View Full Version : Describe Your Go To Move

06-17-2008, 01:06 PM
I have two.

My cross over is this:

-Gently bring up the ball, go throw the legs through the left, then through the right. I'll finish with the ball in the right hand, then I do a stutter step and an in and out and another quick stutter step while crossing the ball over. This is actually harder to describe then I thought, but it's a nice move, I call this one the Killer Brownie.

My shot is this:

-After Killer Brownie has been set in place, I'll run across the key (Left side to right, or vice versa) and *HERE COMES A BIG TIP* turn my head so I can't see my defender anymore. This is risky but it will trick the defender into thinking that I don't know where he is and that I am wide open. So the defender thinks that I think I'm wide open(Because I can't see him) and I do a pump fake from the right side (He will always jump) and then in that same motion turn to the left to maximize the time frame. Before you know it, you will be wide open with your defender (back facing you) on the right side and all the ghetto black kids will be screaming "WOOOOOOO". I call this move, Chocolate Thunder.

Again, really hard to describe, but you try.

Killer Brownie + Chocolate Thunder = Sweet Sensation



06-17-2008, 02:28 PM
I dunk on bitches

06-17-2008, 03:20 PM
Mid range J all day.

06-17-2008, 03:42 PM
My two are just quick hitters.

1)Top of the key or off the the side, take a few dribbles to the side your on. Cross it over towards the middle of the key. Stutter step and dribble the ball with the hand not facing the basket like your going to go behind the back for the reverse. When your defender is stalled, bring (but dont carry!) the ball to the far block, lower a sholder in case a bigman comes after you and hit the fadeaway bank. Also, remember to call bank :pimp:

2)Start anywhere you want but dribble towards the left. Its gotta be fast and hard or the defense will pin ya. When your about even with the basket on the sides, power dribble the ball up over your head while jumping to the right. Make it one heck of a step and jump to get some room. Jump stop, and then hopefully your defender will have left his jock strap on the floor and you have a good uncontested jumper. If not, your close enough to the hoop to post up anyway with a turnaround or hook.

06-17-2008, 04:44 PM
My bread and butter comes from posting. Back to the basket, 7 to 10 feet away, do a shoulder fake and bank off the glass.

06-17-2008, 05:59 PM
My bread and butter comes from posting. Back to the basket, 7 to 10 feet away, do a shoulder fake and bank off the glass.
I do that too.

My go to move is when I dribble right at defender and because in 60% Im much taller than him, he will try to steal the ball. After that I just do a basic spin move and his out. If he stays in front of me (which is rear) I just take fadeaway (if he's tall) or jump hook (if shorter and Im near the basket).

06-17-2008, 06:43 PM
i vary, it depends the size/skill of the defender.

sometimes ill cross him over repetativly then drive, sometimes ill pump fake and drive, sometimes i just go for the jumper, sometimes i just pass it.

like i said, it depends who the defender is. some of my friends i know their moves perfectly and i know what i can do to score on them.

-Maniak :)

06-17-2008, 07:33 PM
Kirk Haston style running hook across the lane.

European style wrong-foot layup.

Driving to the left fade-away J.

In the post turn-around J.

Elbow to the mouth.

06-17-2008, 07:51 PM
Kirk Haston style running hook across the lane.

European style wrong-foot layup.

Driving to the left fade-away J.

In the post turn-around J.

Elbow to the mouth.

Bold= I lol'd.

Anyways, I'm sorry for those of you who posted but unfortunatly, you have to give names for your moves like the ones I installed. My Killer Brownie and Chocolate Thunder moves are examples.

06-17-2008, 07:59 PM
They have names.

Kirk Haston style running hook across the lane: The Drop Off

European style wrong-foot layup:The Dasheroo LaFlair

Driving to the left fade-away J:The Roo Due Chocolate

In the post turn-around J:The Drop Off 2.0

Elbow to the mouth:The Porkchop w/gravy.

06-17-2008, 08:30 PM
Repetative Crossover Drive-Attack Plan

Pump Fake Drive-Attack I

Pump Fake Shot-Attack II

Jump Shot-Attack III

Pass-Dyme Tyme

Flop-The Varejao

there are the names :hammerhead:

06-18-2008, 02:25 AM
Mid range J all day.
Same here.

06-18-2008, 02:51 AM
i'm a lefty, so i go left :)

06-18-2008, 03:27 AM
1) right to left hesitation to midrange j : The oh no you didnt

2) drive and kick (facilitators ftw!!!): the coach loved delight

hito da god
06-18-2008, 11:08 AM
These are the moves I use the most and when my team needs a bucket. Which one I use varies from defender to defender.

In transition:

A nasty in and out crossover (either hand). If my man bites on the in and out, I just blow past him. If he doesn't, he gets crossed over and looks silly.

Put the ball thru my legs, except from behind and not the traditional way. I do this with a quick change of pace right before and the defender usually gets frozen stiff.

In the half court:
I'll just blow past you. I call this the "you're not quick enough to guard me... b*tch" and if you happen to stay with me, my pull up off the dribble is money from anywhere mid-range, and I'm tall enough to get it off.

Put the ball thru my legs once or twice (ala kobe) and then really exaggerate the fake to one side and cross over quickly. You'd be surprised how many people bite on the fake.

If I have a mismatch, a nice turn around hook shot with either hand, but I have a lot more range on it with the right.

06-18-2008, 03:36 PM
Two moves that I always use:

1. Grant Hill style crossover through the legs to the right, bit of hesitation then go....I use to beat defenders all the time when i was younger, inc uni level players, ballers from USA...now only works about 50%. The show and go.

2. Jab step to the right, and drive left. Simple but effective. If started on the left wing, then finish with right hand, if started on the right wing, finish with left hand. The knife through butter.

And finally my secret move that I virtually never use, even though it's a really good move...I've only ever used it like three times...always forget to use it...

I copied it off Cat Mobley, which is basically a combo of my two moves...

Jab hard to the right, then go left but only take one dribble, then back through the right leg and explode right....The move thats never used......

Timmy D for MVP
06-19-2008, 05:16 AM
I like to play down-low, and have a nice hook. And a plethra of low-post moves. But I'm only 6' 0" so I'm usually starting at the perimiter and looking to drive, when this happens I have a simple ass move that works nearly every time.

I catch the ball and face up my defender. Then I jab with my right foot to the right, and just pivot to get him thinking. Then I feignt right with another jab, and cross over to my left. Simple as that, they bite a lot, and when they get wiser you can just go right instead of fake it.

But for the most part I just put my head down and get to the bucket. I'm never the quickest one out there, I'm basically a 6' PF, but I am stronger than most everyone I play with in terms of basketball strength, and I'll just muscle my way to hole.

Low End Theory
06-20-2008, 02:23 AM
In-out crossover. I prefer doing it right to left but I am comfortable going left to right.

06-20-2008, 07:58 AM
I don't exceptional handles, so i tend to simpler things and they still work quite well.

~ If i am in triple threat position, i start pivoting and take a couple of jab steps, and if they bite then i just take the shot, if not dribble hard and just go. If it is a fast/strong defender, then cross it to the other side and then cross it back and just keep going.
I call this: Nothing new.

Big Money Mike
06-22-2008, 02:12 AM
1. Catch the ball. You are now in triple threat position.

2. Jab step with your right foot.

3. Jab step again with your right foot.

4. Two more quick jab steps with your right foot.

5. The defender is now impatient, bored, and confused.

6. One more jab step.

7. Drain the J in his face

06-22-2008, 01:19 PM
1. Catch the ball. You are now in triple threat position.

2. Jab step with your right foot.

3. Jab step again with your right foot.

4. Two more quick jab steps with your right foot.

5. The defender is now impatient, bored, and confused.

6. One more jab step.

7. Drain the J in his face

I like it. Simple and effective.

06-23-2008, 10:14 PM
Back when I played in competitive leagues and for my school's team I played the power forward position. I did not do much ball handling, but I can remember a few times when I got stuck on the perimeter and the set play had broken down. So I just put the ball on the floor and drove like mad to the rim. I can recall a scenario happening like this only a few times, but I also can remember actually scoring and/or getting to the foul line off my frantic drives. My main method of scoring was through offensive rebounds. Every once in a while I would post up and a guard would throw me the ball, and in this situation I would use a hook with either hand. Now I do not play in competitive leagues anymore; mainly with buddies. When playing with buddies I again try to score off of rebounds, hook shots, frantic drives to the rim, and a pathetic crossover dribble might be used as well. :D

06-24-2008, 10:26 PM
i drive to foul line stutter dribble see how the D reacts and take it from there usually results in a lay up

06-25-2008, 01:15 PM
Well usually I try to move without the ball to get into position for an easy assist, layup or open jumper. I think that always beats having to do a whole lot of fancy stuff. But other than that...

I've been working on this one lately. It really is hard to put into words, like you know how to do it but can't really explain it too well:
- Start off in the high post, usually on the left side.
- Catch the ball, take one dribble forward and a little to the left with my left hand while moving my right foot forward
- Do a quick spin on my right foot, anticlockwise so I get into the lane
- As I'm picking up my dribble, plant my left foot to use as a pivot foot
- Do a short jump hook

And my usual is just a basic post up turnaround bank shot. Depending on how I'm defended, sometimes I fade away. I've got the footwork for spinning either way down well, but I seem to make shots spinning anticlockwise (pivot foot = left foot) at a lower percentage than clockwise using my right foot as the pivot.

Here we go, good ol Youtube comes to the rescue with an example:
Ignore the first 20 seconds or so :)

hito da god
06-25-2008, 09:03 PM
I've been working on this one lately. It really is hard to put into words, like you know how to do it but can't really explain it too well:
- Start off in the high post, usually on the left side.
- Catch the ball, take one dribble forward and a little to the left with my left hand while moving my right foot forward
- Do a quick spin on my right foot, anticlockwise so I get into the lane
- As I'm picking up my dribble, plant my left foot to use as a pivot foot
- Do a short jump hook

That's a great move. I used to only do it out of the post (catch, turn, and face up) but I've recently been doing it from mid-range and pulling up into a jumper or a floater off the glass if I get the right angle. Sometimes I throw in a jab step before, and I've found that it really freezes your man.

07-02-2008, 09:03 AM
The last games i played i looked at my game and what did i concur?
Slashing round defenders, pull the rock behind my back and then hit the j.
Other times il drive/slash the lane and go for the reverse lay up. All my homeys are like 6-4, 6-5, but your boy here is only 5-10 so n****s can handle it.

07-02-2008, 01:43 PM
Get down low , pretend like im about to drive to the right, when the defender bites i switch to the left ( dribbling infront of me, but really low to the ground) and leave . If the defender stays with me i'll spin back to my right and see whats up :)

Zan Tabak
07-02-2008, 10:54 PM
Besides my 360 windmill dunk?..

I have two moves that I go to ,but it all depends on how the guy is defending me-

First move (gaurding me close) ..If the dude is all up in my grill ..I look to take him on the bounce and get a step on him then look for the lay up ..if a second defender steps in for help I look for the open man...

Second move (giving me room)..if somebody gives me room ..I look to shoot anywhere from the college three inwards..I hit at a pretty good % ..shootin is kinda my thing..:bowdown:

But the most important move is to involve your other teammates :cheers:

07-02-2008, 11:37 PM
Stutter step and then the pull up J; my other one is the turnaround J.

07-03-2008, 05:26 AM
in out crossover with my left to right, but i put the ball under my leg on the way back and for some reason the way i do it freezes the defender, then i blow by him for a missed layup or i get fouled hard by a guy twice my size

07-11-2008, 06:38 PM
Either a

1. LeBron style drive where I drop my shoulder for a layup off the glass from the right.

2. Same as above but I'll come from the side and as I'm driving under the rim I'll put up a reverse layup.

3. Post hard, fake the up and under and hit the fadeaway. And a few variations where I post hard and go for the turnaround J or actually DO the up and under which messes with people who know my style's minds. However if I'm playing with strangers I HAVE to fake it cause they'll be all over it and the J'll be open.

4. If all else fails I either go for #1 even harder, or I hop step at the last second to knock the defender off balance and get an easy 3 footer off the backboard.

Other than these its the basic jabstep, jabstep, gimme room I'll shoot and stay in my face and I'll drive.

07-11-2008, 08:07 PM
dribble slowly leaning to my left and explode driving to the right with a cross over..

07-14-2008, 02:33 AM
favorite move works everytime
-start like a little outside the 3 pt line mid court
-fake spin move, while puttin it through the legs from behind
-then drive
-kiss off the corner of the glass,while drifting outta bounds

ive been doin this move forever and it works almost every time

my other move is
-jus dribble slow between the legs while lookin around like ur gonna pass
-dribble hard once at the D,like ur gonna drive then pull it back
-step back and shoot the J, right in the defenders eye

07-14-2008, 03:25 AM
OK. This move is simple and I use it mainly when I want an easy layup, but I'm too tired to just straight up beat em off the dribble.

1. Give em a jab step.

2. Hit them with another jab.

3. While holding the ball, shake it rapidly a few time while jabbing quickly. This confuses the D. They don't know whether you're going left or right.

4. Now put the ball on the floor using your off hand and going in your off hand direction(for me that's my left)

5. Now, do this AT THE SAME TIME or it's travelling if you dribble afterwards.

While heading in your off direction going towards the hoop, hit a 'backstep'. That means if you're going left, place your right leg in front of you, and push back off of it. Do this as soon as the rock hits the ground, otherwise it can be considered a travel. This'll give you about 1 or 2 inches between you and the D, depending on the strength of your pushoff.

6. Look at the goal. The D will be trying to recover. Bounce the ball with your off hand, bend your knees, and place your shooting hand on top of the rock. Give a head fake. The D will jump anticipating you created that space for the jumper and you're settling.

7. When their feet leaves the ground, go around for the easy deuce.

07-14-2008, 03:08 PM
Mid range J all day.

yep. one or two hard dribbles and a little backwards jumpstop, every time.

i'm also partial to a mark jackson style teardrop in the lane. i'm a 5'9" white dude, i'm not dunking on no one... :D

hito da god
07-15-2008, 11:58 PM
OK. This move is simple and I use it mainly when I want an easy layup, but I'm too tired to just straight up beat em off the dribble.

1. Give em a jab step.

2. Hit them with another jab.

3. While holding the ball, shake it rapidly a few time while jabbing quickly. This confuses the D. They don't know whether you're going left or right.

4. Now put the ball on the floor using your off hand and going in your off hand direction(for me that's my left)

5. Now, do this AT THE SAME TIME or it's travelling if you dribble afterwards.

While heading in your off direction going towards the hoop, hit a 'backstep'. That means if you're going left, place your right leg in front of you, and push back off of it. Do this as soon as the rock hits the ground, otherwise it can be considered a travel. This'll give you about 1 or 2 inches between you and the D, depending on the strength of your pushoff.

6. Look at the goal. The D will be trying to recover. Bounce the ball with your off hand, bend your knees, and place your shooting hand on top of the rock. Give a head fake. The D will jump anticipating you created that space for the jumper and you're settling.

7. When their feet leaves the ground, go around for the easy deuce.
That's a good move, I used to use that except for the part I put in bold. If you put your hand on top of the ball its a double dribble.

07-16-2008, 12:09 AM
That's a good move, I used to use that except for the part I put in bold. If you put your hand on top of the ball its a double dribble.


I've never been called for it. I first did it last year in a HS game and the guy flew 10 feet in the air anticipating the shot. I just kept the palm down and eploded to the rim, taking 2 long steps to get there.

07-17-2008, 11:42 AM
I'll take a dribble into my opponent, back up really quick, cross to my left into the defender, let him close up to me, then do a hard right crossover and take it to the rack. This is called the purple pansy.

Another one i'll do is the kg style back-to-the-defender shoulder fake jumpshot or do it mj turn and take it to the hole. This is called the fatman in a suit.

Big Deal
07-17-2008, 05:21 PM
sometimes ill just drive on the lil punk whos trying to guard me and dunk it in his face.

other times, ill dribble dribble, then the classy fake left go right then drain a J.

if im bein guarded by some tall punk, then ill shake him down till hes gettin exhausted, then ill drive in the lane, and fire up a pull back J, how long itll take dont matter to me

if im bein guarded by a short stick, since i see some speed comin at me, ill throw down some nice badass crossover and hit a jumper.

07-18-2008, 02:46 PM
i know its not really possible to have a 'go to move' when playing D, but at the other end of the floor i am always looking to catch my man unawares and reach behind his back (no homo!) for the 'pickpocket' steal when he tries protecting the ball with his body. man i love doing that. such a nice feeling when you break away on your own for the finger roll. shout out to anyone playing 94x50 D!

07-18-2008, 05:57 PM
I post up on the either block. I'm great dribbling with both hands, and finishing with both hands.

If I'm on the right block I'll usually post up and spin baseline with the right hand. If the defender is able to cut me off, I spin right and finish with the left hand.

If I'm on the right block I'll usually take the ball into (and across) the lane with my right hand, and finish on the right side of the hoop with my right hand. If the defender doesn't let me get across the line, I spin right and finish with the left.

I'm actually a Lefty who dribbles well with both hands, which tends to throw a lot of people off.

SHEED_ gangsta
07-19-2008, 03:55 PM
pinning *****es

07-21-2008, 08:07 PM
My go to move is the in an in and out dribble then i spin and after that a pullup

08-10-2008, 07:50 PM
my go to move...

Jakez On Point11
08-11-2008, 10:18 AM
if u dribble with 2 hands that always confuses em

but if i get my man in the air its a rap

its kinda street but if u go in between ur legs from the back then spin with ur strong hand then pull back ull usually have a foot or 2 to shoot

08-29-2008, 11:50 AM
i do what i do...i never know what i'm gonna do.. haha it just happens

08-29-2008, 11:28 PM
post post post until defender is under the basket and then i dunk on him that is if the double doesnt come.(yes powerful)

no conscience
08-30-2008, 12:14 AM
hard cross dribble to left and jump shot.
im a chucker :D

08-30-2008, 12:26 AM
I love the crossover dribble. The beauty about it is, the ball is going one way, and you body the other. A defender is thaught to look at the ball or the hip, what happens when they are both going seperate ways?
I'm a Tony Parker fan, so my go to move is the crossover dribble followed by a floater in the lane. I got to focus on scoring more during game time... I'm a pass first point guard, I barely look for my shot.

08-30-2008, 10:12 AM
I love the crossover dribble. The beauty about it is, the ball is going one way, and you body the other. A defender is thaught to look at the ball or the hip, what happens when they are both going seperate ways?
I'm a Tony Parker fan, so my go to move is the crossover dribble followed by a floater in the lane. I got to focus on scoring more during game time... I'm a pass first point guard, I barely look for my shot.

09-02-2008, 12:22 AM
I usually put my hand on the girls crotch, squeeze once and see what happens.

09-02-2008, 06:12 AM
I'm a Bruce Bowen type of player and do not shoot so often. When I have to do it, mid range jumper with some help of the board.

09-03-2008, 07:52 PM
Cross dribble, and a Tear Drop Shot.

09-07-2008, 03:05 PM
Love using the floater.

09-07-2008, 10:09 PM
With the ball in my right hand I do a quick in and out. Then I do a real quick crossover to my left hand and drive agressively to the hole.

09-07-2008, 10:23 PM
Do a quick between my legs to my left hand then do a spin move back to my right and then I up and under for a layup

09-08-2008, 02:49 PM
I love the crossover dribble. The beauty about it is, the ball is going one way, and you body the other. A defender is thaught to look at the ball or the hip, what happens when they are both going seperate ways?
I'm a Tony Parker fan, so my go to move is the crossover dribble followed by a floater in the lane. I got to focus on scoring more during game time... I'm a pass first point guard, I barely look for my shot.

Im pass first C/PF and that is not very good combination...

09-08-2008, 04:13 PM
I fade away a lot:D
Though sometimes when we need a basket, I would drive and try to get a And 1.

Looten Plunder
10-24-2008, 11:57 AM

10-24-2008, 12:22 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

If you can all give names to your moves like I did in OP please be sure to do so.

Looten Plunder
10-24-2008, 12:24 PM
The Million Dollar Dream: A modified Cobra Clutch. I use it to either submit or choke out my opponents.

The Million Dollar Fist Drop: Think the five knuckles shuffle minus the homo theatrics.

The Piledriver: A picture is worth a thousand words.

10-28-2008, 02:37 PM
I do that too.

My go to move is when I dribble right at defender and because in 60% Im much taller than him, he will try to steal the ball. After that I just do a basic spin move and he's out. If he stays in front of me (which is rear) I just take fadeaway (if he's tall) or jump hook (if shorter and Im near the basket).

I really improved this spin move now, and Im using it in post regularly....

10-28-2008, 05:48 PM
inside outside crossover if master the most unstoppable perimeter dribbling move in the game

11-04-2008, 11:09 PM
whitenight i would make you my ***** and make sure you carry my basketball bag to every game.

11-05-2008, 08:41 AM
For a J, I do a right to left crossover starting behind my legs, then spin with the ball in my left, which usually leaves me wide open for the J.
In the paint, I shove my defender with my shoulder then fake going up, he usually bites it and then I do a right hookshot off the backboard.

I find interesting that so many people have go to moves and almost all of them are different.

11-08-2008, 08:29 PM
Recently I've been camping the 3 point line or just running through screens until I get to the 3 point line. Once I start hitting the 3 it's hard for me to miss unless it gets tipped. First game I went 5/10 from 3 and second game I went 8/10 from 3, keep in mind I NEVER shot 3s because I thought it wasn't my game and when I was smaller I'd always airball them. :oldlol: But now I'm starting to fall inlove with the 3 point shot. Once I'm on a roll, I'm good and once the 3 is on then the drive is so much easier.

11-09-2008, 12:21 PM
My overall style is pretty similar to Trevor Ariza's

11-09-2008, 03:56 PM
This is definitely my go to move: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCsaKKZuZ10

Alan Flowers
11-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Checkout my basketball mixtape and let me know what you think. Footage from when I was a young one, my go to move, straight to the hole

Street Poetry - A Basketball MixTape
Name: Alan Flowers
Filming Location: Jacksonville, FL
Years Filmed: 1997, 98, 99
Age On Video: 15, 16, 17

Music By: Young Jeezy
Created By: Alan Flowers
