View Full Version : Josh Childress to Greece? Has offer for 3 years, $20 million

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07-21-2008, 12:50 AM
a greek team? wtf? Why would he do this?

the chances are better than "50-50" that childress would do this according to a yahoo sports article.



07-21-2008, 12:52 AM


07-21-2008, 12:53 AM
Wow! I'm shocked...

07-21-2008, 12:55 AM
I guess nowadays if you're a slightly above average player, overseas is the way to go.

07-21-2008, 12:56 AM
I guess nowadays if you're a slightly above average player, overseas is the way to go.
isn't AP parker going also from the Raptors? i heard he was

07-21-2008, 12:57 AM
He wouldve gotten pennies compared to what he can get overseas. Seems like its becoming a trend now. Delfino is making bank too.

07-21-2008, 12:58 AM
isn't AP parker going also from the Raptors? i heard he was

nope. He's under contract. There was a rumor. But nothing to it so far. Maybe it's after he's done his contract, which could lead to some tampering charges.

and I would strongly consider this deal from Josh Childress perspective, mostly because I don't want him to return to the hawks, or stay anywhere near the Eastern Conference. Him and his shot...

07-21-2008, 12:59 AM
isn't AP parker going also from the Raptors? i heard he was
It's possible. The Greek team Olympiakos are offering him a 3 year 24 mill contract. Apparently they've got some major money to burn.

07-21-2008, 01:01 AM
It's possible. The Greek team Olympiakos are offering him a 3 year 24 mill contract. Apparently they've got some major money to burn.
yeah sh!t they are making serious offers

07-21-2008, 01:05 AM
Sooner or later a star player will take a deal overseas and change the whole climate of professional basetballs.

07-21-2008, 01:06 AM
Sooner or later a star player will take a deal overseas and change the whole climate of professional basetballs.
I hope so. Then we wont be forced to watch what some people think is "fixed" or "highly influenced" basketball games. Gives people a option.

07-21-2008, 01:07 AM
It might be time for the NBA to raise the salary cap drastically to prevent these guys from going overseas.

It's ridiculous how top Euro clubs are offering huge deals to NBA role players.

JC Navarro with a $20 mil/4 year deal
Delfino with a $11 mil/3 year
Parker offered $24 mil/3 year
Scola offered some huge deal and now Childress.

07-21-2008, 01:07 AM
It might be time for the NBA to raise the salary cap drastically to prevent these guys from going overseas.
yes please and so the warriors can net another FA

07-21-2008, 01:10 AM
i may be in the minority but i like the fact american players are bouncing overseas. it just makes the game more universal, cuz a lot of us will be interested to see how he does, so we'll get to know more players, appreciate how much the game has grown, and also get an idea of how different leagues world wide compare to each other.

07-21-2008, 01:12 AM
i may be in the minority but i like the fact american players are bouncing overseas. it just makes the game more universal, cuz a lot of us will be interested to see how he does, so we'll get to know more players, appreciate how much the game has grown, and also get an idea of how different leagues world wide compare to each other.

We also wont be forced to watch a league because its the only league with legit players.

07-21-2008, 01:16 AM
I wish we'd get Euroleague on TV once in a while.

07-21-2008, 01:22 AM
Primoz Brezec signed a 3 year deal with Lottomatica Roma with the option of going back to the NBA each year.

Another one...

07-21-2008, 01:28 AM
Some of those guys in Europe are making serious dough. I remember reading an article about a Greek player who was getting paid big money. The guy could easily play NBA ball, but no NBA team would match what he was getting paid because he was worth so much to the Greek club team. I wish I could remember his name, sorry.

Anyways, it'll be interesting if the game gets so popular abroad that Euro teams can actually afford to pay a star NBA player to move overseas. I'm sure this is one of the major reasons Stern is trying to expand the NBA into Europe.

I wouldn't get too excited about a Euro team paying Childress 20 million though. I'd be worried when a team offers a guy like Bosh or Wade 80 million to play overseas. It could be awhile before we get to that point though, maybe never.

07-21-2008, 01:28 AM
i may be in the minority but i like the fact american players are bouncing overseas. it just makes the game more universal, cuz a lot of us will be interested to see how he does, so we'll get to know more players, appreciate how much the game has grown, and also get an idea of how different leagues world wide compare to each other.

I'd like to see, for example, the level of the leagues become closer. Higher level of competition around the globe, making things more interesting for us basketball lovers. If it contributes to making basketball a more global game, I like it.

07-21-2008, 01:31 AM
Primoz Brezec signed a 3 year deal with Lottomatica Roma with the option of going back to the NBA each year.

Another one...
damn those options make it a can't lose situation for an NBA player

07-21-2008, 01:31 AM
Not a bad move for him if true. He's not worth anything more than the MLE in the NBA so why not take bigger money elsewhere? It's only 3 years too so he's not locked in for life.

07-21-2008, 01:36 AM

I'd like to see, for example, the level of the leagues become closer. Higher level of competition around the globe, making things more interesting for us basketball lovers. If it contributes to making basketball a more global game, I like it.

exactly. im glad im not the only one, along with statman. there are so many possiblities for bball once it all starts connecting across the world.

07-21-2008, 01:51 AM
even David Stern can't save the NBA from the falling dollar value

07-21-2008, 01:52 AM
Soon some Euro Billionaire with cash to waste is going to offer something like $100 mil to someone like LeBron or D-Wade to play for their Euro club and it's going to be impossible to pass up.

07-21-2008, 02:09 AM
I'm gonna have to disagree with what seems to be the consensus in this thread. I want the best players all to be in one league. It's the one reason why I could never get into soccer even if I enjoyed the game, all the best players are spread out across a retarded number of leagues in Europe with no rhyme or reason, lowering the quality of play and robbing the sport of a real champion.

Knuck the Ficks
07-21-2008, 02:09 AM
This is huge news and could one day be seen as a landmark moment in NBA history.

I think it'd be kind of cool if this trend continued. Maybe in twenty years time we'll have a shorter NBA season combined with some sort of "World Champions League."

The clash of styles is part of the reason why the UEFA Champions League is by far the most exciting club competition in the world

If I were a neutral fan I'd rather watch a good NBA team play an equally matched Euro team instead of them playing a scrub team from the same league.

07-21-2008, 02:53 AM
i cant wait until someone invents a teleporting machine so we can have one huge league all around the world

07-21-2008, 03:01 AM
on behalf of all hawks fans i am concerned, altho i am more worried about josh smith, it would be a crying shame to lose childress to some greeks, he is the 6th man, why would he want to do go overseas? i do not like this prospective news, we'll see how it unfolds

07-21-2008, 03:07 AM
nope. He's under contract. There was a rumor. But nothing to it so far. Maybe it's after he's done his contract, which could lead to some tampering charges.

lol, tampering charges? whats the NBA gonna do, take away greece's draft picks?

the nba can only regulate on its own teams. they cant tell foreign teams what they can and cant do

07-21-2008, 03:18 AM
This is huge news and could one day be seen as a landmark moment in NBA history.

I think it'd be kind of cool if this trend continued. Maybe in twenty years time we'll have a shorter NBA season combined with some sort of "World Champions League."

The clash of styles is part of the reason why the UEFA Champions League is by far the most exciting club competition in the world

If I were a neutral fan I'd rather watch a good NBA team play an equally matched Euro team instead of them playing a scrub team from the same league.

That would be so PHUCKING AWESOME. I don't think I can wait 20 yrs :banana: :rockon: :party:

07-21-2008, 03:26 AM
This isn't new. My Pacers have had two different players leave the league for Europe in recent years: Zan Tabak and Saras. If you're a marginal/decent NBA player, you can make more money in Europe because you're projected to be a star there. Guys who come over here from the euroleague often take pay cuts. What they're hoping for Pau Gasol type of cotnract after their rookie/first one expires. Either that or they simply want to test themselves against the best competition possible.

Of course, this is top-40 player compensation for Europe, so how many guys can actually leave and get this kind of cash?

The strength of the euro certainly helps these clubs pay for guys right now as well. I'd be interested in knowing the full details of his contract. In Europe, it's generally announced net of taxes, so a guy announced at $4 million per year is really getting the equivalent of $7 million to $8 million. I have a feeling his terms have been grossed up to the pre-tax amount.

07-21-2008, 03:31 AM
Sooner or later a star player will take a deal overseas and change the whole climate of professional basetballs.
Stephon Marbury:lol

07-21-2008, 04:29 AM
lol, tampering charges? whats the NBA gonna do, take away greece's draft picks?

the nba can only regulate on its own teams. they cant tell foreign teams what they can and cant do

:roll: Imagine David Stern trying to hold a press conference trying to charge Greece's team

07-21-2008, 04:32 AM
It might be time for the NBA to raise the salary cap drastically to prevent these guys from going overseas.

It's ridiculous how top Euro clubs are offering huge deals to NBA role players.

JC Navarro with a $20 mil/4 year deal
Delfino with a $11 mil/3 year
Parker offered $24 mil/3 year
Scola offered some huge deal and now Childress.

thanks to the euro maybe too. and some roleplayers tend to play much better in europe.

07-21-2008, 04:51 AM
Unfortunately for the American players they are still subject to the US tax laws. If change nationalities though they can earn some serious bank over there!

A little competition never hurt anyone. Let some team in Spain or Italy offer me that kind of bread plus housing, food, entertainment allowance and whip on top of my salary. The woman are fine, food is great, and most times I get treated like a celebrity. Where do I sign up!:cheers:

07-21-2008, 04:53 AM
Power to him.

Having a strong European league will help grow the game.

One wonders how the Stern views this.

Could this push forward any timeline for any NBA-Euro-Asia competition?

The economics seem to indicate that the financial incentive will stay at least in short-term, if not med-term as well. ie. the declining US dollar, US economy doldrums

07-21-2008, 05:21 AM
Childress + huge euro deal = overpaid
Come on! Who the hell thinks that he can be a superstar there?

07-21-2008, 05:22 AM
what's the bank roll for some of these greek teams? how'd they get so rich to afford throwing these types of contracts?

07-21-2008, 05:26 AM
That's a good idea, he will be challenged more there.

Greek >>>>>>>>>>> USA.

07-21-2008, 05:26 AM
what's the bank roll for some of these greek teams? how'd they get so rich to afford throwing these types of contracts?

Olympiakos isn't just any team, it's an old franchise with a great soccer team as well. And combined with the fact that the dollar is dirt cheap nowadays, I can see them making a move for active NBA players.

07-21-2008, 05:44 AM
I wanna see some Euro team offer Lebron 30 million a year.

07-21-2008, 06:49 AM
This isn't new. My Pacers have had two different players leave the league for Europe in recent years: Zan Tabak and Saras. If you're a marginal/decent NBA player, you can make more money in Europe because you're projected to be a star there. Guys who come over here from the euroleague often take pay cuts. What they're hoping for Pau Gasol type of cotnract after their rookie/first one expires. Either that or they simply want to test themselves against the best competition possible.

This isn't like that. Childress isn't a marginal player. This is an solid starter quality player skipping out of the country. Childress isn't as popular because of the team he played for but imagine Shane Battier or DeShawn Stevenson deciding to leave the NBA. It's definitely unexpected.

I guess with few teams having cap space, he wasn't getting offers for more than the MLE and this deal seems to be slightly higher.

07-21-2008, 07:17 AM
Childress is a great player. Not Larry Bird great, but the guy plays good defense, shoots extremely efficiently, and moves the ball around well. Every team would want him in some capacity.

Still, this contract is high enough that NBA teams probably aren't going to want to match. $7 million isn't completely horrible, but you need to have money left over to sign about three players better than Childress, so it adds up.

Charlie Bell get an offer from this team too before he ended up signing with the Bucks.

07-21-2008, 08:42 AM
The Hawks will give him a better deal, and he will stay.

07-21-2008, 09:12 AM
The Hawks will give him a better deal, and he will stay.

Nah I'm almost 100% sure the Hawks won't give him a better deal money wise. The question is, what does Childress value more, the money or playing in the NBA at home in America. I guess we're waiting for his answer.

07-21-2008, 09:28 AM
This is where Kupchak comes in and says "hah let's sit down kid. Here's the deal, we offer you the MLE, you win many rings, become a legend, stay in the biggest market and as for the money, we get you the gigs in other ventures that in less than 2 months will trump anything Greeks can offer you. And you get to play alongside Sasha Vujacic. You in kid? Sure you are, here's your jersey".

07-21-2008, 09:34 AM
I am totally embarrased. I wish the Atlanta Spirit Group would sell the team to Belkin. They accused Belkin of trying to run the team on the cheap, but how can you get more cheap than they are now?

I mean give the dude the MLE. 5 years at 6 million per. Why is that hard? Give Josh Smith 5 years 60 million, why is that hard?

This is effin insane.

07-21-2008, 09:42 AM
Goodbye Frosh Childress.

07-21-2008, 10:08 AM
20 mil tax free? And they provide housing and a fresh @ss whip?

Gimme DAT.

07-21-2008, 10:14 AM
The Hawks will give him a better deal, and he will stay.
the reports I saw indicated that he is nto very interested in staying with the hawks and they cant match in the RFA sense, so.... I guess we'll know in the next couple of days or so.

07-21-2008, 10:15 AM
wtf is going on,this is not good
hawks will resign him tho

07-21-2008, 10:16 AM
This is where Kupchak comes in and says "hah let's sit down kid. Here's the deal, we offer you the MLE, you win many rings, become a legend, stay in the biggest market and as for the money, we get you the gigs in other ventures that in less than 2 months will trump anything Greeks can offer you. And you get to play alongside Sasha Vujacic. You in kid? Sure you are, here's your jersey".
uhm RFA ahem. oh lakers fans, so delusional.

07-21-2008, 10:17 AM
wtf is going on,this is not good
hawks will resign him tho
No they won't.

Josh isn't dumb enough to resign for less than what he could make elsewhere.

07-21-2008, 10:19 AM
No they won't.

Josh isn't dumb enough to resign for less than what he could make elsewhere.

it aint about the money, its about being with a real american team, winning some games, getting back into the playoffs and voting for obama
if it aint about that then goodbye to greece, na for real if childress leaves ill say fck that ngga, long as we resign smith we are good money

07-21-2008, 10:24 AM
it aint about the money, its about being with a real american team, winning some games, getting back into the playoffs and voting for obama
if it aint about that then goodbye to greece, na for real if childress leaves ill say fck that ngga, long as we resign smith we are good money
Seriously are you even a real person?
:oldlol: :oldlol:

07-21-2008, 10:29 AM
who's the highest paid player in europe?

it aint about the money,

for him, maybe not, but for many others, of course it's about the money since they don't have any.

sh!t, if i were a player who wasn't drafted in the NBA, i wouldn't even cry about it. i'd go overseas and get paid bank anyway.

07-21-2008, 10:36 AM
They can have him. The Hawks need perimeter shooting and i have never seen a wing player who scores less from the perimeter than Childress. He isn't a good defender either.

Good riddance.

07-21-2008, 10:50 AM
No they won't.

Josh isn't dumb enough to resign for less than what he could make elsewhere.

Money is a big thing, but it's not the only thing. A lot of people wouldn't move to Europe for a 50%--or even 300% pay raise. Family issues, cost of living issues (although not a big deal when you're making millions), cultural issues...you're taking a risk that with your personal happiness when making a deal like that.

It might be that better than you could ever imagine...or it might be much worse. There are parts of Europe that a more racist than anywhere in America. We definitely still have our problems over here, but there have been soccer games in the last 5 years where players of African descent have been subjected to monkey noises every time they touch the ball.

Again, I'm not saying all of Europe is a bad place for minorities to live. I don't know about Greece specifically. A lot of areas are much more inclusive than most (if not all) places in the US. But a lot of them are far worse too.

07-21-2008, 10:56 AM
Money is a big thing, but it's not the only thing. A lot of people wouldn't move to Europe for a 50%--or even 300% pay raise. Family issues, cost of living issues (although not a big deal when you're making millions), cultural issues...you're taking a risk that with your personal happiness when making a deal like that.

It might be that better than you could ever imagine...or it might be much worse. There are parts of Europe that a more racist than anywhere in America. We definitely still have our problems over here, but there have been soccer games in the last 5 years where players of African descent have been subjected to monkey noises every time they touch the ball.

Again, I'm not saying all of Europe is a bad place for minorities to live. I don't know about Greece specifically. A lot of areas are much more inclusive than most (if not all) places in the US. But a lot of them are far worse too.

You are seriously telling me people wouldn't move to Europe because of cultural issues and racism? Seriously, how do you guys educate yourself? South Park and MTV?

07-21-2008, 11:03 AM
lol he's prob gonna look like kobe over there and come back and be the **** he really is
Euro leagues are full of just barely above average talent, nothing special

examples: Anthony Parker, Scola, Navarro

07-21-2008, 11:16 AM
lol he's prob gonna look like kobe over there and come back and be the **** he really is
Euro leagues are full of just barely above average talent, nothing special

examples: Anthony Parker, Scola, Navarro

scola is decent though

07-21-2008, 11:22 AM
childress take your money man and come back to the nba in three years. this starting to become a disturbing trend with players going to play in europe, i know the players that are leaving all seem to be average but eventually they going to start offering the good players deals they cannot turn down. the nba needs to make sure this doesnt get of hand.

07-21-2008, 11:37 AM
childress take your money man and come back to the nba in three years. this starting to become a disturbing trend with players going to play in europe, i know the players that are leaving all seem to be average but eventually they going to start offering the good players deals they cannot turn down. the nba needs to make sure this doesnt get of hand.

The NBA has been leeching foreign talent forever without anyone complaining. You sound like a kid who fears his toys might be taken away.

07-21-2008, 11:41 AM
a greek team? wtf? Why would he do this?

the chances are better than "50-50" that childress would do this according to a yahoo sports article.



Looks like NBA players are starting to look toward other places. Will the NBA be the best league in 10 years? hmmmm...

As a basketball fan, I'm rather tired of these overpaid crybabies. If they actually had to work for a living, they would appreciate what they have.

07-21-2008, 11:43 AM
i may be in the minority but i like the fact american players are bouncing overseas. it just makes the game more universal, cuz a lot of us will be interested to see how he does, so we'll get to know more players, appreciate how much the game has grown, and also get an idea of how different leagues world wide compare to each other.

I wished I could tell you that I give a d@mn about it being universal, but I don't.

07-21-2008, 11:46 AM
The NBA has been leeching foreign talent forever without anyone complaining.

good point never thought about it like that.

07-21-2008, 11:47 AM
good point never thought about it like that.

Well, they can always take them back... Can't say I'd miss any of them.

07-21-2008, 11:57 AM
scola is decent though

and anthony parker was a standout for the raptors on both ends. navarro set a record for 3 pointers in a season for the grizz.

07-21-2008, 11:59 AM
Looks like NBA players are starting to look toward other places. Will the NBA be the best league in 10 years? hmmmm...

As a basketball fan, I'm rather tired of these overpaid crybabies. If they actually had to work for a living, they would appreciate what they have.

well, we're going to see this more and more. european teams' money is simply worth more. I wouldn't be surprised to see a MAJOR star go to Europe in a few years.

07-21-2008, 12:04 PM
well, we're going to see this more and more. european teams' money is simply worth more. I wouldn't be surprised to see a MAJOR star go to Europe in a few years.

Well, there is a reason why the number of pro sports fans is on the decrease. These players take and take and give nothing. Let them go over there and take and take and give little in return. Just don't come back in a few years wanting to play in the NBA and calling yourself an american.

07-21-2008, 12:26 PM
Seems like this is going to become a new trend. I got remember an off-season when this many NBA free agents got these type of offers overseas.

07-21-2008, 12:42 PM
Just don't come back in a few years calling yourself an american.
really? get off your jingoistic soap box. how unamerican to accept work overseas..... I guess all the CEOs of corporations sending their manufacturing/service sectors overseas cant call themselves mercans either?
guess what numbnuts, if they have US citizenship they are still mercans.

Is somebody upset cause no one (not even their own players) want to play for the hawks?

07-21-2008, 12:53 PM
really? get off your jingoistic soap box. how unamerican to accept work overseas..... I guess all the CEOs of corporations sending their manufacturing/service sectors overseas cant call themselves mercans either?
guess what numbnuts, if they have US citizenship they are still mercans.

Is somebody upset cause no one (not even their own players) want to play for the hawks?

Well, for one... You don't see NBA teams tripping over themselves to offer Childress a contract. Which speaks for it's self. Dude can't even shoot outside of 5 feet unless he is wide open. I'm just telling it like it is.

It's not just about "accepting work". Why would you want to leave your family for money when you can live in the country you were born in and still make money? That's right.... Greed.

Sports fans are some of the biggest idiots in this country. No wonder why the NBA has to rig games in HOPES of fans actually giving a shyt. Blow overpaid athletes all you want, but just remember... You're in the minority.

Let them go... Heck, maybe the NBA, NFL and other will just go down and be done with it. It's not like pro sports in the US didn't go down the crapper along time ago anyway. F*ck'em. Go over there tear up your knee and pad their pay roll.

07-21-2008, 12:58 PM
It's not just about "accepting work". Why would you want to leave your family for money when you can live in the country you were born in and still make money? That's right.... Greed.

hes a RFA and a role player. You can only get a RFA if your willing to overpay for him and hes not worth it. that and the hawks have apparently made it clear they wont do a SnT for him so he has no option sin the nba except the hawks.

So, you shouldnt move to Macon for work? or NY or PHX or....? Its a global economy, deal with it. Why wouldnt you want to get a chance to make majopr money and see some of the most spectacular landscapes of Europe? Should kobe's daddy have stayed in Italy forever?

07-21-2008, 01:00 PM
hes a RFA and a role player. You can only get a RFA if your willing to overpay for him and hes not worth it. that and the hawks have apparently made it clear they wont do a SnT for him so he has no option sin the nba except the hawks.

So, you shouldnt move to Macon for work? or NY or PHX or....? Its a global economy, deal with it. Why wouldnt you want to get a chance to make majopr money and see some of the most spectacular landscapes of Europe? Should kobe's daddy have stayed in Italy forever?

No, I wouldn't move to Europe and leave family and friends for an extra bit of money. Sorry, I can't relate to that.

07-21-2008, 01:01 PM
Sports fans are some of the biggest idiots in this country. No wonder why the NBA has to rig games in HOPES of fans actually giving a shyt. Blow overpaid athletes all you want, but just remember... You're in the minority.

Let them go... Heck, maybe the NBA, NFL and other will just go down and be done with it. It's not like pro sports in the US didn't go down the crapper along time ago anyway. F*ck'em. Go over there tear up your knee and pad their pay roll.

So why do you still care if pro sports are a waste of time? Quit watching them? Oh wait, highest ratings ever in an increasingly diversified market. Largest sales revs. ever. Facts dont support your assertion.

Look, Im the first to agree that athletes crying over big money are a bunch of spoiled babies with no basis in reality. But im not gonna fault a guy for taking the money being offered to him.

07-21-2008, 01:02 PM
No, I wouldn't move to Europe and leave family and friends for an extra bit of money. Sorry, I can't relate to that.
would you move to NYC? what if you knew it was for a short time frame, say 2 years? sometimes its good to get out in this big old world and see from a perspective other than the one you were enculturated in. scared you wont make new friends? your family is always your family.

07-21-2008, 01:02 PM
Sports fans are some of the biggest idiots in this country. No wonder why the NBA has to rig games in HOPES of fans actually giving a shyt. Blow overpaid athletes all you want, but just remember... You're in the minority.

Let them go... Heck, maybe the NBA, NFL and other will just go down and be done with it. It's not like pro sports in the US didn't go down the crapper along time ago anyway. F*ck'em. Go over there tear up your knee and pad their pay roll.


Settle down.

07-21-2008, 01:03 PM
Why would you want to leave your family for money when you can live in the country you were born in and still make money?

Maybe because some people prefer to live in countries where they actually have some culture apart from McDonalds, MTV and reality TV, where the economy isn't totally dependent on war and where their leaders don't tell them to be afraid of anything foreign. Ever thought about that?

On the other hand no, you didn't. Why should you.

07-21-2008, 01:06 PM
Hawks need to keep him, but it they have to give him more than that 6+ mil he'd get in Greece, don't bother.

07-21-2008, 01:10 PM
Maybe because some people prefer to live in countries where they actually have some culture apart from McDonalds, MTV and reality TV, where the economy isn't totally dependent on war and where their leaders don't tell them to be afraid of anything foreign. Ever thought about that?

On the other hand no, you didn't. Why should you.

LMAO. Stereotype much? That's like saying people prefer to live in countries where David Hasselhoff isn't one of the most popular singers, the Holocaust was centered, and all the chicks have manly voices and drink way too much beer and have way too much sausage.

07-21-2008, 01:12 PM
LMAO. Stereotype much? That's like saying people prefer to live in countries where David Hasselhoff isn't one of the most popular singers, the Holocaust was centered, and all the chicks have manly voices and drink way too much beer and have way too much sausage.

It was my answer to "how on earth dare anyone leave the USA for THERE BE DRAGON land?! Must be GREED". Nothing more. Chill down. Don't make me stop believing that hicks live hotatlanta are the exception, not the rule.

07-21-2008, 01:19 PM
the only thing i don't like about this is that it drives player salaries up in the NBA when everybody knows they are already ridiculous. i love the competition by other leagues across the world and i hope someday they are televised in the united states. i think this might be the beginning and i wonder what david stern thinks about it? could this possibly lead way to a no salary cap in the nba? for everybody saying the nba needs a hard cap, that will only hurt the nba in the long run (as far as players leaving for other countries) and it will help world basketball as we know it.

07-21-2008, 01:19 PM
It was my answer to "how on earth dare anyone leave the USA for THERE BE DRAGON land?! Must be GREED". Nothing more. Chill down. Don't make me stop believing that hicks live hotatlanta are the exception, not the rule.
nope, they are the rule and rulers. dude may get his panties in a twist for you calling out mcculture, but the profit margins dont lie. america may nto be as simple as walmarts/ olive garden/wendy's, but that is a huge component of what america is.

07-21-2008, 01:22 PM
the only thing i don't like about this is that it drives player salaries up in the NBA when everybody knows they are already ridiculous. i love the competition by other leagues across the world and i hope someday they are televised in the united states. i think this might be the beginning and i wonder what david stern thinks about it? could this possibly lead way to a no salary cap in the nba? for everybody saying the nba needs a hard cap, that will only hurt the nba in the long run (as far as players leaving for other countries) and it will help world basketball as we know it.

Good point. Some years ago, it was the highest basketball honor in the world to be allowed in the NBA, and of course it still is. But nowadays, with the dollar slacking and foreign leagues actually getting better, some players reconsider their priorities; so it's not just enough to throw the minimum at guys anymore. Should Stern react? How? Somehow linking the cap to the dollar's worth?

07-21-2008, 01:32 PM
people, it's just friggin josh childress.... the ugliest shooter to ever shoot a basketball. not gonna miss him. don't think whether he's here in the nba or not is going to make one ounce of difference to our nba viewing pleasure.

however, if this trend continues to magnify, in the coming years, the next guys won't be the josh childress types but perhaps even high level all stars. if they're throwing this much money for a josh childress, they probably have enough cash to throw in $10m/year for some much better players.

Im so nba'd out
07-21-2008, 01:38 PM
No, I wouldn't move to Europe and leave family and friends for an extra bit of money. Sorry, I can't relate to that.
Then you must be stupid.If i offered you 6 million(tax free) to come over seas and play basketball for 1 year you wouldn't except that...Your a damn lie kid who wouldn't work for one year playing basketball, and they can be set for life financially?If you wouldn't do that you are truly stupid :hammerhead:

07-21-2008, 01:42 PM
Then you must be stupid.If i offered you 6 million(tax free) to come over seas and play basketball for 1 year you wouldn't except that...Your a damn lie kid who wouldn't work for one year playing basketball, and they can be set for life financially?If you wouldn't do that you are truly stupid :hammerhead:

I think he's saying the EXTRA money might not be worth it. For example, if offered $ 5million in US and $6million in Europe, maybe stay in US.

07-21-2008, 01:44 PM
I think he's saying the EXTRA money might not be worth it. For example, if offered $ 5million in US and $6million in Europe, maybe stay in US.

5 million would be more like 3 million net taxes.

And although quality of living is probably cheaper in the US, it wouldn't effect a multi-millionaire much.

07-21-2008, 01:50 PM
So why do you still care if pro sports are a waste of time? Quit watching them? Oh wait, highest ratings ever in an increasingly diversified market. Largest sales revs. ever. Facts dont support your assertion.

Look, Im the first to agree that athletes crying over big money are a bunch of spoiled babies with no basis in reality. But im not gonna fault a guy for taking the money being offered to him.

Highest ratings? The NBA? Where? If the league was doing that well, they wouldn't have to try to rig games.

07-21-2008, 01:51 PM
Then you must be stupid.If i offered you 6 million(tax free) to come over seas and play basketball for 1 year you wouldn't except that...Your a damn lie kid who wouldn't work for one year playing basketball, and they can be set for life financially?If you wouldn't do that you are truly stupid :hammerhead:

There are things more important than money. These guys can make millions in the US.

07-21-2008, 01:53 PM
Maybe because some people prefer to live in countries where they actually have some culture apart from McDonalds, MTV and reality TV, where the economy isn't totally dependent on war and where their leaders don't tell them to be afraid of anything foreign. Ever thought about that?

On the other hand no, you didn't. Why should you.

I live here and don't eat McDonalds, I don't watch MTV, and I don't like reality tv. You don't think they eat fast food outside of america?

07-21-2008, 01:54 PM
Then you must be stupid.If i offered you 6 million(tax free) to come over seas and play basketball for 1 year you wouldn't except that...Your a damn lie kid who wouldn't work for one year playing basketball, and they can be set for life financially?If you wouldn't do that you are truly stupid :hammerhead:

it's not tax free unless he terminates his u.s. citizenship or whatever.

overseas income have to be filed to the irs.

uncle sam's hands never stop grabbing from your pockets.

07-21-2008, 01:55 PM
It was my answer to "how on earth dare anyone leave the USA for THERE BE DRAGON land?! Must be GREED". Nothing more. Chill down. Don't make me stop believing that hicks live hotatlanta are the exception, not the rule.

Hick? I'm glad your creative juices are flowing when it comes to name calling. You need to do better than that. You think all americans just eat McDonalds all day and watch MTV? LMAO.

If Dirk is any sign of what is over there... I think I'll be happy to stay away. I'd hate to become a David Hasselhoff fan. But seriously though, I'm happy to know that Germany is junk food free and is free of bad tv shows.

07-21-2008, 02:13 PM
It might be time for the NBA to raise the salary cap drastically to prevent these guys from going overseas.

It's ridiculous how top Euro clubs are offering huge deals to NBA role players.

JC Navarro with a $20 mil/4 year deal
Delfino with a $11 mil/3 year
Parker offered $24 mil/3 year
Scola offered some huge deal and now Childress.
Too bad none of those players play like they're worth 20m, except for Parker of course.

07-21-2008, 02:25 PM
I don't think fans will think it's such a great idea when they're watching D league scrubs playing important roles on teams.

07-21-2008, 02:29 PM
I don't think fans will think it's such a great idea when they're watching D league scrubs playing important roles on teams.
only on crappy teams. You will notice that the top teams arent losing players overseas. its the nets, hawks, raps, heat....

07-21-2008, 02:30 PM
The NBA has been leeching foreign talent forever without anyone complaining. You sound like a kid who fears his toys might be taken away.

Gee, who can understand why he doesn't want to watch D-League players play important roles in the NBA. It must take a hick to understand that logic.

07-21-2008, 02:32 PM
only on crappy teams. You will notice that the top teams arent losing players overseas. its the nets, hawks, raps, heat....

Maybe that's how it is right now.... But... later. These players are about money. Alot of them will probably choose the money over playing with Boston. Didn't Boston offer Maggs a sizable contract and he went with a worse team for more money? hmmmm.....

07-21-2008, 02:33 PM
I love how someone mentioned Germany in the context of the Holocaust. Wasn't the current incarnation of KKK founded in Atlanta? And isn't Childress black?

Da Hammer
07-21-2008, 02:47 PM
i havent read the whole thread so i dont really know everyone's opinion on this but im glad this is happening. Because it forces the NBA to improve its product if they have players leaving to go play elsewhere. although i admit its gonna take a lot better players for it to become a problem (star players) for the NBA. if Euro teams can keep improve their own product and become bigger it would be kinda koo to be able to watch their basketball games overhere like the way American sport leagues show their games internationally. that would make the NBA fix their problems *refs* *favoritism to certain teams*. that however will probably either never happen or is still longs away...

07-21-2008, 03:14 PM
I live here and don't eat McDonalds, I don't watch MTV, and I don't like reality tv. You don't think they eat fast food outside of america?

I agree with hotlanta (for once) I studied abroad for a couple of semesters in Austria and although I spoke a little German, I felt uncomfortable being an African American trying to blend in. You can't watch tv. (Der Prinz Von Bel Air isn't quite as entertaining as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air) They don't believe in ice. You have to pay for grocery bags, you have to pay to go to the rest room. That tax free will seem really small once you have paid the price of cultural isolation.

07-21-2008, 03:18 PM
I agree with hotlanta (for once) I studied abroad for a couple of semesters in Austria and although I spoke a little German, I felt uncomfortable being an African American trying to blend in. You can't watch tv. (Der Prinz Von Bel Air isn't quite as entertaining as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air) They don't believe in ice. You have to pay for grocery bags, you have to pay to go to the rest room. That tax free will seem really small once you have paid the price of cultural isolation.

07-21-2008, 03:27 PM
You are seriously telling me people wouldn't move to Europe because of cultural issues and racism? Seriously, how do you guys educate yourself? South Park and MTV?

That's what I'm telling you. Would some minorities have a hard time moving to certain parts of this country to take a higher paying job? You bet. So why is Europe any different?

I'm glad you asked me how I educate myself Heretik32. I'm white and I've lived over there my friend, and I enjoyed most of my time very much. My wife is not white. We have been spat on while minding our own business and quietly drinking a beer in both Mitte and Friedrichshein. I've been yelled at while doing the same in Madrid, and we've had some interesting experiences to say the least in Russia and the Balkans. I have a pretty good idea of what is safe and not safe in urban areas and know Berlin pretty well. Maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time multiple times over a period of 2 years. And maybe it's just a coincidence I've never been in that position once in the US. This isn't supposed to be about my experiences though.

What I am telling you is that it's not for everyone, and each individual will have their own way of coming to decision. People aren't the same. Looking at it from the other side, Sabonis took years before coming over here, and it wasn't all about a contract buy-out either. He could have made more money in the NBA than he did in Europe. Why didn't he leave? Obviously there are other considerations to be made. The culture one is accustomed to can play a part.

07-21-2008, 03:29 PM
makes me wonder if this is a growing trend. he can go over there and kill. if the hawks let him slip away, :ohwell: .

07-21-2008, 03:40 PM
That's what I'm telling you. Would some minorities have a hard time moving to certain parts of this country to take a higher paying job? You bet. So why is Europe any different?

I'm glad you asked me how I educate myself Heretik32. I'm white and I've lived over there my friend, and I enjoyed most of my time very much. My wife is not white. We have been spat on while minding our own business and quietly drinking a beer in both Mitte and Friedrichshein. I've been yelled at while doing the same in Madrid, and we've had some interesting experiences to say the least in Russia and the Balkans. I have a pretty good idea of what is safe and not safe in urban areas and know Berlin pretty well. Maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time multiple times over a period of 2 years. And maybe it's just a coincidence I've never been in that position once in the US. This isn't supposed to be about my experiences though.

What I am telling you is that it's not for everyone, and each individual will have their own way of coming to decision. People aren't the same. Looking at it from the other side, Sabonis took years before coming over here, and it wasn't all about a contract buy-out either. He could have made more money in the NBA than he did in Europe. Why didn't he leave? Obviously there are other considerations to be made. The culture one is accustomed to can play a part.

Ok, thanks, that was actually a pretty good answer, sorry about my post then, got you wrong. So it's not cause the culture in Europe is so degraded, it's cause it's different from where you grew up.
I just can't believe unpleasant stuff like didn't happen to you in the USA, though. Idiots are international, and you guys are breeding a pretty hefty neonazi scene over there. And I've yet to see an internet post by an American about Mexicans that didn't condemn them for every evil in the world.

Sorry for straying off-topic. And please let me assure you that xenophobia among Europeans isn't the norm. Whereas I'd hate to be an Arabian visiting the USA, to be honest.

07-21-2008, 03:45 PM
I wanna see some Euro team offer Lebron 30 million a year.

That would be awesome. Some Euro team should offer LeBron $50 million like Beckham was offered here in the states. Imagine that. Hopefully some Italian team can buy Kobe and get him off america tvs.

07-21-2008, 03:48 PM
Sorry for straying off-topic. And please let me assure you that xenophobia among Europeans isn't the norm. Whereas I'd hate to be an Arabian visiting the USA, to be honest.

The strong support for the Iranian national team at the Rocky Mountain Revue seems to suggest otherwise.

I've heard of tons of incidents of xenophobia and racism in many European countries, moreso than any such incidents in the US. I've read many articles on how the few black people in Russia are severely discriminated against and the incidents of horrendous racism in European international soccer games. Idiots in Spain threw peanuts at Eto'o suggesting he was a monkey, Ronaldinho has encountered racism, etc.

07-21-2008, 03:49 PM

Travel abroad and you will know what I mean.:roll:

07-21-2008, 04:40 PM
Travel abroad and you will know what I mean.:roll:

You know what you "paid" for when you visited that public toilet? That was most likely a tip for the cleaning woman. Public toilets are usually free around here.

07-21-2008, 04:53 PM
I agree with hotlanta (for once) I studied abroad for a couple of semesters in Austria and although I spoke a little German, I felt uncomfortable being an African American trying to blend in. You can't watch tv. (Der Prinz Von Bel Air isn't quite as entertaining as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air) They don't believe in ice. You have to pay for grocery bags, you have to pay to go to the rest room. That tax free will seem really small once you have paid the price of cultural isolation.

Damn, is that really true??? And here our good friend is telling us about how great everything is over there. You mean their irresistible and faultless culture might really not be perfect?

07-21-2008, 04:55 PM
Damn, is that really true??? And here our good friend is telling us about how great everything is over there. You mean their irresistible and faultless culture might really not be perfect?

I would still much rather be black in Austria than black in Georgia, but that's just me.

07-21-2008, 05:02 PM
The strong support for the Iranian national team at the Rocky Mountain Revue seems to suggest otherwise.

I've heard of tons of incidents of xenophobia and racism in many European countries, moreso than any such incidents in the US. I've read many articles on how the few black people in Russia are severely discriminated against and the incidents of horrendous racism in European international soccer games. Idiots in Spain threw peanuts at Eto'o suggesting he was a monkey, Ronaldinho has encountered racism, etc.

Please, most of these people are retards not racists. They can

07-21-2008, 05:02 PM
I would still much rather be black in Austria than black in Georgia, but that's just me.

Tell that to black soccer players playing in that area or basically anywhere else in Eastern Europe/Spain. The monkey calls are disgusting and sometimes makes me want to stop watching the sport. It's a good game but most European soccer 'fans' are disgraceful goons looking to cause trouble.

07-21-2008, 05:03 PM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.][b]Please, most of these people are retards not racists. They can

07-21-2008, 05:07 PM
Tell that to black soccer players playing in that area or basically anywhere else in Eastern Europe/Spain. The monkey calls are disgusting and sometimes makes me want to stop watching the sport. It's a good game but most European soccer 'fans' are disgraceful goons looking to cause trouble.

Austria is not in Eastern Europe.

07-21-2008, 05:08 PM
Stupidest damn thing I have ever read on this board. Post less.

Ever heard of Gerald Asamoah, genius. :rolleyes:

The same Real Madrid fans who make monkey sounds at Eto

07-21-2008, 05:08 PM
Tell that to black soccer players playing in that area or basically anywhere else in Eastern Europe/Spain. The monkey calls are disgusting and sometimes makes me want to stop watching the sport. It's a good game but most European soccer 'fans' are disgraceful goons looking to cause trouble.

I have to agree with you here. Soccer hooligans is a sad phenomenon over here.

07-21-2008, 05:10 PM
Austria is not in Eastern Europe.

It's closer to Eastern Europe than places like England/France, etc. Never been to Europe before so my knowledge of the place is limited. I've always considered anywhere past Germany E. Europe, so maybe I'm wrong.

I just get tired of Euros constantly putting down the US like where they live is any better. It's not. Especially in race relations.

07-21-2008, 05:12 PM
It's closer to Eastern Europe than places like England/France, etc. Never been to Europe before so my knowledge of the place is limited. I've always considered anywhere past Germany E. Europe, so maybe I'm wrong.

I just get tired of Euros constantly putting down the US like where they live is any better. It's not. Especially in race relations.

So your knowledge of the place is limited, but you know we live in worse conditions than you, especially in race relations. Where from? General knowledge?

07-21-2008, 05:14 PM
It's closer to Eastern Europe than places like England/France, etc. Never been to Europe before so my knowledge of the place is limited. I've always considered anywhere past Germany E. Europe, so maybe I'm wrong.

I just get tired of Euros constantly putting down the US like where they live is any better. It's not. Especially in race relations.

And then people get mad when Europeans bring up the stereotype of American geographic ignorance.

Either way, once again, I'll point out that regardless of your skin colour, you're very unlikely to have flaming crosses on your lawn in Vienna.

07-21-2008, 05:16 PM
And then people get mad when Europeans bring up the stereotype of American geographic ignorance.

Either way, once again, I'll point out that regardless of your skin colour, you're very unlikely to have flaming crosses on your lawn in Vienna.

07-21-2008, 05:16 PM
It's closer to Eastern Europe than places like England/France, etc. Never been to Europe before so my knowledge of the place is limited. I've always considered anywhere past Germany E. Europe, so maybe I'm wrong.

I just get tired of Euros constantly putting down the US like where they live is any better. It's not. Especially in race relations.

So you try to educate people, who live in Europe on the game of football and its fan culture, although you have never been here. And you call my comments stupid. Do you think hooligan-ism is infection or what geography relevance is there? :oldlol:

07-21-2008, 05:17 PM
Stupidest damn thing I have ever read on this board. Post less.

umm, no, he's perfectly right. if you actually went to european football games and knw the mentality, you'd know that. you can call that idiocy, malice, hooliganism, but racism it's really not.
plus it's really not that common as you make it out to be. every european team has got a few blacks now, and those chants aren't an everyday sight, especially since UEFA has been fining the culprits hard.

07-21-2008, 05:21 PM
Austria, like Germany, has very strict laws against inciting racial, religious, or ethnic hatred. You couldn't dream of starting an organization like the Klan, let alone having David Duke almost win a gubernatorial election.

Oh, and when was the last time you heard of this happening in the US? http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/s/137/137955_two_arrests_in_dwight_yorke_race_case.html

07-21-2008, 05:38 PM
Josh better get his flop game goin'

07-21-2008, 06:00 PM
That's insane. IF that is true, they must have some complete morons over there.

Just aired on European sports television. Josh Childress SIGNED a 3 years $20 million net contract that is equal to a 3 years $33 million gross NBA contract with the Greek league club Olympiacos Piraeus. There it is! Childress got the equal of an $11 million a year NBA contract from a Greek club.

He arrived at 10 to Athens and officially signed the contract. Report is the only way Childress does not play in Greece next year is if "something totally unforeseen happens from here on out".

07-21-2008, 06:21 PM
he's well worth 11 mil:applause:


07-21-2008, 06:21 PM
Good lord.

This brings hope to more NBA role players.

Josh Smith might be next to go to Europe:roll:

07-21-2008, 06:24 PM
The First Decent NBA player to leave overseas.

07-21-2008, 06:25 PM
The First Decent NBA player to leave overseas.

very interesting question.

07-21-2008, 06:27 PM
Now the Hawks will probably have a cracker like Luke Jackson to make the team as the 6th man.:roll:

Only the Hawks.

07-21-2008, 06:28 PM
very interesting question.
I may have jumped to conclusions quickly but i can not think of anybody as good or better than him leaving overseas.

07-21-2008, 06:29 PM
seems like NBA euro will be a fast track for mr stern :D

07-21-2008, 06:29 PM
That's f*ckin insane. IF that is true, they must have some complete morons over there.


Just aired on European sports television. Josh Childress SIGNED a 3 years $20 million net contract that is equal to a 3 years $33 million gross NBA contract with the Greek league club Olympiacos Piraeus. There it is! Childress got the equal of an $11 million a year NBA contract from a Greek club.

He arrived at 10 to Athens and officially signed the contract. Report is the only way Childress does not play in Greece next year is if "something totally unforeseen happens from here on out".

What he gets is 6.67 million a year, not 11 million a year. You can

07-21-2008, 06:30 PM

It's crazy to see these European teams actually snagging 6th man types. I like it. Competition.

07-21-2008, 06:31 PM
I may have jumped to conclusions quickly but i can not think of anybody as good or better than him leaving overseas.

American in recent years? Probably not. I do think Navarro or Sarunas are much better players though.

07-21-2008, 06:31 PM
I wonder if you'll feel the same way when your watch D league players in teams starting lineups.

07-21-2008, 06:33 PM
what the heck happened to gobb's post?

07-21-2008, 06:36 PM
Not like he was going to get a good deal in the NBA anyway...

07-21-2008, 06:38 PM
The Key with all the internatioanl clubs is the taxes. They're NONE.

Het's getting 6.7 million over the next three years TAX FREE. Gets A House, and a BMW. He's also going to be treated like a supertar over there.

Anthony Parker was treated like a god with Maccabi Tel.

07-21-2008, 06:40 PM
Not like he was going to get a good deal in the NBA anyway...

If he wasn't a restricted free agent, Josh would'be BEEN of the market. Most execs. believed the Hawks were simply going to match. They wanted him for the MLE (about 5.8 mil a year).

He would've easiliy got an MLE deal. Mike Pietrus got the Full Mid Leavel for Chris Sakes.

07-21-2008, 06:42 PM
EuroBasket says the deal is close and Olympiakos offcial site appears to be down.

07-21-2008, 06:42 PM
The Key with all the internatioanl clubs is the taxes. They're NONE.

Het's getting 6.7 million over the next three years TAX FREE. Gets A House, and a BMW. He's also going to be treated like a supertar over there.

Anthony Parker was treated like a god with Maccabi Tel.
Thats true. :applause:
Overseas he will be one of the best players and he will be much more famous/popular than in the NBA.

phazed out
07-21-2008, 06:42 PM
I hope JR Smith doesnt do the same thing lol.

07-21-2008, 06:43 PM
The Key with all the internatioanl clubs is the taxes. They're NONE.

Het's getting 6.7 million over the next three years TAX FREE. Gets A House, and a BMW. He's also going to be treated like a supertar over there.

Anthony Parker was treated like a god with Maccabi Tel.
Then after finishing up his 2 or 3 years in Greece he can return to the NBA at age 27 and sign for the MLE somewhere.

07-21-2008, 06:45 PM
Then after finishing up his 2 or 3 years in Greece he can return to the NBA at age 27 and sign for the MLE somewhere.

If there is no career ending injury.:banana:

Seriously, I'm not buying any NBA shyt. I'm not going to be supporting these players. Let them go rob them off there.

07-21-2008, 06:46 PM
If he wasn't a restricted free agent, Josh would'be BEEN of the market. Most execs. believed the Hawks were simply going to match. They wanted him for the MLE (about 5.8 mil a year).

He would've easiliy got an MLE deal. Mike Pietrus got the Full Mid Leavel for Chris Sakes.
Now it would be great to see what Panathinaikos does to counter this deal.

It was rumored weeks ago they were going to make a huge contract to Luis Scola.

07-21-2008, 06:46 PM
Then after finishing up his 2 or 3 years in Greece he can return to the NBA at age 27 and sign for the MLE somewhere.

If there is no career ending injury.:banana:
Delete that post you lame ******.

Never wish an injury on anyone.

07-21-2008, 06:47 PM
Delete that post.

ummm... no.

07-21-2008, 06:48 PM
doesn't the overseas team have to compensate the hawks since childress was a rfa? and is his contract guranteed? what if he has a career ending injury... or he can only play the 1rst season and he iss injured the next 2 seasons?

07-21-2008, 06:49 PM
Nachbar is also gone to a Europeen team.

07-21-2008, 06:56 PM
Nachbar is also gone to a Europeen team.
he's european. that's not surprising

07-21-2008, 07:03 PM
LMAO at this deal. He should be black-balled from ever coming back to the NBA. Its one thing to never get an opportunity to play in the NBA and then come over, but to play and develop here and then go overseas just cause he isn't worth the money over there is just ludicrous.

Not that anyone will miss him, its just a matter of principle.

What about his family?

Dos he have kids?

Is he gonna uproot his entire family and take them over there just they can speak broken Greek?

If he wanted o go overseas, why didn't he do it straight out of college. This dude is a joke. Instead of being inspired to play with the best, why not just focus on making the best dollar via euro exchange rates, heh!!!

I can

07-21-2008, 07:04 PM
LMAO at this deal. He should be black-balled from ever coming back to the NBA. Its one thing to never get an opportunity to play in the NBA and then come over, but to play and develop here and then go overseas just cause he isn't worth the money over there is just ludicrous.

Not that anyone will miss him, its just a matter of principle.

What about his family?

Dos he have kids?

Is he gonna uproot his entire family and take them over there just they can speak broken Greek?

If he wanted o go overseas, why didn't he do it straight out of college. This dude is a joke. Instead of being inspired to play with the best, why not just focus on making the best dollar via euro exchange rates, heh!!!

what kind of contract was he offered in the nba?

07-21-2008, 07:04 PM
LMAO at this deal. He should be black-balled from ever coming back to the NBA. Its one thing to never get an opportunity to play in the NBA and then come over, but to play and develop here and then go overseas just cause he isn't worth the money over there is just ludicrous.

Not that anyone will miss him, its just a matter of principle.

What about his family?

Dos he have kids?

Is he gonna uproot his entire family and take them over there just they can speak broken Greek?

If he wanted o go overseas, why didn't he do it straight out of college. This dude is a joke. Instead of being inspired to play with the best, why not just focus on making the best dollar via euro exchange rates, heh!!!


07-21-2008, 07:05 PM
The First Decent NBA player to leave overseas.Wouldn't Dominique Wilkins be the first?

07-21-2008, 07:20 PM
Wouldn't Dominique Wilkins be the first?

McAdoo went to Italy at age 36, won the league and euro league titles in his first season and average over 20 ppg.

07-21-2008, 07:25 PM
LMAO at this deal. He should be black-balled from ever coming back to the NBA. Its one thing to never get an opportunity to play in the NBA and then come over, but to play and develop here and then go overseas just cause he isn't worth the money over there is just ludicrous.

Not that anyone will miss him, its just a matter of principle.

What about his family?

Dos he have kids?

Is he gonna uproot his entire family and take them over there just they can speak broken Greek?

If he wanted o go overseas, why didn't he do it straight out of college. This dude is a joke. Instead of being inspired to play with the best, why not just focus on making the best dollar via euro exchange rates, heh!!!

heaven forbid someone gets a world view. you're an idiot.

07-21-2008, 07:28 PM
I wonder if you'll feel the same way when your watch D league players in teams starting lineups.Oh well.

Not like I really care that much. Nothing I can do about it. :confusedshrug:

07-21-2008, 07:31 PM
This is awesome. I hope more superstars do this.

The devaluation of the dollar is probably one of the reasons others can afford to pay more.

This is the only way to get people's attention with the crappy U.S. economy and a world outside of America - SPORTS!!!!

American #1 "Duh, Josh Childress is going to play overseas"

American#2 "Duh, where's he going?"

American #1 "Duh, someplace called Greece."

American #2 "Duh, isn't John Travolta in that country?"

American #1 "Duh, I think so."

American #2 "Pass da beer, will ya? and put on American Gladiators"

07-21-2008, 07:33 PM
if stromile swift signs in europe after his contract is up this season i will probably punch my computer screen. this scares me.

07-21-2008, 07:34 PM
if stromile swift signs in europe after his contract is up this season i will probably punch my computer screen. this scares me.

You can always root for Tyrus Thomas, who is infact everything that Stromile is.

07-21-2008, 07:37 PM
LMAO at this deal. He should be black-balled from ever coming back to the NBA. Its one thing to never get an opportunity to play in the NBA and then come over, but to play and develop here and then go overseas just cause he isn't worth the money over there is just ludicrous.

Not that anyone will miss him, its just a matter of principle.

What about his family?

Dos he have kids?

Is he gonna uproot his entire family and take them over there just they can speak broken Greek?

If he wanted o go overseas, why didn't he do it straight out of college. This dude is a joke. Instead of being inspired to play with the best, why not just focus on making the best dollar via euro exchange rates, heh!!!

I'm sure if the opposite happened to a European you'd have no problem at all.

The First Decent NBA player to leave overseas.

Wouldn't Dominique Wilkins be the first?

It depends on the time you're talking about. There are many NBAers greater than Childress who have played in Europe, although most of them were past their primes. The oldest one I can remember is Bill Bradley who played in Milan in 1966.

07-21-2008, 07:48 PM
EuroLeague Basketball - It's Eurooooooootastic!!!!!!

07-21-2008, 08:09 PM
An Italian website is now confirming:

Can you read Italian? I can't.


The translation from *********:

A source told BasketGround that Josh Childress accepted a three year deal with Olympiacos in the afternoon. As reported, the Reds will pay more that any offer Childress could receive from an NBA franchise.

07-22-2008, 08:03 AM
A source told BasketGround that Josh Childress accepted a three year deal with Olympiacos in the afternoon. As reported, the Reds will pay more that any offer Childress could receive from an NBA franchise.

Awesome. Hope this trend continues. I would love it if a legitimate NBA superstar went to Europe.

07-22-2008, 08:09 AM
I dont know if he has accepted the contracted yet. It was offered to him, but theres no source that says that he has already accepted it. ESPN has a link stating that he was offered thats it http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3499786

07-22-2008, 09:12 AM
The Key with all the internatioanl clubs is the taxes. They're NONE.

Het's getting 6.7 million over the next three years TAX FREE. Gets A House, and a BMW. He's also going to be treated like a supertar over there.

Anthony Parker was treated like a god with Maccabi Tel.

Maybe Greece doesn't tax the money, but the IRS will be looking for it's share. You have to pay taxes in the US on any income earned outside the US that is above $85,700 (that was the number for 2007), unless the foreign tax rate is higher than the US tax rate. Every dollar earned above that amount will be taxed like normal income in the US.

07-22-2008, 09:14 AM
European ball<100x weaker than NBA

07-22-2008, 09:21 AM
Not like he was going to get a good deal in the NBA anyway...
yep, the hawks forced his hand and he called the bluff. didnt want to stay with them, they wouldnt SnT, obviously no one is gonna overpay for a 6th man type RFA, so he went with the money

Duck Rodgers
07-22-2008, 09:31 AM
From my understanding of the European game, it will actually probably force Josh to rely on aspects of his game that aren't the best right now. It might actually be the best thing for him developmental-wise as well as moneywise. The Greek team/sponsers are getting screwed though.....any way you cut it....Josh isn't worth that much money.

07-22-2008, 09:44 AM
Great News!

Childress was an efficient, steady, and productive influence off of Atlanta's bench. The former lottery pick made some key plays in games down the stretch. without childress, the hawks don't make the playoffs last season and they don't make it a 7 game series against Botson. This means that the Hawks will more than likely not make the postseason next year. Bibby isn't **** and hasn't been **** for about 3 or 4 years. Smith is all they got and he really doesn't have an outside shot and sucks at the free throw line. I guess the Hawks are putting all of their eggs in the Horford basket. Alright, so one spot in the postseason just opened up.

07-23-2008, 08:37 AM

07-23-2008, 08:41 AM
It isn't official yet but i hope it will be soon. I would rather let him walk than resign him.

07-23-2008, 08:45 AM
im sure they will lose josh also lol

peep this quote
They reported that Josh Smith has been extended a six-year, $60 million offer from the Hawks. But spies in both camps confirm that this is absolutely, 100 percent NOT true.

dj ys
07-23-2008, 08:52 AM
I think this is the start of some healthy competition for the NBA. Should be very interesting to watch as pros and prospects start to look overseas more.

07-23-2008, 09:06 AM
im sure they will lose josh also lol

peep this quote

They aren't losing Smith. They are just playing hardball with him because he has no leverage. he is a key piece to the team. Childress isn't.

07-23-2008, 09:21 AM
Its official now.

"It's official, I just signed," Childress said by phone Wednesday morning from Athens, where he and agent Jim Tanner will be until Friday. "I think it was . . . a situation where I didn't know who to expect coming in, coming over to Athens. But it's a great city and a great organization. They do whatever they can to make you feel at home."


07-23-2008, 09:23 AM
josh smith is next lol

07-23-2008, 09:41 AM
Great News!

Childress was an efficient, steady, and productive influence off of Atlanta's bench. The former lottery pick made some key plays in games down the stretch. without childress, the hawks don't make the playoffs last season and they don't make it a 7 game series against Botson. This means that the Hawks will more than likely not make the postseason next year. Bibby isn't **** and hasn't been **** for about 3 or 4 years. Smith is all they got and he really doesn't have an outside shot and sucks at the free throw line. I guess the Hawks are putting all of their eggs in the Horford basket. Alright, so one spot in the postseason just opened up.

Dumb post. Smith is all we got? Ever heard of Joe Johnson?

The Hawks need perimeter scoring and size inside and Childress brings neither. There isn't a wing player in the NBA that is a weaker scorer from the perimeter than Childress. He kills spacing and doesn't play D either. He didn't do crap against Boston in the playoffs.

The Hawks are better off without him. I was hoping all along that the Hawks would let him go.

07-23-2008, 09:45 AM
Dumb post. Smith is all we got? Ever heard of Joe Johnson?

The Hawks need perimeter scoring and size inside and Childress brings neither. There isn't a wing player in the NBA that is a weaker scorer from the perimeter than Childress. He kills spacing and doesn't play D either. He didn't do crap against Boston in the playoffs.

The Hawks are better off without him. I was hoping all along that the Hawks would let him go.

talk about a dumb post...of course you are going to trivialize Childress' impact but I watched all the Hawk games (thanks League Pass) and Childress has great size and versatility not to mention all around skills. he doesn't make many mistakes and is a good defender. it's funny how you say you are better off without him like a scorned lover often says after their significant other dumps them on the curb like Childress dumped the Hawks!

07-23-2008, 09:51 AM
childress is a very good player tontoz is just mad

07-23-2008, 09:56 AM
talk about a dumb post...of course you are going to trivialize Childress' impact but I watched all the Hawk games (thanks League Pass) and Childress has great size and versatility not to mention all around skills. he doesn't make many mistakes and is a good defender. it's funny how you say you are better off without him like a scorned lover often says after their significant other dumps them on the curb like Childress dumped the Hawks!

More stupidity. I wanted Childress gone long before the season was over. He averages less than one made jumper per game and is a weak defender. The Hawks gave up 4.2 more ppg when he was playing.

Childress isn't versatile at all. he isn't a playmaker and doesn't score from the perimeter. He can't create his own shot at all. he is one of the most limited players in the league.

07-23-2008, 10:07 AM
On one hand, this speaks very badly of the Hawks. How do you lose a player to Greece? On the other hand, I wonder who's talents Childress will leech off of over there? I mean, you can't expect to put the ball in his hands and him brings results.. Plus he has slow feet and can't defend that well. I guess it will not matter considering where he is playing. His lousy 10 points in 31MPG can be replaced though. Not that all these prevents the Hawks franchise from being a complete joke. The Hawks complete lack of talent on the bench probably makes Childress look better than he really is.

It appears other teams wasn't knocking down his door to give him an offer sheet. So his value must not be that high.

Some of the fickle people on this board will be laughing until this starts to happen to their team. It's ok, we know how it is.

07-23-2008, 10:09 AM
Hopefully the league will continue to lose popularity and when you got no more pro ball on tv we will see who is laughing.

07-23-2008, 10:15 AM
Some of the fickle people on this board will be laughing until this starts to happen to their team. It's ok, we know how it is.

just like the hawks fans were lughin at phx fans when we lost jj, now eat this!

atleast we got some players back in that jj mess lol

07-23-2008, 10:16 AM
just like the hawks fans were lughin at phx fans when we lost jj, now eat this!

atleast we got some players back in that jj mess lol

Hopefully the cripple known as Grant Hill will be unable to play this year.

07-23-2008, 10:17 AM
just like the hawks fans were lughin at phx fans when we lost jj, now eat this!

atleast we got some players back in that jj mess lol

We are still laughing. All you got was two non-lottery picks and Doris ($9 million/yr for a triple single) Diaw.


The Suns would trade Diaw for an expirer if they could find someone dumb enough to take him.

07-23-2008, 10:19 AM
Hopefully the cripple known as Grant Hill will be unable to play this year.

ok, that's some serious bitterness now. that's just wrong to wish someone to be unable to play. especially such a class act and a great player which had lousy luck with injuries as grant hill.

07-23-2008, 10:21 AM
ok, that's some serious bitterness now. that's just wrong to wish someone to be unable to play. especially such a class act and a great player which had lousy luck with injuries as grant hill.

typical hawks fans, there is nothing new.

07-23-2008, 10:22 AM
ok, that's some serious bitterness now. that's just wrong to wish someone to be unable to play. especially such a class act and a great player which had lousy luck with injuries as grant hill.

do u believe any of these players get a crap about you and if you live or die? Think again.

07-23-2008, 10:25 AM
typical hawks fans, there is nothing new.

How did Shaq work out for you guys again? You traded a 20/10 player for a fat slob. You'll be fighting with the Hawks at the bottom of the standings in two years.

07-23-2008, 10:28 AM
How did Shaq work out for you guys again?

shaq is great here, how u feel about going in the lottery again next year ?

07-23-2008, 10:31 AM
do u believe any of these players get a crap about you and if you live or die? Think again.

:rolleyes: yeah, some serious thinking is going on here. i should be careful of getting into the debate with the mastermind of your caliber:bowdown:

everyone on this earth except for thousand or so people doesn't care whether i live or die. by your logic, i should wish death and injury upon every one of them?

07-23-2008, 10:31 AM
shaq is great here, how u feel about going in the lottery again next year ?

What round did you get to? The most overrated PG in the game is going to see as many final appearances as the Hawks... NONE.

07-23-2008, 10:32 AM
:rolleyes: yeah, some serious thinking is going on here. i should be careful of getting into the debate with the mastermind of your caliber:bowdown:

everyone on this earth except for thousand or so people doesn't care whether i live or die. by your logic, i should wish death and injury upon every one of them?

Well, that's up to you.

07-23-2008, 10:36 AM
What round did you get to? The most overrated PG in the game is going to see as many final appearances as the Hawks... NONE.

Grant Hill was overrated in his prime anyway. He couldn't even get Detroit by those old late 90's Hawks teams.

07-23-2008, 10:37 AM
What round did you get to? The most overrated PG in the game is going to see as many final appearances as the Hawks... NONE.

if the hawks were in WC u would not even see the post season lol

37 - 45 going to the playoffs WTF is that LOL

07-23-2008, 10:39 AM
Well, that's up to you.

is that the christian morality georgia is known for?

07-23-2008, 10:40 AM
if the hawks were in WC u would not even see the post season lol

37 - 45 going to the playoffs WTF is that LOL

You enjoy your regular season wins... Because in 2 years, that's all Phx will have to remember. Nash/Amare/Hill/Shaq/Leo and you still only won 1 playoff game???:roll: :roll:

That's failure on a massive level.

07-23-2008, 10:40 AM
:rolleyes: yeah, some serious thinking is going on here. i should be careful of getting into the debate with the mastermind of your caliber:bowdown:

everyone on this earth except for thousand or so people doesn't care whether i live or die. by your logic, i should wish death and injury upon every one of them?

HateAtlanta1981 has been hating on the hawks and everything related to the NBA for years. This is just normal for him.

07-23-2008, 10:40 AM
is that the christian morality georgia is known for?

God doesn't exist.

07-23-2008, 10:43 AM
HateAtlanta1981 has been hating on the hawks and everything related to the NBA for years. This is just normal for him.

It's almost 11am..... I think you missed the short yellow bus by a few hours. It's not right for retards to play hooky.:no:

07-23-2008, 10:44 AM
God doesn't exist.

so that means we should wish death and injury upon everyone that we don't know personally?

this guy could be mathius' lost twin brother.

07-23-2008, 10:45 AM
God doesn't exist.

that statement tells me that u a dumb ass freak! im done with u idiot!

07-23-2008, 10:47 AM
It's almost 11am..... I think you missed the short yellow bus by a few hours. It's not right for retards to play hooky.:no:

Speaking of the short bus do you still think Boston is VERY VERY OVERRATED?


07-23-2008, 10:47 AM
that statement tells me that u a dumb ass freak! im done with u idiot!

Do you believe in Santa also?

If there is a god he said "f*ck you" when he took the bulk of my family. So, let it be known that if he is real, f*ck him too.

07-23-2008, 10:48 AM
Speaking of the short bus do you still think Boston is VERY VERY OVERRATED?


Simply yes. They won a title in a league that isn't know for it's great quality right now. They barely got by a team that can even keep their players from going overseas. Think about that.

07-23-2008, 10:54 AM
Simply yes. They won a title in a league that isn't know for it's great quality right now. They barely got by a team that can even keep their players from going overseas. Think about that.

I think that is self explanatory. The west was the toughest it has been in years and the Lakers got through pretty easily and then Boston punk'd them.

07-23-2008, 10:55 AM
Childress is worth MLE money.

If he can get more in Greece, he should take it.

But the Hawks are sending a message to Childress and Smith by not re-signing them quickly. They are sending a message about their work ethic, need for improvement and their attitudes.

Smith has had a really bad attitude at times, and the fact that both the Sixers and Clippers shied away from signing him is a clear indication of that. His low post game is borderline pathetic, as he has no signature move yet. He is far, far too talented not to develop his low post game.

Childress didn't improve much this past year. And again, there are teams that need wings and haven't offered anything (Boston could sign him to an MLE contract and they need to get younger). Childress's jump shot just flat out stinks for someone in the league for a few seasons, especially considering his talent level.

They both need to make some serious changes in their attitudes next season.

07-23-2008, 10:55 AM
Has Atlanta had the worst offseason of any team? First rumors of Josh Smith wanting to go to LA or Philly and that he doesn't want to go back to Atlanta. Then a restricted free agent leaves for NOTHING. How often does that happen? 0 draft picks in this year's draft. 0 free agent signings. What's going on in the ATL?

07-23-2008, 10:57 AM
I think that is self explanatory. The west was the toughest it has been in years and the Lakers got through pretty easily and then Boston punk'd them.

But they barely squeaked by 2 garbage teams. Done been through all of this before. A great team would murder Cleveland and Atlanta. Sorry, but they would. Boston failed to even come close to doing that, so they're not a great team.

07-23-2008, 10:58 AM
Has Atlanta had the worst offseason of any team? First rumors of Josh Smith wanting to go to LA or Philly and that he doesn't want to go back to Atlanta. Then a restricted free agent leaves for NOTHING. How often does that happen? 0 draft picks in this year's draft. 0 free agent signings. What's going on in the ATL?

Bad owership. Remember Bibby might have have been the worst player in the post season this past year and the Hawks will be paying him like 14 million dollars this year. Think about that for a minute.

07-23-2008, 10:59 AM
But they barely squeaked by 2 garbage teams. Done been through all of this before. A great team would murder Cleveland and Atlanta. Sorry, but they would. Boston failed to even come close to doing that, so they're not a great team.

They are the champs. it doesn't matter how they got there.

07-23-2008, 11:01 AM
They are the champs. it doesn't matter how they got there.

They're the champs of mediocre league. A good team that won the chamionship. It's not a great thing if the team that wins the title is only a good team. They didn't beat a great team in their entire run in the playoffs.

Lets face it... Every damn time the Celtics were mentioned we had to hear about teams that were around 25 freakin years ago. I know it's for hype, but still, Boston is the champ of a not so great league. A league that has been driving fans away for years.

07-23-2008, 11:02 AM
Has Atlanta had the worst offseason of any team? First rumors of Josh Smith wanting to go to LA or Philly and that he doesn't want to go back to Atlanta.

Okafor, Deng and Gordon reportedly want to leave too. So what?

Then a restricted free agent leaves for NOTHING. How often does that happen?

You mean like Ronny Turiaf? Better to let a guy go than overpay someone who doesn't fit the team.

07-23-2008, 11:04 AM

Wow, looks like it's done...

07-23-2008, 11:06 AM
Okafor, Deng and Gordon reportedly want to leave too. So what?

You mean like Ronny Turiaf? Better to let a guy go than overpay someone who doesn't fit the team.
What I meant by a RFA leaving for nothing was that they didn't even have the OPTION to match an offer. Okafor is the only one on that list that is on Josh Smith's level. And like I said...they still had 0 draft picks. At least Chicago has Rose and Omer Asik and Charlotte got Augustin, Ajinca, and Weaver.

07-23-2008, 11:18 AM
What I meant by a RFA leaving for nothing was that they didn't even have the OPTION to match an offer. Okafor is the only one on that list that is on Josh Smith's level. And like I said...they still had 0 draft picks. At least Chicago has Rose and Omer Asik and Charlotte got Augustin, Ajinca, and Weaver.

The reason we didn't have our first rounder is because we used it on the JJ trade.

JJ >>> 22nd pick + 15th pick + Doris

07-23-2008, 11:24 AM
The reason we didn't have our first rounder is because we used it on the JJ trade.

JJ >>> 22nd pick + 15th pick + Doris
I'm not saying it wasn't worth it...just saying based on THIS offseason they haven't done too well.

-No 1st or 2nd round pick
-Restricted free agent leaves and you don't get the right to match
-Yet to resign their biggest free agent
-0 free agent acquisitions

You can't say that they've exactly improved their team this offseason. They can still use their MLE but on who?

07-23-2008, 11:25 AM
Bye Frosh Childress.

Now there are no more players wearing the Fro other than Ben Wallace.

07-23-2008, 11:26 AM
this trend is not good....

07-23-2008, 11:28 AM
I'm not saying it wasn't worth it...just saying based on THIS offseason they haven't done too well.

-No 1st or 2nd round pick
-Restricted free agent leaves and you don't get the right to match
-Yet to resign their biggest free agent
-0 free agent acquisitions

You can't say that they've exactly improved their team this offseason. They can still use their MLE but on who?

The Hawks worst offseason was the summer of 2006. They had $20 million in capspace, the 5th pick and a tradeable ufa (Al Harrington).

They wound up with Shelden, Speedy, Lo Wright and a top 10 protected 1st rounder.

It doesnt get much worse than that. The facts that Billy Knight (our former GM) got fired and Childress is gone make this offseason better than that one by far.

07-23-2008, 04:10 PM
The Hawks should have traded Childress last season. They knew they couldn't afford more than the MLE.

A wasted pick, the number 6 pick in that year's draft, because Childress didn't stick around.

We could have picked Iggy that year instead.

Oh well.

07-23-2008, 04:11 PM
The Hawks should have traded Childress last season. They knew they couldn't afford more than the MLE.

A wasted pick, the number 6 pick in that year's draft, because Childress didn't stick around.

We could have picked Iggy that year instead.

Oh well.

LOL, the story of your franchise.

07-23-2008, 04:22 PM
LOL, the story of your franchise.
Very True.

Shelden Williams they could've picked Brandon Roy or Randy Foye
Marvin Williams they could've picked Chris Paul or Deron Williams
Josh Childress they could've picked Luol Deng or Andre Igoudala
Boris Diaw they could've picked Travis Outlaw or Josh Howard


07-23-2008, 04:37 PM

07-23-2008, 04:41 PM
Correction Childress is Gettng 3 years 32 million, tax free with a house, car and security. If I were the ASG I wouldn't have paid him 10+ per either. Thats insane. AC Milan is going to offer Lebron 50 million per in 2010...lol


07-23-2008, 04:43 PM
Correction Childress is Gettng 3 years 32 million, tax free with a house, car and security. If I were the ASG I wouldn't have paid him 10+ per either. Thats insane. AC Milan is going to offer Lebron 50 million per in 2010...lol


Damn, that is a sweet deal. He gets to pocket all 32 mil.

07-23-2008, 04:45 PM
wow:eek: 32 millions?

i doubt many mid-level players could turn that offer down. especially if they can opt-out freely after every year.

It's A VC3!!!
07-23-2008, 04:56 PM
Wow what a great deal. I will miss seeing his afro:lol

07-23-2008, 04:57 PM
I'd have been on the first flight to greece as soon as they offered me that last deal posted. Peace out, nba. :oldlol:

07-23-2008, 05:05 PM
Boris Diaw they could've picked Travis Outlaw or Josh Howard

outlaw hasnt done ****. id probably rather have boris and besides, they turned him into JJ who everyone should rather have than outlaw at this point.

07-23-2008, 05:08 PM
Correction Childress is Gettng 3 years 32 million, tax free with a house, car and security. If I were the ASG I wouldn't have paid him 10+ per either. Thats insane. AC Milan is going to offer Lebron 50 million per in 2010...lol

pretty sure that he still has to pay US income tax on it unless he renounces his citizenship. still a heck of a deal.

07-23-2008, 05:10 PM
I can't imagine the deal allowing him to keep all $32 million if he opts out after one year, but you never know.

This could be a trend, if the Euro teams can afford it. And if it doesn't cause too much tension in the locker room. I can imagine the amount of friction it would create from guys with their teams for several years and then seeing some American come over and get a huge deal.

07-23-2008, 05:15 PM
pretty sure that he still has to pay US income tax on it unless he renounces his citizenship. still a heck of a deal.

The team pays your taxes actually.

07-23-2008, 05:16 PM
I can't imagine the deal allowing him to keep all $32 million if he opts out after one year, but you never know.

it surely isn't, but it's still more than double per year sum than he could have gotten in NBA if we assume that he gets one-third of that amount for playing one year...and considering taxes and paid expenses, it may be even triple.

07-23-2008, 05:45 PM



07-23-2008, 05:48 PM
People need to understand that Euro game is much different then what the players in the NBA play.

Just because your a role player in the NBA, doesn't mean you can't be a star in Europe, and vice versa. There are star players in the NBA, who wouldn't even be in the top 10 in Euro league. It's just a different game.

Another example would be, if everyone in the NBA joined Euro teams, Melo would be the MVP, and nobody from the NBA under FIBA rules would really be close to him at all.

All has to do with style of play.

Anthony Parker plays better Euro ball then some of the guys on Team USA.

07-23-2008, 05:50 PM
The team pays your taxes actually.
You gotta be mistaken!
35% of his contract is taxed and the team pays that on top of his salary?
link for proof!

07-23-2008, 05:58 PM
Here is my take on things:

People say they are stealing talent from the NBA but isn't NBA that is taking most of the star players from other countries???? We take a Pau Gasol, Peja, Dirk, and Ginobilli as an example and we let a Josh Childress go. I think is it more then fair.

Even if they EVER offer 30 million per year for a Kobe or Lebron they would never take it. What would you think Nike would say to that??? I don't think Nike is willing to pay someone 100million to play in Europe.

My opinion with these GM is that they are way too fast in pulling the trigger with the players. Way too many bad contracts in the league and there are way too many lower tier teams that is just breaking even or losing money. NBA needs to realize that a salary increase is not helping the league. F**K inflation...They need to lower the salary cap and any player the whines about it, they can go to Europe and play there. I have serious issues with teams loading up on bad contracts and try to have a fire sale and pawn them off to other teams like Denver and New York.

07-23-2008, 06:10 PM
Childress is going to have to deal with a lot of things that he wouldn't have to deal with here. Language, distance from family and friends, culture differences, country differences.

It's not going to be easy.

At the same time, he might end up loving it. And grow as a player. And return far, far better than he is now.

It isn't for every player in the NBA, so the NBA doesn't need to worry about mid level players being raided.

Actually more of the 10th through 12th roster guys ought to go over there, play and get experience, make money, and come back to the U.S. as contributors, rather than waste years sitting on the end of the bench.

07-23-2008, 06:27 PM
Its gonna be hilarious if he sucks over there. Just cause you can play in the nba doesnt mean you can in FIBA.

07-23-2008, 06:32 PM
Childress is going to have to deal with a lot of things that he wouldn't have to deal with here. Language, distance from family and friends, culture differences, country differences.

It's not going to be easy.

At the same time, he might end up loving it. And grow as a player. And return far, far better than he is now.

It isn't for every player in the NBA, so the NBA doesn't need to worry about mid level players being raided.

Actually more of the 10th through 12th roster guys ought to go over there, play and get experience, make money, and come back to the U.S. as contributors, rather than waste years sitting on the end of the bench.

The money he's signing for plus all the fringe benefits should make the transition a little easier...:cheers:

07-23-2008, 06:33 PM
Its gonna be hilarious if he sucks over there. Just cause you can play in the nba doesnt mean you can in FIBA.

He should be fine over there.

His skill set is suite for international ball.

He ain't Kwame Brown.

07-23-2008, 06:47 PM
Here is my take on things:

People say they are stealing talent from the NBA but isn't NBA that is taking most of the star players from other countries???? We take a Pau Gasol, Peja, Dirk, and Ginobilli as an example and we let a Josh Childress go. I think is it more then fair.

Even if they EVER offer 30 million per year for a Kobe or Lebron they would never take it. What would you think Nike would say to that??? I don't think Nike is willing to pay someone 100million to play in Europe.

My opinion with these GM is that they are way too fast in pulling the trigger with the players. Way too many bad contracts in the league and there are way too many lower tier teams that is just breaking even or losing money. NBA needs to realize that a salary increase is not helping the league. F**K inflation...They need to lower the salary cap and any player the whines about it, they can go to Europe and play there. I have serious issues with teams loading up on bad contracts and try to have a fire sale and pawn them off to other teams like Denver and New York.

Of course Nike would still pay Lebron.

Nike is gigantic in Europe, and Lebron playing in the Euro league would only gain him MORE international fans. He would be a global phenomenon, and his merchandise would be flying off store shelves all over the world, instead of just in North America.

ESPN would still cover Lebron, and Euro league coverage would be stepped up quite a bit.

Nike would make 10 fold on merchandise compared to what they are now.

In fact, if a Euro team offers him more then an NBA team, expect Nike to help nudge him over to Europe.

You couple more Lebron merchandise being sold, with the extremely strong European economy, where people are making more money then ever before, and you are talking HUGE amounts of cash.

The American economy on the other hand is crumbling, and people are buying less goods then usual, the dollar is falling to the floor, and the housing market is crashing to the point where people can't pay their rent, let alone buy Lebron jerseys.

07-23-2008, 06:57 PM
The American economy on the other hand is crumbling, and people are buying less goods then usual, the dollar is falling to the floor, and the housing market is crashing to the point where people can't pay their rent, let alone buy Lebron jerseys.
Excellent points, but he last one is the most telling. The American Empire is on its way ruin. 99.9% of the people I talk to have absolutely no idea how this development will profoundly affect their lives. Asia and Europe will be ascendant in international affairs within the decade -- barring any unforeseen circumstances like the deployment of nuclear weapons.

With the Euro gaining against the dollar everyday, who's surprised that players would take the money and run? This thread has been so active because Childress is the first highly-drafted, solid American player in his prime to go overseas. He won't be the last -- trust me.

07-23-2008, 07:02 PM
Only dumb asses think it's a good thing to distribute talented players globally.

If I wanted an inferior product with crappier players, I'd watch NCAA.

No.. I watch the NBA. I want to see the best of the best all playing against each other... which is something that no other league will ever offer. If the NBA ends up failing or talent ends up going all over... we will never see it again. Is that what you really want? If so, I hate you.

Make no mistake... I don't care if it's in America, or whatever. I just want all the talented players in one single league so we can see them go against each other. I wouldn't care if the NBA were based out of China and all of the teams as over there as long as I got to see them on TV.

07-23-2008, 08:29 PM
Childress has the right idea. Get outta here and go live in Greece, sounds good to me. Make more money then you will here, don't deal with the US Government, play a more pure brand of basketball...this was a good move, and the NBA better hope this doesn't become a trend...

If there was pro baseball in Europe, I'd be gone pretty soon too...