View Full Version : LeBron James left a $10 tip on a $800 dollar bill? WTF!!!!!

05-09-2008, 03:29 PM
Dude is making millions - $10 bucks????


Waiter Calls Foul on LeBron James
Posted May 9th 2008 10:11AM by TMZ Staff

Cleveland Cavalier LeBron James recently dined at Cleveland's XO Prime Steaks where he ate like a king, but tipped like a servant.

According to Cleveland Scene, LeBron and a few friends stopped by the restaurant for a late night bite. The group stayed well past closing time, until nearly 4:00 AM, ordering drinks and racking up an $800 bill. When it came time to pay up, LeBron allegedly left a measly $10 tip. Brick!

Maybe LeBron should take a lesson in tipping from Barack Obama.

Calls to LeBron's rep were not returned.

05-09-2008, 03:32 PM
tmz is a crap site. a reader who reads tmz is a fool.

05-09-2008, 03:33 PM
Dude is making millions - $10 bucks????


Waiter Calls Foul on LeBron James
Posted May 9th 2008 10:11AM by TMZ Staff

Cleveland Cavalier LeBron James recently dined at Cleveland's XO Prime Steaks where he ate like a king, but tipped like a servant.

According to Cleveland Scene, LeBron and a few friends stopped by the restaurant for a late night bite. The group stayed well past closing time, until nearly 4:00 AM, ordering drinks and racking up an $800 bill. When it came time to pay up, LeBron allegedly left a measly $10 tip. Brick!

Maybe LeBron should take a lesson in tipping from Barack Obama.

Calls to LeBron's rep were not returned.

ya thats pretty bad, atleast give the 15%..

i remember hearing kobe tipped a valet $100

i guess lebron is saving up to buy the cavs and then fire that horrible front office, and his offense-deficient coach!

05-09-2008, 03:34 PM
i wouldn't leave a tip after a late night munchie either if my tab totaled over $800. Sounds like this chick needs to talk to her boss, sounds like he made a nice come up. i mean come on, bron prolly said lets go grab a burger...and after all is said and done he's hit with a $800 bill...he'll never be the richest man in the world at that rate...$800 a night just for a late night munch. anyways we all found out LeBron was a jerk when he threw that steak across the restraunt cause it was over cooked....

05-09-2008, 03:40 PM
ya thats pretty bad, atleast give the 15%..

i remember hearing kobe tipped a valet $100

i guess lebron is saving up to buy the cavs and then fire that horrible front office, and his offense-deficient coach!

I agree..Or atleast a 20% tip...

05-09-2008, 03:41 PM
When a meal is that much

Isn't the Gratuity included in the Bill?

I just askin not implying anything extra or excuse L.J.

05-09-2008, 03:42 PM
i wouldn't leave a tip after a late night munchie either if my tab totaled over $800. ....

you wouldn't? even if the restaurant open way pass their closing schedule to accomdate you? wow!!

05-09-2008, 03:43 PM
When a meal is that much

Isn't the Gratuity included in the Bill?

I just askin not implying anything extra or excuse L.J.

gratuity only include when your with a group of people..

05-09-2008, 03:43 PM
Lebron should have left a 19% tip...because that's his FG% in the first two games against Boston.... but I guess with a few more bricks he can get closer to the 1% tip he left hahaha :D

05-09-2008, 03:44 PM
Tipping is the greatest sham in american history, I love it when I travel overseas and tipping wasn't a requirement.

05-09-2008, 03:47 PM
LeBron should have left a 19% tip....matching his shooting %. I think that's fair.

05-09-2008, 03:47 PM
gratuity only include when your with a group of people..

All kidding aside..I think he was with a group so I'm assuming it was included...and someone is just looking for publicity.

05-09-2008, 03:48 PM
Tipping is the greatest sham in american history, I love it when I travel overseas and tipping wasn't a requirement.

overseas (at least in western europe), the tip is included in the bill. so in a way, you're paying for it also

05-09-2008, 03:48 PM
If I were LeBron I wouldn't have tipped much either, not on an $800 bill.

But then again I'm not in the States, where everyone is obsessed with tipping.
Bunch of weirdos.

05-09-2008, 03:49 PM
When a meal is that much

Isn't the Gratuity included in the Bill?

I just askin not implying anything extra or excuse L.J.

gratuity is usually only added to parties of 6 or more....and in nice steakhouses meals can easily reach that especially if you are ordering wine, etc.

i have 2 friends that both work at really nice restaurants out here in AZ....both of them within the same week had a tables with bills over $2000. One table i remember was a $750 and two $400 bottles of wine.....and then the friggin chick threw up all over the table, etc...what a waste! hahaha

anyway, with a few people those meals can get expensive real quick and the servers usually make bank....except the one in the article supposedly.

05-09-2008, 03:50 PM
Tipping is the greatest sham in american history, I love it when I travel overseas and tipping wasn't a requirement.

big, i love your post man. but, that's foul......

my friends are waiters who are struggling LA and NYC actors. they live on tips...

Manute for Ever!
05-09-2008, 03:51 PM
For $800, I'd want a solid gold burger with platinum onions and $100 bills in place of the lettuce.

Put Back Dunk
05-09-2008, 03:53 PM
:wtf: Way to bust apart those stereotypes LeBron.

Manute for Ever!
05-09-2008, 03:54 PM
:wtf: Way to bust apart those stereotypes LeBron.

Hoe does he become "Sports first Billionaire" by throwing away money?

05-09-2008, 03:55 PM
big, i love your post man. but, that's foul......

my friends are waiters who are struggling LA and NYC actors. they live on tips...
No one if forcing them to be waitress, are they going to return some of the tip if someone happened to pay over the gratuity %? It's quite hypocritical... they knew what they were going into when they signed up for it. I know waitress who are banking at their jobs, and yet they throw a tantrum when an occasional bad tip comes up.

05-09-2008, 03:57 PM

"Tipping? **** that."

Put Back Dunk
05-09-2008, 03:58 PM
Hoe does he become "Sports first Billionaire" by throwing away money?

:oldlol: Maybe by not ordering drinks with some friends until 4 A.M.

Seriously, how are people in here acting like he was just grabbing a burger at a 1950's style drive in or some sh!t.....this is a steak house and he's getting loaded with friends. Now, I'll admit that $800 is a bit high, but it's not unheard of.

edit: OMG, look at their website (http://xoprimesteaks.com/cleveland_steakhouse_home/) and tell me you couldn't rack up $800 in this place while drinking until 4 A.M.

05-09-2008, 04:01 PM
TMZ is ****.

05-09-2008, 04:02 PM
You've gotta tip in America. It's just the way the system runs. Do you think waiters get by on 7.50 an hour?

Overseas you don't have tipping, you have terrible service. Personally, I'll take tipping anyday.

On a $800 dollar bill, $10 is how much you'd tip if she dropped the food on your lap.

05-09-2008, 04:02 PM
Uh, you guys may want to check TMZ again.

"For the record, XO would like to clear up a misunderstanding resulting from a story that appeared in the Cleveland Scene on May 7th...Upon completion of his meal, Mr. James paid his bill with a credit card. Our waiter mistakenly read the receipt, inferring that Mr. James had left him only a $10 tip. To clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. James arranged for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter."

This is why TMZ is ****. They report a story and then update it later saying, oh we didn't have the entire story... sigh

Put Back Dunk
05-09-2008, 04:04 PM
Uh, you guys may want to check TMZ again.

"For the record, XO would like to clear up a misunderstanding resulting from a story that appeared in the Cleveland Scene on May 7th...Upon completion of his meal, Mr. James paid his bill with a credit card. Our waiter mistakenly read the receipt, inferring that Mr. James had left him only a $10 tip. To clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. James arranged for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter."

Now THAT I can respect. F*ck the steak house, give the waitress the cash.

05-09-2008, 04:06 PM
lebron is a cheap bastard. if he's going to talk the talk he needs to walk the walk. he want to be this mogul but everything he does out in public plays a part in his persona. tipping fairly well is just an investment. a few extra bucks in the grand scheme of things will make him look a lot better than being a stingy cheapskate.

05-09-2008, 04:06 PM
lebron is a cheap bastard. if he's going to talk the talk he needs to walk the walk. he want to be this mogul but everything he does out in public plays a part in his persona. tipping fairly well is just an investment. a few extra bucks in the grand scheme of things will make him look a lot better than being a stingy cheapskate.

Read the update moron.

05-09-2008, 04:07 PM
Read the update moron.
posted before i read the update f@ggot

05-09-2008, 04:07 PM
No NBA player will ever be as bad of a tipper as Scottie Pippen, he's legendary for it.

05-09-2008, 04:08 PM
No NBA player will ever be as bad of a tipper as Scottie Pippen, he's legendary for it.
c webb

05-09-2008, 04:09 PM
:oldlol: Maybe by not ordering drinks with some friends until 4 A.M.

Seriously, how are people in here acting like he was just grabbing a burger at a 1950's style drive in or some sh!t.....this is a steak house and he's getting loaded with friends. Now, I'll admit that $800 is a bit high, but it's not unheard of.

edit: OMG, look at their website (http://xoprimesteaks.com/cleveland_steakhouse_home/) and tell me you couldn't rack up $800 in this place while drinking until 4 A.M.

[B][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]
Thanks for posting that website, FUT

05-09-2008, 04:09 PM
This deserved a thread?

05-09-2008, 04:10 PM
Read the update moron.

posted before i read the update f@ggot


05-09-2008, 04:11 PM
wtf i just took a band out to lunch and tipped $50 on a $200 bill. But then again its on my bosses card and we're not trying to be billionaires

05-09-2008, 04:11 PM
IMO, i don't think that just because the bill goes up, the tip should. If anything I'll tip the damn cooks for preparing my food and I'll get up and bring the food to the table myself. I hate tipping even though I always leave 20%.

05-09-2008, 04:16 PM
Dude is making millions - $10 bucks????


Waiter Calls Foul on LeBron James
Posted May 9th 2008 10:11AM by TMZ Staff

Cleveland Cavalier LeBron James recently dined at Cleveland's XO Prime Steaks where he ate like a king, but tipped like a servant.

According to Cleveland Scene, LeBron and a few friends stopped by the restaurant for a late night bite. The group stayed well past closing time, until nearly 4:00 AM, ordering drinks and racking up an $800 bill. When it came time to pay up, LeBron allegedly left a measly $10 tip. Brick!

Maybe LeBron should take a lesson in tipping from Barack Obama.

Calls to LeBron's rep were not returned.

TMZ was wrong, it wasn't Lebron, it was Greg Ogden, he's a rookie give him a break, they're from the same Cave/village so the waiter made a mistake.:banghead:

05-09-2008, 04:25 PM
This is why he did not get much vote for MVP 2008

Laker Logic
05-09-2008, 05:09 PM
"For the record, XO would like to clear up a misunderstanding resulting from a story that appeared in the Cleveland Scene on May 7th...Upon completion of his meal, Mr. James paid his bill with a credit card. Our waiter mistakenly read the receipt, inferring that Mr. James had left him only a $10 tip. To clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. James arranged for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter."

1. I agree this is a non-story.

2. That said, this "explanation" makes no sense at all. Saying the waiter "mistakenly" read the receipt implies that he was wrong about only getting a $10 tip. If he was wrong, and got a more appropriate tip, then why would James "arrange for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter"? If the waiter was right, and Lebron stiffed him on the tip, then sending someone back to "deliver an appropriate tip" doesn't mean the initial report was wrong, just means Lebron wanted to cover his ass after the fact.

3. I would bet $800 that that XO waiter is now that former XO waiter.

hito da god
05-09-2008, 05:38 PM
4 AM? No wonder he's shooting 19% and turning it over 8.5 times a game...

05-09-2008, 05:49 PM
to be fair, waiters are way overpaid. why the hell do you deserve a tip from bringing someone food?

do janitors get tips for cleaning out *****stains?

05-09-2008, 05:53 PM
big, i love your post man. but, that's foul......

my friends are waiters who are struggling LA and NYC actors. they live on tips...

tell them to get an education, then.

05-09-2008, 05:59 PM
Obviously the guy learn from Garnett, Kemp and Pippen. :lol

05-09-2008, 05:59 PM
im not from the US so i don't get this tipping sh!t.

05-09-2008, 06:01 PM
im not from the US so i don't get this tipping sh!t.
Ok, I know for a fact that even people outside US tip after they eat at a nice restaurant. :lol

05-09-2008, 06:09 PM
Reading comprehension ftw.

Da KO King
05-09-2008, 06:13 PM
Looking at reviews for the place and apparently it sucks. Food is good but service is horrible. If LeBron was leaving a minimal tip to prove a point he should have left a note along with it.

05-09-2008, 06:16 PM
I've left a quarter once for horrible service at Jerry's Famous Deli in Marina Del Ray, CA. I coud have easily not left anything, but I wanted the waiter to know that I'm leaving him $0.25 for his crappy service and not that I might have forgotten to leave a tip.

Da KO King
05-09-2008, 06:26 PM
I've left a quarter once for horrible service at Jerry's Famous Deli in Marina Del Ray, CA. I coud have easily not left anything, but I wanted the waiter to know that I'm leaving him $0.25 for his crappy service and not that I might have forgotten to leave a tip.
Exactly. If you're going to low tip to make a point it has to either be obvious or a note HAS to be left.

Considering that I have read 7 reviews for the place and only one gave the service a good rating (that one seemed bogus because it took more digs at Morton's than it gave props to XO) I wouldn't be shocked if LeBron left that $10 tip for poor service.

05-09-2008, 06:49 PM
LOL this place serves "Kobe Burgers."


05-09-2008, 06:53 PM

"Tipping? **** that."


I love that conversation.

05-09-2008, 06:55 PM
LOL this place serves "Kobe Burgers."

You don't know what Kobe beef is? :confusedshrug:

Lakers Fan
05-09-2008, 07:07 PM

"Tipping? **** that."

Before I even clicked this thread I knew at least one person would be posting a pic of Steve Buscemi. :oldlol:

"I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves it, but I mean this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. I order coffee I want it filled six times. Jesus Christ, these ladies aren't starving to death - they make minimum wage."


"You know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitress's."

05-09-2008, 09:25 PM
Hoe does he become "Sports first Billionaire" by throwing away money?

it doesn't even matter... tiger woods will easily get there before him..

05-09-2008, 09:26 PM
Lebron is the "chosen one", the waiter should tip Lebron.

05-09-2008, 09:39 PM
at a upscale restaurant its easy to rack up a 800 bill, drinks alone can add up to a few hundred, im sure they kept the waitress busy to. if this is true its not a good look for lebron, im no where near rich but i always leave a really nice tip, especially if the service was exceptional.

05-09-2008, 10:44 PM
to be fair, waiters are way overpaid. why the hell do you deserve a tip from bringing someone food?

do janitors get tips for cleaning out *****stains?

In the DC area, most waiters get paid less than minimum wage legally. As a bartender I was still only making 6.50 an hour before tips when I was paying my way through my college education. So go easy on waiters/waitresses. Think of it like a commission. If a salesperson sells a certain amount, they are entitled to a percentage of that sale.

Same sort of thing.

05-09-2008, 10:56 PM
Tipping is the greatest sham in american history, I love it when I travel overseas and tipping wasn't a requirement.

lol the tip is included in the bill in europe you dill

05-09-2008, 11:06 PM
Crash 2005 "Black People Don't Tip" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375679/quotes)

Anthony: That waitress sized us up in two seconds. We're black and black people don't tip. So she wasn't gonna waste her time. Now somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind.

Peter: So, uh... how much did you leave?

Anthony: You expect me to pay for that kind of service?


05-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Some people from Cleveland I have talked to have questioned the legitimacy of the source. Either way, I'm another one who doesn't get this whole entitle I have to tip you thing either. If you want a tip, give me good service and earn it, but in this same argument on other boards dudes are likening it to stealing to not tip 20% and claiming even for horrible service I have to tip 10%. bulldamn

05-10-2008, 12:14 AM
this rule of 15% of the bill for tipping is lame

a tip is a tip, it's not your wage. 20 bucks is as high as i go

1/5th of 800 is 160 bucks, THAT is a little high for a tip, i would have left maybe 50 bucks for that size of bill, but hey, i guess im a jerk too then

05-10-2008, 12:17 AM
He lures little girls into a candy van. Or at least that's what I'm told.

05-10-2008, 12:19 AM
this rule of 15% of the bill for tipping is lame

a tip is a tip, it's not your wage. 20 bucks is as high as i go

1/5th of 800 is 160 bucks, THAT is a little high for a tip, i would have left maybe 50 bucks for that size of bill, but hey, i guess im a jerk too then

Seriously though, my friends and I left $100 on a $450 check last weekend. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Our waitress was almost always within earshot even though we were at a fairly busy bar/restaurant.

I'm just saying that people say bad things about famous people and hope that they stick. It's just trolling for attention.

Lakers Fan
05-10-2008, 12:22 AM
If I were Bron I would be looking very carefully at my food for a while. I hear the waiter/bus boy mafia can be disgustingly ruthless. :D He definitely shouldn't eat at that restaurant again. Even if I want to slug a m'fer, I don't piss off people that prepare my food if I want to enjoy eating it.

05-10-2008, 12:38 AM
Seriously though, my friends and I left $100 on a $450 check last weekend. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Our waitress was almost always within earshot even though we were at a fairly busy bar/restaurant.

I'm just saying that people say bad things about famous people and hope that they stick. It's just trolling for attention.

yea i hear ya, and that's great that you guys decided to do that for your waitress, i just wouldn't

05-10-2008, 12:44 AM
i only give tips to the hot waitresses, and by tips i mean free sex

White Chocolate
05-10-2008, 12:52 AM
If I were Bron I would be looking very carefully at my food for a while. I hear the waiter/bus boy mafia can be disgustingly ruthless. :D He definitely shouldn't eat at that restaurant again. Even if I want to slug a m'fer, I don't piss off people that prepare my food if I want to enjoy eating it.

This happened to Warren Sapp and Kobe Bryant. Never mess with someone that handles your food because you have no idea what they can put in it.

05-10-2008, 01:35 AM
this rule of 15% of the bill for tipping is lame

a tip is a tip, it's not your wage. 20 bucks is as high as i go

1/5th of 800 is 160 bucks, THAT is a little high for a tip, i would have left maybe 50 bucks for that size of bill, but hey, i guess im a jerk too thenclassy

05-10-2008, 01:38 AM
No, that's logic...

Why the **** should I paid some chump more for serving me the expensive wine instead of some basic one? He doesn't work any harder, does he deserve it? Nope...

lol the tip is included in the bill in europe you dill
Because when I say traveling overseas it means europe? Nope I travel to a few asian country and had a blast, and I tip someone if I felt like it.

05-10-2008, 01:38 AM
I caught a cab downtown and the driver told me how Scottie Pippen wanted a free because he was Scottie Pippen. He said something along the lines of "don't you know who I am?". He told me Jermaine Oneal once tipped him big.

05-10-2008, 01:45 AM
Oh and my uncle has worked at every major bar down town here in Portland. THe Lotus, Baracuda, Gypsy, and now a smaller one, Realtos. Guys that don't tip get seriously black balled. They get their drinks last, their drinks are not as strong so they pay more, and all around not tipping well gets you a bad rep forever. He's served many NBA players from Cliff Robinson, Brian Grant, Patrick Ewing, all great tippers. Lebron is a cheap bastard.

05-10-2008, 01:47 AM
this rule of 15% of the bill for tipping is lame

a tip is a tip, it's not your wage. 20 bucks is as high as i go

1/5th of 800 is 160 bucks, THAT is a little high for a tip, i would have left maybe 50 bucks for that size of bill, but hey, i guess im a jerk too then
That's reasonable... think about it. You are making millions, the bill is split between you and probably at least two others as well as the tip.

05-10-2008, 01:51 AM
No, that's logic...

Why the **** should I paid some chump more for serving me the expensive wine instead of some basic one? He doesn't work any harder, does he deserve it? Nope...I was a waiter & sommelier for most of my younger years and in my experience, I seldom served a guest that said things like "Why the ****", and referred to his or her waiter or Sommelier as a "Chump".

Even if such a guest would show up, he would usually be asked to go home and change out of his Batman tank top and flip flops before he could be seated.

And by the way, a waiter serving you "the expensive wine" as you call it, has a little more training and knowledge than whoever it is that has been serving you your bush light in a can.

05-10-2008, 01:53 AM
And by the way, a waiter serving you "the expensive wine" as you call it, has a little more training and knowledge than whoever it is that has been serving you your bush light in a can.
The only training he might have more is to not drop the bottle from point A to B...

05-10-2008, 01:55 AM
The only training he might have more is to not drop the bottle from point A to B...

05-10-2008, 02:25 AM
Oh and my uncle has worked at every major bar down town here in Portland. THe Lotus, Baracuda, Gypsy, and now a smaller one, Realtos. Guys that don't tip get seriously black balled. They get their drinks last, their drinks are not as strong so they pay more, and all around not tipping well gets you a bad rep forever. He's served many NBA players from Cliff Robinson, Brian Grant, Patrick Ewing, all great tippers. Lebron is a cheap bastard.
I'd say that is pretty much most people in general. I don't go to clubs as much as I used to. However I've noticed that when you tip the bartender or waitress good on your first drink, they pretty much take care of you for the rest of the night. At least that's been MY experience, service is better and drinks are pretty nice.

As far as the topic, wasn't it posted pages back that LeBron took care of the tip? So why is this thread growing? It seems to be a non issue.

artest 93
05-10-2008, 03:50 AM
My friend got $5 tip from Jason Richardson at Jackson or Thundervalley like two years ago. Ballet Parking << :roll:

Yes, nothern california.

05-10-2008, 04:29 AM
Tipping is the greatest sham in american history, I love it when I travel overseas and tipping wasn't a requirement.

The jokes on YOU buddy :oldlol:

Kinda like how you think all the ketchup you take from McDonalds is FREE

05-10-2008, 04:37 AM
omg 10 dollar tip. big ****ing whoop seriously lol.

05-10-2008, 05:24 AM
"according to Cleveland scene", yeah right. Great source.

05-10-2008, 05:34 AM
Reason #54509 to hate LeBron James.

05-10-2008, 05:43 AM
No NBA player will ever be as bad of a tipper as Scottie Pippen, he's legendary for it.

Haha....No Tippin' Pippen

05-10-2008, 07:52 AM
LeBron Not a Cheap Ass After All?

Posted May 9th 2008 2:30PM by TMZ Staff

Could LeBron James' whole $10 tip on an $800 meal incident be just a big misunderstanding?

The owner of the XO Prime Steaks, where the whole stingy scene went down, has issued the following statement:

For the record, XO would like to clear up a misunderstanding resulting from a story that appeared in the Cleveland Scene on May 7th...Upon completion of his meal, Mr. James paid his bill with a credit card. Our waiter mistakenly read the receipt, inferring that Mr. James had left him only a $10 tip. To clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. James arranged for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter.


05-10-2008, 08:01 AM
LOL@People reading TMZ and actaully believing it.

05-10-2008, 08:02 AM
LOL@People reading TMZ and actaully believing it.

It's 8:00 in the morning. Aint other sh!t to do...

05-10-2008, 08:29 AM
It's 8:00 in the morning. Aint other sh!t to do...

Sure there is, get a job.

05-10-2008, 10:19 AM
LeBron Not a Cheap Ass After All?

Posted May 9th 2008 2:30PM by TMZ Staff

Could LeBron James' whole $10 tip on an $800 meal incident be just a big misunderstanding?

The owner of the XO Prime Steaks, where the whole stingy scene went down, has issued the following statement:

For the record, XO would like to clear up a misunderstanding resulting from a story that appeared in the Cleveland Scene on May 7th...Upon completion of his meal, Mr. James paid his bill with a credit card. Our waiter mistakenly read the receipt, inferring that Mr. James had left him only a $10 tip. To clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. James arranged for an appropriate tip to be delivered to the restaurant for the waiter.


I posted this yesterday, but people only read the first post and post from there.

05-10-2008, 10:22 AM
I could have sworn this was a basketball board. 6 page thread about Lebron tipping at a restaurant. My God.

05-10-2008, 10:26 AM
I could have sworn this was a basketball board. 6 page thread about Lebron tipping at a restaurant. My God.

If they can't find something to bash on about his game, then theres always what he does in public and outside of basketball. :rolleyes:

05-10-2008, 10:31 AM
I could have sworn this was a basketball board. 6 page thread about Lebron tipping at a restaurant. My God.

Actually it has become more of a "my hero > your hero" kind of popularity contest held by insecure teenage boys.

05-10-2008, 10:55 AM
this place seems terrible anyways. Almost no positive reviews exist






05-10-2008, 11:24 AM
If they can't find something to bash on about his game, then theres always what he does in public and outside of basketball. :rolleyes:Uh, have you even been watching the playoffs? :confusedshrug:

05-10-2008, 11:26 AM
Uh, have you even been watching the playoffs? :confusedshrug:

Against the Celtics he's been shocking. Everyone knows that, and its overplayed now. We all get it.

05-10-2008, 11:46 AM
Against the Celtics he's been shocking. Everyone knows that, and its overplayed now. We all get it.You do? ...
If they can't find something to bash on about his game, then theres always what he does in public and outside of basketball.In that case your post doesn't make sense. :confusedshrug:

05-10-2008, 11:47 AM
i dont tip anybody im from england we don't have to tip unless its an american restraunt like tgi fridays in which they include the tip in the bill

05-10-2008, 11:53 AM
kinda off topic, but my brother was a bell boy at a high class local resort and happend to be Brad Pitts bellboy. After making 3 trips for all the bags he held out his hand because Brad had not tipped him and Brad gave him five (not cash, just slapped his hand)

Why when you make millions of dollars can you suddenly not tip like the rest of us normal people.?

05-10-2008, 11:57 AM
You do? ... In that case your post doesn't make sense. :confusedshrug:

I'm speaking in general about Lebron haters, not this as a one off.

05-10-2008, 12:03 PM
You do? ... In that case your post doesn't make sense. :confusedshrug:

Have you got anything better to do with your time then follow me around on an internet forum and argue with each one of my posts? You really must adore me.

05-10-2008, 12:08 PM
At least he gave a tip. Stop complaining.

05-10-2008, 02:47 PM
Here's how I do it:

Good service = 20%
Normal/unremarkable service = 15%
Bad service = 10%

Rarely do I ever get service so bad that I can't tip 10% - only if they're being insulting, or make me wait an hour for a drink or something like that. And also, rarely do I get service so good that I want to go over 20%.

05-10-2008, 02:51 PM
They call him King James for a reason

05-10-2008, 03:08 PM
I posted this yesterday, but people only read the first post and post from there.
If Lebron actually tipped correctly, why did he need to arrange for the tip to be delivered? What did he do at the time of service? Write an IOU?

The Ownage
05-10-2008, 05:43 PM

I never knew America was so obsessed over tipping.

You lot are actually MOANING and BELITTLING someone for not giving more money? Who cares if LeBron is rich, he can give as much as he wants. It's not the law to tip, the waiter/waitresses should no that there should absolutely be NO tip guarantee.

HAHA this is seriously dumb. Makes me laugh.

05-10-2008, 06:04 PM

I never knew America was so obsessed over tipping.

You lot are actually MOANING and BELITTLING someone for not giving more money? Who cares if LeBron is rich, he can give as much as he wants. It's not the law to tip, the waiter/waitresses should no that there should absolutely be NO tip guarantee.

HAHA this is seriously dumb. Makes me laugh.
Well you see, tipping has been a norm over here. There are certain expectations because of this. Just like opening a door for the ladies for a gentleman. Something like that.

05-10-2008, 06:33 PM
I hate people who think they are entitled to getting tips from ANYONE, not just rich customers. They are already getting page a wage to do their job so it is no ones duty to give them anything more. They chose their job so it's no one's problem if they are unhappy with the pay they are getting.

05-10-2008, 06:36 PM
I wish the restaurant just paid them on an hourly wage and have all tips go to the owner, and see how they like it then.

Back In Shape
05-10-2008, 07:05 PM
I hate people who think they are entitled to getting tips from ANYONE, not just rich customers. They are already getting page a wage to do their job so it is no ones duty to give them anything more. They chose their job so it's no one's problem if they are unhappy with the pay they are getting.

Yeah you're an idiot who doesn't live in the real world. I WOULD LOVE for your boss to have that mentality the next time you feel you are due for a raise. "Hey pal you chose your job, so it's no ones problem but your own if you are unhappy about what I pay you". I bet you anything you just wouldn't shrug your shoulders and accept that attitude as the way things are done, you would probably pout like a little b!tch who's ice cream cone fell in the dirt.

The sh!t is performance oriented just like anything else and they get paid less than minimum wage because gratuity is expected.

05-10-2008, 07:30 PM
I know I live in the real world, you live in some kind of a fantasy world it seems.

I WOULD LOVE for your boss to have that mentality the next time you feel you are due for a raise. "Hey pal you chose your job, so it's no ones problem but your own if you are unhappy about what I pay you".
I wouldn't be happy about it but it's not my call. Tough break but they can reject that request if they want.

If I don't like what I'm getting paid the I probably should've done something to qualify for a better job. Same goes for these people. They work a weak job? I don't care. Tough break.

05-10-2008, 07:52 PM
I used to be the same way about the expectations for tips. I used to be a horrible tipper with the reasoning 1. Resturant bill aint cheap because they overprice food then tax you and I'm supposed to also pay part of the waiters salary for eating. 2. I'm not rich

But after dating females who were bartenders. I understand how dependant most are on tips. And while you can say get a better job. There might not be anything better out there nor convienent. And a lot of folks are pressed for any kind of work to get paid. Most in school etc etc etc

I was so bad a tipper my mom and friend gave me a friggin tip card that tells you what is 15%, 20% on the bill I get. Like a damn chart up to $100.

The counter for not wanting to tip/complaining over the tip and overpriced food? Dont go there. You know from the door what you're walkin into. If you dont want to pay the bill/tip then find a place that you can, somewhere affordable where a tip isnt really required or asked for. But if you wanna go to a nice resturant and impress a date or enjoy thier food? There is a price attatched to it.

05-10-2008, 08:24 PM
I hate people who think they are entitled to getting tips from ANYONE, not just rich customers. They are already getting page a wage to do their job so it is no ones duty to give them anything more.That's really not true. Waiters generally get paid below the minimum wage with the understanding that their tips will be their primary form of compensation. Like it or not, this is how the restaurant industry works.

They chose their job so it's no one's problem if they are unhappy with the pay they are getting.If everyone tipped like Lebron, I guess eventually nobody would be willing to work as a waiter, and the system would have to change. Menu prices would rise by 20% so that they could pay the waitstaff enough to accept the job with no tips.

I don't really understand how that's better than the consumer though.

05-10-2008, 08:26 PM
The counter for not wanting to tip/complaining over the tip and overpriced food? Dont go there. You know from the door what you're walkin into. If you dont want to pay the bill/tip then find a place that you can, somewhere affordable where a tip isnt really required or asked for. But if you wanna go to a nice resturant and impress a date or enjoy thier food? There is a price attatched to it.Exactly. The tip is part of the price of the meal. If you can afford $20 for your dinner, you don't go to a place that has $20 entrees and stiff them. You stick to a $15 place so that you don't have to steal the service.

05-10-2008, 08:29 PM
If I don't like what I'm getting paid the I probably should've done something to qualify for a better job. Same goes for these people. They work a weak job? I don't care. Tough break.At an upscale restaurant like that it isn't a weak job. The waiters there have almost certainly paid their dues at a lesser restaurant (or they know the right people or whatever), and pull down a decent salary. Not many of their customers steal the service - just the *******s.

05-10-2008, 08:41 PM
not tipping is not the same thing as stealing. Stealing would be if he ate and just left without paying anything.

All this stuff about maybe they can't get a better job, they might be paying their way through school, could be a single mom, might have a car payment or debt from some horrible situation that befell them, sucks, but not really the consumer's problem. You want a good tip, earn one. Don't be a total ***** then act surprised when I just tip you the amount of change that would just be inconvenient for me take back.

They are terrible about it in Arcadia, CA too; got the nerve to seat you literally an arm's reach from the kitchen window where the orders come out at, then autocharge you 20% gratuity when all your waitress is doing is grabbing the food, 1 reverse pivot step, and hand it to you. I could have reached over and grabbed it my damn self, and you want like 60$ in 30 minutes because we all had a bunch of overpriced ass drinks and food and racked up like 150$ bill? ***** let the drinks get dry as the Sahara over there. Take that **** off, I'll just decide what tip to give you. 37.86 total? Here's 2 20's. Have a nice one.

05-10-2008, 08:50 PM
If everyone tipped like Lebron, I guess eventually nobody would be willing to work as a waiter, and the system would have to change. Menu prices would rise by 20% so that they could pay the waitstaff enough to accept the job with no tips.

I don't really understand how that's better than the consumer though.
True but until that happens, we can continue to "exploit" the system by giving whatever amount in tips we want. As for being able to pay for high-end food meaning you are able to give them a better tip... why? If I'm already paying a high price for a meal then, like you said, those people are probably getting paid well and why should I feel the need to add it?

It's not like I don't tip. I do, but I sure as hell won't be calculating to make sure I give them 15% and not a penny less. Sometimes I'll just round up to a certain # I feel is adequate or simply by how many bills/coins I have on hand. I absolutely hate people who think they are entitled to a tip just because they work a certain job.

What can I say? I like money for myself and I don't care about random people enough to give them extra simply because it is the "thing to do". Some people are nicer and this brings them some kind of extra gratification. Not me.

05-10-2008, 08:54 PM
Does anyone else have any personal rule for tipping?

My rule is if the service is fine and not exceptionally great then it is 10% rounded up to the nearest dollar for meals below $150 and 10% rounded up to the nearest 5 dollars for meals above. I'll just double them if the service is exceptional and the waiter is actually trying.

05-10-2008, 08:57 PM
That's really not true. Waiters generally get paid below the minimum wage with the understanding that their tips will be their primary form of compensation. Like it or not, this is how the restaurant industry works.
If everyone tipped like Lebron, I guess eventually nobody would be willing to work as a waiter, and the system would have to change. Menu prices would rise by 20% so that they could pay the waitstaff enough to accept the job with no tips.

That's the truth. When I was working to pay rent in college, many of the waiters I worked with would literally get negative paychecks because Bertucci's pays $2.35 an hour to a waiter and they are taxed on their tips. So...a big night in tips equals more taxes than you actually made that night. Therefore they would owe the restaurant that night. Now imagine if they got no tips. They couldn't even afford one Bertucci's delicious delicous pizza after an 8 hour shift.

Pretty sad but that's the way it works. People complain and say get a better job but when you're in school, time is limited, and options are short, you take what you can get. People should look at it as a commission on the service provided. I'm in a nice sales position now that I'm out of school, and I get commission on what I bring in to the company. As a waiter, if they upsell a patron on the nicer bottle of wine, they should see some of that back in the tip.

05-10-2008, 09:13 PM
As for being able to pay for high-end food meaning you are able to give them a better tip... why? If I'm already paying a high price for a meal then, like you said, those people are probably getting paid well and why should I feel the need to add it?I don't think you understand; they get paid better in higher end restaurants because the tips are better. If you don't tip them, then I guess they get nothing, same as if you don't tip at a dive.

I absolutely hate people who think they are entitled to a tip just because they work a certain job.What if waiters hated people who think that they're entitled to have food brought out to them just because they sat down at a table and ordered it? If you can't afford table service, take your broke ass to McDonalds. Using services that you know are supposed to cost money and not paying for them makes you an *******.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:20 PM
Lebron is the "chosen one", the waiter should tip Lebron.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:24 PM
Haha....No Tippin' Pippen

05-10-2008, 09:25 PM
What if waiters hated people who think that they're entitled to have food brought out to them just because they sat down at a table and ordered it? If you can't afford table service, take your broke ass to McDonalds. Using services that you know are supposed to cost money and not paying for them makes you an *******.
I clearly CAN afford table service since I've never been told that I forgot to pay any "table service" charge. If they want to include a service fee (like some restaurants do) into the bill then go ahead. If that's not included, then take whatever tip I feel like giving, be happy you got SOMETHING, and move on to your next table.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:28 PM
I used to be the same way about the expectations for tips. I used to be a horrible tipper with the reasoning 1. Resturant bill aint cheap because they overprice food then tax you and I'm supposed to also pay part of the waiters salary for eating. 2. I'm not rich

But after dating females who were bartenders. I understand how dependant most are on tips. And while you can say get a better job. There might not be anything better out there nor convienent. And a lot of folks are pressed for any kind of work to get paid. Most in school etc etc etc

I was so bad a tipper my mom and friend gave me a friggin tip card that tells you what is 15%, 20% on the bill I get. Like a damn chart up to $100.

The counter for not wanting to tip/complaining over the tip and overpriced food? Dont go there. You know from the door what you're walkin into. If you dont want to pay the bill/tip then find a place that you can, somewhere affordable where a tip isnt really required or asked for. But if you wanna go to a nice resturant and impress a date or enjoy thier food? There is a price attatched to it.
:roll: at GOBB not knowing how to figure out 10%, 15%, 20%, etc

10% is one decimal point over from the total... 15% is 10% + 5% (half of the 10%) and 20% is 10% x 2

are you really that stupid?

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:30 PM
The only training he might have more is to not drop the bottle from point A to B...

the waiters with proper training can recommend which wines go with which foods, which wines suit the tastes of certain patrons who have a preference for dryness, flavor, etc, and generally have an extensive knowledge of the menu that you couldn't get if you put a ihop waitress in their place. when you pay $800 for a meal, you get a staff that belongs at a place with those menu prices. when you pay $18 at chili's you get staffed accordingly

05-10-2008, 09:42 PM
:roll: at GOBB not knowing how to figure out 10%, 15%, 20%, etc

10% is one decimal point over from the total... 15% is 10% + 5% (half of the 10%) and 20% is 10% x 2

are you really that stupid?

Huh? You dont make sense. Who said I couldnt figure it out? :confusedshrug:

05-10-2008, 09:43 PM
the waiters with proper training can recommend which wines go with which foods, which wines suit the tastes of certain patrons who have a preference for dryness, flavor, etc, and generally have an extensive knowledge of the menu that you couldn't get if you put a ihop waitress in their place. when you pay $800 for a meal, you get a staff that belongs at a place with those menu prices. when you pay $18 at chili's you get staffed accordingly
That's what they want you to to believe, people who work at higher chains are just more presentable or someone got them the job.

It's just all training, it works both way... higher chain waiters aren't going to do a better at Ihop against someone who's been working there for years.

I don't discriminate when I walk into a suit department vs something simple like asking a wal-mart employee on laundry detergent.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:44 PM
You needed a chart to figure it out. You said so, and clearly I don't make sense to the guy who couldn't figure out 10%.

05-10-2008, 09:46 PM
You needed a chart to figure it out. You said so, and clearly I don't make sense to the guy who couldn't figure out 10%.

you obviously dont get it

05-10-2008, 09:48 PM
i hate when i leave a nice tip and they don't comeback to the table and say thank you. i remember them b!tches the next time they wait on me.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:49 PM
That's what they want you to to believe, people who work at higher chains are just more presentable or someone got them the job.

It's just all training, it works both way... higher chain waiters aren't going to do a better at Ihop against someone who's been working there for years.

I don't discriminate when I walk into a suit department vs something simple like asking a wal-mart employee on laundry detergent.

clearly someone who has worked at dennys for years will have it down cold, but you tip based on the price of the meal, and the wait staff is hired accordingly. being presentable and knowledgeable is a prerequisite for fine dining staff. fat chicks can work at dennys. they can't work at Roy's.

05-10-2008, 09:52 PM
My point exactly, they both work equally hard... one is just in a better environment.

the even bigger black guy
05-10-2008, 09:54 PM
My point exactly, they both work equally hard... one is just in a better environment.

agreed, but usually people who work in high end restaurants work their way up to them. they are highly sought after jobs, so you either need A LOT of experience, good resume, or you have to be a relative of the owner.

05-10-2008, 09:54 PM
You needed a chart to figure it out. You said so, and clearly I don't make sense to the guy who couldn't figure out 10%.

I needed a chart? What the hell? :roll: What are you babbling about.

Prime example of a poster reaching for something that isnt there. Why? When that poster pulls his head from his posterior will you be able to find out.

05-10-2008, 09:55 PM
you obviously dont get it


05-10-2008, 10:20 PM
I worked as a waiter where I would make $25 per shift. Meaning i would work for 6-8 hours and would come out to what $3/hour. And if i had to serve someone for hours and get a $10 tip, I would be pissed as hell. Eat quickly and gtfo so I could serve someone who will actually pay me.

05-10-2008, 11:40 PM
kinda off topic, but my brother was a bell boy at a high class local resort and happend to be Brad Pitts bellboy. After making 3 trips for all the bags he held out his hand because Brad had not tipped him and Brad gave him five (not cash, just slapped his hand)

Why when you make millions of dollars can you suddenly not tip like the rest of us normal people.?

atleast if you're not going to tip bring your own damn bags up ... again it's not the law

The thing that bugs me about tipping is all the retail places you're doing customer service and you get absolutely nothing... paid minimum wage and no tips.. how do you expect these people to survive?

05-10-2008, 11:47 PM
the same way people who got paid minimum wage with no tips in other industries, the ones where you don't get an extra reward for doing what's already in your job description, do.

05-11-2008, 12:37 AM
not that big of a deal.

it's a fcuking tip. a FCUKING TIP. any tip is a bonus. why complain about bonus?

05-11-2008, 01:45 AM
In Australia, waiters get paid the minimum wage, however that is stil around 10-25 dollars an hour, which is fine for a part-time job.
Usually the service is fine, no need to wait, I am always happy and find the waiters and waitress' sincere.

I travelled to the states in the summer. I gotta say, I felt that the waiter staff were insincere, I had to wait longer for the food, wait longer just to get ordered, never came over when I needed to replace the cutlery, and when they finally did, all they were trying to do, was for show for an extra tip.

I just paid the 10-15% and got out of there.

Lamar Doom
05-11-2008, 05:41 AM
that's pretty cheap lebron, i hope he hears that it made news and either didn't know better and will tip right from now on or is so embarassed that he'll tip right from now on.

05-11-2008, 10:43 AM
The thing that bugs me about tipping is all the retail places you're doing customer service and you get absolutely nothing... paid minimum wage and no tips.. how do you expect these people to survive?Not all retail places pay just minimum wage - only the jobs that anyone can do with zero prior knowledge.

People who work retail at high end stores get paid a lot more than that. I know a guy who works at one of the expensive department stores, and pulls down 40k or so ($20/hour). He isn't a manager either. Sell high end cars, and you'll get even more.

So yeah, people who work at WalMart get crap pay just like people who wait tables at Denny's. That's why those jobs are more appropriate for high school students working part time. Hopefully by the time they get older and have more responsibilities they can move up to Neimen Marcus or the steak house Lebron went to, where 99% of the other customers pay for the service that they ask for.

05-11-2008, 11:49 AM
maybe it was a weak ass waiter who was slow and messed up on orders or was rude or made dumb comments about the cavs.

don't know the whole story, but 15%-25% tip is not mandatory. tips are for good service. if you didn't get good service, you don't have to reward them. and if you don't like the waiter, you don't have to give him sh!t.

05-11-2008, 11:54 AM
Soon enough, Ben Gordon will be waiting tables for a living.

05-11-2008, 01:51 PM
All this talk about not tipping waiters and how their overpaid, and no one has mentioned the fact that athletes are the most overpaid people in the world. Along with the owners of these teams. Talk about ridiculous greediness. These teams expect the cities to build their stadiums. Then they charge up the a ss to see a game and for concessions and merch. Biggest bunch of BS in the world.

05-11-2008, 03:49 PM
All this talk about not tipping waiters and how their overpaid, and no one has mentioned the fact that athletes are the most overpaid people in the world. Along with the owners of these teams. Talk about ridiculous greediness. These teams expect the cities to build their stadiums. Then they charge up the a ss to see a game and for concessions and merch. Biggest bunch of BS in the world.


More whine with your cheese?

05-11-2008, 04:05 PM
that's pretty cheap lebron, i hope he hears that it made news and either didn't know better and will tip right from now on or is so embarassed that he'll tip right from now on.

read the ****ing update. I wish the op would update his post so this thread will die...

01-01-2023, 05:17 AM
King James can do whatever he wants with his money

01-01-2023, 06:35 AM
And that's the reason he is now a Billionaire.

01-01-2023, 08:31 AM
And that's the reason he is now a Billionaire.

Let's say he's a billionaire. That would mean he had to save 53M in some form every year his career.

If he tipped 100$ instead of 10$ every day in the past 19 years that would lower his savings by 624 thousand dollars. Yeah, that's the reason he's a billionaire. Not his huge disposable income.

Full Court
01-01-2023, 12:05 PM
There are PLENTY of things to be critical of Bronie for, such as trying to trademark Taco Tuesday and being a LeShriveling choker, but this isn't one of them.

Maybe he got bad service. Some waiters/waitresses suck and don't deserve big tips. This is a terrible thread bump and not even worth discussing.

01-01-2023, 12:22 PM
Blacks are the only ones with balls to stand up to the server mafia and their demands for unjust tips.

01-01-2023, 12:35 PM
And that's the reason he is now a Billionaire.

Shut up you stupid flip.

01-02-2023, 07:29 AM
This waiter-tipping model is so outdated. Owners should pay their waiters higher wages and not pass it over to the customers. If they can't, perhaps they shouldnt be in business. WWII has been over for decades now. Japanese waiters don't accept tips because it's frankly insulting.

01-02-2023, 11:04 AM
What likely happened was that the manager took $100 tip for himself and left the server with the credit card tip. People do this because cash tips really can't be traced by the IRS.

As for what "servers" deserve and don't deserve restaurants have very small margins which mostly has to do with real estate prices. Servers are typically treated like contractors get no benefits and make $3.00 an hour. As a server typically your tables even out between the good ones and the bad ones. But the last table customers like Lebron that keep you there for hours upon hours that 10 dollar tip could have been for 4 hours of work.

01-02-2023, 11:43 AM
Dude is making millions - $10 bucks????


Waiter Calls Foul on LeBron James
Posted May 9th 2008 10:11AM by TMZ Staff

Cleveland Cavalier LeBron James recently dined at Cleveland's XO Prime Steaks where he ate like a king, but tipped like a servant.

According to Cleveland Scene, LeBron and a few friends stopped by the restaurant for a late night bite. The group stayed well past closing time, until nearly 4:00 AM, ordering drinks and racking up an $800 bill. When it came time to pay up, LeBron allegedly left a measly $10 tip. Brick!

Maybe LeBron should take a lesson in tipping from Barack Obama.

Calls to LeBron's rep were not returned.

Bron was drunk and thought he pulled out a 1000 dollar bill , but couldn't read with his high school diploma.

01-02-2023, 02:35 PM
do we know if gratuity was included and rounded up? seems likely given the 'group' indication...

01-02-2023, 04:13 PM
This waiter-tipping model is so outdated. Owners should pay their waiters higher wages and not pass it over to the customers. If they can't, perhaps they shouldnt be in business. WWII has been over for decades now. Japanese waiters don't accept tips because it's frankly insulting.


01-02-2023, 10:45 PM
My respect for LeBron goes up actually. If LeBron had ordered $80 worth would the waitress then not be complaining? I guess the main thing would be how long and how difficult it was to serve him.