batum...all I've ever heard is potential, potential and potential. I say you throw in DeAndre Jordan as well for a possibility

My steals: Sean Singletary, DJ White and Devon Hardin

04-09-2008, 11:15 AM
DJ White is a beast with skills, and I think he may have gotten a bit taller, a legit 6'9. He will be a steal for whoever takes him.

Tyler Hansbrough might surprise to all the people who are saying he won't be any good in the NBA. He certainly won't be a star like he is in college, but he could be a very solid backup PF on the right team.

DeAndre Jordan might be a bust, but the potential is there. He reminds me of Samuel Dalembert, from what I have seen. Maybe a little better offensively.

Also, I will say that OJ Mayo will have to be a point guard in the NBA, he is to small to play much at SG. He could become little more than a rich man's Rashad McCants, but he could also become a Gilbert Arenas type.

04-09-2008, 11:19 AM
I won't comment on any international players being that I know next to nothing about this year's crop. I gave up on "Euros" a couple of years ago.

I think the obvious bust is DeAndre Jordan. The kid didn't impress at all at Texas A&M. That's not a good sign. He wasn't even the 3rd best player on a team with one to no other NBA prospects.

But does that reasoning qualify for him "bust" status. I think that qualifies him for "came out too early" status since a bust is generally someone with high expectations who doesn't succeed. I think people are really down on Jordan right now.

So I don't know.

04-09-2008, 11:24 AM
I doubt Hibbert is too high a pick to be considered a bust.

04-09-2008, 11:26 AM
I honestly think that 90% of the people going pro this year have the potential to be busts. There really isn't any sure picks besides maybe Beasley.

The idiot that picks Roy Hibbert will be sorry. This guy has no intensity in his game and is often manhandled by players 5 inches shorter. I would rather have some of those D-League players that are playing for the Heat right now then this guy.

Another huge bust is Derrin Collison from UCLA. This kid is a poor man's Speed Claxton and has little upside if you ask me.

Kevin Love has a very low ceiling as well. At best he could be a 6th or 7th man averageing 12 point and 5 boards.

Sleeper pick is Anthony Randolf from LSU. He had a great freshman year on a bad team. He's a 6'11'' big man who can run the floor, shoot the three, and handle the rock. I have him slated to be a bigger more explosive version of Marion. Yes he's that good. (I watched him live at every LSU homegame last year)

A second round sleeper is Drew Neitzel. I think with a little help this kid could be pretty good too.

04-09-2008, 11:27 AM
How's that center from Colorado doing? people were slating him to be the top center in the draft non named Gred Oden. Jason something/?? O nm, this years draft. I say Derek Rose, dude hasn't impressed

I think your talking about Jason Smith from Colorado State. I think hes having a decent year.

04-09-2008, 11:32 AM
Jason Thompson outta Rider University. Learn his name now so you can say you knew him first. Going to be the steal of the draft.

04-09-2008, 12:22 PM
How's that center from Colorado doing? people were slating him to be the top center in the draft non named Gred Oden. Jason something/?? O nm, this years draft. I say Derek Rose, dude hasn't impressed

What tournament did YOU watch? :wtf:

04-09-2008, 12:24 PM
Basically every year there is a player who is hyped up to be a star or a future allstar and turns out to be a bust or a just a role or bench player. What player who is getting getting alot of hype and being considered a Top 15 talent in the NBA draft that you think will be a bust. Here we go with my pick :

Nicolas Batum : People think he will be this atheletic freak(ex McGrady or Rudy Gay) with excellent size and skills. Well people i have watched him play and i am not impressed ! The atheleticism is there but i wouldnt put it at a young Mcgradys level. There are kids in North America that have his size and atheleticism and dont get much hype because they are not playing against unatheletic 16-19 year old european. Eventhough he is playing against soft competition, he still cant manage to dominate at that level. I just dont see him becoming a player like Rudy Gay or McGrady. I see a Stephen Jackson at best and i still doubt he can reach that level. I can be wrong since he is young but that is my pick.

Honarable Mentions(considered first rounders):Roy Hibbert,Danilo Gallinari,JaVale McGee

My Suprise Pick(Player considered a late first rounder to second rounder who can turnout to be a good starter in this league and have a solid carrer): Mario Chalmers,Joey Dorsey,Nathan Jawai,JR Giddens(yea not willing to give up on him)

Explain to me how a player can be Stephen Jackson but wouldnt be on Rudy Gay's level. Either you're overrating Gay or you're underrating Jackson. I think both.

04-09-2008, 01:08 PM
Jason Thompson outta Rider University. Learn his name now so you can say you knew him first. Going to be the steal of the draft.After Sonny Weems.....

04-09-2008, 01:11 PM
After Sonny Weems.....

Why'd Weems miss a couple years? Was he a JUCO?

04-09-2008, 01:16 PM
Why'd Weems miss a couple years? Was he a JUCO?
Yeah, there was something about some classes he took in high school didn't count or something. I don't know. From what I understand, he did have the grades, but he just didn't meet the requirements.

So he won a juco national championship and was the juco player of the year in '06.

04-09-2008, 01:22 PM
Brook Lopez..

04-09-2008, 02:06 PM
Beasley, Mayo, Hibbert

04-09-2008, 02:07 PM
A player has to be a lotto pick to be a bust. Probably even higher, top 8 or so. Because I said so.

04-09-2008, 02:09 PM
Top 4 potential busts for me are brook lopez, collison, deandre jordan, and hibbert

20 Dimes A Game
04-09-2008, 02:16 PM
What tournament did YOU watch? :wtf:

I know.

04-09-2008, 02:28 PM

04-09-2008, 03:25 PM
How's that center from Colorado doing? people were slating him to be the top center in the draft non named Gred Oden. Jason something/?? O nm, this years draft. I say Derek Rose, dude hasn't impressed
jason smith has been a solid rotation guy for the what,# 20 pick? and you have to be the only person on earth who doesnt think derrick rose is impressive

04-09-2008, 03:32 PM
Deandre Jordan. He's being hyped as the next Dwight, but he isn't anywhere near as athletic as Howard. His athletic abiliy is closer to an Andrew Bynum/Chris Kaman type, but he doesn't have the natural feel for the game that any of those guys have.

04-09-2008, 07:16 PM
Have to agree on Batum...all I've ever heard is potential, potential and potential. I say you throw in DeAndre Jordan as well for a possibility

My steals: Sean Singletary, DJ White and Devon Hardinnot trying to get off topic or anything but DJ White went to high school in my town. never knew such great talent could actually come from here

04-09-2008, 07:17 PM
Kevin Love will bust.. justh ave a feeling

04-09-2008, 07:18 PM
OJ Mayo
Kevin Love
i 100 % agree mayo is a cancer and a headcase and love is not PF neither is he an SF

04-09-2008, 07:19 PM
Deandre Jordan. He's being hyped as the next Dwight, but he isn't anywhere near as athletic as Howard. His athletic abiliy is closer to an Andrew Bynum/Chris Kaman type, but he doesn't have the natural feel for the game that any of those guys have.

dont campare them to bynum/kaman... hes more like a howard/chandler..
search him on google.

04-09-2008, 07:20 PM
not trying to get off topic or anything but DJ White went to high school in my town. never knew such great talent could actually come from here

antonio anderson of memphis graduated from my high school :party:

Da KO King
04-09-2008, 07:32 PM
I doubt he'll be the "bust of the draft" but Mike Beasley is not a sure thing no matter how many anyone wants to claim he is.

He's a 6'8" 230 lbs PF with no low post moves. He has the physical skills you would want but his footwork is so poor that it reduces his athleticism. He also lacks the ball handling skills to take players his size off the bounce with consistency.

04-09-2008, 07:34 PM
Kevin Love will be a bust. Mark that down.

04-09-2008, 07:50 PM
Eric Gordon. Nice range when he's open. Unfortunately, when teams figured out how to defend him, his FG% plummeted. Some of it you can chalk up to a wrist injury, but that was to his non-shooting hand. Not a good defender at the college level, and a tweener. Unless he's grown 2 inches in the last year, not 6-4 (we'll find out in June). 6-2 1/2 on a good day.

Can't blame him for going, as he's too good for college, but not even close to ready for the league. I wish we had a true developmental league = to a Spanish/Italian league, because it would be perfect for this guy. Too talented for his own good to develop handles in the college game, not good enough to develop them for a few years in the pro game (if ever).

04-13-2016, 09:17 AM
Great calls right there.

04-13-2016, 09:25 AM
Fascinating how Beasley was seen as a sure thing. No one expected Kevin Love to be worth some pocket lint and he's capable of 26-12-4.

04-13-2016, 09:31 AM
Batum 2 - starter for blazers and hornets
McGee - bounced around a bit, still in league
Gallo - starter for denver
Hibbert 4 - all star
Mayo 4 - 6th man for hornets
Love 5 - multiple all star
Rose - mvp
Deandre 4 - all star, better than d12
Darren Collison 2 - 6th man/spot starter for kings
Brook Lopez 2 - all star
Beasley 2 - bounced around, now playing pivotal role for rockets
Thabeet - out of the league
Eric Gordon - starter for hornets

Chalmers - waived this year
Dorsey- out of the league, 130 games in 4 seasons
Jawai - out of the league, 45 games in 2 seasons
Giddens - out of the league, 38 games in 3 seasons
DJ White 2 - out of the league, 138 games in 6 seasons
Singletary - out of the league, 37 games total
Devon Hardin - 0 games
Hansbrough - playing for charlotte
Randolph - out of the league, total 252 games in 6 seasons
Neitzel - 0 games
Jason Thompson - waived this year and signed by toronto

Sure pick:

04-13-2016, 09:40 AM
...and this thread is a perfect example as to why some of us would not make good scouts.