View Full Version : If Your Girlfriend Asked You To Stop Drinking...

05-11-2008, 02:22 AM
would you stop?

Me and my friend are havin this discussion right now because her boyfriend said he doesn't like how she acts when she's drunk and he asked her not to drink anymore. She's flipping out saying that she would never ask him to change who he is blah blah blah. But I was telling her, drinking isn't a personality trait it's just something people do, so asking someone not to drink isn't trying to change THEM it's asking them to make a sacrifice, and relationships are largely about sacrifice/compromise.

To me it's not that big of a deal to give it up. I mean yeah it's fun but if it was upsetting someone i love that much then of course I'd give it up because when you weigh the priorities then the person comes waaay before the alcohol.

Just wanted some other opinions.

05-11-2008, 02:28 AM
If you become an *******, then yeah I could see that. I wouldn't date a girl that drank regularly or smoked.

Thing she needs to realize is that guys are predators. Any time she's drunk, she is prey for men.

05-11-2008, 02:32 AM
DOn't drink man. It's stupid chit. But it makes you forget about the long-hard work week and sex with random girls are totally awesome. But don't drink man.

05-11-2008, 02:33 AM
I rarely drink because I am usually the designated driver so giving up the hooch for me is not a big deal. I can understand her not wanting to giving in to him. If he gets her to change this behavior he may think he can get her to give up other things.If he gets her to quit drinking, he may have her eating right and going to the gym. We wouldn't want that would we?

05-11-2008, 02:38 AM
could be cuz she acts like a slut when shes drunk which would be very understandable

05-11-2008, 02:52 AM
Ah the good ol stop drinking fight. What he should have asked her was to reduce her drinking and then give the reasoning why. This happens to be a problem in a lot of relationships because people act differently when they are drunk and it can really **** up the relationship.

05-11-2008, 02:56 AM
I don't understand why people drink so much anyways? Seems like the only thing people do these days is drink. Especially high school, college kids and the young adults. It's all they talk about.

05-11-2008, 02:59 AM
I don't understand why people drink so much anyways? Seems like the only thing people do these days is drink. Especially high school, college kids and the young adults. It's all they talk about.

I'm not really surprised at how much they/we do it, i'm more shocked at how high a priority people make it. I've seen people leave their friends hanging to go drink with someone, I've seen people fail tests because they wanted to go drink, and now here you see people who might leave their boyfriend because they want them to stop drinking. People act like it's the greatest thing in the world

05-11-2008, 03:10 AM
I'm not really surprised at how much they/we do it, i'm more shocked at how high a priority people make it. I've seen people leave their friends hanging to go drink with someone, I've seen people fail tests because they wanted to go drink, and now here you see people who might leave their boyfriend because they want them to stop drinking. People act like it's the greatest thing in the world
It totally depends on the girlfreind...

I am trying to quit now as it is ....it is very tough

If it was a girl that I really cared about or was in love with I would def make a strong effort to stop drinking....not just for her but for myself.

It is everywhere though....every gathering/party/get together/holiday/wedding/funeral/ect.....EVERYWHERE!!!!....so it is almost impossible to avoid seeing it or being offered it a lot throughout your life...

people don't go to bars to drink water....the existance of bars is proof that people love to drink...and lets face it, on a weekend night for someone over 21 like myself there really isn't anything else to do....me and my freinds like to go out to the clubs and look for chicks and drink....we don't get any enjoyment from hanging out at home and playing monopoly while drinking cola and eating doritoes...

anyway....that was my drinking rant...but the answer is "YES" I would stop, if she was a girl that was worth it....as long as she is ok with spending weekend nights at the movies instead of going to any parties...

Doomsday Dallas
05-11-2008, 03:12 AM
I have a wife.... and she wants me to quit drinking.

I must stay out of this thread, because a girlfriend is a diferent story.

05-11-2008, 10:08 AM
Ah the good ol stop drinking fight. What he should have asked her was to reduce her drinking and then give the reasoning why. This happens to be a problem in a lot of relationships because people act differently when they are drunk and it can really **** up the relationship.

It's not the same thing to ask someone to quit drinking, from asking someone to control the way/amount they drink. The first one sounds pretty radical and unfair at first glance. The second one though, sounds much more fair and negotiable.

I wouldn't quit alcohol, but I would probably quit getting drunk to the point I'm wasted if it's affecting someone I love.

El Kabong
05-11-2008, 10:17 AM
As a general rule, I don't like girls who get smashed outta their mind on a regular basis. I'd probably handle it better if I were drunk at the same time, but I don't drink so it can be annoying to deal with.

05-11-2008, 10:21 AM
I'm a very responsable drinker myself, I don't like to lose control. It's definately something I look for in a girl too.

05-11-2008, 10:31 AM
I could deal with someone who drinks from time to time, but I could NEVER date a smoker. That is just DISGUSTING. The grossest habit imaginable.

Drinking has never been much of a problem for me. After a few beers, I start to feel bloated. Not to mention, I dehydrate easily and I'm always hungry, so drinking doesn't mix very well with me, plus I hate that when I'm drinking, I have to get up to use the restroom every 10 minutes.

05-11-2008, 10:46 AM
Stop drinking because YOU want to stop, not because your girlfriend says so. Grow some balls. I have a friend who has been smoking cigs since 6th grade and he just finally quit (22yrs old) only because a girl he liked doesn't like cigs. What a wuss.

05-11-2008, 11:21 AM
Well i dont drink so yes....yes i would stop drinking

05-11-2008, 11:26 AM
Please refer to the last line of the film "Half Baked." Replace the word "weed" with whatever vice is the subject of the argument.

05-11-2008, 02:36 PM
I'm not really surprised at how much they/we do it, i'm more shocked at how high a priority people make it. I've seen people leave their friends hanging to go drink with someone, I've seen people fail tests because they wanted to go drink, and now here you see people who might leave their boyfriend because they want them to stop drinking. People act like it's the greatest thing in the world

wait it isnt?

if it's a guy asking a girl to stop drinking its because she probably becomes a whore when shes drunk...

if it's a girl asking a guy to stop drinkings its probably because he starts fights when hes drunk..

as for me i dont start fights. tis why i love booze.

05-11-2008, 02:37 PM
I don't understand why people drink so much anyways? Seems like the only thing people do these days is drink. Especially high school, college kids and the young adults. It's all they talk about.

drinking is the number 1 social activity in the world.

come on man.

if you don't drink you better be damn good at golf.

05-11-2008, 02:38 PM

05-11-2008, 02:51 PM
could be cuz she acts like a slut when shes drunk which would be very understandable

thats probably it.

05-11-2008, 03:51 PM
wait it isnt?

if it's a guy asking a girl to stop drinking its because she probably becomes a whore when shes drunk...

if it's a girl asking a guy to stop drinkings its probably because he starts fights when hes drunk..

as for me i dont start fights. tis why i love booze.
from what I have experienced there are basically 3 different kinds of drunks. (men only)

1. The "I am smarter than you" drunk....when this guy gets some drinks in him the suddenly he knows EVERYTHING about every subject that is brought up. Anything you bring up he will have his facts on the subject and tell you that your thoughts about it are wrong.

2. The angry drunk....this is the WORST kind of drunk there is and when he does get drunk you do not want to be around him because there is a 50% chance that a fight is going to break out. It doesn't matter if the guy is only 5 foot 6 and 100 lbs...he still thinks he could kick anyone's ass in the UFC and he wants to prove it to anyone that even looks his direction for one second.

3. The normal drunk....this is the best kind of drunk to be. Sure he will slurr his words and make goofy comments. But for the most part he is just laughing with his freinds and trying to enjoy himself as much as he can. You should be happy if you are a drinker and this is you.

05-11-2008, 03:55 PM
from what I have experienced there are basically 3 different kinds of drunks. (men only)

1. The "I am smarter than you" drunk....when this guy gets some drinks in him the suddenly he knows EVERYTHING about every subject that is brought up. Anything you bring up he will have his facts on the subject and tell you that your thoughts about it are wrong.

2. The angry drunk....this is the WORST kind of drunk there is and when he does get drunk you do not want to be around him because there is a 50% chance that a fight is going to break out. It doesn't matter if the guy is only 5 foot 6 and 100 lbs...he still thinks he could kick anyone's ass in the UFC and he wants to prove it to anyone that even looks his direction for one second.

3. The normal drunk....this is the best kind of drunk to be. Sure he will slurr his words and make goofy comments. But for the most part he is just laughing with his freinds and trying to enjoy himself as much as he can. You should be happy if you are a drinker and this is you.

:oldlol: First one iz a new to me and alas it's been delivered by the biggest violater of it. EVER! There must be a gawd.

Anywayz; I would recommend you take small steps; and go moderation, first. Simply put you can't fall under her control immediately; because natural human greed/control demandz more. First it would be no alcohol, then no sportscenter, then ribbed condomz, and finally CURFEW! Nevertheless, if you're seriously hurting anybody around you physically/emotionally etc.; THEN LAY OFF DA BOOZE.

05-11-2008, 04:03 PM
:oldlol: First one iz a new to me and alas it's been delivered by the biggest violater of it. EVER! There must be a gawd.

honestly I think as far as ISH goes I am a violater of all 3...

1. yes I have been drunk and acted to be "mr. know-it-all".

2. yes I have been drunk and started smak wars with poters here and called them out for no reason what so ever.

3. yes I have been drunk on here and just posted a simple music video from youtube in an effort to just have fun.

so as far as ISH goes when i am drunk I am a big combo meal...:D

SHEED_ gangsta
05-11-2008, 07:31 PM
I ****in hate ppl that complelty change when they drink. so annoying

05-11-2008, 07:44 PM
I ****in hate ppl that complelty change when they drink. so annoying

05-11-2008, 07:55 PM
I'd make myself a drink, take a sip, slap her, and say, "That wasn't the alcohol that made me slap you with a handful of baby powder, it was just the fact that you would ask something that stupid. That's like me asking you to stop menstruating."

05-11-2008, 11:11 PM
I ****in hate ppl that complelty change when they drink. so annoying
You know someone that doesn't change when they are drunk?

If so then that person his some serious skills...

and as far as the "annoying" part goes....when you are sober then ALL drunk people are annoying as hell. the only time a drunk person isn't annoying is when you are drinking with them....then you are both having alot of fun...but annoying to everyone else...unless they are drinking too...:D

that is why I don't think I could ever go to a bar or club and not drink....watching all my freinds and everyone else laughing at stupid sh*t and acting a fool would drive me insane...

and I have been sober around my freinds when they are drunk...it is annoying as hell and not a fun time at all.

05-12-2008, 03:05 PM
I usually just try and have a talk over it.

I used to smoke a lot of pot, as it was free for me (good to have friends) and I would do it about 3 times day and at least 5 days a week. After meeting my girl friend, at first I toned down, then I actually tried to stop since I saw an increase in my grade and memory once I stopped smoking.
But now, I just do it in moderation(school is out), and she doesn't have too big of a problem with it.
Same goes with drinking, I drank from everyday till just the weekends now or the occasional beer with meal, and it feels great to be sober a lot more than before.

I looked at it as she was looking out for me, and adjusting and talking to her through a long period of time, we somewhat found our happy balance where as B-Low said, it's about sacrifice from the both end.

IMO, if you want a relationship to work, you should be able to talk everything out as long as it is based on good intentions.

05-12-2008, 03:13 PM
At this point in my life, I would stop drinking for my girlfriend. But as others have said, you really need to stop for yourself or you're just wasting your time.

I just turned 25 on Saturday and I feel I've gone just about everywhere I need to go with drinking. It just leads to stupid shit, it seems.

05-12-2008, 07:49 PM
would you stop?

Me and my friend are havin this discussion right now because her boyfriend said he doesn't like how she acts when she's drunk and he asked her not to drink anymore. She's flipping out saying that she would never ask him to change who he is blah blah blah. But I was telling her, drinking isn't a personality trait it's just something people do, so asking someone not to drink isn't trying to change THEM it's asking them to make a sacrifice, and relationships are largely about sacrifice/compromise.

To me it's not that big of a deal to give it up. I mean yeah it's fun but if it was upsetting someone i love that much then of course I'd give it up because when you weigh the priorities then the person comes waaay before the alcohol.

Just wanted some other opinions.

I agree on trying to cope with things that someone does....I dont agree with completely discontinuing something just for a relationship.....in a relationship you are liking them for who they are and what they do coming into the situation.....now if you ask a person to slow down on drinking...thats another thing...but to stop and try to change somebody thats going too far...

I remember I did something in a relationship just compromise...and it made me feel like a sellout...that she wanted to come into this thing and transform me into a mold of what she wants....thats bull ****...I ended it and I will never change for anyone and Im always going to be myself.....

the point is....if drinking is a problem limit it but dont stop doing it if you like to do it.....be yourself dont change for nobody!

hito da god
05-12-2008, 08:37 PM
I agree on trying to cope with things that someone does....I dont agree with completely discontinuing something just for a relationship.....in a relationship you are liking them for who they are and what they do coming into the situation.....now if you ask a person to slow down on drinking...thats another thing...but to stop and try to change somebody thats going too far...

I remember I did something in a relationship just compromise...and it made me feel like a sellout...that she wanted to come into this thing and transform me into a mold of what she wants....thats bull ****...I ended it and I will never change for anyone and Im always going to be myself.....

the point is....if drinking is a problem limit it but dont stop doing it if you like to do it.....be yourself dont change for nobody!

05-12-2008, 09:35 PM
