View Full Version : Josh Howard admits he smokes Marijuana in the offseason.

04-25-2008, 05:01 PM
I'm sure he smokes during the season as well. :cheers:

04-25-2008, 05:04 PM
Its true, he said it on Michael Irvin's show today. And ESPN has confirmed it

Can't blame the guy for liking weed, the ****s great. But how dumb do you have to be to admit it on radio?

04-25-2008, 05:04 PM
Sorry. Source was ESPN (tv).

Apparently he admitted it today on a Radio Show.

04-25-2008, 05:06 PM

04-25-2008, 05:09 PM
"Mr. Howard, Mr Stern requests you please leave a sample in this little cup"

04-25-2008, 05:10 PM
Yea just saw this on ESPN.

Silly man.

04-25-2008, 05:13 PM
Nothing wrong with smoking a little MJ..people are over-reacting.:oldlol:

Like it said 60% of NBA Players tock up once in awhile.It doesn't effect your game at all.

04-25-2008, 05:14 PM
was he high when he gave that interview? cuz that was pretty stupid.

04-25-2008, 05:17 PM
Brilliant Josh, brilliant.

04-25-2008, 05:18 PM
Like it said 60% of NBA Players tock up once in awhile.

right... but only about .05% (josh howard) are actually dumb enough to admit it on the radio when no one even suspected it. :oldlol:

04-25-2008, 05:20 PM
Nothing wrong with smoking a little MJ..people are over-reacting.:oldlol:

Like it said 60% of NBA Players tock up once in awhile.It doesn't effect your game at all.

That's not the point. Why admit to it on the radio. And who knows how many smoke? I don't think its as many as people like to think or even close.

But this could make the league start testing him a lot, even in the offseason.

04-25-2008, 05:20 PM
right... but only about .05% (josh howard) are actually dumb enough to admit it on the radio when no one even suspected it. :oldlol:

Yeah,hes a retard for admitting it because now he is going to have to be extra careful not to get caught.


04-25-2008, 05:21 PM

Josh is not pleased.

04-25-2008, 05:22 PM

Josh is not pleased.
Yep he was high as a kite in that photo.

04-25-2008, 05:29 PM

I know I would do the same thing.

04-25-2008, 05:41 PM

I know I would do the same thing.

You'd risk a multi-million dollar contract just so you can get high? Wow. Smart decision.

04-25-2008, 05:43 PM
Wow, can the league take action against him? Hell, he admitted to violating their contract.

04-25-2008, 05:44 PM
You'd risk a multi-million dollar contract just so you can get high? Wow. Smart decision.

I didnt say I would admit it on radio.

I would smoke a couple times and enjoy my offseason.

04-25-2008, 05:45 PM
Some people are just BEYOND ignorant. :(

04-25-2008, 05:45 PM
I didnt say I would admit it on radio.

I would smoke a couple times and enjoy my offseason.

God knows how many NBA players get baked in the off-season. At least they aren't dumb enough to admit it.

04-25-2008, 05:46 PM
Props for saying that. I mean, it could possibly be a stupid move, but it really is SUCH a minor thing it shouldn't affect anything. MJ is the black man's candy.

04-25-2008, 06:03 PM
I didnt say I would admit it on radio.

I would smoke a couple times and enjoy my offseason.

Even smoking during the off season isn't a very good decision for NBA players. What if they get pulled over and they have some grass in their pocket? I'm sure they can blame it on their entourage, but those types of incidents can build up...

Plus, Josh saying this makes it MUCH more likely for the NBA to start testing during the off season. The GMs don't want their players getting high - people do stupid things when they get high. Plus there's the obvious concern that they'll pack on the pounds - none of this is good from a GMs point of view since they're paying millions of dollars into an investment that's getting fat and high during the off season.

I mean, look at Kemp - he's out of the league because of drugs. Not because he was caught using them, but because he was always out of shape and couldn't get a damn contract because of his known use. He lost out on MILLIONS of dollars because of it.

04-25-2008, 06:10 PM
Pretty old, Datz had a link to a interview for a magazine where he said it and "So what, GM's passed me up for that? Look what I'm doing now, I'm glad they did that because that made me who I am today" Typical PR person ****.

04-25-2008, 06:15 PM
Plus, Josh saying this makes it MUCH more likely for the NBA to start testing during the off season. The GMs don't want their players getting high - people do stupid things when they get high.

do you smoke?

04-25-2008, 06:16 PM
hahahahahahaha good bye josh howard.

04-25-2008, 06:19 PM
do you smoke?

What does that have to do with anything?

I've lived with enough people who smoke once and again and/or smoke constantly to know that most people are more likely to do stupid things when they're high. There's a few who keep their judgement in check but there's a lot of people who can't.

04-25-2008, 06:21 PM
hahahahahahaha good bye josh howard.

goodbye what? idiot..

04-25-2008, 06:22 PM
How can you argue that smoking would be bad if you were an NBA player?

04-25-2008, 06:23 PM
The GMs don't want their players getting high - people do stupid things when they get high. Plus there's the obvious concern that they'll pack on the pounds - none of this is good from a GMs point of view since they're paying millions of dollars into an investment that's getting fat and high during the off season.

People rarely do stupid things when they're high off marijuana. Someone is 10x more likely to do something stupid when they're drunk, but alcohol isn't banned for anyone.

I mean, look at Kemp - he's out of the league because of drugs. Not because he was caught using them, but because he was always out of shape and couldn't get a damn contract because of his known use. He lost out on MILLIONS of dollars because of it.

Kemp was a cokehead. I know he's gotten in trouble for weed before, but cocaine was his main problem.

04-25-2008, 06:23 PM
goodbye what? idiot..

look at Chris Andersen. and how long it took for the NBA to reinstate him.

04-25-2008, 06:24 PM
look at Chris Andersen. and how long it took for the NBA to reinstate him.

Crack cocaine is a much stronger drug than a plant.Chris Andersen smoked crack,he didnt smoke weed.:oldlol:

04-25-2008, 06:27 PM
look at Chris Andersen. and how long it took for the NBA to reinstate him.

NBA has a different policy for weed and performance enhancing drugs than it does for other "drugs of abuse"

04-25-2008, 06:29 PM
I always thought Anderson was on some methamphetamines or something. Anyways, smoking weed doesn't turn you into a ****ing raving lunatic. Turn off Reefer Madness for just one moment and think for yourself. (Has anyone that's criticizing Josh Howard actually smoked pot?)

04-25-2008, 06:29 PM
NBA has a different policy for weed and performance enhancing drugs than it does for other "drugs of abuse"

oh i completely forgot. i was thinking Roger Goodell for some reason today. probably because he was on the Dan Patrick Show earlier today.

04-25-2008, 06:30 PM
Im pretty sure Birdman got caught for LSD...

04-25-2008, 06:33 PM
People rarely do stupid things when they're high off marijuana. Someone is 10x more likely to do something stupid when they're drunk, but alcohol isn't banned for anyone.

Kemp was a cokehead. I know he's gotten in trouble for weed before, but cocaine was his main problem.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people smoking weed - I don't really think there is. The point is, when you've gotten a franchise relying on you and paying you millions of dollars you don't make stupid decisions like this.

The fact is, smoking weed is against the law. If these guys get caught and prosecuted they're going to lose a TON of money - that's what makes it a dumb decision. Is it really worth getting high when you may end up voiding a contract worth millions as a result? That's why it's a stupid decision.

04-25-2008, 06:35 PM
It's just a little pot. No big deal.

04-25-2008, 06:35 PM
Jaywalking is also against the law....doesn't mean your contract will be voided if you get caught doing it...do you think these players will do any jailtime if they're caught blazing a spliff? Stop over dramatizing ****...the only stupid decision here was admitting it for no reason

04-25-2008, 06:37 PM
I always thought Anderson was on some methamphetamines or something. Anyways, smoking weed doesn't turn you into a ****ing raving lunatic. Turn off Reefer Madness for just one moment and think for yourself. (Has anyone that's criticizing Josh Howard actually smoked pot?)

I never meant to imply that smoking weed turns you into a lunatic. All I'm trying to really get across here is that smoking weed for an NBA player is a downright stupid financial decision. It doesn't matter how small of a chance they have of getting caught - it's s till a risk that they're taking and it's not necessary. That risk can cost them millions of dollars.

And anyone here that HAS smoked weed can't seriously tell me that it doesn't impair your judgement just a little. If you're trying to tell me that then you're full of ****. I'm not saying it turns you into a nut or makes you lose all reasoning but it's like alcohol - it's going to make you more likely to do things you probably wouldn't do otherwise.

04-25-2008, 06:42 PM
I never meant to imply that smoking weed turns you into a lunatic. All I'm trying to really get across here is that smoking weed for an NBA player is a downright stupid financial decision. It doesn't matter how small of a chance they have of getting caught - it's s till a risk that they're taking and it's not necessary. That risk can cost them millions of dollars.

And anyone here that HAS smoked weed can't seriously tell me that it doesn't impair your judgement just a little. If you're trying to tell me that then you're full of ****. I'm not saying it turns you into a nut or makes you lose all reasoning but it's like alcohol - it's going to make you more likely to do things you probably wouldn't do otherwise.

no it doesn't impair your judgement the way alcohol does.

04-25-2008, 06:45 PM
Anyone who says it doesn't is a straight up pot head, or someone who likes to argue for no reason.

04-25-2008, 06:46 PM
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people smoking weed - I don't really think there is. The point is, when you've gotten a franchise relying on you and paying you millions of dollars you don't make stupid decisions like this.

The fact is, smoking weed is against the law. If these guys get caught and prosecuted they're going to lose a TON of money - that's what makes it a dumb decision. Is it really worth getting high when you may end up voiding a contract worth millions as a result? That's why it's a stupid decision.

you really sound like somebody who has no idea what their talking about.

if you don't smoke you really shouldn't be speculating so much. josh howard smokes in the offseason. quit *****ing.

04-25-2008, 06:47 PM
Anyone who says it doesn't is a straight up pot head, or someone who likes to argue for no reason.

it doesn't affect you like alcohol.

it makes your reaction time a bit slower and hazier unclear thoughts. but nowhere near the extent of alcohol.

04-25-2008, 06:47 PM

There's no re-course but have players shorten the play - off run then to get on track on the off season and find some course to take.

_______ course (fill in the blank)

04-25-2008, 06:49 PM
it doesn't affect you like alcohol.

it makes your reaction time a bit slower and hazier unclear thoughts. but nowhere near the extent of alcohol.

No body compared it to alcohol though. That's the defense of all pot heads "Alcohol is legal, it's sooooooooo much worse then weed!" No one is comparing the two, we are just saying that weed effects your judgement, no doubt about that, not to mention it ruins your physical shape.

04-25-2008, 06:49 PM
Which NBA player lost millions of dollars for smoking weed and getting caught?

04-25-2008, 06:53 PM
No body compared it to alcohol though. That's the defense of all pot heads "Alcohol is legal, it's sooooooooo much worse then weed!" No one is comparing the two, we are just saying that weed effects your judgement, no doubt about that, not to mention it ruins your physical shape.

Ruin your physical shape? It ruins your physical shape if you get the munchies and eat your ass off. But if you work out that doesn't really matter, and NBA players have to work out all the time, including the offseason.

04-25-2008, 06:54 PM
No body compared it to alcohol though. That's the defense of all pot heads "Alcohol is legal, it's sooooooooo much worse then weed!" No one is comparing the two, we are just saying that weed effects your judgement, no doubt about that, not to mention it ruins your physical shape.

ruins your physical shape? baloney.

it's like alcohol - it's going to make you more likely to do things you probably wouldn't do otherwise.

04-25-2008, 06:57 PM
Which NBA player lost millions of dollars for smoking weed and getting caught?

I don't know of any that have gotten caught and lost out big time as a result, but just think about guys like Damon Stoudemire who HAVE been caught smoking weed, which lead to more strict drug testing. You don't think that Damon's drop off over the past few years has ANYTHING to do with his extra-curricular activities? He probably could have landed an actual contract instead of the vets min he took with SA this year, that's at least a few million...

04-25-2008, 07:00 PM
you really sound like somebody who has no idea what their talking about.

if you don't smoke you really shouldn't be speculating so much. josh howard smokes in the offseason. quit *****ing.

I'm just sick of hearing this same old crap on the forums over the past few weeks. "Oh, it's fine of Howard smokes weed" "No big deal if Melo gets a DUI".

This **** is against the law and these guys shouldn't be getting a free pass just because they play ball. They're making stupid decisions that can impact their financial bottom line and in Melo's case their putting other people's lives in jeopardy.

I know I've been speculating a TON in this thread but you guys just need to think about these types of things.

Ron Mexico
04-25-2008, 07:02 PM
this should not be a debate about weed, moderate amounts of it are fine and commonplace, though lethargy is definately a side effect.

howard is not stupid for toking up in the offseason, but he is incredibly dumb for proclaiming and glamourizing it on radio.

this *** is being paid 10 million dollars per year and he has the balls to kick the league's image hard it the gut and even compounds his idiocy by speaking about the marijuana use of other nba players. hey josh, there are kids of there you ******. keep your ****ing mouth shut and don't think you can just smear over the image of the league that made you a millionaire for doing something you love.


04-25-2008, 07:04 PM
smoking weed isn't terrible... lots of players get away with it... what you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business...


04-25-2008, 07:06 PM
I don't know of any that have gotten caught and lost out big time as a result, but just think about guys like Damon Stoudemire who HAVE been caught smoking weed, which lead to more strict drug testing. You don't think that Damon's drop off over the past few years has ANYTHING to do with his extra-curricular activities? He probably could have landed an actual contract instead of the vets min he took with SA this year, that's at least a few million...

I get what you're saying but in Damon's case, he is also going on 35 years old, which could have something to do with it. And I don't want to sound redundant, but weed is like alcohol, if you can control your use, which unlike other drugs most people can, it wouldnt really be a problem. I'm sure plenty of NBA players smoke weed, and it hasn't affected them. And you just don't hear about it, cause its not noticeable in their play, and most of them haven't gotten caught.

04-25-2008, 07:06 PM
You could just watch him play and know he was a braindead idiot. No surprise he said this.

04-25-2008, 07:06 PM
this should not be a debate about weed, moderate amounts of it are fine and commonplace, though lethargy is definately a side effect.

howard is not stupid for toking up in the offseason, but he is incredibly dumb for proclaiming and glamourizing it on radio.

this *** is being paid 10 million dollars per year and he has the balls to kick the league's image hard it the gut and even compounds his idiocy by speaking about the marijuana use of other nba players. hey josh, there are kids of there you ******. keep your ****ing mouth shut and don't think you can just smear over the image of the league that made you a millionaire for doing something you love.


Fully agree. I've heard fagz say that they don't like the NBA simply because of the image portrayed and this recent news will not help the NBA gain more fans. Thanks a lot Howard. You should be banned from the league.

04-25-2008, 07:11 PM
I bet this is going to make the NBA have drug-testing in the offseason. So basically Josh Howard ruined it for the whole league lol. Don't be surprised if someone from the Hornets does a flagrant foul on Howard tonight. Bonzi Wells maybe?

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:13 PM
I don't know of any that have gotten caught and lost out big time as a result, but just think about guys like Damon Stoudemire who HAVE been caught smoking weed, which lead to more strict drug testing. You don't think that Damon's drop off over the past few years has ANYTHING to do with his extra-curricular activities? He probably could have landed an actual contract instead of the vets min he took with SA this year, that's at least a few million...

what? you're blaming damon stoudemire's career and current contract on his pot use? you are painfully ignorant. first of all, a weed possession charge usually results in a ticket, a deferred judgement, or worst case scenario a night in jail and a fine that would never exceed 500$. Secondly, what a joke of an "observation", you have to be kidding me.

I'm just sick of hearing this same old crap on the forums over the past few weeks. "Oh, it's fine of Howard smokes weed" "No big deal if Melo gets a DUI".

This **** is against the law and these guys shouldn't be getting a free pass just because they play ball. They're making stupid decisions that can impact their financial bottom line and in Melo's case their putting other people's lives in jeopardy.

I know I've been speculating a TON in this thread but you guys just need to think about these types of things.

if anyone's saying it's cool for melo to get a DUI they're an idiot too. there's a big f*cking difference between driving drunk and smoking pot in your house. one is dangerous and destructive, the other is harmless and none of your business you norman rockwell, moral majority tw*t. Glad to see you're taking notes at sunday school though.

04-25-2008, 07:16 PM
No, smoking weed for a professional athlete is bad, in his home, in the theatre, infront of his coach, anywhere. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I know how hard you have to work. I'm working the whole year and once I had a break, I toked with my friends, the next week I was dead. Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts, don't try to intimidate us by saying "that doesn't happen, you don't smoke weed", because I did numerous times, and stopped because of all those reasons.

You can't reach your potential in basketball while smoking weed.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:20 PM
this should not be a debate about weed, moderate amounts of it are fine and commonplace, though lethargy is definately a side effect.

howard is not stupid for toking up in the offseason, but he is incredibly dumb for proclaiming and glamourizing it on radio.

this *** is being paid 10 million dollars per year and he has the balls to kick the league's image hard it the gut and even compounds his idiocy by speaking about the marijuana use of other nba players. hey josh, there are kids of there you ******. keep your ****ing mouth shut and don't think you can just smear over the image of the league that made you a millionaire for doing something you love.

Fully agree. I've heard fagz say that they don't like the NBA simply because of the image portrayed and this recent news will not help the NBA gain more fans. Thanks a lot Howard. You should be banned from the league.

what? maybe howard sees how ridiculous the anti-marijuana hysteria is in this country and rightfully doesn't care what you or anyone thinks. Good for you Josh, glad to see any successful productive person stand up to middle/christian america's archaic and embarassing views, not even defiantly, just matter of factly. good for you josh. f*ck anyone who has anything to say against him, if pot's not for you, don't use it, otherwise keep your moral outrage to yourself.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:21 PM
No, smoking weed for a professional athlete is bad, in his home, in the theatre, infront of his coach, anywhere. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I know how hard you have to work. I'm working the whole year and once I had a break, I toked with my friends, the next week I was dead. Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts, don't try to intimidate us by saying "that doesn't happen, you don't smoke weed", because I did numerous times, and stopped because of all those reasons.

You can't reach your potential in basketball while smoking weed.

that was YOUR experience. don't tell me what pot does to me because you're wrong. you also said in another post about pot that you were high for the whole week. that's not the norm. you have no idea what pot does to everyone's basketball potential so save your sanctimonious "i tried it a few times in high school so i understand it" bullsh*t.

"Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts"

hahaha. facts? hahahahah.

04-25-2008, 07:22 PM
Good for you Josh, while playing blitzed, you shot less then 30%, and now got yourself suspended, very good FOR YOU Josh Howard, this especiialy is a win-win situation for you.

04-25-2008, 07:22 PM
No, smoking weed for a professional athlete is bad, in his home, in the theatre, infront of his coach, anywhere. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I know how hard you have to work. I'm working the whole year and once I had a break, I toked with my friends, the next week I was dead. Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts, don't try to intimidate us by saying "that doesn't happen, you don't smoke weed", because I did numerous times, and stopped because of all those reasons.

You can't reach your potential in basketball while smoking weed.

70% of the athletes in the NBA care to differ.

04-25-2008, 07:24 PM
that was YOUR experience. don't tell me what pot does to me because you're wrong. you also said in another post about pot that you were high for the whole week. that's not the norm. you have no idea what pot does to everyone's basketball potential so save your sanctimonious "i tried it a few times in high school so i understand it" bullsh*t.

Umm, NO. Go read my thread again, I said the exact same thing I just said up there, I felt drowsy, couldn't breathe as well etc for a whole week of basketball, is that being high for a week? All that is , is proving that weed does not help you if you play high experience basketball and certainly doesn't "do nothing bad" either.

04-25-2008, 07:25 PM
You really think Marijuana does nothing bad for you??

You guys are huge brainwashed pot heads, your the type that would argue just to "put down the man!".

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:25 PM
Umm, NO. Go read my thread again, I said the exact same thing I just said up there, I felt drowsy, couldn't breathe as well etc for a whole week of basketball, is that being high for a week? All that is , is proving that weed does not help you if you play high experience basketball and certainly doesn't "do nothing bad" either.

no, all that does is prove to YOU that YOU think play worse with weed "in YOUR blood".

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:26 PM
You really think Marijuana does nothing bad for you??

You guys are huge brainwashed pot heads, your the type that would argue just to "put down the man!".

you're a stupid teenager who talks out of his ass

04-25-2008, 07:26 PM
what? you're blaming damon stoudemire's career and current contract on his pot use? you are painfully ignorant. first of all, a weed possession charge usually results in a ticket, a deferred judgement, or worst case scenario a night in jail and a fine that would never exceed 500$. Secondly, what a joke of an "observation", you have to be kidding me.

if anyone's saying it's cool for melo to get a DUI they're an idiot too. there's a big f*cking difference between driving drunk and smoking pot in your house. one is dangerous and destructive, the other is harmless and none of your business you norman rockwell, moral majority tw*t.

The point I've been trying to get across is that it's just a stupid decision for these NBA players to make. There's too many "ifs" involved that can cost them a lot of money. What's the point? Why risk that kind of a contract to get high? I don't care how remote the possibility is, it's just dumb to risk that kind of money.

I could care less if they're smoking pot - I know that Josh Howard smoking pot in his house isn't "dangerous". He's just stupid and irresponsible to do that given his situation.

It's like Jay Williams riding around on his motorcycle from a few years ago or VladRad going skiing last year - just dumb decisions that ended up costing them a lot of money. Do I think that skiing and riding around on motorcycles are stupid for everyone to do? No. Is it irresponsible for an NBA player to do these things when their contract clearly stipulates they can't? Yeah, that's a bad decision.

And don't go off calling me a moral majority tw*t. I work in the music business and I'm around pot ALL THE TIME. I know what it does to people and what it doesn't do. It's not that dangerous of a substance - probably less so than alcohol. The things I see weed do to people is usually turn them into lazier, more unmotivated versions of themselves - nothing too dramatic. But why get high when you're risking losing your contract? I know it's a long shot, but what's the point?

It really complicates things when Josh goes out and talks about it on the radio. How many kids do you think look up to him and now they're going to think it's just fine for them to smoke pot. Even though it's not "that bad", do you really want your kids smoking pot? Answer that honestly.

04-25-2008, 07:27 PM
No, smoking weed for a professional athlete is bad, in his home, in the theatre, infront of his coach, anywhere. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I know how hard you have to work. I'm working the whole year and once I had a break, I toked with my friends, the next week I was dead. Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts, don't try to intimidate us by saying "that doesn't happen, you don't smoke weed", because I did numerous times, and stopped because of all those reasons.

You can't reach your potential in basketball while smoking weed.

That doesn't happen to everyone. If that happened to everyone I highly doubt the NBA would have any weed-users. Everyone's body is different, if a person knows their body, they'll know their limits which for some could mean no weed/alcohol at all.

04-25-2008, 07:27 PM
Hahahah, your saying I THINK I play worse? I'm not even in college and I can almost guarantee that I played more basketball then you and definatly at a much higher rate. I know I play worse if I smoke, no denying that, how can you argue something that only I can know?

04-25-2008, 07:27 PM
Umm, NO. Go read my thread again, I said the exact same thing I just said up there, I felt drowsy, couldn't breathe as well etc for a whole week of basketball, is that being high for a week? All that is , is proving that weed does not help you if you play high experience basketball and certainly doesn't "do nothing bad" either.

You are such an idiot. NO ONE is saying that smoking weed does nothing bad at all. You are inhaling smoke into your lungs, of COURSE thats not good. However, moderate amounts (aka, now and then) will have a negligible impact upon anything if you're still regularly working out / practicing. Just because YOU had a bad experience doesn't mean it affects everyone's body just as much. Go publish your results, sounds like you proved everything about weed by smoking it a few times. :roll:

04-25-2008, 07:27 PM
you're a stupid teenager who talks out of his ass

Good point, I guess weed really does nothing bad for you.

04-25-2008, 07:29 PM
You are such an idiot. NO ONE is saying that smoking weed does nothing bad at all. You are inhaling smoke into your lungs, of COURSE thats not good. However, moderate amounts (aka, now and then) will have a negligible impact upon anything if you're still regularly working out / practicing. Just because YOU had a bad experience doesn't mean it affects everyone's body just as much. Go publish your results, sounds like you proved everything about weed by smoking it a few times. :roll:

All it does is slow you down and keep you from your goals. You can't tell me Josh Howard doesn't feel any of those, those are all common symptoms, that's the reason they didn't take him until the 29th pick!

He's in the offseason, who knows how much he smokes, it could be once a day for all we know.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:30 PM
Hahahah, your saying I THINK I play worse? I'm not even in college and I can almost guarantee that I played more basketball then you and definatly at a much higher rate. I know I play worse if I smoke, no denying that, how can you argue something that only I can know?

first of all, i've played a lot more basketball than you, you're a kid. it's just a matter of time, you'll catch up but you're well behind little man. I'm not arguing that pot is not a positive influence on your basketball game. that's fine. that's YOUR response to pot. i'm arguing that you can't tell me what it does and doesn't do to anyone else's basketball potential/life.

04-25-2008, 07:36 PM
"that's YOUR response to pot"

You think pot has a positive effect on your game, or a neutral one?

Ok fine, agreed on what you said, but I can't believe that someone would say that it's fine that he does it at his age/profession, I'll just leave it that everyone gets different symptons, that's fine by me.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:36 PM
The point I've been trying to get across is that it's just a stupid decision for these NBA players to make. There's too many "ifs" involved that can cost them a lot of money. What's the point? Why risk that kind of a contract to get high? I don't care how remote the possibility is, it's just dumb to risk that kind of money.

It really complicates things when Josh goes out and talks about it on the radio. How many kids do you think look up to him and now they're going to think it's just fine for them to smoke pot. Even though it's not "that bad", do you really want your kids smoking pot? Answer that honestly.

A. i still fail to see how his contract is in danger by him smoking pot in his house in the off season

B. I don't have kids and truthfully, no, i don't care if they smoke a little grass. some people are highly (no pun intended) functional with pot in their life, some people just sit around and order pizza. as long as my kids can handle it, no, i don't care.

04-25-2008, 07:39 PM
All it does is slow you down and keep you from your goals. You can't tell me Josh Howard doesn't feel any of those, those are all common symptoms, that's the reason they didn't take him until the 29th pick!

He's in the offseason, who knows how much he smokes, it could be once a day for all we know.

Oh man, you have shown me the light! You are absolutely right man, Josh Howard for sure would have been a number one pick if he never smoked weed! What an idiot, only getting paid tens of millions when he could be getting paid a few mil more!

V-Unit, I have to say, thank you. I now understand that Josh Howard would be better than Jordan if only he didn't smoke MJ!

04-25-2008, 07:39 PM
Howard needs to play well tonight or else. This is a pretty big distraction.

04-25-2008, 07:41 PM
B. I don't have kids and truthfully, no, i don't care if they smoke a little grass. some people are highly (no pun intended) functional with pot in their life, some people just sit around and order pizza. as long as my kids can handle it, no, i don't care.when you have kids, you will... trust me on that... alot of things/ views change when it's your kids...lol

as for the pot thing, we do know it's a violation of the NBA's drug policy and for that reason alone it was really a dumb move on his part to open himself up to criticism/investigation by the league...
the mavs are in the playoffs, he's a vital component of the team, what if the NBA decides to suspend him for a couple games?

04-25-2008, 07:41 PM
All it does is slow you down and keep you from your goals. You can't tell me Josh Howard doesn't feel any of those, those are all common symptoms, that's the reason they didn't take him until the 29th pick!

Are you serious? OMG 28 guys got picked over him!!!! What the hell? He got drafted into the NBA, obviously weed didn't stop him from being 1 out of a million people to play professiona sports. And Howard was ACC player of the year before he got drafted. What are you trying to say? That if Josh Howard didn't smoke weed, he would be Lebron James?

High Potential
04-25-2008, 07:42 PM
A. i still fail to see how his contract is in danger by him smoking pot in his house in the off season

B. I don't have kids and truthfully, no, i don't care if they smoke a little grass. some people are highly (no pun intended) functional with pot in their life, some people just sit around and order pizza. as long as my kids can handle it, no, i don't care.
I agree with point B, some people are perfectly functional with pot, like my friends dad who's a lawyer, a lawyer with a bigass house in Beverly Hills, who smokes up everyday after work. However for every person who is functional with pot, there is a person who isn't, like my friend with the smoking dad, he had to be sent to rehab because he simply quit everything just to smoke and party-he was a 4.0, 2300 SAT score kid too before that, and also evidently V-Unit.

04-25-2008, 07:44 PM
Oh man, you have shown me the light! You are absolutely right man, Josh Howard for sure would have been a number one pick if he never smoked weed! What an idiot, only getting paid tens of millions when he could be getting paid a few mil more!

V-Unit, I have to say, thank you. I now understand that Josh Howard would be better than Jordan if only he didn't smoke MJ!

Are you kidding me, you want me to find you the article where he said it after his first or secound year that he smoked weed? He was saying "I'm glad that they passed me up on that, I can still ball even though I smoke, and by them not drafting me, it made me who I am today" blah blah blah, I never said he was going to be Jordan or anything better then what he is now, I just said he wasn't drafted any higher because GM's knew that he smoked weed, he was picked 29th because of that.

You know what they take into account for drafts? Accidents, family issues, psychological, physical damage that you ever experienced, use of drugs, everything possible, small variabls like that can kill your position in the draft.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:44 PM
when you have kids, you will... trust me on that... alot of things/ views change when it's your kids...lol

as for the pot thing, we do know it's a violation of the NBA's drug policy and for that reason alone it was really a dumb move on his part to open himself up to criticism/investigation by the league...
the mavs are in the playoffs, he's a vital component of the team, what if the NBA what if the NBA decides to suspend him for a couple games?

everything i've heard is that they can't suspend him. also keep in mind that marijuana was not a banned substance in the nba until after the lockout season. it was part of the deal that was basically a concession of the players union. I remember an old episode of the Chris Rock show where Chris, Jason Williams (shotgun murder j-will) and Keith VanHorn were laughing about being able to smoke pot in the league.

"your views will change when/if you have kids" is a hard point to argue against because it's like "you'll understand once you find god"... can't really say much to or against it but i will say i think you're wrong.

04-25-2008, 07:45 PM
No I'm not saying that, he was ACC player of the year, everyone knew he was good, but why was he drafted 29th? Oh wait I know why...

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 07:47 PM
Good point, I guess weed really does nothing bad for you.

brilliant logic, i bet those colleges are beating down your door for academics as well

04-25-2008, 07:49 PM
Shut up, I said that sarcastically like 3 arguments ago.

Nets fan 93
04-25-2008, 07:49 PM
Wow I just lost a lot of respect for j-ho or MR.Howard

04-25-2008, 07:54 PM
No I'm not saying that, he was ACC player of the year, everyone knew he was good, but why was he drafted 29th? Oh wait I know why...

Ok my point is weed doesn't affect how every basketball player plays. GMs didn't draft him because they don't know what kind of impact it has on his game and marijuana-use is a controversial topic. If weed doesn't affect how he plays though, it doesn't really matter where he was drafted, he was going to be as good as he is regardless of what team he plays for. And its hard to complain about Josh Howard's career considering how good he is.

High Potential
04-25-2008, 07:55 PM
brilliant logic, i bet those colleges are beating down your door for academics as well
:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-25-2008, 07:56 PM
Why doesnt Josh admit he sleeps with underage females while he is at it?

Talk about stupid. You just painted a bullseyes on your back. For what? To "keep it real" on a radio show? Brilliant Josh, atleast you gave us the reason for your mental timeout errors.

04-25-2008, 07:59 PM
Josh Howard is so so stupid. How stupid do you have to be to admit something like this right before a huge playoff game? Cuban should kick his ass.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:01 PM
probably because it's not a big deal and nobody should care.

04-25-2008, 08:03 PM
probably because it's not a big deal and nobody should care.

Yeah seriously.

04-25-2008, 08:05 PM
probably because it's not a big deal and nobody should care.

that's not the point. the point is that people will care, and josh knows that. like Gobb said, he just painted a big bullseye on his back for absolutely no apparent reason. very stupid.

04-25-2008, 08:07 PM
Howard starting tonight, he is not suspended.

04-25-2008, 08:07 PM
This is a good example of "When keeping it real goes wrong".

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:08 PM
that's not the point. the point is that people will care, and josh knows that. like Gobb said, he just painted a big bullseye on his back for absolutely no apparent reason. very stupid.

bullseye? who's going to go after him besides maybe the media (i'm sure there will be plenty of non moral authority media figures who also say "who cares") and the conservative kids on this board (no one he cares about). he's not gonna get suspended, nothing changes in his basketball or personal life except he's gonna get asked about his comments for the next three weeks and every time he makes a bad play for the rest of his career v-unit will go "see? it's the weed"

what's "very stupid" is how much attention this will get.

04-25-2008, 08:13 PM
As a scientist, my scientific opinion is that weed is not really that bad for you, cigarettes and alcohol are way more harmful than weed is.

That said, I don't smoke weed myself. I guess the only harm that comes from weed is that it can make you lazy sometimes? Though I think the laziness comes more from within.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:15 PM
As a scientist, my scientific opinion is that weed is not really that bad for you, cigarettes and alcohol are way more harmful than weed is.

That said, I don't smoke weed myself. I guess the only harm that comes from weed is that it can make you lazy sometimes? Though I think the laziness comes more from within.

exactly, weed doesn't make you lazy, lazy people make weed their excuse. booze doesn't make you violent, violent people make booze their excuse.

04-25-2008, 08:15 PM
Two sources close to the situation told ESPN.com Howard will almost certainly be entered immediately into the NBA's marijuana program -- which would require him to submit to much more frequent testing -- but it would appear that he is not at risk for a suspension unless he has failed two previous tests.

Good job Josh.

04-25-2008, 08:15 PM
This response is to Guy:
I think weed effects the way everyone plays, I had experience, and you are going to tell me that you never felt anything while playing? Whatever we think doesn't matter, it's what the GM's think, and the GM's know that weed will effect you, that's why they didn't take him higher, he almost slipped to secound round.

Lamar Doom:
Who's going to go after him? How about his own team? Guess who went after him the first time he declared he smoked weed, 28 GM's did, they all passed him up. Now he is going to get a team suspension.

04-25-2008, 08:16 PM
Yes, very good job Josh.

04-25-2008, 08:25 PM
lamar doom, when you're an NBA player part of your job is to maintain a positive image. i'm sure the mavericks organization, and the NBA in general isn't very pleased by his comments. he's also an endorser of jordan brand, i'm sure they didn't like his comments much either. basically, when you're a celebrity it's not a good idea to do things that could potentially tarnish your image. it was a bad decision for him to speak on the issue.

04-25-2008, 08:25 PM
Well to clarify one thing, since you are still inhaling smoke, weed smokers are still at risk of all the usual smoking cancers. Recent research however has shown the risk to be much less than that of smoking tobacco.

Weed does however have many medicinal uses, and its a shame that the federal government does not permit its use as such. Instead doctors have to prescribe harmful addictive opiates for pain relief, whereas weed is non-addictive and effective.

As a scientist, my scientific opinion is that weed is not really that bad for you, cigarettes and alcohol are way more harmful than weed is.

That said, I don't smoke weed myself. I guess the only harm that comes from weed is that it can make you lazy sometimes? Though I think the laziness comes more from within.

04-25-2008, 08:28 PM
bullseye? who's going to go after him besides maybe the media (i'm sure there will be plenty of non moral authority media figures who also say "who cares") and the conservative kids on this board (no one he cares about). he's not gonna get suspended, nothing changes in his basketball or personal life except he's gonna get asked about his comments for the next three weeks and every time he makes a bad play for the rest of his career v-unit will go "see? it's the weed"

what's "very stupid" is how much attention this will get.

I love how you just throw around labels like "conservative kids" onto anyone that doesn't 100% with your perception of this. Bravo.

Do you think Josh's team mates are happy with this? Anyone with half a brain cell would know that his statement was going to cause controversy but I guess we know now that Josh doesn't have half a brain cell. If I was Kidd I'd be worried about passing the ball to him because he might not catch it.

And no, not because he's "high" or marijuana "fried his brain" or any of the ****. I''d think twice about passing him the ball because he's a dumb***.

hito da god
04-25-2008, 08:30 PM
This response is to Guy:
I think weed effects the way everyone plays, I had experience, and you are going to tell me that you never felt anything while playing? Whatever we think doesn't matter, it's what the GM's think, and the GM's know that weed will effect you, that's why they didn't take him higher, he almost slipped to secound round.

take this from a former huge pothead:

the only part of your game weed effects is your lungs, that's it. and if you're sprinting every day, it won't be that bad.. i used to smoke 4-5 blunts a night and worked out every day. i still made huge strides in my game. you shouldn't be playing while you're high :no: that's a waste of a high

if you're working out every day, the THC won't stay in your body for too long anyway. you'll sweat it out

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:31 PM
I love how you just throw around labels like "conservative kids" onto anyone that doesn't 100% with your perception of this. Bravo.

fair enough, that is an unfair generalization.. though i think an argument could be made that you're conservative on this issue.

04-25-2008, 08:32 PM
Two sources close to the situation told ESPN.com Howard will almost certainly be entered immediately into the NBA's marijuana program -- which would require him to submit to much more frequent testing -- but it would appear that he is not at risk for a suspension unless he has failed two previous tests.

Good job Josh. there ya go, it's not going to be ignored, i can't belive what an idiot move that was on his part...

i understand what some are saying, what he does in his private life is his own business. what they fail to understand is it's no longer his private business because he himself opened that door. he gets paid alot of money to play ball and be the face of a half billion dollar enterprise

now the mavericks and NBA are placed between a rock and a hard place, you have congress breathing down major sports backs the last year and a half on drugs in sports, you have cuban and his interests, can he turn a blind eye to this? no he's going to have to pressure the NBA to act on his behalf or do something himself, the NBA which has been fighting an image problem the last few years has no choice but to act...

just a stupid move on howard's part...

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:34 PM
lamar doom, when you're an NBA player part of your job is to maintain a positive image. i'm sure the mavericks organization, and the NBA in general isn't very pleased by his comments. he's also an endorser of jordan brand, i'm sure they didn't like his comments much either. basically, when you're a celebrity it's not a good idea to do things that could potentially tarnish your image. it was a bad decision for him to speak on the issue.

also fair enough, don't understand why he picked today to have this chat, certainly would have been a better story if it was mid summer (and he was high while talking to michael irvin) and wasn't pre-playoff games if for no other reason than we're going to hear about it a zillion times. as far as maintaining positive image, i guess my point is that smoking pot in the privacy of his home in the off season SHOULDN'T tarnish his image. but that's on the collective conscious to keep up.

04-25-2008, 08:34 PM
take this from a former huge pothead:

the only part of your game weed effects is your lungs, that's it. and if you're sprinting every day, it won't be that bad.. i used to smoke 4-5 blunts a night and worked out every day. i still made huge strides in my game. you shouldn't be playing while you're high :no: that's a waste of a high

if you're working out every day, the THC won't stay in your body for too long anyway. you'll sweat it out

I agree with that, but is it not a negative effect if you have to work extra harder just to sweat it out? If you don't smoke, you don't have to work to sweat it out, you only work to get better.

I would argue that it also makes you lazier on the court, but that's just me.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:35 PM
who cares if he gets tested more? he doesn't smoke during the season so it won't be an issue.

04-25-2008, 08:36 PM
i'm not going to read this entire thread although i've read a good 5 pages. overall, the risk factor of actually smoking weed for his contract / playing ability is not that high. a little bit of reefer here and there in the off season is no problem. however, as some have stated it was a poor decision for howard to announce it to the public on radio.

next, from my personal experience, i love playing ball high. it makes me concentrate more on my shots and focus myself better while playing. and also , it can actually INCREASE my energy and stamina while playing. this is because it increases your blood pressure allowing more blood to pump through your body circulating more oxygen throughout. if you smoke 5 blunts a day, sure your lungs will be harmed. however, there are OTHER ways to get high and NOT affect you lungs to the extent that blunts / joints do. vaporizer anyone? edibles? triple perk bongs? also. smoke the more potent **** so you dont need to smoke as much and still get high.

04-25-2008, 08:36 PM
whoever thinks that weed effects your game is stupid and im gonna tell u why,,,the GOAT...greatest player to ever play the game,smoked like a PHUCKIN chimney and still does till this day...can u guess who im talkin bout...MJ..yes so did it effect his game???riddle me that :D

04-25-2008, 08:37 PM
i guess my point is that smoking pot in the privacy of his home in the off season SHOULDN'T tarnish his image.

that's a whole different issue.... i'm not going to argue about whether it should or shouldn't tarnish his image, all i know is that it will. josh should've thought about that before hand, that's why it's a dumb decision.

04-25-2008, 08:37 PM
Where did you get MJ smoking weed?

04-25-2008, 08:39 PM
fair enough, that is an unfair generalization.. though i think an argument could be made that you're conservative on this issue.

And that just shows why you don't make generalizations. I've been arguing with people for years about the pros of legalizing marijuana. I've been around it my whole post 5th grade life it's not really a bad substance (when used responsibly).

The point is, right now it's not legal and part of Howard's contract stipulates that he shouldn't smoke it. Both of those points make Howard's decision to smoke weed (and to talk about it to the media) a stupid one.

04-25-2008, 08:42 PM
Where did you get MJ smoking weed?

he got family members(brother Larry) that i used to play ball with at the YMCA down here in charlotte..no bull **** and my homeboy was a ball boy with the Hornets when he was younger(two sources )..he gave me the scoop an all of the Weed smokers in the League and MJ was definetly one of em...i dont make shyt up ...believe that

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 08:42 PM
that's a whole different issue.... i'm not going to argue about whether it should or shouldn't tarnish his image, all i know is that it will. josh should've thought about that before hand, that's why it's a dumb decision.

i'm not sure it is a whole different issue, i mean, isn't that what we're talking about here? people being outraged and calling him stupid for telling the truth about an irrelevant issue. people talking about the nba "drug" epidemic and intervention? this whole thread is just reactionary grand standing.

04-25-2008, 08:44 PM
The point is, right now it's not legal and part of Howard's contract stipulates that he shouldn't smoke it. Both of those points make Howard's decision to smoke weed (and to talk about it to the media) a stupid one.he better hope the Mavs are happy with his play, because this has to be violation of his contract, and could give the Mavs the excuse to release him..
just like when vlad rad hurt his shoulder last year snowboarding, legally the lakers could release him, they didn't they fined him a huge chunk of change though

04-25-2008, 08:44 PM
Lol some random dude telling me he balled with MJ's brother, and knowing other people in his life, then telling me to trust you because you don't lie.

I'm not saying anything against you, but is there anything else you can provide as proof.

How was Larry at ball?

04-25-2008, 08:45 PM
My biggest problem with it is how he generalizes other players. If he wants to admit to it, that's fine but stop at that. What an idiot..

Can't he be suspended for admitting that? It is against the law and a violation of league rules after all..

04-25-2008, 08:47 PM
i'm not sure it is a whole different issue, i mean, isn't that what we're talking about here? people being outraged and calling him stupid for telling the truth about an irrelevant issue. people talking about the nba "drug" epidemic and intervention? this whole thread is just reactionary grand standing.

the general public is not going to approve of athletes smoking weed in the offseason. whether they should or not, i don't really care. josh should've known the general public/fans/stern/mavs organization wouldn't approve. that's what makes it a dumb decision. that's my point. if he wants to smoke weed in the offseason he can go right ahead, i don't give a sh!t, just don't go on the radio and talk about it during the damn playoffs when you're down 0-2. that's just asking for a problem.

04-25-2008, 08:52 PM
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said any punishment from the club will be meted out "internally."

"We won't make it public," Cuban said. "But we'll deal it.

"We'll do what we need to do."

Mavericks coach Avery Johnson said during his usual pregame meeting with reporters that he would need more information before responding.

"I haven't heard the interview and I haven't spoken with Josh," Johnson said. "Once I hear the interview and talk to Josh, we'll go from there."

But, Johnson added, Howard's decision to consent to the interview and invite questions on this topic on the day of a playoff game was "what I call poor timing and poor judgment."

04-25-2008, 08:53 PM
Lol some random dude telling me he balled with MJ's brother, and knowing other people in his life, then telling me to trust you because you don't lie.

I'm not saying anything against you, but is there anything else you can provide as proof.

How was Larry at ball?

Believe me or u dont...i can give a phuk less...shyt wont validate me as a person.lol..but i know u aint tryin to come at me,but what do i got gain to by lying ya feel me...i cant provide no proof,i aint smoke a blunt wit em..but he be lookin high as hell at the Bobcat games.lol and larry is a streetball ledgend,,he short but got crazy hops

04-25-2008, 08:53 PM
Ohh, he calls it poor timing and poor judgement, well thats good. I call it being a ****ing idiot.

04-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Believe me or u dont...i can give a phuk less...shyt wont validate me as a person.lol..but i know u aint tryin to came at me,but what do i got gain by lying ya feel me...i cant provide no proof,i aint smoke a blunt wit em..but he be lookin high as hell at the Bobcat games.lol and larry is a streetball ledgend,,he short but got crazy hops

Alright yeayeayea I know what you mean, whats Larry like, does he look like Mike? Is he a dick.

04-25-2008, 08:54 PM
it doesnt matter what you feel about smoking pot. its irrelevent. hes in a job where that is specifically tested against and prohibited. at the least, he's probably going to have to go into the leagues substance abuse policy, and his team has other problems. this admission and at this time is just retarded.

04-25-2008, 08:57 PM
it doesnt matter what you feel about smoking pot. its irrelevent. hes in a job where that is specifically tested against and prohibited. at the least, he's probably going to have to go into the leagues substance abuse policy, and his team has other problems. this admission and at this time is just retarded.


04-25-2008, 08:57 PM
what the hell is everyones problem? He has obviously been doing it every offseason since he's been in the league, and noone ever picked up on anything from his playing that would sugest it. what do you think is going to change about him playing that is going to make people stop passing him the ball, or make his game suffer?

04-25-2008, 08:58 PM
take this from a former huge pothead:

the only part of your game weed effects is your lungs, that's it. and if you're sprinting every day, it won't be that bad.. i used to smoke 4-5 blunts a night and worked out every day. i still made huge strides in my game. you shouldn't be playing while you're high :no: that's a waste of a high

if you're working out every day, the THC won't stay in your body for too long anyway. you'll sweat it out

all of this is irrelevent. hes signed a contract with the union, the league, and his team which PROHIBITS the smoking of marijuana. people want to rationalize ****, go ahead. he agreed not to do it, he did, AND he admits to it, during a playoff series, where his team is getting smoked.

hes a ****ing idiot, end of discussion.

(and note: lighting something on fire and breathing smoke IN to a person is not healthy - i dont care what you smoke. there is no natural need for a body to inhale smoke)

04-25-2008, 08:59 PM
what the hell is everyones problem? He has obviously been doing it every offseason since he's been in the league, and noone ever picked up on anything from his playing that would sugest it. what do you think is going to change about him playing that is going to make people stop passing him the ball, or make his game suffer?

which makes it twice as retarded for him to come out and talk about it.

04-25-2008, 09:00 PM
Alright yeayeayea I know what you mean, whats Larry like, does he look like Mike? Is he a dick.

he look more like they moms(she go to the same church that i used to go to) he short,a lil thin but BLACK as hell.lol..he cool ,mad laid back cuz u be straight BLAZED...lol..its time to get off of work..im out

04-25-2008, 09:00 PM
what the hell is everyones problem? He has obviously been doing it every offseason since he's been in the league, and noone ever picked up on anything from his playing that would sugest it. what do you think is going to change about him playing that is going to make people stop passing him the ball, or make his game suffer?
its prohibited. if your job prohibits you from wearing red socks, and you do, and you announce you have red socks on all the time, you are wrong. it doesnt matter if you like a rule or not.

compound this with the fact he earns millions upon millions of dollars for said job and his team is mentally weak and doesnt need distractions - well, im not sure this is a good thing.

04-25-2008, 09:00 PM
If by doing this he is forced to stop smoking and that makes him pass the ball more and play smarter basketball then so be it.

Pot's pretty harmless guys.

04-25-2008, 09:01 PM
The general public is a lot less conservative on the issue of Marijuana than the posters in this thread give them credit for. More and more Americans view winding down the day with a spliff the same as kicking back with a glass of wine. Marijuana is being increasingly decriminalized all around the country. Cops don't even like to waste their time with it, they have bigger fish to fry.

hito da god
04-25-2008, 09:03 PM
all of this is irrelevent. hes signed a contract with the union, the league, and his team which PROHIBITS the smoking of marijuana. people want to rationalize ****, go ahead. he agreed not to do it, he did, AND he admits to it, during a playoff series, where his team is getting smoked.

hes a ****ing idiot, end of discussion.

(and note: lighting something on fire and breathing smoke IN to a person is not healthy - i dont care what you smoke. there is no natural need for a body to inhale smoke)
not irrelevant at all

we were talking about playing basketball, now the josh howard conversation but you wouldn't know that

04-25-2008, 09:05 PM
is this board retarded?

the only things that matter are
2) his team is the most mentally weak bunch of girls in the league and he gave them ANOTHER distraction. hes not exactly the most mentally strong person either

who ****ing cares if you like smoking weed? How is that relevant? the relevant part is his schoolgirl toughness level team which needed to be totally focused has yet another distraction.

"pot is harmless". no its not, because its going to get him into a drug program, and this revelation is possibly going to be the straw that broke the camels back.

and btw, smoke all you want, i dont smoke cause i dont see the need to suck carcinogens into my lungs, but i dont eat fried food too, so whatever.

04-25-2008, 09:06 PM
Dasher, we're talking about NBA players doing it, not just regular people though.

04-25-2008, 09:07 PM
is this board retarded?

the only things that matter are
2) his team is the most mentally weak bunch of girls in the league and he gave them ANOTHER distraction. hes not exactly the most mentally strong person either

who ****ing cares if you like smoking weed? How is that relevant? the relevant part is his schoolgirl toughness level team which needed to be totally focused has yet another distraction.

"pot is harmless". no its not, because its going to get him into a drug program, and this revelation is possibly going to be the straw that broke the camels back.

and btw, smoke all you want, i dont smoke cause i dont see the need to suck carcinogens into my lungs, but i dont eat fried food too, so whatever.

Quoted so people can read it again, and lol at the last line.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 09:09 PM
just a thought for all of you who don't CARE if he smokes pot in the off season in his house but still want to bash the guy for talking about it. Don't. the number of people who actually think he's doing some awful thing is probably a great minority and you're feeding into the mentality that makes this an issue when it shouldn't be. You're basically taking their side by "understanding" the outrage and condeming a player's lifestyle choices/public image. It would be amazing if all the analysts just said "I don't care" when asked about this story (we know that's not how it's gonna go). Would totally difuse the nonsense and hopefully the masses would go "hey, i don't really care either" or at least laugh at the ones who do.

I'm gonna get out of this thread cause it'll turn into the "david stern wants to raise the age limit" thread again and just be a frustrating cyclical philosophical conversation when i really just came here to talk about basketball.

hito da god
04-25-2008, 09:09 PM
is this board retarded?

the only things that matter are
2) his team is the most mentally weak bunch of girls in the league and he gave them ANOTHER distraction. hes not exactly the most mentally strong person either

who ****ing cares if you like smoking weed? How is that relevant? the relevant part is his schoolgirl toughness level team which needed to be totally focused has yet another distraction.

"pot is harmless". no its not, because its going to get him into a drug program, and this revelation is possibly going to be the straw that broke the camels back.

and btw, smoke all you want, i dont smoke cause i dont see the need to suck carcinogens into my lungs, but i dont eat fried food too, so whatever.
no you illiterate prick, v-unit wasn't talking about josh howard's contract. he was talking about how smoking weed can affect your game, which is a completely different conversation

quit trying to make a point when you yourself don't even know what's going on, you're trying too hard

04-25-2008, 09:13 PM
My biggest problem with it is how he generalizes other players. If he wants to admit to it, that's fine but stop at that. What an idiot..

Can't he be suspended for admitting that? It is against the law and a violation of league rules after all..

NO they said he has to fail 2 drug tests first before being suspended.

04-25-2008, 09:13 PM
The media is stupid. This story is so old and they're just now getting into it. The first time he mentioned it was during his rookie yr in an interview with ESPN TrueHoop blog when he said he thought it may have been the reason he fell in the draft.

04-25-2008, 09:14 PM
It would be amazing if all the analysts just said "I don't care" when asked about this story (we know that's not how it's gonna go). Would totally difuse the nonsense and hopefully the masses would go "hey, i don't really care either".

you're right, that would be amazing, but guess what..... like you said, that won't happen. josh should have thought about that before he opened his mouth. like i said earlier, when you're a professional athlete you have to be extra careful about the things you do and say because alot of people will care. that's just the way it is.

josh made a bad decision for the following reasons:
-he provided a potential distraction for his team.
-he threw other players under the bus.
-he made himself and the league look bad as far as the NBA is concerned.

those are the reasons you cannot support josh on this issue, even if you feel that smoking weed in the offseason is perfectly fine.

04-25-2008, 09:17 PM
The fact is that he embarrassed himself, his organization and everyone around him. The NBA has been struggeling with an image problem in the past because of actions/statements like these. Stupid of him to say that he smokes weed and even more stupid to make it seem as if it were normal and that every NBA player does it. If your an idiot like Josh, you concentrate on yourself, you don't indite every other NBA player and just focus on whats right for you, especially the situation that your in right now.

04-25-2008, 09:17 PM
Dasher, we're talking about NBA players doing it, not just regular people though.
NBA players are people too, and you are too green to know that the majority of the league does blaze. The majority of the NBA and NFL puffs jah. Relatives and friends of mine who have spent a cup of coffee in both leagues can attest to this. I am pretty sure baseball and hockey players blaze as well. A friend of mine who plays for UCONN Husky burns daily. I would rather have players deal with pain with the herb than some of the addictive pain killers that are prescribed to them. One of the easiest things on Earth to do is pass a drug test. You almost have to try to get caught.

04-25-2008, 09:17 PM
The media is stupid. This story is so old and they're just now getting into it. The first time he mentioned it was during his rookie yr in an interview with ESPN TrueHoop blog when he said he thought it may have been the reason he fell in the draft.

I mentioned how you posted a link to it before, but this is a new situation.

04-25-2008, 09:18 PM
When the series goes back to NO, some of the fans need to have a huge poster of the marijuana leaf. That would be pretty funny.

04-25-2008, 09:23 PM
NBA players are people too, and you are too green to know that the majority of the league does blaze. The majority of the NBA and NFL puffs jah. Relatives and friends of mine who have spent a cup of coffee in both leagues can attest to this. I am pretty sure baseball and hockey players blaze as well. A friend of mine who plays for UCONN Husky burns daily. I would rather have players deal with pain with the herb than some of the addictive pain killers that are prescribed to them. One of the easiest things on Earth to do is pass a drug test. You almost have to try to get caught.

thats not why they do it. And I also wouldn't say the majority of people smoke weed. They probably have tried at one point or another but most successful people grow out for there own good. I don't think any lakers smoke weed except possibly Lamar but he has family and probably grew up.

04-25-2008, 09:27 PM
thats not why they do it. And I also wouldn't say the majority of people smoke weed. They probably have tried at one point or another but most successful people grow out for there own good. I don't think any lakers smoke weed except possibly Lamar but he has family and probably grew up.
A lot of them do. Before his injuries became unbearable a friend of mine, who we will call Player X, would toke instead of taking the Oxycodone and Perchocet that he was prescribed.

04-25-2008, 09:27 PM
I mentioned how you posted a link to it before, but this is a new situation.
Then how is it new? It's "new" in that ESPN somehow just noticed it, even though they were the ones who originally uncovered it 3 yrs ago, and for some reason they decided to wait until a Dallas paper passingly mentioned it to piggyback off of the story. I thought all this firestorm and everything would have happened WAY back a along time ago, and when it didn't, I counted Josh lucky that at the time he mentioned it nobody cared about him enough to make a hubbub about it and he "escaped."

04-25-2008, 09:29 PM
Then how is it new?

it's "new" because he just talked about it on the radio today.

04-25-2008, 09:32 PM
He made it public on the radio like Stro said, he said it again today.

04-25-2008, 09:33 PM
I know for a fact that plenty of players smoke marijuana in excess even during the regular season...

If we lived basically anywhere else in the world this wouldn't be nearly as much as an issue.

It'd be a much bigger problem IMO if players were drinking a lot during the season or even off season as it is far more unhealthy.

04-25-2008, 09:54 PM
He talked about it on the radio in response to the article though, that's where Mike Irvin (irony much?) and company even got the idea to bring it up.

Still, if Josh had any amount of media savvy he'd claim he has stopped since then or that he misspoke. Nobody gives you bonus points of adoration for honesty and candor, when you use it to say something stupid.

04-25-2008, 09:59 PM
Goddamn, just imagine how much him and quis probably chiefed up back in the day.

04-25-2008, 10:00 PM
Goddamn, just imagine how much him and quis probably chiefed up back in the day.
**** was epic

04-25-2008, 10:00 PM
I always thought that Marquis was the biggest thug back in the day.

04-25-2008, 10:03 PM
I always thought that Marquis was the biggest thug back in the day.
yes this was verified when he'd be wearing airbrushed teeshirts with tony montana when he was hurt on the bench while all the other players were in suits :oldlol:

04-25-2008, 10:06 PM
Marquis strikes me more as a guy who is just a follower, somewhat devoid of his own personality, and therefore assimilates to that of whomever he is around and can be a troublemaker if he's around that environment, or be a boy scout if that's what he's around. My nephew is that way. For example, when Quis was in Dallas, he was never getting in trouble. All the stories about him off the court centered more around him and Josh Howard playing video games and having barbeques at each other's house, having that almost "are they too close?" type of friendship, especially in their rookie seasons.

I bet if he gets traded to a "good guy" team, he never gets in trouble again.

04-25-2008, 10:08 PM

04-25-2008, 10:19 PM
God damn Mike Tirico. Just ask the guys in the truck to put "Josh Howard uses marijuana" on the bottom of the screen.

Lamar Doom
04-25-2008, 10:24 PM
God damn Mike Tirico. Just ask the guys in the truck to put "Josh Howard uses marijuana" on the bottom of the screen.

seriously. maybe preface marijuana with "illegal dangerous drug"

SHEED_ gangsta
04-25-2008, 10:25 PM
No, smoking weed for a professional athlete is bad, in his home, in the theatre, infront of his coach, anywhere. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I know how hard you have to work. I'm working the whole year and once I had a break, I toked with my friends, the next week I was dead. Your lungs basically shrink, your breathing becomes so much worse that it's unbarrable. You feel drowsy and tired when you play at such a high level with THC in your blood. These are all just facts, don't try to intimidate us by saying "that doesn't happen, you don't smoke weed", because I did numerous times, and stopped because of all those reasons.

You can't reach your potential in basketball while smoking weed.

:roll: you sound like my old guidance councilor

04-25-2008, 10:26 PM
Yeah I know hahaha.

**** whatever I wrote in here I kept thinking do I sound gay by saying this or what.

04-25-2008, 11:10 PM
NBA players are people too, and you are too green to know that the majority of the league does blaze. The majority of the NBA and NFL puffs jah. Relatives and friends of mine who have spent a cup of coffee in both leagues can attest to this. I am pretty sure baseball and hockey players blaze as well. A friend of mine who plays for UCONN Husky burns daily. I would rather have players deal with pain with the herb than some of the addictive pain killers that are prescribed to them. One of the easiest things on Earth to do is pass a drug test. You almost have to try to get caught.


04-25-2008, 11:17 PM
Dasher speaks the truth

04-26-2008, 02:19 AM
this should not be a debate about weed, moderate amounts of it are fine and commonplace, though lethargy is definately a side effect.

howard is not stupid for toking up in the offseason, but he is incredibly dumb for proclaiming and glamourizing it on radio.

this *** is being paid 10 million dollars per year and he has the balls to kick the league's image hard it the gut and even compounds his idiocy by speaking about the marijuana use of other nba players. hey josh, there are kids of there you ******. keep your ****ing mouth shut and don't think you can just smear over the image of the league that made you a millionaire for doing something you love.


04-26-2008, 02:34 AM
was he high when he gave that interview? cuz that was pretty stupid.

You know!!!

Like, shut up and play ball man... Keep that other stuff to yourself. Why were you thinking and talking about weed when your team was down 2-0 to the Hornets?

04-26-2008, 02:38 AM
I would post in this thread, but I don't want anything to bite me in the ass if I run for anything political in the unforgeable future.

On second thought, it never did anything against this guy:

Sonic R
04-26-2008, 03:27 AM
this should not be a debate about weed, moderate amounts of it are fine and commonplace, though lethargy is definately a side effect.

howard is not stupid for toking up in the offseason, but he is incredibly dumb for proclaiming and glamourizing it on radio.

this *** is being paid 10 million dollars per year and he has the balls to kick the league's image hard it the gut and even compounds his idiocy by speaking about the marijuana use of other nba players. hey josh, there are kids of there you ******. keep your ****ing mouth shut and don't think you can just smear over the image of the league that made you a millionaire for doing something you love.


+100 for the NFL

04-26-2008, 03:39 AM
So...........Euros smoke cigs DURING the season but that's OK? This guy blazes in the offseason.

Which is more likely to adversely affect the product on the court?

04-26-2008, 03:42 AM
My first real job, I worked with a guy who was on the practise squad for the University of Arizona. He did the drugs that most athletes do, weed, speed, alcohol, and cocaine. Everyone on the team called the "random" drug tests the IDIOT TESTS. You have to fail them on purpose. You can, through your coach and/or faculty, "reschedule" tests due to "circumstances". This is an open secret with college athletes. He was more of a dealer, and had exactly zero chance of making a pro team, but he was on the squad. And he passed every drug test, without fail, whenever they were given. He helped run a
$10 million a year business (an OTB that routinely kept $60-100k on hand to cover bets, and he was Treasurer). You can work with your bosses on these matters. You CANNOT fu#k over you coworkers by publicly breaking the very most lenient policy on planet motherf#cking Earth.

We all do it. Just like many of the perks that being an adult provides, we all do it. We all sleep with our coworkers. We all do recreational drugs. We all come to work hung over eventually. There is a massive, pervasive portion of adult society that participates in many if not all of these activities. But only the idiots talk about it in public. Smart people develop code to brag. Josh is a child selling out adults. Tell me Dirk doesn't look smoked out of his brain and body in those famous pictures of his. Europeans in general (and Germans in particular) will smoke and drink, day and night. They are literally a subway ride from Amsterdam. They worship beer. Dirk gets F^CKED UP.

In short, I would rather see Marquis Daniels sitting on the bench, injured, high, at an NBA game, WEARING A TONY MONTANA SHIRT BUT NOT SAYING A GODDAMN WORD, than hear Josh Howard sell out all professionals on the radio. I get it. Michael Irvin gets high, too. He didn't admit it. Not ever. He just got caught, again and again, with weed and cocaine. So he sort of has to acknowledge it, but I've never heard him admit it. This is acceptable. Josh
Howard is not Cheech and Chong. He is not Harold and Kumar. Do not sell out everyone who smokes just because you do. Deny in English, and confirm in code. That is the way that every professional operates. Josh Howard should be denied weed until he learns basic protocol. That would teach him.

04-26-2008, 03:55 AM
nice post npd

i actually play better when im high. its really weird cause normally im mellow and relaxed when i blaze, but whenever i smoke and play ball i get this crazy energy out of nowhere. ****ing weird

04-26-2008, 03:57 AM
My first real job, I worked with a guy who was on the practise squad for the University of Arizona. He did the drugs that most athletes do, weed, speed, alcohol, and cocaine. Everyone on the team called the "random" drug tests the IDIOT TESTS. You have to fail them on purpose. You can, through your coach and/or faculty, "reschedule" tests due to "circumstances". This is an open secret with college athletes. He was more of a dealer, and had exactly zero chance of making a pro team, but he was on the squad. And he passed every drug test, without fail, whenever they were given. He helped run a
$10 million a year business (an OTB that routinely kept $60-100k on hand to cover bets, and he was Treasurer). You can work with your bosses on these matters. You CANNOT fu#k over you coworkers by publicly breaking the very most lenient policy on planet motherf#cking Earth.

We all do it. Just like many of the perks that being an adult provides, we all do it. We all sleep with our coworkers. We all do recreational drugs. We all come to work hung over eventually. There is a massive, pervasive portion of adult society that participates in many if not all of these activities. But only the idiots talk about it in public. Smart people develop code to brag. Josh is a child selling out adults. Tell me Dirk doesn't look smoked out of his brain and body in those famous pictures of his. Europeans in general (and Germans in particular) will smoke and drink, day and night. They are literally a subway ride from Amsterdam. They worship beer. Dirk gets F^CKED UP.

In short, I would rather see Marquis Daniels sitting on the bench, injured, high, at an NBA game, WEARING A TONY MONTANA SHIRT BUT NOT SAYING A GODDAMN WORD, than hear Josh Howard sell out all professionals on the radio. I get it. Michael Irvin gets high, too. He didn't admit it. Not ever. He just got caught, again and again, with weed and cocaine. So he sort of has to acknowledge it, but I've never heard him admit it. This is acceptable. Josh
Howard is not Cheech and Chong. He is not Harold and Kumar. Do not sell out everyone who smokes just because you do. Deny in English, and confirm in code. That is the way that every professional operates. Josh Howard should be denied weed until he learns basic protocol. That would teach him.

Great Post

Lamar Doom
04-26-2008, 04:05 AM
audio link: http://sports.espn.go.com/espnradio/player?context=podcast&id=3367892

haven't read the article but he doesn't actually throw anyone "under the bus" in this interview; he just says a lot of guys smoke pot in the league.

04-26-2008, 04:07 AM
i hope he didnt blow it for luke, ronny, jordan, and my boy lamar

Lamar Doom
04-26-2008, 04:10 AM
i hope he didnt blow it for luke, ronny, jordan, and my boy lamar

you know vlad rad is in too, he probably makes his own bongs

audio link: http://sports.espn.go.com/espnradio/...ast&id=3367892

04-26-2008, 04:13 AM
My first real job, I worked with a guy who was on the practise squad for the University of Arizona. He did the drugs that most athletes do, weed, speed, alcohol, and cocaine. Everyone on the team called the "random" drug tests the IDIOT TESTS. You have to fail them on purpose. You can, through your coach and/or faculty, "reschedule" tests due to "circumstances". This is an open secret with college athletes. He was more of a dealer, and had exactly zero chance of making a pro team, but he was on the squad. And he passed every drug test, without fail, whenever they were given. He helped run a
$10 million a year business (an OTB that routinely kept $60-100k on hand to cover bets, and he was Treasurer). You can work with your bosses on these matters. You CANNOT fu#k over you coworkers by publicly breaking the very most lenient policy on planet motherf#cking Earth.

We all do it. Just like many of the perks that being an adult provides, we all do it. We all sleep with our coworkers. We all do recreational drugs. We all come to work hung over eventually. There is a massive, pervasive portion of adult society that participates in many if not all of these activities. But only the idiots talk about it in public. Smart people develop code to brag. Josh is a child selling out adults. Tell me Dirk doesn't look smoked out of his brain and body in those famous pictures of his. Europeans in general (and Germans in particular) will smoke and drink, day and night. They are literally a subway ride from Amsterdam. They worship beer. Dirk gets F^CKED UP.

In short, I would rather see Marquis Daniels sitting on the bench, injured, high, at an NBA game, WEARING A TONY MONTANA SHIRT BUT NOT SAYING A GODDAMN WORD, than hear Josh Howard sell out all professionals on the radio. I get it. Michael Irvin gets high, too. He didn't admit it. Not ever. He just got caught, again and again, with weed and cocaine. So he sort of has to acknowledge it, but I've never heard him admit it. This is acceptable. Josh
Howard is not Cheech and Chong. He is not Harold and Kumar. Do not sell out everyone who smokes just because you do. Deny in English, and confirm in code. That is the way that every professional operates. Josh Howard should be denied weed until he learns basic protocol. That would teach him.
Way to speak the truth.

new noise
04-26-2008, 04:52 AM
Who's gonna fix me up an avy of Josh hitting a bong?

04-26-2008, 05:23 AM
lamar doom, when you're an NBA player part of your job is to maintain a positive image.
that's bull**** and you know it. charles barkley said something along the lines of this one time, he shouldn't be raising your kids just because he dunks a basketball on T.V.

weed isn't all that bad either, im not saying it isn't bad but a nba player that gets drunk after everygame they win is worse then an nba player that smokes it up in the offseason.

being a smoker i know, i can do it and a week later i can get 90 in a test.

only reason why weed aint legal is because the white man don't make the best weed.

04-26-2008, 12:15 PM
that's bull**** and you know it. charles barkley said something along the lines of this one time, he shouldn't be raising your kids just because he dunks a basketball on T.V.

you're right, people should raise their own kids. but guess what, that's not how it works sometimes. alot of parents don't bother with their kids so athletes are role models. like you said, it probably shouldn't be that way, but it is. that's why the NBA tries to keep these guys in line. enough with the "woulda coulda shoulda" stuff. josh howard should not be on the radio talking about smoking weed, period. he has a job which restricts him from doing so. his team doesn't want him talking about it, the league doesn't want him talking about it, and his family probably doesn't want him talking about it. jordan brand and his other endorsement deals probably don't like it either. stop trying to argue for the guy, he made a stupid mistake... any way you look at it he shouldn't have said the things he said for numorous reasons that go beyond whether or not you agree that athletes should or shouldn't be able to smoke weed, or whether athletes should or shouldn't be role models.

04-26-2008, 12:57 PM
Tsk Tsk Josh Howard.

04-26-2008, 01:21 PM
My first real job, I worked with a guy who was on the practise squad for the University of Arizona. He did the drugs that most athletes do, weed, speed, alcohol, and cocaine. Everyone on the team called the "random" drug tests the IDIOT TESTS. You have to fail them on purpose. You can, through your coach and/or faculty, "reschedule" tests due to "circumstances". This is an open secret with college athletes. He was more of a dealer, and had exactly zero chance of making a pro team, but he was on the squad. And he passed every drug test, without fail, whenever they were given. He helped run a
$10 million a year business (an OTB that routinely kept $60-100k on hand to cover bets, and he was Treasurer). You can work with your bosses on these matters. You CANNOT fu#k over you coworkers by publicly breaking the very most lenient policy on planet motherf#cking Earth.

We all do it. Just like many of the perks that being an adult provides, we all do it. We all sleep with our coworkers. We all do recreational drugs. We all come to work hung over eventually. There is a massive, pervasive portion of adult society that participates in many if not all of these activities. But only the idiots talk about it in public. Smart people develop code to brag. Josh is a child selling out adults. Tell me Dirk doesn't look smoked out of his brain and body in those famous pictures of his. Europeans in general (and Germans in particular) will smoke and drink, day and night. They are literally a subway ride from Amsterdam. They worship beer. Dirk gets F^CKED UP.

In short, I would rather see Marquis Daniels sitting on the bench, injured, high, at an NBA game, WEARING A TONY MONTANA SHIRT BUT NOT SAYING A GODDAMN WORD, than hear Josh Howard sell out all professionals on the radio. I get it. Michael Irvin gets high, too. He didn't admit it. Not ever. He just got caught, again and again, with weed and cocaine. So he sort of has to acknowledge it, but I've never heard him admit it. This is acceptable. Josh
Howard is not Cheech and Chong. He is not Harold and Kumar. Do not sell out everyone who smokes just because you do. Deny in English, and confirm in code. That is the way that every professional operates. Josh Howard should be denied weed until he learns basic protocol. That would teach him.
Actually, at the Shaq Roast, Irving actually said, "I smoke weed, you know my memory isn't too good :oldlol:. Honestly, I don't think he's calling anyone out. Everybody knows theres a good handful of athletes that smoke weed. So he isn't saying anything we didn't already know.

I think this is what we need. People think weed is so bad. If an athlete can come out and say he smokes weed in the OFFSEASON, then maybe the world won't look at weed like its crack or heroin. If people won't listen to the millions of cancer patients that fight for weed, maybe they'll listen to athletes. Props to Josh Howard for not caring what people think and standing up for Weed. If players can party after the game and get drunk, there shouldn't be a problem with smoking weed in the offseason. He's not calling anyone out, he is standing up for them.

04-26-2008, 01:25 PM

Cancer patients fighting for weed.

04-26-2008, 01:38 PM

Cancer patients fighting for weed.
:oldlol: It's true. I know it sounds crazy but weed helps Cancer patients going through kimo. It offsets their nausea and gives them an apatite among other things. If the rest of the US got down with Medical Marijuana like Cali did, the whole country would be a much better place :pimp:. No more going to jail for a gram and no more shelling out tax money to lock up harmless potheads. Police resources could be used to stop real crime. DECRIMINALIZE IT!

04-26-2008, 01:55 PM
Yeah, in Toronto, no body dares arrest someone for a gram of weed, you have to have ounces on your for them to stop you. Is it seriouse in the states like that? 1 gram and they get you?

04-26-2008, 02:00 PM
if u get pulled over with weed in the states, even a gram...your getting a ticket....if they find it...and u'll be fcked if u don't get a lawyer. never happened to me, but that is how i always imagined it would go if i ever did get busted. i got caught several times as a kid...driving and smoking...and nothing happened. one time my friend had a fop card and the other times i guess the cops were acting like they didn't smell it. i am pretty sure cops know ur life could be ruined if they write u up for a gram of fcking pot so i dunno. depends on who the cop is. i'll tell u this much cops hate liars...so if u get pulled over and they ask....and u say no and they search and find something....well your def. getting a ticket or arrested.

High Potential
04-26-2008, 02:09 PM
Yeah, in Toronto, no body dares arrest someone for a gram of weed, you have to have ounces on your for them to stop you. Is it seriouse in the states like that? 1 gram and they get you?
However in Cali you can get a medical marijuana prescription from wack ass docters who you sign up for the same day, all you do is walk in, tell em your hip hurts or you got stomach pain or something and they give it to you no questions asked. California is going to begin using vending machines to distribute the weed. There are a buttload of "medical cannabis supply"stores for these people with "legal prescriptions" where they sell **** like pot brownies, pot candy, pot cake---basically what I'm saying is weed is basically legal in LA, just you can't be carrying alot because you'll get nailed with intent to distribute. It's not illegal to smoke it, just to sell it.

04-26-2008, 02:39 PM
Yeah, in Toronto, no body dares arrest someone for a gram of weed, you have to have ounces on your for them to stop you. Is it seriouse in the states like that? 1 gram and they get you?
I don't know about everywhere else, but in Texas, it's pretty bad. A lot of my friends have gone to jail for weed. All of them had personal amounts. The most somebody had was probably 3 grams. The least one of my friends went to jail for was a ROACH! It was one of those days where we couldn't find any weed so were just chilling outside a friends house. He finds a roach in his car and as he lights it up, a unmarked police cars pulls up at the same time. They cuff him and took him in. They said some crap about the area being a "Zero Tolerance Zone".

However in Cali you can get a medical marijuana prescription from wack ass docters who you sign up for the same day, all you do is walk in, tell em your hip hurts or you got stomach pain or something and they give it to you no questions asked. California is going to begin using vending machines to distribute the weed. There are a buttload of "medical cannabis supply"stores for these people with "legal prescriptions" where they sell **** like pot brownies, pot candy, pot cake---basically what I'm saying is weed is basically legal in LA, just you can't be carrying alot because you'll get nailed with intent to distribute. It's not illegal to smoke it, just to sell it.
Wow. Just wow. That sounds like heaven to me. Vending machines with weed :applause:? I still get amazed no matter how many times I hear how weed laws are less stritct in other parts of the US and in Canada. I would love to be able to smoke weed and not have to worry about going to jail. If you are serious about those doctors, I'm going to have to hit you up if I ever goto LA. I need me a perscription :D. I just want to experience going in a actual store and being able to pick out buds from a catalog like its buying gorceries.

04-26-2008, 04:49 PM
Wow. Just wow. That sounds like heaven to me. Vending machines with weed :applause:? I still get amazed no matter how many times I hear how weed laws are less stritct in other parts of the US and in Canada. I would love to be able to smoke weed and not have to worry about going to jail. If you are serious about those doctors, I'm going to have to hit you up if I ever goto LA. I need me a perscription :D. I just want to experience going in a actual store and being able to pick out buds from a catalog like its buying gorceries.

My brother and two friends have cannibas cards. My bro has a doctor who you just pay 150$ and you get a 6 month prescription. They already put the vending machines in a couple places in Long Beach... and the Feds came in and shut the place down. The best part of the clubs are the hashes and oils, in my opinion. Nothing like sprinkling a little GDP hash over some Prime Time Purps.

the only real issue in CA is Feds. Multiple counties have actually voted to legalize marijuana... but Federal Law squashes both County and State Law.

Still, if you get caught with anything under an ounce in CA its essentially a ticket unless they can prove intent to sell.

04-28-2008, 12:40 AM
silly negro.

04-28-2008, 12:57 AM
However in Cali you can get a medical marijuana prescription from wack ass docters who you sign up for the same day, all you do is walk in, tell em your hip hurts or you got stomach pain or something and they give it to you no questions asked. California is going to begin using vending machines to distribute the weed. There are a buttload of "medical cannabis supply"stores for these people with "legal prescriptions" where they sell **** like pot brownies, pot candy, pot cake---basically what I'm saying is weed is basically legal in LA, just you can't be carrying alot because you'll get nailed with intent to distribute. It's not illegal to smoke it, just to sell it.
thanks for giving me ideas, this summer ill be smoking ganja all day
u sure about the illegality being just dealin?

Lamar Doom
04-28-2008, 05:02 AM
Wow. Just wow. That sounds like heaven to me. Vending machines with weed :applause:? I still get amazed no matter how many times I hear how weed laws are less stritct in other parts of the US and in Canada. I would love to be able to smoke weed and not have to worry about going to jail. If you are serious about those doctors, I'm going to have to hit you up if I ever goto LA. I need me a perscription :D. I just want to experience going in a actual store and being able to pick out buds from a catalog like its buying gorceries.

thanks for giving me ideas, this summer ill be smoking ganja all day
u sure about the illegality being just dealin?

there's some other little hitches-- bottom line is it depends on the officer in every situation, but you don't want to have it in your car unless it's locked in the glove box or trunk or in a stapled shut bag (i know, crazy.) my feeling is unless you're driving and smoking the cops don't do sh*t. We have off duty cops that work as ITC (interm traffic control) on our location (non sound-stage) film sets and i've asked all of them and none of them care at all. I've never heard an official word on how much you're allowed to carry, but if your intentions are simply to smoke really good weed in the privacy of your home, you will have no problems at all. It is super illegal to share (i buy for my girlfriend and friends but we deal with that behind closed doors at home and i don't profit from it) as well, so you want to keep it to yourself or just keep it in your place and they can't/won't do anything to you.

My year long perscription cost me 135, i was nervous about the whole process so i showed up in a button down and slacks all clean shaven and acting proper, trying to take the doctors "evaulation" seriously. The kid who came in to the doctors office behind me was in a wife beater with basketball shorts on and told the receptionist "I got the anxiety" (he got his card too, they don't give a sh*t). I told them it helped me sleep (true) and reduced stress (true) and it was a non issue. I showed up with an out-of-state driver's license and I didn't even bring any medical documentation (the guy who referred me to the doctor had documentation of an old surgery) and it was no problem. (i have had to get a cali ID since, i don't know if that was a legal rule change or just the weed dispensary i go to's policy) they did some formality weighing me, blood pressure check, but most of the evaluation was the doctor reviewing the questionaire i'd filled out in the lobby. Needless to say I passed and, what's this? oh there's a dispensary right next door the doctor's office. glory.

Alright so understand i spent my childhood in iowa and nyc, iowa being a big soil rich farm state and nyc being a major metropolitan city that has a big pot supply and demand... quality sh*t on both ends. Nothing like the stuff they have out here, it glows in the dark and scratches your balls for you while you smoke it. It's genetically engineered to do you right, no brown-frown headaches, no stress stress, just top of the line medical grade herb. GLORY.

I've only been to 5 or 6 different dispensaries so far, they're all sort of similiar but all have their own thing going. most places will have a big dry erase board posting their selections for the day. usually 20-30 different kinds of pot depending on where you go. They will have glass jars of everything in a case for you to look at and smell. they seperate them into Sativa (head highs, they claim it to be more functional and is often preferred by artists and musicians) and Indeca (body high, a deeper sleepier, heavier high preferred by pot heads) and Hybrids (both) and sometimes they'll go so far as to seperate the purples/blues (usually predominantly indeca strains but they kind of have their own thing going... Purple Erkle, Grandaddy Purple, Purple Kush, BLueberry, Lavender, Blue Dream... etc, always smells and looks incredible but i'm not as big on the purps) it's all pretty amazing at first, i got a big variety to begin but now i have a lot of usuals and stand bys. I can't tell a major difference between sativa and indeca, i think the differences are probably hyped up for a more compelling sales variety. I try to get fresh, frosty stuff in dense buds.

Edibles- the place i go to has the biggest selection and best edibles i've ever had. my first experience was with the lemon bar, it's 12 bucks, it's made from platinum ghani kush (silly potent stuff) and they warn you that it's XXXXX strength and medicates a 250 pound man for 12 hours. I had half of the thing and was planning to go see a movie, not happening, I ended up in bed with the covers pulled up to my nose crying my eyes out to Reno 911 or something. You kind of have to feel out the proper dose or you end up a catatonic retard like i was that afternoon. Seriously though the spot i go to is the only one that has edibles this potent. I had a rice krispy treat and a cupcake from another place before paintball and i barely noticed. They have cookies, lemon bars, brownies, peanut butter cups, all sorts of bars, lozenges, lollipops, honey, you can buy the ganja butter and make your own stuff, everything.

concentrates- Most dispensaries have hash, hash oils, keef, and other weird concentrates. I don't get into that much though I did check out some Blackberry Kush Kief one time, but I don't need all the bells and whistles.

what's medical marijuana cost? there's stuff for everybody's price range, the one i go to is a higher end one, with 1/8th costing as much as 90$ (only Plutonium OG and Platinum OG are 90, most of the super high end stuff is 70-80) and as low as 50$. I've seen stores that have cheap bulk outdoor pot too if you're broke (100$ ounces of some seemingly perfectly decent greenery). There's all sorts of weird deals though, some places will sell you a joint of top shelf shake for a few bucks, you can get grams in every dispensary (usually grams and 1/8ths, but you can get quantity if you want) the store i go to in my neighborhood has a rewards card so you get 5% credit on every dollar you spend, they also have 50 dollar friday where they discount a bunch of their stuff to 50$. some stores will just cut you deals, there's a store in hollywood i go to when i stay at my girls and this nice russian guy is always standing over the clerk's shoulder going "give him 10$ off the bubba kush, give him a lighter and a free joint". it's a crazy world. you'll trip.
I'm currently working on some "Pineapple", "818 Kush", and "Platinum Headband" and they're all lovely. Thank you California.

Lamar Doom
04-28-2008, 05:03 AM
thanks for giving me ideas, this summer ill be smoking ganja all day
u sure about the illegality being just dealin?

what an unbelievably long post to double post... how about i tell you some of the funny names i've seen for types of pot? big buddha cheese (2007 cannibus cup winner), alaskan thunder f*ck (ATF), magic johnson Kush, Mr. Nice, platinum banana (arguably the best stuff i've tried), Organic trainwreck, Purple Power Plant, and 90210. it's such a crazy experience, i spent the night in jail in college for smoking a joint and now i can walk into a store and shop around for it.

04-28-2008, 05:10 AM
what an unbelievably long post to double post
Ugh can't wait till I move to San Fran (3 weeks)

06-29-2021, 08:33 AM

Josh is not pleased.

Always like his game

06-29-2021, 09:20 AM
I cringed at people making smoking marijuana a bad thing. Yikes.

*consumes more alcohol at basketball game*