View Full Version : Why are black players generally more explosive athletes than white players?

04-24-2008, 05:59 AM
Well i`m white guy from eastern europe , and it amazes me why do black athletes run faster, jump higher , bench more and stuff.

I dont complain about my genes my bench is pretty good and all but then i see atheletes like Howard , Jordan, Tracy, Vince, Kobe , Tyson i just cant get it :confusedshrug:

And then i Saw first Lebron Game as a Cavaliers member , i mean he was barely 18 , i`m just 17 i bench 230+ and his abilieties and shoulders arms etc.. look so much bigger .

How do black guys get fit so fast?

04-24-2008, 06:06 AM
This is just one of the things (out of so many theories out there) I heard from a Sport Science student. Don't blast me on this if you think its wrong, its just something I heard. Apparently with black people they've got some unique bone structure/length in the leg (below the knee) that allows them to jump higher and run faster. Dunno too much about the upper body, I've heard people say black guys have "spring-like" muscles, watever thats supposed to mean.

04-24-2008, 06:10 AM
Not trying to be racist but african-americans were bred for farm work by the slave owners, so that is why some are so athletic today.

04-24-2008, 06:13 AM
Black skin is more elastic thats why they bounce higher.

04-24-2008, 06:14 AM
when blacks were slaves they were used to physical work. The "masters" would kill the fat slaves that were unfit for work. They were killed because they were basically useless to them and would use up resources (food and shelter). The ones that were well fit were kept alive

04-24-2008, 06:18 AM
Black skin is more elastic thats why they bounce higher.

Wat on earth are you talking about :wtf:

04-24-2008, 06:22 AM
generations of working in the fields.... molded a perfect body for athletic superiority

04-24-2008, 06:34 AM
Well i`m white guy from eastern europe , and it amazes me why do black athletes run faster, jump higher , bench more and stuff.

I dont complain about my genes my bench is pretty good and all but then i see atheletes like Howard , Jordan, Tracy, Vince, Kobe , Tyson i just cant get it :confusedshrug:

And then i Saw first Lebron Game as a Cavaliers member , i mean he was barely 18 , i`m just 17 i bench 230+ and his abilieties and shoulders arms etc.. look so much bigger .

How do black guys get fit so fast?
You want technical explanation and so here it is:

Fact #1: Black absorb heat and White reflect heat.
Fact #2: Hot molecules move faster than a cold one.

Therefore, we can conclude that black people is able to be more athletic than white people because their molecules move faster due to the heat they absorb.

04-24-2008, 06:41 AM
You want technical explanation and so here it is:

Fact #1: Black absorb heat and White reflect heat.
Fact #2: Hot molecules move faster than a cold one.

Therefore, we can conclude that black people is able to be more athletic than white people because their molecules move faster due to the heat they absorb.
lol that was funny

04-24-2008, 06:56 AM
Nothing really strange about it. Different races have different genetic profiles, sometimes its an advantage and sometimes its not. Superior athleticism for people from certain parts of Africa is well known, but there are many other differences out there. Some are politically correct to talk about and others aren't.
Why people would expect appearance to be the only thing that changes between races I don't know.

04-24-2008, 06:59 AM
Not trying to be racist but african-americans were bred for farm work by the slave owners, so that is why some are so athletic today.

when blacks were slaves they were used to physical work. The "masters" would kill the fat slaves that were unfit for work. They were killed because they were basically useless to them and would use up resources (food and shelter). The ones that were well fit were kept alive
Both of these "theories" are completely incorrect, and have been conclusively debunked in a thread that took place some time ago. If one looks very carefully at the success of black athletes in competitive sports, the decisive factor, if one can point to one, has much more to do with speed and quickness than strength. In demonstrations of pure strength, weight lifting competitions are dominated by Eastern Europeans, for example.

Also, the erroneous argument completely ignores athletic events dominated by Africans (Kenyans, especially), such as long distance marathons, who have never been subject to slavery.

No, the fact that blacks do better at sports has much more to do with cultural influences than anything else. Many more black children grow up with the belief that athletics represents their way to advance in life -- much more so than any other race. Therefore, their environment growing up entails engaging in competitive events that are much more challenging than other ethnic groups, leading to a group of individuals who are superior in certain sports.

04-24-2008, 07:07 AM
/end thread.

04-24-2008, 07:20 AM
Both of these "theories" are completely incorrect, and have been conclusively debunked in a thread that took place some time ago. If one looks very carefully at the success of black athletes in competitive sports, the decisive factor, if one can point to one, has much more to do with speed and quickness than strength. In demonstrations of pure strength, weight lifting competitions are dominated by Eastern Europeans, for example.

Also, the erroneous argument completely ignores athletic events dominated by Africans (Kenyans, especially), such as long distance marathons, who have never been subject to slavery.

No, the fact that blacks do better at sports has much more to do with cultural influences than anything else. Many more black children grow up with the belief that athletics represents their way to advance in life -- much more so than any other race. Therefore, their environment growing up entails engaging in competitive events that are much more challenging than other ethnic groups, leading to a group of individuals who are superior in certain sports.

Kenyans are to the average African American as Eastern Europeans are to the average white (mostly european) American. There are very few similarities. Comparing the two are useless because they don't share enough recent (by recent I mean the last 500 years or so) common ancestry.

04-24-2008, 07:29 AM
Kenyans are to the average African American as Eastern Europeans are to the average white (mostly european) American. There are very few similarities. Comparing the two are useless because they don't share enough recent (by recent I mean the last 500 years or so) common ancestry.
The thread starter specifically addressed the issue of the superiority of black athletes. Both African Americans and Kenyans are classified as "black". The fact they both dominate specific sporting competitions, and given the fact that genetically they are not the same -- as you noted -- supports the point I was making.

04-24-2008, 07:37 AM
Slavery definitely plays a (small)part.. anyone denying that is just not being rational. however, to say its the only or main reason is not right either.

I used to work at a center for delinquents from Philly/NY from age 11-17..I tell you some of these kids were incredible athletes. Im talking some dudes that are 14 and look 21. Some kids that are 12 and running, criss crossing, jumping like crazy. Genetics out the wazooo.

The most important factor mentioned earlier though is that blacks tend to start athletics alot sooner then others, so they get stronger faster and better. I didnt start playing sports seriously till I was about 16-17...meanwhile alot of them kids are playing hard since 11 or 12, maybe even younger. Its all they got.

My lazy ass was hooked on video games/tv growing up, and theyre out there playing ball 24/7, of course theyre gonna be monster athletes.

04-24-2008, 07:39 AM
Genetic variation.


Malcolm Gladwell is a great writer and wrote on this subject in the above article. If your really interested read it.

"A boy who is doing well will attribute his success to the fact that he's good at math, and if he's doing badly he'll blame his teacher or his own lack of motivation-anything but his ability. That makes it easy for him to bounce back from failure or disappointment, and gives him a lot of confidence in the face of a tough new challenge. After all, if you think you do well in math because you're good at math, what's stopping you from being good at, say, algebra, or advanced calculus? On the other hand, if you ask a girl why she is doing well in math she will say, more often than not, that she succeeds because she works hard. If she's doing poorly, she'll say she isn't smart enough. This, as should be obvious, is a self-defeating attitude. Psychologists call it "learned helplessness"-the state in which failure is perceived as insurmountable. Girls who engage in effort attribution learn helplessness because in the face of a more difficult task like algebra or advanced calculus they can conceive of no solution. They're convinced that they can't work harder, because they think they're working as hard as they can, and that they can't rely on their intelligence, because they never thought they were that smart to begin with."

04-24-2008, 07:48 AM
Part of It is Cultural and a good part of it is genetic

West aFrican Blacks and their descendants (African American, Latin Blacks) have more quick twitch fibers in their body that allow them to react faster....anthropologist Robert Malina and geneticist Claude Bouchard noticed in their studies that blacks had less body fat, narrower hips, thicker thighs, lighter calves, and longer legs...but we had denser bones, which makes us terrible at Things like swimming

so a good part of it is genetic....

And then also, when west african blacks were imported to the United States and to latin america , a variety of factors killed of the weak...First the trip to america itself killed off alot of people that didn't have good physical skills or who were not immune to some of the diseases that white people carried, and once they got their there was even more natural selection, with the biggest and strongest slaves being mated and passing their genes on to their children..

There you have it

Manute for Ever!
04-24-2008, 09:59 AM
This is just one of the things (out of so many theories out there) I heard from a Sport Science student. Don't blast me on this if you think its wrong, its just something I heard. Apparently with black people they've got some unique bone structure/length in the leg (below the knee) that allows them to jump higher and run faster. Dunno too much about the upper body, I've heard people say black guys have "spring-like" muscles, watever thats supposed to mean.

I heard pretty much the same, but above the knee.

04-24-2008, 10:03 AM
wow... :confusedshrug:


04-24-2008, 10:06 AM
Who says black athletes are superior to white athletes?

04-24-2008, 10:13 AM
Maybe if Coby Karl was black he'd play like Kobe :)

04-24-2008, 10:16 AM
Blacks in general, are shorter and more obese than white people. But there are also many blessed with the Natural athleticism/strength.

04-24-2008, 10:16 AM
I'm black and I can't dunk. Friends shorter than me can (both black and white). Why are they superior? :hammerhead:

Real Men Wear Green
04-24-2008, 10:19 AM
Edited the title to something a little bit less likely to incite a racism flame war (I hope).

04-24-2008, 10:31 AM
jamacains and west africans are genetically gifted with more fast twitch fibres, longer achilles tendon, and better bone structure.

04-24-2008, 10:34 AM
I'm black and I can't dunk. Friends shorter than me can (both black and white). Why are they superior? :hammerhead:
because u spend half your time wishing hateful **** on this forum and have posted here more then any normal net junkie.

04-24-2008, 10:44 AM
[QUOTE=Shepseskaf]Both of these "theories" are completely incorrect, and have been conclusively debunked in a thread that took place some time ago. If one looks very carefully at the success of black athletes in competitive sports, the decisive factor, if one can point to one, has much more to do with speed and quickness than strength. QUOTE]

Like all that running from slavemasters and dogs? :oldlol:

04-24-2008, 10:50 AM
Part of It is Cultural and a good part of it is genetic

West aFrican Blacks and their descendants (African American, Latin Blacks) have more quick twitch fibers in their body that allow them to react faster....anthropologist Robert Malina and geneticist Claude Bouchard noticed in their studies that blacks had less body fat, narrower hips, thicker thighs, lighter calves, and longer legs...but we had denser bones, which makes us terrible at Things like swimming


different structure of muscle fibers is thought to be responsible for black people dominating the track and field disciplines (which require explosive strength) and white people dominating the weight lifting (muscle endurance strength)

04-24-2008, 10:51 AM
cuz when blacks were slaves they sort of evolved or however u wanna put it

04-24-2008, 11:01 AM
Because their "knee-grows" longer...:oldlol:

04-24-2008, 11:11 AM
Edited the title to something a little bit less likely to incite a racism flame war (I hope).

True that. Man I can't believe i'm agreeing with a Boston fan.:cheers:

04-24-2008, 11:12 AM
It's more cultural than anything. The reason blacks tend to excel at track, basketball, and football is because in some parts of the country,these sports are a rite of passage for nearly all black kids. In most parts of the country where blacks are plentiful basketball and football take the place of track. I played on my first little league football team at the age of 5, and we were drilled like 10 year olds. In Florida nearly every black person I have met has run track at some point in their life. As a kid I spent way less time in front of the TV than my white counterparts. My friends and I played sports for at least 3 hrs a day during the school year, and that number went to about 9-10 hours during the summer.

04-24-2008, 11:29 AM
First off, saying that black people as a race are stronger than other races is wrong. They are faster and jump higher. But stronger? Not necessarily. Each race has their own specialties in which they excel. Blacks have less upper body strength than whites, this can be shown by the dominance of Europeans in weight lifting. They are better suited for it. But blacks are FAR better at running, this can obviously be seen by the predominance of blacks in track events.

Also, it is found that in general, blacks have more testosterone than whites, who in turn have more testosterone than Asians (but the amount of testosterone is more similar among whites and Asians). Testosterone supposedly leads to explosiveness.

Having said that, the athleticism of blacks has a lot to do with slavery. How can you tell? Because black Africans are not as physically strong as black Americans (although black Africans can run like hell, because they've had to do that a lot in their past). Africans are significantly thinner and weaker than black Americans, this has to do with lack of nutrition but also with their overall genes. African Americans have different genes than Africans.

Basically, if you do something repeatedly, you get good at it and are designed for it - ex: if you lift weights for a long time, you get stronger. I hope this clears up some doubts.

04-24-2008, 11:45 AM
slow twitch vs fast twitch muscle fibers

04-24-2008, 12:19 PM
Well i`m white guy from eastern europe , and it amazes me why do black athletes run faster, jump higher , bench more and stuff.

I dont complain about my genes my bench is pretty good and all but then i see atheletes like Howard , Jordan, Tracy, Vince, Kobe , Tyson i just cant get it :confusedshrug:

And then i Saw first Lebron Game as a Cavaliers member , i mean he was barely 18 , i`m just 17 i bench 230+ and his abilieties and shoulders arms etc.. look so much bigger .

How do black guys get fit so fast?

Where have you heard bench more? I'll give you explosion (jumping, running) but as far as benching and weight lifting is concerned I don't see blacks having an advantage at all.

04-24-2008, 03:33 PM
Not trying to be racist but african-americans were bred for farm work by the slave owners, so that is why some are so athletic today.

What, I hope you were kidding. The minimal time they spent as slaves, relative to how long it would actually take for an evolutionary adaptation to occur, would have no effect on their athleticism.
The theory I have heard and accept is that the Africans are the oldest race of humans, they have been around the longest and were hunter-gatherers the longest. Thus, by natural selection, the strong ones with the athletic attributes tended to survive and reproduce a lot more than the weaker ones. Hence the seemingly greater athletic ability over every other race.

04-24-2008, 03:35 PM
The scientific reason why is because they have more fast twitch fiber muscles.

Blacks have 8% more fast twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the white race.

Whites have 9% more slow twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the black race.

That is fact, whites can go longer naturally, while blacks are more explosive.


It has nothing to do with where you were raised, your ancestors, your sociographics, socio-economic status, anything like that, it's all genetical and the answer is bolded.

04-24-2008, 03:38 PM
The scientific reason why is because they have more fast twitch fiber muscles.

Blacks have 8% more fast twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the white race.

Whites have 9% more slow twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the black race.

That is fact, whites can go longer naturally, while blacks are more explosive.


It has nothing to do with where you were raised, your ancestors, your sociographics, socio-economic status, anything like that, it's all genetical and the answer is bolded.got a link to back up all these basic facts?

04-24-2008, 03:39 PM
The scientific reason why is because they have more fast twitch fiber muscles.

Blacks have 8% more fast twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the white race.

Whites have 9% more slow twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the black race.

That is fact, whites can go longer naturally, while blacks are more explosive.


It has nothing to do with where you were raised, your ancestors, your sociographics, socio-economic status, anything like that, it's all genetical and the answer is bolded.

It does have to do with your ancestors, a ton of them from a long time ago. But I'm guessing you are pointing out to the guys who said it has do with their slave ancestors making them superior athletically.

04-24-2008, 03:41 PM
The scientific reason why is because they have more fast twitch fiber muscles.

Blacks have 8% more fast twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the white race.

Whites have 9% more slow twitch fiber muscles in their body compared to the black race.

That is fact, whites can go longer naturally, while blacks are more explosive.


It has nothing to do with where you were raised, your ancestors, your sociographics, socio-economic status, anything like that, it's all genetical and the answer is bolded.The problem with this is that this opens the door for other genetic studies that show that Asians are better at mathematics, Jews are better with money, and Caucasians are better managers and long term thinkers.

04-24-2008, 03:45 PM
The problem with this is that this opens the door for other genetic studies that show that Asians are better at mathematics, Jews are better with money, and Caucasians are better managers and long term thinkers.
Culture dictate those things as well.

04-24-2008, 03:45 PM
The problem with this is that this opens the door for other genetic studies that show that Asians are better at mathematics, Jews are better with money, and Caucasians are better managers and long term thinkers.

ummm, not really IMO. quantity and kind of muscle fibers can be exactly measured. those qualities that you list really can't. social qualities are very different than biological ones and really impossible to measure exactly. and much harder to distinguish the learned and cultural stuff from genetic stuff.

04-24-2008, 03:46 PM
got a link to back up all these basic facts?

No problem. I've read a while ago on strengthening legs for an increased vertical and it gave background information on genetics and which program is right for you. Along the way, I had read inside it the points I said, I'd gladly post the link, I just have to find it again.

It does have to do with your ancestors, a ton of them from a long time ago. But I'm guessing you are pointing out to the guys who said it has do with their slave ancestors making them superior athletically.

Yeah, sorry, that's what I meant. I really don't believe something like slaves working for the lazy whiteman is the reason blacks jump higher then whites.

The problem with this is that this opens the door for other genetic studies that show that Asians are better at mathematics, Jews are better with money, and Caucasians are better managers and long term thinkers.

Hmm...I guess I would agree. Honestly though, I wouldn't be surprised if it said something like Asians had a larger logical part of the brain, or something like that as people tend to have different sizes. I can't see something like Jews are better with money, or whites are better managers, but I see the point your making about stereotypes. The points I mentioned are from one study that looked at muscles, I wouldn't be surprised if you could find other parts of the body that are different from race to race.

04-24-2008, 03:53 PM
White players have names like Lenny, whereas black players have names like Carl.

04-24-2008, 04:02 PM
It does have to do with your ancestors, a ton of them from a long time ago. But I'm guessing you are pointing out to the guys who said it has do with their slave ancestors making them superior athletically.

Actually saying blacks are the oldest people is wrong. The out of Africa theory suggests that Australopithecus or whatever started out in Africa but espread all over the world and eventually developed into homo sapien sapien along the same path. Also, asians have similar teeth to the neanderthal. Just throwing that out there.

04-24-2008, 04:04 PM
White players have names like Lenny, whereas black players have names like Carl.

In the Simpsons at least, and we all know Carl is amazing at basketball and an astounding athlete.

04-24-2008, 04:15 PM
wow talk about racial stereotypes

04-24-2008, 04:18 PM
And my explanation? Physically, African-Americans generally possess a denser bone structure than most which makes them able to carry more weight and muscle without slowing them down. The whole "bred for slavery" thing is just a myth because no one sat there and said, this or that slave is going to be stronger than that one. Just because your father can bench 300lbs and have a 40 inch vertical doesn't mean his son will be able to do the same without working at it. Unfortunately, the white players that do have athleticism and speed in the NBA, usually lack basketball skills like a Chris Anderson or Mindaugas Katylenas. You also have to look at the culture in which many grew up in and the work that the individual has put in. Aside from size and coordination, I don't believe any other trait in regards to basketball comes from genetics such as shooting the ball, running, and jumping. Those are things that one must practice and work at. I'm 6'1, Asian, when I was a sophomore in high school, I could barely touch the rim. I tried nearly every day until one day, I just grabbed it. I kept doing that for the next few years and was finally able to dunk when I was 21 years old. By 25, I was two-handing them and my dad (who played for the China National team) was never a high jumper nor was he quick. All that repetitive jumping stimulates and trains your twitch muscles to detract and expand much faster which results in a better vertical and quickness. So for those kids who want to dunk that ball, my advice is to jump rope on your tip toes to develop your twitch muscles in your calves.

04-24-2008, 04:21 PM
I think my family missed out on the great genetic predisposition from slavery thing. Neither of my parents, at any point in their lives, where even average athletes. In fact, the main thing that is so prevalent in my family that I'd feel confident saying it runs in the family or we seemed predisposed to it is high blood pressure, obesity, the typical hypokinetic diseases. Their parents, same thing. My ancestors weren't even bought over here until 1872. I just don't believe I really have that many more fast twitch muscle fibers and a smaller brain and bigger this and smaller that than the next man. Anybody who worked as hard as I had to to get athletic would see the results. People like to act like black people are just born with 40 inch verticals and 4.4 40's.

04-24-2008, 04:21 PM
Actually saying blacks are the oldest people is wrong. The out of Africa theory suggests that Australopithecus or whatever started out in Africa but espread all over the world and eventually developed into homo sapien sapien along the same path. Also, asians have similar teeth to the neanderthal. Just throwing that out there.

How do you figure? Homo sapiens first evolved in Africa, not elsewhere and spread out from there, replacing other species. They are the oldest race of Homo sapiens.

04-24-2008, 04:22 PM
And my explanation? Physically, African-Americans generally possess a denser bone structure than most which makes them able to carry more weight and muscle without slowing them down. The whole "bred for slavery" thing is just a myth because no one sat there and said, this or that slave is going to be stronger than that one. Just because your father can bench 300lbs and have a 40 inch vertical doesn't mean his son will be able to do the same without working at it. Unfortunately, the white players that do have athleticism and speed in the NBA, usually lack basketball skills like a Chris Anderson or Mindaugas Katylenas. You also have to look at the culture in which many grew up in and the work that the individual has put in. Aside from size and coordination, I don't believe any other trait in regards to basketball comes from genetics such as shooting the ball, running, and jumping. Those are things that one must practice and work at. I'm 6'1, Asian, when I was a sophomore in high school, I could barely touch the rim. I tried nearly every day until one day, I just grabbed it. I kept doing that for the next few years and was finally able to dunk when I was 21 years old. By 25, I was two-handing them and my dad (who played for the China National team) was never a high jumper nor was he quick. All that repetitive jumping stimulates and trains your twitch muscles to detract and expand much faster which results in a better vertical and quickness. So for those kids who want to dunk that ball, my advice is to jump rope on your tip toes to develop your twitch muscles in your calves.
paragraphs, but +2 points for the Mindaugas Katelynas reference. He needs to be on a team somewhere

04-24-2008, 04:23 PM
A) Please use spaces! Just press the enter button once at least!

B) Calves are overated in jumping, they are very important, but quads/glutes are the key

C) Everyone has to work at it, thats right, but some people have an advantage from the beginning, some people = blacks, for jumping/sprinting, and for long distance training it's whites.

04-24-2008, 04:30 PM
The problem with this is that this opens the door for other genetic studies that show that Asians are better at mathematics, Jews are better with money, and Caucasians are better managers and long term thinkers.

You don't need a genetic study to prove that.

As far as why Blacks are seemingly more explosive than Whites, I don't know.

To me it seems like a combination of ancestory, genetics, and social influences.

I've never really cared about the issue because it was never a problem for me on the court. :cheers:

04-24-2008, 04:35 PM
It's pointless to put up under 18 leagues in the Caribbean. Jamaicans who are under 18 are huge when compared to other latinos.

04-24-2008, 05:04 PM
Everything in this thread is wrong. But amusing.

04-24-2008, 05:09 PM
Everything in this thread is wrong. But amusing.

Instead of supplying us with a one liner saying "this is wrong", which anyone can do, even if they now nothing about the subject, why don't you supply us with an actual argument? Or explain to us how you deem it to be wrong?

04-24-2008, 05:39 PM
It is true that blacks have a higer proportion of fast twitch muscle fibers than whites and other races. I read this fact in article for a magazine Runners World.

Fast twich muscle fibers lead to more speed, explosivenesss and agility.

The article was titled "White Men Can't Run", kind of a play off of the movie "White Men Can't Jump". I read this article in as a teenager, so this is a fact that has been around for a long time.

The article also mentions that blacks have lighter calves, longer legs which help in running, plus black have a denser bone structure. The drawback to this is that blacks do not excel at swimming as much as other races do.

A number of people mentioned that blacks have mor fast twitch muscle fibers , so I wanted to back these guys up, because there is a lot of misinformation I'm reading on this thread (eg, slavery).

04-24-2008, 05:46 PM
Ehhhheeeeyyyy I knew it.

If I can find my link I'll post it as well. Majority of the people were just giving opinions to this, the truth is the muscle fibers.

04-24-2008, 06:34 PM
don't forget the cns they developed at a early age from sports. (in other words they start way younger then any other race, which molds there cns into what ever there doing)

04-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Also, people don't know this, but blacks have a lot higher percentage of testosterone then any other race. That can help build muscle faster.

04-24-2008, 06:52 PM
Also, people don't know this, but blacks have a lot higher percentage of testosterone then any other race. That can help build muscle faster.

That is true. Black people from what I have observed are meaner, and are not as afraid of things compared to whites or asian's or other skin colors.

agree or disagree?

04-24-2008, 06:55 PM
That is true. Black people from what I have observed are meaner, and are not as afraid of things compared to whites or asian's or other skin colors.

agree or disagree?

This is going to be really weird, but I guess I will agree. Not to say whites or asians can't belike that, (See wankstas).

04-24-2008, 06:58 PM
Thats like asking how a lot of asians are good at math..

04-24-2008, 07:02 PM
My teammate and probably most athletic guy on the team couldn't really dunk 2,5 years ago. Now he is doing windmills. He was using creatine (mostly for running) and really put strength to his legs (and upper body, but most to his legs). He's about 6'8 (18yo) and does windmills, 360s, tomahawks and all kind of crazy ****... Did really creatine and heavy training helped that much?

04-24-2008, 07:13 PM
Creatine does help that much. Obviously strength training helped him, you don't just wait for your hops to come if you can't jump. Strength is what makes you jump, craetine helps you put more strength even faster.

04-24-2008, 07:46 PM
Instead of supplying us with a one liner saying "this is wrong", which anyone can do, even if they now nothing about the subject, why don't you supply us with an actual argument? Or explain to us how you deem it to be wrong?

Is it true that elite runners (whether sprinters or marathoners, choose your spectrum) are a lot different than you and me? Yes.

Is it true that Lance Armstrong chose his parents very well? Yes.


To test how "blacks" or "whites" (or Han Chinese or Bedouins or...) stack up against each other would be by performing a double blind trial with randomly selected test subjects and a control group. If that were not possible then the bare minimum would be to conduct a matched pairs study accounting for as many factors as possible.

One would not allow self selection of the test subjects. One would not select subjects on the basis of the opinion of a series of coaches, trainers, funding organizers, sponsors and fans. Such a study would have no validity whatsoever.

Additionally, the problem with the term race (aside from the negative connotations instigated by ignorant and bigoted persons) and "black" and "white" is that it is far too general and based upon superficial characteristics rather than on more explicit geneological connections, which is exacerbated by lay persons who are not observent enough to make distinctions between populations which are similar in appearance owing to parallel development rather than common origin. Talking of the "black" race obfuscates the enormous range of characteristics, and reasoning out from one extremely small and highly differentiated group provides a very distorted picture of the overall distribution.

As a biologist will tell you, the ways lay persons use "race" is meaningless, especially if you're going to take a highly specific sub-population (say elite Kenyan Kalenjin runners) and then apply their characteristics to some other broad population (American blacks) and draw incorrect, stereotyped conclusions just because they have have blackish skin.

The crux of this whole problem is that the "black" population of the United States is not a homogenous geneological group about which one can draw strict conclusions as to their genetic makeup. Unless it is someone's assertion that all populations of African heritage share in this purported (and so far biologically unsubstantiated) fast twitch muscle advantage, or dense bones, or whatever strikes your fancy, and that this genome is strictly dominant and pervasive such that it is not diluted by ethnic intermingling with non-African populations, any conclusions you draw regarding the genetic makeup of "blacks" collectively is tenuous at best.

"White" might be an even more meaningless term than black, and the purportedly Caucasoid is even more mutty than blacks (in terms of cross-population if not genetic diversity). It used to be that only alabaster-skinned persons of central and western Europe descent were considered "white" (excepting the Irish, of course, who are their own degenerate race). Then they lumped in the Slavs and Persians, then the "greasers" around the Med, and pretty soon anybody who doesn't have obviously slanted eyes or skin darker than a cup of Earl Grey is "white". Given the amount of mixing among multi-generational immigrant populations, not to mention the wave after wave of invasions of Europe by various conquerors from the East and Middle East, plus the mixing by European conquistadors and pilgrams from Europe into the New World's native populations, it's pretty doubtful that out of a group of random "white" Americans more than a few percent could make any valid claim to having purely Germanic or Nordic geneology.

It is possible that the black subpopulation of West African (typically negroid) descent collectively has some slight aggregate advantage with regard to sport. It is unlikely that this is due to a single genome, or a particular type of muscle fiber; if it exists, it's more likely a combination of physical traits--long legs, lean muscle mass, high metabolic rate, et cetera -- which come together in advantageous confluence slightly more often or with greater effect than in the pale-faced, largely European heritage population of the US.

This hasn't been demonstrated other than by inference, but even if it is true, all it indicates is that of the segment of the overall population that appears more "black" has a slightly higher average confluence of these genomes as compared to the total human population. That is not the same as making the claim that "blacks" are faster than "whites", which seeks by implication to squarely divide the population into two artificially distinct groups, and offers up the notion that genetics is the dominant factor in success at sport when it is clearly not the case.

One can readily turn that around and claim that blacks must be intellectually lacking because there are so few who master chess or are accomplished scientists, instead of acknowledging that few blacks -- owing to socioeconomical and educational opportunities arising from history -- ever have the chance or are encouraged to develop such skills.

Interestingly, if blacks of Western African descent really are so much better than the rest of the human population at sport then as a consequence American "whites" should be among the most athletic whites on the planet due to four hundred years of intermixing. Let's just say that the whitest families around have a little (or a lot of) black in them. And vice versa. Despite harsh cultural condemnation, at the end of the day it would appear from genetic studies that people really just like to have sex with each other more than anything.

Next subject: Why are women so bad at math? This is always fun, as people can make up their own pet evolutionary psychology stories to back up their ignorant misogyny or even ignore that women aren't bad at math. Oh, oh! And don't forget Jews and lawyers. That's always a knee slapper.

04-24-2008, 07:46 PM
Slavery definitely plays a (small)part.. anyone denying that is just not being rational. however, to say its the only or main reason is not right either.

I used to work at a center for delinquents from Philly/NY from age 11-17..I tell you some of these kids were incredible athletes. Im talking some dudes that are 14 and look 21. Some kids that are 12 and running, criss crossing, jumping like crazy. Genetics out the wazooo.

The most important factor mentioned earlier though is that blacks tend to start athletics alot sooner then others, so they get stronger faster and better. I didnt start playing sports seriously till I was about 16-17...meanwhile alot of them kids are playing hard since 11 or 12, maybe even younger. Its all they got.

My lazy ass was hooked on video games/tv growing up, and theyre out there playing ball 24/7, of course theyre gonna be monster athletes.

:oldlol: :oldlol:

slavery plays no part what so ever. whoever thinks that slavery has something to do with it obviously hasnt taken biology EVER

unless you want to be proved wrong. i wont waste my time arguing you.

i laugh at some of you people :oldlol: :oldlol:

04-24-2008, 07:51 PM
Buddy, they took a controlled group of about 75 average people, not athletes, and saw results that showed a 7% higher ammount of fast twitch fibers and and 8% higher slow twitch muscle fibers in blacks and whites respectably.

04-24-2008, 07:53 PM
You people need to realize that comparing muscles and psychological stereotypes are not the same thing.

Although it is a stereotype that blacks are more explosive, it is also a fact because it can easily be proven, which it has been as I have showed you the results.

Although it is a stereotype that Asians are better at math, that can't be proven because that deals with the brain and things that are intangibles of measuring.

04-24-2008, 07:54 PM
Buddy, they took a controlled group of about 75 average people, not athletes, and saw results that showed a 7% higher ammount of fast twitch fibers and and 8% higher slow twitch muscle fibers in blacks and whites respectably.

maybe they should take a group of 1000 people.

75? err..

04-24-2008, 08:04 PM
Because their "knee-grows" longer...:oldlol:

haha :oldlol: it was only a matter of time before someone posted that ..... i was waiting...

04-24-2008, 08:15 PM
You want technical explanation and so here it is:

Fact #1: Black absorb heat and White reflect heat.
Fact #2: Hot molecules move faster than a cold one.

Therefore, we can conclude that black people is able to be more athletic than white people because their molecules move faster due to the heat they absorb.

Lamar Odem svets like a leaky bong { }....

04-24-2008, 08:16 PM
You people need to realize that comparing muscles and psychological stereotypes are not the same thing.

Although it is a stereotype that blacks are more explosive, it is also a fact because it can easily be proven, which it has been as I have showed you the results.

Although it is a stereotype that Asians are better at math, that can't be proven because that deals with the brain and things that are intangibles of measuring.
You cannot accept the supposition that genetics makes blacks athletically superior, unless you also accept the possibility that genetics may make other races superior in other ways.

If blacks are genetically built to be quicker and jump higher, then it could also hold that other races could be genetically superior at lung capacity, holding their liquor, math, management, memory, or long term thinking.

It is not that Asians are better at math. It is that fact that they could be better at math.

04-24-2008, 08:18 PM
well I'm asian and I am horrible at math.... but that doesn't really prove anything except that I suck at math

04-24-2008, 08:27 PM
well I'm asian and I am horrible at math.... but that doesn't really prove anything except that I suck at math

I heard the standard for you guys is in centimeters to get a larger number..


04-24-2008, 08:30 PM
I heard the standard for you guys is in centimeters to get a larger number..



04-24-2008, 11:07 PM
I am not white or black but this thread should be debunked for sure man.:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Nets fan 93
04-24-2008, 11:11 PM
Black people are the best!!!!!
It is the only reason
I'm white so no im not racist

04-24-2008, 11:11 PM
You cannot accept the supposition that genetics makes blacks athletically superior, unless you also accept the possibility that genetics may make other races superior in other ways.

If blacks are genetically built to be quicker and jump higher, then it could also hold that other races could be genetically superior at lung capacity, holding their liquor, math, management, memory, or long term thinking.

It is not that Asians are better at math. It is that fact that they could be better at math.

A) Whats the problem if you allow for those testings? If we allow it, that only allows us to know more about the human body

B) This study is already done, it isn't a theory, it is proven. Something like finding out someone's math ability or memory is very hard to test and probebly won't be done for a while meaning it will stay a stereotype, unlike this theory because this stereotype was proven true.

04-24-2008, 11:12 PM
Black people are the best!!!!!
It is the only reason
I'm white so no im not racist

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Nets fan 93
04-24-2008, 11:14 PM
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:
Well am I supposed to lie?????
It is the only true way to put it!

Fedor - Laker
04-24-2008, 11:26 PM
Both of these "theories" are completely incorrect, and have been conclusively debunked in a thread that took place some time ago. If one looks very carefully at the success of black athletes in competitive sports, the decisive factor, if one can point to one, has much more to do with speed and quickness than strength. In demonstrations of pure strength, weight lifting competitions are dominated by Eastern Europeans, for example.

Also, the erroneous argument completely ignores athletic events dominated by Africans (Kenyans, especially), such as long distance marathons, who have never been subject to slavery.

No, the fact that blacks do better at sports has much more to do with cultural influences than anything else. Many more black children grow up with the belief that athletics represents their way to advance in life -- much more so than any other race. Therefore, their environment growing up entails engaging in competitive events that are much more challenging than other ethnic groups, leading to a group of individuals who are superior in certain sports.

it's called genes...

04-25-2008, 12:01 AM
its to do with the amount and type of muscle fibres a person has. generally a black person has more fast twitch fibres allowing for speed and "explosiveness".


hito da god
04-25-2008, 12:06 AM
Not trying to be racist but african-americans were bred for farm work by the slave owners, so that is why some are so athletic today.
that's what i heard, they were superbred in the slave days

04-25-2008, 12:26 AM
what farm work that slaves did would even be a fast twitch activity? Chopping down trees, digging ditches, and John Henry work are but they're far more core than legs. They chased animals around? Slaves were doing a lot of running and jumping in the fields meanwhile white people just sat around their entire lives, and thought about things?

I'm much more a believer in nurture over nature.

04-25-2008, 12:47 AM

04-25-2008, 01:55 AM
Booooooo stephanieg!! When I saw that huge mass of text I got excited. I thought, "wow here comes a well thought out proposition as to why our society believes those with darker skin are more athletic".

Instead I read a well thought out explanation as to why it is improper to compare "whites" and "blacks" as definitive races. And how to conduct a proper social experiment in an attempt to minimize bias. Okay. Thanks, for that. Now why do you think that in general (whether it's true or not), the common American conception is that darker skinned humans have higher levels of testosterone, twitch muscle fibers, denser bones, or whatever else, and are ultimately athletically superior? Are you claiming that they aren't? If so, why not?

Within the U.S., the census makes you choose a race. Most Americans identify with a race (even though you've shown us that the concept is shotty at best). I believe the national consensus is that the average American identifying as "black" has a slight athletic advantage, or as you put it "a slightly higher average confluence of these genomes", over the average American identifying as "white". Do you disagree with this belief? If you do not, then why is this the case? Social Darwinism through the institution of slavery? Or is it not genetic, but instead caused by social pressures leading to a more active "black" youth?

04-25-2008, 02:08 AM
Stephanieg, I read some of your paper, if I can call it that. But, unfortunately I don't have a ton of time right now and most of it is not contributing to this argument.
The only thing I've been saying is that Africans, and those of African descent, are generally built as better athletes because of being the oldest "race" (in quotations for you because you don't seem to agree with the way we, as "uneducated" people, use it). They were hunter-gatherers longer, is the theory, and are the oldest living "race" within our species of sapiens and evolved, through natural selection, stronger and better builds for being hunter-gatherers. I like this theory, and think it sounds quite plausible; of course we can never, as scientists, say a theory is right, it just has yet to be refuted. Those who were stronger and better for hunter-gathering and survived passed on their traits, hence Africans being slightly better athletes today.

04-25-2008, 02:14 AM
:oldlol: :oldlol:

slavery plays no part what so ever. whoever thinks that slavery has something to do with it obviously hasnt taken biology EVER

unless you want to be proved wrong. i wont waste my time arguing you.

i laugh at some of you people :oldlol: :oldlol:

I'm with you, and against anyone else who thinks it does. It happened over a span of approximately 400 years, that is no where near enough time for any macroscopic changes to occur in an evolutionary sense, no advantages could have been gained in that time.

04-25-2008, 03:53 AM
Because they are more closely related to homo erectus, which, happens to be more powerful than homo sapians.

As people evolve them don't need muscles as much. Sounds racist but makes sense. That's y asians are smart, but they are not atheletic, they don't need the strength, when they have the brain powers.

04-25-2008, 04:07 AM
Because they are more closely related to homo erectus, which, happens to be more powerful than homo sapians.

As people evolve them don't need muscles as much. Sounds racist but makes sense. That's y asians are smart, but they are not atheletic, they don't need the strength, when they have the brain powers.

i believe you are wrong.

its more of genetic variation than anything

04-25-2008, 11:30 AM
Lol at all of you trying to sound smart. "It's ignorant to classify someone to be more athletic naturally because of their race"


Theres indesputable proof that it's because of the fast twitch fibers and the slow twitch fibers in the muscles, why can't you all understand that? Theres like 10 different people who posted it, and yet other people keep coming in here with "I can't believe your saying that" "lol your so wrong" "This is racsist!"

04-25-2008, 12:00 PM
A) Whats the problem if you allow for those testings? If we allow it, that only allows us to know more about the human body

B) This study is already done, it isn't a theory, it is proven. Something like finding out someone's math ability or memory is very hard to test and probebly won't be done for a while meaning it will stay a stereotype, unlike this theory because this stereotype was proven true.Nothing is wrong with doing the studies, but it is not politically correct to say that one race is genetically superior to another in any way. Once that is 'proven' in the scientific community, it would be illogical to think that a race cannot be superior to another in other ways as well.

Manute for Ever!
04-25-2008, 12:05 PM
What about white black people....


...and black white people?


04-25-2008, 12:05 PM
Nothing is wrong with doing the studies, but it is not politically correct to say that one race is genetically superior to another in any way. Once that is 'proven' in the scientific community, it would be illogical to think that a race cannot be superior to another in other ways as well.

Between blacks and whites and muscle fibers, it pretty much evens out. Blacks are more explosive with 7% more fast twitch fibers, but whites have 8% more slow twitch fibers, that means they can run longer and have a better overall endurance in their whole body.

So in the end, it really wouldn't seem like one race is superior.

04-25-2008, 12:08 PM
Lol at all of you trying to sound smart. "It's ignorant to classify someone to be more athletic naturally because of their race"


Theres indesputable proof that it's because of the fast twitch fibers and the slow twitch fibers in the muscles, why can't you all understand that? Theres like 10 different people who posted it, and yet other people keep coming in here with "I can't believe your saying that" "lol your so wrong" "This is racsist!"
If a person runs long distances as a child he will develop more slow twitch muscle fibers. If a person participates in activities that require more explosive movements as a child he will develop more fast twitch muscle fibers.

I bounced around between "hood" schools and majority white schools as a child and recesses are different. At the white school I played soccer damn near every day, at the black schools we hooped and played football every day.

My brothers did not do this bouncing around and will burn me in a sprint, but they can't touch me in the 1600 or any distance longer.

Note:Just because 10 different people are saying something does not mean they are right.

04-25-2008, 12:13 PM
Between blacks and whites and muscle fibers, it pretty much evens out. Blacks are more explosive with 7% more fast twitch fibers, but whites have 8% more slow twitch fibers, that means they can run longer and have a better overall endurance in their whole body.

So in the end, it really wouldn't seem like one race is superior.Are you missing the point on purpose?
Once the scentific community 'proves' that blacks can jump higher, then they can also 'prove' that Asians are smarter, jews are better with money, etc. Saying that it is more difficult to do so because it is not as easy as measuring one's vertical leap is being na

04-25-2008, 12:13 PM
Nothing is wrong with doing the studies, but it is not politically correct to say that one race is genetically superior to another in any way. Once that is 'proven' in the scientific community, it would be illogical to think that a race cannot be superior to another in other ways as well.

it wouldn't be entirely "illogical", however it would be very close impossible to prove just because of different nature of social and biological sciences. in natural sciences, fact is pretty much a fact (for example, the composition of muscle fibers is a fact, and you can't really do much to deny it) in social sciences, it's lotta different. (like when dealing with intelligence or math ability of a group)
how can you really distinguish the learned from the innate? especially considering most qualities that have social consequences can be hard or even impossible to really measure.
say, perfect IQ test hasn't still been created. and intelligence is even a simple quality to measure when compared to more "social" stuff like skills and abilities.

04-25-2008, 12:15 PM
Ok, I know what your saying, but I think we have a miscommunication, I agree with everything you just said.

But it is fact that black people are born with more fast twitch muscle fibers, while whites have more slow twitch muscle fibers. What you are telling me is that it's not only genetics, because your environment can play a part in your body as it did to you. I understand that, but the test took 75 average people who didn't play any sports, were casual people and proved it.

The test is showing us that blacks are born with more fast twitch fibers and whites are born with more slow twitch fibers, but that doesn't mean when you grow up, you will be a sprinter and you will be a long distance runner. All of that can change obviously, but what people need to know is that some people get an advantage in having more fast twitch and more slow twitch fibers.

Again, you are born with it, that is genetics, but how you end up when you are older does not rely soley on genetics, that relies on genetics and your environment.

04-25-2008, 12:18 PM
[QUOTE=vert48]Are you missing the point on purpose?
Once the scentific community 'proves' that blacks can jump higher, then they can also 'prove' that Asians are smarter, jews are better with money, etc. Saying that it is more difficult to do so because it is not as easy as measuring one's vertical leap is being na

04-25-2008, 12:22 PM
Ok, I know what your saying, but I think we have a miscommunication, I agree with everything you just said.

But it is fact that black people are born with more fast twitch muscle fibers, while whites have more slow twitch muscle fibers. What you are telling me is that it's not only genetics, because your environment can play a part in your body as it did to you. I understand that, but the test took 75 average people who didn't play any sports, were casual people and proved it.

The test is showing us that blacks are born with more fast twitch fibers and whites are born with more slow twitch fibers, but that doesn't mean when you grow up, you will be a sprinter and you will be a long distance runner. All of that can change obviously, but what people need to know is that some people get an advantage in having more fast twitch and more slow twitch fibers.

Again, you are born with it, that is genetics, but how you end up when you are older does not rely soley on genetics, that relies on genetics and your environment.Of course, it is obvious that blacks are genetically superior athletes, and environment also plays a roll in where people end up. Based on those facts, it also makes sense that other races are superior in other ways.

04-25-2008, 12:27 PM
Of course, it is obvious that blacks are genetically superior athletes, and environment also plays a roll in where people end up. Based on those facts, it also makes sense that other races are superior in other ways.

I don't see how its obvious..

04-25-2008, 12:27 PM
to my knowledge (ell hat i've heard) is that it is to do with a variation in the structure of the bones in the feet being more arched. this could possibley induce a more "springy" effect - i dont know. it would explain how blacks dominate sprinting and sheer athletism in the nba. ut this would not explain how they could bench much higher weights.

in answer to some peoples mentioning how the africans dominate endurance events, this is due to the main long distance running nations such kenya, sudan and tanzania being at a much higher altitude than average above sea level. this is increaces thier O2 intake, and so at sea level can out perform the other athletes

04-25-2008, 12:27 PM
[quote=v-unit]I guess I am missing the point? I'm saying that it's hard to measure those stereotypes as appose to this one. How is it na

04-25-2008, 12:31 PM
I don't see how its obvious..Then you are not paying attention. You think that the finals in the 100m at the Olympics is mostly black because of environmental issues?

04-25-2008, 12:36 PM
Then you are not paying attention. You think that the finals in the 100m at the Olympics is mostly black because of environmental issues?

then why arent blacks dominating weightliftting, swimming, baseball, gymnastics, soccer etc.. Basketball and track arent the only sports.

04-25-2008, 01:08 PM
Where have you heard bench more? I'll give you explosion (jumping, running) but as far as benching and weight lifting is concerned I don't see blacks having an advantage at all.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. People assume that just because certain people can run faster or jump higher that they're physically stronger too. Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not true people.

Because they are more closely related to homo erectus, which, happens to be more powerful than homo sapians.

As people evolve them don't need muscles as much. Sounds racist but makes sense. That's y asians are smart, but they are not atheletic, they don't need the strength, when they have the brain powers.

That's wrong, that's not the reason. :oldlol:

04-25-2008, 01:19 PM
then why arent blacks dominating weightliftting, swimming, baseball, gymnastics, soccer etc.. Basketball and track arent the only sports.Are you trying to say that swimming and basketball require the same athletic skill set? Different sports rely on different athletic skills. Basketball and track, athletically, rely primarily on speed, agility and jumping ability, in all of which blacks are genetically superior.

04-25-2008, 01:21 PM
Are you trying to say that swimming and basketball require the same athletic skill set? Different sports rely on different athletic skills. Basketball and track, athletically, rely primarily on speed, agility and jumping ability, in all of which blacks are genetically superior.

Exactly. In comes down to this: IN GENERAL:
- Blacks are better at running and jumping.
- Whites are better at lifting.
- Asians are better at gymnastics.

Those aren't racist comments, that's the truth.

04-25-2008, 01:32 PM
Exactly. In comes down to this: IN GENERAL:
- Blacks are better at running and jumping.
- Whites are better at lifting.
- Asians are better at gymnastics.

Those aren't racist comments, that's the truth. Exactly. That is not racist, it is racial. Once someone admits to that, then they could also say this:
In General:
- Asians are better at math
- Jews are better with money
- Caucasians are better at long term thinking

I am not saying that any of that is true. I am saying that once the scientific community admits that a race can be superior to another athletically, then they open the door for saying that a race can be superior in other ways.

04-25-2008, 01:36 PM
Exactly. In comes down to this: IN GENERAL:
- Blacks are better at running and jumping.
- Whites are better at lifting.
- Asians are better at gymnastics.

Those aren't racist comments, that's the truth.

Heard it has to do with density of bones along with other factors. That's why you find Asians and Blacks sink in water, while Whites are good swimmers. Then you look at basketball and you find guys like James White who are crazy jumpers, and all the Asian guys you find at pick up games have huge jumps. While white guys aren't as talented.

Just a though for y'all.

04-25-2008, 01:36 PM
Exactly. In comes down to this: IN GENERAL:
- Blacks are better at running and jumping.
- Whites are better at lifting.
- Asians are better at gymnastics.

Those aren't racist comments, that's the truth.
This has more to do with culture than physical ability.

04-25-2008, 01:40 PM
Exactly. In comes down to this: IN GENERAL:
- Blacks are better at running and jumping.
- Whites are better at lifting.
- Asians are better at gymnastics.

Those aren't racist comments, that's the truth.

Watch out, on these forums posting a picture of a black man beating a white guy in a ring is considered racist.

04-25-2008, 01:48 PM
The thing I don't like is people who are ignorant on the subject. Even if one were to say blacks, whites and asians have different athletic traits, that doesnt mean you can jump to intelligence difference you allude to. This is because one is caused by a change in muscles and bones, while the other would be a change on a whole different scale. A change in an organ would require much more time. Also our knowledge of evolution(if it is even correct) is minimal.

04-25-2008, 03:02 PM
then why arent blacks dominating weightliftting, swimming, baseball, gymnastics, soccer etc.. Basketball and track arent the only sports.
blacks do dominate baseball

baseball is filled with south american blacks who have the same ancestry as American Blacks...which Is west africa

04-25-2008, 03:02 PM
The thing I don't like is people who are ignorant on the subject. Even if one were to say blacks, whites and asians have different athletic traits, that doesnt mean you can jump to intelligence difference you allude to. This is because one is caused by a change in muscles and bones, while the other would be a change on a whole different scale. A change in an organ would require much more time. Also our knowledge of evolution(if it is even correct) is minimal.We know that Andean highlanders have larger lungs due, in part, to genetics. So, different races can, and do, have genetic differences in organs.

04-25-2008, 03:09 PM
I'm not arguing in favor of the slavery theory, but in trying to reject it, the "it was only 400 years" argument doesn't work for me. Obviously natural selection takes incredible amounts of time to "evolve" a species so that the mean level of whatever (bone density, twitch muscle fibers, etc.) increases in the population.

However, that argument is ignoring the fact that humans are intelligent. We have "evolved" breeds of dogs way faster than it would have taken naturally. I read that, in the past 130 years, over 100 new purebreeds of dogs have been produced by strict inbreeding and selection. Farmers use selective processes to "evolve" crops everyday. My cousin is a farmer up in Washington state and he told me that he's used selection methods in order to get some certain crop to grow long roots down to the water table. It may have taken centuries or millenia naturally, but my cousin did it in a few seasons. Natural selection is based on random genetic variation that takes ridiculous amounts of time, but if humans are involved in the selective processes (think slavetraders), then the time argument is out the window.

Now, I'm not saying that slavetraders may have sat there and said "ok breed these two and these two, etc.", but could have used selective methods unknowingly. Like for instance they might have only brought over the seemingly "most fit" Africans (which happened to have higher bone density, etc.). Then by providing limited food and living conditions, the weaker offspring would die out at a much higher rate than they would naturally.

The theory is still crazy to me and quite absurd, but I can't really deny that it may have influenced genetics on some level. Obviously natural selection could not have occurred (due to the small amount of time), but that doesn't necessarily mean that selection processes weren't at work.

04-26-2008, 11:38 AM
what is bone density??

04-26-2008, 11:39 AM
what is bone density??

How dense your bones are.

04-26-2008, 12:20 PM
can you guys please stop talking about people belonging to different races? there is only one race, and that is the human race! it's a fact.

04-26-2008, 12:23 PM
There is a biological reason for that, and I'll try to explain it without going into too much technical details (also cause I'm not a biologist).

There are 2 types of energy sources for the muscle cells and each tends to "specelize" in one of them. Muscle cells of Black ppl can utilize the explosive energy more efficiently and that's why they are more athletic (on average of course).

Black people, as was mentioned here before, are not stronger on average, just more explosive.

Like everything in life, it has pros and cons. White people (and asians) swim much better, because black people need to invest much more energy in staying above water due to their higher bone density, which is probably required to keep the skeleton intact in light of the "explosiveness" (if you want to call it like that.
For that reason you will never see a black person in an olympic final in swimming.

It's not only black and white thing. Asians for example, also slightly differ in the sense they don't pump up. They can gain strength and mass in their muscles, but it doesn't show as much. That's why Asians don't do so well as body builders.

So to make a long story short (and I'm talking on averages):
Blacks will always be better in anything that requires explosive athletisicm.

Whites and Asians will always have the upper hand in the pool.

Asians can be mean Kong-Fu motherfakas, but you shouldn't get them into
a Mr. Olympia competition.

Boris Pen
03-10-2021, 12:13 PM
Pretty racist man

03-10-2021, 12:26 PM
You want technical explanation and so here it is:

Fact #1: Black absorb heat and White reflect heat.
Fact #2: Hot molecules move faster than a cold one.

Therefore, we can conclude that black people is able to be more athletic than white people because their molecules move faster due to the heat they absorb.

That's an absurd theory. Its not Africans that are insane athletes its African Americans mostly. And the answer as to why is blatantly obvious only the strongest were bred with each other for many generations and they did purely physical work.

03-10-2021, 12:34 PM
Asians for example, also slightly differ in the sense they don't pump up. They can gain strength and mass in their muscles, but it doesn't show as much. That's why Asians don't do

That's actually really interesting. I remember in college there was this skinny Korean kid who loved lifting weights. He looked so thin probably weighed like 150 and I watched him press 80 lb dumb bells in each hand. The same weights the biggest looking guys in the gym would use.

03-10-2021, 11:20 PM
Actually saying blacks are the oldest people is wrong. The out of Africa theory suggests that Australopithecus or whatever started out in Africa but espread all over the world and eventually developed into homo sapien sapien along the same path. Also, asians have similar teeth to the neanderthal. Just throwing that out there.

He is correct, all human beings on earth today can be genetically traced to Africa via mitochondrial DNA. African is the origin of modern man, Homo Sapien, it's the only place on earth with the complete fossil record, every other race is a result of migration out of Africa.

03-10-2021, 11:33 PM
Because they had all that time to evolve picking cotton back in the day ...boom. roasted, nigs. :lol

03-10-2021, 11:39 PM
There is a biological reason for that, and I'll try to explain it without going into too much technical details (also cause I'm not a biologist).

There are 2 types of energy sources for the muscle cells and each tends to "specelize" in one of them. Muscle cells of Black ppl can utilize the explosive energy more efficiently and that's why they are more athletic (on average of course).

Black people, as was mentioned here before, are not stronger on average, just more explosive.

Like everything in life, it has pros and cons. White people (and asians) swim much better, because black people need to invest much more energy in staying above water due to their higher bone density, which is probably required to keep the skeleton intact in light of the "explosiveness" (if you want to call it like that.
For that reason you will never see a black person in an olympic final in swimming.

It's not only black and white thing. Asians for example, also slightly differ in the sense they don't pump up. They can gain strength and mass in their muscles, but it doesn't show as much. That's why Asians don't do so well as body builders.

So to make a long story short (and I'm talking on averages):
Blacks will always be better in anything that requires explosive athletisicm.

Whites and Asians will always have the upper hand in the pool.

Asians can be mean Kong-Fu motherfakas, but you shouldn't get them into
a Mr. Olympia competition.

The scientific reality is most human beings are 99.9 genetically the same. There is no DNA test that can determine race because it was a European concept developed 500 years ago and was not based on real science. Humans abilities are determined by genetics and environment, skin color alone does not dictate how fast you can run or how high you can jump.

03-11-2021, 12:01 AM
skin color alone does not dictate how fast you can run or how high you can jump.

Then, you need to have a look at the line-up of an Olympic 100 meter final, lol.

03-11-2021, 12:16 AM
They work harder at being explosive.

03-11-2021, 12:52 AM
Then, you need to have a look at the line-up of an Olympic 100 meter final, lol.

Funny you say that because for a long time Europeans claimed to be superior athletes. Prior to Jessie Owens in 1936 there were no blacks in the Olympic 100 meter finals.

03-11-2021, 12:56 AM
He is correct, all human beings on earth today can be genetically traced to Africa via mitochondrial DNA. African is the origin of modern man, Homo Sapien, it's the only place on earth with the complete fossil record, every other race is a result of migration out of Africa.

I believe the point of the quoted poster is that "African" in the context of ancestral humans does not mean West African or modern African (the phenotype most commonly associated with African Americans).

When people say "the first humans were from Africa" a common misconception is that it means the first humans looked like modern American descendants of slaves.

The homo sapiens who evolved in Africa did so in EAST Africa and moved out across the ME and into India and out into the Pacific Archipelago would have looked something like this:


From India some migrated into Mongolia and 'morphed' into Asians, others into the Caususes where they became Caucasian.

Some of those same original homo sapiens in East Africa also migrated further WEST into Africa and EVOLVED to look something like this:


So when people say "we come from Africa and all evolved from Africans" it is not accurate to picture a typical modern African as the common ancestor, since West Africans eventually displaced or intermixed with most of the indigenous homo sapiens on the continent. The Australio aboriginal is actually the closest modern approximation to the common ancestor we all share.

I'm pretty sure white people would not have any ancestry that looks like Krepin Diatta, pictured above.

03-11-2021, 01:32 AM
I believe the point of the quoted poster is that "African" in the context of ancestral humans does not mean West African or modern African (the phenotype most commonly associated with African Americans).

When people say "the first humans were from Africa" a common misconception is that it means the first humans looked like modern American descendants of slaves.

The homo sapiens who evolved in Africa did so in EAST Africa and moved out across the ME and into India and out into the Pacific Archipelago would have looked something like this:


From India some migrated into Mongolia and 'morphed' into Asians, others into the Caususes where they became Caucasian.

Some of those same original homo sapiens in East Africa also migrated further WEST into Africa and EVOLVED to look something like this:


So when people say "we come from Africa and all evolved from Africans" it is not accurate to picture a typical modern African as the common ancestor, since West Africans eventually displaced or intermixed with most of the indigenous homo sapiens on the continent. The Australio aboriginal is actually the closest modern approximation to the common ancestor we all share.

I'm pretty sure white people would not have any ancestry that looks like Krepin Diatta, pictured above.

I am referring to the Continent of Africa, which was known as Alkebulan. It is the birth places of ALL homo sapiens, every persons on the planet can be traced back to Mitochondrial eve no matter there mutation patterns. Ancient Kemet and ancient Egyptians, the ones who built the pyramids, sphinx and created belief in Monotheism looked like the African you see today.


03-11-2021, 01:45 AM
I am referring to the Continent of Africa, which was known as Alkebulan. It is the birth places of ALL homo sapiens, every persons on the planet can be traced back to Mitochondrial eve no matter there mutation patterns. Ancient Kemet and ancient Egyptians, the ones who built the pyramids, sphinx and created belief in Monotheism looked like the African you see today.


What youre saying is only quasi-accurate, Jefferson Money.

03-11-2021, 01:46 AM
I believe the point of the quoted poster is that "African" in the context of ancestral humans does not mean West African or modern African (the phenotype most commonly associated with African Americans).

When people say "the first humans were from Africa" a common misconception is that it means the first humans looked like modern American descendants of slaves.

The homo sapiens who evolved in Africa did so in EAST Africa and moved out across the ME and into India and out into the Pacific Archipelago would have looked something like this:


From India some migrated into Mongolia and 'morphed' into Asians, others into the Caususes where they became Caucasian.

Some of those same original homo sapiens in East Africa also migrated further WEST into Africa and EVOLVED to look something like this:


So when people say "we come from Africa and all evolved from Africans" it is not accurate to picture a typical modern African as the common ancestor, since West Africans eventually displaced or intermixed with most of the indigenous homo sapiens on the continent. The Australio aboriginal is actually the closest modern approximation to the common ancestor we all share.

I'm pretty sure white people would not have any ancestry that looks like Krepin Diatta, pictured above.

I posted the wrong section of video, if you go to 36:30 Dr Diop talks about what our recent ancestors looked like.


03-11-2021, 06:58 AM
Although black players are explosive and athletic, when it comes to IQ, they are generally inferior to whites.

Statistics say white players accounted for 16.9% of the total NBA players but if we look at the top 50 players of all time (Bleacher Report), there are 14 white players or 28%. So black players are more athletic and explosive but white players are smarter...... and we know that higher IQ is better than athleticism..

The argument would be different if 50% of NBA players are white. I could not imagine what John Stockton can do on defense if he was 6'4. Or, I could see more Larry Brid or Tom Chambers - like players if half of the league is white...

03-11-2021, 06:59 AM
We're built different

03-11-2021, 09:27 AM
Whites don't use their legs that's all and black people do.

03-11-2021, 09:48 AM
Length of the calve tendon. That's what you load up with tension before you jump. People of African decent have longer, springier tendons. That's my theory.

03-11-2021, 09:52 AM
Because of natural selection from the slave trade. Only the biggest and strongest blacks survived the journey or were chosen.

African blacks today are equal to all other races around the world.

If we took tens of thousands of the biggest and strongest Chinese, brought them over to an island somewhere, and bred them selectively for 200 years you would get lots of Yao Mings.

In fact Yao Ming was a result of natural selection China style. His parents were olympic athletes big and strong.

03-11-2021, 09:57 AM
What youre saying is only quasi-accurate, Jefferson Money.

Dr Diop was a pioneer in unraveling the truth about historically migration. The funny thing during is era the establishment attempted to dismiss his findings but through advances in anthropology and DNA ancestry he has been proven correct. Race wise our differences are miNute compared to our common genetic make up..
Many of theories of so called scientific titans of the past like Charles Darwin, Georges Cuvier, Samuel Morton and Madison Grant and many others are not even considered quasi accurate, they have been disproven and discredited.
You can add Thomas Jefferson and his so called scientific writings on African inferiority to in that category as well.

03-11-2021, 10:47 AM
Because of natural selection from the slave trade. Only the biggest and strongest blacks survived the journey or were chosen.

African blacks today are equal to all other races around the world.

If we took tens of thousands of the biggest and strongest Chinese, brought them over to an island somewhere, and bred them selectively for 200 years you would get lots of Yao Mings.

In fact Yao Ming was a result of natural selection China style. His parents were olympic athletes big and strong.


I have no idea why people associate this theory with racism. This theory explains why African Americans are more athletic then people living in Africa.

The theory is saying slavery existed and it was brutal. They paid top dollar for bigger slaves and took them out of Africa. Its admitting that slavery happened and it sucked. How is this theory racist?

Im Still Ballin
03-11-2021, 12:24 PM
Read this article: https://vault.si.com/vault/1971/01/18/an-assessment-of-black-is-best

The success of the black athlete in America is even greater than Branch Rickey thought it might be on that day in the 1940s when he was inspired to introduce to baseball's cloistered world the very special skills of Jackie Robinson. Until then the black man had won sporting prestige primarily in prizefighting and in track, and not too much in track, because college coaches then were recruiting few black athletes.

But consider what has happened since Jackie Robinson jogged out to first base at Ebbets Field:

•In basketball three of the five players named to the 1969-70 All-NBA team were black, as were all five of the players named to the All-Rookie team. Blacks have won the league's Most Valuable Player award 12 times in the past 13 seasons.

•In pro football all four 1969 Rookie of the Year awards for offense and defense were won by blacks.

•In baseball black men have won the National League's MVP award 16 times in the past 22 seasons.

•Twenty-six years ago there were no blacks on any of the big-league basketball, football or baseball professional team rosters, though on rare occasions in the past, basketball, baseball and football had used black players. Today there are 150 blacks out of 600 players in major league baseball, 330 out of 1,040 in football and 153 out of 280 in basketball. Of the players on the professional leagues' 1969-70 all-star teams, 36% in baseball were black, 44% in football and 63% in basketball.

It is clear that the black community in the U.S. is not just contributing more than its share of participants to sport. It is contributing immensely more than its share of stars. Black athletes accounted for all eight Olympic records set by U.S. runners at Mexico City in 1968, which led a European coach to observe: "If not for the blacks, the U.S. team would finish somewhere behind Ecuador."

As American black athletes have achieved world recognition they have stirred competitive instincts in their ancestral Africa. Africa's first Gallup-type poll was taken in 1965. Seven thousand Africans were asked what man—politician, writer or sportsman—would they consider as African of the Year. Ethiopia's Abebe Bikila, first black African ever to win an Olympic gold medal—he won the marathon in 1960 and '64—was elected. Now he has lots of victorious company. In the 1968 Games, Ethiopia's Mamo Wolde won the marathon, and three Kenyans—Kipchoge Keino, Naftali Temu and Amos Biwott—took gold medals in the 1,500 meters, the 10,000 meters and the steeplechase respectively.

In the 1960 Games the emerging nations won one gold and one silver medal. In 1964 they took one gold and three bronze. In 1968 they won four gold, seven silver and three bronze medals. Indeed, at Mexico City only four men won more than a single medal in individual track events, and three of them were from black Africa—Keino, Wolde and Temu. The other was Mohamed Gammoudi of Tunisia. Overall, in men's track and field, black runners and jumpers from Africa, the Americas and Europe accounted for 40 of 90 medals (including the relays), and they won 11 of the 24 events.

In only one sport, thoroughbred racing, has the role of the American black declined over the years. This was the first sport in which any considerable number of blacks became prominent. The first Kentucky Derby, run in 1875, had 15 jockeys, 14 of them black. In the first 28 runnings of the Derby black jockeys brought in 15 winners. The first jockey ever to win back-to-back Derbies was a Negro, Isaac Murphy, in 1890 and '91. His total of three Derby victories was unequaled for 39 years and unsurpassed for 57. Other noted black jockeys were Willie Simms, who won the Belmont in 1893 and '94, the Derby in 1896 and '98 and the Preakness in 1898, and Jimmy Winkfield, who won the Derby in 1901 and '02 and finished second and third in his other two rides.

Today there are no top American black jockeys and very few of any ranking. This has happened in part because, as one trainer puts it, "they have become too big." It also happened because horse racing, a socially exclusive sport, at some point decided to exclude black riders from its hierarchy. Latin American jockeys are tops in thoroughbred racing now.

Despite Charlie Sifford, Arthur Ashe and Althea Gibson, golf and tennis have seen few outstanding black athletes—there is a marked shortage of country clubs in ghettos. Nor does the young black have a significant opportunity to learn skiing, sailing, swimming or hockey. Environmental factors have a great deal to do with excellence in sport.

But so do physical differences, and there is an increasing body of scientific opinion which suggests that physical differences in the races might well have enhanced the athletic potential of the Negro in certain events.

This is not so much a matter of height and weight as of body proportions. Researchers have found that the black American, on the average, tends to have a shorter trunk, a more slender pelvis, longer arms (especially forearms) and longer legs (especially from the knees down) than his white counterpart. His bones are denser, and therefore heavier, than those of whites. He has more muscle in the upper arms and legs, less in the calves. There is reason to believe that his fat distribution is patterned differently from that of the white man—leaner extremities but not much difference in the trunk. And there is a trifle of evidence—this aspect has been studied so little that it still is in the highly speculative state—that the black man's adrenal glands, a vital factor in many sports, are larger than the white man's.

At the Rome Olympics in 1960, and previously at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1958, Dr. J. M. Tanner measured, photographed and X-rayed 137 track and field athletes and a number of weight lifters and wrestlers. His findings were reported in The Physique of the Olympic Athlete (George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., London). They concluded that "Amongst competitors in both track and field events there were large significant racial differences in leg length, arm length and hip width."

Black sprinters, Tanner's team found, averaged 86.2 centimeters in leg length while white sprinters averaged 83. Similar differences were noted in arm length, but the sitting height of the blacks averaged 92.5 compared with the whites' 93.5. The blacks' hip width averaged 26.8 centimeters, and the whites', 28.5. "The ratio of leg length to sitting height for sprinters, 400-meter runners and high jumpers averaged 0.88, 0.92 and 0.93 in whites, and 0.93, 0.97 and 1.01 in Negroes," they reported. "Evidently the Negroes have longer limbs and narrower hips than the whites, even at approximately the same overall size. In the comparison of Negro and white weight lifters exactly the same three differences occurred."

Tanner's group also discovered a "distinct difference in the composition of the Negro calf compared with that of the white, in both sprinters and 400-meter men. The Negroes have wider bones and narrower muscles. In the 400-meter competitors, for example, the Negro tibia breadth averages 4.5 centimeters compared with the white's 4.2 cm.; in calf muscle breadth the Negroes average 7.4 cm. and the whites 7.9 cm. In fat also the Negroes are lower.

"In total arm circumference Negroes are just significantly greater than whites, and in total subcutaneous fat they are significantly less.

"Thus there are clearly racial differences in measurements, and we must not lump these different populations together," Tanner reported.

Im Still Ballin
03-11-2021, 12:26 PM

Without reference to race, the study found that 400-meter men are large and marathon men small. Middle-distance runners tend to have long legs, marathoners short legs. Like their white counterparts, black sprinters are also relatively short-legged compared with black middle-distance runners.

"A short leg can be moved more rapidly than a long one," the study observed. "Alternatively, the short legs may not be directly associated with the high speed but, indirectly, through an association with the large muscles also characteristic of the sprinter. In an analysis of the body measurements of ordinary students, we found that men with big muscles had relatively short legs. This comes about during growth as a result of muscular boys maturing and ceasing growth slightly earlier than others. As the legs are growing relatively faster than the trunk just before puberty, an early puberty deprives them of further increments more than it does the trunk. It is for the physical educationist to analyze whether the lever effect or the large muscle size is of greater importance in sprinting; practically, the two go together.

"This explanation would not hold for the long-distance runners; here it seems certain that short legs confer some mechanical and physiological advantage. The walkers also have short legs, and perhaps the speed of movement of the ankle is of first importance to them as to the sprinter. A long-legged man spends too much time with his feet in the air. The few 110-meter hurdlers, be it noted, do not have the short legs of their flat-racing companions. The hurdler has to clear the hurdles, and a center of gravity high above the ground is imperative for him. Only a very large hurdler indeed could afford to have short legs relative to his trunk. This is an event where one might expect, and within limits, one obtains, Negro predominance."

Other studies found further physical differences in the races. Albert Damon of Harvard University's department of anthropology, writing in Human Biology, reported on an anthropometric survey undertaken at Fort Devens, Mass. with respect to lung function. The study covered 529 Army drivers.

"On forced expiration," the article reported, "the vital capacity of some 30 soldiers approached or exceeded the six-liter limit of the recording machine. Surprisingly, none of these 30 pulmonary athletes was a Negro, although at least five Negroes might have been expected, since 17% of the soldiers were Negroes and since the Negroes as a group seemed to try as hard as the whites, [and] were no smaller and were actually more muscular and stronger."

While stressing the importance of social, cultural and motivational factors that have kept the black man from excelling in some sports, Dr. Edward E. Hunt Jr., professor of anthropology at Pennsylvania State University, has noted that the black athlete has "hyperextensibility—or what the layman might call being double-jointed."

"The Negro has more tendon and less muscle than the white," he said. "The black man's heel doesn't protrude as much and his leg and foot give him tremendous leverage for jumping."

On the other hand, since the black athlete tends to have less body fat, Dr. Hunt observed, his muscles tend to get chilled sooner in cold climates, and this might affect his performance in such sports as ice hockey, or football when played in extreme northern areas.

Then there is the theory of Lloyd (Bud) Winter, the former San Jose State track coach, who holds that black athletes "have a distinctive ability to relax under pressure."

"Their antagonistic muscles—the muscles that extend—stay loose," he says. "I remember one of my quarter-milers, Thelmo Knowles. I kept saying to him, automatically, to stay loose. One day Thelmo answered, 'Coach, if I relax any more I'm going to fall in a heap.'

"What heritage or heredity brought the black athlete this ability to keep out tension, no one knows. Yet, prior to the big day the black athlete, as a rule, can go through his daily motions or his sleep period normally, and when the big moment comes he can react normally. In white athletes the conscious mind often takes over and the tensions mount."

Winter makes the quite obvious point that black athletes differ from each other physically quite as much as whites do, regardless of the averages, which are what scientific studies are concerned with. He notes that Ray Norton, a sprinter, was tall and skinny with scarcely discernible hips, that Bobby Poynter, also a sprinter, was squat and dumpy with a swayback and a big butt, that Dennis Johnson was short and wiry, that Tommie Smith was tall and wiry, and so on. What they had in common, in Winter's experience, was "that looseness and limberness."

"I don't mean agility here," he explains. "I mean the quality of remaining limber, as you can note in the way they dance. A limber athlete has body control, and body control is part of athletic skill. It is obvious that many black people have some sort of head-start motor in them, but for now I can only theorize that their great advantage is relaxation under stress. As a class the black athletes that have trained with me are far ahead of the whites in that one factor—relaxation under pressure. It is their secret."

A similar concept is held by Coach Stan Dowell of Silver Creek High School in San Jose, Calif., a man who has worked with Lee Evans, John Carlos, Tommie Smith and Clifton McNeil, among others.

"The black athletes," he says, "have an ability to let their bodies go—you know, they hang everything loose. They walk loose, they dance loose, they are loose. You see it easily in their dancing. Their knees aren't stiff.

"I've discussed this with Lee, Carlos and Smith—about letting their bodies go. I think it is linked with the suppressed life of the black man in America. Their emotions come out in their bodies, and we notice this kind of expression develops body muscle control. Have you noticed how, when they're dancing or playing games, their heads seem to flop around? It's magnificent.

"White kids haven't had to live under an oppressive burden, but white kids are so much more aware of conventional things, of Emily Post and timetables and being right, or of being checked on by parents or teachers about doing right."

In short, many authorities say that there are marked physical differences among athletes in the various sports and that blacks differ significantly from whites in some aspects—including the motivational and cultural—which permit them to exceed whites athletically in certain events.

Some extensive work in this area has been done by Dr. Robert M. Malina, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Texas. On the point of physical proportions Dr. Malina cites well-known findings which suggest that animals living in hot climates tend to have longer extremities and a lesser body mass in order to dissipate heat. With their long legs and arms, blacks have a greater surface area from which to dissipate heat through the skin.

(A striking example is to be found in the ear size of various types of foxes living in different climates. The Arctic fox has tiny ears, the common fox of the temperate zones slightly larger ones and the desert fox has very big ears, permitting him to radiate heat faster.)

Dr. Malina makes the point, too, that the American black is a member of a relatively recent taxonomic group that came into existence some 300 to 350 years ago. In speaking of differences between peoples, many anthropologists do not refer to races. They talk of populations. The so-called Negro race, a term now out of fashion, actually consists of many different kinds of peoples, ranging from the Watusi to the pygmy. Some break down the African populations into three groups: north of the Sahara, the 1,500-mile-wide arc south of the Sahara (black Africa) and the southern tip of the continent.

Im Still Ballin
03-11-2021, 12:27 PM

The black Africans on the east coast—the Ethiopians, Kenyans and others—have a genetic mix. Keino is a man with black skin and many white features. So is Bikila. It is a cliché in American track to say that black runners are good only in the sprints and the shorter runs, which is where they have distinguished themselves. This is not true of blacks from East Africa—but the American black's ancestors came mostly from the west coast, where there was little genetic contact from outside. This area of Africa is pretty much isolated by ocean and desert. The American black athlete's breeding is different from that of the East Africans, who often excel at distance running.

John Velzian, the British coach of the Kenya track team a few years ago when Keino was just coming into prominence, has noted (SI, Dec. 19, 1966) that there are not only physical but environmental differences among the tribes of Kenya, and these differences greatly affect an athlete's ability to perform. But one thing they all have in common is severe living conditions.

The same is true of the bulk of American black athletes and their ancestors, both in this country and in Africa. Calvin Hill, black Yale graduate and Dallas Cowboys running back, puts it this way:

"I have a theory about why so many pro stars are black. I think it all boils down to the survival of the fittest. Think of what the African slaves were forced to endure in this country merely to survive. Well, black athletes are their descendants. They are the offspring of those who are physically and mentally tough enough to survive."

Lee Evans, Olympic and world 400-meter record holder, agrees. Asked why black Americans have produced so extraordinarily disproportionate a number of the highest-class athletes in the world, he replies:

"We were bred for it. Certainly the black people who survived in the slave ships must have contained a high proportion of the strongest. Then, on the plantations, a strong black man was mated with a strong black woman. We were simply bred for physical qualities."

It might be that even without special breeding the African has a superior physique. A British medical journal, The. Lancet, published an article by a World Health Organization team reporting that healthy Uganda infants had muscular development patterns "equal to that of European children twice or three times their age." Out of 107 black babies, averaging three days in age, 90 were able to prevent their heads from falling back when they were drawn up to a sitting position. European infants could do this only when they reached the age of eight to 12 weeks.

Other tests also have shown that the black newborn is more advanced than the white. For example, Dr. Richard A. Berger, member of the department of health, physical education and recreation of Temple University, and Major Robert L. Paradis, who teaches in the ROTC program at Texas Tech University, collaborated on a study of 30 white and 30 black students matched in age and socioeconomic level. Their findings, published in The Research Quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, were that the average performances of black students indicated a higher fitness level than those of the white students "on all test items and on the composite fitness score."

"However," they added, "the only means [averages] which were significantly different were shuttle run, 50-yard dash, 600-yard run and composite fitness score in favor of the black students."

D. G. Barker and N. A. Ponthieux of Texas A & M University, testing grade-school youngsters, found that "Negro boys' fitness scores remained significantly higher with respect to pull-ups, standing broad jump, 50-yard dash, softball throw and 600-yard run-walk." Negro schoolgirls surpassed white girls to a significant extent on five of the seven fitness tests.

Such research comparing black and white children is surprisingly limited, but the notion that the black child has a stronger early physical development is gaining support. Dr. Malina conducted a study in Philadelphia on children between the ages of 6 and 12 and found that blacks ran faster and were better in the standing broad jump, but there were no differences in throwing ability. Other studies have found that black children are stronger in gripping, pushing and pulling. Dr. Malina observes that one grim factor behind the apparent precocity of black children might well be the higher infant mortality rate among blacks—the weak die off. leaving the strong or more mature to survive.

But what of the measurable physical differences between blacks and whites that could affect their competitive performances? Since American blacks are generally linear in build, with longer arms and legs, a narrower pelvis and more slender calves, says Dr. Malina, they may have special advantages in some events. Mechanically speaking, a black athlete with legs identical to those of a white athlete would have a lighter, shorter and trimmer mass to propel. This implies a greater power-to-total-weight ratio at any given size. Such a ratio would be advantageous in events in which the body is propelled—the sprints and jumps, for example. These require relatively short bursts of muscular power rather than a prolonged expenditure of energy. (However, the greater weight and density of the black skeleton might tend to offset this advantage.)

Such things might indicate that the black should do well in the pole vault, as he does in the jumping events. As a matter of fact, Dr. Tanner, author of The Physique of the Olympic Athlete, wrote: "The pole vault, too, should be particularly attractive, as the length and power of the arms would add to the advantage already present in the weight relations; but here the American Negro does not particularly excel, perhaps only for reasons of tradition."

There is at least one sport in which the black appears to be at a physical disadvantage. No Negro has done really well at swimming. Perhaps because of the greater density of their bone and muscle, the distribution of their fat and their smaller lung capacity certain blacks have difficulty in learning to swim. Such individuals are what swimming coaches call "sinkers." The late Fred Lanoue, Georgia Tech swimming coach and author of Drown-proofing, A New Technique for Water Safety, notes that "the variables of the body as far as floating is concerned are fat. bone and muscle; and if the body is living, air."

"All fat floats," he wrote, "and, generally speaking but not always, the amount of fat present is what determines whether one floats or not. The location of concentrations of fat has a lot to do with the angle at which a person floats. All muscle sinks, even a $5 steak, though not quite so fast as a 60¢ steak because of the amount of fat in the former. All bones sink, and the harder the work the bone has had to do, the more dense it is and the faster it sinks. The only other variable that applies to people floating is the amount of air they can cram into their lungs. The difference between floating and sinking for a great many people is only a handful of air."

Lanoue reported that at predominantly white Georgia Tech, of some 1,000 freshmen put through a swimming program each year, no more than 2% were sinkers. On the other hand, Dr. James Haines, professor of physical education at predominantly black Morehouse College, found that he had a high percentage of sinkers. Invited to check the results, Lanoue confirmed that 30% of the Morehouse blacks were in the sinker classification. The difference between blacks and whites was statistically vast. Similar differences have been noted between white and black women swimmers.

Im Still Ballin
03-11-2021, 12:29 PM

The importance of buoyancy in competitive swimming has not, however, been clearly established. Chet Jastremski, who held all world records in the breaststroke, had "very poor buoyancy," according to James E. Counsilman, Indiana University and U.S. Olympic coach at Tokyo. He explains that buoyancy is just one of the variables among many that contribute to success in competitive swimming. "There is also coordination, strength, flexibility, organic capacity [endurance] and what we call power," he says. "Strength and power are different. Strength is how much resistance you can overcome at a given time. With power you bring in a time factor—not only the resistance you can overcome, but the time in which you can do it.

"I think power is the key to the black athlete's success. For instance, in 1968 the eight Olympic finalists in the 100-meter dash were all blacks. In the U.S. the black athletes dominate the sprints and don't do as well in the distances.

"The vertical jump is a good measure of power. Generally speaking, sprinters, high jumpers and pole vaulters have a high vertical jump. Distance runners have a low one. By high I mean 30 to 31 inches. Low is around 20. You find few sprinters at 20 inches. Distance runners are around 20.

"I believe that the black athlete has more white muscle fibers. Oversimplifying it, every muscle has two types of fibers—white fibers and red fibers. The white muscle fibers are adapted for speed of movement, otherwise power. The red muscle fibers are adapted for endurance. White muscle fibers enable you to jump high, throw a good knockout punch or anything that entails power. Red fibers enable you to run a long way.

"I'm the only one who will say this for publication. The physiologists agree with me on the side, but they won't go into print.

"I think the difference in muscle fibers is the reason the black athlete is a better sprinter. There'll be people who'll say, 'Well, what about Kip Keino?' He's an exception. [As noted before, he is also of a different physiological heritage than the West African blacks who came to America.]

"The black athlete is more adapted to speed, and that accounts for his superiority in sports. Football, baseball, boxing, basketball, sprinting, high jumping, broad jumping—these involve speed.

"I'm not saying the black man is inferior or superior. I'm just saying that he is better adapted for speed and power. And I'm not saying every black man. It's just that the average is higher in the blacks."

The big reason that there are no outstanding black swimmers, Counsilman says, is primarily socioeconomic. "One, he has not had the opportunity to be a good swimmer. Two, there is just a lack of money. There are not enough pools in their areas. Swimming can cost quite a bit of money. And what good does it do them to be swimmers? There are no professional swimmers. They can't elevate themselves socially or economically in swimming. In other sports there is the possibility of big contracts. In track there is the chance for a lot of publicity. Swimming, as yet, does not get that kind of valuable publicity.

"A third factor in the socioeconomic area is that there has never been a great black leader in swimming, a winner of a national title. Swimming needs a Jackie Robinson figure. The door is open, but they just haven't gone in. We need that first national or Olympic black champion. I would certainly like the first one who wins a national title to swim for Indiana."

Counsilman does have a black swimmer, John Tunstall, a junior and free-styler, but he had never swum competitively until last year. "Unfortunately," the coach says, "it's going to be difficult to help him. Swimmers have to start early—10, 11, 12. It's interesting to note that if you went to a swimming meet five years ago you didn't see any black swimmers. To discover a great swimmer like Mark Spitz you've got to have 100,000 trying. The blacks don't have enough numbers yet."

Of all the physical and psychological theories about the American black's excellence in sport, none has proved more controversial than one of the least discussed: that slavery weeded out the weak. Without doubt, the slaves were brought across the Atlantic under the most inhuman conditions. Lee Evans and Calvin Hill did not exaggerate the hardships. Only the strongest survived the passage, the "seasoning" process which followed and the rigors of labor in the New World, though most had been strong to begin with.

It has been estimated that 5% of the slaves captured in Africa died on the march to the coast or in the barracoons they were cooped up in until a slave ship arrived to trade for them. Another 13% died during the passage and some 30% died during seasoning—the three-to-four-year period during which a slave was broken to work in the fields or elsewhere. Thus for every two condemned to slavery, only one lived to labor in the New World. The majority were warriors captured from other tribes, therefore physically superior, but some were sold by their own chiefs for violation of one taboo or another. The traders, naturally, dickered for the fittest.

Even after slavery ended, a black child in America had very little to which he could aspire. Eventually sports opened a door, and now, as Elvin Hayes' former coach, Melvin Rogers, said in The Black Athlete—A Shameful Story (SI, July 1, 1968 et al.), "A white kid tries to become President of the United States...a black kid tries to become Willie Mays."

Im Still Ballin
03-11-2021, 12:30 PM

The West African black was brought across the Atlantic, at first to the West Indies, in large part because plantation owners were disappointed with the native Indians. As slaves the Indians were hopeless. At the start of the 17th century, one Antonio de Herrera, a historian, contended that the work of one Negro was more than equal to that of four Indians. On the other hand, he caustically noted, "These Negroes prospered so much in the colony that...as yet none have been known to perish from infirmity."

Indians, though, as one Spanish planter complained, "died like fish in a bucket," partly because they were less resistant to European diseases—like smallpox and measles—than the blacks.

Some African slaves died by their own hands. Suicide was a particular characteristic of members of the Ibo tribe, many of whom either escaped their chains and threw themselves into the sea or hanged themselves on their chains. To this day a folk saying in Haiti observes that the Ibo is prone to hang himself. Some slaves were encouraged to kill themselves by a belief that their souls would then return to Africa, where they would be reunited with their families and friends.

A theory quoted by Arnold Toynbee holds that the black man surpassed the Indian as a slave because he came from a superior culture. Certainly the West African was no savage. He created an architecture of respectably high standards. He was a skilled and artistic weaver. No white men had to teach him to smelt iron or make brass. And he was a highly competent woodworker. He was a good herdsman of cattle, sheep and goats. He used the donkey as a beast of burden. He was a fine farmer, considering what he had to work with. When the European introduced the musket he was able to copy it and make his own. He had not, though, for the most part, reached that fine stage of civilization in which he was able to make gunpowder. And, as Mannix and Cowley point out in Black Cargoes, a History of the Atlantic Slave Trade, he never invented the wheel and the plow.

With the skills he had and the ability to learn new ones, the Negro became a very valuable piece of property in America and was treated as such once he passed the seasoning test. Though many slaves died aboard ship, even there it was not too unusual for the slaves to be better fed than the white crewmen, who were considered expendable and often were marooned in the Indies once the westward passage was completed. The idea was that a sailor could be shanghaied in London and abandoned in Jamaica at a bit of extra profit to the captain and the owners. There are tales of compassionate black slaves sharing their rations with starving white sailors.

Once at work ashore, properly trained and much more valuable than he was when bought on the African West Coast, the slave was sometimes given less arduous and hazardous work than gangs of Irish and German laborers, whose services were leased out by contractors to the plantation owners. One Virginia planter, asked why he should pay Irishmen to dig drainage ditches when he could have it done by black slaves, explained that it was dangerous work "and a Negro's life is too valuable to be risked at it. If a Negro dies it is a considerable loss, you know" (as much as $2,500 in the currency of the day). Similarly, a traveler in the South observed that when a boat was being loaded with cotton from a high bluff on the Alabama River, Irish deckhands were given the perilous job of remaining below, there to deal with crazily bounding bales pitched down a chute to them by black slaves from the bank above.

"The ******s are worth too much to be risked here," the captain explained. "If the Paddies are knocked overboard or get their backs broke, nobody loses anything."

The slave had not known much of sport in Africa, where he had little time or incentive for it. The idea of exertion and competition for the fun of it was generally unknown in tribal culture. Sport is a product of leisure. Dancing was fun for the African, but it had meaning, too, often of a religious nature. And it was not competitive.

There were some sports, to be sure. Lutte, which still survives and is very popular in Senegal, is a ritualistic form of wrestling rather like the Japanese sumo. It begins with singing, dancing, boasting and the hurling of insults to the rising beat of drums. Then there is a flash of action and one of the participants is knocked off his feet. That ends it. The winner need not pin his man. And there is an Ethiopian game called genna, which resembles field hockey.

For their own amusement the slave owners taught their blacks to compete against each other in racing and a primitive form of boxing, just as the owners raced their horses in plantation vs. plantation competition. This was the start of the black athlete's eventual preeminence in boxing. In 1890 bantamweight (later featherweight) George Dixon became the first black to win a world championship. For a while it was not considered fitting for a white prizefighter to oppose a black. But that attitude began to break down, and around the start of the present century there emerged such fine fighters as Jack Johnson and Sam Langford, dubbed the "Boston Tar Baby." In the 1930s came Joe Louis and Henry Armstrong, the only fighter ever to hold three world titles simultaneously, and black men have dominated the sport in America since.

Needless to say, not all the successes of the black man in boxing, or in other sports for that matter, have been entirely due to physical characteristics. Motivation is a vital factor. Sport is a way out of the despair of the slums, a route to social prestige among one's peers and sometimes a way to quick wealth. Few other roads to fame and financial reward have been open to the young black. Show business used to be the only other one of consequence, and even in that field the black was relegated to roles of low comedy or faithful servitude. It took a long time for Dixieland jazz to come up the river to Chicago, and when it did, white orchestras picked up the beat.

But sport in recent years has opened some very special doors. Every male black child, however he might be discouraged from a career with a Wall Street brokerage firm, knows he has a sporting chance in baseball, football, boxing, basketball or track. He might even make it in other sports. Since there is now a substantial chance for success, motivation is all the stronger. The black youngster has something real to aspire to when he picks up a baseball bat or dribbles a basketball. He has the examples of Willie Mays and Bill Russell, of Frank Robinson and Lew Alcindor to inspire him.

Other doors will surely open.

03-11-2021, 01:32 PM
Tl dr version?

03-11-2021, 01:34 PM

I have no idea why people associate this theory with racism. This theory explains why African Americans are more athletic then people living in Africa.

The theory is saying slavery existed and it was brutal. They paid top dollar for bigger slaves and took them out of Africa. Its admitting that slavery happened and it sucked. How is this theory racist?

Google chinese weightlifters on youtube and see how beef caked they are when the Chinese choose the best from birth.

They win all the gold medals in weight lifting besides the super heavies.

If you took all the tallest chinese athletes and bred them selectively for 200 years the NBA would be half Chinese by then or more.

03-11-2021, 06:19 PM
Funny you say that because for a long time Europeans claimed to be superior athletes. Prior to Jessie Owens in 1936 there were no blacks in the Olympic 100 meter finals.

And which era do you think points more towards the truth? Pre 1936 or post 1936?

Why don't we look at baseball as well. Before there was the MLB and the Negro League. Since blacks have been integrated into the MLB, who wins the bulk of the base stealing titles every season?

03-11-2021, 06:33 PM
Because of natural selection from the slave trade. Only the biggest and strongest blacks survived the journey or were chosen.

African blacks today are equal to all other races around the world.

If we took tens of thousands of the biggest and strongest Chinese, brought them over to an island somewhere, and bred them selectively for 200 years you would get lots of Yao Mings.

In fact Yao Ming was a result of natural selection China style. His parents were olympic athletes big and strong.

This. This is the true answer. The rest of yall sound like idiots.

03-11-2021, 08:13 PM
And which era do you think points more towards the truth? Pre 1936 or post 1936?

Why don't we look at baseball as well. Before there was the MLB and the Negro League. Since blacks have been integrated into the MLB, who wins the bulk of the base stealing titles every season?

There are genetic causes at play I just don't think you can attribute these differences to skin color. Some have stated that slavery had something to do with the current volume of pro African American athletes and I would agree with the general premise. Just like height or any other trait if you are tall and marry a tall spouse you have a higher probability of having tall children. I think it's easy to forget the millions of black slaves who died traveling to America or in bondage, really only the strongest survived.

03-11-2021, 08:23 PM
There are genetic causes at play I just don't think you can attribute these differences to skin color. Some have stated that slavery had something to do with the current volume of pro African American athletes and I would agree with the general premise. Just like height or any other trait if you are tall and marry a tall spouse you have a higher probability of having tall children. I think it's easy to forget the millions of black slaves who died traveling to America or in bondage, really only the strongest survived.

Well, as already stated, you can (whether we like it or not). Some generalities smack us in the face.
A certain colour doesn't seem to do so well in Olympic swimming races. A certain colour seems to do really well in Olympic running races. A certain colour seems to do really well in World's Strongest Man contests.

03-11-2021, 08:36 PM
Well, as already stated, you can (whether we like it or not). Some generalities smack us in the face.
A certain colour doesn't seem to do so well in Olympic swimming races. A certain colour seems to do really well in Olympic running races. A certain colour seems to do really well in World's Strongest Man contests.

Nah dude. The only reason blacks don't dominate every physical sport is because they generally play a select few. Football, bball, baseball and boxing. If the majority of these athletes chose hockey, swimming and strong man competitions they'd dominate those too

03-11-2021, 08:50 PM
Nah dude. The only reason blacks don't dominate every physical sport is because they generally play a select few. Football, bball, baseball and boxing. If the majority of these athletes chose hockey, swimming and strong man competitions they'd dominate those too

I don't agree about swimming and strong man, but I do agree with respect to hockey.

03-11-2021, 09:31 PM
I don't agree about swimming and strong man, but I do agree with respect to hockey.

Yeah maybe. Hard to say i guess. Come to think of it most of my black friends and fam can't swim for shit. Most of them are scared of water lol

03-11-2021, 10:14 PM
Yeah maybe. Hard to say i guess. Come to think of it most of my black friends and fam can't swim for shit. Most of them are scared of water lol

Swimming requires lower bone density, because bone weight drags you down in water. Whereas in something like football bone density is very useful for a strong center of gravity.

In weight lifting, shorter limbs are beneficial, whereas in basketball longer limbs are better.

Africans generally have longer limbs to due to the advantage of heat release in warm climates, Europeans have shorter limbs for the opposite reason. I believe Europeans on average have greater bone density due to their diet than actual Africans (which is why Kenyan's dominate distance running) but ofc African Americans generally evolved as a mix of both. Long African limbs, but dense bones and musculature due to selection for durability, and not to mention the fact most AA's actually are mixed with some degree of Euro.

03-11-2021, 10:18 PM
Swimming requires lower bone density, because bone weight drags you down in water. Whereas in something like football bone density is very useful for a strong center of gravity.

In weight lifting, shorter limbs are beneficial, whereas in basketball longer limbs are better.

Africans generally have longer limbs to due to the advantage of heat release in warm climates, Europeans have shorter limbs for the opposite reason. I believe Europeans on average have greater bone density due to their diet than actual Africans (which is why Kenyan's dominate distance running) but ofc African Americans generally evolved as a mix of both. Long African limbs, but dense bones and musculature due to selection for durability, and not to mention the fact most AA's actually are mixed with some degree of Euro.


03-11-2021, 10:36 PM
Swimming requires lower bone density, because bone weight drags you down in water. Whereas in something like football bone density is very useful for a strong center of gravity.

In weight lifting, shorter limbs are beneficial, whereas in basketball longer limbs are better.

Africans generally have longer limbs to due to the advantage of heat release in warm climates, Europeans have shorter limbs for the opposite reason. I believe Europeans on average have greater bone density due to their diet than actual Africans (which is why Kenyan's dominate distance running) but ofc African Americans generally evolved as a mix of both. Long African limbs, but dense bones and musculature due to selection for durability, and not to mention the fact most AA's actually are mixed with some degree of Euro.

I dont know. I'd say blacks and whites have fairly similar diets in north America so diet wouldn't be a factor on why swim teams a predominantly white. Again it's pretty simple. Blacks don't tryout for swim teams.

03-11-2021, 11:22 PM
Well, as already stated, you can (whether we like it or not). Some generalities smack us in the face.
A certain colour doesn't seem to do so well in Olympic swimming races. A certain colour seems to do really well in Olympic running races. A certain colour seems to do really well in World's Strongest Man contests.

You can't forget how economics fits into the equation. Generally speaking African Americans do not the same amount of pool facilities available in their neighborhood so swimming is not a popular recreational sport like basketball and track. Same could be said for Golf, Tennis, Rowing and Hockey. Bottom line is there are a lot of factors involved and not just skin color.

03-11-2021, 11:42 PM
You can't forget how economics fits into the equation. Generally speaking African Americans do not the same amount of pool facilities available in their neighborhood so swimming is not a popular recreational sport like basketball and track. Same could be said for Golf, Tennis, Rowing and Hockey. Bottom line is there are a lot of factors involved and not just skin color.

None of what you said refutes any of what I said.

And I agree with you that economics fits into the equation. It makes my point even stronger. America is a melting pot of all types of people. America also has a lot of money. And winning a Gold at the Olympics is very lucrative. Put those two together, and you quickly arrive at a more optimized outcome (other countries may not have the racial diversity and/or the financial resources). If sports coaches noticed that Orientals, South Asians, Middle Easterners, Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, or any other race noticeably excelled at their given sport, they would exploit it to the fullest.

At the end of the day, I'm betting that the next 100 meter champion at the Worlds or at the Olympics will be black. And I'm betting that the next winner of the World's Strongest Man will be white. Too simplistic for you? Well, sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face.

03-11-2021, 11:50 PM
Nah dude. The only reason blacks don't dominate every physical sport is because they generally play a select few. Football, bball, baseball and boxing. If the majority of these athletes chose hockey, swimming and strong man competitions they'd dominate those too

No they wouldn't... Most Hockey players are scandanavian or russian... they grew up in the cold. They were exposed to transversing ice and snow for many generations. Africans weren't. They don't have the inherent genetic skill to be as good at it. Swimming as well. White people traveled the world by water everywhere. How far did Africans get in the water? Nowhere. You're actually extremely racist, arrogant, and stupid to think that black people could dominate any sporting event just because there black.

03-12-2021, 01:35 AM
No they wouldn't... Most Hockey players are scandanavian or russian... they grew up in the cold. They were exposed to transversing ice and snow for many generations. Africans weren't. They don't have the inherent genetic skill to be as good at it. Swimming as well. White people traveled the world by water everywhere. How far did Africans get in the water? Nowhere. You're actually extremely racist, arrogant, and stupid to think that black people could dominate any sporting event just because there black.

Bruh have a drink and a Ritalin and chill the *** out. You don't know wtf your talking about. The majority of the players are north american dummy. They make up like 70% of the population. https://thehockeywriters.com/current-nhl-players-by-country/

And we're not talking about Africans we're talking mainly about north American black athletes. it's not necessarily because they're black it's because of their genetic foundation that comes from slave masters picking and breeding the physically best of the best

They created a race of super soldiers so to speak and those genetics have been passed on from generation to generation and it just so happens these descendants of super soldiers choose football, basketball and boxing. If they chose hockey, swimming and tennis they'd dominate those too.

03-12-2021, 01:51 AM
No they wouldn't... Most Hockey players are scandanavian or russian... they grew up in the cold. They were exposed to transversing ice and snow for many generations. Africans weren't. They don't have the inherent genetic skill to be as good at it. Swimming as well. White people traveled the world by water everywhere. How far did Africans get in the water? Nowhere. You're actually extremely racist, arrogant, and stupid to think that
black people could dominate any sporting event just because there black.
Ice Hockey was invented in Canada, not in Russia or Scandinavia. They basically used the rules of Field Hockey which was invented in Africa by the Egyptians.
Does this statue look like a white person to you? It and many others were found in South America and pre dates Columbus by centuries.

You world view is pretty limited.

03-12-2021, 11:08 AM
Bruh have a drink and a Ritalin and chill the *** out. You don't know wtf your talking about. The majority of the players are north american dummy. They make up like 70% of the population. https://thehockeywriters.com/current-nhl-players-by-country/

And we're not talking about Africans we're talking mainly about north American black athletes. it's not necessarily because they're black it's because of their genetic foundation that comes from slave masters picking and breeding the physically best of the best

They created a race of super soldiers so to speak and those genetics have been passed on from generation to generation and it just so happens these descendants of super soldiers choose football, basketball and boxing. If they chose hockey, swimming and tennis they'd dominate those too.

Yea they're North American with European heritage. You couldn't put that together?

03-12-2021, 11:14 AM
Bruh have a drink and a Ritalin and chill the *** out. You don't know wtf your talking about. The majority of the players are north american dummy. They make up like 70% of the population. https://thehockeywriters.com/current-nhl-players-by-country/

And we're not talking about Africans we're talking mainly about north American black athletes. it's not necessarily because they're black it's because of their genetic foundation that comes from slave masters picking and breeding the physically best of the best

They created a race of super soldiers so to speak and those genetics have been passed on from generation to generation and it just so happens these descendants of super soldiers choose football, basketball and boxing. If they chose hockey, swimming and tennis they'd dominate those too.

Not making a point on you being right or wrong, but just a question and an observation:

Were Jamaicans also bred as "super soldiers"? In general, sprinters from there are faster than the ones in the US.

And your point about the majority of NHL players being North American: Minnesota has the most active NHL players both today and historically, most people there are of Northern Europe descent, with over 30% of that being from Scandinavian countries. More than 10% of all Americans who descend from Scandinavians live in Minnesota.

Yea they're North American with European heritage. You couldn't put that together?

That was kind of funny, "they're North Americans".

03-12-2021, 01:22 PM
Yea they're North American with European heritage. You couldn't put that together?

You have no idea what heritage those players are and Europe is huge and not all covered in snow like Russia or wherever else.

Your talking shit dude just admit it.

03-12-2021, 01:33 PM
You have no idea what heritage those players are and Europe is huge and not all covered in snow like Russia or wherever else.

Your talking shit dude just admit it.

Yes I do. Read their last names. They're mostly scandanavian, french, and russian. What are you on?

Look... I'm not the one saying retarded things like African Americans would dominate every sport in the world "if they tried". We have a lot of guys who gave the science on swimming and body builds as they relate to environments grown up in. Your posts are very ignorant thats the only reason I'm calling them out. Some people are more prone to being better at certain things. I'm sure you think Shaq could beat a champion chinese ping pong player or a champion tennis player too just because he's bigger than them.

03-12-2021, 01:59 PM
Not making a point on you being right or wrong, but just a question and an observation:

Were Jamaicans also bred as "super soldiers"? In general, sprinters from there are faster than the ones in the US.

And your point about the majority of NHL players being North American: Minnesota has the most active NHL players both today and historically, most people there are of Northern Europe descent, with over 30% of that being from Scandinavian countries. More than 10% of all Americans who descend from Scandinavians live in Minnesota.

That was kind of funny, "they're North Americans".

I'm not sure how Minnesota has thw most active players when most players now and historically come from canada. America only represents 25% of the league and how much of that percentage is from Minnesota? Probably 10% topps.

It's just facts man. North American blacks in general are the best athletes and in general the best athletes in any sport are gonna do very well given a lifetime of training. If every football and basketball player picked up hockey at a young age instead do you really think the nhl wouldn't be mostly black right now? That rings true for anything. Shit tennis and golf have an extremely small population of blacks that played historically and they've already been dominated by blacks. I don't know why this is a argument tbh.

And it's not like i think there would be no white people. There would still be great white players. Just look at the nfl. In general blacks are the better players but there's lots of great white players still. Shit brady is till the best of the best.

03-12-2021, 02:06 PM
Yes I do. Read their last names. They're mostly scandanavian, french, and russian. What are you on?

Look... I'm not the one saying retarded things like African Americans would dominate every sport in the world "if they tried". We have a lot of guys who gave the science on swimming and body builds as they relate to environments grown up in. Your posts are very ignorant thats the only reason I'm calling them out. Some people are more prone to being better at certain things. I'm sure you think Shaq could beat a champion chinese ping pong player or a champion tennis player too just because he's bigger than them.

Sydney crosby has been the best player forever and his people are from England.

And it's not retarded to say the best athletes in the world more often than not will dominate. Its pretty simple dude. If i can move my limbs faster and better than you i have the advantage. This shit isn't even arguable dude.

You do agree that blacks in general are better athletes right?

03-12-2021, 02:07 PM
I'm not sure how Minnesota has thw most active players when most players now and historically come from canada. America only represents 25% of the league and how much of that percentage is from Minnesota? Probably 10% topps.

It's just facts man. North American blacks in general are the best athletes and in general the best athletes in any sport are gonna do very well given a lifetime of training. If every football and basketball player picked up hockey at a young age instead do you really think the nhl wouldn't be mostly black right now? That rings true for anything. Shit tennis and golf have an extremely small population of blacks that played historically and they've already been dominated by blacks. I don't know why this is a argument tbh.

And it's not like i think there would be no white people. There would still be great white players. Just look at the nfl. In general blacks are the better players but there's lots of great white players still. Shit brady is till the best of the best.

How can you attempt to call someone out for talking out of their ass and spew this shit?

The number of NBA players who were born outside the United States has hovered around 25% in recent years, with 42 different countries represented on the opening-night rosters for the 2018-19 season.


I'd like to see the source of where you're seeing the NBA roster only 25% from USA (I assume you meant USA, as America is more inclusive and considering Canada and Mexico which doesnt help your case at all)

03-12-2021, 02:09 PM
How can you attempt to call someone out for talking out of their ass and spew this shit?


I'd like to see the source of where you're seeing the NBA roster only 25% from USA (I assume you meant USA, as America is more inclusive and considering Canada and Mexico which doesnt help your case at all)

We were talking hockey dude

03-12-2021, 02:10 PM
We were talking hockey dude

My apologies


03-12-2021, 02:12 PM
My apologies


03-12-2021, 02:12 PM
Sydney crosby has been the best player forever and his people are from England.

And it's not retarded to say the best athletes in the world more often than not will dominate. Its pretty simple dude. If i can move my limbs faster and better than you i have the advantage. This shit isn't even arguable dude.

You do agree that blacks in general are better athletes right?

Yes it is because a lot of sports have skill components and totally different physical dynamics to them in some cases (like swimming). Again... Shaq could practice tennis his whole life... he'd get ace'd by Rodger Federer either way. Shaq could practice soccer his whole life. Messi would still be better. Being big, fast (running) and strong doesn't lend itself to domination in skill sports or swimming.

And England is Northern Europe with migrations of people from the mainland germanic countries and the scandanavian countries. I can't believe we're having to argue that most Hockey players aren't white lmao... might as well argue most basketball players aren't black.

03-12-2021, 02:32 PM
Yes it is because a lot of sports have skill components and totally different physical dynamics to them in some cases (like swimming). Again... Shaq could practice tennis his whole life... he'd get ace'd by Rodger Federer either way. Shaq could practice soccer his whole life. Messi would still be better. Being big, fast (running) and strong doesn't lend itself to domination in skill sports or swimming.

And England is Northern Europe with migrations of people from the mainland germanic countries and the scandanavian countries. I can't believe we're having to argue that most Hockey players aren't white lmao... might as well argue most basketball players aren't black.

Bruh of course shaq isn't ginna be able to beat fed in tennis with a life time of training but russell westbrook might.

And who said most hockey players aren't white? They're probably 98% white. I was just saying i Don't know how many are of Russian or scandanavian decent. It's irrelevant regardless because i don't think it matters.

And the greatest swimmers are tall long wingspans and big hands and feet. Sound like any particular sport?

03-12-2021, 02:37 PM
And the greatest swimmers are tall long wingspans and big hands and feet. Sound like any particular sport?

They're tall with long torsos. African people are the opposite. Short torsos and long limbs. There are billions of black people. Name one great swimmer.

Bruh of course shaq isn't ginna be able to beat fed in tennis with a life time of training but russell westbrook might.

And who said most hockey players aren't white? They're probably 98% white. I was just saying i Don't know how many are of Russian or scandanavian decent. It's irrelevant regardless because i don't think it matters.


Russell Westbrook practiced basketball his whole life and is horribly skilled, can barely even shoot the ball but he'd beat Rodger Federer with enough training in a fine skill sport like tennis?


I'm sorry bro. I'm done.

03-12-2021, 02:43 PM

Russell Westbrook practiced basketball his whole life and is horribly skilled, can barely even shoot the ball but he'd beat Rodger Federer with enough training in a fine skill sport like tennis?


I'm sorry bro. I'm done.

Damn your dumb. Maybe Not westbrook exactly but someone his size athleticism that learns the game. Who knows pick any black athlete that's 6'2 to 6'6 that's athletic. You obviously need a cerebral example so how about dwyane wade?

03-12-2021, 02:56 PM
I'm not sure how Minnesota has thw most active players when most players now and historically come from canada. America only represents 25% of the league and how much of that percentage is from Minnesota? Probably 10% topps.

It's just facts man. North American blacks in general are the best athletes and in general the best athletes in any sport are gonna do very well given a lifetime of training. If every football and basketball player picked up hockey at a young age instead do you really think the nhl wouldn't be mostly black right now? That rings true for anything. Shit tennis and golf have an extremely small population of blacks that played historically and they've already been dominated by blacks. I don't know why this is a argument tbh.

And it's not like i think there would be no white people. There would still be great white players. Just look at the nfl. In general blacks are the better players but there's lots of great white players still. Shit brady is till the best of the best.

I meant of American players, most come from Minnesota, which share a lot of similarities culturally with Canada when it comes to hockey.

I agree that North American blacks are great athletes, especially at sports where you need muscle fibers to pop off in short durations.

Golf has been dominated by one guy who's half black and half Asian, can't remember which country.

It doesn't hold true for swimming though, as tpols mentions there's something about the torso.

And even still, how are Jamaican's faster sprinters in general? Where they also bred as "super soldiers" like you put it?

03-12-2021, 03:23 PM
I meant of American players, most come from Minnesota, which share a lot of similarities culturally with Canada when it comes to hockey.

I agree that North American blacks are great athletes, especially at sports where you need muscle fibers to pop off in short durations.

Golf has been dominated by one guy who's half black and half Asian, can't remember which country.

It doesn't hold true for swimming though, as tpols mentions there's something about the torso.

And even still, how are Jamaican's faster sprinters in general? Where they also bred as "super soldiers" like you put it?

Tpols dosn't know what he's talking about. Swimming requires certain physical training to compete at the highest level but it has nothing to do with race. The best swimmers are typically tall with long wingspans but shorter torso and legs in porportion to the rest of their body. Big hands and feet help too. That describes tons of black nba players. Swimming is dominated by whites because it's mostly whites who tryout for Swimming.

And yes jamaicans were bred also. Jamaica was a huge brittish slave colony. America gets most of the blame fir some reason but the slave trade was global and the brits took advantage just as much as the Americans.

Stanley Kobrick
03-12-2021, 04:04 PM
it seems every time black folks invest time into a sport it just comes naturally easier to them, figuring out problems, noticing patterns, athletic superiority, etc. that's why it was so important to keep blacks off of Augusta and links across the nation, they knew it was only a matter of time before a Tiger Woods would pop up. and he was like what, the first black to ever try golf in maybe a half dozen. imagine how many millions of better Tigers exist now they just haven't tried swinging a club. really wild to think about.

but it doesn't just stop at athletics, even in education or politics. the first time ever a african american tried running for potus he won by a landslide, twice. one of our greatest of all potus, obama

03-12-2021, 04:33 PM
Damn your dumb. Maybe Not westbrook exactly but someone his size athleticism that learns the game. Who knows pick any black athlete that's 6'2 to 6'6 that's athletic. You obviously need a cerebral example so how about dwyane wade?

Wade doesn't have impeccable skill either. He mostly dominated on his ability to explode to the hoop and use his agility and strength to navigate defenses along the way. You should've said like... Chris Paul... or Steph Curry (whose almost a pro golfer)... but those guys don't dominate in the way they do because of their athleticism. They dominate because they have innately better hand eye coordination than most people to ever live. The opposite of your super soldier slave theory where an african american dominates every sport even those that have nothing to do with why they dominate basketball. I totally agree with the forced natural selection being a reality, and making them better ATHLETES. But a lot of sports require a mental and general physical coordination aspect to them that wouldn't allow for extreme dominance on physical traits alone.

03-12-2021, 05:07 PM
Wade doesn't have impeccable skill either. He mostly dominated on his ability to explode to the hoop and use his agility and strength to navigate defenses along the way. You should've said like... Chris Paul... or Steph Curry (whose almost a pro golfer)... but those guys don't dominate in the way they do because of their athleticism. They dominate because they have innately better hand eye coordination than most people to ever live. The opposite of your super soldier slave theory where an african american dominates every sport even those that have nothing to do with why they dominate basketball. I totally agree with the forced natural selection being a reality, and making them better ATHLETES. But a lot of sports require a mental and general physical coordination aspect to them that wouldn't allow for extreme dominance on physical traits alone.

Bruh it's already been proven in tennis with serena williams. People said the same thing as your saying and then an athletic beast similar to bron or bo jackson picked up a racket and became the great women tennis player ever. In her prime She routinely beat the best in the world 6-1 6-2 and shit like that. Wade or someone with wades physical ability could easily do the same on the mens side but tennis never gets those kind of athletes because 99.9 % of them choose Basketball or football

03-12-2021, 05:34 PM
Bruh it's already been proven in tennis with serena williams. People said the same thing as your saying and then an athletic beast similar to bron or bo jackson picked up a racket and became the great women tennis player ever. In her prime She routinely beat the best in the world 6-1 6-2 and shit like that. Wade or someone with wades physical ability could easily do the same on the mens side but tennis never gets those kind of athletes because 99.9 % of them choose Basketball or football

There are at least a billion black people in this world spanning a 100 countries. Name one great swimmer. You're establishing your mental deficiency by saying a guy like LeBron could could be a GOAT tennis player just because of his GOAT basketball background. It's not as simple as that. There are so many non contact sports where being able to goon somebody doesn't matter. It's about fine motor coordination... not strength and physical prowess. You might as well argue LeBron could've been a better shooter than Curry if he focused on shooting instead of rim running. LeBron had way better athletic traits... yet would never shoot the same. And nor would his GOAT athleticism matter in sports like Tennis, Golf, Soccer, or Hockey.

03-12-2021, 06:21 PM
There are at least a billion black people in this world spanning a 100 countries. Name one great swimmer. You're establishing your mental deficiency by saying a guy like LeBron could could be a GOAT tennis player just because of his GOAT basketball background. It's not as simple as that. There are so many non contact sports where being able to goon somebody doesn't matter. It's about fine motor coordination... not strength and physical prowess. You might as well argue LeBron could've been a better shooter than Curry if he focused on shooting instead of rim running. LeBron had way better athletic traits... yet would never shoot the same. And nor would his GOAT athleticism matter in sports like Tennis, Golf, Soccer, or Hockey.

No that's not what I'm saying. Who knows if lebron or westbrook or whoever chose another sport if they'd be as dominant. Forget about names it's just sheer numbers. Most great black north American athletes choose basketball and football. In Europe and other countries alot of them chose soccer or baseball. Very few choose swimming or other sports dominated by whites. Just look at history dude. Basketball, baseball and football were all dominated by white people at one time. The whites then said the same shit your saying now. As soon as blacks started playing that changed fast. Again just look at tennis or golf. 2 sports that blacks in general didn't play. People said the same shit. Blacks didn't have the skill and mental to dominate but now the greatest golfer and female tennis players of all time are black. And that's with barely any playing if as many blacks chose tennis and golf as whites do you really think those sports wouldn't be predominantly black? Every other sport blacks chose to play they dominate but for some reason if they chose tennis or hockey they wouldn't dominate?

Your skill argument makes no sense. Your race dosn't predispose you to pick up a skill better than another race. It dosn't predispose you to think a game better. There's no great black swimmers because blacks dont tryout for swim teams. It's like saying why are there no great black skiers. Nuckas in general don't ski like that so why would there be any great black skiers?

03-12-2021, 07:27 PM
Wade doesn't have impeccable skill either. He mostly dominated on his ability to explode to the hoop and use his agility and strength to navigate defenses along the way. You should've said like... Chris Paul... or Steph Curry (whose almost a pro golfer)... but those guys don't dominate in the way they do because of their athleticism. They dominate because they have innately better hand eye coordination than most people to ever live. The opposite of your super soldier slave theory where an african american dominates every sport even those that have nothing to do with why they dominate basketball. I totally agree with the forced natural selection being a reality, and making them better ATHLETES. But a lot of sports require a mental and general physical coordination aspect to them that wouldn't allow for extreme dominance on physical traits alone.

Chris Paul was pretty damn athletic in his early days.


He took it easier physically after he hurt his knee in that 2010 season.

03-13-2021, 07:47 AM
Maybe they have flashbacks of some white guy snapping the with a whip, thus making them run faster and jump higher than the mortal white man.

03-13-2021, 07:52 AM
Because they had all that time to evolve picking cotton back in the day ...boom. roasted, nigs. :lol



Mr. Woke
03-13-2021, 09:28 AM
Better genetics for the sport.

The white man has inferior genetics for basketball.

03-13-2021, 11:19 AM
negro's are double jointed , so they move differently.

White's are single jointed , are better at using the sword.