View Full Version : The real reason why Chris Paul didnt win the MVP award this year...

05-10-2008, 01:14 AM



05-10-2008, 01:16 AM
the hell is wrong with his eyes lol.

05-10-2008, 01:17 AM
The one on the right looks like she got a Chuck Norris super-roundhouse kick straight to the chin. :rolleyes:

ShowTime LA
05-10-2008, 01:24 AM

05-10-2008, 01:27 AM
He's gotta be on something in that picture. The eyes and those girls...

05-10-2008, 01:30 AM
Chris loves ugly chicks.

I guess for him poon tang is poon tang.

05-10-2008, 01:32 AM
Because he posed with some fans?

05-10-2008, 01:37 AM
I don't get it...

05-10-2008, 01:39 AM
I don't get it...

Me either. :confusedshrug:

YAH trick YAH
05-10-2008, 01:48 AM
"Step ya game up CP"

05-10-2008, 01:50 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-10-2008, 01:51 AM
Where are the pictures from earlier in the season of the Jazz hanging out in some apartment?

05-10-2008, 01:52 AM
"Step ya game up CP"
ok he was posing with fans.

05-10-2008, 01:53 AM
Wow this means a whole lot. Kobe rapes a girl that looks like ET and he is more deserving? He is just posing with some fans which is pretty damn nice of him, and if he was messing with any of those girls who cares? Kind of refreshing to see a star that doesn't have the typical model around him at all times because he is rich and famous.

05-10-2008, 01:53 AM
"Step ya game up CP"
AK's wife looks like she has a 'stache. But she lets him join one groupy a year.

YAH trick YAH
05-10-2008, 01:54 AM
Where are the pictures from earlier in the season of the Jazz hanging out in some apartment?

Here: http://www.sports.ru/blog/kirilenko/3922368.html

It was just some NYE party with all the wives and players

05-10-2008, 01:55 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I love how you casually throw out pictures that statman posted and laugh at them. Maybe you should realize that you're saving other posters' pictures on your ****ing hardrive and then uploading them... Sh!t, it's not even a girl... it's a ****ing guy. Yes homo. :banghead:

05-10-2008, 01:56 AM
Where are the pictures from earlier in the season of the Jazz hanging out in some apartment?

05-10-2008, 01:57 AM
Here: http://www.sports.ru/blog/kirilenko/3922368.html

It was just some NYE party with all the wives and players
Yeah, those are the ones. Although it's missing the creepy Kirilenko ones.

And is it just me or does Paul look a little freaked out in the initial pictures?

05-10-2008, 01:58 AM
the hell is wrong with his eyes lol.
That's called blow homie!

05-10-2008, 01:59 AM
That's called blow homie!


not its not.

blow doesnt **** up ur eyes

youve never seen a drug in your life



05-10-2008, 02:02 AM

lol, fricken gold

05-10-2008, 02:04 AM

not its not.

blow doesnt **** up ur eyes

youve never seen a drug in your life


Actually cocaine dilates your pupils moron. Arent you the same kid that said marijuana doesnt make people hungry?? :oldlol:

05-10-2008, 02:05 AM
This is getting creepy. Why is this kid continually posting my picture? :sleeping

05-10-2008, 02:05 AM

not its not.

blow doesnt **** up ur eyes

youve never seen a drug in your life


Dude keep trying...

Warning signs a person is abusing or using cocaine

job loss
eyes bloodshot
eye pupils wide open


05-10-2008, 02:06 AM
Actually cocaine dilates your pupils moron. Arent you the same kid that said marijuana doesnt make people hungry?? :oldlol:
Yes he claimed that marijuana is an appetite suppressant.

05-10-2008, 02:08 AM
This is getting creepy. Why is this kid continually posting my picture? :sleeping
He looks at them after he comes home from a long night of playing rock paper scissors with his male friends at a "party"

05-10-2008, 02:08 AM
Yes he claimed that marijuana is an appetite suppressant.
And he called you a poser? :oldlol:

05-10-2008, 02:12 AM
Wow. This thread had potential, but quickly went downhill thanks to that dumbass, Starface.

05-10-2008, 02:14 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

and L.M.A.O.!! at posting a link to something that claims cocaine dilates your pupils. people attribute hundreds of side effects to drugs that dont actually happen in real life.

anyone who has basic knowledge/experience with coke knows it wouldnt even come close to making chris paul's eyes look like that

lol but keep arguing u rooks. its clearly an argument you arent gonna even come close to winning but the humiliation you'll suffer does stand to amuse

05-10-2008, 02:19 AM
I dont get it.

05-10-2008, 02:19 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

and L.M.A.O.!! at posting a link to something that claims cocaine dilates your pupils. people attribute hundreds of side effects to drugs that dont actually happen in real life.

anyone who has basic knowledge/experience with coke knows it wouldnt even come close to making chris paul's eyes look like that

lol but keep arguing u rooks. its clearly an argument you arent gonna even come close to winning but the humiliation you'll suffer does stand to amuse
Straight from the MayoClinics website...

One of THC's medical uses best supported by research is the treatment of nausea. It can improve mild to moderate nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy and help reduce nausea and weight loss in people with AIDS.


Now tell us that you know more about marjiuana than the Mayo Clinic :rolleyes:

05-10-2008, 02:20 AM
WOW...what a complete waste of time this thread is :sleeping god forbid if Chris Paul takes a picture with two fans...........I mean "breaking news......this just in" Chris Paul posed for a picture. :hammerhead: Lame, with I could get that 2 minutes back.

That cut into my beer pong game, hell I actually thought somebody posted a thread worthy of reading on why Chris Paul didn't win the award........thanks alot Statman.

05-10-2008, 02:24 AM
WOW...what a complete waste of time this thread is :sleeping god forbid if Chris Paul takes a picture with two fans...........I mean "breaking news......this just in" Chris Paul posed for a picture. :hammerhead: Lame, with I could get that 2 minutes back.
Obviously. Its suppose to be a joke about how hes with these broads when Kobe is with this...

http://www.superphotospace.com/images/8%20Vanessa%20Laine%20Bryant%20wife%20of%20Kobe_44 a153aa47e58.jpg

But morons like you have to take things too seriously and ASSume I'm hating.

05-10-2008, 02:25 AM
That cut into my beer pong game, hell I actually thought somebody posted a thread worthy of reading on why Chris Paul didn't win the award........thanks alot Statman.
SO you decided to check ISH during your beer pong game? Talk about FUNNY. :oldlol:

05-10-2008, 02:26 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

and L.M.A.O.!! at posting a link to something that claims cocaine dilates your pupils. people attribute hundreds of side effects to drugs that dont actually happen in real life.

anyone who has basic knowledge/experience with coke knows it wouldnt even come close to making chris paul's eyes look like that

lol but keep arguing u rooks. its clearly an argument you arent gonna even come close to winning but the humiliation you'll suffer does stand to amuse


05-10-2008, 02:27 AM
Straight from the MayoClinics website...


Now tell us that you know more about marjiuana than the Mayo Clinic :rolleyes:

the reason it is used in order to help people eat is because it dulls the pain which is what keeps them from being able to hold food down.

it doesnt actually MAKE you hungry. you are a moron. it distracts patients from their physical pain and thus gives them an opportunity to eat.

LOL. its an argument your not gonna win dude. i've been smoking plants for years. i know weed inside and out. you on the other hand have obviously tried it at most 4 times, all at parties where you wanted to impress girls, and you burned you're finger trying to fumble with the lighter and then got so high you made an ass of yourself and couldnt look anyone who saw you in the eye ever again. i see and laugh at your type all the time.

you're sitting here trying to argue based on webpage links and paragraphs. i actually smoke trees dude. get real. LMAO

05-10-2008, 02:29 AM
SO you decided to check ISH during your beer pong game? Talk about FUNNY. :oldlol:

Actually I was the next one up and was just killing time...........but seriously, what was the purpose behind this thread? you come off like just a hater who's just looking for any reason to bash a guy.......what's the matter is Chris Paul's performance making Steve Nash look like a hasbeen? I mean OMG, Paul was caught standing next to two girls.....alert the police.

05-10-2008, 02:30 AM
so much hate on this board... friggin awesome, i love it hahaha

and while we're on the subject of greenery, some people get hungry some people dont, it just depends on the person. I myself don't get the "munchies" cause i dont feel hungry after i smoke. Others, however, could eat a small village, so it depends, there is no exact science for something as natural as mary j

05-10-2008, 02:34 AM
the reason it is used in order to help people eat is because it dulls the pain which is what keeps them from being able to hold food down.

it doesnt actually MAKE you hungry. you are a moron. it distracts patients from their physical pain and thus gives them an opportunity to eat.

LOL. its an argument your not gonna win dude. i've been smoking plants for years. i know weed inside and out. you on the other hand have obviously tried it at most 4 times, all at parties where you wanted to impress girls, and you burned you're finger trying to fumble with the lighter and then got so high you made an ass of yourself and couldnt look anyone who saw you in the eye ever again. i see and laugh at your type all the time.

you're sitting here trying to argue based on webpage links and paragraphs. i actually smoke trees dude. get real. LMAO
It has been shown that there is a strong relationship between smoking marijuana and increased frequency and amount of eating.

Survey data on appetite stimulation (Haines and Green 1970) (N = 131) showed that 91 percent of marijuana users eat every time they smoke. Tart (1970) found that 93 percent of marijuana users (131) reported that marijuana made them enjoy eating very much and that they consequently ate a lot more. Foltin and colleagues (1986) reported that marijuana users eat more often. A study by Farrow and associates (1987) reported no hematologic changes or signs of nutrient deficiencies in marijuana users.

Marijuana is reported to enhance the sensory appeal of foods. Taste does not seem to be altered as measured by indexes of sourness (citric acid in lemonade), saltiness (NaCl in tomato juice), sweetness (sucrose in cherry-flavored drink), and bitterness (urea in tonic water). There does not appear to be impairment in the normal satiety mechanisms following marijuana ingestion.

Foltin and colleagues (1988) saw signs of a general increase in food intake on smoked marijuana days versus placebo days. The effect may not persist over an extended period of time, but long-term studies have not been done. Setting is important in appetite enhancement and social settings contribute heavily. Williams and associates (1946) did a chronic dosing study. They found that body weight went up and stayed up, possibly due to an effect of marijuana on fluid retention. Greenberg and colleagues (1976) saw a sharp increase in food intake followed by a leveling off. The increase in body weight may reflect a reduction in energy expenditure.

Food intake was greater after smoking, compared to oral and sublingual administration, but there was much individual variability. Marijuana seems to enhance appetite in the evening, whereas many cancer patients report having most of their appetite in morning. This would suggest a potential complementary use of marijuana.

Cachexia or wasting due to HIV infection is increasingly prevalent in the era of effective prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (Hoover et al. 1993). Significant weight loss, more than 20 percent of ideal body weight, is associated with shortened survival of HIV-infected patients (Kotler et al. 1989). The major causes of weight loss in HIV-infected patients are opportunistic infections, enteric infections associated with malabsorption, and reduced caloric intake. The latter is the most important cause of wasting in the absence of opportunistic infections and malabsorption (MacCallan et al. 1995).

Administration of the appetite stimulants megestrol acetate (VonRoenn et al. 1994) and dronabinol (Gorter et al. 1992) is associated with weight gain in HIV-infected patients. Anabolic steroids and recombinant human growth hormone produce an increase in lean body mass (Mulligan et al. 1993). In published studies, the weight gain produced by appetite stimulants or hormonal therapy has not been shown to be associated with an improved immunologic status or clinical outcome. All investigations, however, have been relatively short, 12 to 24 weeks in length. Although there is much anecdotal evidence of weight gain produced by use of smoked marijuana, no objective data relative to body composition alterations, HIV replication, or immunologic function in HIV-infected patients are available. An epidemiologic study demonstrated no alteration in the natural history of HIV infection with use of smoked marijuana (Kaslow et al. 1989), although other investigations in uninfected volunteers and animal models indicated that there are effects on components of the immune system. There have been no recent published studies of the impact of smoked marijuana on the immune system in HIV-infected patients using state-of-the-art immunologic assays.

Megestrol acetate (Oster et al. 1994, VonRoenn et al. 1994) produces weight gain that is predominantly fat, with very little increase in lean body mass. Dronabinol (9-THC) has been studied in patients with cancer (Nelson et al. 1994; Plasse et al. 1991) and AIDS (Gorter et al. 1992), who showed increased weight gain.

Beal and colleagues (1995) studied dronabinol as treatment for anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS. A significant increase in appetite was seen with a decrease in nausea, and a mood increase that was not significant. The 6-week study may have been too short to fully capture the effects of dronabinol.

In a survey looking at physicians' choice of drugs to treat wasting, the first line choice of 80 percent of the care providers was megestrol with dronabinol being used by 54 percent. Dronabinol was also the second line choice of most providers.

Problems that have been identified with dronabinol are that patients feel "too stoned"; are unable to titrate their dose properly; note delayed onset of effect, prolonged duration of effect, or problems with malabsorption; and "not the same feeling as smoked marijuana."

Several panelists pointed out that the weight gain is primarily an accumulation of water (sometimes of fat), but not of lean body mass. On the other hand, oncologists heard from patients with advanced cancer that increased appetite and weight gain are psychologically helpful, regardless of the nature of the added weight, and regardless of the impact (if any) on survival. Panelists also commented that very likely weight loss is an indicator rather than a cause of impending death.

05-10-2008, 02:34 AM
But morons like you have to take things too seriously and ASSume I'm hating.

yeah, because people that start threads like this are always "just joking", this post is more like somebody who bombed horribly and is now just trying to backtrack.

BTW........still got that "Bush is a bust" thread on dial (and with Houston drafting Steve Slaton) that should be a fun bump next season, because Reggie Bush sucks :)

05-10-2008, 02:35 AM
the reason it is used in order to help people eat is because it dulls the pain which is what keeps them from being able to hold food down.

it doesnt actually MAKE you hungry. you are a moron. it distracts patience from their physical pain and thus gives them an opportunity to eat.

LOL. its an argument your not gonna win dude. i've been smoking plants for years. i know weed inside and out. you on the other hand have obviously tried it at most 4 times, all at parties where you wanted to impress girls, and you burned you're finger trying to fumble with the lighter and then got so high you made an ass of yourself and couldnt look anyone who saw you in the eye ever again. i see and laugh at your type all the time.

you're sitting here trying to argue based on webpage links and paragraphs. i actually smoke trees dude. get real. LMAO
Once again you just exposed yourself.

It helps reduce nausea which causes people to vomit and to have a loss of appetite.

05-10-2008, 02:38 AM
yeah, because people that start threads like this are always "just joking", this post is more like somebody who bombed horribly and is now just trying to backtrack.

BTW........still got that "Bush is a bust" thread on dial (and with Houston drafting Steve Slaton) that should be a fun bump next season. :)

Wait so you think I'm backtracking? WHy else would I have made this thread? To hate on Chris Paul for taking pictures with ugly girls? Damn people here are way too emotional. :oldlol:

Go back to playing "beer pong" :oldlol:

05-10-2008, 02:40 AM
Go back to playing "beer pong" :oldlol:

Although I do think your "backtracking"........that is something we can agree on. :cheers: I'll be back later.

05-10-2008, 02:43 AM
the reason it is used in order to help people eat is because it dulls the pain which is what keeps them from being able to hold food down.

it doesnt actually MAKE you hungry. you are a moron. it distracts patients from their physical pain and thus gives them an opportunity to eat.

LOL. its an argument your not gonna win dude. i've been smoking plants for years. i know weed inside and out. you on the other hand have obviously tried it at most 4 times, all at parties where you wanted to impress girls, and you burned you're finger trying to fumble with the lighter and then got so high you made an ass of yourself and couldnt look anyone who saw you in the eye ever again. i see and laugh at your type all the time.

you're sitting here trying to argue based on webpage links and paragraphs. i actually smoke trees dude. get real. LMAO

I'm thinking about getting a place on the East River; any suggestions?

05-10-2008, 02:50 AM
:oldlol: The b*tch on the right looks like Nicolas Cage. :roll: smh

05-10-2008, 02:55 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

I guess I gained all that weight because I wasn't eating enough. :oldlol:

05-10-2008, 03:04 AM
I guess I gained all that weight because I wasn't eating enough. :oldlol:

no, what happened to you happens to a lot of people.

they get high because they think it makes them cooler, and then in the cliche tradition of acting like smoking weed is a scene straight out of half baked, they go and order like 50 dollars worth of food and then tell everyone how bad they have the munchies and that they're gonna eat 3 pizzas while listening to pink floyd cuz they're so stoned. wannabes do that **** all the time. typically the offenders are hippies and/or anime fanatics. wait a minute.......

LMAO. So far 3 people in this thread CLEARLY are exhibiting second hand knowledge of recreational drugs. please. continue posting your links to "webMD" and the like in order to give your opinions. everyone with real life experience is gettin a kick out of it

05-10-2008, 03:14 AM
no, what happened to you happens to a lot of people.

they get high because they think it makes them cooler, and then in the cliche tradition of acting like smoking weed is a scene straight out of half baked, they go and order like 50 dollars worth of food and then tell everyone how bad they have the munchies and that they're gonna eat 3 pizzas while listening to pink floyd cuz they're so stoned. wannabes do that **** all the time. typically the offenders are hippies and/or anime fanatics. wait a minute.......

LMAO. So far 3 people in this thread CLEARLY are exhibiting second hand knowledge of recreational drugs. please. continue posting your links to "webMD" and the like in order to give your opinions. everyone with real life experience is gettin a kick out of it
It has been shown that there is a strong relationship between smoking marijuana and increased frequency and amount of eating.

Survey data on appetite stimulation (Haines and Green 1970) (N = 131) showed that 91 percent of marijuana users eat every time they smoke. Tart (1970) found that 93 percent of marijuana users (131) reported that marijuana made them enjoy eating very much and that they consequently ate a lot more. Foltin and colleagues (1986) reported that marijuana users eat more often. A study by Farrow and associates (1987) reported no hematologic changes or signs of nutrient deficiencies in marijuana users.

Marijuana is reported to enhance the sensory appeal of foods. Taste does not seem to be altered as measured by indexes of sourness (citric acid in lemonade), saltiness (NaCl in tomato juice), sweetness (sucrose in cherry-flavored drink), and bitterness (urea in tonic water). There does not appear to be impairment in the normal satiety mechanisms following marijuana ingestion.

Foltin and colleagues (1988) saw signs of a general increase in food intake on smoked marijuana days versus placebo days. The effect may not persist over an extended period of time, but long-term studies have not been done. Setting is important in appetite enhancement and social settings contribute heavily. Williams and associates (1946) did a chronic dosing study. They found that body weight went up and stayed up, possibly due to an effect of marijuana on fluid retention. Greenberg and colleagues (1976) saw a sharp increase in food intake followed by a leveling off. The increase in body weight may reflect a reduction in energy expenditure.

Food intake was greater after smoking, compared to oral and sublingual administration, but there was much individual variability. Marijuana seems to enhance appetite in the evening, whereas many cancer patients report having most of their appetite in morning. This would suggest a potential complementary use of marijuana.

Cachexia or wasting due to HIV infection is increasingly prevalent in the era of effective prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (Hoover et al. 1993). Significant weight loss, more than 20 percent of ideal body weight, is associated with shortened survival of HIV-infected patients (Kotler et al. 1989). The major causes of weight loss in HIV-infected patients are opportunistic infections, enteric infections associated with malabsorption, and reduced caloric intake. The latter is the most important cause of wasting in the absence of opportunistic infections and malabsorption (MacCallan et al. 1995).

Administration of the appetite stimulants megestrol acetate (VonRoenn et al. 1994) and dronabinol (Gorter et al. 1992) is associated with weight gain in HIV-infected patients. Anabolic steroids and recombinant human growth hormone produce an increase in lean body mass (Mulligan et al. 1993). In published studies, the weight gain produced by appetite stimulants or hormonal therapy has not been shown to be associated with an improved immunologic status or clinical outcome. All investigations, however, have been relatively short, 12 to 24 weeks in length. Although there is much anecdotal evidence of weight gain produced by use of smoked marijuana, no objective data relative to body composition alterations, HIV replication, or immunologic function in HIV-infected patients are available. An epidemiologic study demonstrated no alteration in the natural history of HIV infection with use of smoked marijuana (Kaslow et al. 1989), although other investigations in uninfected volunteers and animal models indicated that there are effects on components of the immune system. There have been no recent published studies of the impact of smoked marijuana on the immune system in HIV-infected patients using state-of-the-art immunologic assays.

Megestrol acetate (Oster et al. 1994, VonRoenn et al. 1994) produces weight gain that is predominantly fat, with very little increase in lean body mass. Dronabinol (9-THC) has been studied in patients with cancer (Nelson et al. 1994; Plasse et al. 1991) and AIDS (Gorter et al. 1992), who showed increased weight gain.

Beal and colleagues (1995) studied dronabinol as treatment for anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS. A significant increase in appetite was seen with a decrease in nausea, and a mood increase that was not significant. The 6-week study may have been too short to fully capture the effects of dronabinol.

In a survey looking at physicians' choice of drugs to treat wasting, the first line choice of 80 percent of the care providers was megestrol with dronabinol being used by 54 percent. Dronabinol was also the second line choice of most providers.

Problems that have been identified with dronabinol are that patients feel "too stoned"; are unable to titrate their dose properly; note delayed onset of effect, prolonged duration of effect, or problems with malabsorption; and "not the same feeling as smoked marijuana."

Several panelists pointed out that the weight gain is primarily an accumulation of water (sometimes of fat), but not of lean body mass. On the other hand, oncologists heard from patients with advanced cancer that increased appetite and weight gain are psychologically helpful, regardless of the nature of the added weight, and regardless of the impact (if any) on survival. Panelists also commented that very likely weight loss is an indicator rather than a cause of impending death.

05-10-2008, 03:28 AM

marlo i didnt realize you were actually that big of a dork.

first getting completely exposed about your non-existent knowledge of any recreational drugs, but then copying + pasting factoids from a medical website as your only basis for opinion on marijuana.


i knew u were a clown but i didnt know u were that big of a dork too. :confusedshrug:

i guess i should have tho. lol. oh well, i wont underestimate you again

05-10-2008, 03:32 AM

marlo i didnt realize you were actually that big of a dork.

first getting completely exposed about your non-existent knowledge of any recreational drugs, but then copying + pasting factoids from a medical website as your only basis for opinion on marijuana.


i knew u were a clown but i didnt know u were that big of a dork too. :confusedshrug:

i guess i should have tho. lol. oh well, i wont underestimate you again
Well I guess I'm a dork for bringing multiple studies and facts to the table.

Normally that's what happens when two people have a disagreement rather than resort to name-calling and putting posters down.

05-10-2008, 03:36 AM
:oldlol: The b*tch on the right looks like Nicolas Cage. :roll: smh
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-10-2008, 03:39 AM
Marijuana reduces nausea and creates a sensation of hunger; it's a fact.

05-10-2008, 03:47 AM
Marijuana reduces nausea and creates a sensation of hunger; it's a fact.

ok, go to the thread where we originally had this conversation, and the people who ACTUALLY smoke trees all agreed with me.

the people who DONT smoke but like to talk about the munchies and 420 and basically give the impression that they smoke cuz they like to make people on the internet think they're cool, all think it actually makes you hungry.

its really one of the easiest ways to expose someone who doesnt know jack about trees.

marijuana is a stimulant. it speeds up your heart rate just like cigarettes and cocaine. all three of those drugs decrease your appetite. anyone who's ever used ANY of those substances can testify to that. its that simple. the people who actually know whats up know what i'm talking about. the wanna-be-down internet posers on this site [statman, marlobranferd, reppy, decewallets] think it gives you the munchies and if you listen to pink floyd while youre high youll totally trip out

you guys are clowns lol. you dont know what you're talking about. like seriously. recognize and realize how naive and phony you sound.

05-10-2008, 03:49 AM
ok, go to the thread where we originally had this conversation, and the people who ACTUALLY smoke trees all agreed with me.

the people who DONT smoke but like to talk about the munchies and 420 and basically give the impression that they smoke cuz they like to make people on the internet think they're cool, all think it actually makes you hungry.

its really one of the easiest ways to expose someone who doesnt know jack about trees.

marijuana is a stimulant. it speeds up your heart rate just like cigarettes and cocaine. all three of those drugs decrease your appetite. anyone who's ever used ANY of those substances can testify to that. its that simple. the people who actually know whats up know what i'm talking about. the wanna-be-down internet posers on this site [statman, marlobranferd, reppy, decewallets] think it gives you the munchies and if you listen to pink floyd while youre high youll totally trip out

you guys are clown. you dont know what you're talking about. like seriously. recognize and realize how naive and phony you sound.
Wrong once again.


05-10-2008, 03:50 AM
:oldlol: @ "other posters agree with me".

If you actually knew what you were talking about why would that even matter?

05-10-2008, 06:43 AM
cause most of the voters love scoring juggernauts :cry:

El Kabong
05-10-2008, 07:54 AM
cause most of the voters love scoring juggernauts :cry:
I read your post and thought to myself "What the heck is he talking about?", then I realised I was in a Chris Paul thread and not a marijuana one.

Lamar Doom
05-10-2008, 08:44 AM
I've smoked pot for 16 years and i usually feel more ravenous hunger cravings after smoking. It's awesome that you still call it "trees", on point like trick dice, eh playa? you really paid attention to that method man album you got, way to gain street cred. Your angry "i'm a pot expert and you're a poser" accusations are funny too, funny because you come off as a prick and funny because you don't know what the f*ck you're talking about. I've done my share of coke too and while it doesn't bug your eyes out like chris in that picture, it definitely affects the eyes. And coke definitely suppresses the appetite.

05-10-2008, 09:18 AM
First things first, I have not smoken weed.

But I have seen how people smoke it and how they react.

Those ****ers ate like 4-5 whole breads. Not your american bread but real black bread.

After that one guy just sat in one place and was paranoid and others enjoyed music.

Oh and the pic is funny but nothing special about it.

05-10-2008, 09:30 AM
:wtf: CP????

05-10-2008, 10:18 AM
I read your post and thought to myself "What the heck is he talking about?", then I realised I was in a Chris Paul thread and not a marijuana one.

I just read your reply and thought to myself "What the heck is he talking about?", yes its a thread dedicated to Chris Paul matey.. :banghead:

El Kabong
05-10-2008, 10:20 AM
I just read your reply and thought to myself "What the heck is he talking about?", yes its a thread dedicated to Chris Paul matey.. :banghead:
Did you read the entire thread? I think there's been more talk about weed then Chris Paul in this one.

05-10-2008, 10:24 AM
Did you read the entire thread? I think there's been more talk about weed then Chris Paul in this one.

Actually i didnt hehe i just posted my thoughts on why CP3 didnt get it :D

So what have u got to say abt this issue? :confusedshrug:

05-10-2008, 10:32 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

and L.M.A.O.!! at posting a link to something that claims cocaine dilates your pupils. people attribute hundreds of side effects to drugs that dont actually happen in real life.

lol but keep arguing u rooks. its clearly an argument you arent gonna even come close to winning but the humiliation you'll suffer does stand to amuse

I have fair amount of stoner friends, and more importantly, many hours spent is psych class learning about neuropharmacolgoy. You're wrong on both counts.

One of the big uses of medical marijuana is maintaining appetite in patients undergoing chemo. Pots appetite enhancing affect isn't an urban myth, it very well established medical lore.

And addition to being a contact analgesic, cocaine is a severe vasodialtor...so yes it does make your pupils huge.

05-10-2008, 10:39 AM
marijuana is a stimulant. it speeds up your heart rate just like cigarettes and cocaine. all three of those drugs decrease your appetite. anyone who's ever used ANY of those substances can testify to that. its that simple. the people who actually know whats up know what i'm talking about. the wanna-be-down internet posers on this site [statman, marlobranferd, reppy, decewallets] think it gives you the munchies and if you listen to pink floyd while youre high youll totally trip out

you guys are clowns lol. you dont know what you're talking about. like seriously. recognize and realize how naive and phony you sound.

Marajuna is NOT a stimulant. It's actually it's own class of drug, though is does share many of the effects of the depressant class (the exact opposite of a stimulant). You get high from pot because the THC in it bonds with the THC ligands in your brain, causing a mild to strong psychotropic affect, with some somatic and cognitive affects.

If nothing else it tends to mellow people out...which in no way is similar to a stimulant (which suppresses appetite due to the raised level of autonomic arousal). And yes, I have good a deal of real world, and academic, experience to back up these claim. You tool.

05-10-2008, 10:46 AM
:roll: @ starface

just too funny

05-10-2008, 10:51 AM
Massive dosages of marijuana acts as a hallucinogen.

05-10-2008, 10:55 AM
Missy Eliot actually atributes losing weight to her quit smoking weed. Weed makes u hungry, i smoke like bob marley did so i know. I don't mess with cocaine, but your a fool if you say it doesn't mess your eyes up.

05-10-2008, 11:43 AM



did he get fined for this?

05-10-2008, 11:51 AM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

hence, you two.

and L.M.A.O.!! at posting a link to something that claims cocaine dilates your pupils. people attribute hundreds of side effects to drugs that dont actually happen in real life.

anyone who has basic knowledge/experience with coke knows it wouldnt even come close to making chris paul's eyes look like that

lol but keep arguing u rooks. its clearly an argument you arent gonna even come close to winning but the humiliation you'll suffer does stand to amuse

i used to blaze all the time, and it does make u hungry

05-10-2008, 11:54 AM
I have fair amount of stoner friends, and more importantly, many hours spent is psych class learning about neuropharmacolgoy. You're wrong on both counts.

One of the big uses of medical marijuana is maintaining appetite in patients undergoing chemo. Pots appetite enhancing affect isn't an urban myth, it very well established medical lore.

And addition to being a contact analgesic, cocaine is a severe vasodialtor...so yes it does make your pupils huge.

great post. alot of people are ignorant especiallyo n ISH

on a side note.

this is the real reason chris paul didnt win the mvp


05-10-2008, 12:12 PM
Boy, you never stop, do you?

05-10-2008, 12:25 PM
the wanna-be-down internet posers on this site [statman, marlobranferd, reppy, decewallets] think it gives you the munchies and if you listen to pink floyd while youre high youll totally trip out

you guys are clowns lol. you dont know what you're talking about. like seriously. recognize and realize how naive and phony you sound.

1) You shouldn't be calling anyone an internet poser. You post fake pictures of your sister, you make up pictures about yourself and where you live; your whole internet existence is a sad, pathetic, front.

2) I have smoked way too much weed in my lifetime, in addition to suffering from a chronic gastrointesitnal disease which cause extreme nausea, discomfort, and loss of appetite.

3) Marijuana reduces nausea, and creates the sensation of hunger. It is a fact.

05-10-2008, 12:48 PM
thats some fugly *****es

20 Dimes A Game
05-10-2008, 12:51 PM
Because he posed with some fans?

I know it's totally un-acceptable.

05-10-2008, 12:52 PM
lmao, he looks a little drugged out.

05-10-2008, 12:54 PM
DeuceWallaces, why you gotta be such a poser bruh? Just admit it: you've never smoked weed. In fact, weed is incredibly difficult to come across. Only the legit cats like starface with the most seedy of underground connections are capable of procuring a bag, and often at a very high risk to his own security (but you've seen his pics, dude can clearly handle his own in any situation).

05-10-2008, 12:59 PM
weed is incredibly difficult to come across? :roll:

05-10-2008, 01:14 PM
weed is incredibly difficult to come across? :roll:

My comment was sarcastic.

05-10-2008, 01:17 PM
funny guy ay

05-10-2008, 02:04 PM
Marajuna is NOT a stimulant. It's actually it's own class of drug, though is does share many of the effects of the depressant class (the exact opposite of a stimulant). You get high from pot because the THC in it bonds with the THC ligands in your brain, causing a mild to strong psychotropic affect, with some somatic and cognitive affects.

If nothing else it tends to mellow people out...which in no way is similar to a stimulant (which suppresses appetite due to the raised level of autonomic arousal). And yes, I have good a deal of real world, and academic, experience to back up these claim. You tool.

this is the classic "i dont actually know, but it seems obvious, so i'll pretend i know and they'll think i'm right"

have you ever had your blood pressure taken when you were high? obviously not because you've never smoked anything, but if you had, you would know that your blood pressure will A.L.W.A.Y.S. be higher when you are on marijuana. It's because it increases your heart rate. just like cocaine, just like cigarettes.

LOL "people on weed melo out so its a depressant." BWAHAHA so by your logic, alchohol is a stimulant right? because people go crazy on alchohol!!!" WRROOOONNNGGGG. Alcohol is a depressant.

They dont categorize stimulants and depressants based on your mood or behavior you wannabe-smart know-nothing herb. It's the affect on your body, and marijuana raises your heart rate and blood pressure. The only thing you're right about is that it is considered its own class of drugs and not actually categorized as a stimulant because its typically not used as a stimulant like cocaine or meth but it has the same affect on heart rate and internal equilibrium.

This thread is a serious embarrassment to all of you who claim to know anything about weed and yet all your arguments are nothing but urban legends and corny stoner cliche's. Your lack of actual experience is RADIATING like a thousands suns. LOL

05-10-2008, 02:11 PM
I feel sorry for you starface. I really hope you are trolling hard and you and some friends are getting a good laugh about getting everyone to react to the utter nonsense you spew.

Does putting everyone down that disagrees with you really make you feel better?

05-10-2008, 03:31 PM
Wow this means a whole lot. Kobe rapes a girl that looks like ET and he is more deserving? He is just posing with some fans which is pretty damn nice of him, and if he was messing with any of those girls who cares? Kind of refreshing to see a star that doesn't have the typical model around him at all times because he is rich and famous.


there should be an age restriction on ish. youve said this sh*t before and you garner almost no interest with most of your posts.

~LA's fine$t~
05-10-2008, 05:33 PM
Wow this means a whole lot. Kobe rapes a girl that looks like ET and he is more deserving?

I really hate this poster, I find him extremely obnoxious in every sense of the word. I'm going to use the ignore function on him.

05-10-2008, 06:40 PM
this is the classic "i dont actually know, but it seems obvious, so i'll pretend i know and they'll think i'm right"

LOL "people on weed melo out so its a depressant." BWAHAHA so by your logic, alchohol is a stimulant right? because people go crazy on alchohol!!!"

You go "crazy" on alchohol because it inhibits amygdyla functional, which lowers the capacity to make value judgements and self monitoring.

Marajuna does cause vasodilation, so it can increase blood pressure, but there is no increase in autonomic arousal (unless it's mixed with tobacco, as nicotine is a mild stimulant). If you actually do smoke weed (which I doubt) I suggest you take break and pick up a ****ing book.

05-10-2008, 06:44 PM
Marajuna does cause vasodilation, so it can increase blood pressure

Vasodilation would cause a drop in blood pressure not increase it.

05-10-2008, 06:46 PM
Vasodilation would cause a drop in blood pressure not increase it.

Oops, you are right. I mispoke.

03-24-2009, 08:40 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You are evil and twisted.

But I like that.

03-24-2009, 08:44 PM

anyone who argues that weed makes you hungry instantly exposes themself as a n00b + wannabe.

thats because your dealer sells you catnip, noob

03-24-2009, 08:56 PM


I was really bored...had to edit those abit

03-24-2009, 09:00 PM
Weed doesn't make you hungry ? What an idiot :oldlol:

Missy Eliot actually atributes losing weight to her quit smoking weed.

I'm pretty sure smoking weed actually burns calories.

03-24-2009, 09:08 PM
i spoke to some rasta onetime, he was stick thin and he attributed it to smoking loads of bud

though when i used to smoke up it sure as hell made me hungry.

03-24-2009, 09:19 PM
i spoke to some rasta onetime, he was stick thin and he attributed it to smoking loads of bud

though when i used to smoke up it sure as hell made me hungry.

the munchies :cheers:

03-24-2009, 11:04 PM



You are going to rag on a guy for letting fans take pics with him?

At least he doesn't **** his fans after wards and get accused of rape for it (a la Kobe Bryant).

hito da god
03-24-2009, 11:07 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
omg :roll:

hito da god
03-24-2009, 11:12 PM
i spoke to some rasta onetime, he was stick thin and he attributed it to smoking loads of bud

though when i used to smoke up it sure as hell made me hungry.
you get hungry while you're high, but if you're a heavy bud smoker it actually suppresses your appetite when you're not high... which is where the weight loss comes from. that's what i found when i used to smoke a ton of weed.